EXTENDED Data Labels for more INSIGHTS and DETAILS to your charts // Beginners Guide to Power BI

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in this video we're going to cover the enhanced data labels that came out as part of powerbi December 2023 updates we're going to go through some of its basic features as well as an example on how you can implement it for yourself all of that and more so without further Ado let's get started hi my name is fernan and welcome to the solutions abroad YouTube channel or recover tips tricks and best practices when working with powerbi I upload you videos every week so make sure you hit that subscribe button and the bell icon to get notified when a new one is out so as part of the December 2023 feature updates the parb team has extended the way that you can add data labels and context to your data labels in your parb airports so at the moment this works for bar charts and ribbon charts so we're going to go through it today with an example so I can show you how that would look like so here we are in my data model which as usual we're using a subset of the north wind data set which is a company that sells grocery Goods internationally the bar chart here in the middle shows us the product sales for each of these products that we have selected based on the categories that are selected here on the slicer on the left so the bar chart simply shows us which product sold the most the slicer at the top just allows us to change the context of these bar charts to see for example what sold the most in a specific month and we're going to go back to this later so for now what we're going to do is just explore the data labels and what they have actually changed so just clicking the bar chart here and let's just go back to the format pain and uh looking at this at first glance nothing's really changed so if we go and expand on the data labels here which normally you can also expand on this and enable it which will just give you the data labels on your bar chart itself but you will notice that there are far more customization options available to you so so let's just go through some of these options so the first thing that you'll notice is that you have this option for series which means that well at the moment it's letting us select just one and that's because we don't have any Legend in this bar chart but as soon as we add a legend so for example let's just add region description here in our Legend U which just gives that um extra level of detail on our bars on our stacked bar as you can see here it lets you select different series or apply to all the series so this this is actually very powerful because this means that you can customize individual series data labels or adjust how they look like or adjust what story they're telling by selecting it from here so this is actually really really powerful but for now uh what we're going to do is we're just going to focus on one series because there's quite a few to go through just going to remove that legend for now and then let's have a look at some of the other options here available to you so we have some things here like orientation let me just make some things smaller here yeah so orientation which is currently horizontal you change it to Vertical the same space horizontally if you have a lot of information in your data label you can have it vertical or horizontal as you like the position is it existed before it's automatic setup so if it's within the bar or outside the bar you can adjust this here or just leave it auto the Overflow text and the optimized label display this is if you have a lot of labels that can't fit in the visual and how they would react if there is less space you can enable or disable that if you want to tweak and fine-tune how your data labels are being shown on the charts and now here we are at the bottom so we have you will notice something familiar if you have been playing around with the new card visual it's going to look very familiar because this whole idea of title value detail exists here so that means you can add three layers of let's say description or insights to your labels that didn't exist before for so previously you only had access to Value which is what is being shown on the actual data labels you can adjust its font how it's colored transparency how if it's blank but now you have two other things here that you can customize and change independently which is I think is a really good addition so let's say for example at the moment we're only showing the total sales by product for August 1996 however maybe we want to add some more details to this other information that is not just about sales let's say we want to add order quantity so how many products quantity of that product was ordered in that month and maybe we want to show how that changed month on month so how did that volume of order change from compared to previous months so compared to July 1996 we want to show that as a percentage this three options is basically all you'll need and a bit of Dax code so let's start by sorting out the Dax code first because that will just make this process a lot smoother so let's start by just uh creating some new Dax measures here just going to create one we're just going to call this one value which is I'm just going to name it where we're going to put it so I don't get confused so I'm just going to call this one orders and then just append it with the where is that %c uhhuh I lost you orders like this and the orders measure by the way is simply a measure that's calculates or just sums up the quantity data that already exists in our data model so that this one is just the label for our value the next one is going to be for the detail which is the order comparing the quantity of order from the current month to the previous month so we're going to call this one detail again so that I don't get confused we're going to start by declaring a few variables here we're going to first get the the previous order quantity so we're going to calculate orders previous month use the calendar date like this and then we're going to declare another one which is just I'm just going to call it percent and this bit just calculates the actual percentage between those two months so we're going to use divide we're going to use orders which which is the current month compared to the previous month so this will just give us a percentage value now I'm going to wrap this up with the format and this basically just make sure that we are showing the percentage in the right format so I'm just going to use zero and percent that is the format of our percentage cool so now we're going to start our return and we're just going to add some if statements here just to account for things things going wrong like for example we might have products that don't have anything sold on the previous month so we just want to make sure that we are not showing some values on those I'm going to say if the previous value is blank we'll just keep it empty else we'll do whatever we want so we're going to create another if statement well actually before we do an if statement we just want to show the percentage if it's not empty and then I'm going to add the space here then add our if statement so the if statement is if the orders is greater than if the current is greater than the previous one we need to add or use an arrow so I want to show an arrow to signify if it's going up or down very simple so we're using Windows dots to bring up the Emoji board here and I think that should be everything that we need to do so now we've created all of the Dax code that we we need let's start by or let's let's assign them to the right field Wells so let's just enable these three title value and detail the title it's using the series name which is the sales we don't actually want that we want custom and we want to set this value ourselves so we want to set the sales there which is fine it's doubling up with the value it's fine because we're going to change that anyway value we're going to change that into the value here which is giving us the number of orders in that in that column which is great and then on the detail add date data select detail here so here we go so as you can see where it has the product has sales on the previous month it shows the percentage when there's none it just keeps it empty which is what we wanted now let's try to use one of the conditional formatting options that they provide to you to make these changes and colors pop a bit more so in the detail section here you will will notice and not just in the detail section but a few other places you can conditionally format some of its features so here we have one that adjusts the color of our detail we're going to simply just select that FX choose the detail here not gradient but let's change it based on uh rules choose detail and since it's text we can simply adjust the color of that detail based on certain parameters now to keep the logic simple I'm just going to look for a text and say if that text exists there if it that text contains character use this color as its font color otherwise use a different color so in this case what I know is that the detail measure that we've created always has the up arrows or down arrows so that's what we're going to be looking for so if it has an up Arrow the font color is green if it has a down arrow it needs to be red pretty simple hit okay there we go so as you can see it just gives you the color which makes it easy for users to see what change has happened in that bar so lastly so there are a few other options here the background which for example is a good thing to add if you have let's say instances like this where you have your labels going over the bars and the bars being too dark or not contrasting in the right way with the text color that you're using it can be difficult to see so so by adding a background color it just makes it a little bit easier to read your data labels so for example here let's just if you adjust the colors accordingly either white or whatever you want to use it just makes your labels a little bit more legible and then lastly here we have a layouts which just adjusts the layout of the data labels from multi-line which is what it is now to a single line which is basically just having the title label and Detail in one line now you might prefer prer to have a multi-line um especially if you have a lot of characters in your data labels because for example here if you have too many you know it will just it won't fit and it will just not show it because there's too many data labels in the screen or you can adjust the labels vertically which is also an option but for now we're just going to keep it multi-line like this and that pretty much covers the extended data label customization that you can do with powerbi visuals like on bar charts and on ribbon charts I'm pretty sure I covered everything but if I didn't and I missed something I will leave the full blog post Link in the description box below so you can check it out yourself thanks for watching as usual give this video a like if you found the EO give it a dislike if you didn't want to do better for next time ask your questions in the comment section box below so I can help you and you can help others if you like this video we have a patreon page where you can support the channel and get exclusive perks like Early Access demo files and credits at the end of these videos thanks again for watching and see you in the next one byebye
Channel: Solutions Abroad
Views: 4,704
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Keywords: solutions abroad, power bi, powerbi, power bi tutorials, power bi for beginners, beginners guide to power bi, data analytics, dax, data modelling, data visualisation, business intelligence, how to power bi, power bi how to, power bi best practices, power bi tips and tricks, power bi standards, power bi patterns, power bi help, power bi tips, power bi 2023, power bi label, power bi labels, power bi data labels, power bi advanced, power bi data label, power bi annotation
Id: e93gqYzO-fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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