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for tonight's meeting for this night of encounter for this night of breakthrough for this night of revival lift up your voice and appreciate it magnifying for great things he has done already and for what he's said to do in our midst tonight lift up your voice and appreciate him thank him i appreciate him give him glory give him honor father we thank you father we give you praise father we give you glory for great things you have done already and what you are about to do here tonight we give you prayers and thanks in advance we give you prayers we give you glory thank you father in the name of jesus ecclesiastes chapter number 7 verse 8 says better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof you are going to ask god tonight that god will visit us with greater glory with greater manifestation of your power that tonight god will perf we concerns you lift up the verse of satan father we ask for greater manifestation of your glory in the name of jesus lift up your voice and pray that prayer father we ask oh god for a greater manifestation of your glory for greater manifestation of your power for a greater manifestation of your presence we ask oh god shaka take about to see the bible say the glory of the latter shall be better than the father we ask that the glory of tonight's meeting let it surpass in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the bible says he sent forth his word and the word healed them and the word deliver them from all their destruction you are going to make demands for your own world tonight the bible says concerning jacob until this working joseph until this world came when this one came everything changed lord let my word come tonight same time he said oh lord i ask for my own word send your word to me tonight the word for my healing the word for my deliverance the word for my revival last send that word to me lift up your voice and pray that for you father we ask oh god lord send your word to us the water to heal us the water to deliver us the water to turn our lives around the water to terminate every struggle every frustration the water to usher us into our next face into our next dimension in the name of jesus thank you father in the name of jesus the bible say how god anointed jesus of nazareth who went about doing good and healing all that oppressed the devil for god was with him you are going to make demand lord lay your hands upon your servant for my sake tonight anoint your servant for my sake in the name of jesus by the anointing let every yoke or limitation be broke sometimes oh lord i ask that you will anoint your servant for my sake tonight in the name of jesus lift up your voice and pray father we ask oh god for fresh oil for fresh grace for fresh power please anointing on your sabbath for tonight's meeting for myself oh god in the name of jesus thank you father in the name of jesus you believe your prayers are answered shout hallelujah i believe you have a testimony ministers at the glory gate waiting for your testimony to go share your testimony and you'll be called upon shortly to testify to the people of god with jesus just celebrate jesus i will look up offering as we receive praise to make it bigger better for jesus [Music] somebody give jesus thank you jesus i like you to wave your hands this evening and bless the name of the lord father we love you and you are [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] [Music] to be praised we give you all we give you all we give [Music] [Music] you [Music] we give you all we give you all we give you [Applause] you [Music] you are [Music] an omega [Music] [Music] you are worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] we worship you we were we give you [Music] [Music] we give you [Applause] [Music] we were [Music] [Music] you [Music] from [Music] there's no place [Music] from [Music] [Music] out [Music] [Music] you have to [Music] [Music] [Music] you don't need a man you don't need [Music] [Music] that and there's no place yes [Music] from yeah [Music] oh [Music] somebody makes some holy ghost craziness somebody shout anybody ready to celebrate can you swing something in your hands and give jesus a shout give him a shout out [Music] hallelujah [Music] and nothing can separate me from your oh [Music] [Applause] everybody [Music] is we [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] all the way all the way [Music] we got it [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m give you praise give your prayers give your bread give your prayers give your friends give your bread give your prayers give your prayers give your prayers give your prayers give your prayers give your prayers give your praise give your friends give your praise [Music] [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] i need to play [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh god [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hey is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] hey [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you can't do [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] shout to the lord [Music] if you believe tonight is your night say amen there is a flood of people coming from outside please ushers and crowd control ensure that nobody hangs in the parking spaces or hangs along the road everyone who came in here for worship and one last night ensure that you are right inside the sanctuary the lord bless you in the name of jesus anyone who believes that something belonging to you is coming shall the lord say amen amen shall the loudness amen amen i i thought that the camera was showing us all those coming in just now ensure that you go towards the drone ensure that you don't miss your place right inside here give the lord another clap of hand that should take your sin [Applause] hallelujah is testimony time god speaking having called the house of jacob to seek me in vain every invitation from god to you is an invitation to add value to your life and tonight we have a number of persons too many at the testimony side but for want of time we are picking a few who have returned to say lord i thank you for giving me a souvenir from this mountain from previous meetings that they do not want to take for granted and so with jesus joy let's receive the following testifiers please if you didn't hear your name don't bother to come some secret sessions you could be you you may be called to testify charity or railway a charity or rewarding please give the lord a clap as she comes mr mrs godwin ohide mr mrs godwin advocate advocate dear jesus hudson hey please if you hear your name come pastor and pastor mrs gibson or moaka from benin city alozia izundu and elechi akuma please all the way from uma here and lastly pastor and mrs sylvester keep clapping until they come sister charity mr mrs godwine [Music] mrs gibson from benin city alog and lhe and pastor and mrs sylvester in that order since sister charity hallelujah please you tell the church your name what the lord did for you through your encounter on this mountain and through the ministry of god's servant our father and the lord straight to the point save us as much details as possible thank you praise the lord my name is charity or hillary i'm from edo state i want to thank god for what god has done in my life 2016 where um they had a program kingdom power empowerment forgotten the team so yeah so in 2016 i was on my way to the program that is kingdom power and glory conference uh as i was believing god i graduated in 2012 so i've been believing god for a job otherwise the job wasn't coming so when i saw i was watching tv and i saw the programs like god i need to attend this program on my way to the program to abuja i got a call that i should um i should i have been i've been shortlisted for an interview in porter court you know out of desperation i was like god should i continue this journey or i should go back to portugal but i just made up my mind that everything for god so i attended the program you know if you were in that program in 2016 papa prayed from his husband prayed everything for everybody that participated as papa was praying i was king you know i told god i said god i will not leave this program without an encounter and during that period i was led to get a seed of destiny so i told god i said god i want to evangelize and i took the seed of destiny i went and i got a number of them a copies where i was sharing i was sharing i was doing evangelism i was telling god i said god i keep my testimony to this at the end of the day in 20 2017 february precisely i got a call without an interview to come and resume in the banking sector which has never been done and you know i was wondering like without an exam and i told god i said god i know if i write any exam in the banking sector will not pass so i need a miracle so as i was called immediately i was i i was thought to resume and you know that was when my my evils opened supernatural breakthrough divine favor everywhere i give god all the glory and secondly i want to thank god and when i was 15 i had a dream that a dragon people were lined up and a dragon was bringing out and fire and consuming people so in the dream i told god i said god this is how we die i said if you can deliver me from not allowing this dragon to consume me i must come out to share testimony i didn't know what that dream was all about not something i kept asking i kept praying god show me that god later god showed me a word in revelation led god showed me a word in revelation 12 verse 9 about the dragon which was cast i was like go that is it that was the dream i had you know i started praying and believing god several times when i sleep i see a second i try i have tried several times okay that's happened but i keep escaping so i was telling you i said what was the meaning of this dragon on the serpent i was praying not until yesterday a pastor came and said and he saw a he dreamt and he saw another time and it happened so i knew i said on my search i was asking god go dragon love and time was the meaning and i saw love at i as he said it i was like exactly that is it but as papa prayed i got in shock like so like like an earthquake like something happened i want to give other give glory to god hallelujah make it bigger for jesus god has supernatural employ employment as a result of prophetic word from this mountain from a previous convention that opened her life and gave her turnaround and also received an a deliverance from a negative encounter she had when she was 15 years ago on mount zion there shall be deliverance and the house of jacob shall possess a possession hallelujah let's receive very quickly mr mrs godwin please straight to the point save as much details as possible tell us essentially what the lord did for you thank you praise the lord we are mr and mrs godwin oy day want to appreciate god for the success of our wedding before the wedding after the engagement it looked as if there is no way forward that you gave a word in one of the anniversary celebration i said we should write down what we want to expect before the next celebration and what i wrote down was my wedding to the glory of god after that prophetic word we kept praying in the month of april we i got that he said that if you have a seed i cannot meet you if you haven't something i cannot meet your need is your seed just as our pastor said in the morning for another day we had something we have money that could not meet the need i told my fancy that we have to go and meet daddy we went to iran during the last youth conference in the month in the month of april we sold the seed that is say god bless you and the peers said that we are expecting god for our wedding i say congratulations just as the pastor said in the morning we were not satisfied but we head on to that world we kept praying and we kept praying that the lord we prophet the word of his servant to his glory on the seventh of august we did our wedding we saw favor on every side and god proves himself we have come this evening to give god all the glory for all that he has done for us hallelujah believe the lord your god you'll be established believe also in his prophets and you'll prosper god is settling someone here today in the name of jesus christ advocate please confirm your name and what the lord did for you straight to the point thank you praise god i must sincerely appreciate god for making it possible for me to be here through his servant our daddy in a way that i never envisaged that i thank you my testimony i have to link yesterday and today so that i can understand what is a special testimony i came from enugu because of this so what happened was that [Music] 2007 i had i was operated on pancreatic cyst look at the the weight 8.25 kg it is here in my phone then 2018 something happened two people caused me emotional trauma and pains i i never slept that is the pain was so much that i determined to revenge in any way i can i decided not to forgive so one day um my pastor because before the nightmares came to you i was attending assemblies of god so the pastor that pastored me eight years ago called me one morning by five o'clock circuit please this is the third time god is telling me to tell you to forgive everybody and that was the time this the the rage of revenge was boiling up in me how he knew i never knew so he i told him okay i will he told me to tell my children that we shall forgive after a week my house girl of 21 years a mother of five called me again from protagon mommy please forgive everybody i say forgive forgive everywhere what and they never knew anything that was passing through i decided to forgive i looked for grace please in summary just on my eyes please i looked for grace so after five months i started feeling pains here here i went to so i went to scan i have the results of the scan the doctor say i should go for a surgery then in the surgery this is the main christ of the matter in the theater i i didn't know where i was but for all i know that i knew when i left my body as if you are watching film i left my body and i was walking away they arrested me by with by by giving me oxygen and they now took me to debate from where i went to the surgery that was where i packed off entirely with a very big ceiling the five pounds of blood so i left my body again this time i decided not to go back i was singing a song of jubilation that i'm going to canaan i was going to canada please for want of time she had an encounter her body her spirit was leaving the body and she was happy that she was going to heaven until an angel according to her appear to her and said you're not going anywhere go back and forgive everyone that has offended you who who's whose offense you are keeping in heart that you are so embittered about and she and that that encounter brought back her back to life telling her to go and tell everybody to forgive she said you are singing that you are going to heaven and that's really what me to finish [Music] that let me reach a cannon in peace where there is no pain no sudo no death and as i was going i was looking at my body the surgeon was there his team was that was on my way she was going and looking at her body behind i am going to heaven before i go i turn if i go i turn so by the time i turn to go to continue i saw a very giant being with weimar collect white with sword sword like this so for me i said where are you going where do you think you are going i said i'm going to canaan and as far as i'm concerned let him shift let me continue i am going to heaven i am going to cana what are you disturbing me sheep let me pass before them before them before they know the angels say you are very stubborn i don't know whether an angel you are very stubborn i sent two people to warn you and you didn't want to listen to them if not for the prayers of the saints your pastor and scripture union and the cry of your children he did like this i would have allowed you to keep going and now i would have allowed you to keep going and ending hell did you hear that yes sir if not for the prayer of your pastor the prayer of the scripture you know the prayer of your children i asked you to go and forgive you refused i would have allowed you to go and just go ahead and go to hell that is the one that you say give chance let me pass what's stopping you from going to hell he said he told me look at that place i was there shivering he said you are very stubborn look at that place i now saw something like pure water blocked pure water red and it was just dropping beam beam he said that is cavalry can you compare your horse and this thing you are seeing will you go back now go go go so as he was shouting like a volcano he called me back i held my ear like this go to churches everywhere your food can carry you go and share this encounter my brethren you know that anytime i relax i will be afflicted if it is malaria it will be incurable if it is typhoid it will not be cured until i step out to go and start i've gone the assemblies of god angry can catholic ascension i've i've been going in short i'm even tired of going up and down it's not right you cannot be tired of going up and down now listing people you didn't smoke you didn't steal yes you didn't commit adultery yes you did you didn't kill a person but you you failed to forgive a person and that sent you to hell is that what it no sir no it's not what it's not what it's not it's not what ending the same way with killers it's not what it it's not what ending the same way with with with with with thrusters please let that be a message to you tonight release those that you need to release the devil will send people your way to hurt you bitterly there are people whose assignment is to hurt you until they until they help you to hell you will find them continuously as a pastor you'll find other pastors you even find members you'll find members whose assignment is to see if they can take you to hell you will find them you will find all manner of people come your way you will find people you help hurt you will find the people you raise try to erase you you will find them and they are on the end of it all is bitterness just very very bitter you will not end in hell amen you will not end in hell grace to live right that grace is released and also grace to forgive grace is released upon you believe that amen amen somebody said i receive the grace i receive the dream to release every offender release him i release i receive the grace to forgive lord to forgive you in jesus name in jesus take your sin thank you sir confirm your name and tell the church what the lord did for you thank you straight to the blessing praise the lord my name is hudson egg gregory i came all the way from maryland um in 2016 i started following this ministry online and one of those that mommy said that i worship online that is present here in the dome i'm visiting the dome for the first time and is very very amazing in 2018 i had some challenges i had some job challenges business challenges my mortgage was not paid for one month and during that period daddy was talking about sowing the seed for the roof of this dome the money i had in my hand was not enough to pay the mortgage i sold for the roofing of the dome the second month i couldn't pay the mortgage the third month i couldn't pay the mortgage and i started having kind of depression let me use that word but that same third month do not receive letters for foreclosure of the home those that are in the diaspora you will understand what i'm talking about that same month i received a call and had a favor to extinguish all the three months i was owing praise the lord in 2019 we had the houston maryland houston revival fire conference i pressed my way to houston i was one of the ushers during that conference and after the conference when i hear testimonies i keep hearing people having an encounter with daddy in a dream i kept asking myself how can people be having an encounter with daddy and all that i'm just having that argument with myself after that conference couple of months later i had encountered myself i saw daddy in a trance he had a shot a brown shot he also had a singlet and a rod in his hands he held a rod and just stood immediately i came out of that trance i didn't understand what it was all about then in 2020 i began to notice a shift in my finances i don't know the road started working he said i woke up with that rod a shift and it was like a supernatural shift my mortgage that was paid off now i re i scheduled it as i'm here i have paid it in advance in 2020 as well i worked with someone that used the keyboard with me in my friend's office a couple of two two days later he died of covid when i heard about that and i touched the same keyboard i went for the covey test i was negative that rod was still working in 2021 there was a release in my business and everything everything started coming back together right now i have recovered i have come here to get charged for the replication that is on the way i don't want to take this for granted i'm here to give god all the glory this depression destroying atmosphere we also need it in the washington dc metropolitan area thank you father in the name of jesus give the lord a big clap of hand people it was because of time i didn't want to elaborate on sister kate's testimony she has been delivered and healed twice of deadly diseases first one was in the year 2002 that is 19 years ago of cancer of the breast all the way from enugu she came the power of god touched her terrible solid cancerous mass died on the spot now this kind of miracle is a type i like because you are talking about it 19 years later jesus was like pumpkin how many of you remember the young the young man who who led them one prostitute to christ and brought him to church and was a very affectionate you remember that guy who was very very affectionate as if you were just very affectionate until i think do you want to marry the body they repented that is the mother yeah that that's how fire food they are all right now and then in 2018 after god healed that 60 years ago okay okay so 2002 healed of cancer 2007 seed that was like a pancreatic cancer 2017 it came back and god blasted all of them so she said please can i sit on your seat so that all the things can end permanently [Applause] give the lord be glory we serve a god of miracles the same yesterday today and forever what he says he will do that is what he always does i am super excited because what you see there is another people another set of people who came from umayya 30 years yes yes they are here yes all right let me not preamble but that god did it 18 years ago and the testimony stands 18 years later not malaria healed cancer healed 18 years ago and it stands till today i prophesy to you today whatever god will take out of your life today will be out forever it will be out forever it will be out forever it will be out forever amen shout the lord amen it is congratulations it is over forever all the yamanyama has left you alone amen she forgives the people now in advance before the offence has forgiven them give the lord praise please visit thank you sir hallelujah can we have pastor and mrs hits him confirm your name and what the lord did for you straight to the point our names are pastor and pastor mrs gideon on walker from benicity we want to thank the lord for what god has done through the mantle of our father and this commission in 2013 we got married but before then from our both side there was no one that's ever got married in a legal way including my father my uncles with my wife's side they had to first get the wife pregnant after many times one period of breakfast that's the order but god helped us and we got married and after we got married went for i went for deuce went for uh do some school of ministry and doing dynamics i went first then my wife went after them but there was a woman that said that one godmother that my wife can never have a baby she said that she had a vision i don't know a dream that she can never give birth on there but i had the conviction that she was my wife so we got married in 216 i made an attempt to see our father and submit to him and we had the privilege to meet him in the office that day in area one and then he prayed for us and asked me to go and listen to two to two cities that is a feeling and feeling spiritual vacancy and so i went to listen to them and when we were about to record me back and said where are the children and i said we are spreading then he laid down some nose and impacted us and said the embargo is broken we received it after then she had fibroid but after he prayed that prayer the fireball disappeared he was not aware of that but he just is lifted and then we went we went ahead and in 218 we had we had to go to ghana i wanted to see him but we could not see him then we saw more than the lord in the office pastor dr becky nietzsche a mama in the lord then she we she can't say those blessed joy and also if you're about to go she asks again where are the children don't say they're on the way we're expecting then he said no she lifted up her hands after she prayed and collected the baby from heaven and gave to her then she fell and i knew that it was done so i i never this we have never talked about the issue of children coming i know it was done then when ghana a court came in from somebody who was experiencing um it was conversion she was about to take the call and she fell and she was passing out eventually she passed out then i spoke in tongues in capital letters because it wasn't understood nothing happened then i invoked the man to as well as the god of bishops in the usa the lord god of evil bishop david uraban the god of my father dr paul and ninja she sneezed back and she came back to like she was going on a bridge in a very far journey i heard her name and then she came back then after then shortly she actually lost her period so she lost sorry uh uh she was not seeing a mystery cycles for over some months when you see a gynecologist and she put on diamonds ammunition took on that some technical and then she said that she a fallopian tube is blocked our womb is strict compressed she can't carry a child she has a hole in the heart i said no our mother has given us a baby our father said so i spoke in my language i said let's leave here now so we left and shortly we returned back to nigeria last year and i had a vision of the night a revelation yes a revelation i saw a pastor in the commission say take this away and anoint your wife for dream for 30 days and after then she will take him in the midst of the anointing we saw our mom again appear to win the dream and say where's the baby i gave to you she said she didn't know what happened she now say okay now take this two baby one is for you and the other one give it to whatever you like then she took the baby and she took in that period then somebody was expecting also a child and we pray for the person that the the child that was given to her and she gave the baby to that person that person also has put to bed today we are here they find the five-year-old that was diagnosed the verdict of that woman and the attempt of the enemies to make us have shame ministry and destiny has been proven aborted and god has revised him today we are here with the baby and we are here to return the glory to god or for god has done after eight years give the lord a praise fibroid turned to fine boy give the lord a big clap and the shadow pray whatever the enemy is delaying your life the delay is over forever amen master sylvester pastor mrs sylvester please come god is at work on this mountain and he will be at work in your life today confirm your name and what the lord did for you praise the lord we are here to appreciate god for the benefit of being under genuine prophetic cover we are products of the benefit of being connected under genuine prophetic cover last year 2020 precisely in the month of february my wife came under a serious demonic attack for three nights she could not sleep she was almost passing out the third day the header defined every medical treatment no drug that was prescribed that was not taken she couldn't not there was no way she could survive it she was almost passing out so i sent a text to our father and the lord i said daddy i don't know what to do please we need your prayers my wife is going immediately he saw the text he called are you close to your wife i say yes daddy place the phone on her here now and go dagger bag i placed the phone on speaker and i placed my mouth on my eyes that is the one calling you are going nowhere place it on here she was listening i was also listening daddy started attacking or cutting out us i crossed every occultic altar with craft altars before he finished the prayer she slept off hey hey in the month of june last year again my wife started enlarging i said ah what is happening she became twice the size of what you are seeing now she was enlarging and then all of a sudden certain ailments started appearing it looked as if they poured hot water on her then i met somebody in the land i said excuse me what is the meaning of this thing he said it is an altar that is projected against your wife that such an altar they call it usu in the land of allah they benefit as okay that means it's an outside they conjured against my wife i have a mobile altar in abuja and i have a prophet over my life it is going to be battle between all time versus all time so i sent a text again to daddy and that he said this morning be on your way to abuja let that negatively according pattern be arrested man i'm brethren we arrived abuja a night before that day my wife had an encounter after that he said i should bring her had an encounter that he took her to the theater and said my daughter lay here i want to operate on you now it operated on her and brought her some terrible substances from her body now they then we came to a glory dome daddy took us to his office and he said what is the matter well now he said get up get up get up get up he's too got up from his head and he said what is happening what is the matter i said daddy somebody told her this is an old towel and the altar is called usual he laid his hand on my wife get out immediately that prayer was over the heavyweight she shrunk that's what he said [Applause] the affliction departed it has no choice to depart immediately because we are under a prophet genuine prophetic cover it is emphasizing this is our daughter esther now before you go there can we give jesus a big clap and a shout out praise hallelujah i can pray but it is god who heals yes i can pray but it is god who delivers i can pray but it is god who interrupts the agenda of death can we give that god a clap and a shout out a clap and a shout out praise hallelujah the first time bam the devil took off second time this thing came again be on your way now i want to see you in prison if he catch a person he doesn't escape very very dangerous but they have escaped amen somebody give the lord a shout of praise i hallelujah i prophesied the same mantle of covering on your life pretty much your death is not your portion amen pray that your death is not the portion of your wife it's not the person of your children is not the person of your family seek amen like you are a believer amen so shall it be take your seat in the presence of the lord thank you sir now the very substance that she saw our father in the lord brought out of her during the encounter after he prayed for her physically now she was under pressure and then she went into the convenient room the exact substance she saw during the encounter with her father and the lord brought out of her she dedicated it physically as she saw during the encounter and that was the end of that affliction now in 2018 our daughter esther stopped growing she stopped growing she was not born with congenital problems she was born as a normal child in 2018 or 20 between 2018 and 2019 she stopped growing it became an issue of concern so i told my wife i said have you observed that esther has stopped growing she said yes then anytime she maybe she walks from here to where this cameraman ah she will look for a place to sit down she'll start panting daddy my chest my chest my chest should we cry one day we decided last year specifically i placed a call to a pediatrician in mccody who works with benue state university teaching hospital he booked an appointment and we went when he saw her he was suspecting sickle cell anemia and i told him we are all all of us in the family he said we must repeat the genotype test we oblatched and then we went through the test again and it came out as aa she also has aa then he decided to carry out other further examinations and at the end of the examinations he said your daughter has a hole in the heart what now he prescribed some drugs we left and then we went back to our lady and then we kept encouraging her and we're praying but something phenomenal happened oh my god i can't recover the blessing sunday of november 2020 our father-in-law came up to the altar now we i what we do in our lady is when it is blessing sunday we ensure that all the children and the children teachers are mobilized into the sanctuary for us to receive the prophetic blessing for the blessing sunday so all of us and the children were in the sanctuary and then daddy came up after he led us in a session of worship he picked the mic and he said somebody was brought into this service with a hole in the heart which resulted in retardation in road and then he said right now the hole in the heart has been healed and this retired drug has been arrested immediately he said that esther fell under power she collapsed right there under power that is seven hours johnny five hours five hours six hours six hours drive away from here yes sir the power reached there hit the little child in the church with a specific one fell under power right there yes sir she fell under power and got up when she got up she was dancing she was jubilating now i turned to my precious jewel and i said do you observe what is happening she said yes okay in order to avoid destruction on the altar i told her go and attend to esther she went and took esther to the office esther what is happening she said immediately daddy made that declaration she said she had a son from her church now we saw what happened as i'm talking to you the hole in the that very day the hole in the heart and the pain disappeared by the reason of the prophetic declaration now i called the pediatrician last week and i told him my daughter our daughter esther is healed from the hole in the heart and with the pain so i told him we'll be going to glory for testimony but there is need for us to come for further examination to confirm the healing so he said we should come so last week tuesday we went my colleague he checked her and he said she's okay but there is a need for us to see a consultant cardiologist so on wednesday we went back to malcolm and the consultant cardiologist came when he saw the report the previous report he queried he was trying to debunk the fact that esther had a hole in the heart he lay her on the couch and he began to use the echo scan took after a coast guard when he checked he said did you say your daughter had a hole in the heart i said she's my daughter of course will a father lie down his daughter is up is it a disease that why should i mean say wish for his child i said she is my daughter the pediatrician that attended to her look at him he said i cannot see any hole in the heart hey are you just sitting and looking like that [Applause] i said are you just sitting and looking like that i don't know about you but this is the kind of god i want to serve i want to live for when when when dr roberts cleared them was talking about robots yesterday and he talked about him singing the songs of his heydays at the time of his departure i was overwhelmed i was overwhelmed because he was singing what was central to his life what defined his destiny what he lived for and was literally going for he looked to me like he was reliving the memory of those power days when his hand will be vibrating upon sicknesses beloved this justifies every call into ministry little girl no strength work a little look for where to stay growth arrested because of a hole in the heart and the hole in the heart blocked off for our sake god gave the world from here that traveled seven hours drive to where she was somebody is brought here today with a hole in the heart that arrested her growth and now god has healed that hole and the growth is now released bam the power there if anybody does not fear god fear for that person fear for them just fear for them if they don't fear god fear for them because they are disaster waiting to happen fear for them fear for them congratulations pastor the way you are such a giant i didn't know you have such mighty thunders child of a lion can never be otherwise [Applause] you look so gentle and so harmless so if you see him on the road you didn't think he can kill a fly but he's just vibrating dangerously now give the lord the symptoms the father observed before he told him that you notice this child is not growing he's very part of mnemonic oh yes very very well hole in the heart and then according to him she can't move from here to the camera stand without passing the growth has started has recommenced catch up yes she's going to have what we call catch up growth she will catch up with eight minutes and just grow beyond that somebody give the lord a big clap i feel like we should just sing one song and that is only you can do what no man can do can we sing that now only you can do what no man can do and then you are big big big big great great great after that [Music] all you can do only you can do [Music] [Music] what you can do foreign [Music] you [Music] me [Music] me me [Music] me uh [Music] [Music] be the lord and love shadow praise i want to i want to appeal to every of our pastors here the people who serve with us don't take their welfare and especially their emergencies for granted don't not just those who you think are close to you he is not the state pastor of the state he's in the rural area yet this is a challenge be on your way now and i want to say to all our pastors it doesn't matter where you are if you have a challenge that once makes you to be on your way you don't even need to take a permission if the enemy is challenging you or your family your wife your children challenging the health whatever kind of affinities secretary i am on my way there is a challenge and i cannot afford to remain here now i'm on my way am i communicating we will not give the enemy a chance it is better we trust god for the sick to be healed than to struggle for the death to be raised [Applause] i mean the faith for the healing of the sick is much easier it's cheaper it's far easier i mean god has brought people back a couple of times but it's far easier for us to shout on the devil when he's awake [Laughter] congratulations for madame no more cycle of affliction it is over forever sorry for jewel of precious jewel give the lord a big clap of and please proceed yes with all the clan members you tell the church your name and what the lord did for you church praise the lord hallelujah my name is election akoma and this is my brother my senior brother aloisier isundo we are actually here on his behalf we want to thank god for the glorious healing upon my brother before now about 32 years ago to be precise he has been struck with it with the with the spirit of insanity as in madness so he has been in the in the village for these 32 years until god located him it happened when my father died he came back home he was staying in enugu he came back home to you know know what is happening and what happened somebody took him out he came back that was it he didn't know when my father was buried and everything so he has been relegated to the background he has been locked locked up in a particular room even when the form is there he will cut it into pieces he doesn't wear clothes most times when we come in he doesn't even recognize us he cannot even talk to us if nobody is in the house he will be knocking and he will never open the door see you god located him on that faithful day june uyo cruz said that we will never forget in a hurry i sent them to uyo because i've seen what god is doing upon this altar since i joined this i'm i'm serving in omaha do not miss omaha my pastor is pastor james he's also there we've also testified in the church and we said we will come here they went to yo i am my mother she is my mother my sister my daughter we were watching he went with my sister and somebody that i asked to go with them i pleaded with him to go we were watching in my house and i heard that he made a brutal declaration that somebody is that is mad is receiving healing now that we should check the person right now that we should communicate with the person and the person will communicate i call them immediately for them to check lo and behold the guy was screaming that my brother that could not talk to him has started talking to him so his testimony was actually taken on the 11th of june that was when on early realization it was in the morning 32 years of insanity not just insanity but mutism that is zero communication for 32 years go ahead so that faithful day his testimony was taken it was actually my pastor also pastor james sota took the testimony he came back i said he will not go to the village he will stay in my house for me to observe him and lo and behold he came back he started asking questions what has happened about if you tell he will ask you this person you will tell him this person is left or even my sister that was in america she was he was asking about her are you hearing something since his kingdom that is 32 years out of existence he was trying to recover so who is what about this person that one has died but what about my sister oh yeah that one is in america now mind restored my god good god and he kept on asking those questions yes sir he kept on asking the question and one day he actually came to me because he says tamara he came to me and told me that he doesn't like why he cannot talk fluently that he doesn't like he's not his time around that he cannot be a standard how can he be talking and he's stammering that is not proper now i told him that god will heal him and he also i ask him if you want to marry he said yes that marriage is very very good and important so he's in fact he's communicating positively even my cousin that took him two days ago he said because he came back and was laughing and we asked him what he said my brother came to his house and was asking him about his wife he said they are divorced he said no that is not proper that god will not be happy with them so everything has come to normal are you just you cannot sit like this this is very very very strange now somebody is trying to catch up with 32 years of being out of the violation people he knew 32 years ago he's asking about them now oh that one has died oh this one has died oh this one is in america now that is the mind is returning back after 32 years not just the mind returning but he's talking now mutism total mutism it's a psychiatric symptom some extreme psychotic symptoms thank you jesus congratulations congratulations good evening how are you today how are you oh fine i'm happy to see you what is your name my name is alazee zundo zundu happy to see you who is this my sister said [Music] my mother's name i dream still the lord a big clap about him you say he's stammering but he's talking at least he's taking his time but he's talking at least talking well you cannot stand her you cannot stop my zone to bring the might close to him father in the name of jesus thank you because you healed him and now his tongue is totally loosed in jesus precious name say jesus jesus thank you thank you i am here i am i cannot stand up i cannot stand say say in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i am free i am free i am healed i am you i don't stammer i don't stand out i cannot stammer i can i cannot stop i cannot stand up stammer in jesus name in jesus name say hallelujah hallelujah amen amen amen amen amen amen amen thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus christ foreign look at him when they brought him two months ago [Music] 32 years [Music] totally mute no talk no communication celebrate let go hey foreign to be do you see the smile on his face and they dance go ahead and let's go oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] is the anointing that can deliver a person can deliver a family can deliver a community yes can deliver a state can deliver a nation because when rebecca was pregnant god says two nations are in your womb so individuals are representatives of nation if god can deliver a person he can deliver a nation i prophesy over territories present here anywhere deliverance is needed everywhere every land that is in chain including this land i prophesy by the same month deliverance and power anointing for deliverance i prophesy deliverance now violation over your family all by your state all your community every activity of the enemy is arrested in the name of jesus amen give the lord a big clap on the shoulder praise i say take your seat congratulations allows you congratulations happy to see you we look forward to seeing you here again and again and again god bless you congratulations sister mama are you happy very very happy praise our lord judge praise the living god in fact i'm very very happy i thank this almighty god because they said that i will not follow them to come to this abuja i said no i must follow you who want to stop you so i follow them to see that i saw that this is my son since that is something yes not doing anything in the in the house no in fact i have no smoke i don't know that god still remember me so i thank that god that remember me for this side and make him to she wants to come and see that pastor that god used to help her deliver her son and they said she shouldn't come who said you shouldn't come you people should be careful with yourself now we are happy to see the god this the god who healed your son that's the most important personality here like i said we pray he's the one who heals and delivers congratulations we're happy did you see can you see the can you compare him see him there and see me i'm sure they even packaged him to be here in that conference all right in that program see him there and then see him here this was zero smile [Laughter] are you just looking like god today give the lord a clap a shout on a leap of joy tonight [Applause] hallelujah you may please take your seeds in god's presence to take us further tonight in special administration and of course in this first segment we have the following special ministers number one on the list is the bus let's celebrate jesus following him is abraham akatu daniel akiko undisputed dancers from d i j c o to go and of course our own deborah paul and angel come and let's celebrate the king of kings and the lord of lords has received them in this order the past somebody give us some shots or not if you are happy to be alive john point of vietnam make some noise for jesus [Music] for all the miracles for all the testimony make some noise for jesus can i say naval say neighbor i'm ready to give god some price tonight if you already make some noise [Music] my [Music] now [Applause] [Music] please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] you huh [Music] you are older than time [Applause] you feast on fire i got by the way oh check out are bigger than size beyond description i got by the way [Music] you are older than time you feast on fire by the way [Music] you are bigger than signs bigger than signs beyond descriptions [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness [Music] i dare not trust the sweetest friend but holy lean on jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] there the lord [Music] i [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i want you to know jesus [Music] i want you to know [Music] that's just [Music] [Music] jesus i want you to know [Music] spirit of the lord revive our spirit spirit of life revitalize our bodies spirit of mind we need that and [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] we want to work for you [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] [Music] just spread your name upon me [Music] [Music] just read your name upon me [Music] [Music] just [Music] just returning [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] jesus i want somebody here to get angry get angry with the devils thou art my battle axe and weapons of war i am not just a person i am a weapon and as a weapon i deploy myself in the hands of god i came as a war equipment i came to bury the institution that man handled my generation dad [Music] [Music] i am not just a person i am a weapon and as a weapon i deploy myself in the hands of god [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] now [Music] fire [Music] [Music] so [Music] this time has come we and your luke should enjoy the devil we are your testimony should injure the devil [Music] [Music] beloved brothers and sisters the presence of darkness is not the fault of darkness [Music] the presence of darkness is not the sound of darkness it's the voice of what before they can penetrate you they have to penetrate your god before they can get to you they have to get to god and how many of you do that [Music] are you just looking like that i don't know for everything that you are for everything that you do i give you all the praises [Music] my uh [Music] i love you [Music] brothers and sisters we are not we are not meant to blame the devil we are meant to blame ourselves for operating at this substandard temperature and allowing the devil to mess up with the work of god and mess up with the people of god but you are going to arise here today and tell the devil i am not just a person i am a weapon i am a weapon i am a war equipment and i am going to show you that i am a weapon [Music] [Laughter] [Music] around your life [Music] when you deliberately hog transformer that is that is vibrating and carry current you won't leave to tell the story am i speaking to somebody here fire fire fire whipping him with fire whipping him with fire and we decided to call it [Music] that was one blow too many times oh you you have not learnt your lesson i will destroy you [Music] since you people are doubting who i am i will confirm to you who i am [Music] [Music] the bible said the light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not [Music] i am going to show you that i am a weapon how many weapons are here tonight how many weapons are ready to go out for action tonight leave your right and say in the name of jesus i decree and i confirm i am a weapon of war in the hands of god [Music] [Laughter] when the enemy say hey say hey hey when you say hey you say hey [Music] this is death now return to where you came [Music] wickedness and never triumph over righteousness and death can never kill life they go out of debt in nigeria they go out of kidnappers they collide supreme at your death [Music] [Music] are you just looking like that somebody shot power you cannot die like chicken nobody related connected associated reviews are direct realistic nobody shall die like chicken here nobody's not dying wasted death here nobody shall dying useless death here somebody say the lord the same man [Applause] hey hey hey hey hey hey hey all of you remember i remember remember remember this is the igc creativity from otoko in benue state [Applause] hold your hands together lift it up fresh fire may this grace take you around the globe freshness fresh powder [Music] fresh fire fresh oil jesus precious me while these ministrations go on deliverances will happen healings will happen miracles will happen signs and wonders will happen i prophesy to somebody here today your freedom is here your liberty is here your deliverance is here you are a weapon in the hands of the mighty god and you shall fulfill your destiny you are a weapon in the hands of the mighty god and god shall use you to cause devastation in the camp of the enemy you believe that shadow say man will you pray in tongues for just one minute aggressive zika [Laughter] [Music] congratulations him the praises to take your sins [Music] your love is [Music] in my life [Music] [Music] [Music] i was the stone that once rejected [Music] [Music] praise god [Music] be [Music] heavenly [Music] [Music] all creatures [Music] [Music] praise [Music] [Music] jesus all our sins together [Music] [Music] to god oh [Music] [Music] oh so sweet to trust in jesus just to take his word rest upon his promises [Music] jesus jesus [Music] how i trust [Music] jesus [Music] my gosh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] oh jesus [Music] [Music] yes [Music] wow [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] [Music] me [Music] lift up your voice and just worship him as he beats us to come to him we will come indeed we will serve we will obey we will do as he beats us a little bit [Music] father we worship your majesty today we adore you we honor you receive our worship today receive the surrender of our lives our destinies to you we want to leave this conference totally yielded to you totally empowered by you in jesus name we pray somebody give jesus a big clap and a shout of praise hallelujah we'll be going forward in the service tonight we'll be presenting our offerings to the lord let's get that out of the way and then we'll just stand up for a minute or two and pray some prayers of expectation what you want god to do for you before we conclude where do you want god to take you before we conclude what do you want god to achieve through your life before we conclude i believe that this night god is set for somebody's lifting in the name of jesus you have an offering you have brought before the lord i'd like you to have it neatly packaged and then we'll be lifting it up to god beloved you're giving as a pastor as a pastor's wife as a man or woman in ministry as a christian is a determinant of what god can do for you do with you and do through you if you will not give to god you cannot create a magic to receive from him so you have your offering ready tonight please lift it up with a shout out praise hallelujah father we ask that you receive this of our hands tonight open the windows of heaven for us how the blessing will not have room enough to contain we ask that your name be glorified in jesus precious name we have prayed somebody shouted loud amen let's cast that offering with excitement i'd like us to stand up on our feet in a minute or two we're going to pray and ask god father i ask for a visitation that lord will last me a lifetime father i thank you for all the things that i have heard in this conference in this convention lord i ask that as i leave help me to walk in the practicality of this understanding help me your god to walk in the practicality of this understanding [Laughter] of [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] in jesus name we pray now god's servants and then dr robert sladen and bishop baby have preached severally through the week but i believe that maybe do we say by way of summary if there is no field you are walking in god cannot pour any rain for you so you are going to ask god father clarify my path clarify my assignment let me leave here and let me hit the field running let me till the ground so that the heavens can be opened and the rain can pour for me lift up your voice father pour the red for me open my destiny father give me your god direction that i may labor appropriately accurately in the field that you have set for me [Music] [Laughter] in the name of jesus finally we are praying in expectation lord i want to one day hear you say to me well done thou good and faithful servant come up into the rest of your lord father help me to labor well to labor well to labor well so that one day you can tell me well done that good and faithful servant lift up your voice and pray father grant me the grace to labor grant me the grace to serve you grant me the grace to be who i ought to be to be what i ought to be father let no stone be left unturned let no potential be left on and carried out let nothing of god be left that have not fulfilled in the name of jesus father we look up to you blessed be your name oh lord in jesus name we have prayed i believe the lord has had our prayer tonight in the name of jesus now in this attitude of expectation please you may take your seat we'll be receiving the ministry of dunamis voice and then they'll be ushering us further into god's presence and then our next speaker will come up and then the next activities will be going on tonight let's receive dunamis voice tonight they are ministering a medley of songs i believe written and received by god someone doctor pastor paul and ancient titled lord i desire something does somebody desire something more than the ordinary more than where you have been before do you desire a higher level with god a higher realm of existence with god let's receive dunamis voice tonight as the singer and the minister [Music] [Music] lord i desire something that is far beyond [Music] all i know [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] say [Music] i know [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i'm is oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] foreign long time now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] is [Music] i know it when i touch it [Music] [Music] when i don't know what to do [Music] foreign do [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you know [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] when i am [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you'll never [Music] i [Music] found know all alone [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] everything [Music] [Music] everything on [Music] you are [Music] everything on me [Music] lift your hands and let us worship him if you save a god who can never fail the god who does not know how to fail go ahead and worship him go ahead and honor him thank you master in jesus precious name please remain standing up on your feet tonight is the absolute climax of this 2021 international minister's flaming fire conference sunday's testimony service and i want to appreciate everyone who has traveled from all around the world we have tried our best just tried our best to be sure that you didn't come in vain everybody preached their heart out including one who almost preached his voice out and i believe that our lives will never remain the same the destiny of the world is not just to a person but to a generation the lord sent a word into jacob it lighted upon israel what god is trying to do in your life is not just for your sake but for a family a community a state a nation and the word is not just sent to you it is sent into you into that's why i said the entrance of the word give it light the meaning of that also is when the word comes it comes with revelation comes with illumination comes with direction outcome is distinction you will stand out with your hands and give him the praise how many of you believe that you are living here with light and this light will light your generation can you do a prophetic light action just turn your touch light on your phone on and just wave it to the king of kings just wave it turn it on i'm not seeing light of the gallery just turn it on go ahead and give him the shot of victory light upon your family light on your community light on your generation light on your family i decree today the bible said the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not within this prophetic action i declare every darkness around your life every darkness around your family every darkness around your destiny dissolves right now dissolves right now dissolves right now dissolves right now this light that you have lifted may your generation feel it may your family feel it may your state feel this light may your nation feel your light in the precious name of jesus say father i shall eliminate my generation by your light thank you lord in jesus name give the lord a big clap of the shadow praise i shall receive again the ministry of dr roberts leon give him the praise and give him the honor and give him the adoration the king of kings and the lord of lords praise the lord amen thank you pastor you may be seated my voice is an american voice but i want an african voice that never grows tired so tonight i'm gonna preach with my talking voice not my preaching voice is that okay so we're going to have a good time here tonight i want to thank pastor paul and his beautiful wife becky for having me here this week i enjoyed it so much thank you for the honor of being with you and the team i have never been in a building this big before so i have to take a moment and take it in can you realize that the largest church building in the world is this one we're just sitting in right now and it's in nigeria it's not in europe it's not in america it's in africa and africa shall be saved as banky have said nigeria has become the leading revival nation in the world at this time that that's a fact the largest church in the world is not in korea it's in nigeria god is doing something in nigeria and africa that is amazing it is a time for everybody to get their lives right stay under the anointing and have fun everybody say fun ministry has to be fun can you understand me okay all right i want to give a short testimony before i get to my message i had back surgery three years ago and the back surgery was successful but it left me with discomfort and pain in the lower part of my back so my doctor always sends me with pain pills and so he gave me a set to come all the way here and when i landed the first night i was in no pain and ever since i've been here the pain in my back has gone [Applause] yes [Applause] so praise god now my second miracle is african voice i don't want an american voice that goes out i want one that can scream and yell like this and keep going i don't know what you guys have but i want it amen every singer every preacher has an octane and they keep it up there the whole time they're there jesus i want that in my voice reach your hands out toward me and pray for me right now just pray that the african strength of the voice will come and be a part of my life in jesus name sorry let me interrupt you did you understand the implication of what he just said that he had back surgery spinal surgery three years ago that left him with pain and discomfort and he has been on pain pills for three years and if even at the airport even at the airport he won't stretch himself a little bit but i knew that when he come here something will happen do you understand that and the doctor what did the doctor say when you were trying to scum to nigeria they were scared of the long flight the doctor was scared of the long flight now this is a church historian that has studied every healing in all due respect i don't know of anybody in history who studied church history like him if you look at the volume of books he writes have you sent this to me because what book the green one how many pages 850 850 pages almost a thousand now it takes something to read 850 pages page book not to talk about writing it then and all of this and he's seen the first night here on this ground and it is all gone that is to authenticate for you and me and for him what is on this ground here and we agree with you the second miracle of the african voice we agree with you it is dawn amen give the lord a big clap of him hallelujah you may be seated as i said i'm going to use my talking voice not my preaching voice tonight most of the great leaders that have led us for decades have now graduated to heaven or roberts went to heaven kenneth hagin went to heaven lester sumrall went to heaven they fulfilled their earthly days and came to the day of their graduation kenneth hagin had always said i've heard kenneth hagin preach more than any other preacher in my life and i love kenneth hagin there's a great picture of him i'm so glad i lived three miles from his ministry so as kids we go over and hear him preach all the time he used to say one day i'll be satisfied with my life and i'll be on the other side he was having breakfast and looked at his wife smiled and took off and that's the way kenneth hagin went to heaven of course when someone goes to heaven the natural stuff goes into operation they call the ambulance they take the man of god to the hospital what's happening and they do all the stuff and so this is an interesting fact i want to tell the bishop and to tell you that he was dying of heart deformity and heart disease he his body after his spirit left kept beating for two more days after he was off all the machines so the part that was healed didn't know how to stop for two days so to me that's a great miracle a man that was dying of heart disease his heart wouldn't stop even after he left for heaven for two days i think that's amazing how about you so these people all graduate and when they graduate there comes vacancies of leadership spiritual governments and influences that must be picked up by the next generation it is no longer that we're looking to them we are now the people that must lead in their place now that they're gone in nigeria mr benson idahosa is one of the great generals of this nation and of africa and of the world great men of god i have there's mr benson i had the privilege of preaching with him multiple times in america when i was a lot younger and my voice was stronger in those days and he was a power man a commanding man and and you look at these men and when you're young you admire them i have the privilege of sitting at the dinner table sitting in places of what we call private conversations i was the youngest guy in the little room so when you're the young guy you don't say nothing you just sit there and you listen and you watch and you only speak if you're spoken to i was just happy to be at the table listening to these people talk and oral roberts used to say one day i'll be gone and it'll be up to you well i didn't know what that meant i i understood it in simple words but not in spiritual depth one day i'll be gone and it'll be up to you and that's what's happened the great leaders we admire that i've written about have graduated to heaven now you and i are the ones that must now pick up the seats of authority that have been vacated by these men and women today all over africa america and europe and other places there is sitting vacant saints in the spiritual realm that god is waiting for somebody to stand up and take in acts chapter 8 it says there was joy in the city unless the righteous rule there is no joy in the city i want to tell you for a few minutes about two spiritual governors john alexander dowie and amy simple mcpherson these are people we could spend hours talking about but i want to talk about their governing side dow as you saw there was from the uk wound up in america in chicago he we went to the world's fair of that time so he could preach the healing ministry healing ministry and and let it go around the world what better place to talk about god's healing power and tell the world and up the world's fair they wouldn't let him in the fair so he bought he rented a little hut beside the entrance of the fair and had his meetings when that was over god said stay here don't leave this is your new home and this is your city he didn't really understand that but as he began to do miracles and build his church became a mega church in chicago he became the spiritual governor of that city you could not get into political arts unless dowie approved of you at that time he had the influence with the population the citizens and the political power did not like spiritual power being over them so they tried to fight him they took away his mailing privileges they arrested him a hundred times in one year they were getting him because they said he was practicing medicine without a license because he was praying for people and they were getting healed and so you must be a doctor to pray for the people that's what the law in america said dowie would not stop doing it so they would send the police car the police wagon to the back of his church on sunday night and wait for him to come out and arrest him take him to jail and charging fine and he wouldn't pay he just sit there and do the time get out in a day or two and go back and do it again he hires lawyers to not represent him but to teach him american law while he goes to court to fight he goes into the american courts and changes the american law that you can pray for the sick and not be arrested we still have that privilege today and it came about because of the spiritual governor in chicago yeah you should clap on that spiritual governors deal with the quality of the gospel deal with the spread of the gospel and they deal with confronting social ills and principalities now he ruled in that city everybody that fought him politically either died or was moved to a small strange state in america out of chicago every single one of them god protects the governors that govern and live and do what is right he went to washington dc to fight the postal service for his right to mail his magazines while he was there our president wanted to see him dowie goes to the white house and president kindling welcomes him and dowie prophesies your life is in danger sir your security is not right if you don't fix it tragedy is coming to you well they thought he was a crazy preacher a loony preacher well mr mckinley becomes one of the few presidents that gets shot in american history he could have lived if he didn't listen to the spiritual governor called dowie from chicago but instead we have a dead president and a living apostle interesting isn't it he was so good in governing that every time he made announcement it hit all the papers one afternoon he read in a paper that a man was being was being put to death by the state because of his crimes and the man's last words i didn't have a chance to get right i didn't have a chance to get right and it so hurt dowie's heart that he begin to say how can we make sure everybody in chicago knows how to find jesus so he organized in his church little groups what he called the 70s and sent them out to where every house in chicago in those years were talked to by one of his church members told them how to get saved prayer was offered invitation to the church was given so nobody could ever say again they didn't have a chance a governor has a responsibility that salvation and its past is known to the citizens in its territory dowie made a mistake though he got tired of fighting all those people principalities people fighting him and he got an idea impressive though an idea let's build a city and he dresses up where people can't recognize him and he goes 40 miles north of chicago and starts buying hundreds and hundreds of acres of land and he announces that he's going to open a city called zion and it is it gets close to 30 000 citizens in it so it's not just a small little village of a couple hundred close to 30 000 christians came from all over the world to the city of zion it was a place where your soul would not be vexed with the worldly spirit and if you didn't like his rules you could leave at lunch time the whistle would blow and the whole town would stop and go on their knees before and pray every day at lunch the whole city stopped and prayed there was only one church it was his only one newspaper it was his he had it all now i love the story that to build a city teddy roosevelt would come and spend three days with him because it was so phenomenal what he was doing abraham lincoln's niece would come and get healed over a hundred and fifty early pentecostal pioneers would be trained in the healing ministry of mr gaoi now dowie's healing ministry was like wigglesworth wigglesworth was more abrupt dowie was close he would slap things off of people the first miracle he did in america was in front of the press in san francisco and they had made a headline an australian healer has come to frisco and people lined up down the hallway the stairway out the front door and around the block to see dally he was in his hotel suite with the newspaper now he believed in those days this if you weren't saved you don't have a right to be healed so he wouldn't pray for you unless you were a christian please don't follow him that way but this is just the way he was okay he changed but at this time that's the way he was so he'd interview people you're not saved get out of my room get out out out oh here's a christian and it was a lady the newspaper reports that she had a border the size of a coconut on her neck now i realize the press guys are there he doesn't mind the press watching he has that kind of confidence and boldness he says now that you're saved you have the right to be healed he stands up walks over and slaps it and it rolls on the floor off of the lady's neck with the perfect skin everything right and the border is on the floor he goes over and picks it up and says that's what jesus does to the press that's his first miracle that he did in america at his church i talked to the last eyewitness of now before he died he was a little boy when dowie was old his church wasn't as big as yours he had about 10 12 000 in his church his ministry for healing was so famous they came from everywhere in the church they had special ushers that would bring a special kind of plastic cloth and put it across the whole front of the church and then once that was done he would all you that are sick come and stand on this and then he and the elders would pray now why did they put the thing on the floor because when they started praying stuff fell off stuff came out and they didn't want to hurt their carpet so they had a special cloth where all the stuff that would fall off people or come out of people would stay on the plastic cloth when they're all done they would sing two songs so take two songs to roll the whole thing up and take it out of the church and burn it after church was over and that was a usher's job to roll it out and to do that i would like to see that before i die i want to see hear the special cloth to put up here because when heating comes things fall off things come out and you don't want to mess your nice carpet up roll it up set it on fire in the parking lot that's how dobby lived his mistake came because he should have never built a city he was given the spiritual governments of chicago but he got tired of the war that's his church and that's actually him on stage you can see the light guy that's that's daoi's church okay this is nineteen motto 1902 i think it is or maybe a little bit yeah about that time period so he built a city he had enough influence enough spiritual success that people followed him now you have to know how to use your anointing and your influence to go the right way because you can even take people down a good looking way and not be the right way dowie was not called to build a city he was called to rule chicago he got tired of the battle the talk the fight says i'm gonna build me a city where all this is out now it was impressive but that was the beginning of his mistakes he would die after having a stroke and he was in a wheelchair and when he was on his deathbed they still brought the sick fort to him and they'd pick up his hand and laid on them and they were getting healed while he was dying i know it blows your mind sometimes we have to stay great governors in the position god gave you no matter what the friction is when dowie died chicago has never had much of a spiritual renewal since that time in chicago's history after dowie's death the gangsters al capone came in and took over the sitting and to this day corruption rules in chicago as an accepted cultural force why because dowie left his seat of authority i tell you this story so that you'll remember it in your life because there are governors in this house there are men already here that are busy they're already starting to govern you cannot let your fame your money your influence give you the idea you can do what you want how you want when you want the higher you go the less of you exist the higher and the greater your authority the less of your ambition must not talk but it must not live we owe dowie all of our healing doctrines in the pentecostal church in his city john g lake and bosworth were citizens in that city gordon lindsey become the next great revivalist for the 1950s the barnabas of that revival was actually born in that town tremendous miracles but chicago was his place to rule not zion illinois everybody get that okay you hear me all right i'm trying to preach but this voice needs to get the african voice now in jesus name i love dowie i've spent many days in his city researching his life had a tremendous tremendous ministry but a sad ending it's not how you start sir that really counts it's how you end that says the statement of your life so all of us have things that we've overcome things that we've had to work through please overcome please work through and end well in your life now the next one i'm going to talk about oh that's that's one of the walls in his church that's down in his wife and in his church he would decorate it with all the crutches and stuff people left so all the walls were full of things like this that's how he decorated his church i don't know what you think about that but i think that's wonderful i would like to see that in this place somehow you put braces and crutches and ear aids and all those things out where people can see what has been left behind because god healed the people now the next one i'm going to talk about for a few moments is a woman i like women do you that's a question only one person said yes do you all like women if you don't like women and you don't like women preachers you've got a problem god likes women and he likes women preachers and a woman can do anything a man can do if god told her to do it sister mcpherson now notice when i say that here i get a very low clap and a very low yeah and none of you guys ever clap it's the few bold women what's wrong with you men if you don't support your women folk nobody else will support them defend them give them money let them obey the call of god slowly they clap hallelujah some of our greatest preachers were women amy civil mcpherson was the spiritual governor of los angeles she was married a couple of times there she is now she's also good looking we'll talk about that in just a minute because early pentecostals were ugly they couldn't wear makeup couldn't cut their hair they couldn't wear nothing but just old plain ugly clothes until amy showed up now the men could look like a million dollars but their wives had to look like that when you see some of the early pentecostals you you'll see that and no i when i look at a picture i look at more than who is the famous person i look at what they're wearing where they're at what's going on because it tells a story amy mcpherson was from canada her mother was a part of the salvation army like smith wigglesworth was smith wigglesworth began his ministry as a children's worker in the salvation army most people don't know that that's where he met his wife in a salvation army meeting so in those days the salvation army was a revival people and wigglesworth was in it and amy's mother had married she was like 20 years old and her husband was 57 years old so there was a big gap they had one child and it was a girl named amy amy grew up with the fire of the salvation army but she kind of back suddenly she got a little older she heard in town that there had come people who breathed fire and rolled in the dirt and she wanted to go see the fire-breathing people that rolled in the dirt that's the way it was talked about around town so she goes in late and an evangelist is spirit-filled he used to be in the salvation army robert simple was preaching and she was a little nervous because they raised their hands they do all this kind of stuff and she wasn't used to that the army didn't do that but she thought they were fun to watch but what she really liked she thought the preacher was real handsome she thought he's hot that's why she came back the next night not for the hockey of the dub she came back to look at him again long story short they get married she loves there's robert and amy there she loves being the traveling evangelist wife all the drama all the dramatics all the new things to experience she loved it he taught her the bible i've seen her bible in those days it's full of colors as they would read the scripture that a color coordination of what scriptures meant and all through it's done like that then god speaks to them go to the mission field go to china so they go to the macau island off of china and he dies while she's pregnant with her first child her husband gets malaria and all that goes with it and he dies she's pregnant in china by herself with no money her mom has to go raise the money to buy the boat tickets they finally get enough money she goes back to canada thinking i'm done my husband's dead my ministry's over because i my ministry was because of him plus i have a child and god kept saying preach for me preach for me preach for me and she kept telling god no no it's amazing that god can speak to you and your fear and your tradition becomes louder in you than the word of the lord to you finally she got deathly sick and was going to die and she finally said well lord i'll preach if you want to and god heals her in that moment so she gets up and she's not famous plus she's a woman in those days women didn't have a lot of success in ministry because it was a man's job so she would have to go build her a crowd at lunchtime when she was in a sitting preaching there'd be nobody for the lunch meeting she should go down to the center part of the city and stand on the most popular street corner and start doing this and people walking by but they try to say what are you doing and she wouldn't say a word she just kept looking and she let the crowd get big enough then she would scream i'll tell you follow me she'd run down the street into the building she rented jumped on stage bang your tambourine and started preaching i'm looking for the king and you should too that's how amy started her ministries so you don't have to be famous you just have guts and no shame show the pictures of her crowds that she grew into she became very famous and that is one of her crowds give me the next shot that is in minneapolis in 1935. this is a woman who's breaking pentecostal rules [Music] but nobody can stop her they didn't like her because she was a woman and she wore makeup because back then the ugly you were the more holy you are that's called the death of the holiness woman that died in the flesh like that that's why early pentecostals will have that don't wear your makeup don't cut your hair that all comes from the holiest revival as it was dying she would cut her hair put makeup on in her lipstick and go out and preach and have thousands saved and healed and the poor men couldn't figure out why was god helping her when she was jezebel and delilah that's the way she looked they asked her one time amy why do you wear makeup she goes have you ever seen an old barn and if you paint it it looks real new doesn't it that's why i wear makeup because i put my paint on and i look good for jesus and everybody i'm preaching to how do you and there she is that's beautiful amy mcpherson now don't you think she looks beautiful i thank god amy came along so all the women that we date and we won that we married looks nice if not pastor you'd have to marry an ugly woman to be an honored pentecostal so we owe amy a great help amy has two children because she marries again everybody still with me you like the story you're going to be here till five o'clock so enjoy the night the american brain don't understand this i'm preaching at one o'clock in the morning they don't work in america works in nigeria revivals so all my american friends that are watching us from around the world you all need to come here and get baptized the right way come here and sing for two hours at the top of your talent and your lungs and have guys with guns shoot things on stage and then notice after the the dance we went to the great hymns and it all worked only in revival services can the two extremes get along very well you're experiencing something that you probably don't know what it is i wrote down 20 things of why nigeria and glory dome is in a revival because as soon as i get home they are going to ask me first is the church really that big because americans can't believe that because they think they should do it they don't have that kind of faith yet plus american people are a little well they're backslidden right now and we need africans to come to my country with your fire your prayer power your joy and help us win america again come and help us come and help us we helped you years ago it's time for the harvest of africa to come to my country and help save america again amen amen and amen she goes amy does to los angeles los angeles is 250 000 people at that time and she builds a church we have a picture of it i think it seats 5400 people angela's temple she opens it now listen to this now after could probably get this america can't she would preach no that's that's the auditorium that's not the church she would preach when her church opened 21 times a week three services a day every week for six months 8 000 conversions 1500 baptisms in water that she did personally and others helped her after six months she was tired and she allowed others to come and help preach the services and the great angelus triple was born she had 25 000 people as a member of her church now for you that means nothing for us back then it's a big deal especially a woman wearing makeup that speaks in tongues is the pastor listen to this she had a tithe of the population of l.a as a member of her church she had 25 000 actual living people in her church she could fill it in 15 minutes and empty in 50 minutes and do services sunday night was for illustrated sermons and hollywood would come to see what amy was going to do in her services they would sit in spies and sit in the church and watch her with her design of the sets and the music and all that she did and she was helping the movie industry they came charlie chaplin was one of her friends they came and talked and shared she becomes the most popular preacher not just in america but in the world a woman with makeup with earrings wherever she would go her name would be above the name of the newspaper because her name made people buy newspapers more than the name of the paper how you like that she was that famous her ministry's doing good that's her church that's angela's temple that's inside it's got three tiers bottom second third floor and actually she's on the stage if you can see her and you can't see in the picture her house is next door she'd walk out the back door of her house onto the second balcony where there was a door and there's a ramp you can't see and she'd come down the ramp one time she came down the ramp on a motorcycle she was going to preach because the military guys had come into her special service and she had to figure out what to do and the lord said dress up like a policewoman drive a motorcycle down the ramp and blow your whistle down to stop they're all going to hell and that's how she started and that night hundreds of our military guys came to the altar with the woman who looked like a policewoman that blew a whistle and told him how to get saved that's amy she would build the first christian radio station in america the third radio station in la her radio station had so much wattage on it when they turned her on it made the other two stations lose voice and power and they tried to take her radio power away from her so she goes to the court and says you cannot tell god to be quiet so they let her be and move the other guys to other dials on the station now amy had what we call stretcher daddy of the picture of stretcher day is it up there stretch stretcher that's my favorite picture of her stretch her in her auditoriums was used in the afternoon she would not preach that's her in the white dress there notice all the folks in stretchers these are the folks who couldn't come and get in the prayer lines so she'd have a special service for those that were more serious take all afternoon and she had a rule she lay hands on people like oral roberts did she wouldn't remove it until she felt the flow stop but she believed this if it's flowing we should start getting you working so she'd start moving you and she started making it work and she prayed pretty soon you're up healed walking that's how she prayed for them are you all still with me to be in a hundred thousand seat church you're awful quiet say amen if i can preach with this voice you can amend me thank you guys thank you i like you people you're fun we all want to go home with me and help attack california that's where i live i'll take about half of you and attack california we could have a lot of fun out there crazy people live in california where there's crazy people god's people have much fun in los angeles she's more popular than under these stars and she goes to the beach to swim and repair her sermon while she's at the beach with her secretary because amy was very athletic she said if you don't have a strong body you can't obey the call of god so she was very athletic type of person she goes to the beach to swim and prepare her sermon while her secretary goes to get her some orange juice to drink amy was going to head into the ocean to swim one more time if we're going back home and preparing for service and a guy walked up to her and said are you amy mcpherson like you didn't know she goes yes she goes my the guy goes my baby's dying would you come and pray for it because we don't want our baby to die well amy sure no problem puts a towel around her walks through the sand goes up bends down to say hi to the mom and the guy pushes her in the car the lady drops what was not a baby and takes a chloroform rag and puts it over her nose and knocks her out amy mcpherson has just been kidnapped can you believe the famous preacher gets kidnapped like billy graham getting kidnapped how does billy graham get kidnapped but she was kidnapped they thought she died in the ocean and drowned because they couldn't find her body they looked they sent out boats divers all kinds and there was no body so they declared amy dead but body is lost at sea she was taken to old mexico by kidnappers and the kidnappers begin to send ransom notes to the church her mother mini kennedy takes the pastorate takes the lead of the grandchildren and the church and it's a tough time they have her funeral the church mourns her death they think she's dead she's in old mexico tied up for weeks one day she finds a little can that's open and uses it like a saw and breaks the ropes free and climbs out the window and walks to the mexican desert into arizona she walks up to the first house and nobody answers and she's about to collapse goes to the second house she collapses as the guy opens the door and can you imagine when you open your door there's a woman on the floor in front of you it's kind of a shocking view he calls the the police which is only like two policemen in the whole town because it's a little bitty town just a little bitty bitty town i was there once the only thing that ever happened of importance in that town amy showed up that day and it still their claim to fame many years later so the chief of police sits in her room until she comes too finally she comes to him he goes who are you she mumbles ironies silva mcpherson he goes no she's dead everybody knows amy's dead and she goes no i'm sister amy and she said call this number it'll be my home number so the particular calls the number and her mother answers the phone and the chief of police said is this mrs kennedy i have a woman here that says she's your daughter will you talk to her and her mom goes no would you people leave us alone you're torturing me and the kids the press had been pushing and pushing and pushing and she thought it was all jokes she would get the kidnapping ransom notes and throw them in the trash they asked for a half a million and it worked down to twenty five thousand because she kept throwing them in the trash thinking it was just fakes amy tells her mother a family secret and the revelation hits amy's alive the newspaper headlines like jesus christ amy back from the dead that headline hits l.a and other actually have a newspaper of it like jesus christ aiming back from the dead when she came home 50 000 people meet her to welcome her home they put her own child because they thought she had lied won the case as it was thrown out and amy mcpherson continued she was the spiritual governor of l.a while she was alive she fed more people than the united states government did in los angeles she's raised more money for the war effort than all the movie stars combined together a governor governs spiritually and naturally to this day her church still works feeds the poor has thousands in it i told you these two stories to show that a man can be a governor and a woman can be a spiritual governor too and to ask these that are here and these that are watching me not everybody will be a governor but some of you will be if god is called that to be in your life prepare for it physically emotionally intellectually spiritually relationally because when you govern you live in a lifetime of conflict the only peace you have is what's in your heart and by the dominion you have around you because the war will continue all over the world today there are vacant seats of authority waiting for the person to show up and start ruling that city for christ in that way as i bring my words to a close i've prayed a couple things of what to share and he said just do this so in in this vast auditorium tonight i pray for you tonight for the men and women who god may choose to govern i pray that the wrong people get out of your life i decree the right people to come into your life i pray over you a courage and a boldness i declare over you a prosperity of your soul that you'll be happy in the midst of conflict joy in the midst of battle i pray for your families to stay strong with you pray for your marriage to be strong your children to be strong i pray that nigeria shall continue to lead in revival and not fail in jesus name amen pastor be upstanding everybody did god hear your prayer and help his voice tonight african voice give the lord a big clap of hand [Applause] please remain standing one minute i hear that there are thousands of youth outside just hanging and roaming about within the premises ushers likely to work with crowd control work with security and get everyone right in here anyone who came in for this video should be right in here and if they are not here for the video they should just find their way back home but nobody should come here and hang around one young man mentioned the message titled feeling spiritual advocacy how many of you listened to it before there are vacancies everywhere that is what he just talked about and you will not miss it in jesus name can we celebrate god for the next five seven minutes are you ready lift your hands and lift your voice and let's celebrate the king of kings and don't use the opportunity to waste time if you don't have any cause to go out don't go at all go ahead and let's celebrate god for the next seven minutes let's go this can god i never see your typo this can go though blessed be your holy everybody say this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody celebrate what you've just received it's a new day for somebody here i don't even know when you did [Music] is [Music] [Music] somebody dance before [Music] god is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] somebody [Music] somebody got something in your hands i'm waving before jesus tonight is somebody alive in here somebody wave your head catcher so the king of kings i'm the lord of lords [Music] i feel like when i feel like i feel like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] hey celebrate the favor of god in your life come on i can't remember foreign [Music] you [Music] [Music] i feel like lapis [Music] i feel like [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody get a neighbor get a neighbor get a neighbor go to and clap your hands with your neighbor [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] somebody i am very very happy [Music] yes [Music] please take your seat celebrate god again with a bigger bigger hand of praise and a shout of hallelujah we have a catalogue of testimonies this morning so many testifiers that came to testify and out of them seven will come to testify please if you didn't hear your name just wait an opportunity will be created for you to testify and god will bless you in the name of jesus christ if you hear your name please you step forward quickly dr henry dr harry a mojo dr harry a mojo and then mrs ertinburk stephen if you hear your name please run forward quickly mrs ettinbach stephen grace chinka grace chinca margaret varuna margaret varuna margaret varuna pastor and mrs cnn from d.i.g.c in sukkah vincent joshua vincent joshua and pastor philemon from chicago give the lord a big hand of praise as they come dr henry mrs ertin book stephen grace chincker margaret varuna pastor and mrs cnn and vincent joshua pastor philemon from chicago give the lord a big hand of praise they are coming the dome is very large they are coming from very far celebrate god for them as they come while they come i will take this testimony on behalf of sister richard vincent who was here yesterday as the administrations were on in the evening service got7 declared that every embargo on our lives are lifted and she believed and held on to that word now she had goiter for six months she went to the hospital and the doctors confirmed that it was greater she said that she prayed her heart out that night that god will heal her of that goiter and then when she got home god using the face of his servant appeared to her and prayed for her again she woke up and goiter disappeared back to her give the lord a big big hand of praise brother if i valentine benjamin told us behind that he had this embargo placed by an evil uncle in his family the man was very very terrible for five years business stagnated he was building a house for three years could not compute the building he told us that everything around him was down and low until he came in for this convention and as prayers were on he trusted god that god will visit him he told us that that evil uncle was led to rest and money to complete that project that was abandoned for almost three years was released to him now he can finish the project and he has come to give god all the praise give the lord a bigger hand of praise dr harry confirm your name straight to the point what god did for you my name is dr henry church praise the living god our god is good i'm here today to testify his goodness in my life what god have done it was a three years incarceration three years imprisonment and then the journey was so tough but god made it possible and it was done because of what the anointing the ocean in this altar it began in 2017 that was on july 24th i was arrested it was a case between my company and our co-investors but the the complainant after the case was referred to court when i appeared in the court the judge was so aggressive and said why you do not appear in my present but to call the whole story short she reminded me in prison and then the the case continued on i attended to so imagine but god began to do his work two weeks i was in prison god began to do his work and then the servant our father appeared would appear to me in a vision and then say let us pray in the cross of prayer he roared can someone say hallelujah now he told me that god's servant her father in the lord appeared to him in that revelation and prayed for him in the prison he was in prison for three years prayed for him and then something came out of his leg he said in another encounter he saw him again he prayed for him and then gave him a new shoe he collected the shoes from his hand and then after five days the judge called for the case discharged and acquitted him and he's here today standing to give god all the praise anybody receiving new shoes here for freedom shall the lord say amen every prison and every captivity the enemy has kept you in today is the end of it forever shout the lord it's amen please visit confirm your name straight to the point what god did for you my name is etienne book stephen i'm here to give thanks to all the almighty god for his great deliverance god changed my name in the month of june this year from miss it's invocation to me stephen praise the lord the testimony is that i gave my life to christ since i was a teenager and i made up my mind to keep myself till i get married god helped me with that decision throughout bait when i grew up to a marriage-able age i discovered that marriage was difficult pseudos were coming but i was always having broken relationships either walking out of relationship because of pressure for marital sex or one thing one thing would just happen the relationship would not stand it became a big consent to me and my family one day i when i joined this commission 2019 i had an encounter i prayed god i told god that i want to have an encounter and this you should be broken and in 2019 i had an encounter with the father and our father in the lord in that dream it was as if daddy and mommy were ministering in a crusade and i was there and the way i was and where daddy and mommy were was very far and my prior points in that crusade was god i want to have a physical encounter with daddy and i asked myself after praying for so long how will you have a physical encounter with daddy where you are is very far from where daddy is and i just turned to my right i noticed that there was a story building in that camp and i told myself that should be daddy's office instead of me sitting here let me go to daddy's office and wait for him to come so i went to daddy's office and i opened the reception hall and i sat down many other people trooped in we were sitting there waiting for daddy to come but daddy came out of his office when that he came he now walked straight to me he held my hand and he started speaking in tongues but while he started crying and i was like why is daddy crying is my situation that difficult and where the scenario now changed from that his office to a little dark room and that he now stop and ask he said what did you do to this man my daughter and i told daddy something that has never happened in the dream i mean in the physical but in that dream i hate myself telling daddy i said daddy i don't know what i did to him the only thing i know is that the man came to ask my hand in marriage and after traditional marriage we were planning to do both traditional marriage and wedding and he told me that he's no longer doing wedding again he's not waiting me in that is our my church and i told him why he said because i don't want to wake you in that your church and i told him okay since you don't want to do the wedding i'm not coming to leave her husband and wife with you that announced top enough as to the ministers that were with him he said you know that because of that the man carried that and putter in this box and locked it for years and said let me see the man that will come and marry you and wait you in that your church as daddy was saying it everybody we were looking for the boss now daddy now pointed to the corner he said look at the box and when that happened that it was just looking at them now all those encounters happened and she woke up from that dream she told me that five months after her husband walked up to her spoke to her today she is happily married to the glory of god and she came to give god all the praise [Music] when they were in secondary school those who were living rough who didn't care about god have gotten married and have children they that kept themselves and didn't do anything with nobody are struggling to be married is it any use that it looks like those who do bad things succeed more so i said never i said look at me look at my wife we did the right thing and god showed us that it pays to do the right thing and i said god is going to prove to you that you did not waste your time god proved to her and in a short time the husband arrived and the story changed please you are not wasting your time at times the devil will make you feel like you are not giving bribe those who are giving bribe are doing better or you are not stealing that devil is a liar i announce to you today in the season where you are god will show you that you are taking the right step he will vindicate your right actions shout the loudest amen and please be seated please confirm your name straight to the point what god did for you praise the lord [Music] i am grace chinka i am here to testify the goodness of the lord in my life november last year 2020 i was afflicted with a pile up to the s10 i was passing out blood so somebody advised me to use a to use bitter leaf and scent leaf so that that blood would stop i did that when i did that i thought that it would finish i cannot sit down because the pile come out so what i i come to know that from my anus outside the anus there is a hole then pause we are coming out from that hole i was only using panty liner every day since from that november i was praying to god god should help me because i have never seen this kind thing i was going from here to here to get medicine what tradition and medical drugs is not iv so june ending june that they did a video here my daughter invited me to this series i came we prayed after prayer people were giving testimony and when i was hoping if i reach home i will see everything has finished i reach home i still find myself like that then i taught my last daughter that i will never stop coming here until i am healed then i continue coming when i hear so many people give testimony on pal i key on it two weeks back when we came tuesday prayers i went back home i noticed that that pantyliner there is no any post again and the place is healed the palm has gone praise the lord kill the king of kings and the lord of lords and lord shadow praise terrible situation she just described god healed without surgery burst of feeling those two conditions are two separate things the pile is hemorrhage the whole is fistula you know both of them needed two different surgeries to repair them god did it at once give the lord a big clap of hand please confirm your name again now straight to the point what god did um david philemon i want to thank god for the great privilege of connection it pays to be connected to the right grace it pays to drink from the right sauce and it pays to pay whatever price to maintain that connection i thank god for the life of my father and mother the covering i enjoyed here is reflecting in every aspect of my life so i'm just going to go very quick uh in 2019 when we came here for the minister's conference daddy prayed and after the prayers were talking and he prayed for me he said be the answer be the answer be be the answer three times and i was like okay that is mentioning be the answer three times and i went back i said lord what are the questions what are the questions on the plane i had an encounter with that ddr when i was returning back to the united states i had an encounter with daddy and he spoke to me on getting back to chicago in september the lord said to me remember what i told you keep your ears in my heart not just in my mouth so you can hear what i'm thinking about before others know what i'm saying so i kept my ears in his heart and in october he showed me in september i showed my vision that i didn't understand so well but i was praying about it when i received a call from daddy and when daddy talked and he prayed a strange prayer he said may god give you clarity about everything he's showing you and i'm like i didn't even tell daddy i received a vision that is i'm confused about no october the lord showed me the coronavirus then he said give serve the people coming on for seven weeks so i showed them october no october 2019 and i prophesied it announced in the church i wept because the lord said there's nothing you can do about it it will come and it will invade the earth but inoculates the people we did that and and i told them the lord said if he touches you it dies if you touch it it dies in november we still did a community so coming on for 14 weeks so in 2020 when the virus broke out the lord said you can't stop any service so we held service all through and to the glory of god not a single person in our congregation was afflicted and we have several medical personnel to the glory of god so moving forward at the same the same year god helped us to plant so many churches even in nigeria he gave us grace to start planting more churches in the same year of the virus god blessed us income wise church multiplied everything kept growing then fast forward strange order of miracles liver diseases brain aneurysms and all kinds miracles that happen in the church like no man's business and of course everyone knows i'm connected to my father the next instruction god gave me was in 2021 you're going to hold 365 days service in america you hold service 365 days minimum of two hours and i said yes to the lord and god helped us and and and oh i miss one during the virus during the outbreak that he called me one day and he asked he said what is the situation in your country how is it affecting the church so i told him i said this is we are not stopping service and he said you can't stop service you know if it's not for the government and here ninja we won't stop any service i said yes we're not stopping service so we multiplied our services because i received boldness and strength and we multiply the services and now in 2021 we started the 365 days a revival prayer meeting every single day we met in church we meet sunday we do three services and of course healing and deliverance on tuesday morning and then in the evening whole services now for the glory of god within this period of 365 days we think that church will struggle church multiplied numerically people started coming in from all over the place personally life became great finances multiplied investment started growing up i started buying companies and god bless us with five solid driving companies right now to the glory of god investment growing god blessed us to purchase as almost like a mini city but a property paid like a city paid fully for it and nothing by the grace of god to the glory of god so god has been so faithful and that's why i asked people in nigeria what's stopping you from coming you are in nigeria your ministry is struggling and this is the place to come and get connected and you're just struggling are you not coming to get connected i want to thank god for the privilege of connection i want to thank god for daddy and mommy thank you so much sir financially god has blessed us we can't begin to talk numbers now to the glory of god but everything is working i mean literally everything on thursday was my 44th birthday yesterday was my authentic marriage anniversary and and everything is working give the lord a bigger bigger hand of praise and the august conference always holds in his birthday and is a very great sacrifice and his wife oh we can celebrate you in america and it comes all the time i prophesy to somebody here very soon your story will be mega jesus precious please confirm your name and what god did for you hallelujah by god's privilege my name is pastor if i'm cnn and here with me is my lovely wife precious evelyn cnn amen the cnn we used to watch amen we were sent to the land of sukkah to pastor the igc sukkah by god's mercy we are here to celebrate god's faithfulness and help in our family mighty things he has been doing to us as a people and as a commission first of all when we step into the land a pastor came around that is following the commission and told me he is the 10th pastor of the place where he sent it's a commission that is known for healing and deliverance and then 10 passed on the 20 i said what happened he said it is um that some of the ministers that were sent there before him some slopped on the altar some received some dangerous arrows and so on so when something happened to you you are replaced with another pastor so i said well i know where i'm connected in my heart if you are just following we are here we are the one that you are following so there is something that has been impacted in us i wasn't paid off as time went on a year later one of our past one of our member ran into my office he was shivering what is the matter he said look at somebody is calling me that he's called an idol priest there's a name they call him in their in their dialect he mentioned the name so i said so what's the matter he said he called him that his picture was brought to him to eliminate him i said if his picture was brought to you to be eliminated so why are you here why hasn't he be able to eliminate you i say relax so i prayed for him i said let him call you again i have something to tell him so right there he called and i picked the phone the man asks who is this i say he is the son of the person you are threatening if you call this line again your obituary the man switched off that was it later one one of them called me he said my picture was sent to him i said to do what he said that i should come and see him i said if you call this line again you are a dead man a letter type a text zika [Music] to him that was the end this is the third time they have been calling me from there now finally last year when we were to plant digs in ingredients posters are out banners has been spread ham bills has been spread did rally the program was to start on a tuesday so on saturday of it somebody called me from there he said that he heard that there's one ritual festival that they call inward anybody from that as is know this festival is very diabolic and opportu at the end of the festival somebody must die so finally when he told me that that by that very monday that proceed tuesday what happened is that by 12 noon all the people will go inside indoor because masquerade will parade and that means the implication means throughout that week nobody comes out once it is 12. so i told the members on that very tuesday we are going to be having prayer in the church then when we came together for prayer i was very angry in the spirit i said this nonsense have to stop church activity is locked down in this community every year when such a thing is happening i said there is a god in heaven that have sent us if judgment does not happen upon these people they will continue this nonsense so we i made brutal declaration then the next day which is wednesday one of our brothers staying there called me he said that the chief general idol priest slept that tuesday night and in the morning he couldn't wake up i told him well that is just the beginning i would be surprised if nothing happened then the next weekend we went for the program detroit planting that very first day after the service while we were driving home we realized it rained heavily in usuka but around that as his name was it didn't rain now the the final day of the crusade while we're going my wife told me are you aware that it's not only that chief i do please that die as i'm not aware so when we got home i called the brother that shed that told her i said what really happened he said sorry sir i thought you were aware i said no i'm not aware he said do you know that four of those idol priests were laid to rest in the course of that year whatsoever now four of them were laid to rest and so the festival could not fool the crusade that was planned held to the glory of god and they are here to say lord we are grateful to you now his wife can you come and then please be brief was involved in a very very terrible accident she told us that well the accident was happening she was making declarations and calling on the mantle of the commission and it was like something raptor in the vehicle she told me three people died in that vehicle inside that vehicle and then she was the one helping them out helping people out god saved us from that accident terrible pictures she came with and they are here to give god all the praise celebrate god with a bigger bigger hand of praise give the lord a big clap and a shadow praise this commission has a very dangerous judgmental man too and anybody who is ready to die is the only one that stands in front of a moving train kill the lord and be clapping his shadow praying please confirm your name straight to the point what god did for you my name is mangrex faruna i have come to return all the glory to the almighty god and to us this is my husband by my side here we have come to return all the glory to god and to redeem my vow i also want to testify to the fact that nobody is finer i got married in the year 2000 the seventh year of my marriage the lord blessed me with a baby girl barely a week for the girl the baby to become 10 months i started bleeding i bled for one year after one year i was taken to this theater for the second time and it was discovered that there was a hole between my vagina my and the writing a sample was taken from there and after later i was told i have cancer of the vagina and that begins did you hear that in my life did you hear what she just said a hole between the rectum and the vagina what that is written to vagina fistula which means that feces will be coming through our private part excreta yes and then cancer of the vagina terrible god i was referred to a teaching hospital where i was told that i cannot give back again if they gave me the treatment that i have to look for a surrogate who will carry pregnancy for me but i told them that how the children of israelites cross the red sea i don't know i know science has been able to discover it's up to today i am coming out i'm going to come out i don't know the same year 2009 i was invited to healing and deliverance service in area one in the course of administration the senior pastor gave a testimony of a woman who could not read and write but when she while she was in the uh do some she was able to read that right i heard a voice that told me that at the gallery then that i should enroll for the same class but i left i didn't arrow i did a surgery in november 2009 and for three years i carried the wound there was no healing i was going about smelling by after the surgery second time because the first one felt i was taken back to this theater after the second one a doctor who is one of the members of the team advised us to seek for help outside we went to india and were told the same thing that i should forget about giving birth and by the time they gave give me radio i'm not going to give back again but we left in agreement with my husband that we have had testimony in nigeria the same god that did for others who do it for us by 2012 with a wound i manage an arrow for do some i need the course of the program i had the privilege of meeting with a senior pastor who prayed with me and encouraged me that i should get some of his steps nobody is finer judgmental fire and others i listened to the tape religiously and by his grace i saw it befriend me another me who came out of me and by 2013 the lord healed me of that wound by his great grace and mercy in 2018 i came back to do something again for more fire and perfection of my healing in the course of the program by the same hospital i was taken back to the theater and they still took a sample and was told that no more cancer no more traces of cancer the lord did not stop here in 2020 by his grace and mercy the same person that was written up medically the lord wrote me in and here i am with the evidence that nobody is final you cannot give back again now you have twins in your hands are you just sitting and looking like that [Applause] do some is dunamis school of ministry can solve the cancer of the vagina with very very extensive surgeries that couldn't be healed with radiotherapy at the end that destroyed the ovaries and destroyed everything forget about giving birth to children forget it for life let another person give birth for you surrogate motherhood but you can carry a child she went to dynamic school of ministry acquired fire at first and went for fire but two and after that the wound got healed on the spot back to the hospital no trace of cancer and god said to show you it's not an accident i'm going to give you not a child double for your trouble if only one was born you would say it's a mistake multiple pregnancies evidence of hyper fertility is that right yes yes yes you're over fetter over fetal right god said they said you don't have one let me show you are over fatigue let me give you two are you excited in what god is doing stand on your feet and give him the praise give him the praise give him the praise let's celebrate let's celebrate it for just 2-3 minutes [Music] [Music] these children came after 13 years that's after 13 years they have a first one that took seven years to come there is infertility problem before and then after that one cancer came that wasn't the fertility problem that lasted for 10 years secondary infertility plus devastation of cancer plus devastation of radiotherapy triple hella god deleted it and this is the evidence is there anything the devil said you cannot become as you dance for the next three minutes that vedic shall be canceled one of the messages she listened to was titled no vedic is final if you want god to cancel any verdict in your life celebrate for the next three minutes are you ready let's go [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] away [Music] freedom [Music] hey all the [Music] the way of jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all the way [Music] one more time [Music] please visit [Music] hallelujah awesome god doing awesome things taking us further tonight is special administration we'll be having the following people come up to minister first on the list is mrs umachiku followed by nene olajide then prosper or chi mana give the lord a clap offering as they come in this order [Music] foreign [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] [Music] another [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's right [Music] [Music] [Music] be [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] no foreign [Music] [Music] life [Music] yes [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] right [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] we wait [Music] on fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] lay your hands on me [Music] lay your hands on me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] that song was received by the singer nene olajide kwame nanakane just many of our pastors visiting here might not be aware of that song originally by neola hallelujah [Music] open the eyes of my heart [Music] [Music] to see [Music] love [Music] open the eyes of my heart the eyes of my heart [Music] [Music] [Music] to see you [Music] is [Music] [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] tv [Music] god [Music] we [Music] we need to know [Music] [Music] [Music] we need your career we need [Music] [Music] we need you now now now we need you [Music] we need you [Music] we need you now [Music] [Music] [Music] believe me [Music] tell me [Music] in your glory come in your fullness [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah to [Music] [Music] sing hallelujah when we sing hallelujah see christ is freezing from the dead [Music] see christ is [Music] is hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] lift up your hands [Music] hallelujah [Music] to the lord get your hearts out i enter through the holy of holies [Music] again [Music] all the love [Applause] [Music] you i worship you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift up your hands everywhere you are this is not the right time to sleep [Music] everywhere you are i perceive there is something the lord wants to drop right now he wants to drop something on somebody will you lift your hands i see a release that's right just like the theme of our year i see something being released for somebody i see a release something tied down just about to be released then i see a recovery a recovery something that was lost about to be returned then i see a multiplication a multiplication a grace an ability something you have is about to be multiplied a wisdom and anointing a gifting is about to motivate that's right it's already happening lift your hands higher there is a moment where you are just accurately sensitive like elisha if you see me when i'm taken it's a catch-up moment leave the hands high a mantle is about to drop something is about to be released especially from for someone who came from outside the country get your hands high maintain quietness if you can whisper that name jesus [Music] [Laughter] uh [Music] everywhere father let that release happen [Music] that's right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] quietness of the until world everywhere everywhere you are we spot the name jesus receive vcss receive the release receive receive the release receive the release receive the release receive the release receive the release receive the release receive the release receive the release receive the release receive the release receive the release receive the release receive receive the release receive the release receive the release receive the release receive the release receive [Applause] receive the release receive the release receive receive the release receive the release liberate the sea calabar receive the release receive the release receive the release receive [Music] [Music] [Music] if [Music] is [Music] [Music] that shut up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fresh brand new organs fresh every system can mislead us organs [Music] [Applause] where are you from ghana nothing bad [Music] [Music] this is a season for recovery you are aware you came here tonight asking god lord i want it back i want it back i want that grace back that thing i used to feel that thing i used to experience father who is that person let let the release let the recovery the mantle for recovery fall now take it take it that's right that's right that's fine everywhere everywhere it's coming back it's coming back it's coming back it's coming back take it back take it back take it back take it back take it back take it back [Music] take it back take it back [Music] by take it back [Applause] take it back receive it back all the way on the galleries all the way on the second gallery receive it back receive it but receive it back receive it but receive it back it's your child and somebody's oil is multiplying [Music] grace is increasing evangelistic grace apostle in grace it's multiplying is multiply let your hands high get set and receive the multiplication and when you are there when you are there when you are there when you are there literally all right let's have your hands full [Music] my father [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus and now everyone lift up your twins whatever it is that pertains to you at this hour you are asking the lord i receive it whatever pertains to me at this hour whatever has been packaged for me at this hour [Music] have i prayed for you before i prayed for you before when was not now before now but i have prayed with you personally before lift your hands i fight on your behalf idol altars ancestral shrines powers of strong native doctors today is your end in your life and in your family in jesus precious me every arrows and projections on your life and destiny from the sukkah area fire it is set on fire you are set free you are set free you are set free every altar every shrine from that area from that territory his power is set on fire the area where the man who was testifying his talking was talking about the arrows the altar the way zucchini soccer area yoke is broken are you from there in that area too he told you all right it's set on fire lift stand stand up in your face still shut up all right all right all right all right all right get your hands congratulations fire jacob lift your hands higher ido altas and shrines set on fire everyone here today who is a victim [Music] a victim of such shrines a victim of such altars a victim of such shrines a victim of such artists a victim of such powers a victim of such influence today they are set on fire [Applause] incredible lift your hands high right now water altar [Applause] is set on fire right now second fire right now set on fire right now every manipulation from the marine world every manipulation from the occultic ramps they are set on fire now set on fire now set on fire now set on fire [Applause] let your hunter hmm [Music] [Music] i take authority over spiritual relationships your tenure expired hmm [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] lift your hands high right now you are going to tell the lord what you have for me release it on me now say to god say father what you have for me today release it for me now whether you are being old or you are owing the yoke is broken did you hear what i said whether you have been old or you are owing the yoke is broken the delay of release is over snail speed is arrested [Applause] work of witchcraft and bitterness and envy there are people who say but i don't even have anything what are they envied me for it's because of where you are going fire of the holy ghost lift your toes up and you are going to receive what is here for you today the spirit of the dead masquerade spirit today is the end of it ancestral spirits free free free free free help the demonic spirit that wants to stand between you and your marriage today it is broken today it is broken i set you free from every demonic spirit interfering in your marital relationship you want to sleep and then another person sleeps between you and your husband fire you are free you are free you are free spirit children are rested spirit children are arrested has been arrested lift your hands eye my shout out [Music] i bring you out of that demonic heart where the enemy kept you that demonic heart what god has for you today you're going to receive it now on the count of three you scream i receive and you place your hand on your head see that something is dropping for you hit your hands high i decree that you receive now what god has in store for you receive now what god has in store for you receive now what god has in store for you i am seeing a child that meets a brain transplant that needs a new brain somebody's child born with a brain deficiency and if that person is around me or you are connected to a child maybe it's like dropping saliva from the mouth it's like five six brand new brain for this child brand new brain brand new brain for these children it is done sleep and wake up with a new brain abnormal child today is his bad day and it's nine years and his brain is not working father gave him a birthday gift out out jesus name it's okay it's all right come down come down the name of jesus brand new brain brand new brain it's all right you remember where you are remember where you are all the parents returning such child place your hand on the head of the children i will never believe that there are so many children like that here except that god reveals it father give the children brand new brains in the name of jesus they return back with testimony you don't need to bring them here right now brand new brain lift your toes everywhere you are brand new brain brand new lift your hands high and at the encounter three you place your hand on your head and scream i receive divers encounters healing encounters deliverance encounters breakthrough encounters in particular encounters click your hands let it flow let it flow let it flow let it flow let it flow let the fire from the throne let it flow [Music] hey let it [Music] please [Music] [Music] oh [Music] from the tree [Music] [Music] let hey go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] let the fire [Music] receive an invitation for your hunger spiritual hunger out of their belly shall flow rivers of living water your dryness season is over forever your dryness season is over forever stand them up if your hands your dryness season is over forever the wild wing spirit that blows the things that are yours is arrested right now altar of insanity in the family is cancelled fire the holy ghost lift your hands high lift your hands are you ready to receive are you ready to receive when i count up to three you place your hand on your head and scream counter to three in the name of jesus come let me take off that ring from your hand spiritual relationship spirit husband whatever it is molestation jesus name every covenant on your hand coming out of your life is broken lit your hands high how are you doing man how are you doing you are very good not very perfect you still hearing voices voices something on the head yes and in the house where i'm staying there is something walking around the ceiling and i have terrible headache bp then even as i come i'm not even it is over that pressure of the mind that the enemy wanted to turn to madness which failed trying to recall has failed again fire power of the holy ghost total freedom are you ready to receive an account of three touch your toe touch your toe enemy chain on your waist is now broken every chain in your your body is now broken lift up your hands i want you to ask him and let him tell you all about that enemy chain on your waist is for how long how many years more than 23 years now more than 23 years the children moving forward going backwards lift your hands fire of the holy ghost it is broken ask for physical symptoms of that waste lift up your hands right now in the name of jesus lift your two hands and at the count of three you place it on your head and scream i receive somebody here is receiving a molestation in the dream but is not a person but an animal don't be shy find out from these two one two the one in the yellow on this one the two hands at the count of three you place the hand on your head and scream i received [Music] [Music] [Music] free [Music] let it flow leave the hands high and at the count of three in the name of jesus one two three place the under your head and scream i receive father what you are dropping the healing the deliverance the miracle the sign the wonder let it be released from the front to the back all the gallery everywhere in the overflows all locations in the name of jesus one two three i receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus go ahead and give him the yes go ahead and pray and establish it and establish it and establish it and establish it and establish it and establish it and establish [Music] oh [Music] fire is burning everywhere fire is spawning everywhere fire is burning everywhere yolks are breaking everywhere chains are breaking yes yes yes yes stand this guy up hit your hands spell of failure broken the next attempt shall be successful don't know what attempt that is get your hands on giving the place [Music] and there is no need to worry [Music] there is no need to feel the battle may be ready [Music] by the name [Music] hey hey hey where you are there [Music] when you are there [Music] [Music] into fire um [Music] [Music] every demonic package in your body every demonic luggage in your body every anything my father in heaven has not planted in your life they are protected and returned back to hell in the name of jesus give the lord a clap of understanding please [Music] take your seat one minute [Music] before you tell us what happened here people that came here with bone situations lower back pains crippling conditions arthritis joint situations bumping crisis broken bones so and so on and so forth the power of god has healed you if you are in any such condition you stand up on your feet where you are situations that have to do with the bones with the joints with situations like that maybe you came with a broken bone twisted leg couldn't even walk or carry yourself at all if you came with a cane or a crutch or a stick you can lift it up because god just healed you yes leave that clean up yes leave that up now i'd like you to check yourself because you are healed doing all the things you couldn't do before just do all the things you couldn't do before that's right walk forward walk forward if you are able to do all the things you couldn't do before walk forward with your cane lifted with your crotch lifted that's right walk forward give the lord the praise wherever you believe that i will follow you [Music] you will be done in my life no no they will stay on this side now listen to this i want to ask you this is an international minister's flaming fire conference don't shift an inch until the grace is shared check yourself now the pain in the joint is gone the pain in the bone is gone or whatever join them forward not just those who have the stick the pain in the joint is gone the pain in the bone is gone the pain in the whatever pain you have is gone join them forward here and right now i take authority over every bone pain condition over every broken bone i take authority over these locations i command broken bones to be mended i command this located bones to be relocated i command joints to be healed i command pains to disappear in jesus preciously going ahead a step forward if help help help her if you kill her with a cane or a stick lift it up lift it up as you come i saw a woman with the umbrella who came here walking with it lift it up as you come give the lord the praise some of our pastors can attend to this one and then we go here how many of you came with your expectation form please we have not prayed upon them throughout the conference and we are going to make declarations on them now let's know what happened here those coming with healing should go to that side and those who receive the word should just be here let's see what happening very accurate prophetic words sir this is sister adobe you walked to her and said i take authority over spirits husband relationships she told me that she had a dream where a man tried to molester in the dream and then it resulted into several afflictions went to the hospital they told her she had fatty acid and then discovered fatty liver fatty liver you tell him then i had two ghastly motor accidents yes after that evil encounter in the dream but her world just came here lift up your hands you will not die you will leave you fulfill the purpose of god for your life this is mrs emmanuel you walked to her and said i take authority over spirit husband molestations somebody sleeping between you and your husband that was what she told me that is exactly experiencing she'd been having really yes sir she would see a man sleeping in between herself and her husband oh no and then there have been several issues with the marriage terrible condition sir she has remained in that position until she came to church this year she sees a man sleeping between her and her husband persistently that was the word that was the step forward here lift up your hands and i speak to you today anyone in such a situation where there is a demonic spirit interfering with your marriage interfering with your own interfering with your business today the affliction is go in the name of jesus over over over over that is the kind of god i want to serve not guess work let's go sir this is our pastor from dijc enugu ezekiel you walked to him and you said i fight on your behalf every idol alter a sense trash right power of strong native doctor fighting your life arrows of projection against your life from sukkah area very precise he said there's this demonic strong man in that locality walked to him and said let me see how this church will grow he said severally on bike with his wife and children god delivered them severally from accident the man will go you know poisoned the heart of the community not to come to church in front of our church and was showing them the church after after that i wish i saw where he sent an arrow i told my wife this man just sent an arrow to church now let me go to church reaching to the church on on the other like this i saw white pidgey we have a teddy and the pigeon was a vested and killed lift your hands and we are talking of occultic and witchcraft projections yes sir congratulations for your freedom list of your hands in the name of jesus i use him as a point of contact any pastor here that is battling demonic powers in the neighborhood or any businessman or anybody like that powers of darkness fighting and attacking the work of your hands today it is over forever in the name of jesus so very precise and accurate this is mrs ogechuku you said to her i bring you out of that demonic pot where the enemy kept you from that demonic shrine she said she consistently sees herself inside a big pot struggled to come out but to no avail came into the service today married for two years all manner of reproductive issues nothing working family terribly afflicted life grounded and i believe we believe every word that is for someone here that belongs to you is also your deliverance can i announce to anybody whose life has been caged the enemy has kept your life and destiny in in a prison today you are out out out out out and go and bring forth your children somebody shout i am out can you take this all right take this one and then we'll go going up to the high places to tear that devil's kingdom now this brother ephraim you you said to him the spell of failure is broken the next attempt you shall be successful sadly failure is not just on him he's on the family struggle everywhere he managed to graduate and who believe today his life it's done going up to the high places to tear the devil's kingdom down let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] is yes yes sir you walked to sister peace noah pulled her out of the crowd and pretty far on the isle you were addressing water spirits and marine altars setting them on fire when i asked her she says she dreams seeing herself frequently in in the dream swimming swimming with accompanying spirit spouse molestations and that has occasioned um she said there is a hepatitis in her system had three children all diagnosed with hepatitis she came in to this service came in for this convention desperate for a divine encounter she said she had seen you in in a dream of the night when you prayed for anointing her you said to her daughter don't worry everything will be fine and then in another dream she saw you serving her holy communion now after about the hepatitis she said there's a setback with which she came into the service i've all gone now she's able to do everything she was not able to do before somebody say in the name of jesus i am out everywhere i have been kept that is not of god i am out completely out sir this accuracy is frightening remember when you went there you stood up amongst them and said somebody has been molested sexually or not by a woman by an animal by an animal yes and nobody indicated and you pass and you asked me to interview her one other lady yes she said married for eight years 11 miscarriages and a serpent will come from her father's house and come and meet her and say why are you currently doing another thing caring bible that she belongs to the serpent and this happened to molesting her serpent molestation her husband she said her husband saw it the first day they married so that's not have you ever heard of serpent molestation the serpent said you are his wife who even asked me to marry that before i was born don't i know he knows everything about oh my god he would talk to a very old man the old man we laughed he said look at money you are doing the opposite you will remain poverty you will remain dead and answer she is a man she enjoys evangelism and just four days ago in the dream of the night she saw a wooden stick painted with white chalk that said he needs blood he needs blood four days ago her elder sister died immediate senior sister and returned she saw the same wound again crying for blood and her world just came you are free somebody stand up on your feet it's a serious matter lift your hands on your voice and say in the name of jesus i belong to jesus i don't belong to any devil i owe no devil anything in the name of jesus i shall fulfill god's purpose for my life now pow be free be free be free be free from that demonic molestation be free from that supreme time occultic ritual molestation in the name of jesus take your sin that's the kind of god i like to serve this is sister audra noiser you walked up to her and said the embargo is lifted demonic packages in your body are uprooted exact prophetic water she told me that her in her family nothing is working for herself for her husband nothing is working as she's standing she has she had issues with her kidney oh my god and the world just came stepping here embargo lifted demonic package everything somebody said every stranger in my body you have no place can you say atlanta say in the name of jesus in the name of jesus every stranger in my body every stranger in my body do you know that medically speaking there are people who carry things in their body they are not aware until there is a medical checkup today is the end of it see every stranger in my body every stranger today is your end today is your end you are living now you are living now on your mind on your market get set shout out go go command that kid need to be healed and be cleared and be cleaned and be cleansed and behold in the name of the doctor please come is that a pain told me she came with very terrible excruciating pain now she's getting power it's over this is sister grace johnson very accurate prophetic word walked up to her and said i take authority over that spirit of death she told me that her brother graduated from unia greek that same week he died and then everybody that sees her tells her you are the next to die the last church she attended it was a constant prophetic word for her that she will die next to them it is cancer it is the last time you heard about death for you is the last forever stand over here anyone appointed to die i declare is see he says where there is no vision the people perish that is why god many times would like to unveil things to this to to take the devil by surprise i decree today every everyone appointed to die every verdict of death that is around your life today that verdict is cancelled cancelled cancelled cancelled cancelled cancelled i declare the interception of the demon of death for you today all who came from different countries you return back to your countries in safety say amen like a believer give the lord the press check yourself sir this is mr chidi okay the word that came for him was the chain on your waist is broken he said for 36 years now since 1985 that chain have been there always sees it on the waist tying off yes in the dream tie the waist he said he's from a native doctor family and he is meant to be the next custodian of that altar he was meant to be the next native doctor of what we call in america witch doctor and he decided not to be he said no so it's your priest yes it's more like since you have refused to service this altar let's see how far you can go millions tied out can't gain access physically pain on that waste still that's right then his word came this morning step over here how many of you are trusting god to be untied from anything that ties you whatever tithe your business is untied whatever tithe that church growth is untied whatever tied you you down from getting married that's right i'm speaking to a young lady right now whatever tied you down from getting married tied you down from getting a job tied you down from getting getting stepping into your destiny the chain is broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken broken and the millions that are tied down i declare them released now and all that god is saying to you is if you will be very very faithful to serve him the way the devil wanted you to serve the devil you will have no devil to be afraid of step forward high level sacrificial service everything that you own and have covenanted to jehovah you will be shocked it is done anyone who is from a strong occultic family or as a leader of demonic powers today the powers are broken yes in the same vein you singled out pastor chima from the congregation and the word that came for him was whether you have been owed or you are owing the yolk is broken the delay of release is broken snail speed is arrested he said before he got into ministry he was in into business and a lot of his monies are tied down and then the word located him this morning and the snail spirit is both ministry is a struggle sorry too ministries history trouble since you touched me okay now you can stand leg affliction for two years yes no he couldn't like he stood now just just run give the lord the praise stand over here within seven days time somebody here what you've been expecting that has been delayed payment that belongs to you that has been tied within seven days from today you will testify it is released they are released give the lord the praise sir this is no no no there's a prophetic action i'd like you to celebrate the release of resources you going to do that stand up on your feet for two minutes or three minutes [Music] yep [Music] [Music] lift [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] and the lord of lords the shadow praise if you receive your release the way you will celebrate god do it now want to go give him a shout of victory [Applause] [Music] amen take your seat in the presence of the lord yes sir you walked up to her and the word that came for her is that spirit molestation is over she confirmed the world to be very accurate she's been married for eight years and within that eight years she has experienced molestation four times in the dream and that led to the pack up over married last year after the death of our second child said the husband just suddenly changed and since then i think they separated physically and they are no longer together and she believes that god has located that finally and that will lead to the restoration of our marriage you are restored stretch your hands father in the name of jesus restore this life yes the ring i mentioned about the ring that's the ring of spiritual relationship it is over power of the holy ghost be free and may your marriage work in the physical so this is rama ibrah ibrahim you walked to her and you said she's hearing voices now she said 10 years ago she built a house in karmajiji now when she stepped into the house in the dream of the night she saw a dragon flew into the ceiling and then she started hearing voices and noise and anytime the noise starts it will be a particular part of her head that will be aching she came in that condition with headache and then numbness on the legs at the instance of that word all the pains are gone and now she's free congratulations now she says sir that she's the only christian from her family oh yes sir others are from the other religion congratulations do you know what i said sir because you are not mad that is what it ever wants congratulations and you remain normal calmly have millions on your head jesus name you are free from that agenda of hell in jesus name so we can call this spiritual scan you said to him that your hunger is you came hungry to be satisfied and number two you said dryness is over number three you said the white wind that blows away what is yours is also arrested number four you said the altar of insanity is also arrested he confirmed by saying that he came here with up and down spirituality as you mentioned that word fire entered him number two he said dry as much as he couldn't pay to come to this place he's struggling financially number three he said he married three years ago at the age of 42. now he doesn't have a house to stay he's living in his wife's house in the family house of the wife that is where he's living right now nothing is working he's an evangelist and number four he said the stepfather that raised him died a madman wow step over here lift up your hands in the name of jesus so he said that a month ago you appeared to him and said i prepared a table before you you didn't come but now don't miss this one wow somebody give the king the shout of praise are you are you you are quiet because it is not you just imagine that you are the one standing here and i prophesy upon you where you are whatever belongs to you tonight is released is released is released is released the dryness is over the limitation is over embargo lifted amen in jesus name amen give the lord the praise sister joy he had a bike accident in december 2020 and she said the the tile was broken that it lapped on it on themselves and they had to use iron a metal to straighten it up and after the operation was it was actually operated upon afterwards on her knee was here pains she couldn't bend it because of the pain she feel there now while the prayer was on she realized that the pain the leg is now free the pain is gone and she could walk without the aid of this how did you walk when you came show us how you walk with it okay you have to to support the leg because of the pain on it you can move without it now give a lot of praise and there is still a mental person inside father thank you leave your hands jesus name it is over if i get two or three more testimonies we can then rush to the next level sir this is sister chingy she came into service with arthritis that lasted for two years in west pain she said when you say place your hand on your head and shout i receive she placed her hand on her head and shout i received shouted i received and the pain in the west took off she said she can walk properly now for two good years it's over walk there give the lord the praise god come over here come back get off your hands talk me with your hands [Music] o talk me with your hands lion of judah turn me with your hands jesus [Music] please don't let me go the way i came today touch me with your hands [Music] please don't let me go the way i came today [Music] touch me with your hands yes sir our sister here came into the service today with neil problem since 2006 2016 couldn't belt daniel and then at the back there see n1l2 form of um dislocation also she couldn't bend at all while we were declaring yes sir now right now she can bend all the pain congratulations totally healed lift up your hands what we see in the physical house is spiritual i don't know why but i take authority over the serpentine spirit you have no place in this body and in this life and in this family but jesus name be free completely be free completely be free completely be free completely be free completely what happened to her sir 26 years ago when she was born she came out with a fractured hand left hand oh she came out had a bad injury when she came out the left hand was fractured the nurses pulled their hands pulled the hand pulled the hand and fracture the hand since then she has not been able to flex the hand where was the fracture are you with her this is the elder she came all the way from my back really sister why you gave the worst place yes from bed 26 years ago why you gave the world that fractured bones were being mended power landed on her hand and now she can lift up the hand for the first time in 26 years otherwise how are you how was it before it's just like this just like this come into the bag and can't go to the back neither could it go up for any reason can you give the lord a big club do you know the meaning of that to you anything that followed you from your birth are you ready for this every negative tendency negative infirmity that followed you from the womb of your mother whatever is negative following you from the move boom of your mother today it is over yeah yeah yeah over and over over something happened to her he touched me he touched me and that fills my soul [Music] sometimes [Music] he taught me [Music] [Music] you're off my soul a jesus by jesus [Music] you are the same [Music] you are the same [Music] what happened so while you prayed for this sister a while ago she is a foreign delegate from cameroon you said you saw something like a serpentine altar and i did ask her she said yes most of the time she sleeps she sees snakes in her sleep and that word was precise to a fault congratulations it is over dr roberts i don't know whether that is strange to you but we have a lot of powers of the enemy that in africa that manifest in different ways to manage people somebody could have a waist pain physically but then that is something in the realm of the spirit sent by a witch doctor a jew jude priest manifested like a snake or something around the waist you deal with that in the realm of the spirit then it's healed in the physical i'm sure that in america they don't have such things they have different demons [Laughter] different different sets of drugs and other kinds of demons something happened what happened to this is i'll pray for her still what happened to her sir this is a very drastic divine intervention for sister for lashade um 2016 2016 her elder brother died of cancer and then for the past four years she too came down with an affliction that was later diagnosed two years ago to be colorectal cancer oh yes sir she's gone through chemotherapy and then had a radiotherapy and a colostomy diversion so she has a colostomy bag right now right now do you know the mean of that she has a colostomy bag right now so she is not defecating through the normal route is coming out through the abdomen now she has a tube now that takes her has stuff out from the abdomen that's right there she couldn't sit couldn't stand couldn't do nothing was assisted into this service tonight by three people they carried her into the service and she was lying down all the way at the back there while you were ministering and made declarations that whatever you couldn't do before begin to do it right now right there where she was lying down the power of god landed on her located her there and she stood up all the pains with which she came into the service have disappeared when i wanted to test whether she could she could walk she started running she was able to sit able to walk that was scandinavian valley carried here into the carrier here yes sir this is her husband husband that usher they testified is there any other person who saw where she was lying down or on the gallery up there the second level she said the devil did everything to stop them from coming to sit down is a problem don't lie down is a problem but i managed to lie down trust when the administration was going i wanted to look at those people that are singing i couldn't i was not able to stand up i would just i would lie down there don't dance dancing dancing i said i cannot do this i'm looking for where to lie down because i cannot and now the power of god you able to do everything glory to god and she is even running not just not just walking or or trying to stand up she could not walk for how long she's been down for a very long time she couldn't after the regular terrific she became so weak we didn't want to come to him because of the our state was really bad tonight we didn't want to come at all because she was so weak what a mighty might this is very drastic that's your sister it's well with you this world this world it's well with you it's well with you it's well with you died of cancer 2016 and now she's the grace of god a brother the immediate senior following and then the immediate sinner of this one died of cancer four years ago and the devil wants to kill this one of cancer again can you people please stand up on your feet the healing is done but i want you to take authority over every negative family pattern every negative family cycle in your own life in your own family [Music] swell in the name of jesus pray after me say father today today i come before you come before you to reject to reject and refuse i refuse every negative pattern every negative every negative family pattern negative family pattern in my life in my life around my family around my family pattern pattern or premature death premature death pattern pattern of marital failure marital failure pattern in the name of jesus the name of jesus by the blood of jesus the blood of jesus every negative pattern around my life you are you are broken you are destroyed by the fire the fire the holy spirit [Music] the reproach is over amen the reproach is over amen you don't bury another person of cancer amen father thank you for this healing is done thank you for this deliverance system thank you for this breakthrough storm thank you because the enemy has lost the battle the battle for the soul the battle for this life blessed your name father let the inner and rectal and colorectal region heal back let the colostomy be discontinued and let her pass stool through the normal avenue let every cancer cell die in the body fire of the holy ghost every cell of cancer die life is released in the name of jesus [Music] we have so many people standing to testify if we continue we may not be able to live here this morning several bone conditions healed can we all stand up on our feet everybody do you have your expectation form while you are standing pick it up so we have testimonies from locations that are viewing online life broken bone mended patients are cogo sister patients this is testimony from legal center was involved in the national issue of settling central church on the 12th of april 13th of february 2021 and then the bone of her hand was broken into two she cooled no moving hands since then and she came to the service in that condition while the senior pastor was making declarations on bone condition the power of god hit her she fell under the anointing the bone was mended immediately now she can move the hand glory be to god can you show us legal central church and if it is possible you can show us the sister patients within our hands to confirm right no i mean the legal central church and if it is possible to show us the sister that had the healing can we stand up on our feet everybody stand up on our feet everybody one minute yes yes eye opener show us all those miracles what happened here sir our brother has been diagnosed they told him that the two kidneys failed he was here during the morning to you and went back for dialysis cannot stand never stood for a very long time cannot still sit very weak he will even when he stands they will hold him on two hands two places but sir as the world kept coming our brother himself stood he's been standing here he came out on his own woke up walk back down walk back here [Music] and what i want you to do go and use your kidney go out urinate lift your hand amen go and make urine amen power father two brand new kidneys be released in jesus name let me start from here 35 years i threat arthritis from the waist and the knee couldn't stop the heel now this papa here went to the is it to pee pumpkin and he said he loaded in the wheelbarrow as he was about to move it a bed flew and hit him four times an evil bird hit him four times the partition was struck on the right side and blindness of the right eye that happened february stroke on the right side blinded on the right eye yes sir and you said god is taking you took authority to overbought conditions and so on now he couldn't leave this hand now the hand is lifting he couldn't leave this hand before now he's lifting the hand and he can see the blind eye is open what i do somebody give the lord a praise can we celebrate a king of king one minute celebrate deafness for two years couldn't hear in these two years for two years yes i woke up and realized you couldn't hear again death yes sir but my voice you couldn't hear your own voice for two years for two years yes say jesus today i started hearing your voice i can hear people shouting no yes okay say what i say jesus jesus amen amen amen amen hallelujah amen hallelujah say what i say hallelujah amen amen amen amen give the lord a big clap of hand here a big clap of hand here and these are tests can you now do you have your expectation in your hand oh it's on your seat all right when we begin to dance now dance back to your seat your testimonies are permanent celebrate the kingdom okay once one minute let's go [Music] wow [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] let's see whatever you are expecting from god with it let's see excellent drop it on the ground in front of you or under your seat and make sure that nobody steals it and take your seat and then just 15 minutes i'll say a word or two and then we'll stand up very quickly and pray we have received the word for tonight but very quickly joel chapter 2 verse 23 to 27 joel 2 23-27 be glad then he children of zion give the lord a shout of rejoicing for he has given you the former rain moderately and he will cause to come down for you the rain the former rain and the latter rain in the first month and the floors shall be full of wheat and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil and i will restore to you the years that the locals has eaten the canker worm the caterpillar the palma worm my great army which i sent among you and you shall eat him plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the lord your god which has dealt wondrously with you and my people shall never be ashamed and you shall know that i am in the midst of israel and that i am the lord your god and none else and my people shall never be ashamed very quickly in 10 to 15 minutes what is the effect of the rain like i said there is no movement out hold your peace until the last grace is shown those moving towards the goodness gate just a trickle of people i don't know if it's restroom they're going just sit down push us at that end ensure that that movement is stopped because it's two important things to do before we close until we go the effect of the rain when the latter and the former rain falls what do we expect number one the explosion of the world he said your flaws shall be full of wheat wheat is the precursor for bread and bread is a symbol of the word a world explosion when the rain falls the world must explode every revival that does not come along with the explosion of the world will not last anything that is built on only gifts has no future god's mercy and god's agenda is to give us world insight in the seasons of revival number two is the explosion of the flow of the spirit it is and the fats shall be full of wine wine talks about the flow of the spirit the flow of the supernatural be not drunk with wine wearing his head but be filled with the spirit what wine is in the physical is what the spirit is this is where we have the explosion of the manifestation of the gifts of the spirit the word of wisdom the word of knowledge and our spirits working on miracles miracle working faith the gifts of prophecy diversity of tongues interpretation of tongues is an explosion number three is the explosion of the anointing wine and oil the anointing becomes stronger in the season of the rain apostolic anointing prophetic anointing evangelistic anointing pastoral anointing teaching anointing miracle-working anointing number four which is very important for all of us is the restoration of years the restoration of years in this situation what the enemy stole throughout your lifetime can be restored in a year i will restore to you the years there are people seated here today there are things satan took from you and took from your father's house i announce i decree and i prophesy they are restored they shall be restored they are restored [Applause] part of the restoration of years is the capacity to achieve in one year what people used to achieve in 30 years is to achieve in a very short time i believe that the end time revival is going to happen such that a man steps into a nation and the nation is on fire under 24 hours under 72 hours you just arrive like a volcano arrive like a tsunami and before you can say praise the lord a whole nation is is just quaking because one revival flame of fire just arrived we don't have eternity to fulfill destiny a quick walk will the lord do and cut it short in righteousness we are in the days when god is about to speed up things speed up things in your life speed up things in your ministry speed up things in our nation speed up things in our generation if somebody is about to see the kind of speed you never saw before you will shout the loudest amen [Applause] that's right and under the next three months this is a prophecy three months takes us to november it takes us to 25th anniversary within the next three months extra natural speed supernatural speed [Applause] hey what you have not been able to see in three years what you have not been able to see even in 10 years somebody here you've been personally for 10 years you don't have a church structure within the next three months god is going to give you property that will amaze you what you have not been able to see in 10 years in three years is seven years what your father did not see in his lifetime within the next few months god will be ushering you into the realm you believe that shall the loudest amen lead to writers in the name of jesus i am experiencing supernatural speed on the usual speed the restoration of years i am experiencing it now [Applause] it's happening it's happening it's happening this is another thing that will happen when you take one step within the next three months you will see the result of a hundred steps it will appear as if you took a hundred step it will appear as if you took a thousand steps it will appear as if you took you took 500 steps effort is going to begin to produce very drastic effect that is the theme of this convention the reign of revival the restoration of his somebody felt i have been left behind get ready the speed of the overtaker coming he said pursue overtake and without fail recover the speed of the overtaker is coming upon you lift your voice and say father i receive the restoration of yes doctor robert slayerdon will tell us that mr wiguswan's wife was more fervent in the spirit before smith so that smith was still a drunkard and would lock her out for going to church but when smith came in when he came in he just when he just got in he just it just it just shifted to a dimension that was far beyond whatever the wife knew paul the apostle was the late comer that became the frontliner somebody shifting forward say [Applause] amen say louder amen [Applause] say the lord must amen let your hand say in the name of jesus i receive the restoration of years [Applause] number five is the explosion of supplies you shall eat in plenty in acts of the apostles there was not anyone among them that lacked because there was both supplies and generosity you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied the season of struggle ministerially and financially is over forever every person that is here let me give you about five to seven keys to ministry finances this structure was built debt-free not alone not an overdraft millions of dollars that translates to calculated in our own naira the roof is millions of dollars the roof alone not to talk of the background the background that one was plenty plenty number one that is 5 a possess a god first attitude seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you matthew 6 33 number b possess a strong revelation of supernatural supplies strong insight because the things that are revealed are the things that are released deuteronomy 29 29. third exist as a committed covenant practitioner obeying the law of giving and receiving sowing and ripping genesis 8 22. was that number three number four secure and open heaven over the ministry through the practice of tithing and giving the ministry as a whole not just you as an individual giving but the ministry there is personal tight and there is corporate tied you tight as a person give us a person the ministry gives as an organization your company gives us understanding situation malachi chapter 3 verse 8 to 10 5 are you ready for five take the lead in the practice of giving and sacrifice the pastor the leader the person who is the president take the lead in the practice of sacrifice and giving take the lead first chronicles chapter 29 from verse 1 all the way to verse 5 david talked about his giving how he gave so much and he said and who will follow my example a non-titan pastor will produce a non-titan church a non-giving pastor will produce a non-giving church when you call for sacrifice you should be ahead never take an offering with an empty hand bring all of you bring your offering and your own handing is empty that is an abomination you take the lead am i communicating at all number six teach the people scriptural principles of supernatural supplies teach them you can only expect where you have impacted teach the people the laws don't just ask people to give let them know why teach them six or seven now continuously release the blessing of the lord upon the people continuously on this why shall the priests bless the people having taught the people let the blessing rest upon them rest on the walk of their hands rest on their efforts so that they can practice the teaching that was number chapter 6 verse 23 to 27 was that point number 7 8 absolutely look away from every human source absolutely look away from every human source never make a man i've said that before the sponsor of your ministry in genesis chapter 14 verse 18 all the way to verse 21 go on go on go on and the king of sodom say give me the persons and take the goods to thyself and abraham said to the king of saddam i have lift up my hand unto the lord the most high god the possessor of heaven and earth that i will not take from a tread even to a shield and that i will not take anything that is dying lest thou should say i have made abraham rich look away from human pockets was that number seven was that number seven that was number eight am i communicating at all respect everybody but look to no one but god nine absolutely trust god for supernatural supplies having looked away from man absolutely trust god i will look up to the heels from whence commit my helps and one two one verse one today and my help comment from the lord absolutely do you know what this will make you do when you absolutely look up to god you will completely escape the trap of begging and borrowing in most places borrowing is normal but it is an anti-covenant practice because the borrower is always the servant of the lender and he says be not servants of men hallelujah was that number nine number 10 continuously praise god for what he brings continuously continuously praise god let the people praise the oh god let all the people presidential the earth healed her increase and jesus lifted the five lost and gave thanks and he multiplied you want to see financial multiplication be given to our precision don't keep saying the money we get in the offering is not enough to do anything in ministry let me tell you if you depend on offering you'll be frustrated if you depend on offering you you may end frustrated because my god shall supply all your needs according to the sunday offering count hallelujah it can make somebody who doesn't come to church at all to give an offering that cannot be counted in their in to give a seed that can be counted in the church offering for one year that is why he is i'm not talking theory that is when he is made the source the supplier somebody say amen and every time you come to an occasion like this make it an opportunity to drop something an opportunity to link up with grace that is available and up you see when the river flows into an ocean it cannot dry very very important don't wait until they say oh want to take a sacrifice if you have this given you wait to just don't just give sacrificially live sacrificially sacrificial living is superior to sacrificial giving if it is not called you call it by yourself somebody say amen this is one of the syllabuses one of the things we're meant to handle in the afternoon sessions the afternoon sessions that could not hold because of the of the overlap of the service i see somebody on your way returning back to where you have come from you will meet a supernatural supply that will amaze you if you believe that shall the lord say amen if you believe that the lord must say amen [Applause] take your sin did you get anything from that just now go and work on it work it out when we come next time i will talk more about wisdom management wisdom the avoidance of waste and so on but we don't have the time right now so number five is the explosion of supplies number six the explosion of joy and fulfillment they shall eat and be satisfied i'll need to round off now the explosion of joy and fulfillment in the lord everywhere there is a revival there is joy explosion number seven the explosion of the wonders of god god who did who dealt wondrously when the rain falls the wonders multiply they wonders multiply the wonders multiplied number eight it is the explosion of honor and dignity my people shall no or no not shame the church will become dignified even though there will be persecutions there may be persecutions but in acts of the apostle chapter 5 verse 13 in the revival they said people did not easily join themselves to them they placed them in a class of their own the people magnify them those who are angry that churches pastors and christians are so respected and honored they have seen nothing yet you heard yesterday that jet owners considered it an honor to make country come and fly their private jet to crusade grounds in various places we have done crusaders before we had three private jets were waiting on us i'm sure some of you who went with us in in our quietum state you saw that they were struggling for you know what we did i told one of them said we follow this one to go please just permit us to follow the other one to come our luggage can remain here so that these people don't feel bad three so cameramen enter the jet what else media people enter the jet sound engineers or some submissions some protocol of his ass they were there those who are who are saying that the church has seen oh no we have seen nothing yet i prophesy to somebody here every trace of shame in your life is uprooted right now is cleaned out is deleted shout the loudest amen [Applause] and number nine is the explosion of the knowledge of god one miracle can preach a thousand sermons is the explosion of the knowledge of god people begin to know god like never before they know him from the preaching and they know him from the miracles finally number 10 is the explosion of the climate of his presence they will know that the lord is in the midst of you the explosion of the climate of his presence where you move and you can feel god there is something in the air something that makes you to feel god somebody say aloud a feelable tangible presence of god and what is the key to all this revival we were told yesterday let the priests and the ministers of the lord weep between the porch and the altar and let them say spare thy people repentance praying repentance praying repentance praying lord forgive us forgive our land forgive our nation we need this rain and then it makes the rain to fall stand up on your feet everywhere you are take your seat and see if they're standing up took you by surprise so you can stand up well with a bigger shot now stand on your feet to the shadow place [Applause] lift your hands high up we're going to do three things and we are done this morning lift your hands up and begin to give him the praise lift your hands and give him the praise give him the praise give him the praise we are going to lift up our expectation what we're going to after that we're going to do the touchlight thing again and thirdly we shall receive those who need to make their way right with god lift up your hands now with the expectations lifted up just begin to thank god if you don't have an expectation just lift up your band how great [Music] is i got sing with me how great [Music] how great is [Music] our god [Music] all we'll see i'll see how great how great is lift it high up now before i make declarations everyone that is here this morning on this ground lift it up still on this ground and all the levels of the gallery including those watching on the satellite on the internet you want to make your ways right with jesus you want your sins forgiving you say pastor i want to repent anywhere you are pray this prayer with me say lord jesus say it louder lord jesus i am a sinner i need you in my life save me change me deliver me from the power of darkness help me to live for you lord and thank you master in jesus name amen those who pray that prayer can you wave your hand let me see you wave it all right quickly rush to the front here from all the gallery levels rush to the front here i'll give you the count of 15. while they are doing that the rest of us you are just waving your papers and just trusting god to put a seal on what you have received so far i'll give you the count of 15 don't be the last to come be the first to come and hand over your life to jesus tonight one quickly don't be the last to come be the first two i live for jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 11. [Music] [Music] just one minute we'll be still at the praise and power get there ushers what are you doing there movement is restricted until we have shared the grace hallelujah if you are bound by an addiction tobacco smoking pornographic life drunkenness or any such lifestyle and you want to be free also rush to the front here i'll give you another count of 15. again wave this papers in your hand and just begin to thank god for what is therein one again go ahead give him your line is why don't you give him jesus [Music] [Music] seven eight [Music] nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen [Music] hallelujah it is done wave it to the king of kings now can you use your two hands so you on your on your touch with one hand and then leave the paper with another hand that's right that's right that's right every trace of darkness and that expectation is dissolved go ahead and pray in the spirit for a moment shut up [Music] so [Music] so in the name of jesus lift it high up first of all i release the blessing upon everyone who has come from far and near everyone who has come from nigeria and from around the world jehovah god shall take you back safely the bible said the servant to return with joy with joy you shall return everyone here today trusting god for a testimony your testimonies are permanent everything written on your papers and expectation has now turned into your manifestation it has become your experience the angels of restoration angels of the covenant that minister here on this altar and upon this ministry they are released on assignment on your behalf and they are released to release your results angels of divine encounter that visit people in the dream of the night and change their stories they are released upon your case as you sleep and wake up this morning you shall have diverse positive supernatural encounters in the name of jesus whatever is a mystery around your life jehovah shall unveil it every light revelation or insight you need to change your story jehovah shall release it for you i call it dawn in the name of the father another son and of the holy ghost in jesus precious name still wave the light for one minute more and then you hear what i'm about to say hey what to see what is sea of light a sea of light i decree that your family your light your business your your marriage shall be flooded with light nigeria shall be flooded with light the states of nigeria shall be flooded with light your nation shall be flooded with light your country shall be flooded with light in the name of jesus lift it high up those in the front please shift forward a bit shift closer to the front hold your things hold it right to give space for those who are in dunamis for the first time but have not come out for the altar call you are just here for the first time for this night with you also step forward and join us right here in the front for the rest of us 6 a.m service 8 a.m service and 10 a.m service will be the thanksgiving services at the glory dome here and i believe in all our locations across the country thanksgiving and all the services god bless you in jesus name wave what is in your hand again with a shout out victory [Applause] don't see her for the first time quickly step forward there is this song that is shrinking in my spirit i'm breaking fault on every side just sing the song and letting people celebrate your way forward god bless you god keep you cause his face will shine upon you in the name of jesus christ and 2021 is our year of word release and what recoveries and what replications god bless you in jesus name don't see the front please for me and those coming up for the first time come forward please let the eyes be cleared for those coming for the first time carry your bibles and backs as you come forward if you are coming forward for the first time carry your things that should come or just ask people who are coming if they have carried their things so that nobody leaves their bags [Music] [Music] i'm breaking i am foreign i'm oh [Music] oh [Music] those who are meant to be here for the first time that are not yet here can you step forward and let us receive you you are meant to be on the altar ushers a counselors rather where are the people going right here all right plea is there space free they should be here for now can they gonna here you meet with them here first time as a newcomer step forward and let's receive you today is your first time join us to the frontier god bless you [Music] i'm
Channel: Dunamis TV
Views: 70,337
Rating: 4.8988066 out of 5
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Length: 445min 17sec (26717 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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