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[Music] hello viewers today we are celebrating dunamis television at 10 yes it's been 10 years of god's faithfulness in 10 years of impactful broadcast let's hear from some viewers out there my name is destiny and i will take you on a ride through the show please come with me [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody [Music] [Applause] praise the lord i like to congratulate dunamis television congratulate vietnamese international gospel center and congratulate our viewers worldwide on the 10th anniversary celebration of dynamics television incredible the 10th anniversary celebration when i realized yesterday that dynamics television is 10 today or will be 10 today i was wondering i said just 10 years old because from the days of very very little beginnings from the days where there was literally like struggle for what the content should be today is today where dynamics tv is literally blanketing the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters covers the seas with the principles with the power and with the presence of god saturating the airwaves all over africa and then america europe north america south america australia asia literally viewed the satellite and all the uh caribbean nations and so forth and so on it was never we never knew it was going to go that far it was just concentrated in certain parts of africa but we are grateful to god for the massive massive impact of dynamics television all over the world solid quality teachings the principles of god's word the presence of god and tangible manifestations of the power of god people healed of cancer healed of crippling conditions all manner of healings and deliverances across the airwaves there were times people were watching and then fell into the trance received their deliverances and liberties and so on and so forth we give a lot of praise and i must confess that one of the times in which dynamics television became highly appreciated was during the lockdown period they covered during the long dance season it was that was when the the the television platform in fact most people told us at that time that that was when they realized why it existed at all because dynamics television became the life wire for everybody people who are members of our church people who are non-members are tall people from all over the world pastors everybody the daily ministrations on television that went on facebook and everything it was literal life wire and we are grateful to god for his grace grateful for his message and grateful for these ten wonderful years and i believe that the best of years and the best of these are yet to come i pray for everyone who has been in contact with us and who have been in relationship with dynamics television connected related associated with us your life will never remain the same everything that god has is taught for you through this channel you will receive in the name of jesus christ i'm so dynamic salvation and all the stuff behind the sins the lord bless you the lord cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and every miracle happening through this television that you need in your life be released for you in jesus precious name god bless you all god bless television god bless the names international gospel center bless the membership worldwide god bless church in nigerian globally in this season in the name of jesus christ amen praise the lord wow i'm excited that toonami's tv is 10 years already it's so amazing the impact that the dunamis tv has had worldwide and we want to thank god for his faithfulness today the 15th of september 2021 makes it exactly 10 years of dunamis tv starting and i do remember the start of dunamis tv the senior pastor called us to a meeting and said the leading he has been having for a television is very strong and this is the time to do it there were so many people around us that felt oh no we don't have the equipment we don't have all the equipment we don't have they had these bills that when millions of you know uh dollars but the important thing was that there was a vision and god made provision and we started dynamics tv today dynamics tv is viewed in every continent of the world hallelujah praise god we are watched on um on free-to-air channels like the um my tv free-to-air were watched on sky tv europe were watched on galaxy uh in america were watched on a couple of other um platforms covering all the continents aged chair and all and god is worthy to be praised we've had meetings where we've had statistics taken from the internet dynamics tv being viewed by over five million people at once like two point something million in nigeria two point something million in america uh two point something million in the uk and all that every country of the world and we want to give god all the glory and the praise and i want you to know that god is using this platform to take the gospel to the ends of the earth and his name be praised father we thank you for dunamis tv 10 years i will return all the glory and the praise to you lord in jesus name god bless you have a great day congratulations dunamis television on your 10th year anniversary we are glad to see you today clark 10. you have been a source of inspiration you've been a blessing to the entire world you've been a blessing to us at home and abroad we are glad to also be part of you see you run from one year to 10 years and we'll see you it continue to run making global impact in 20 in 30 50 and 100 years ahead do not miss tv has been a platform of unusual impact to our world and to our generation and we want to congratulate our father in the lord dr pastor paul and mention our mother dr mrs becky paul and angel for this for being used of god tremendously and inspired to come about june and his television your connection to god that has bettered this great platform is highly highly highly commendable highly highly um i'm highly highly an inspiration to us and today we congratulate you so much our father and our mother and the lord the lord bless you do not miss tv we will see you multiply in impact we see you grow increase we see you impact the world better and higher than we have ever seen you do thank you congratulations to dunamis tv as a corporate body and a subsidiary of dynamics church and ministry god has helped us these 10 years and we are here to celebrate the faithfulness of god and the help of god that we had experienced for 10 years do not miss tv was born in september 2011 and in 10 years we have seen tremendous global impact we have seen lives touched by the presence the principles of god that have been projected from here i was talking with a friend in gabon you see the other day beforehand and then he told me as he followed the service from gabon i was like was it through the internet he said no he just went to his tv set tuned and then he was on so you can see the impact is global healings deliverances words principles and everything that god is dishing from here is hitting the nations of the world he said and the actually filled with knowledge of the glory of the lord as a what has covered the sea this is exactly what we are seeing and this is a tool that god has used in our time and age to effect and taught the lives of people through the satellite through the the web tv which is the facebook the youtube the roku channel and all practically we're on every continent of the earth let me just read the scripture from psalms chapter 68 and verse 11 the bible said the lord gave the world great was the company of those that published it i see dynamics tv as a medium of the end time revival move of god that god has used to touch lives like i said earlier and i want to use also this medium to say big congratulations to our spiritual parents dr paul and ninja and dr mrs becky paul and nature for their tremendous support also for the supportive role that the staff of the economists tv have played in having us grow to this extent of global reputation and also global imput the resilience the sacrifices we are appreciative i say big congratulations once wanted a mistake thank you i live in abuja and i work as a lawyer i want to say briefly tv has impacted my life tremendously i've been following dynamics tv for quite some time many of the times i follow it's from one instruction to the other one guidance to the other one direction to the other from our pastor the senior pastor dr pastor paul and nature as the lord has been using him to bring guidance to bring the word of god the many times that i need and hook up to dunamis tv it has been a blessing to my life to my family i was celebrating dunamis television today um dynamic television is talking 10 years and this 10 years anniversary i pray that the lord will take take this department of the church to a greater level my name is ulume nancy and i just want to use this opportunity to say happy anniversary to dunamis tv it's something that i'm so grateful to god for that has come into my life i believe i started watching jinami tv in 2014 and right from when i was a teenager then and it really impacted my life the word the prayers the ministrations that i i saw and i still see today has really changed my life sometimes it's just beyond and i'm passing and i just get some insight or word that just that just changes my mentality and it's amazing and i encourage everyone to watch it also i'm master orange of salora obi from the nigerian army retired the television station is doing wonderfully well most of time soon we cannot come all the way from carriage i sit down to watch the dynamics television my husband knowing fully well that i like it most of the tuesdays make well available so that in case there is no light i can be able to watch dynamics and when i worship the press section the praiseworship section gets me so fulfilled i see myself saturated see my home you will feel the presence of god and with this i know that distance is not a barrier my name is miro lumensi i want to say happy anniversary to do not miss tv actually i started watching dynamics tv before i joined the commission i joined the commission in 2015 and as i said watch i can't remember when i knew that i come across the station before i joined the commission and actually that's what between me to join the commission and since then my life has never been the same and i encourage you if you don't have one try and get one happy anniversary every 10th anniversary to dynamic series my name is um peter my twin brother name is paul today i really have to stand to say tonight televisions are doing great only really uh benefit a lot from dynamics televisions when it comes to morals and god words and otherwise we really really appreciate our dad in the lord and mummy the lord for imparting us to through that channel my name is mrs goss kelvin here is my lovely husband by god's mercy we have been blessed and have been parted so greatly by this commission and by dynamistic tv it's a great privilege of having to name stevie atom watching do not miss tv is a big blessing to my life and my family entirely i never regret having dynamics tv at home i watch it with joy the prophecies the lovely songs what godly songs that impact life morning noon and night is a great privilege happy 10th anniversary do not miss tv we love you my name is awful you also i'm a member of buddhist dynamic church i've been joined dynamics program and the televisions matter of fact i have it in my power my children room and my room and it's on permanently 24 hours whenever there is light even when i'm sleeping i wake up and i make it on and it's being a blessing nothing like nightmare if i wake up i wake up on the atmosphere of the holy spirit my name is paul issac wilson i sincerely want to thank god for doing a miss television how they have impacted the world and including me my life through the broadcast i want to thank all the media crew of dynamics television you people are doing a great work happy anniversary to dinner miss television my name is engineer dumbo mansion i've always been watching dunamis tv and by god's divine grace i was invited today and i decided to come because of the blessings i've been seeing and watching over the tv and as i came today for the very first time my life has transformed i have seen live raw testimonies happening personally i've been blessed i've been expecting some a lot huge sum of money they have been owed by a corporation as i came in today while as i stepped in here my life just came in i really appreciate pastor paul and nature and his wife may god continue to strengthen and bless them in the ministry that god has given them dunamis television has really impacted my life it has really impacted my life in my room in my palo everywhere every corner of my house is do not miss television moreover during the lockdown period oh wow it was wow that is i just clicked myself in the television morning afternoon night it really impacted me it really renewed my life dynamics tv has impacted so many lives you know there are all over the world people there are people that don't have access to to the glory dome but when they they connect the tv they get their deliverances they get their healings and they get their encounters so much interventions from god dynamics tv is a blessing to me to those around me to nigeria and the world at large i wish dynamics tv happy anniversary i'm still in just a bus man actually talking about dunamis tv the tv has actually impacted my life personally the word of god that comes forth from the tv station actually has helped me to balance my life in christ deborah john by name i love to watch donamis tv [Music] and when i'm home i tuned to the channel if i'm not happy in fact joy will come immediately my name is edward identified i want to bless god for this ministry and particularly for dunamis tv we thank god for his faithfulness to the television god has actually impacted lives across the nations of the world it's so glorious that my parents came to my house and they said they cannot live without a set of dynamics tv just service just ended now i spoke with my mom i said she just finished watching tv god has impacted my entire family both immediate and extended but through this television god has used his servant various dimensions messages recorded that people listen to even long after the message impacting lives happy anniversary to do names tv thank you for all you do for us thanks for making us connect even when we are at home thank you for constantly building our faith thank you for everything you do happy 10th anniversary do not miss tv happy anniversary do not miss tv happy anniversary dynamics tv happy birthday happy 10th anniversary to james television happy anniversary to dynamics tv [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Dunamis TV
Views: 712
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: RwAy_WDuq1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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