ImDontai Reacts To Jubilee Satanist vs Religions Beliefs

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I think hell is literally just things that that suck in regular life like not like your internet going out like hell is this literally bad thing it mine your minor inconvenient thing at their minor inconvenient thing that's what it is that [ __ ] that is hell that is hell bro Jesus cry like nothing changed nothing really changes from regular life except that all the minor inconveniences just get worse and worse and worse deeds or acts that are committed by humans towards one another that there also needs to be a place of of justice and so I yeah I believe that there is a heaven and that there is a hell and that the gift of grace that God offers us is so Jack wait and many Christian churches hell is taught as the final destination of those who have not been found worthy after the general resurrection and Last Judgement it's like bro you're getting you get judged man man I'm really I don't really like how you were living life you're going to hell yo nougat thank you for the sub poll right I just imagine I just imagine when they talk about it is just somebody with it is this somebody with a pin just looking you up and down I see in 2003 I see in 2003 you uh you mocked a one-legged classmate of yours it's gonna be a few points that matter i'ma have to be back some points for that and then during the coronavirus you said the coronavirus in 2020 you said [ __ ] this coronavirus I can't even go outside it ain't my fault old [ __ ] getting sick step you immune gain a mutant gamer you aware of how many people died some of them are actually some of them would actually like to speak to you right here and and and the gates of heaven with you wondering you want to enter you guys you guys want to say anything to this guy yeah Sonny yeah I want to say looking I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking I'm joking it's not it's not funny I just thought of a skit in my head y'all know when I think a thing of us is gonna I just gotta follow through and acted all out yo nuke out thank you for the sub 40 so 40 welcome come on it was a joke man generous that that for those who rejected that there has to be a place of judgment so yeah personally I would never worship a God they would send someone to an eternal lake of fire to be burned forever for the simple fact of normally he wants to laugh he want to laugh so bad you want to laugh so bad I'd be like sir sir Sir sir please I know that's not how you talk can you talk in a regular voice like cut the whole act bro I'm pretty sure like in your daily life you don't act like that all the time yes hello I would like to order a pepperoni pizza with just enough pepperoni on the side that I can fill in the spaces you have missed and with that I would like a mozzarella stick a box a box of mozzarella stick and with a nut sauce that I can drink it afterwards like I drink the blood of my enemies and if you're feeling you're feeling frisky throw some mayonnaise in there yes sir just regularly please he's kind of it's kind of cool it's kind of cool though because it's weird it's kind of cool though just because it's weird that's that's the only reason why just say yeah I could see me better leave when that deity knows what it would take to convince every single person on this planet that is cruel it is inhumane it is not kind it is not generous and that is not a God worthy of worship he's putting on an act right now bro he's putting on an act right now bro this Satan this dude is this really like doing the full state look at the mustache man if I seen a dude I'm working at Wendy's and he goes to the drive-thru I would like one if you food pieces chicken nuggets and of course they had to be spicy because I only need I'm gonna be like sir if you don't pull your ass to the window my my [ __ ] you weird ass [ __ ] it is like 80 degrees outside what is with the turtleneck man what is it the goddamn turtleneck man look at his head Bob like it was literally something off a movie to convince every single person on this planet that is cruel it is inhumane it is not kind it is not generous and that is not a God worthy of and seen I'm sorry he hit that [ __ ] bro and that's it's not a god where they it is not generous and that is not a God worthy of worship what's more it would be I'm sorry that's rule it is inhumane it is not kind it is not generous and that is not a God worthy of worship what's more it would be awkward silence damning all I mean the vast majority of everyone who's ever existed for not believing in him for a set of rules that he created to be fair I feel like this presupposes that to burn in hell means that you don't believe in God I'm sure that there are religions and I know that there are people who believe that hell is a place for murderers you know and when I was Jewish we didn't believe in hell they didn't even talk about the devil I just kind of came upon it myself I believe that in the event that we have spirits and they will go on to some other realm it's probably more of a nebulous place than a physical Hell Lake fire everything I did like this is my personal opinion I just feel like bro people shouldn't need people shouldn't need like a god saying threatening them that they're gonna go to hell just to be a regular good normal person like bro just be a regular normal human bit is that to just not kill somebody how hard is it to live your life and not kill a [ __ ] that's what I don't understand why do you have to be told that you will burn forever why did you have to tell that to your kids just to get them to stop stealing and [ __ ] like that or not murders birds and [ __ ] and not rape people I don't know bro it's kind of hot oh you're trolling okay I swear to God I was about to slap myself until I was bleeding from my left [ __ ] to throw I believe we have souls necessarily I think the historical Christian position is is that the gift of the the invitation that God gives to the people that he made is so generous and came at such a high price that this guy he's just like a symbol of Christian God good he's like the good guy he's like the good guy of this story I like this guy and then he gave up a weekend right we have our villain this is gonna be a good episode the back and forth at the end they just need to scrap I need to see that I need to see that well it's about time we were done with the words and we put up our dukes I will show you the power of my god ha tation that God gives to the people that he made us so generous and came at such a high price high price again that he gave up a weekend right he was God before yeah yeah he was gone during and he's God now he gave up a weekend if I knew right now that I could go off and die and then not die how where's the gift in that number one I'm able to look at the the grace that has been extended to great night and yeah and I received okay so the way that I would commonly think of it is is that if I gave up the life of my own son in exchange for your life that is okay then for me to to make the the invitation that God makes towards us is that moral is it moral is it moral allegory eleven Jesus took on the penalty that I deserved for the sins that I committed if we're looking at you know the traditional Christian faith and so I received his gift of grace and as a payment for the things that I had done so your question is it moral or is it just is it fair I'm able as a Christian to say no it's not fair snarky Bo I think this dude has gotten to his I don't know but he's the dude with the mustache is weird but I think he got away at getting to people bro yeah he's stressing I feel like there's just like a bead of sweat that should just be dripping down his face right now because this man has got impressed right now is I deserve the punishment that he took on himself he money donated $5 bro the villain dude looks like he paints with blood listening to good morning Tokyo and then the Christian dude looks like he dances with his daughter to Justin Bieber they way too different to even be in the same room lmao that's what makes it interesting though because like these are two opposite people like he seems real er like really good he'll help old lady across the street hell even they do with the mustache the mustache were probably help old lady across the street it would just be different ways they would do it bro need a hand across the street my life Oleg's like L know meanwhile the other guys ma'am do you need some help to get it well yes you're strong young man like everything he does he just says it in a weird creepy way like never just says it dive right faith to me is everything we grew up in a household of faith and and learn to love love Jesus and love the church and serve the church from the family that I grew up in and so my wife and I have embraced that same life of faith and we have taught the Christian faith to our children to understand themselves and their world because of him and and and his his teaching higher purpose yeah I think I strongly believe there's a higher purpose in life I don't think I found it to you I feel like in my opinion like I don't get the higher purpose question like if there is there a more is there a bigger meaning to life me I feel like there's something way like bro we cannot be born in this earth that is in that is in a [ __ ] solar system which is that isn't within a galaxy and then that is within a universe I do not believe we are born into this right here just to pay some bills get cheated on and it in in and get robbed get shaped just to die and then like that's the end of it Hey I have three sisters and [ __ ] [ __ ] always say how good good the sisters look what about me man don't I get to say I look like uncle what is this how come when we was younger how come we was younger we go to the store you got some pretty young ladies I'm just I'm just in the back like yo yo she's been here you old [ __ ] I got some pretty young girls hello what about the Sun bayum just produce get straight disrespected being the oldest is trash being the oldest is absolutely trashed CK sad why would he be sad why would TJ be about the crying mark I know he cubed 83 donated $5 it I got you fam I'd hit I got you fam thank you brother that means a lot could you compliment me though without being gay why can't I just be a handsome young man why can't I just be a handsome young man why do I got a UI him looking thick donated $5 [ __ ] I don't mind sliding in you don't I okay right it's PK here shut up the TK bro look don't worry about the opinion of a girl who's like has no significance in your life man it's okay right it's okay man like man but to off myself she said I was like goddamn 6 well relax man relax she's just another but a goddamn teacher man don't you don't like teachers teachers suck am i right she's a goddamn teacher man she's 12 she's the feds cuz teachers just be snitching nice your student your son today was acting out out out of out of character yo etho ido thank you for the supper welcome today gang FN gang FN gang Jesus Christ man alright let's get back to the devil dude before we was rudely interrupted this I was still recording oh [ __ ] this is gonna be I don't know how but I'm just post this whole thing on YouTube I guess I don't know I was recording so I could get the clip of me checking this out and [ __ ] but well they're gonna have to get artists yeah I hope I'm I would like to believe that I will one day in the journey of my life I completely agree I don't I don't know what my purpose is and I don't think it's there's like a higher purpose that fits for me don't know and nobody knows what they purpose into you that there's some bigger purpose has always been very comforting to me otherwise I don't what the point of all this no I fully agree I think that I believe it's a question that we all ask and it's one of the gifts of faith and am I in my opinion so that when there's times of epidemic and war you're right that's that that were able to at her don't [ __ ] correct me you know what I met [ __ ] I'm sorry praise the Lord Jesus Christ and I'm sorry she's just like she just had to butt in um it's actually Panda I'm sorry you're right cuz the ladies always right understand even in those situations of difficulty and conflict and anxiety and fear that there is a higher purpose in life and that there is more than what we see happen i trouble with the phraseology higher purpose because that again that denotes do i believe god no but I do believe higher purpose as in love to give to be generous to be kind to help to heal to be there to understand friends higher purposes it's a loaded fruit like God said I chose ya I choose you and you are gonna do this thing and you're gonna continue doing this thing for the rest of your life and I really struggle with that okay can I just ask and I mean this with all with because I received her statement with that she says you can't offend me I hope he says something that does offend her she just starts snapping just curiosity what if everyone was committed to this idea that like in the way that you expressed it so I would say one of some people that are sort of probe religion like like I am would say that in order for us to bind together as a culture and learn to kind of work together and help cause one another to flourish we have to agree on some kind of higher purpose or a common set of principles and I disagree I don't really see a need for having a prescriptive purpose I'm struggling to even see what you see as the value in saying that you have a higher purpose maybe it's more of a fear or a concern right that if everyone got up every day and said that life is all about me and and and that's what and I'm not suggesting at all that that's what you're saying about it is my belief that one should take care of oneself yeah because nobody else will yeah people who do take care of themselves they understand that it is balance and they're not going to go out and and cause anarchy and mayhem in the streets it it can even be like a selfish act to be helping the community around you and it's still a good thing it's still important it doesn't take a higher no no no it's not awkward it's not awkward it's actually like it's interesting purpose to make that kind of thing what's awkward is that you know the guy with the talking like this and I don't mean to interrupt either if you eat at you he's gone out there I kind of want to I would watch this guy in a movie okay I would watch this guy in the movie he's kind of weird man hey I was going to school with the intention to become an ordained minister in the Pentecostal church one of the things there is you read the Bible a lot every day all day and after doing that for like several hours a day and reading the Bible through back-to-back several times and discussing it I just I wasn't sold at all I guess I style myself more isn't a skeptic and a humanist than anything and Satanism just happens to fit really nicely in that category for me and this is actually also kind of like my outing video like my family doesn't know I'm a member of TST they don't know I'm a Satanist this is the way they gotta get this is the way they gotta find out through a goddamn YouTube video you know son that little skit that you did with those uh Satanists and major religions I was really good it was so convincing no mom that was an actual like that that's an actual thing [Laughter] yah-tchi yo can we get a show can we get a show of those those news now I haven't as part of my own belief system for sure a conviction that all of our hearts can that sometimes lead us to do acts of evil and I believe that there is good and evil but like not like no we're like we're religious we're like bro some people are evil bro some people just wake up and Rob in murder people breath them people are evil people go around licking ice cream and then putting the cat back on those people are evil bro people are literally car D stands and get mad about someone's opinion that was like two years ago those people are evil those people are there are evil people there are truly eat but no seriously though there are truly evil people who are just just do want to do [ __ ] up [ __ ] want to put pills and people you like they're evil shooting up schools like just it's just evil [ __ ] bro but there's also some good people so like yeah I think there's good and evil people but like not in like the I don't like this you know any religious type of thing like evil isn't like they are there's good and evil people lamellae preaching I think phrasing is something that's I believe in right and wrong and I think some things for me a lot of things lying the Korea I love her accent consider right and wrong but I wouldn't say it's the same as good and evil right that was beautifully said was but yeah no I agree with that but I also believe that what is right and wrong has changed throughout history and it's it's something where I don't know if every day actions that I do right now are going to be considered evil later on like is driving a car gonna be considered wrong I don't believe in an evil entity who is you know pitchfork and horns and looking like me with a goatee doesn't actually happen if you ask anybody throughout history they're always the hero of their own novel mm-hmm even yesterday I went to the grocery store and there was one person who had like more than 10 packs of toilet paper at home and I do understand that boy the papers not gonna save you yeah I don't understand that he was like he's being cautious and watching out for himself and his family I just think the act of doing that is wrong because there were so many people who couldn't buy toilet paper oh my god I can listen to her for hours and hours just telling me things like no don't touch that because you could hear just one dollar I just wanted her to discipline me I want to be in her class and I want her to tell me I've been a bad boy and I don't be listened to I need to stop talking so what to him that was right but that is he was looking out for his family problem yeah it's like well like I said like I'm saying but I think the act is wrong but I won't say that he's evil like unless he has IBS or something I don't know some of the core beliefs of Hinduism is to believe in karma making sure that you have enough for yourself and also enough for other people but Satan in Hinduism is like an assistant to God is someone who can cause disruption but that is more - for the benefit of human beings by and large wait what is good what is going on what is going on yeah if you were asked a question right now is Satan evil what would you say do you think Satan's evil what would you say okay I thought it was just me a lot of people would say yes of all the stories that you've heard of all the things you've been told you would say yes even Satan we've been told like just the word Satan alone devil is it when you hear it is just like you immediately think bad things I got to see what they got I gotta see how they explain this because even though there's like two religious people that stayed back I'm just talking about off experience do I know do do I think Satan is evil like personally I don't know how to take it personally I don't even notice I don't notice it but like from what we've been told he's he's been he's been able but okay I was about to say he never mind I was trying to play it out in my head but then I don't agree with well the fact that there is a satan who is real and the fact that he is evil as i mean it's it's an important pretty central belief that we hold in the christian faith and that there is a good and loving god and and a little east there have they have songs stopped on the devil i stomp the devil why would we do that to somebody who's not evil we just do that to some people who kind of do bad things like satan who is evil I don't get that so so let's go back to Genesis okay God wanted to keep humans from eating the fruit of knowledge correct and Satan or the serpent wanted to give humans that knowledge I believe that's a good action it is a good action that's a good action that's justifiable the first person to advocate for equal rights yes we only heard God's perspective and for my first looking into the Bible it's like we didn't hear Satan's perspective maybe he said hold on is God canceled the joke it was a joke it was a joke it was a joke but like hold on bro like I don't even think about it like that I didn't even think I did not even think about it like that so it's any Christians that are in the chair or something like that the apple that they didn't want them to hit the that he didn't want them to eat it was knowledge or something it was it was it was white what was it specifically what was it specifically I'm asking this seriously okay so knowledge all knowledge of of everything or knowledge of like like what are we talking about when we say knowledge like of how the world works like we would know what's outside of just this world or is it just like you can you can drive a car and you can fix a car you know how to work computer you know this or is just like everything it was vague of good and evil knowledge of good and evil the capacity to gain it knowledge yeah I like someone said this is very vey it is very vague the tree of knowledge of good and evil so you just know everybody that's good or evil or you know everything that's good and evil like why would he would not want people to either hey don't eat that don't eat that but I want to know everything no no you gonna know what I tell you gonna know now don't eat the apple sound like my mom bro is my mother God sounds like my mom bro but mom if I drink this horse you said oh if I drink this if I drink this milk I said it will make my bones strong no you're not going drink the milk okay yeah you ain't gonna drink my milk I pay for the milk you ain't gonna drink it but I get strong like you well too damn back that's food anime this is God as a tyrannical God and I'm going to repel from him and I'm going to become a fallen angel to help mankind this is interesting my interpretation and understanding of that story is that God created an environment where he in it was an environment of love and peace and and where his children that he created and who he loved who he created in His image with yeah yeah and that they would this is an environment for them to to flourish and so he puts them in this kinda like Cole Bennet like when they flatted he's sort of like Cole Bennet to flourish and so he puts them in this environment and he desires for them to flourish and to be and to live in in an unashamed relationship with him in his perfection and his glory and and stupid I see God making simple playthings because he's bored if it's real then and then saying don't do this because I don't want you on my level and if you do I have to make sure you can't live let's run that back I want you to really hear what and and you know nobody's trying to sway anybody nobody's trying to nobody's trying to do anything like if you believe in God good believe in God if you you a Satanist you excite that's your business and you know that's your own business that's your own business you know but like well everybody's welcome in my chat I don't care who you are what you are like what you call yourself even those even though even the people that say they want to be identified as them they you know all that [ __ ] whatever the [ __ ] you are I don't care what you are bro as long as you here are you just chilling in the chat I love and I flex with all y'all I don't care what the [ __ ] you are but yo let's really try to listen to both sides of this [ __ ] bro let's try to listen to both sides it is do flourish and so he puts them in this environment and he desires for them to cuz if you think about it what's he really like yeah I don't want you to you ain't gon be a never gonna be on the same level as me you know I am bro I'm Oh big gob [ __ ] is he talking about you know peon anak to flourish and to me and to live in in an unashamed relationship with him in his perfection and his glory and stupid I see God making simple playthings because he's bored if it's real then and then saying don't do this because I don't want you on my level and if you do I have to make sure you can't live forever so you really don't get on my level would you think that if you heard that you're one of your friends was having a baby and you'd say oh you're just that's how I see the same generative love that out of which God created us I think for me from as much knowledge as I have about Satan I think Satan is a symbol of freedom and liberty right so that is not evil of course like we discussed before if people commit wrong deeds in the name of and that's wrong for me I was my flip up a little only because I I don't think that on his own sayin is evil I think yes he's used to represent evil whether he does or not that's what he's useful his characters very much used to say like if you do something wrong like oh that's an act of like a devil kind of this is this is interesting what are y'all thinking right now in this in the chat what are y'all thinking right now I really want to know what y'all like think cuz this is very very interesting to me I've always been so this has always been something that's been on my mind as someone who grew up as someone who grew up in a very very religious you know how so my mom you know basically forced us all to go to church and things like that and then growing up and then kind of distancing myself away from that and then just sort of just live in my life I ain't no Satanist now Courtney such a dumbass up here I know goddamn Satanist but it's like I hear what they're saying I hear what they're saying cuz so many times I've only heard I've only heard the Christian side I've only been told that you know that you know the devil is evil if you don't do this then you're going to hell and own God if you [ __ ] up you gonna be burning forever I've only heard that side so to hear like a different side and different opinions it's like some of this chick does make sense like you got these two kids here or you get these two people and there's an odd there's an apple of knowledge or something and like you don't want them to eat it or some it's just interesting religion and politics the same boat for me boring too boring to be honest I'm not interested how are you living life yeah religion is forced on us at a young age it's is that it's not a very young age that we you know we're forced into this well it really depends on you know who your parents aren't and [ __ ] like that that's why I don't come to the streams no more all I do is get to Courtney you literally and then you want to act all sad and [ __ ] like a damn child mmm-hmm he said bro just read your Bible that that's the type of people that I really don't like who try to just say who don't have an answer for something they just tell you to read the Bible you those type of people I really really dislike because you just completely dismiss anything that goes against anything that you believe by saying just go read the Bible don't read the Bible bro you'd know I really don't like those type of people I'm just letting you know that right now like I said you're fine to have your own opinion and like I said I grew up in a religious household it's not like I had no information of the Bible I never read the Bible for it we were told we were instructed to read this year we had classes where we had to read certain things that in the third obviously my opinion is still the same as it is right now so for you to say just read the Bible bro it'll tell you everything you need to know you sound like a [ __ ] clown my [ __ ] if you have no if you have nothing to back up what you're saying and you just go to read the Bible then my [ __ ] like what what like what what are you really even what are you even really doing it for why aren't you supposed to be the one giving giving knowledge and stuff like that is like people people are so dismissive bro people are so dismissive and then you this new trying to be funny just to give bang God here bro [ __ ] a debo but yeah it's um it's interesting it is very interesting yeah they already it's like I already a lost argument when it's when it's like that because it's like bro it is basically it's like like saying google it like like if someone has it if someone has a cloaking 983 donated five dollars I believe in science law I don't know if God is really or not but until I die I will see you all but shout out to the other religions no hate all love that's why I'm saying there's no hate it's all love shout out to all the religions cuz like and that's the thing like it's one religion at like who are you is one religion to tell all the other religions yes it's fake read the Bible read the Bible your shit's fake it's like why can't we respect everybody whether they believe or they don't believe whether they want to be gay or they their date they're not gay whether they identify as one thing or they identify as anything why is it so hard to live life and just accept everybody for what they want to be accepted by why is that so hard for people why do we have to judge people why do we why do we have to live like that what live life like that we got people in here that have so many different backgrounds or probably have so many different things that they like why can't we just accept them for that why does it have to be like oh you do this you know you're gonna go to hell right oh you listen to this you know you can go to hell right you got tattoos you might want to read the Bible it's like yo why be that person why not just accept people for who they are what they like to do and things like that I don't know I never understood that man I like people for like who they actually are who they actually are and like things like that my bad I'm talking to a mic mic my drink carbs say less bro we checking it out check it out right after this guy ro thank you for the sub Satan represents to me taking responsibility for your own life it says to thirst for knowledge for understanding to understand that man is an animal sometimes worse than those around mario lena 283 donated $5 it's because people hate change or things different than the mess mhm that's what I'm saying but like it should not beetle it shouldn't be like that mean it shouldn't be like we should all just we shall just [ __ ] with each other because like for who they are bright he said he said I want to see this man in the movies so bad he's the cheesiest man but you speak in facts this is an interesting this is a good question and we gonna have to be you gonna have to be it's gonna have to be factual with this you can't even we can I not even lie and I'ma be honest y'all are probably gonna be mad and like I have nothing against religion and I'm not [ __ ] worship in the deccan devil but like yo religion literally splits people up so bad like look at us right now read the Bible bro don't mass it it scares people apart it tears people apart like I wish we were just born and we just have to like learn and you know just to grow up around things like not one thing is right not one thing is right you don't have to be you don't have to be a goon you don't have to be born if you're born you don't have to just be a dude if you feel like you're in light inside you feel like a girl you can be a girl if you [ __ ] like another sex or something like that if you like animals my [ __ ] you own some state you need to yeah you need to go you need to go you know you own that weird [ __ ] but like obviously like I'm talking about [ __ ] that you know really how people really be feeling they're like some people aren't some people change people change and I feel like that's not accepted like everybody's getting on whose kid is it that just transitioned into being a girl and everybody's getting on them everybody's getting on him whose kid like I don't forgot whose kid what that was but the fact that he's the fact that he's standing behind his kid and everybody's dragging this dude that's so [ __ ] up and shows how [ __ ] the world is Dwyane Wade I commend him and I respect him just for that alone because he's got everybody chiming and talking about like yo your son's a girl down bro that's an L bro that's a L but if you don't beat that kid and tell him he's a boy for him to accept that [ __ ] and as big as he is as a global like icon or whatever the word is you want to use and for him to just be like yes my daughter and address her as that his daughter i [ __ ] with him so much that [ __ ] is so [ __ ] dope and brave for him to do it shots it look girl too so I said look girl to [ __ ] respect a lot of people can't accept that because they feel some weird way about them inside they look at it and they feel some type of way about it because they're [ __ ] weird cuz the way they was brought up [ __ ] ain't supposed to be like that maybe if people was when they was brought up maybe the way they was brought up maybe if it was different there'd be more accepting one young Dan one donated $5 don't I I am telling you it's not the religion that causes how much pain it is am I saying it is because there's literally people splitting up because of culture and race that is chairs other things that caused the separation bro it's people who need to stick together regardless that is very true that is very true but yo a lot bro a lot a lot of it does stem from religion though because of what we are told to bro because of what we are told if we were just taught that like yo sometimes you know not everybody is sometimes not everybody is straight like if we were if I'm watching a movie with my child and he's like yeah where the [ __ ] are they those two guys kissing I'm not gonna be like because they're just weird like let's just discuss it if you see that [ __ ] in school be like de that's gay you gotta be doing it like I'm not gonna be like that to my kid I'm gonna talk to them I'm gonna talk to them and tell them well I don't know some people just uh yes lack of information I guess well yeah I'm not sayin it's just you know it's strictly religion that is doing this but it is it does play a part we're not gonna act like it doesn't play a part at all bro thank religion has caused a lot of harm is is it the ultimate source of evil no ultimately people make their own decisions but we'd talk about Crusades and witch trials and the God hates [ __ ] and-and-and the snake handlers and the and and the persecution of science the the subjection of science the arts I mean I don't know that there's been a major war that hasn't been at least fuelled by religion if not directly started by it some of them are just political things but they were always has a religious backing at some point it's like flared the fires and I'm sorry but we'll be watching look it's a it's a mature discussion I know you've probably used to some memes and [ __ ] like that we probably won't give it to that afterwards but if this is too much for you and you you know a little kid mine just leave come back a little a little bit later well we got we like a little bit of halfway through just come back later bro he said stop ignoring my donations what we're having a discussion what did you say I swear if it was something stupid I'm ignoring the rest of him what did you say Mac Mac you didn't say anything this was your first donation man you kidding me Bradley man it's so much worse than it would have been and they vote I think religion dictates moral values for a lot of people and the way people interpret religion has caused harm but religion itself would never can never cause any harm it is meant for the good of society and for the good of people donated $5 hell yeah it does more harm than good [ __ ] look at you like the devil just for not believing in [ __ ] that they don't even know to be true and crazy it's like yeah like people will look at like I'm pretty sure there's already people side eyeing me because just just for the mere fact that I'm questing it questioning it I have nothing against it I'm just questioning it and now people are looking at me like I thought Dante was cool but like that's i'ma have to exit the stream on that time we go ahead and is there a way I can get my sub back or you know yeah but like okay that's just how it's gonna be cuz I'm not that's not gonna stop me from voicing my opinion or asking questions that's how that's how you get more knowledge asking questions the world wants not even the world but people want to silence you so bad people want to silence you so bad so that you don't gain any more knowledge they don't want you to stay right where they want you to be they want you to know this much nothing more not too much bro not not too much if you know too much then you know you you could probably do something right you could probably start you could probably you know start a cult or something like that asked more questions and that goes to anybody all the young cousins are asked more questions and if you don't get the answer you want or you don't hear if you don't get a direct answer look it up any question you have don't just take your parents words for it I'm telling you don't just take your parents words for it back check them [ __ ] back check them [ __ ] cuz you will be told things that they want you to know from them from teachers from whoever it is bro there's a lotta there's a lot of there's a lot of answers out there to questions that you don't even know that you want to ask and you're just gonna stumble across them bro do research this life like though the world is crazy bro the world is crazy and what's beyond that it's so [ __ ] mysterious and unknown and I wonder about every time I look up at the sky bro just just look for the look for the answers to the questions you gara didn't any God would say that okay this child is gonna burn in hell it's probably the way people have interpreted it or the way people one youngin one donated five dollars don't be silence king talk your ish I won't be silenced I'll just be hated like I said it the way because I don't think any God would say that okay this child is gonna go to him it's probably the way people have interpreted it or the way people tell others the way they've practiced someone some people have practiced it there is harm in religion done in the name of religion but it's hard to quantify on a cost-benefit analysis kind of way which is worse you know having religion or not having religion religion is a form of power it is a tool and it reveals the worst in humanity and it reveals the best of humanity and you can do a lot in the name of religion but you can also do a lot of good in the name of religion yeah it's not like people are saying it's not really just religion like them like them dudes that be running around like bro if we really looked into that religion that they that they doing it's probably not even that bad it's probably not our I ain't really looked into it but I'm pretty sure I don't know if they just be like yo go and they explode yourself for the fur god that's how you get the that's how you get to like the virgins of [ __ ] and [ __ ] like that like I don't know if that's what if in a book or something like that but like you see how that could be portrayed you see how that could be portrayed because [ __ ] scream that [ __ ] every time they hit some [ __ ] it's not all it's not that it's not like that bro it's not like that bro like some people who shoot up schools me like God told me what God told me to it not annihilate that or you know the devil took like bro can't just blame religion on weird people rap you can't blame religion on we were people at a time bro yo uh kill kill a thank you for the donation but I appreciate you man DMV George Thank You Dante the app you the Apple is purity and sin when they ate it they found the true meaning of wrongdoing like murder rape and lying if they never if they never ate it we wouldn't have those things in the world today my thing is why didn't he just tell him bro you just contradicted yourself please tell me how I contradicted myself everything that I'm saying is making sense there's there's one thing about saying something and then also making a point about something else I said religion yes bro religion for short does a lot of harm but at the same time when people there are certain people who do stupid [ __ ] there's people who do stupid [ __ ] and then use religion for that [ __ ] are we gonna blame religion for like all the bad [ __ ] they do come on bro come on bro test the faith it's it seemed like everybody I don't know bro I guess like I said i'ma leave the religious stuff to y'all imma leave the religious religious stuff to y'all it just sounds funny to me like we got this thing here I ain't gonna tell you but now people are saying I did I did tell them and it was a test okay bro okay bro it's whatever bro like I said I don't care I don't care what at the end of the day just stop judging people for what they do bro just stop judging people for what they like for what they do if you have a problem with somebody because they don't read your your precious Bible or they don't you know believe everything you believe you're the my [ __ ] you are the problem cuz people are just living their lives we didn't ask you to come here and be like yo did you are you doing this today are you doing that today because if you don't you know you'll do this that in the third just at the end of the day live like the way you want see Brad I don't care I don't care what you do with what you read bro just just [ __ ] accept people and stop being weird and stop pushing your [ __ ] on other people you know just don't push your [ __ ] on other people and try to act like you sit above them cuz you don't we are all the same we all bleed the same except for [ __ ] I got AIDS that's like some different type of blood yeah I agree with that I think in the the power word is very important to me I have a lot of sensitivity about that and and and we're where Christians have used either the Bible or or or their own conviction to express authority over other people in a way that doesn't lead to their flourishing I think I think we're in agreement on that as a member of the Christian Church I would say there have been great contributions of people of faith in to the the cause of human flourishing and through medicine and healthcare and the arts and education and all those kinds of things so I wouldn't go about for the arts and medicines but the arts yet not for the most part the arts yes Christian is amazing beautiful artwork beautiful features artwork or not Christian Sebastian portraits I love all some of the choral music is beautiful the tradition is sometimes beautiful there's there's beautiful things in it and it can help calm someone if that is what they need I do believe that people do need killakee 123 donated $5 you said my name wrong yeah lucky bro if you had a name that wasn't all goofy look I'm gonna just call you one two three cuz those are some numbers that I know how to say one two three thank you but I appreciate you fan I mean I think really has given a lot of people some kind of peace of mind and I think like even if necessarily like I got anything I said what do you like someone believe in garlic it's not true why would you do that I guess to me believing in God I don't think and I've never ever imposed my religion and anyone around me see this like that like that's all I that's all I ask and I'm just speaking personally that's all I ask like yo you people are free to do whatever they want believe in whatever they want just don't try to push that [ __ ] on me could you imagine like a golf fan like you're sitting here watching basketball and someone's like yo man keep watching this basketball you need to check out golf I'm not interested I think you should I think you should check out golf I'm good I'm good check out golf I'm telling you you're watching basketball this is corrupting your mind golf is where it's at my [ __ ] you never see fights oh you never see fights in golf these people just advocate violence on this basketball o 123 has just donated $10 okay 123 could work yo 123 1 2 3 thank you for the donation DMV underscore George donated $5 he didn't tell Adam and Eve because they knew for a fact God created them he did so they were the only humans with direct contact to God because they were 100 pure they knew no evil like murder Jesus was also this pure because he was a human form of God it doesn't matter it doesn't matter them [ __ ] ate the Apple they wasn't supposed to and then boom now [ __ ] out here raping people so they're like like it's a it's an oopsie on a park it's alright let's get it y'all saying he didn't see y'all like it already contradicting each other first I said he did he did tell him now he's not telling them at the end of the day the Apple got bit and now [ __ ] is murdering people apples ain't even that good bro like why couldn't I be one of them people why couldn't I be why couldn't I be the atom bro if God was like don't eat this at about y'all can do whatever I want yeah I don't give a [ __ ] just don't eat this Apple I'll be like the Apple house used by to say don't eat the watermelon - I'm good on that rap bro if I was at him but we'd all be chillin bro we would all be chillin man it ain't even green it's a red apple [ __ ] is he talking about her it was just something like a personal relation between me and God and it just it's helped me again lost time in those times of alone like and those dark moments I guess or in those happy moments just thanking God for blessing my life or in those dark moments like a little less alone is what it's helped and I think I people I talk of like those similar things in that respect I've always been proud of my religion it's never something I've tried to hide I think it's like if someone would have a conversation with me not an overbearing way but it would be something that would come out very quickly in the conversation for some reason or another I consider myself a good person hmm I think everybody would consider himself a good person he said I'm maxing out this bit yo one two three I appreciate you but you could show up you could chill bro you could show me you can I appreciate you fan Dante and you I'd be like yo God I know you said I can't eat the apple but can I eat that ass I mean god damn who is that oh sorry oh okay bro okay that's the definite right that's enough I feel like like I'm in I'm shredding some territory imma Chilika somebody gonna get offended like okay you're doing too much about my lord rather than uh I'm not even talking about God I'm talking about Eve like I really think good and bad is objective because does everyone love me no there are people who absolutely wish me dead saying that's okay actually you know what there's probably some and it's probably a cardi stand but I'm pretty sure there's somebody out who wishes I was dead I said something wrong about their favorite artist and now they want me to die I know for a fact that's someone out there bro it's crazy how the Apple was bitten and the phone gives us knowledge weird I seen that somewhere that is very interesting though and that is very interesting I was like [ __ ] are still biting the Apple bro I maybe I deserve it from them I don't know but on the other hand little old ladies across the street and I I give to the poor and I give time and energy and so is that good Kappa face thank you for the sub polarize your niece wants you dead the way she hits you well I think so yeah yo she came in she she never says hi to me she always says hi to Danielle hi auntie Danielle just like that just like that I'm not even I'm not even being action hi auntie Danielle what do you think you is who said you who said you can even be here right now maybe you're not ways I mean I mean hi mommy Danielle yeah that's my daughter hey it's that constantly striving to be better and whatever means that is moving forward sense not just think stagnant in I'm this and I'm gonna say this way all the time it's an active every single yellow key 123 donated $5 my last five dollars I appreciate you 1 2 3 love your fam hope you're enjoying this discussion this discussion we're getting into I feel like every few months we always get into a discussion about religion but it's new beliefs thought they keep bringing this [ __ ] up for means that is moving forward it's fascinating each time I'm this and I'm gonna say this way all the time it's an active possibly absolutely every single day completely up no I do believe that being good is in these my new like little actions these micro actions that you do every single day I'm intrigued do you guys base it more on your intentions or more on your actions intention is really important yeah cuz you shouldn't just be doing good things just because you know it's good you should be doing good things because Monica that's like the right it's the right thing to do you know like it shouldn't be you shouldn't have to think about what should i do today that would be good and that other people would think I was good for it like I that's why I understand when people I hate it but I understand it sometimes because sometimes sometimes people be trolling but when celebrities do something good and they film it and you have those people who in the comments like did you have to film it though did you have to film it though it's like I get that but then it's like y'all shut the [ __ ] up cuz you didn't have to leave the comment and what the [ __ ] did you do good today probably nothing you dumb [ __ ] but it's like you shouldn't be doing things just to get a clap on the back you should be doing them because it's the right thing to do you know cuz sometimes you do something thinking that it's going to be a good thing but it turns out to be disastrous but as long as you had a good intention in it I feel like it's like it was certain excitement yeah yo that that that happened to happen to me bro I tried to do something that was good you tried to get my mom some flowers [ __ ] of all the flowers she was [ __ ] allergic to the ones that I got her allergic to the ones that I got her I was like really really yes this man said stop pausing so much dude damn hey guess what [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of my check [ __ ] now was that a good thing I did know you could say I was an [ __ ] but do I give a [ __ ] no get the [ __ ] out my chat cuz you think he did a good deed today no he's just in chats bitching all day [ __ ] how many people do good things because they think that's what people expect good things to be yeah and for me I would just hope that that my faith would would be borne out in acts of kindness and mercy and compassion and charity and and I know that that doesn't necessarily come from me but I believe that that was a good person because of who God has made me to be I think you're a good person because you're a good person I also think you are I think you are more moral than the God of the Bible I think you're a genuinely good person and I think you're better than the Bible that was so nice but probably not the way he wants to hear it that was so kind but not the way that he probably wanted to hear that bro he was like complimenting him but it was like it was like a it was like a I wonder how he's gonna take this I think there's good in everybody maybe some doesn't even know what to say but I do think that at their core everybody's like I want to hear that again that was thank you that made me feel good I also think you're I that I'm a good person because of who God has made me to be here I think you're a good person because you're a good person I also think you are I think you are more moral than the God of the Bible I think you're a judgmental person and I think you're better than the than the Bible I think there's good in everybody maybe sometimes it's deep deep deep sorry but but I do think that at their core everybody's a good person well you know you know you know you're a good person when a Satanist is telling you're a good person but you're you're a good person right you are a good person like damn thank you thank you and he's like would you like to grab a bite out to eat later and I can't be seen with you like I thank you back I'm joking bro you're probably like a cool dude right you're probably a you probably a really like cool dude man I really [ __ ] with you I really [ __ ] with your moustache man I would definitely like you you'd be a cool person to hang out with trying to see how much money I got left yo one two three chill bro thank you for the thank you brought you man uh you saw my first message by by the way Christmas speech urgency about their religion out of love well let me see what you said so when you said shout out to all religions you only met the ones except Christi what I when I said shout out all religions I'm shouting out all religions like it doesn't matter what you believe in it's it's all religions I didn't exempt anybody that is where the assumptions come from and these arguments that you want to be you want people to be pent up against you so bad I don't have a problem with what you believe in just don't push it on anybody like just don't go around like yo do you believe in do you believe in got it cuz if you don't you know you're gonna go to hell right just come on I haven't talked to me read the Bible like just just be you know just talk to people just talk to people goofy well I'm a Satanist because I originally started out as an atheist but I wanted to find more ways to do advocacy work within a separation of church and state and also I think Satan is pretty cool Satan is kind of a daddy so here I am today talking about Satan yes come on say no respect all religions are there some weird religions out there uh-huh I respect you if you're a good person and you're doing you know if you think your religion is great but I mean there's probably a religion out there that I'm gonna say that's not okay thank you Hey I agree bow I agree I respect you if you're a good person well if you whatever it doesn't matter what you believe in bro but there probably is some weird religious okay there probably has some weird religions out there so I don't know if we could say you know I respect all religions all I can say is like whatever you believe in like that's what you believe in but as long as you know your urine chill person and you don't push that [ __ ] on other people I don't have a problem with you like what more do you have to say I'm saying I respect all religions and sense of the ones that I know of I guess yes some obscure thing that I'm not aware of that really does stand for horrible things I don't agree with my answer yeah I think whatever you want to store your faith in and if it helps you and helps you to your night without the people of course I'm I'm sure we all respect that and that helps you lead your life though I have committed my life in in future to a religion that believes that it is the right in the only way you know I also believe I respect people and and love this is the right my life and future to a religion that believes that that it is it is the right in the only way you know I also believe I respect people and and love people and believe in people's freedom to to choose even in Islam and the Quran we have this one chapter what it talks about is respecting all different religions like your religion is for you my religion is for me and like my religion is mine and your religion as your isn't like that's okay in a sense we're separate from each other but still preaching that respect for one minute like it's it's a platitude I wouldn't say like you're like that's the thing were separate from each other what like we're not we're all the same I feel like race and religion shouldn't separate us at all I feel like it shouldn't separate us at all he probably didn't mean it like that but like I get what he was saying but like I don't it's just that's the word separation bro separation that's not it at all that's never it at all of all religions to say like it's it's a platitude of all religions to say I respect your religion I respect your religion I respect your religion but you're all saying oh I respect your right to have that religion but then internally you're saying Allah is the only God Jesus is not God Vishnu Krishna these are gods these are deities Jesus Christ is the only way he is the answer he is the only one I'm right you're all wrong but I'm going to be nice about it this [ __ ] just spoke facts and he said it this [ __ ] spoke facts anybody did it in a respectful way cuz he said they [ __ ] this [ __ ] got the knowledge so me y'all like don't like it right after he finished that right after he finished saying that he should have said anything I knew that [ __ ] did you yeah yeah I know [ __ ] is you talking about [ __ ] don't let the mustache fool you [ __ ] this yo I like I like this is exactly what I was talking about though this is exactly what I was talking about though didn't this to say I respect your religion I respect your religion I respect your religion but you're all saying oh I respect your right to have that religion but then internally you're saying Allah is the only God Jesus is not God Vishnu Krishna these are gods these are deities Jesus Christ is the only way he is the answer he is the only one I'm right you're all wrong but I'm going to be nice about it I think that there's a difference between believing that somebody else's religion is wrong and respecting it like you have respect and still disagree and that's where I'm kind of coming from in because I don't feel nothing eternally bro I'm not saying I I want you to believe what you like everybody simply believe what they believe in but I'm right inside like it's like no no neither that's why I'm just living life I don't like you why am I here right now bro and why does the earth be spinning like what the [ __ ] is gravity like who the [ __ ] did that [ __ ] like but what's out there what's off of this earth bro what's often is earth [ __ ] is flying in planes and [ __ ] how the [ __ ] the brain just work like it just knows to you like your body needs some rest my [ __ ] and then your breath and then the brain is like a and then you just wake up we got we had you have dreams you had your brain is thinking even when you're not what your brain is thinking even when you're not what the [ __ ] is this in my head you are your own person y'all never just be sitting there and think about some [ __ ] that Shawn no y'all wasn't thinking about and be like you wanna [ __ ] him I think about this [ __ ] it's just a brain the only [ __ ] bro innocent underscore you this fire donated $5 miss that innocent youth would meet with friends after school fake adventures in woods evident by the shoes that's hard miss that innocent youth will meet with friends after school fake adventures in the woods evident by the shoes I'm just thinking about now [ __ ] going into the woods [ __ ] on my shoes mom's like hell did you just do to your shoes yo you got a light it's so kritis that's why I'm just living this life that I'm living and any questions that I do have I just Google that [ __ ] or I just read bro I just read because like this [ __ ] it's very very fascinating you can't just tell me this happened and like like I said I'm not just talking about religion or anything like that but you can't just say you were born to do this don't do that boom bro there's more to it bro they're stars out there there's stars out there that would like like what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] bro why are there just stars out there what is going on in the universe not the solar system I don't I care but like Mario universe is 83 donated $5 facts bro you can buy all the ingredients that make up a person in this store but I am like how do we work on that big brain ish that's what I like how how bro like how why why is there galaxies and why the [ __ ] are we calling them galaxies and what are in these galaxies are they is there some one right now in another galaxy if it is a some or as something that has the capability to talk in a language of whatever those species know how to talk in that can also to stream to what stream or whatever they call it to a group of other things or whatever they call it right now in that in that other galaxy thinking about like yo I wonder if aliens are real and not aliens in the form that we think of it's probably the opposite what if they look like the aliens we think of and then they thinking in their galaxy aliens look like us and they see one of us in like the [ __ ] is that Luc you'll see this [ __ ] he don't even guts and I comes out as handcuffs they probably don't even call it a tenth biggest see you look like y'all see his fake bro just make a got hair on his lip ill Vegas yeah they make a daddy bro we all know that thes Orbeez orbs you've not you know I'm supposed to have hair on your face bit you supposed to have hair eternally then he don't even got gills - you don't even have gills when I get this you got that's just stuff I think about and I'm just letting it flat out now because like [ __ ] I'm already at this point if you think I'm crazy you think I'm crazy but it's like and I'm looking at my window right now it looks like I'm just looking I'm just looking at my window just at the sky at the [ __ ] just bro it's just crazy how all this is happening how I'm communicating with people in different parts of the world in the world bruh y'all are in different parts of the world different times right now and we're sitting here we're sitting here arguing with other people about religion about what you believe in my [ __ ] wake the [ __ ] up what like you're watching me in a whole different state at a whole different time like people you have to think about this [ __ ] bro he said [ __ ] shut show that I do need to shut my window because there'd be some weird people over in the alley ledges just kind of looking in sometimes but like they just be standing there like this just looking in oh yeah okay you go that's what I mean doing like yo go realism [ __ ] weird votes like I don't know if they looking directly at me or are they just looking at bit like Mario right was nearby 183 donated $5 F it I must say it is water wet this my said what what's that Sweden Sweden 240 a.m. you're in Sweden you're in Sweden it is it's who in the morning take your ass to sleep but it's crazy it's like good morning to you but good night to me it's good morning to you but good night to me I don't know what you look like but you're looking at me and know how I act what I find funny I just know what you just told me that is 2 a.m. where you are and I have never met you before but we are talking to each other there is more out there bro there is more out there this is crazy y'all gotta wake the [ __ ] up and stop judging people for how they looking all day [ __ ] and all this [ __ ] bro I disagree with all of you guys on your religious beliefs but of course everybody disagrees on their religious beliefs I think we all disagree with each other to a certain extent but we can all live in harmony and we come I'm not greatest lessons views oh yeah I don't really follow a specific Mario King 980 $305 love from Las Vegas it's 543 over here it's 5:40 where weight loss Oh 543 uh p.m. how about say weight loss of a guy's what would it be uh I am believe that at my core my wackiest Slovakia Sweden UK everybody and respect first tenets in the temple of Satan is to have compassion and empathy for all living creatures within a reasonable understanding of it so I just love yourself too I think that's important is always always like preach self respect for yourself respect your body respect your belongings respect your public space here respect the earth and love all and it's it's just been a guiding force for love in my life and I think it's because of the love that's rooted inside within it I'm curious I was just about to say hard on Cole Bennett let me let me talk to you let me say something real quick I was just about to say this is another thing that shows how it how it I like how religion instinctively can push people away cuz I've seen when I read this I said can Satanists and major religion see eye to eye I said Satan this Satan is what the [ __ ] you like whoa yo bro one of the coolest dudes is a goddamn Saint he's a Satanist but it's like now I got an understanding of what the religion actually means but that's why I say like why can't we just treat people like they're like people who they are and not put a label on everything or just or judge anybody by their labeling why can't we just be like talk to them and [ __ ] like that and see how they are as a person and judge it off that judging him off a person he seems like a cool dude bruh puts up a little bit of a show but like he's smart and he's cool and he seems funny the girl too like they they seem cool that's what I'm saying like off rip labels already a stink t'v Lee turned people off let's do this for example who's I'm Dante oh yeah he's like he does reactions Oh reactions so he just sits there and just watches videos and [ __ ] like he's one of those people who just who's just lazy already I there's a distaste for me because of that because of that label and it's like yo when you just label people and you don't get to know them you don't try to talk to them or you don't see what they're about you can just automatically judge them off of what they believe in or you know whatever whatever label you want to put on them and [ __ ] like that so I learned what I learned is you know what I learned is what I already knew what I was already saying bro just appreciate people or talk to people for who they are get to know people for who they are oh you're a different race oh no whoa yo I I I used to [ __ ] what Blackie speaks and then I seen him post a picture and he was actually black I was like well I thought you were white hey bro I unsubscribed in dis like every video as obviously a joke by the way honestly it was more of that I didn't know what to expect only cuz I I mean I know a bit more about Christianity I know a bit more about Hindus I'm just say you don't learn about Satanism in school very much to be fair not to interrupt we three identify a Satanist but we three also believe very different of course and I just I think that's like for me I didn't really come in with many expectations I was just willing and eager to hear what you had to say here your point of view our reason for doing what we do is a bit different I think we all want to be good people and live good happy lives and preach love in some way or no they're not I don't mean preaching or religion I just I mean like be loving people I think we all want similar things just for different reasons Satanism is a new religion I mean the Satanic temple obviously extremely new yeah Church of Satan as run by Anton LaVey this is very new a [ __ ] is going on out there man what the [ __ ] is going on in up poor things she finna get made of she finna get made a you find a good joke dad school bro she goes she finna get booty bro I heard the mother prepared for because I'm about to bully her right now I'm about to bully her right now I sort of got if I had a locker in my goddamn please I'd sub her in it right now man you know what the I don't know what you just said close my door too
Channel: ImStillDontai
Views: 633,370
Rating: 4.9037471 out of 5
Id: c1XM9o165F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 54sec (4914 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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