Image classification with Python FULL COURSE | Computer vision

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hey my name is Felipe and welcome to this image  classification course. This is a fully comprehensive course and I'm going to teach you everything  you need to know to get started with image classification which is one of the most important  techniques in computer vision I'm going to cover the fundamentals and I'm also going to show you  three different ways to train your own image classifier: the python Library scikit learn, the most  recent version of YOLO: YOLOV8, and a 100 no code online platform called teachable machine. I'm going  to show you the step-by-step process of how to use an image classifier in super complex projects  we will be building a computer vision API, a pneumonia classification web application and a face  attendance system with liveness detection. By the end of this course you will be more familiar with  one of the most important techniques in computer vision, you will have the skill and knowledge  to train your own image classifier and you will be able to build super amazing computer  vision projects. And now let's get started. So let's get started with this course about  image classification and the first thing we will be discussing is what is image classification I'm  going to share with you a very simple definition and a few examples, image classification is a  computer vision technique to categorize an image into one of several predefined categories  and is very important we will be categorizing an image into one of several pre-defined  categories there are many Technologies to perform image classification these are only  a few of all the available Technologies of all the different ways in which we could do image  classification for example we could use the python Library scikit learn which is a very popular  library for machine learning we could also use yolo V8 which is the most recent version of  YOLO we could use teachable machine which is a very powerful framework provided by Google to  do image classification with absolutely no code whatsoever, its a 100% no code platform we could also  use image classification through a cloud provider for example using AWS rekognition and these are  only a few of all the different ways in which we could do image classification and this is the high  level structure of an image classifier, absolutely every single image classifier needs to comply  with this structure the input will be an image and the output will be the image category and  the category will be given either as an integer value for example 0 1 2 and so on or as a string  for example cat or dog or as a vector but let me give you a very specific example so here we have a  very very simple image classifier and in this case we will be classifying absolutely every single  image into one of these two predefined categories this image classifier is going to take an image  and is going to classify this image it's going to categorize this image either as a cat or as a  dog and in this case this image classifier takes this image of a cat and it Returns the category  cat right this is a very specific example and now let's continue now let's talk about image  classification confidence score, image classifiers use actually provide a measure of confidence  along with their classification, they usually provide a measure of confidence not always this is  something they usually do right remember an image classifier will always return the image category  but they usually also return the confidence score usually not always this confidence score is a  float value in zero one so it ranges from 0 to 1 and it represents how confident the image  classifier is regarding that classification so in the previous example in this case we  are classifying this image as a cat with a 0.95 confidence score we can look at this number  either as a float value and this will be 0.95 or we can look at it as a percentage and in this case  it will be 95% so this means this image classifier is telling us this image is a cat with  a 95% confidence so this means this image classifier is not 100% confident this image is a  cat right this image could be a cat or it could be a dog the image classifier could be making a  mistake is not 100% confident but it's a 95 percent confident right that's exactly what it means the  confidence score we are making a classification and we are providing a value of how confident  we are regarding that classification right now let's continue these are some very specific  examples some very specific applications of image classifiers and these are some examples we  covered in my previous tutorials in this YouTube channel and these are some examples we will  be covering through this course so the first one is a parking spot classifier and this is a  classifier which takes an image of a parking spot and it classifies this image into one of these  two categories so this classifier is going to take an image of a parking spot and it's going to  classify this image as empty if the parking spot is empty or it's going to classify this image as  non-empty if the parking spot is occupied either with a car or any other type of object this is a  very interesting application we will be covering later on this course then another example is  a weather classifier which is going to take an image and is going to classify an image into one  of these four predefined categories which are rain Sunrise cloudy or shine and if this is another  example we will be covering later on then another example is a ship classifier which is going  to take an aerial image a satellite image and is going to classify this image as ship if the image  contains a ship or as no ship if the image does not contain a ship and then the last example and  this is a very very Advanced application of an image classifier which is a spoofing classifier  and the idea with this type of classifier is to detect this type of situations of someone  holding someone else's picture right in this type of application we will be classifying human  faces into one of these two categories we will be classifying every single face either as fake  if the person is doing something like this if it's holding someone else's picture or as real if  it's someone holding its real face right if it's a real face in front of the camera so these  are a few examples of some image classifiers which we will be covering through this course  and now let's continue to the next lesson. Now let's talk about image classification metrics  let's try to answer the question how to measure the performance of an image classifier we will  be discussing three different type of metrics: a confusion Matrix, accuracy and precision and  recall. Precision and recall are two different type of metrics but we will be addressing both of  them at once so let's start with the confusion Matrix It summarizes the performance across  all of our classes it's a very visual way to evaluate a classifier the ideal confusion Matrix  is a diagonal now let me show you this is how a confusion Matrix looks like in the case of only  two classes we will have four numbers which will be arranged as a matrix and the way we will  make sense of these four numbers is exactly like this the number we will have over here  the true positives is how many samples of this class the class number one were classified as the  class number one then this other number the false negatives means how many samples of the class  number one were classified as the class number two then the false positives means how many samples of  this class the class number two were classified as the class number one and the true negatives means  how many elements of the class number two were classified as the class number two this  is going to be much more clear later on because I'm going to show you a couple of examples of how  to compute a confusion Matrix now let's continue let's move on to the accuracy the interpretability  of this metric is very straightforward if classes are perfectly balanced and the higher is better  and this is exactly how we are going to compute the accuracy basically we will need to take the  elements in the diagonal the true positives and the true negatives and we will need to divide  these numbers by the total number of samples right TP means true positives and TN means true  negatives so true positives plus true negatives divided the total number of samples now let's  move on to the Precision and recall and these are the most appropriate metrics if classes are  not perfectly balanced or if misclassifications are too expensive and I'm going to show you an  example in a few minutes of an image classifier where the misclassifications are too expensive  so this is going to be much more clear in a few minutes but for now let's continue recall  measures how effectively we can find objects Precision measures how well we perform once we  find an object and the higher is better for each one of these metrics now let's continue we need  to define a positive class and a negative class precision and recall are computed with respect to  the positive class so going back to the confusion Matrix you can see we have two classes we need to  Define one of our classes as the positive class and the other class as the negative class right  and in the way we have built this confusion Matrix we have over here the class number one will be  the positive class and the class number two will be the negative class going back here once we  have defined these two classes the positive and the negative we can compute the precision as the  number of true positives divided by the number of true positives plus the number of false positives  going back here we will need to take this number the true positives and we will need to divide this  number by the sum of the true positives plus the false positives right we will take this number  and we will divide it by the sum of these two going back here then we will need to compute  recall as the number of true positives divided by the number of true positives plus the number  of false negatives going back to the confusion Matrix it will be like taking this number the true  positives and dividing this number by the sum of these two true positives and false negatives  so we take this number and we divide it by these two by the sum of these two now let's continue  let's take a look at a very specific example let's assume we are working with a cat dog image  classifier so we have an image classifier that classifies every single image either as cat or  dog and now we are going to test this classifier and we have 500 images of dogs and 500 images of  cats and let's assume that 420 images of dogs were classified correctly and 400 images of cats were  classified correctly if we build the confusion Matrix in this problem we will have something like  this right 420 dogs were classified correctly and this is exactly what we have over here and 400  cats were classified correctly and this means that 100 cats were misclassified as dogs and 80  dogs were misclassified as cats in this case the accuracy will involve to sum the elements in the  diagonal in this case is 420 plus 400 divided by the total number of samples which is 1000 and this  is 0.82 then Precision we will need to take this number 420 and then divide this number by the sum  of 420 plus 100 and this is something like 0.81 right then recall we will need to take this number  420 and we will need to divide this number by the sum of 420 plus 80. this is exactly what we have  over here and this is 0.84 so in the case of this very specific example we have these values for the  accuracy the Precision and Recall now let's move to a slightly more advanced problem to a slightly  more complex image classifier which is something like this, this is a spoofing classifier which is  going to classify every single image into either fake or real and these are images of human human  faces right so fake means if the user is doing something like this and real means if it's an user  with its face looking at the camera and without doing anything like this right a real face and  we are going to test this classifier and we have 500 images of real faces and 500 fakes and we get  these values 280 fakes were classified correctly and 480 real faces were classified correctly  if we plot the confusion Matrix we will have something like this 280 fakes were classified as  fakes and 480 real images were classified as real let's continue the accuracy we will need to sum  all the elements in the diagonal 280 plus 480 divided by 1000 and this is 0.76 then for the  precision we will need to take this number and we will need to divide this number by the sum  of these two which is 280 divided 280 plus 20 and it's 0.93 then for the record we will need  to take this number and we will need to divide this number by the sum of these two and this  will be 0.56 so for this image classifier we will have these values for these three metrics  for the accuracy precision and recall and the reason I consider this is a slightly more complex  and a slightly more advanced problem is because if we consider this case if we consider this  image classifier if we assume this is working in something like a face attendance system let's  consider these two situations let's consider we have a real face which is missclassified as fake  so someone is trying to log in into a system and this system this face attendance system tells the  person it's fake so that's the first situation we will need to consider but if you think about  this situation it's not really a big deal right because if a person is classified as fake the  only thing this person will need to do is to try to log in once and again until it's classified  as real and that's it and eventually the only thing this person will need to do is to call its  supervisor or call support or something like that to fix this situation to fix the issue it's  not really a big deal but let's consider the other situation let's consider someone who is holding  someone else's picture someone who is pretending to be someone else and this someone is classified  as real right this someone is not classified as fake as it should be but it's classified as  real this is a huge issue because in this case it means someone has gained unauthorized access  into the system and that's huge that's a huge issue so this is an example in which we have a  misclassification which is too expensive right and in this type of situation the accuracy is  not really that important the Precision is not really that important but the recall is the most  important metric of all because we want to detect this situation as often as possible ideally  we would like to detect absolutely all of these situations and you can see in this case the  recall is 0.56 which means this is a 56% which means 44% of all the people who are trying  to impersonate someone else are getting away with it that's what it means 44% which is a lot that is a  lot of people which means we have a huge problem so this is only to give you an example of a  slightly more complex case of an image classifier of the evaluation of an image classifier and  this is going to be all for this lesson now let's continue to the next lessons where I'm going to  show you how to build your own image classifier. hey my name is Felipe and welcome to my  channel in this video we are going to make   an image classifier. Image classification involves  classifying an image into different categories and   is one of the most important fields in computer  vision I'm going to show you how to make an image   classifier which is very simple, very robust and  it works 100% in Python, I'm going to walk you step   by step through the entire process how to prepare  the data how to train the classifier and how to   test its performance so following the steps of  this tutorial you will be able to build a very   robust image classifier in only a few minutes  so let's get started so this is the process in   which we are going to be working today in today's  tutorial you can see that this is a four steps   process so training this image classifier will  take only four steps this will be a very easy   and a very straightforward process now let me  show you the requirements we are going to use   in this project we are going to use scikit learn,  scikit image and numpy and the image classifier   we're going to use comes from the library scikit  learn this is the library which is very popular to   solve machine learning related problems and  if you want to work with computer vision or with   machine learning you will definitely need to be  familiar with scikit learn so this will be a very   good example this will be a very good opportunity  in order to get more familiar with scikit learn   now let's start with this project let's start with  this tutorial and the first step is preparing the   data we are going to use in order to train this  image classifier and now let me show you the data   we are going to use in today's tutorial this  is the data we are going to use you can see we   have two different categories the categories are  empty or not empty this sounds very strange but   let me show you exactly how these two categories  look like or how the data in each one of these   categories look like and you can see from the not  empty category we have something that looks like   this so basically we have cars these are images  from cars and if I show you... if I show you many   many different pictures you can see that in all  of them we can see pretty much the same situation   it's like a car that's basically the not  empty category and then if I show you the empty   category this is pretty much an empty something  this is pretty much all the images containing   empty...ness containing a completely empty... these are  completely empty images in some of them there are   very small objects but you can see that all of the  images are mostly empty and these are... this is   how these two categories look like this  is how these two categories look like and this   data comes from one of my previous videos where  I showed you how to create a parking slot detector   and counter using python and computer vision in  this other video I showed you how to take a video   exactly like this... a video from a huge parking  lot like this and to make it look like this let   me execute the code I showed you how to build in  this tutorial and the idea was to go from here   to here the idea was to build something like this  where we detect absolutely all the parking slots   and for each one of the parking slots we classify  if the parking slot is empty or not and if it's   empty we plot it in green and if it's not empty we  plot it in red so this is exactly where the data   comes from the data we are going to use in today's  tutorial you can see that for the not empty category   this is how the data looks like these are  images from parking slots containing cars and from   the empty category we have images from parking  slots which are completely and absolutely empty   so this is the data we are going to use today  and the image classifier I'm going to show you   how to build in today's tutorial it's a very  robust classifier in situations like this in   situations where the data we have in situations  where the classification we want to make on our   data it's very easy it's very simple right where  the different categories we want to tell apart the   different categories we want to classify they are  visually super super super distinct they are super   different right in this case we have images from  cars and in this other category we have absolutely   empty images right, the image classifier I'm  going to show you today it's very robust and it   works super super well in situations like this  and the reason I'm saying this is because this   may not be a state-of-the-art image classifier  if you look for papers or if you look for the   most recent techniques obviously you are not going  to find the classifier we are going to make today   we're going to build today... and it's  definitely not the most robust classifier in   the machine learning industry but if you want to  solve like a very very simple problem like the one   we are going to solve today this image specifier  will be more than enough and I'm going to show   you exactly what's the performance we achieve  with this classifier but that's later on in this   tutorial now let's get started I already showed you  the data we are going to use and the first thing   I'm going to do is to import os which is a library  which we definitely need in order to work with   data and to read data and to load data from our  computer so I'm going to define a directory   which is input directory and in this case I'm just  going to hardcode where the input directory is   located which is here this will be something like  this and then I'm going to Define our categories   and I'm also going to hard code it and I'm going  to say something like this our categories are empty   and not empty okay and then the only thing I'm  going to do is to Define two lists which are   the lists which are going to contain our data one  of them will be data and then the other one will   be labels and I'm going to show you exactly how  we're going to use these two objects later on   this tutorial and now what we're going to do is  to iterate in absolutely all the images in these   two directories and we are going to load these  images we are going to read these images and we   are going to format these images... this data in  a way that fits well the classifier we're going to   use later today so let's start with it I'm going  to say something like for category in categories   and then for file in something  like os listdir input dir and then I'm going to define the  image path like os path join and then   input directory and category uh sorry this will  be os dot path dot join input dir and category   okay because we are walking in absolutely all  the files for each one of our categories right   something like this okay image path join input  dir category and then file and then we have   defined exactly what's the location of our images  now the only thing we need to do is to read our   images and to save our images into this list so  in order to read our images I am going to import   from scikit mage dot IO Import imread in this  channel in all the videos I had made so far we   usually used opencv as an image processing library  and obviously opencv it's by far the most popular   and the most comprehensive of all image processing  libraries is the one I use the most in my projects   but there are also other libraries which are  more convenient in different situations and for   example in this case we are going to use scikit  image we're going to use this image processing   library in order to read the images from our disk  from our computer so I'm going to call imread   from image path and this will be image okay  and now I'm going to resize this image and   for that I am going to import another  function from scikit image which is called   from scikit image dot transform import  resize so I'm going to call resize   I need to input my image and I need to input  the new size... which... the new size I'm going   to resize all my images to which is 15 x 15  and this will be my image so I'm walking   through absolutely all the images in these two  directories I'm taking these images I'm reading   these images from my computer and I'm resizing  these images from this size to 15 x 15 okay   now let's continue I have resized all of our  images and what I need to do now is to append this   data into the list I have created  in order to contain all my data so data.append and   we're not going to append the image... like the  image we have read and we have resized, but we are   going to append the flatted image we are going  to take our image and we are going to make it   into an array right because currently our image  is something like a matrix right it's something   like a matrix of size for example in this  case 61 x 26 and three channels it's BGR   we have resized this image now it's 15 x 15  and three channels now we want to take all   of that information and we want to make it into  only one very very long array right we want to   make it unidimensional so that's why we are  calling flatted and the reason we are doing this   is because that's what we need to do in order to  use the image classifier we're going to use today   when we are working with machine learning you  will notice different classifiers and different   models and different libraries and different so on  different everything require different formats or   require we format the data differently in order  to be fed into the machine learning model into   the classifier or into the whatever we are using  and in this particular case we need to flat the   data we need to make the data into an array  before we input this data into our classifier   so that's all for the data and we also need  to append the category for this data the label   and in order to do that I'm going to walk through  the categories slightly in a slightly different   way I'm going to call this is category  index category in enumerate categories   and now I will append category index to these  labels arrray to this label list and that's   pretty much all we need to do the only thing I'm  going to do next is to cast each one of these   lists into a numpy array so I'm going to say asarray  and then data okay and I'm going to do the same   with labels np asarray labels I know what you're  thinking hey Felipe this is not going to work   because you have not imported numpy and you're  completely right so I am going to import numpy now   import numpy as np okay so that is it that's all we  need to do in order to load our data and in order   to prepare our data to be fed into the classifier  or in order to move to the next step that is it we   have completed the first step in our process so  congratulations we are one step closer to reach   our goal of training our image classifier now in  order to make sure everything works properly and   we don't have any error I'm going to execute  the code as it is now and numpy has no flatted   um maybe it's flatten I think it's flatten maybe  I made a mistake so let's see what happens now it   seems we don't have any errors so yeah I made a  mistake now we have to wait a few minutes because   remember we are walking through absolutely all  the images in these two directories and we have   among the two directories we have 6090 images so  this is going to take some time but yeah now it's   completed and now it's time to move to the next  step where we are going to split our data into two   different sets we are going to create a training  set and we are also going to create a test set the   training set is the one we are going to use in  order to train our image classifier and then the   test set is the one we're going to use to test  the performance of the classifier we are going   to train so we definitely need to split all of our  data into these two sets and this is the function   we are going to use, we need to import another  function from scikit learn and this function will   be something like from scikit learn dot model  selection if I'm not mistaken import train test   split yeah so this is how I'm going... we're going  to use this function I'm just going to write some   things and then I'm going to explain it so this  will be something like X train X test y train   y test... calling our data X and Y it's a very  popular convention in machine learning so we are   going to do it too and this will be our train  test split function and we need to input data   labels and then there will be other parameters  as test size I'm going to set this in 20... in 0.2   don't worry I'm going to explain exactly why  I'm setting all these parameters in a couple   of minutes then another parameter is stratify  this will be according to labels and then Shuffle   I'm going to call Shuffle here and this will be  true okay so I have called train test split I   have input our data and our labels and then I have  specified a few parameters in order to show you   exactly what these parameters mean... I'm going to  start with test size I told you we were splitting   our data into two different sets the training  set... and the test set now let   me show you an image to show you... what  this means, to show you exactly how this looks like   so this is an image I found online this is an  image I found on Google or actually on duckduckgo and   basically you can see that we have an array which  is called data which contains all of our data and   we're creating two different arrays from it we are  creating X train and X test and we are specifying   this size this split size which is 0.2 so what we  are doing is creating two different sets which are   training set and test set from the total amount of  our samples from all of our data we are splitting   all of our data into two different sets and the  way we decide what's the size of the test set is   by specifying this parameter So currently we are  telling train test split to make this split in   a way that 20% of all of our samples are in the test set right now moving   to the next argument Shuffle equal true this is  something that we always want to do when we are   creating data when we are preparing data in order  to be fed into a machine learning classifier we   definitely want to shuffle this data first so we  can avoid absolutely every bias we had when we   were reading the data when we were creating  these data arrays... we definitely want to shuffle   the data first this is a very good practice  sometimes there are some biases which we are   not aware of sometimes the way we are reading  data or the way we are creating these arrays   we we are making some mistakes or we are... I don't  know the way this walking is done maybe it's   alphabetical order or maybe it's whatever we  always want to shuffle the data first that's a   very good practice to avoid any type of bias when  we were reading the data and creating these arrays   then stratify equals labels I would say it's always  a good practice when we are splitting our   data into two different sets to Define exactly how  we are stratifying this split and in order to   show you exactly what stratify means I'm going to  show you this picture which I also found online on   duckduckgo and basically you can see that we have a  data set in this case is these 12 people and you   can see three of these people are blue three  of these people are green and then six of these   people are red and in this example we are taking  a a sample of four elements of four people and   the way this sampling is done is by stratifying  by the different labels so if you look at the   sample you can see that two of these samples are  red one of the samples is green and the other one   is blue so we are keeping the same proportion of  the different labels in our original data set...  that's exactly what we are doing when we are  stratifying according to the labels it's like a   way to make sure that the all the different labels  are going to be in exactly the same proportion as   in the original data set so it's definitely a good  practice... this is something we always   always want to do now let's continue and you can  see that we have completed the second step in our   process we are one step closer we have only two  steps left two steps to go we are one step closer   of training our image classifier and that's going  to be all for splitting our data into a training   set and a test set now it's time to train our  image classifier now it's time to do like the   the actual training and this is how we are going  to do it I'm going to import another function   which is called... if I remember  correctly from sklearn   I think it's model selection as well import   gridsearchcv then from sklearn dot svm import   SVC okay so the first thing I'm going to do is  to Define an object which is called classifier   and this will be something like this this is  the classifier we are going to use uh it's SVC   let's see if it's okay is sklearn svm import so I  think it's okay for some reason it didn't   found it now I see what's the error SVC should  be in capital letters and now everything should   be okay okay so what I'm doing here is creating  a new instance of this object and I'm calling   this object classifier and this is the classifier  we are going to use in order to train our image   classifier so what I'm going to do next is to  Define another object which is parameters and   this will be something like this I'm just going to  write it and I'm going to explain it in a couple   of minutes I'm going to define something like  a list of only one element which is going to   be a dictionary with two keys one of these keys  will be gamma and then the other key will be C   and that's pretty much all and then I'm going  to define a list for each one of these uh items   and for gamma it will be something like 0.01  0.001 and 0.0001 okay and for C I'm going to   do something like 1 10 100 and 1000 okay and  then it's when I'm going to call grid search   I'm going to define a new object which is called grid  search and this will be grid search cv and I'm going   to input these two objects I just created the  classifier and the parameters okay and now let   me show you exactly what I'm doing I'm creating a  new instance of SVC and I'm calling this instance   classifier and this is the classifier we are  going to use and I'm creating this object which   is called parameters which is a list containing  only a dictionary and this section has only two   keys one of them is gamma and the other one is  C and each one of these keys has a list of values   okay now I'm going to to show you the scikit  learn documentation and going to... and going back   to scikit learn and I'm going to show you how the  documentation looks like for SVC for the object we   are using as our classifier and you may notice  all the different parameters we have in this   classifier we have C kernel degree gamma cov0  shrinking probability and many many many other   parameters we have many many many many different  parameters to choose from but when we were   creating our object we are just calling this empty  Constructor we are not specifying absolutely any   parameter we are just using all the default values  for SVC okay and you may notice as well that we   are getting this other object and these two keys  we are creating are exactly two parameters from our...   from our object from the  object we are going to use as our classifier   so what we are going to do is we are not going  to train only one image classifier we are going   to train many many many many different image  classifiers and we are going to train an image   classifier for each one... for each combination we  have for C and Gamma so we have three values for   gamma and we have four values for C this means we  are going to train 12 image classifiers right the   way this process is going to work is that we are  not going to train only one image classifier but   we are going to train many many and as many as  different combinations we have for C and Gamma   in this case we have three values for gamma  four values for C three times four it's twelve   so we are going to train 12 image classifiers  that's the process we are going to take in this   tutorial and the way it works is that  we are going to choose the best of all of these   different classifiers we are going to train so...  and the way we are going to do this training the   way we are going to train as many classifiers  at once is by calling grid search by   calling this other object I have specified over  here so this is how we are going to use it    I have already defined this grid search and then the  only thing we need to do is to call grid search   dot fit and I'm going to input X train which  is my training set and then y train which   is which are the labels of our training set and  that's pretty much all that's pretty much all in   order to train our image classifier that's pretty  much all to train all these 12 image classifiers   right let's see what happens when I press play  now remember the way this works is that we are   loading the data first and this is going to take a  few minutes because ithis is a lot a lot of data   these are a lot of images and then we are taking  this process now the training also takes some time   because remember we are training many many many  many different classifiers so this is going to   take some time so I'm just going to wait a couple  of minutes and I'm going to see if something   happens or if the execution is successful okay  so the execution is now completed we don't have   any errors so we can continue and and this was  the third step in our four steps process this   means we are pretty much there the only thing we  need to do now is to test the performance of the   model we trained but we are almost there we have  almost completed this process and most importantly   we have already trained our image classifier, our  image classifier is now trained the only thing we   need to do now is to test how it performs to see  if we can use it or not okay and this is how we   are going to do I mentioned that we were training  not only... not only one image classifier but we are   training 12 different image classifiers one for  each one of... one for each combination of C and gamma   so we are training many many different classifiers  and the way we are going to select one of all of   these image classifiers if is by calling a member  of grid search which is called grid search dot   base_estimator_ so by calling this  member is that we are going to get the best of   all the different image classifiers that were  trained right we are training 12 different   image classifiers and we are just choosing the  best one and the way we are choosing for the   best one is by calling this member of grid search  that's basically what we are doing so this is our   model this is our classifier best estimator this  is our model now let's see how it performs let's   see if it's really like a good classifier let's  see what's the performance of this classifier on   our... test data on the data we have created  in order to test the performance of this algorithm   so what I'm going to do is to call base estimator  dot predict and I'm going to input my test data   so I'm going to input X test and I'm going to call  the output from this prediction y prediction right   and then I need to import another function which  is from sklearn dot metrics import accuracy score   and let's see what's our performance  and I'm going to make a print I'm going   to Define another value which is score and  score will be accuracy score y prediction   and y test right I'm taking this which are the  labels of the test set and I'm just comparing   against our predictions and now I'm going to  print something like I'm going to format this   super super nicely so we get like a... like a very  clear measure of how well this performs   so I'm going to express this as a percentage  and I will say something like of samples were   correctly classified something like this and  this will be format string score times 100   right because score is going to give us a number  which ranges between 0 and 1 and it's going to be a   measure of our score of how accurate our classifier  is on the test set now this is a value between 0 and 1  and it's very very useful and that contains  absolutely all the information but what I'm going   to do is just reshaping where I'm going to do  like a reformat of this number into a percentage   right because it's going to be much much cleaner  in order to see how it performs and all I have   to do now is to execute this code again and  let's see what happens let's see what's our   performance so I'm just going to press play and  I am going to wait a couple of minutes just like   before and I will come back with our results  let's see how it performs the execution is   now completed and this is the accuracy we got  with the best estimator from all the different   image classifiers we trained we are getting a  99.9 percent accuracy this means that this is   absolutely perfect this is a pretty much perfect  classifier a 99.9 accuracy is like a super super   high performance it's like a very good performance  so we can definitely use this classifier later on   we can definitely use this classifier in order  to use it in our project so the only thing we   need to do next the only thing we have to do  now in order to complete this tutorial is to   save this classifier to save this model because  we want to load this model from another project   or we want to load this model in a different...  code or in a different whatever from a different   location we definitely want to save the weights  or we want to save exactly all the information   which is related to this model so we can use it  later in a different project and the way we are   going to save this model is by using pickle which  is another python Library so I'm going to import   pickle and then I'm just going to call pickle dot  dump and I'm going to specify the model I want to   to save the object I want to save and also I need  to specify the file which is going to be something   like model.p and then I need to open this file  as wb okay and that's going to be pretty much   all in order to save our model in order to have a  file with our model so we can use it later on, on   our project or from our location or we can use  this file in whatever way we want so I'm going   to press play and that's going to be pretty much  all after the training process is completed and   after everything it's done we should have a file  in exactly the location we have specified which in   my case is here... we should have a file which  is called model.p so this is it this is going to   be all for this tutorial we have absolutely  completed all these steps in our process we   have completed all four steps in our process and  we have trained an image classifier using Python   and scikit learn hey my name is Felipe and welcome to my  channel in this video I'm going to show you   invite you to write me a message in the comments  section below telling me what do you think about   how to make an image classifier using Yolo  V8 on your own custom data I'm going to show   this video telling me what do you think about this  tutorial and also telling me your ideas or your   you every single step of this process from how  to organize the data so it complies with Yolo V8   recommendations for other videos or other projects  we could work next on this channel my name is   how to do the training in your local computer  and also from a Google Colab how to validate the   Felipe I'm a computer vision developer and in this  channel I make tutorials coding tutorials exactly   performance of the model you trained and finally  how to take the image classifier in order to   like this one and I also share my experience and  my resources the resources I use as a computer   make new predictions I'm going to show you the  entire process this is going to be an amazing   vision developer so if these are the type of  videos you are into I invite you to subscribe   tutorial and now let's get started so on today's  tutorial I'm going to show you how to train an   to my channel this is going to be all for today  and see you on the next video image classifier using yolo V8 on your own  custom data set so let's get started and the   first thing I'm going to do is to show you the  data I am going to use in this tutorial which is   a weather related dataset let me show you the  different categories we have and let me show   you all the different images how they look like  we have four different categories and they are   cloudy, rain, shine and sunrise now let me show you  each one of these categories for example the cloudy   category this is how the images look like you  can see that in each one of these images we have a   sky which is completely cloudy right we have many  different clouds for each one of these images now   the sunrise category it's basically many different  pictures of sunrises so this is how this category   look like and now for the shine category we have a  sky which is completely completely clear and with   a super super bright sun right you have the sun  in each one of these images and it's super super   bright and this is the rainy category and you can  see these are many different pictures of super   rainy days so this is basically the dara set I am  going to use in this tutorial but obviously you   can apply absolutely everything I'm going to show  you today to absolutely any type of data set you   are going to be able to build any type of image  classifier with everything I'm going to say in   this tutorial now let me show you the structure  you need for your data because if you're going   to train an image specifier or if you're going  to use yolo V8 yes the data is super super   important but you also need to structure to give  like a format to all of your data so it complies   with the way yolo V8 expects your data to be  right yolo V8 requires your data to be in a   given format in a given structure so I'm going  to show you exactly how to structure your file   system so everything looks the way it shloud to train  an image classifier using yolo V8 so if I show   you I have a directory which is called weather  data set this is going to be the root directory   you can call this directory whatever you want but  you need a directory which is going to be your   root directory and inside this directory you can  see we have two different folders one of them is   called train and the other one is called val and  this is exactly where you are going to have your   training dataset and your validation dataset right  it's very important you name these directories   exactly like this one of them should be called  train and the other one val now if I show you within   the train directory this is where we are  going to have our four directories containing   all the different images for all of our categories  basically you need to have as many directories as   categories you want to classify with your model so  in my case I want to classify an image into four   different categories and this is why I have four  different directories   each one of these directories is named as the category  I want to classify my images in right when one   of them is called cloudy the ther one  is called rain then shine and then sunrise and   these are the categories I want to classify all my  images and then within these directories, these   folders is where I have all my data within cloudy  is where I have all my data related to the Cloudy   category and so on right the same happens for  the rain and the shine and the sunrise category   so this is basically the structure you need for  your data the structure you need for your file   system in order to comply with what yolo v8 is expecting for your data and then if I go   to the val folder you can see I have exactly the  same structure I have four different directories   and they are named under the categories I want  to classify all my images and then if I open   this directory it's exactly the same you can  see that I only have different images for that   specific category now this is very important  because from now on everything is going to be   super super straightforward if you have created  this structure for your file system if your data   is exactly in the structure I show you there  is going to be super simple to train an image   classifier in yolov8 so this is very very  very important now I'm going to show you three   different ways in which you can train an image  classifier using yolo V8 so let's start with the   first way which is using a python script we are  going to make a very very simple script in Python   in order to train this model and let me show  you how to do it so let's go to pycharm this is   a pycharm project I created for todays tutorial and the first thing you should do  if you want to work with yolo V8 is to install a couple of dependencies a couple of python packages  these are two packages we are going to use in   this tutorial one of them is ultralytics and the  other one is numpy, ultralytics is very very very   very super important because this is exactly the  library you need in order to import yolo, in   order to train this model using yolo V8 so you  definitely need these two packages, now in order to   install these packages this is how we are going to  do it I'm going to show you a way to install these   packages which is going to work with whatever your  OS right if you are a Linux user or if you are a   Windows user if you use Mac it doesn't matter it's  going to work anyway so you need to go to file   then settings and then you have to select python  interpreter right this is the python interpreter   we are going to use you can see that I'm using  python 3.8 and then you need to click on plus   and this is where you're going to find... you're  going to search for the packages you want to   install in my case I'm going to search for  ultralytics and the version I'm going to use   let me copy the version first it's this one so I'm  just going to file setting then Ultralytics again   and then the version is this one okay and then I  click on install package in my case I have already   installed this dependency so nothing is going  to happen on my computer but please remember   to do it on your computer because otherwise you  will not be able to use or you're not going to   be able to do anything of what we are going  to be doing today now let's see numpy what's   exactly the version we are going to use we're  going to use 1.24.2 so file settings Plus numpy 1.4 24.2 so everything is okay now install package  this is like uh everything it's okay numpy has   been installed successfully so now we are ready  to continue once we you have installed these two   dependencies these two packages now you're ready  to continue and now you're ready to install your   own image classifier using yolo V8 so let's  go to main this is the file we are going to   use in order to code everything we need in order  to train this classifier and let me show you    exactly what's the code you need to type in order  to do this training I'm going over here to the   GitHub repository of yolo V8 and I'm going to  select the classification section right I'm going   for the classification and then here I'm going  to click on classification docs this is going   to open a new file a new URL a new website a new  page and this is exactly the all the information   we need in order to train this image classifier  I'm just going scroll down and I'm going to the   train section and this is what we're going to do I'm  going to copy and paste this line which is the one   in the middle the one that says load a pre-trained  model recommended for training I'm just going to   copy and then I'm going back to Pycharm and I'm  just going to paste it obviously we need to import   yolo otherwise this is not going to work  so I'm going to say from ultralytics import YOLO and that's pretty much all you can see now we  are creating our model, we are creating the   object we are going to use as our model and  then I'm just going to copy and paste this last   line which is model.train I'm going to paste it  here and then I'm going to make a few edits I'm   going to leave this value I'm going to leave  the image size in 64 but then for the number of   epochs I'm going to set it in 1 right because  the first thing we're going to do is we're going   to do a very very dummy training in order to make  sure everything works as expected in order to make   sure everything works properly and once we are  completely and 100% sure everything is okay we are   going to move forward with a more deeper training  and with a more real training right but for now   let's just do the training for one Epoch and let's  see how it goes then for data this is where you're   going to specify the absolute part to the data  you are going to train this model with right in   my case it's going to be this weather dataset so I'm  just going to copy and paste the absolute path of   this data set which is this... I'm going to copy this  path and I'm going to paste it here right this is the  data I am going to use remember that you need to  specify the absolute path to the root directory   of your data and remember you need to structure  your data into the exact format that I already   mentioned right otherwise this is not going to  work and that's everything we need in order to   train this image classifier so the only thing I'm  going to do is to press play I'm going to run this   script so let's see what happens remember we are  running this training we are doing this process   for only one Epoch because we need to make sure  everything works properly and once everything   is working properly we are just going to edit  this value we're going to make this training   for more epochs but you can see everything seems  to be working properly so everything seems to be   okay and everything seems to be completed and  everything seems to be ready so that's it and   you can see that the results have been saved here  in run/classify/train12 so let me show you   exactly where this directory where this location  is in my file system if I go to the project the   pycharm project I created into my file system  this is exactly the project I created this is the   file we are currently working in the file  and this is where my data is located and this is   where the runs directory the runs folder will be  located this is where it will be created you   can see that within runs we have another directory  which is called classify and here is where you   will have many many many folders for each one of  your training processes and you can see that in   my case I have trained this classifier many many  many different times while I Was preparing this   video so there are many directories for me but  this is exactly the one which was just created   the train12 right train12 this is exactly  the directory which was just created and if   I open this directory you can see we have another  directory and then we have two files I'm going to   explain what exactly all these different files and  all these different folders are and exactly what's   the information we have in all these files but  I'm going to do it later on this tutorial when   we are validating this training process right  for now just remember all the results will be   saved here will be saved within  this folder within the runs folder and then within   classify and then a new directory a new folder  will be created for the training process you have   just executed right this is something you need to  remember for now but later on this tutorial I'm   going to show you exactly how you can validate the  training using the information that's within this   directory but for now let's continue I'm going  to show you now a different way in which you can   train this image classifier using yolo V8 I'm  going to do... I'm going to show you how to do it   using the command line using this utility and this  is actually like a very very straightforward way   to do this training let me show you you can see that  we have three different examples I'm just going to   select this one I'm going to copy and paste this  instruction this line and I'm going to show you   how it I'm just going to paste it here and you can  see that we have many different parameters right   in the first word is yolo this is the utility  we are going to execute then classify this is   the task we are going to execute we are going to  train an image classifier and then we are going   to train it so we need... we have another keyword  which is train and then we have these arguments   data model and epochs and also image size I'm  going to do exactly the same with image size   I'm just going to leave this value in 64 but then  I'm going to edit all the other values so actually   I'm going to the number of epochs and I'm  also going to edit data for the number of epochs   let's do something similar I'm just going to do  it for one epoch so we make sure everything runs   smoothly and everything runs properly and then  we can do like a more serious training a more   real training for more epochs this is exactly  the model I'm going to use so I'm not going to   edit this keyword either and then I'm going to  edit this argument and I'm just going to say   this is the absolute path to my data so this is  going to be exactly the same as I have over here something like this okay and that's pretty much  all the only thing I need to do now I'm going to   copy and paste this sentence and I'm just going  to a terminal and I'm going to do something like   this right I'm just copying I have just copy and  paste that sentence and you can see that that's   all we need to do in order to train this image  classifiers using yolov8 you can see that the model...   the training process has started and everything  is running super super smoothly so everything is   going super super well that's all right that's a  very very quick way and a very straightforward way   to do this training you can see the training has  just been completed and this is exactly where the   results have been saved to runs/classify/train13,  so everything is completed everything is ready   you can see how simple how fast is to train an  image classifier just by running this command   now I'm going to show you another way to do this  training which is using a google colab we are going   to use a Jupiter notebook we are going to use a  notebook in a Google collab in order to train this   model and this is also like a very good way to do  it so let me show you how to do it so basically   you need to go to google drive you need to go to  your Google Drive you need to select new then more   google collaboratory and this is going to  open a new notebook this is going to open   a new notebook in Google Colab and  is exactly what you need to do in order   to use this notebook to train yolo v8  now I'm going to show you a notebook   I have already created in order to train  this model which is this one is called train.ipymb and obviusly I'm going to give you  exactly this notebook in the GitHub repository   of today's video of today's tutorial so you can  just use this notebook if you want now I'm going   to show you all these different cells everything  that's already writen on this notebook so   you can... so you understand how exactly to use it  and how it works and what exactly you are doing   at each step so let's start with the first step  another thing you need to do if you want to   train this image classifier is to upload all  the data with all the images and with all your   categories into Google Drive obviously for  example in my case this is where I have my   weather data set you can see that this directory  is exactly this same directory I have over here   weather data set within weather data set there  are two directories which are train and val   if I if I open this directory you can see we  also have traiin and val so this is exactly   exactly the same data as in my local computer now  this is something very important because remember   to do it because you need the data in your Google  Drive in order to train this model using a Google   collab this is a very very important step please  remember to upload your data into Google Drive   now once your data is in Google Drive then you  need to be able to access your data from the   Google collab and in order to do that you need  to execute this cell if I click enter you can see   that now I'm going to be asked if I want  to connect Google collab with Google Drive and the   only thing I need to do is to say I accept there  you can see that it's requesting for my permission   I say connect to Google Drive and then   I select my account and then basically is to   scroll down to the bottom of this page and to  click allow and it's going to allow Google collab   to access all the data you have in your Google  Drive so this is a very very very important step   now something that's very important is that  you need to be able to access your data so you need   to know where your data is located in the Google  drive right you need to know exactly what's the path   what's the location of your data in Google Drive  in my case let me show you my Google Drive you   can see that my data is located into a directory  this is my root directory which is my drive then   I have another directory which is called computer  vision engineer then another directory which is   image classification yolo V8 and then data and  then this is where my weather data set is located   in your case it's going to be different obviously  it depends on where exactly you have uploaded your   data so something you may want to do is just to  click this... ls you can say something like ls and   then you say something like content my Gdrive  my drive right you execute this command and if I   execute this command you're going to see a very  very long list of files which are basically all   the files which are in my root directory in  Google Drive and for example this is where   I have the directory which is called computer  video engineer and if I do ls you're going to   see all these different directories if I say  something like image classification yolo V8   then this is data train.ipymb which is  exactly this notebook and then if I say data this is exactly where the weather data set is  located right so do something like that because   you definitely need to know what is the path of  your data in Google collab right you definitely   need to do it in order to continue to The  Next Step this is very important because if   you haven't set your data properly if your data  location is not set properly then yolo V8 will   not be able to train your model this is very very  important so in my case this is exactly where the   data the weather data set is located right this is  the path to the weather dataset so this is the the cell   I am going to execute and this is the value I'm  going to save in this value in data dir now   I'm going to continue then we need to pip install  ultralytics which is the library we need in order   to train this model in order to use yolo V8 now  the only thing you need to do is to execute this   cell and everything will run super smoothly you  can see that we have already completed this   process now I'm going to continue and the only  thing we need to do now is to execute this cell   and you can see that the code we have in this  cell is very very similar to the code we have   over here right basically we are running a python  script from a Google collab that's all we're doing   so you can see we are importing OS and also we  are importing the YOLO Library we are importing   from ultralytics we're importing yolo and  then we are doing exactly the same as we are   doing before and this is where we are using the  data directory the data dir variable we have   defined over here right so this is why it's  very very important you set this variable properly   so the only thing I'm going to do... I'm going to  do exactly the same as before I'm just going to   do this training for only one Epoch so we make  sure everything's okay I'm going to press enter   and that should be it in order to do all  this training the first time you execute   this training it may take a little longer because  you are downloading all the weights and you're   downloading the models and everything but uh after  that everything should be much much quicker okay   so you can see that now the training process is  in progress everything is going super super   well and from now on the only thing we need to do  is to edit the number of epochs so we do like a   more deeper training but I will say everything is  working super super properly so now let's move to   the other cells so I show you what exactly you  need to do once everything is completed once   everything is completed the only thing you need to  do is to run this cell so you are copying you are   going to copy all your results which were saved  on this directory you're going to copy everything   on your Google drive right because remember you  are working on a Google colab you're working   on an environment which is your Google collab  environment if you don't do something like this   it's going to be super super hard for you to get  the data you have just trained right to get your   results to get your model your weights is going to  be super super hard because everything is located   in your Google collab environment and long story  short is going to be much much simpler and much   much better if you just do something like this  and you just copy everything all the results which   were saved in this directory into your Google  Drive it's going to be much much better because   it's going to be much easier to download the weights  to download the results and so on so now I'm just   going to wait a couple of minutes so everything is  completed over here and then I can show you how to   copy the results into your Google Drive okay now  the training process has been completed and you   can see that the results have been saved into runs  classify train so this has a very similar output   to the one we just noticed when we were training on  our local environment now the only thing we need   to do is to copy everything into our Google Drive  so everything is much much simpler if you want   to download these results or to do whatever we  want so the only thing I'm going to do is to run   this cell and everything will be copied into this  directory which is the same directory where I have   my data and where I have my my Google collab right  now you can see that everything has been copied   already this is the directory I have just copied  this is the time this is the current time so this   is the result of the cell I have just executed and  if I go to runs classify train you can see that   these are all the results we have generated this  is the CSV file containing many different results   which I'm going to show you in a few minutes  and these are the weights and so on so from now   on if we want to get this data or if we want to  analyze this data the only thing we need to do is   to select runs and then we just need to click  download and it is going to download all this   directory into your local drive right you can see  everything is being zipping and once everything   is zipped this directory will be downloaded  into my local computer and you can see that this   directory has just been downloaded so everything  is working just fine now this is pretty much all in   order to show you three different ways in which  you can train an image classifier using yolo V8   and now let's do the deeper training right I'm  just going to take this script and I'm going to   edit the number of epochs so we do this training  for something like 20 epochs I have already been   doing some tests and 20 epochs is just enough for  this dataset for the data set I am using in this   tutorial so 20 will be just fine now the only  thing we need to do is to click on run I'm just   going to run this script as it is and everything  will be exactly the same as before everything will   be exactly the same right we are just we just need  to wait until this process is completely we don't   need to do anything from now on but this process  will be executed for 20 epochs so the only thing   I'm going to do is to wait until this process is  completed and once everything is completed we are   going to validate this training process I'm going  to show you how to analyze if all this process was   done successfully or not if you have successfully  trained a good image classifier or not so I'm   just going to pause the recording here and I'm  going to fast forward until this is completed   okay so the training process has been completed  and now let me show you all the results which   were saved here into runs classify and train14  now let me show you this directory this   folder in my local computer if I go to runs  classify and then train14 this is where all   the results have been saved and this is everything  we are going to analyze now, now we are going to   decide if the model we have trained is a good  model or not we are going to decide if this   is a model we can use or not so you can see that  there are two files args.yaml and results.csv and   another directory called weights let's start  by args.yaml if I open this file you can see   that this is something like a config file and  this is exactly the entire configuration file   which we have just used in order to train this  model this is very important because this is a   super super comprehensive list of all the hyper  parameters we have used in order to train this   model and for example the only parameters we have  specified are image size number of epochs and then   data the location of the data we have just used  and you can see that we have a keyword which is   data then epochs then image size and then we  have many many many other keywords as well   this is very important because these are  absolutely all the keywords we have used   we have used all these default values which were  set for all these different keywords and this is   important in case we want to train a new model  and we want to make some changes into some of   these hyper parameters now let me show you the  other file which is the results.csv file I would    say this is much more important this is like the  file containing all the information we need   in order to decide if this is a good model or not  and you can see that we have many different rows   each row for one of our training epochs right we  have trained this model for 20 epochs and you can   see that we have 20 rows for each one of these  epochs and for each one of these rows we have all   this different information and we are going to  focus on these three values on the training lose   the accuracy, this is the accuracy of the  validation set and then also the validation   loss right these are the three keywords in which  we are going to focus on this tutorial in order   to validate this model and I'm going to give you  like a very very quick tip like a very quick way   in order to analyze this training process which  is make sure the training loss and the validation   loss are going down through this training process  and also make sure the accuracy goes up and I know   you're thinking hey this is a very simple way  to analyze this process felpe yeah I agree with   you this is a very simple way but at the same  time it's very robust this is like a a very   simple but at the same time very powerful way to  decide if you have a good model or not now we can   analyze all these numbers but I think it's going  to be much much better and it's going to be much   much prettier if we make a plot with all these  numbers right because we have epochs in this   um in this column in this coordinate and  we also have all these different values   and we can definitely plot these values across all  these different epochs so let me show you a python   file I have created and this is exactly what  this python file does this file is called   plot_metrics and if I open this file you can see that  it basically we need to set the path to our results.csv   file in our case I'm going to set it to  train14 and you can see this is run/classify/train14   and thenresults.csv and then this is only  like some logic some very simple logic to take all   the data from these results.csv file and to do  some plots with it right that's all we are doing   we're just taking the data and doing some plots  and this file will be available in the GitHub   repository of this project of this tutorial so you  can definitely take this file and you can just use   it to to plot your functions as well all I'm going  to do now is just press play and you can see that   if we wait only a few seconds we get all these  two plots right and this is all the information   in our CSV file right everything I showed you  over here it's summarized on these two plots   so this is exactly what I mean with make sure your  loss is going down this is your    loss in the training set and in the validation  set in the training set we are plotting the loss   in blue and in the validation set is red and you  can see that in both cases the loss is going down   right which is exactly what we expect it's exactly  what we want now this is a very very simple way to   analyze this process but trust me this is also a  very powerful way right this is something that's   very very healthy something that looks like  this it's very healthy and then for this other   plot which is how the validation accuracy evolves  through this training process you can see that the   evaluation accuracy goes up when we increase the  number of epochs right you can see that starting   from the 10th Epoch or so everything starts to be  like somehow iddle right we are not really gaining   a lot of accuracy from here but we are not losing  accuracy either right we are just in something   like a plateau and this this is exactly how a   validation accuracy plot should look like right we   are starting from a very low value and then we  are just increasing our accuracy until we reach   a very high value of accuracy right this is like  a very healthy training process now obviously we   could make this process even better if we just  tune if we just change some of these parameters   and if we do like a more customized training I'm  sure we are... we will be able to have a better model   right because remember we are using all the default  values so as it usually goes if we make like a   more customized training and  we try different parameters and so on we should   be able to get like a better model but obviously  we're not going to do it in this tutorial because   I just wanted to show you like the end-to-end of  how to train this image classifier but remember   you could do it even better than this if you make  like a more custom model so this is pretty much   all for analyzing these plots which are the  validation accuracy and the loss function in   order to validate your training and then it's like  this directory which is the weights directory   you can see that this directory is called weights  and this is exactly where the models will be saved   this is very important because you have trained  a model and now obviously you want this model in   order to use it in your images in your data and  this is exactly where you are going to find this   model and you can see that you have two different  files one of them is called another one   is called now let me explain exactly what  these two files are and exactly what they mean so   remember how this training process works right  remember that you have a model you have a deep   learning model which is comprised of many many  many different weights and the way it goes is   that at the end of every Epoch right at the end of  the first Epoch of the second epoch of the third   epoch and so on you are updating the weights  of your model you are updating the weights of   your architecture of your deep learning model so  the way it works is that at the end of every   Epoch you have a model available which is a model  you have trained so far with all the process you   have followed so far so means that  you are taking the model which was the result of   the last Epoch of your training process right  remember at the end of absolutely every single   Epoch you have a model available which you can  definitely use if you want to in order to produce   your inferences and so on, so only  means that you are taking the last Model the model   which was produced at the end of your training  process at the end of the last Epoch in your   training process so at the end of the 20th Epoch  in our training process we are producing this model   Which is but you may Wonder hey Felipe  yeah it's great because at the end of our   training process our accuracy is something  like a 93% right a 93% it's   a very good accuracy but if we take the accuracy  if we take the model at the end of the 16th Epoch   for example our accuracy it's higher it's a  94.9 % maybe it makes more sense to take   that model instead right because we have an even  better accuracy we have an even higher accuracy   and if you ask me something like that I would say  yeah you're perfectly right you're you're super   super right that's a very valid argument and  that's exactly what the model is right   we are saving the weights of the best model in  our entire training process so if we look at   our data the best model in our training process is  this one if I'm not mistaken right it's the model   we produced at the end of the 16th Epoch and our  accuracy our validation accuracy was 94.9%   so this is definitely higher than the accuracy  we got at the end of this training process   which has which was a 93.5 and if we will take  the best model we have produced in the entire   process in the entire training process then  we will definitely need to take this model so   this is exactly what represents is the  best training the best model you have trained   in your training process and if you ask me what I  usually do is take in the model which was produced   at the end of the training process right what  I usually do is take in the last,pt file   because I consider that if this is a model we  have produced at the end of the training process   in this model we are summarizing much more  information right because we are considering   much more data we are considering much more  everything in all this training process many   things are going on many many things are going  on and remember there's a lot of Randomness in   this training process so I, me, personally  I consider that if I take the model which was   trained at the end of this process is a much  better option that if I choose a another one   if I choose like the best model or the model which  got the highest accuracy but it's not the last   Model that's what I usually do I usually take  the last model which was produced at the end of   the training process but if you want to take the  best model if you want to take  it also makes sense because you are taking the model  which produced the highest accuracy right   so you can do either one of them and I think it's  a very a good option that's why you have these   two files because you can use one of them or you  can use the other one and I would say that making   like a very very like the best decision on which  mode to use depends on many different variables   depends on many different things depends on your  data depends on your problem depends on your use   case depends on your training process  depends on many many different things which is   the best option right so remember you have these  two models and it's all up to you it's all up to   your specific project and it's all up to your  preferences which model you want to use right   if the best model which you have produced through  the entire training process or if you want to use   the last Model the model which you have produced  at the end of your training process so now let's   go back to pycharm because now it's time to make  our inferences now it's time to predict new    samples right and we are going to input an image  and we're going to use our image classifier in order to   predict which category this image belongs to so  let me show you how to do it I'm going to import   from ultralytics import YOLO and then  let's go back to this page because now we   are going to move to the predict section and  the only thing I'm going to do is to copy   this sentence... going to paste it here and then  I'm going to specify the path the absolute path   to the model which we have trained right  we don't really need to make it like the   absolute path we can use the relative path  so I'm going to do something like this right   sorry something like this so this is the path to  the model we have just trained right this is the   last model which we produce at the end of this  training process and this is the model I'm going   to use in order to show you how this works and  now let's copy this additional sentence which is   results = model and the model path the image  path right you can see that you can use an image   in your local computer in your file system or you  can also use something like an URL for example   in this case in this example which is in the  yolo V8 website you can see that the example is   using an URL and this is also going to work so  in my case I'm going to use an image in my local   computer I'm going to use one of the images I used  for training because I only want to show you how   this works but obviously you can use whatever  data whatever image you want so this is the   image I am going to use I'm just going to use I'm  just going to inference this image right which is   the first image in my Sunrise category data so  this is going to be something like sunrise1.jpg and this is pretty much all so these are  the results the first thing I'm going to   do is just trying to run this code and let's see  what happens everything should run smoothly but   this is where we are going to see if we have an  error or something like that we may need to wait a   couple seconds and everything seems to be working  fine because we didn't get an error so what I'm   going to do now is I'm going to print results  because I want to show you a couple of things   so this is the entire information we are getting  when we are printing results right you can see   that this is a lot of information we have these  probabilities which is the inferences we are   making this is exactly the result of applying  our image classifier and then we have a lot of   information another object or another result  which is very important is this one which are   the names of the categories we have just trained  our image classifier on right you can see this is   cloudy rain shine sunrise and also you can see  that we have different integer values for each one   of these categories so this is something like a  dictionary because we are going to have a result   from applying our image classifier and then  with this result which is going to be an integer   we are going to call this dictionary we're  going to call this object because we want to   know exactly what's the name of the category we  have just inferenced right so this is how we're   going to do it I'm going to call another variable  which is going to be names something like   names dictionary names_dict and this is results  zero because results is a list in this case   we only want to access the first element because  we are only predicting an individual image so this   is the element we want and then we are  going to call Dot names and that's pretty much   all then I'm going to Define another variable  which is props and this is results 0 dot props   and this is the probability Vector of all the  different categories we are trying to classify   right so we are going to have a length 4 array  with the probabilities of the different classes   we are classifying right so let me show you how  props looks like I'm going to print props and I'm   going to do something else I'm going to say to  list so we make this object into a list we are   using yolo which is based on pytorch so if we  don't do this if we don't call this method we will   be working with a torch object right with a tensor  so we don't really want to do that so that's why   I'm doing this tolist now I'm going to print  props so I show you how it looks like and I'll   show you how to continue from here okay you can  see that this is a result we got from applying from   printing props and you can see that this is a list  with four elements one two three and four and each   one of these elements are the probabilities  of this image to be one of these categories   right let's print the names too so we have all  the information in our screen I want to show   you I want to show you something so I'm going to  print sorry this wasn't names this was names dict and now let's wait a couple of seconds I want  to show you not only the probabilities but   also the class names so it's a little more clear what  exactly I'm going to show you now so this means   that this number is the probability for this  image to be cloudy right this other number is   the probability for this image to be rain this  other number is probability to be shine and   then this last number is the probability to be  sunrise and you can see by the values that we   are definitely classifying this image as Sunrise  right because this is almost a one this is almost   like a super super confident and absolutely  confident classification so this is exactly   the category we are classifying for this image and  this is how to make sense of this information so   what I'm going to do now is to print names dicts  and then I'm going to call np dot arg max and then I'm going to input the probability list  I just showed you and obviously I need to import numpy as np otherwise is not going to work and  basically what we are doing here is that we   are looking at this list the one containing all  four probabilities we are taking a look at the   maximum number which in this case is this one and  we are taking the index of this maximum number so   in this case this is the first element so this is  the index 0 this is one this is two and this is   three right so from this um from calling np dot  arg max props we are getting three and then we   are calling the third element of the names_dicts  object so we go here and we see that 3 belongs to   the sunrise category and if we look at this image  again we are going to see we are in fact plotting   a sunrise let me show you so everything seems to  be working fine and this is going to be all for   today this is exactly how you can train an image  classifier using yolo V8 in your own custom data   and this is going to be all for this tutorial  so this is going to be all for today if you   enjoyed this video remember to click the like button  and also remember to subscribe to my channel my   name is Felipe I'm a computer vision engineer  and these are exactly the type of projects I   make in this channel so this is going to be  all for today and see you on my next video hey my name is Felipe and welcome to my  channel in this video we are going to train   an image classifier using tensorflow 100 % online  without using any code whatsoever we're going   to use teachable machine which is a tool made by  Google and we're going to train a super super   robust image classifier in only a few minutes  now let's get started so let's start with this   tutorial and this is exactly the website we  are going to use in order to train this image   classifier 100 % online with no code whatsoever now  let me show you the data we are going to use today   we're going to use exactly the same data set we  used in one of my previous videos where I show   you how to train an image classifier using yolo  V8 we are going to use a word data set and these   are the four categories we have in this dataset the  first category is cloudy and you can see how the   images look like now if I go to the over category  it's rain and you can see that these are pictures   of super super rainy days now if I go to shine  which is the third category in this dataset you   can see that in each one of these pictures we  have the sun which is super super bright super   up in the sky and super huge and now the last  category is sunrise where we have pictures of   many many many many sunrises so this is exactly  thea data we are going to use today and remember we   have already used this set in one of my previous  videos now let's go back here you need to go to this is exactly  the URL for this website and once you are here   you need to press get started let me show you  how simple and how straightforward this process   is it's going to be super super quick super  simple super 34 and in only a few minutes we   will have a model an image classifier which we  trained 100 online with no code whatsoever now   you can see that you have three different options  and we're going to select image project and then   standard image model the first thing you're  going to do is I'm going to name make light   my glasses I'm just going to name them correctly  one of them is cloudy the other one is rain then   I'm going to add two additional classes  the classes are named Shane and sunrise and once I have created my four classes and I  have just named them all properly I am going   to upload my images I'm going to click in upload  choose images and now I'm going here to the word   set the train set I'm going to select all my  cloudy images and then I'm just going to wait   and that's it that's how simple and how easy  is to load all the data into each one of these   categories I'm going to do exactly the same for  the Rainy category I'm just going to select all   the Rainy images I'm going to press enter  and that's it now I'm going to do exactly   the same for the other two categories for  the shine category it's something like this and then for the sunrise category we are going  to do exactly the same and that's pretty much all   that's pretty much all that's pretty much all it  takes to lose all of our data to name all of our   categories properly and to take all of our data  into this platform that's exactly what we need to   do and that's how simple this process is now the  only thing we need to do in order to train this   model is to press this button train model you  get the idea right you get the idea how simple   and how straightforward everything will be today  but before trading this model I'm going to make a   very very small adjustment I'm going to press this  tab over here which is Advanced and I'm going to   change the number of epochs I'm going to train it  for 10 epochs so we can see how we get how we go   from there right I'm going to train for only 10  epochs I'm going to press train model and that's   it the only thing I'm going to do now is I'm going  to wait I'm going to wait until this training   process is completed and this is going to be super  super super amazingly quick right this is going to   be a very very quick process a very quick training  process now it's raining and you can see that this   is the first Epoch the second Epoch the third  Epoch the fourth Epoch and so on right the fifth   the sixth the sixth the seventh and you can see  how fast everything is going in only 15 seconds   we have trained our model in only 15 seconds we  have trained our image classifier now it's asking   for permission to use my webcam because that's one  of the ways in which you can make predictions by   using your webcam but we are not going to use the  webcam in this tutorial now the first thing you're   going to do before making our predictions before  making our inferences is look under the hood I'm   going to press this button because if we have  trained an image classifier the first thing we   need to do if we have trained absolutely any type  of machine learning model the first thing we need   to do is to validate this model is to take  a look how this model performs right that's   exactly the everything we need to do with the  machine learning model before using this mode   now if I look under the hood if I look at these  plots this is the accuracy per Epoch and this   is the loss per Epoch take a look that now we  have two functions right we have a function in   blue and a function in Orange and we have exactly  the same here for the loss functions and although   we have uploaded only the training data we  have uploaded only one that said we haven't   specified anything as a validation asset or as  a test does it it seems teachable machine it   seems this website internally somehow splits  the data into a training set and a test set   it seems this is done internally because we  haven't specified absolutely anything because   you can see we have two different functions  one of them is accuracy and the other one is   test accuracy and for the loss function we have  exactly the same loss and then we have test loss   so it seems this website internally splits the  data set somehow and now we have two assets the   training does it and the test does it and let's do  like a very very simple validation process let's   validate this training process in a very very  simple way the same way we did in my previous   tutorials if you watched my previous tutorials you  will remember I always always say make sure your   loss function is going down if your loss function  is going down it's likely everything is going well   make sure the loss function is going down both in  the training set and also in your validation set   and if we look at this loss function you can see  that in the training set everything seems to be   going well everything it's it's going down so  everything seems to be going super super well   but in the validation set or actually in the  test set you can see that the loss function   seems to be somehow stuck and also it seems to be  going up slightly up right it seems to be going   slightly in the up Direction and this is something  I don't like about this training process there is   something this is a situation that I don't like  now if we look at the accuracy you can see that   although both accuracies the the training accuracy  and also they test accuracy both of them are going   up you can see that the tree in accuracy is  going up a lot we are getting a 100 accuracy   in the training set and that's hardly ever a good  situation because if you are getting that high of   an accuracy in your training set it's it's usually  a sign that you are overfeeding your training to   your training data so that's hardly ever a good  sign that you don't really like having such a high   performance in the training set and if I look at  these two plots I can see that we are definitely   overfeeding to the training data because the last  function in the validation data is going up and   also we get a 100 accuracy in the training data so  this means the ball is overfeeding to our training   data so what I'm going to do now is I'm going  to do a much shorter training and I'm going to   stop this training around here which is around the  moment around the time the validation laws started   to go down right it started to go up so I'm going  to do this training for only three epochs and   let's see what happens so I'm going to press train  model again and now we're going to wait until we   train a new model and let's see how this new model  performs okay so this is a performance on the new   model we trained you can see that for the loss  function now both of our loss functions are going   down right the training loss and the validation  loss or the test loss and for the accuracy we   got a very very similar accuracy in both of these  sets and for the training set we are not getting a   100 accuracy so everything seems to be better now  now we are just going to keep this mode and now   I'm going to show you how to make predictions  right how to take this small in order to make   predictions we have two ways to do it we could  do it on the same platform we could do it 100   online the same way we train this model we could  do it using our webcam but what I'm going to do   is I'm going to do it I'm going to upload a file  this is one of the ways in which we could make   our predictions so this is how I'm going to show  you how to do it first I'm going to my validation   data this is my data which is my local computer  this is completely unseen data for my algorithm   for my model so the model haven't seen this data  before and you can see that we are predicting   this image as rain with a 99 score so everything  seems to be going well with this model we just   trained now this is one of the ways in which you  can make predictions using this model the other   way is by going to export model and here you  have three different ways to use this model you   can use it in tensorflow.js you can use it as a  tensorflow.js model so you can just put this model   into something like a browser using JavaScript  and you can definitely use it from there you   can take this small as a tensorflow model and  use it from a python script for example I will   say this is the way we are most familiar with in  this channel because we usually work with python   and you can also take this model as a tensorflow  lead model and use it from a mobile device you   have these three ways to make predictions with  your model and I'm going to show you how to do   it using tensorflow you can see that not only we  can export this mode into these three formats but   we also have something like a code we can use in  order to make these predictions so we have already   all the code we need and we know exactly what we  need to do in order to make our predictions this   is how simple and how straightforward everything  is using teachable machine now let me show you I'm   going to download my model I'm going to download  this model as a Keras model and then this says   convertible once everything is converted and it's  just going to be downloaded and in the meanwhile   I'm going to copy and paste I'm going to copy this  code and I'm going to paste it in a python project   I created for this tutorial so the only thing I'm  going to do is go into main.pi this is a a file   a Python's file I created in a python project and  I'm going to press paste and that is it and that's   absolutely all I'm going to do I'm just press  copy and then I press paste so I'm pretty much not   doing absolutely anything you may notice and this  is how simple everything is using this website   now if I go back here you can see that now  and we have two files one of them is core is   called kerasmall.h5 and the other one is called  labels.txt now this is a mode we have downloaded   and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take  these two files and I'm just going to locate this   file in the in the file system in my fault system  for the python project I have just created right   you can see that this is a mine the main.pi file  I however here we we have just space is absolutely   all my code and this is where I'm going to take  these two files which represent the model visual   strength using digital machine now this is just  going to take a couple of seconds you can see   that now these two files are in my file system are  in my local computer and now let's go to pycharm   because everything is pretty much ready to be  used but we need to do like a very very small edit   which is you can see this file name here it says  kerasmall.h5 everything is okay but you can see   that this is a capital m the m is in uppercase we  need a m we need an M which is lowercase right I   don't know why we have this typo but we do if you  take a look at the mall you have just downloaded   you can see that this file it says kerasmall.h5  but it's in lowercase so that's the only edit   we need to do and everything else should  work just fine as it is now I'm going here   where it says image pad and here I'm just  going to copy and paste the part to one   of my images in the validation set right so  I'm going here ball I'm just going to choose   one of the shine images I'm going to choose  chain one so I'm going to do something like these unshine1.jpg and now the only thing I'm  going to do is I'm going to press play   and that's it and that's all we need to do in  our core predictions using python with that third   floor model we trained use this website that's  how simple everything is now obviously while we   are waiting for our predictions everything is just  completed you can see that we are getting shine   exactly as we should with a 99.4 confidence score  so everything is amazing and what I was going is   that remember to install this project dependencies  remember to install all these packages because   otherwise it's not going to work you can see here  at the top we are using Keras peel and numpy so   please remember to install all these packages  which are pillow numpy Keras tensorflow and also   seek it learn because we are going to do another  edit because I think it's very very interesting   we have this code in order to make predictions  or indeed on individual images so we get an idea   of how this performs on an individual image but  let's see how it performs on the entire validation   set we have over here right remember in one of  my previous tutorials I show you how to make   an image classifier using yellow V8 and we used  exactly the same data so let's just compute what's   the accuracy on the entire validation set so we  can compare this more we trained with the mall   we trained in one of my previous tutorials and in  order to do so I'm going to just make a few small   edits the first one is going to be the final new  variable which is root directory and this is where   I'm going to specify the path to the validation  that's it so I'm just going to press paste and   that should be all okay so this is root directory  and I'm going to iterate in all the directories   within my validation data and then I'm going to  iterate also in all the images within each one of   these directories and this is how I'm going to do  four deer in OS list deal root directory obviously   need to import Os or OSD is not going to work  so import OS and then for J in US dot list there root directory dear and that's pretty much  all okay and then I'm going to Define another   variable which is image path and This Is Us Part  join root directory deer and J and that's pretty   much all now I'm going to edit this value over  here and I'm going to change it by image part and   now we are reading the image path we are reading  absolutely every single image in each one of four   directories in the validation data so everything  I'm going to do is to make sure this executes   properly and once we make sure everything it runs  super support smoothly I'm going to make some   additional edits but for now let's see if this  is just okay if this runs super super smoothly   okay we are getting predictions so everything  is just fine and now what I'm going to do is I'm   going to save all of my predictions into a list  so I'm going to create a list which is called   predictions and then I'm going to create another  list which is called label tools and this is where   I'm going to save all my predictions and this  is where I'm going to save all my labels right   now I need to import an additional library and an  additional function which is from a skill learn dot matrix is key learn dot matrix import  accuracy score right because I am going   to call this function in order to get the  accuracy score of this model in absolutely   all my validation data and by calling  this function it's going to be super   super straightforward now I'm going back here  and what I'm going to do is I'm going to append   this is the index so this is the value we need  this is the the integer we need in order to make   or in order to have our classification or  to have our predictions so I'm just going   to say predictions.append index now I need to  append the labels the label for these images   and in order to do so let me show you something  first these are all class names if I go back here   to this project um file system to this project  directory you can see that if I open this file   is the labels.txt file we have just downloaded  from digital machine and you can see that we   have four values zero cloudy one range true shine  and three Sunrise so these are the category names   and these are the indexes right so once we are  saving all the data into predictions and into   labels we need to make the predictions and the  labels into these format right we need to append   these values now all labels currently the way we  are iterating all these directories our label is   here it's in the directory name right if I go  back here to the validation data you can see   that the validation data to the root directory of  the validation data you can see that all labels   are actually the directories names so we need to  make some process we need to make some function   or something to take this name and to return this  Index right it's very straightforward it's very   easy but we need to do it first now this is how  I'm going to do I'm going to print class names   I'm going to print this variable which is actually  the um this variable this this variable contains   all the information we can see over here but let's  see exactly how this information looks like so   I'm just going to press play I'm going to press  print this variable and then I'm going to continue   okay and now it was just going to press stop you  can see that this is the variable we print and   this is how it looks like right so we have four  elements this is a list with four elements they   are called the elements are called the zero cloudy  then one brain to shine three sunrise and then for   each one of these elements we also have a new  line character right that's very very important   so I'm going to create a variable I'm going  to create a dictionary which is something like   Category 2 Index right this is going to be the  name and this is going to be a dictionary then   what I'm going to do is I'm going to iterate in  all these elements in this list so this is going   to be something like 4 class name in class names  and then I'm going to say something like index   uh sorry first I'm going to say something like  class name Dot split and I'm going to split it   by the space right because I want to get these two  values the index in one in one variable and then   I want the category name in the lower variable  so I'm going to say something like this and this   is going to be index and name right so I'm going  to say something like this and then I'm going to   say that name is equal to name except the last  element right because we we get that the last   character is a new line character and we don't  really care about that character and now I'm going   to say this Category 2 index name equal to Index  right so now with this new variable we have just   defined it's super super easy to do something like  this I'm going to labels append category to index   dear because this is the level of the image we  have just read over here so this is how simple   this will be now I'm just going to press play  to make sure everything executes properly and   to make sure we'll have an error and then it's  going to be super super easy because the only   thing we need to call accuracy score predictions  labels right but let's take it one step at a time   let's see if this executes probably everything  seems to be okay and now let's see what happens   I'm going to print the accuracy score on the  validation data with the mole which was trained   using teachable machine let's see what happens  okay so we got an error so I think I know what's   the problem and this is the problem that we  need to say this is int right because we need   to compare and we need to compare integers to  integers or why this is not going to work now   I'm going to press play again and if that was  a problem okay so now I didn't get any error   and this is the value we are looking for we are  getting a 98 98.6 percent of accuracy in your   validation data with the model we trained and  remember this is completely completely unseen   data for this model within use these images in  order to train this model so this is amazing   this is an amazing amazing performance so  it's going to be your for today my name is   Felipe I'm a computer vision engineer and these  are exactly the type of projects I make in this   channel so if you enjoyed this video I invite  you to click the like button and I also invite   you to subscribe to my channel this is going to  be all for today and see you on my next video so this is exactly the web application in which  we are going to be working today on today's   tutorial this is a pneumonia classifier and let me  show you exactly how it works so I'm just going to   drag and drop an image from my computer and now  let's see what happens and you can see that we   are classifying pneumonia with a 99.9% confidence  so this is exactly the project in which we are   going to be working today on today's tutorial and  I'm going to show you every single step of this   process from how to set up this web application  up and running using Python and Streamlit how   to use the image classifier and how to analyze  its confusion Matrix in order to validate its   performance and most importantly I'm going to  share some super amazingly Pro tips in order to   improve the performance of your model if something  is not working as expected if you are expecting   everything to be super super smooth and super  straightforward then think again because when you   are training an image classifier in real life or  any type of machine learning model things happen   and whatever thing happens whatever problem  it arises with your model with your classifier you   need to provide a solution you need to fix the  problem and in order to fix the problem you need   to be creative you need to think outside the box  exactly as we are doing over here so this is what   I want you to take from this video this is by far  the most important part of this tutorial my name   is Felipe welcome to my channel welcome  to this video and now let's get started and   now let's get started with this tutorial this  exactly the data that we are going to be using   today we are going to work with a pneumonia  dataset and we will be classifying chest x-ray   images into one of these two categories we are  going to be classifying absolutely every single   image either as pneumonia or normal these are the  two categories of today's tutorial and now let   me show you a few examples of each one of these  categories so you see exactly how they look like   these are a few examples of the normal category  and you can see that we are looking at some chest   x-ray images and this is exactly these are a few  examples of the normal category now let me show   you a few examples of the pneumonia category you  can see that in this case we are also looking at   some chest x-ray images and I don't know about you  but in my case I have to be honest and these two   categories they look pretty much the same right I  am not a doctor and I have absolutely no medical   background whatsoever so these two categories  and all of these images they look pretty much   the same for me and that's exactly why we are  going to be using an image classifier in order   to classify all of our images into one of these  two categories that's exactly why we're going to   be using an image classifier to tell these two  categories apart so this is exactly a date that   we are going to be using in today's tutorial and  I'm not going to show you the process of building   this image classifier because this is something  I have already built before star starting with   this tutorial I built the Evers classifier using  teachable machine using this website and if you're   curious to know the process of building an image  classifier using digital machine then I invite you   to take a look at all of my previous videos where  I show you the entire process of building this   image classifier so if you're curious to know how  exactly I built the image classifier we are going   to use today please take a look at that video I'm  going to be posting somewhere over there now let's   continue this is a classifier we are going to use  today this is a classifier I have already trained   pneumonia classifier.h5 it's already trained it's  ready and we're just going to use it today and now   let's continue let's go to pycharm because let  me show you the python project we are going to   work on to this tutorial so you can see that  they have three files over here one of them is   requirements.txt the other one is and the  other one is udl.pi so these are the three files   we are going to use today requirements.txt is the  list of requirements you need for this project and   you can see we have numpy streamlit Pillow colors  and tensorflow so please remember to install these   requirements before starting with this tutorial  otherwise nothing is going to work and then if   we move to main.pi you can see that this is  the entire process we are going to be cooling   onto this tutorial and this is exactly everything  we're going to be doing today this is exactly what   it takes to make this image classifier available  through a web application using streamlit so the   first step will be setting up the title then this  the header then we are going to create a widget   in order to upload a file then we're going to load  the classifier and so on right the entire process   is described as a sequence of steps right it's one  two three four five six seven eight steps that's   all it takes to complete this tutorial right  that's how Sim simple this will be so this is   main.pi and now let's move to udil.pi you can see  that here we have two functions one of them is set   background and the other one is classified for set  background this is a function we are going to use   in order to change the background of the website  we are going to be building today so this function   is only a detail like a very meaningless detail in  order to make everything look much nicer and much   prettier but it's not really that important  because it's not going to affect the entire   functionality we are going to be defining here  in this process so that's why I thought it was   a much better idea to just use this function from  a utils file so we don't really lose time code in   this function and we can just use it at the end  of this tutorial at the end of this process now   let me show you this or function which is classify  and this is a very very important function and you   can see we have a very comprehensive description  here in this doc string you can see we have the   this function exactly what it does and we have  all the description for all these parameters but   then if I scroll down you can see this function  is completely and absolutely empty right the only   thing we have is these comments over here these  inline comments and this is also like a sequence   of steps the same way we had over here so the idea  is that we are going to be good in this function   together on this tutorial but we are going to do  it at the end of everything else we're going to   focus on the entire Pipeline and once everything  is ready and once we are happy with this pipeline   then we're going to get back here to the util.pi  file and then we are going to call this function   and we're going to make the real classification  the actual classification right but that's the   process we are going to follow in this tutorial  we are going to start here with this process and   then we are going to classify an animals we're  going to build the code for this classification   and then at the end we're just going to change  the background because that's going to be like   the least important of all the details we are  going to be doing today so that's exactly what   we are going to cover on this tutorial and now  let's get started with the main.pi file okay   and the first thing we need to do is to import  streamlit as St that's very very important because   this is a python package we are going to use in  order to make this process available through a   web application using streamlit so streamlit is  definitely important and then the first step is   to set up the title and this is exactly how we're  going to do we're going to call St dot title and   we're just going to set whatever title we want  I'm just going to write something like pneumonia classification right pneumonia classification  everything is okay yeah so this is going to be   the title of our web application and now let's  set the header and this is something we're going   to do call in St dot header and here is going to  be something like please upload a picture please   upload an image of a chest x-ray something like  that or maybe we can rephrase it on something   like please upload a chest x-ray right this is  going to be the header of our web application   so we're just instructing the user to upload a  chest x-ray image in order to continue in order   to classify this image right now let's continue  now we are going to create the widget we need in   order to upload a file and this is something  we are going to do call in St file uploader   we're going to input two parameters one of them  is going to be an empty string completely empty   and then we are going to specify what are the  types we are going to accept in this widget which   I'm just going to do something like jpeg jpg and  PNG right which are some very very popular formats   for images so I think we're going to be just fine  with these three formats then we need to load the   classifier we're going to use in order to make  our predictions and remember I already show you   the classifier we're going to use today which  is this one I already show you the model the   weights of the classifier we're going to be using  today which is pneumoniaclassifier.h5 and this is   where it's located within this small directory so  that's exactly what we are going to load now but   first we need to make an import we're going to  save from keras.models import load model and now   I'm just going to call load model and I'm going  to specify the location of my model which is model   and then um pneumonia classifier.h5 and this  is my model and that's it that's how simple   it is and now let's load the class names and in  order to do so we are going to use this file we   have over here within the moles directory which  is called labels.txt and if you're curious to   know where this file comes from please remember  to watch my previous video on how to train an   image classifier using digital machine because  in that video I explained the entire process I   explained the output I explained absolutely  everything so by watching that video you're   going to understand where these labels.txt  file comes from now going back to pycharm   this is exactly how we're going to load this  file we're going to do something like with open   and this is going to be model  labels.txt we're going to open this as r   as if and then we're going to  say something like class names is equal to then we're going to do something  like we're going to for a for a in F read lines   and obviously we are not going to mine the last  character because that's a new line character   and that's basically all but if I show you this  file again you can see that this is exactly how   or how this file looks like we have a zero and  pneumonia and we have a one a normal right so   now the only thing we care about are the class  names so now the only thing we care about are   pneumonia and normal so the way I'm going to do  it I'm going to do it in a very very generic way   so I'm going to do like this this value dot split   the space right remember we have a space between  the number and the word on the class name and then   I'm just going to keep the first value right so  this is exactly how we are going to get all the   class names from this file it doesn't matter how  many they are this is exactly how we're going to   get all the class names and that's going to be  pretty much all in order to make sure everything   works properly I'm just going to print class  names and let's see what happens I'm going to   execute this file and you can see that these are  the two categories we are printing pneumonia and   normal so everything seems to be just fine and now  something we could do to start working on this web   application to see how it looks like we can just  run this file and we should be looking at these   two Fields right the title the header and also the  file uploader so let's see how everything looks   like so far I'm going to my terminal I'm going to  clear this and I'm just going to call streamlit   and then I'm going to call Ron main.pi this  is exactly how we are going to execute the   code we have here and exactly how we're going to  launch this web application this exactly the text   we have so far which is so please upload a chest  x-ray image and then this widget we have defined   over here as the file uploader so so far so good  so far everything looks just fine and now let's   continue and now you can see that the next step  in this process is to display the image the user   has selected right so this is how we are going  to do it you can see that we are calling this   value and we need to say this is equal to file  and then we're going to say if file is not known   we are going to do something like this we  are going to find image as image dot open   file right an image we are going to import  them from peel from peel import image this   is a function we're going to use in order to  read the image the user has selected and this   is very important we need to convert this image  into RGB now let's continue now the next step is   to visualize this image is to display this image  to the user and we're going to call St dot emerge   we're going to input this image and then we are  going to call this parameter which is use column   width equal to True right this is exactly what  we need to do in order to visualize this image in   order to display this image I in order to move one  step by time let's see how everything looks like   so far and if we go back to the browser you can  see that if I refresh we are going to see exactly   the same pneumonia classification please upload  a chest x-ray image and instead of selecting a   file over there I'm just going to drop I'm just  going to select and drag one of the images in my   computer so this is exactly what I'm going to do  and it is going to take a few seconds now it's   reading the image it's processing everything and  now we are displaying this image in the browser   and the user is now super super happy because  it's visualizing the image it has just chosen   from its file system so everything is okay so far  now let's go back to pycharm because now we need   to follow additional steps now is the time we are  going to make our classification we are not going   to make the real classification but we are just  going to call this very empty function in order to   get these dummy values and in order to just move  on right so what I'm going to do is from YouTube   import classify and I'm just going to call this  function I'm going to call classify I'm going to   input the image I'm going to input the model  and then I'm going to input the class names   and this is going to be equal to if I go back here  this is going to return a tuple of the predicted   class name and the confidence score for that  prediction so this is going to be equal to I had   an S missing over here this is going to be class  name and then conf score equal to classify image   model class names exactly what we need to specify  according to this documentation we have over here   and remember we are doing nothing everything is  fully and absolutely empty we're just going to   get these two zeros but it doesn't matter let's  just take these two zeros and let's move on now   I'm going back here to main.pi and now let's just  write the classification back to the user so let's   continue on something that's very important  we need to make this within this if always we   are going to have issues and now we are going to  call St grind and we're going to do something like   we are going to control the size of the text  we are going to print by adding some um these   values right these characters by adding these  characters we are going to control the size of   the text we are going to write here this is a very  similar syntax I think it have if I'm not mistaken   as in the readme file of a GitHub repository so  this is where we are going to say something like   uh we're just going to print the class name so  this is going to be format class name this is   where we're going to write the category we are  classifying and then we're we're also going to   write the confidence value right so we are going  to make this a little smaller so we are going to   add an additional character and then we are just  going to say something like score and this is   going to be the conf score right so this is this  exactly what we need to do in order to write the   classification and so far we are returning a zero  zero but actually if this is a class name maybe it   makes more sense to return something which looks  like a class name we're just going to return dummy class name and a zero right so we are detecting  the class name called dummy class name and with   a confidence value of zero right it doesn't make  any sense whatsoever this is only for debugging   and in order to make sure everything is working  properly so now let's go back to the browser and   let's see what happens so I'm going to refresh  I'm going to load the same image again and now   we should be getting no we should be displaying  the image and we should also be visualizing this   new output which is dummy class name score zero  so everything works properly so far and if you   know this we have completed the web application  the web application is completed I mean the the   entire structure of the web application is just  completed and the only thing we need to do now is   to code the classify function we have over here  but this process is done it's completed we have   completed this web application this is exactly why  I split I divided the process into these two files   because this way is going to be much simpler to  just focus on everything in the main.pi file and   then just make the classify function right we are  just organizing the code this is a very very good   practice and I don't know about you but I'm super  happy because this is done this is completed I do   notice how C simple this is right so now let's  continue now we are going to code this function   which is the classify function and you can see  that we also have a sequence of one two three four   five steps the first one is to convert the image  we are getting over here to this size to a 224   times 224 so this is exactly how we're going to  do it we need to make an import which is from peel   import image Ops because this is the function  we're going to use in order to convert the   image we're getting into this size so we're  going to call Image Ops and we are going to   input sorry we are going to call Image Ops  dot fit and we are going to input the image   we are getting and we are also going to input  the size which is 224 times 224 and then we   are going to input a constant which is image dot  resampling dot Lan c c the OS right this is only   a constant a parameter we need to input into this  function but the long story short remember we are   just converting the size we're resizing the  image we are getting into this size 224 times   224 and obviously we need to make another import  which is image otherwise it is not going to work   and that's pretty much all this is how we  are converting the image and the output is   also called image we're just going to overgrade  the image we are getting and now let's continue   now the next step is to convert image as to an  ampere right so I'm just going to Define your   variable which is image RI and this is going  to be numpy dot as Ry e mesh right so we are   getting the image which currently is a preload  object right it's an image but in the pillow   format and we're just converting this image into  an ampere right right and we are using the numpy   library which obviously I need to import important  MP SMP okay and this is pretty much all in order   to complete the second step in this process which  is convert the image to one on PRI and now we need   to normalize this image so what we need to do I'm  going to define a new variable which is normalize and this is equal to we are going to take  the immature right we are going to cast it   us type MP dot float32 we're going to cast it  first into this into this value we are going   to take the image and we are going to convert it  as floats flow 32 and then we're going to divide   it by 127.5 right remember so far the image goes  from every single Pixel goes from 0 to 255 so if   we divide it we are making absolutely every single  Pixel goes from 0 to 2 right so far every single   Pixel goes from 0 to 2 but if we lose this if  we subtract one now every single Pixel goes from   -1 to 1 right we have normalized or image all  right and now let's continue now we are going   to set the model input and in order to do so  we are going to define a new variable which is   called data and this is going to be MP ndri and  this is going to be a shape equal to 1 because we   are going to input one image at a time then the  size will be to 24 to 224 224 and then we will   have three channels for every single image right  so this is exactly a size we need an image only   one image 224 times 224 and three channels and  the type this is very important is numpy float32 okay the same type we have  converter image over here   and that's pretty much all and now the only thing  we need to do is to Define that the first element   and the only element of data is the normalized  image array we have over here and that's pretty   much all we need to do in order to set the model  input the data we are going to input the model and   now we have only one step left which is making  our prediction let's see how we can do that   we take the more less input is one of our  parameters the model so the only thing   we're going to do is calling model and we're just  going to input we're going to call mole.predict   and we're going to input the data we have defined  over here and this is our prediction right but now   we need to unwrap all the information we need from  this prediction right we need to make we need to   get the class number we are predicting and also  the class name and also the confidence value and   so on now let's define a new variable which is  index and this is going to be the index of the   class we are detecting and we are going to make  it like this and later on on this tutorial I'm   going to show you another way to get the index of  the class we are detecting I'm going to show you   a very Pro way to do it I'm going to show you a  much better way to do it as what we're going to   do now right from now let's just do it in a  very very classical way which is ARG Max and   we are just going to input prediction right this  way we are just going to get the argument of the   maximum value of prediction prediction is going  to be a vector two values and we're just going to   get the argument the index of the maximum number  and that's going to be the index of the class we   are detecting so from now on class name is going  to be class names and we are going to input the   index remember class names is an old parameter  we take as input here and then confuse core is just getting the prediction zero because we  only have one element and then e Index right   so this is exactly what we need to do in  order to get a class name and in order   to get the confidence score of the prediction we  are getting over here and that's pretty much all   and now the only thing we need to do is to replace  this value and to replace this or value and that's   all and that's it so you can see how simple  making this classify function is and now you   can see why I have divided the entire code into  these two files right because the first step is   to complete the process in main.pi which was very  very very simple very straightforward and then   it's just to code these few lines in the classify  function of the util.pi file right and in only a   few minutes we have a an entire pipeline which  is up and running and we are just serving this   image classifier into a web application using  streamlit and that's it right so now let's test   how everything works let's see what happens and  now let's go back to the browser I am going to   refresh and I'm going to choose a couple of images  open the set to see how it performs so I'm going   back to my file system and I am going back until  my test said because obviously I'm going to choose   a couple of images which are completely unseen  data from my model so we know exactly how the   mole performs I'm just going to drag and drop  an image in the pneumonia Theory and let's see   what happens so we can see that we are detecting  pneumonia we are classifying ammonia with a 99.9   confidence so this is a an amazing performance  this is amazing so so far the model is performing   super super super well now let's see what happens  with an image in the normal category so let's go   back here I'm going to normal and I'm just going  to select an image from the normal theory of my   test set I am going to drag and drop the image  here and I'm going to wait a couple of seconds   and you can see that now we are also detecting  pneumonia we are classifying pneumonia too and   with a super amazingly high confidence you can see  that the confidence value of this classification   of this prediction is 99.4 percent which is  amazingly high so something is going on obviously   something is going on and now let me show you  something I'm going to show you the confusion   Matrix of this classifier this is the confusion  Matrix I am sure you are familiar with the   confusion Matrix remember how it works in the why  the axis we have the true labels and in the x-axis   we have the predicted labels and for example this  number over here 384 means that 384 images in the   pneumonia category were classified correctly as  pneumonia and only six images in the pneumonia   category were classified incorrectly as normal  but if we look at the normal category you can see   that we have these numbers over here and it means  that only 70 mm images of the normal category were   classified correctly as normal and 164 images of  their normal category were classified incorrectly   as pneumonia so something is going on with  this classifier and I have been expecting many   many different images and I have been inspecting  this a confusion Matrix and so on and I realized   I noticed that this image classifier is super  super biased to the pneumonia category so long   story short it's most likely for for a given  image is most likely to predict pneumonia than   normal so pretty much is classifying pretty much  all images or most of the images as pneumonia and   is not very it's not performing very well for the  normal category right if we look at one category   at the time you can see that the accuracy in the  pneumonia category is something like a 98 right   something like a 98 percent but if we look at the  normal category it's only a 30 something percent   or around a 30 percent so that's what's going on  right and I think this is very interesting because   this is something that sometimes happens in real  life when you are training them all sometimes it   happens that you have a bias and the classifier  it's classifying one of the categories which are   much more likelihood that the other category and  this is something that sometimes happens when you   are building a mold is something that sometimes  happens in the industry and sometimes it's not   very clear why this is going on sometimes it's not  clear why this is happening remember that we are   predicting images which are chest x-rays and as I  mentioned when I was starting with this tutorial   when I look at these images they all look pretty  much the same because I have absolutely no medical   background whatsoever so it's very challenging  for me to know what's going on with these images   to know what's going on with this data maybe if  I will have some medical training or something I   that maybe it will be a little more clearer for  me but it doesn't matter what I want you to take   from here is that this is something that sometimes  happens when you are training a mall and sometimes   it may not be very clear the reason why it is  going on if you ask me I'm from the top of my head   I will say that one of the issues or something  that may be going on with this data with this   classifier is that the pneumonia category maybe  all the images are more similar between them maybe   don't we don't really have a lot of diversity and  all the images which were classified as pneumonia   they are like very similar between them but for  the normal category the normal category I guess   that maybe we have a lot of diversity in this  category because Normal in this context means   that it's not pneumonia but the patient could be  completely and absolutely healthy or it could be   sick but with a different condition right so I  guess we have a lot of diversity in this category   and maybe that's the reason why the classifier is  not learning this class properly maybe that's the   reason I know that's from the top of my head but  remember this is something that sometimes happens   when your training mode and sometimes it may not  be very clear the reason why this is going on   but we are going to see how we can fix this issue  obviously we are going to fix this issue I'm not   going to give you a bias classifier I will never  do something like that so I'm going to give you   a solution it may not be the best solution ever  but it's a good solution I would say it's an okay   solution I'm going to show you exactly what we are  going to do the way we are getting the prediction   we are currently getting the prediction is the  way it usually goes right the way we usually do   it which is just getting the maximum number from  the predictions Vector right we are getting two   numbers one of the numbers is the confidence value  in the pneumonia category and the order number is   the confidence value in the normal category and  we are just getting the index of the maximum of   these two numbers right this is what we are doing  over here and this is the way it usually goes when   we are we are getting a prediction but this is  not going to work in this case because this is   going to give us a very very biased classifier  what we are going to do instead is this we are   going to classify as pneumonia which is the  index 0 if the confidence value is greater   then 0.95 and in any other case we are going to  classify as one this is going to be for index   equal to 0 right so we're going to classify as  pneumonia if the confidence value of getting   pneumonia is greater than 0.95 and in any other  case we are going to classify as normal and the   reason for this is that I have been inspecting  many many many classifications many many many   predictions and I noticed that for all of those  cases or for most of those cases for which we   are classifying pneumonia we are getting a super  super high confidence value we are classifying   pneumonia with a super super high confidence but  I noticed that in many of the cases in which we   are classifying as pneumonia an image which  was labeled as normal in many of those cases   the confidence value for classifier is not really  that high it's not as super super convenient value   as it usually happens when we are classifying as  pneumonia something that it's pneumonia you see   what I mean and you notice that in many cases for  the misclassifications over here for many of these   Miss classifications many of these 164 images the  confidence value of our classifier wasn't really   that high right not in all cases because we also  have cases like this where we are classifying as   pneumonia something that's normal and with a very  very high confidence value this this is happening   too but in many other cases the confidence value  is not really that high so if we make this change   we are going to be classifying as pneumonia only  those cases those images for which the classifier   is super super comfy in this pneumonia and  in any other case we are just going to say   is normal this is a very very a typical way to  make a prediction this is a very a typical way   to make a classification right the way it usually  goes you should take the maximum number of this   prediction vector and that's it but now we are  doing something that's very very very atypical   but let me show you what happens if we make this  change let me show you the new confusion Matrix   if we do this change and this is how it looks  like you can see that for the pneumonia category   we are getting a very very very high accuracy is  not really that high as it used to be right now   we are getting more mistakes we are getting more  misclassifications but nevertheless this is a very   good accuracy in total we have something like 390  images which were labeled as pneumonia and 353 of   those images are classified as pneumonia are still  classified as pneumonia so this is something like   90 percent of the entire data of the entire data  which was labeled as pneumonia this is Allah this   is a very very high accuracy but now if we look at  the normal category you can see it's not perfect   this is not as good as the pneumonica theory we  are still getting many many misclassifications   but nevertheless this looks much much better  than before in the older confusion Matrix in the   other one I showed you a few minutes ago we had  something like a 30 percent accuracy in the normal   category right and now you can see we are getting  something like a 60 percent if we make this   sum 162 plus 72 and now I divide 162 divided  234 we are getting a 69 accuracy so this is   much higher this is almost a 70 accuracy so it's  not as high as the accuracy we get here from the   for the pneumonica theory but it's very high and  effortless so this is a much better Improvement   and you can see that by doing this very very  small change and now we are getting a much much   better classifier and we're getting a much much  more robust classifier so this is definitely a   very good Improvement and this is what I want you  to take from this video this is by far the most   important part of this tutorial sometimes when  you are training an image classifier when you   are training a machine learning model sometimes  things happen and the way usually goes things   happen if you're expecting everything to be super  super smooth and super straightforward then think   again because when you are training an English  classifier in real life or any type of machine   learning model things happen and whatever thing  happens whatever problem it arises with your   model with your classifier you need to provide  a solution you need to fix the problem and in   order to fix the problem you need to be creative  you need to think outside the box exactly as we   are doing over here so this is what I want you  to take from this video this is by far the most   important part of this tutorial so this is the  change we are going to make in order to improve   this classifier in order to make this classifier  way more robust and that's pretty much all and   that's speed that's that's all so the only thing  we need to do now before I forget is to change   the background right we are going to change the  background for something a little more nicer for   something prettier and let's do it before I  forget because this is such a detail and this   is such a meaningless detail that I almost forget  so let's just import set background and now let   me show you the images I have in my local computer  which we are going to use in order to change this   background I have a directory which is called  bgs and if I open this directory you can see I   have many different many different images these  are some images I have been testing When I Was   preparing this tutorial and let's just use this  one which is bg5.png so let's go back to pycharm   and I'm just going to say set background  and I'm going to specify the path to this   image which is bg5.png and that's pretty  much all now I'm just going to refresh and you can see that now it looks much much better  it looks much nicer it looks much much prettier   I'm just going to test it again let's try with  another normal image maybe some something like   this we should be getting something like a 70  accuracy so we should be getting this image   classify correctly as normal with a 93 percent  accuracy so you can see that everything looks   pretty pretty well and that's going to be all for  this tutorial my name is Felipe I'm a computer   vision engineer and these are exactly the type  of videos and the type of tutorials I make in   this channel so if you enjoyed this video I invite  you to click delay button and I also invite you to   subscribe to my channel this is going to be all  for today and see you on my next video now I'm going to try to login into this system but I'm not going to log in with my own face but I'm going to hold my picture to the camera let's see what happens I press login and I get a welcome Felipe so you can see I am logging in into this face attendance system holding a picture of me there are many cases where people are trying to spoof these systems and they are trying to do something like I'm just doing right now right they are trying to hold a picture of someone else and they are just pretending to be someone else this is a very very very important problem in the industry in the computer vision industry and there is a lot of research involved and there is a lot of resources assigned in order to solve this problem in order to come up with different solutions in this case it's not really a problem because in this case it's me holding a picture of me but you get the idea right in many other situations there will be other people holding pictures of other people so this is definitely something we need to solve so what we are going to do today is that we are going to use this software this face attendance system but we are going to integrate it with this spoofing detectors so we are only going to log in or log out our users if they are really users if they are people if they are like people in front of a camera and we are going to take this type of situations of someone just holding someone else picture and we are going to deny the login or the logout if the user is doing something like that so let me show you the three repositories we are going to use in today's tutorial the first repository we are going to use today and actually the most important repository is this one which is one of my previous projects an easy project regarding the face attendance system I show you how to make in one of my previous videos and this is very important because absolutely everything we are going to do today into this tutorial we are going to build it on top of this previous project so this repository is super super important and is one of their posters we are going to use today then I mentioned we were going to work with spoofing detection we are going to detect smooth things and this is exactly the repository we are going to use in order to detect or spoofers it's called silent face anti-spoofing and this is exactly the repository we are going to use you may notice this is Chinese if I'm not mistaken everything is written in Chinese and I'm not sure about you guys but I I definitely don't speak Chinese and if any of you don't speak Chinese either don't worry because we have another rhythmic file which is reading incomplete English absolutely everything is written in English so this is another repository we are going to use today and then the third repository which is also very very important is exactly the same repository we used in my previous project right we are going to use the same face recognition Library we used in my previous project so we are really familiar with this repository but I am just showing you that this is another posture we are going to use today so the in order to get started with today's tutorial the first thing I want to mention is that I have noticed many of you have had some issues have had some challenges when you were trying to execute this a project right if I'm not mistaken it was basically many of you Windows users were having some issues we're having some challenges so I have been doing a lot of research so I can see exactly how I can help you all of you in order to solve this problem and I have come up with a very good solution so let me show you the first thing all of you Windows users will need to do in order to in order to work on today's tutorial in order to execute the face attendance system I showed you in my previous video is to follow a few steps and the first one is described in this video I am going to post a link to this video in the description of the video you're currently watching and going to post a link to this video so you know exactly what you have to do in order to work on today's tutorial in order to work with the face recognition Library some of the issues you guys were having were due to the face recognition libraries and some issues or some incompatibilities which is related to Windows so this is exactly the first step you should follow you should take in order to in order to solve the issue then another thing which is going to help you a lot is to use a different set of requirements you may notice that now in the repository of this project we have two files two requirements files one of them is called requirements txt and the other one is called requirements windows.txt and this is exactly the requirements file all of you Windows users will need to install right this is a very specific set of requirements which is exactly the requirements you will need to install in order to work on today's tutorial and now let's start working on today's tutorial and the first thing we will need to do is to clone this repository let's clone the face attendance system repository so I'm going to copy this repository URL and I'm going to pycharm this is a python project I created for today's tutorial these are completely and absolutely empty project you can see that the only thing it's in this project is a virtual environment that's the only thing and it's a completely completely empty virtual environment so I am going to the terminal of this python project and I'm going to say something like it clone under repositories URL so the repository is cloned and then if I go here I should be able to see it here yes okay so the first thing I'm going to do is to install the requirements for this project remember if you are running this in a Windows computer please remember to install the windows requirements right but in our case I am running this in Linux so I'm going to PP install the requirements file which is in face attendance system requirements oh sorry that's not going to work because I forgot the txt okay so this is going to take a couple of minutes and in the meanwhile let me show you a few edits I have done to this code and I invite you to take a look at each one of these commits so you can see exactly what I have changed in this project but it's basically a few changes regarding how the face recognition Library it's executed and also the an additional functionality I have a little this repository so this is for example some changes in how the face recognition is executed and I I invite you to take a look at it and invite you to become familiar with how to read a commit basically you can see that everything that's new is green and everything that has been removed is red and this is not really that hard but it takes some time to become more familiar how to read a commit so I invite you to take a look at it in the repository of this project and also uh yeah I invite you to take a look at absolutely all the changes I have done now let's go back to pycharm let's see if it's completed everything is completed so we can start working on these projects so I'm going to Main and the only thing I'm going to do is to execute this file and let's see what happens so I'm executing this file I have already connected my webcam and you can see it's taking my webcam so let me show you how it works let me remind you how it works the idea is that each new user is going to register so for example in this case I'm going to register into the system so I'm going to look at the camera I'm going to try to smile and see what happens okay yeah that's okay that's a good picture let's say we can use this this picture my name is Felipe so I'm going to accept and then I am going to try to login into this system so I'm just going to press the login button and I have been testing this face recognition Library I have been testing this software and I am amazed with how well it performs for example in this case I'm not looking at the camera the camera is right here and I'm not looking at the camera and take a look what happens if I try to log in even if I'm not looking at the camera I am recognized with a absolutely no problem so the face recognition library is super super robust and that's very important now I'm going to continue testing the other feature which is the log out button and if I just press this button I am not going to look at the camera I'm just going to look straight to the computer and I press logout and I get with by Felipe so everything seems to be working well in order to show you like a more comprehensive test of how it works remember that in my previous video I show you a few tests uh logging in a picture of Rolo and a picture of capital Picard now I have other pictures which I'm also going to show you which I'm also going to use in order to show you how this works so in order to remember how this works so I'm going to register more views into this system you can see it is a picture of Morpheus I'm going to Press Register new user let me uh hold it well something like this register new user input a user name and this will be more fuse except a user was resistor successfully and I'm going to do the same with data I'm going to use a picture of new tenant commandant data if I'm not mistaken so I'm going to register an user username will be data and I'm going to accept user was resistor successfully and now let's see what happens if data tries to log in into the system we get welcome data so everything works properly and now let's try to do the same with more views I'm going to Press login and welcome more views everything is okay and I have also a picture of me this is a picture of me so this is me holding a picture of me now I'm going to try to login into this system but I'm not going to log in with my own face but I'm going to hold my picture to the camera let's see what happens I press login and again welcome Felipe so you can see I am logging in into this face attendance system holding a picture of me and this is exactly why we are going to use this spoofing detector because this is a very well known problem in the face recognition industry because once we are developing software in order to recognize a person's face or in order to recognize a face in a picture there are many cases where people are trying to spoof these systems and they are trying to do something like I'm just doing right now right they are trying to hold a picture of someone else and they are just pretending to be someone else this is a very very very important problem in the industry in the computer vision industry and there is a lot of research involved and there is a lot of resources assigned in order to solve this problem in order to come up with different solutions in this case it's not really a problem because in this case it's me holding a picture of me but you get the idea right in many other situations there will be other people holding pictures of other people so this is definitely something we need to solve so what we are going to do today is that we are going to use this software this face attendance system but we are going to integrate it with this uh spoofing detector so we are only you going to login or log out or users if they are really users if they are people if they are like people in front of a camera and we are going to take these type of situations of someone just holding someone else picture and we are going to deny the login or the logout if the user is doing something like that so in order to continue with this tutorial what I'm going to do first is I'm going to show you how this spoffy detector works so the next step will be to clone this repository and I'm just going to show you how it works for now right I'm just going to clone it in a random location in a random directory I'm going to close it in my desktop because for now the only thing I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how it works and then in the next step I'm going to show you how to integrate this spoofing detector into the face attendance system so the first thing I'm going to do is to create a virtual environment remember that the only thing you're doing now is to test this repositories I can show you how it works and then we are going to integrate it into the face attendance so forth so I'm going to call virtual M bam I'm going to use pylon 3.8 and then I'm going to activate this virtual environment so now what I need to do is to install these requirements but I have been doing some tests already and it's going to be a much better idea to change some of the versions of these packages so I'm going to install the same exactly the same packages but with different versions and I'm going to post exactly what are the packages I am using obviously but this is only to let you know that I'm doing a few changes regarding the um the requirements which are in this repository so I'm going to PP install this file and then I'm just going to wait let's see what happens PV install minus r requirements I have to wait a few seconds but this will be enough in order to install all these requirements and something I have to say is that I have been doing many tests of this repository of this spoofing detector and I would say it works very very very very well and we can definitely use it in our project but I can also say that there are some situations where I tested this algorithm this detector and it's um it's not perfect so we are going to use a spoofing detector which works very well but it's not 100 perfect that's something that you should be aware of and I'm going to say it's not perfect it means that in some of the images I have used this repository this project is not really detecting the spool things and some pictures which are actually real pictures it's misclassifying them as spoofs so the but nevertheless I think it's a very very good repository and we can perfectly use it for now and this is going to be a very very good example because when you are creating a project when you are building a solution you definitely want to take a look at all the available Solutions and everything you can just use out of the box in order to build your product in order to build your solution but some of these Solutions may not be 100 fit to your specific use case or to your specific needs so this is a very good example that when you are building a solution you definitely want to use all the available resources you can find but you can just use it like a way to start working on that project or to start working on your solution right if we will want to make something that's like a 100 accurate spoofing detector for the specific images or the specific use case or the specific environment we are going to use this system in what we will have to do what we will need to do ideally is to collect datam to annotate data to train a detector to do something right if we are using something that's publicly available it means it's a very good starting point it means that's going to be a very good solution in order to start working on this project right so that's something we should be aware of the delivery we are going to use the project we are going to use it's very it's functional and it works very well but there are some cases in which we are going to have some Mis detections so let's continue other repositories where all the packages were successfully installed and what I'm going to do now is to test how it performs and I'm going to use one of the images in their examples right they provide a few examples you can see for example in this case it's someone called in a picture in this or case it's someone holding a cell phone with a with a purse on it and in this case it's a real person so these are a few examples which they provide and what I'm going to do is just to use these pictures in order to show you how to execute it the idea is that we are going to call the test script we are going to call this script and we are going to just run it and what this script does is to call anore function which is a function which is also called test and the only thing we need to provide for this script is the image we want to inference the image we are going to we want to attack if it's a spoofing or not and also we want to detect the we need to input where the models are located right so let me show you how it works I'm going to input one of the images I show you in these samples so I'm going to test dot pi uh sorry python and I'm going to input image F1 there's something I'm just going to there are a few changes we need to do obviously but let's see how this is used okay so I'm just going to leave this empty as I mentioned this is a perfect and amazing repository we can use as a starting point but obviously we have to make a few changes if we if we want to fit it into our purpose right so the image name will be the full parts and then image f1.gpg okay let's see how it works with this image I'm just going to run it and it says this is a fake and it also provides a score and this is exactly the output which is actually the same image but with a bounding box on top and it says a fake underscore right so it's basically that's what we we are getting so I'm going to execute it for this one as well because these are real image and we get this enemy C mesh T1 so I am going to replace this by image T1 uh okay and you can see in this case we get real and the score is 0.99 right and then we have an output which is uh exactly the same image but with a bonding box on top so this is exactly how it works and you can see that this is very very easy to use the this is very very straightforward the only thing I did was cloning the repository I install the requirements I had to change the versions of the libraries but that's only like a detail and then in order to execute the test in order to execute the inference of this spoofing detector the only thing I had to do is to execute the test file and now it's the best part of this tutorial because it's when we are going to integrate this buffing detector into our face attendance app so this is how we are going to do we are going to follow a very similar process as we just did when we were testing the spoofing detector but we are going to do it from here and so I am in the in my python project I go into the terminal and I am going to 2 CD into face attendance system okay and now I am going to clone this spoofing detector here so something like git clone okay now we are going to clone the entire repository and I am going to take the requirements file and I'm going to make exactly the same edit as I did here so I'm going to copy this versions and I'm just going to paste it here and now obviously we need to do something like pip install minus r and this requirements file which is here okay so requirements are now installed and now let's go to test because I am going to use exactly the same script as before but now I am going to use it as a function I'm going to use it I'm going to import this function from my main script so we are going to use this test file and I'm going to do a few changes into this file but the first thing I'm going to do is go into settings and then project structure because we need to add this directory into my sources because remember we want to import a directory we want to import a file which is in this directory and otherwise it will be a little hard to do it so that's going to be the easiest way to do it so now I'm going to Main uh let me do something like this in Maine I'm going to say something like from test import test right we are going to import the test function in this files so we are going to import this function and now it's the time where we are going to make a few edits into this function because this is a very good starting point but we need to do a few edits the first thing we are going to edit is that we no longer need to write the output as we were writing it before remember I show you we every time I execute the test file we generated an image with a bonding box on top and the result and so on and we don't need to do that anymore so I'm going to delete all of these also the rectangles and also the print ok and something else I'm going to do is that we don't really need the we are not going to input an image path but we're going to input an image so what I'm going to do is this will be image and this will be something like this right we are not going to read an image from our hard drive but we are going to input an image that's another change and then another thing we need to do we will need to resize all of our images so they comply with this right and we need to do something like image equal to CV2 resize so this size we need for our image will be something like image.shape I'm just going to write it first and I'm going to explain it in a couple of minutes times 3 divided by 4 and then image dot shape zero right and I need to cast this as an integer or what is not going to work and this is a requirement in order to execute this script absolutely all the images we are going to inference absolutely all the images we want to know if they are spoof or not we need them to comply with this image size right when in this relationship regarding the width and the height of our images this is related to how this model was trained that's what that's what I think and this is exactly what we need to do and this one already changes we need to do and then we need to do over changes if I look at this function that's pretty much all we have already removed the last Parts something we need to do we don't really need this anymore just going to read it and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to return the label right the label information is the one containing if the image is a spoof or not and if I look at this uh if label is 1 means it's a real face and if it's zero means it's a fake okay let's remember those values for now the only thing I'm going to do is to return label and I need to do an additional edit which is in another function let me take a look this is a function we need to edit so this is under source and this is called anti-spoofpredict.pi and basically you you can tell that we have all of these hard-coded values we have all these hard-coded paths and we are going to make an edit which is exactly this one I already prepared the um the sentences we need to in order to replace these two lines and these are the sentences we are going to use and another edit I need to import traceback and that's pretty much all right long story short this is it's never a good practice to hard code anything and especially something like a path to a pad to a file so this is basically what we have done we have made the what used to be something hard-coded into something that's relative to the user's pad location so it will users current directory and this is a very good edit that's pretty much all if I remember if I remember correctly and now let's go back to main because we need to add some additional logic because remember that we only want to log in or log out our users if they are real users so this is where we are going to do so I'm going to take my login function and I'm going to do exactly the same with my logout function and I'm going to do something like if test I need to input three parameters image and let's see what are the other two parameters moldier and device ID so this will be something like this and something like this and the image remember this is the actual image this is the numpy array so I am going to input most recent capture then model directory this is the model directory of my let's see I have so many directories code this is exactly this directory right this directory into inputs let's do like the absolute part okay and then device ID I'm just going to leave it in zero um and that's pretty much all so if this remember is going to Output a number which is zero or one one means that it's a real image and zero means is a fake so let's do it a little better and let's do something like this remember this will be labeled and then I am going to ask if label is one and if it is I'm just going to proceed as usual and if it's not I'm going to print something so I can say something to the user because if it's not one if it's zero means the user is actually ah it's trying to spoof this system it's trying to do something that is he's not supposed to be doing so I am going to Output a message box saying something like hey you are a spoofer and then um I don't know something like you are fake absolutely it doesn't really matter the idea is just that we are going to see this message box every time the label is zero so we are only going to use the data test but you get the idea we're just going to tell the user that he's an imposter that he's a fake so now let's continue now this is pretty much all we have to do I'm going to do exactly the same in the logout function you can notice that we are repeating code and that's never never never a good idea but let's just let's just do it like this for now and we can do it better in the future let's see how this works or if we have to make an additional edit I'm going to run this process again so now I'm going to try to log in I'm going to try to do it with my own face I mean I'm going to do it with my real face and then I'm also going to test with all these different pictures I have over here so I'm going to start uh I'm going to do it first I'm going to be super super still because I noticed that if I move remember that we are taking frames continuously and we are plotting these frames and yeah so it looks like it's a video it looks like it cons it's continuous but remember we are just plotting one frame after the other so if I move it's going to be blurred and the the spoofing detector may think it's a spoof so I'm just going to be super super still as a real person which is like a very good thing to do because I am a real person and now let's see what happens if I try to log in with all these different pictures so this will be a picture of Morpheus and it says you are fake which is uh exactly the case because this is a picture so let's see what happens with my picture of data something like this in the uses Enterprise will have been amazing right so something like this and it says you are fake which is also uh true because this is only a picture and then I'm going to try to log in but with my face uh in this case it's it's completely unimportant because it's just me holding my picture but remember it could be another person which is holding my picture right now so this needs to work super super properly and Express login and it says you're fake so you can see everything works super super purpley and uh yeah so this is going to be pretty much all for today's tutorial this is exactly how you can how you can add a spoofing detector feature into a face attendance system and this is going to
Channel: Computer vision engineer
Views: 6,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UuNGmhLpbCI
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Length: 187min 40sec (11260 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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