Image classification with Python and Scikit learn | Computer vision tutorial

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hey my name is Felipe and welcome to my  channel in this video we are going to make   an image classifier. Image classification involves  classifying an image into different categories and   is one of the most important fields in computer  vision I'm going to show you how to make an image   classifier which is very simple, very robust and  it works 100% in Python, I'm going to walk you step   by step through the entire process how to prepare  the data how to train the classifier and how to   test its performance so following the steps of  this tutorial you will be able to build a very   robust image classifier in only a few minutes  so let's get started so this is the process in   which we are going to be working today in today's  tutorial you can see that this is a four steps   process so training this image classifier will  take only four steps this will be a very easy   and a very straightforward process now let me  show you the requirements we are going to use   in this project we are going to use scikit learn,  scikit image and numpy and the image classifier   we're going to use comes from the library scikit  learn this is the library which is very popular to   solve machine learning related problems and  if you want to work with computer vision or with   machine learning you will definitely need to be  familiar with scikit learn so this will be a very   good example this will be a very good opportunity  in order to get more familiar with scikit learn   now let's start with this project let's start with  this tutorial and the first step is preparing the   data we are going to use in order to train this  image classifier and now let me show you the data   we are going to use in today's tutorial this  is the data we are going to use you can see we   have two different categories the categories are  empty or not empty this sounds very strange but   let me show you exactly how these two categories  look like or how the data in each one of these   categories look like and you can see from the not  empty category we have something that looks like   this so basically we have cars these are images  from cars and if I show you... if I show you many   many different pictures you can see that in all  of them we can see pretty much the same situation   it's like a car that's basically the not  empty category and then if I show you the empty   category this is pretty much an empty something  this is pretty much all the images containing   empty...ness containing a completely empty... these are  completely empty images in some of them there are   very small objects but you can see that all of the  images are mostly empty and these are... this is   how these two categories look like this  is how these two categories look like and this   data comes from one of my previous videos where  I showed you how to create a parking slot detector   and counter using python and computer vision in  this other video I showed you how to take a video   exactly like this... a video from a huge parking  lot like this and to make it look like this let   me execute the code I showed you how to build in  this tutorial and the idea was to go from here   to here the idea was to build something like this  where we detect absolutely all the parking slots   and for each one of the parking slots we classify  if the parking slot is empty or not and if it's   empty we plot it in green and if it's not empty we  plot it in red so this is exactly where the data   comes from the data we are going to use in today's  tutorial you can see that for the not empty category   this is how the data looks like these are  images from parking slots containing cars and from   the empty category we have images from parking  slots which are completely and absolutely empty   so this is the data we are going to use today  and the image classifier I'm going to show you   how to build in today's tutorial it's a very  robust classifier in situations like this in   situations where the data we have in situations  where the classification we want to make on our   data it's very easy it's very simple right where  the different categories we want to tell apart the   different categories we want to classify they are  visually super super super distinct they are super   different right in this case we have images from  cars and in this other category we have absolutely   empty images right, the image classifier I'm  going to show you today it's very robust and it   works super super well in situations like this  and the reason I'm saying this is because this   may not be a state-of-the-art image classifier  if you look for papers or if you look for the   most recent techniques obviously you are not going  to find the classifier we are going to make today   we're going to build today... and it's  definitely not the most robust classifier in   the machine learning industry but if you want to  solve like a very very simple problem like the one   we are going to solve today this image specifier  will be more than enough and I'm going to show   you exactly what's the performance we achieve  with this classifier but that's later on in this   tutorial now let's get started I already showed you  the data we are going to use and the first thing   I'm going to do is to import os which is a library  which we definitely need in order to work with   data and to read data and to load data from our  computer so I'm going to define a directory   which is input directory and in this case I'm just  going to hardcode where the input directory is   located which is here this will be something like  this and then I'm going to Define our categories   and I'm also going to hard code it and I'm going  to say something like this our categories are empty   and not empty okay and then the only thing I'm  going to do is to Define two lists which are   the lists which are going to contain our data one  of them will be data and then the other one will   be labels and I'm going to show you exactly how  we're going to use these two objects later on   this tutorial and now what we're going to do is  to iterate in absolutely all the images in these   two directories and we are going to load these  images we are going to read these images and we   are going to format these images... this data in  a way that fits well the classifier we're going to   use later today so let's start with it I'm going  to say something like for category in categories   and then for file in something  like os listdir input dir and then I'm going to define the  image path like os path join and then   input directory and category uh sorry this will  be os dot path dot join input dir and category   okay because we are walking in absolutely all  the files for each one of our categories right   something like this okay image path join input  dir category and then file and then we have   defined exactly what's the location of our images  now the only thing we need to do is to read our   images and to save our images into this list so  in order to read our images I am going to import   from scikit mage dot IO Import imread in this  channel in all the videos I had made so far we   usually used opencv as an image processing library  and obviously opencv it's by far the most popular   and the most comprehensive of all image processing  libraries is the one I use the most in my projects   but there are also other libraries which are  more convenient in different situations and for   example in this case we are going to use scikit  image we're going to use this image processing   library in order to read the images from our disk  from our computer so I'm going to call imread   from image path and this will be image okay  and now I'm going to resize this image and   for that I am going to import another  function from scikit image which is called   from scikit image dot transform import  resize so I'm going to call resize   I need to input my image and I need to input  the new size... which... the new size I'm going   to resize all my images to which is 15 x 15  and this will be my image so I'm walking   through absolutely all the images in these two  directories I'm taking these images I'm reading   these images from my computer and I'm resizing  these images from this size to 15 x 15 okay   now let's continue I have resized all of our  images and what I need to do now is to append this   data into the list I have created  in order to contain all my data so data.append and   we're not going to append the image... like the  image we have read and we have resized, but we are   going to append the flatted image we are going  to take our image and we are going to make it   into an array right because currently our image  is something like a matrix right it's something   like a matrix of size for example in this  case 61 x 26 and three channels it's BGR   we have resized this image now it's 15 x 15  and three channels now we want to take all   of that information and we want to make it into  only one very very long array right we want to   make it unidimensional so that's why we are  calling flatted and the reason we are doing this   is because that's what we need to do in order to  use the image classifier we're going to use today   when we are working with machine learning you  will notice different classifiers and different   models and different libraries and different so on  different everything require different formats or   require we format the data differently in order  to be fed into the machine learning model into   the classifier or into the whatever we are using  and in this particular case we need to flat the   data we need to make the data into an array  before we input this data into our classifier   so that's all for the data and we also need  to append the category for this data the label   and in order to do that I'm going to walk through  the categories slightly in a slightly different   way I'm going to call this is category  index category in enumerate categories   and now I will append category index to these  labels arrray to this label list and that's   pretty much all we need to do the only thing I'm  going to do next is to cast each one of these   lists into a numpy array so I'm going to say asarray  and then data okay and I'm going to do the same   with labels np asarray labels I know what you're  thinking hey Felipe this is not going to work   because you have not imported numpy and you're  completely right so I am going to import numpy now   import numpy as np okay so that is it that's all we  need to do in order to load our data and in order   to prepare our data to be fed into the classifier  or in order to move to the next step that is it we   have completed the first step in our process so  congratulations we are one step closer to reach   our goal of training our image classifier now in  order to make sure everything works properly and   we don't have any error I'm going to execute  the code as it is now and numpy has no flatted   um maybe it's flatten I think it's flatten maybe  I made a mistake so let's see what happens now it   seems we don't have any errors so yeah I made a  mistake now we have to wait a few minutes because   remember we are walking through absolutely all  the images in these two directories and we have   among the two directories we have 6090 images so  this is going to take some time but yeah now it's   completed and now it's time to move to the next  step where we are going to split our data into two   different sets we are going to create a training  set and we are also going to create a test set the   training set is the one we are going to use in  order to train our image classifier and then the   test set is the one we're going to use to test  the performance of the classifier we are going   to train so we definitely need to split all of our  data into these two sets and this is the function   we are going to use, we need to import another  function from scikit learn and this function will   be something like from scikit learn dot model  selection if I'm not mistaken import train test   split yeah so this is how I'm going... we're going  to use this function I'm just going to write some   things and then I'm going to explain it so this  will be something like X train X test y train   y test... calling our data X and Y it's a very  popular convention in machine learning so we are   going to do it too and this will be our train  test split function and we need to input data   labels and then there will be other parameters  as test size I'm going to set this in 20... in 0.2   don't worry I'm going to explain exactly why  I'm setting all these parameters in a couple   of minutes then another parameter is stratify  this will be according to labels and then Shuffle   I'm going to call Shuffle here and this will be  true okay so I have called train test split I   have input our data and our labels and then I have  specified a few parameters in order to show you   exactly what these parameters mean... I'm going to  start with test size I told you we were splitting   our data into two different sets the training  set... and the test set now let   me show you an image to show you... what  this means, to show you exactly how this looks like   so this is an image I found online this is an  image I found on Google or actually on duckduckgo and   basically you can see that we have an array which  is called data which contains all of our data and   we're creating two different arrays from it we are  creating X train and X test and we are specifying   this size this split size which is 0.2 so what we  are doing is creating two different sets which are   training set and test set from the total amount of  our samples from all of our data we are splitting   all of our data into two different sets and the  way we decide what's the size of the test set is   by specifying this parameter So currently we are  telling train test split to make this split in   a way that 20% of all of our samples are in the test set right now moving   to the next argument Shuffle equal true this is  something that we always want to do when we are   creating data when we are preparing data in order  to be fed into a machine learning classifier we   definitely want to shuffle this data first so we  can avoid absolutely every bias we had when we   were reading the data when we were creating  these data arrays... we definitely want to shuffle   the data first this is a very good practice  sometimes there are some biases which we are   not aware of sometimes the way we are reading  data or the way we are creating these arrays   we we are making some mistakes or we are... I don't  know the way this walking is done maybe it's   alphabetical order or maybe it's whatever we  always want to shuffle the data first that's a   very good practice to avoid any type of bias when  we were reading the data and creating these arrays   then stratify equals labels I would say it's always  a good practice when we are splitting our   data into two different sets to Define exactly how  we are stratifying this split and in order to   show you exactly what stratify means I'm going to  show you this picture which I also found online on   duckduckgo and basically you can see that we have a  data set in this case is these 12 people and you   can see three of these people are blue three  of these people are green and then six of these   people are red and in this example we are taking  a a sample of four elements of four people and   the way this sampling is done is by stratifying  by the different labels so if you look at the   sample you can see that two of these samples are  red one of the samples is green and the other one   is blue so we are keeping the same proportion of  the different labels in our original data set...  that's exactly what we are doing when we are  stratifying according to the labels it's like a   way to make sure that the all the different labels  are going to be in exactly the same proportion as   in the original data set so it's definitely a good  practice... this is something we always   always want to do now let's continue and you can  see that we have completed the second step in our   process we are one step closer we have only two  steps left two steps to go we are one step closer   of training our image classifier and that's going  to be all for splitting our data into a training   set and a test set now it's time to train our  image classifier now it's time to do like the   the actual training and this is how we are going  to do it I'm going to import another function   which is called... if I remember  correctly from sklearn   I think it's model selection as well import   gridsearchcv then from sklearn dot svm import   SVC okay so the first thing I'm going to do is  to Define an object which is called classifier   and this will be something like this this is  the classifier we are going to use uh it's SVC   let's see if it's okay is sklearn svm import so I  think it's okay for some reason it didn't   found it now I see what's the error SVC should  be in capital letters and now everything should   be okay okay so what I'm doing here is creating  a new instance of this object and I'm calling   this object classifier and this is the classifier  we are going to use in order to train our image   classifier so what I'm going to do next is to  Define another object which is parameters and   this will be something like this I'm just going to  write it and I'm going to explain it in a couple   of minutes I'm going to define something like  a list of only one element which is going to   be a dictionary with two keys one of these keys  will be gamma and then the other key will be C   and that's pretty much all and then I'm going  to define a list for each one of these uh items   and for gamma it will be something like 0.01  0.001 and 0.0001 okay and for C I'm going to   do something like 1 10 100 and 1000 okay and  then it's when I'm going to call grid search   I'm going to define a new object which is called grid  search and this will be grid search cv and I'm going   to input these two objects I just created the  classifier and the parameters okay and now let   me show you exactly what I'm doing I'm creating a  new instance of SVC and I'm calling this instance   classifier and this is the classifier we are  going to use and I'm creating this object which   is called parameters which is a list containing  only a dictionary and this section has only two   keys one of them is gamma and the other one is  C and each one of these keys has a list of values   okay now I'm going to to show you the scikit  learn documentation and going to... and going back   to scikit learn and I'm going to show you how the  documentation looks like for SVC for the object we   are using as our classifier and you may notice  all the different parameters we have in this   classifier we have C kernel degree gamma cov0  shrinking probability and many many many other   parameters we have many many many many different  parameters to choose from but when we were   creating our object we are just calling this empty  Constructor we are not specifying absolutely any   parameter we are just using all the default values  for SVC okay and you may notice as well that we   are getting this other object and these two keys  we are creating are exactly two parameters from our...   from our object from the  object we are going to use as our classifier   so what we are going to do is we are not going  to train only one image classifier we are going   to train many many many many different image  classifiers and we are going to train an image   classifier for each one... for each combination we  have for C and Gamma so we have three values for   gamma and we have four values for C this means we  are going to train 12 image classifiers right the   way this process is going to work is that we are  not going to train only one image classifier but   we are going to train many many and as many as  different combinations we have for C and Gamma   in this case we have three values for gamma  four values for C three times four it's twelve   so we are going to train 12 image classifiers  that's the process we are going to take in this   tutorial and the way it works is that  we are going to choose the best of all of these   different classifiers we are going to train so...  and the way we are going to do this training the   way we are going to train as many classifiers  at once is by calling grid search by   calling this other object I have specified over  here so this is how we are going to use it    I have already defined this grid search and then the  only thing we need to do is to call grid search   dot fit and I'm going to input X train which  is my training set and then y train which   is which are the labels of our training set and  that's pretty much all that's pretty much all in   order to train our image classifier that's pretty  much all to train all these 12 image classifiers   right let's see what happens when I press play  now remember the way this works is that we are   loading the data first and this is going to take a  few minutes because ithis is a lot a lot of data   these are a lot of images and then we are taking  this process now the training also takes some time   because remember we are training many many many  many different classifiers so this is going to   take some time so I'm just going to wait a couple  of minutes and I'm going to see if something   happens or if the execution is successful okay  so the execution is now completed we don't have   any errors so we can continue and and this was  the third step in our four steps process this   means we are pretty much there the only thing we  need to do now is to test the performance of the   model we trained but we are almost there we have  almost completed this process and most importantly   we have already trained our image classifier, our  image classifier is now trained the only thing we   need to do now is to test how it performs to see  if we can use it or not okay and this is how we   are going to do I mentioned that we were training  not only... not only one image classifier but we are   training 12 different image classifiers one for  each one of... one for each combination of C and gamma   so we are training many many different classifiers  and the way we are going to select one of all of   these image classifiers if is by calling a member  of grid search which is called grid search dot   base_estimator_ so by calling this  member is that we are going to get the best of   all the different image classifiers that were  trained right we are training 12 different   image classifiers and we are just choosing the  best one and the way we are choosing for the   best one is by calling this member of grid search  that's basically what we are doing so this is our   model this is our classifier best estimator this  is our model now let's see how it performs let's   see if it's really like a good classifier let's  see what's the performance of this classifier on   our... test data on the data we have created  in order to test the performance of this algorithm   so what I'm going to do is to call base estimator  dot predict and I'm going to input my test data   so I'm going to input X test and I'm going to call  the output from this prediction y prediction right   and then I need to import another function which  is from sklearn dot metrics import accuracy score   and let's see what's our performance  and I'm going to make a print I'm going   to Define another value which is score and  score will be accuracy score y prediction   and y test right I'm taking this which are the  labels of the test set and I'm just comparing   against our predictions and now I'm going to  print something like I'm going to format this   super super nicely so we get like a... like a very  clear measure of how well this performs   so I'm going to express this as a percentage  and I will say something like of samples were   correctly classified something like this and  this will be format string score times 100   right because score is going to give us a number  which ranges between 0 and 1 and it's going to be a   measure of our score of how accurate our classifier  is on the test set now this is a value between 0 and 1  and it's very very useful and that contains  absolutely all the information but what I'm going   to do is just reshaping where I'm going to do  like a reformat of this number into a percentage   right because it's going to be much much cleaner  in order to see how it performs and all I have   to do now is to execute this code again and  let's see what happens let's see what's our   performance so I'm just going to press play and  I am going to wait a couple of minutes just like   before and I will come back with our results  let's see how it performs the execution is   now completed and this is the accuracy we got  with the best estimator from all the different   image classifiers we trained we are getting a  99.9 percent accuracy this means that this is   absolutely perfect this is a pretty much perfect  classifier a 99.9 accuracy is like a super super   high performance it's like a very good performance  so we can definitely use this classifier later on   we can definitely use this classifier in order  to use it in our project so the only thing we   need to do next the only thing we have to do  now in order to complete this tutorial is to   save this classifier to save this model because  we want to load this model from another project   or we want to load this model in a different...  code or in a different whatever from a different   location we definitely want to save the weights  or we want to save exactly all the information   which is related to this model so we can use it  later in a different project and the way we are   going to save this model is by using pickle which  is another python Library so I'm going to import   pickle and then I'm just going to call pickle dot  dump and I'm going to specify the model I want to   to save the object I want to save and also I need  to specify the file which is going to be something   like model.p and then I need to open this file  as wb okay and that's going to be pretty much   all in order to save our model in order to have a  file with our model so we can use it later on, on   our project or from our location or we can use  this file in whatever way we want so I'm going   to press play and that's going to be pretty much  all after the training process is completed and   after everything it's done we should have a file  in exactly the location we have specified which in   my case is here... we should have a file which  is called model.p so this is it this is going to   be all for this tutorial we have absolutely  completed all these steps in our process we   have completed all four steps in our process and  we have trained an image classifier using Python   and scikit learn so if you enjoyed this video  I invite you to click the like button and I also   invite you to write me a message in the comments  section below telling me what do you think about   this video telling me what do you think about this  tutorial and also telling me your ideas or your   recommendations for other videos or other projects  we could work next on this channel my name is   Felipe I'm a computer vision developer and in this  channel I make tutorials coding tutorials exactly   like this one and I also share my experience and  my resources the resources I use as a computer   vision developer so if these are the type of  videos you are into I invite you to subscribe   to my channel this is going to be all for today  and see you on the next video
Channel: Computer vision engineer
Views: 29,926
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Id: il8dMDlXrIE
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Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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