I'm Your Boss and You're Fired! Wait Till the Vice President Gets These Documents | r/EntitledPeople

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hello friends and welcome back to stories about entitled people today we have a brand new set of great stories for you to enjoy subscribe to our channel if you're new here and don't forget to turn on notifications so you don't miss a new video every single day sit comfortably here we go rude to me when you get on my bus whoops i get lots of rude and odd people on my bus this one just happened to me a few hours ago and now i'm home it's time to type stuff so a little backstory i'm a bus driver duh i'm sitting in the bus station of a major city in the uk waiting to pick up passengers around 12 people in total the bus route goes a little bit out of the way so it's never too busy and is the only bus that happens to go to certain cities i used to work in child care and the hotel industry so i'm pretty used to dealing with people cast me the bus driver person who always looks miserable but is really just paying attention to the road ap a-hole passenger ap boards on her phone she's a middle-aged woman in very expensive garb and idiotic sunglasses she continues her conversation a little bit whilst i watch her before addressing me swiftly and angrily does this bus go to a-hole road in wankerville we go to wankerville ma'am but not a whole road you'd need to walk about 10 minutes to get there fine how much would you like a single or a return ma'am a return obviously does it look like i'm going to walk there all right one return to wankerville 420 please she pays with the 20 making sure to pull out a 5 and then the 20 after she pays for the ticket it's worth noting that wankerville is in the zone a area along with this city but this bus goes all the way to potato land which is in the zone b area she has a zone a ticket this is important later to the pettiness she takes her ticket and huffs while counting her changeout in case i shortchange her tell me when we reach winkerville because i don't know where it is as long as i remember ma'am she sits down in a huff and i depart when people ask me to let them know when we reach somewhere i always respond with as long as i remember as this gives me some cover in case i forget because we do legitimately forget as i'm driving along the bus route i can hear her loudly complaining on the phone about how it smells in here and how she's on a peasant wagon yes really and other obnoxious things she makes a comment about me and other passengers it's annoying but happens not much to be done we reached the outskirts of wankerville and i'm totally fed up with this woman so i decide a little bit of petty revenge is in order wankerville is a tiny hamlet maybe 30 houses along a short stretch of road very easy to miss and so i miss it i continue driving another 30 minutes to an area that's in zone b just after the other bus passes me coming the other way then i audibly gasp and come to a stop at a bus stop me ma'am what are we here ma'am i'm so sorry but i forgot that you wanted to get off at wankerville and we've gone past it what how could you be so stupid then she came up to the front of the bus as i opened the doors berating me i sat there and remained quiet for a while before doing the customer service thing you know what i mean i'm so sorry ma'am if you hop off here and wait at the stop across the road a bus will be with you shortly to take you back to wankerville she cusses at me some more and proclaims she will be speaking to the ceo about this yeah good luck with that before getting off and going across the road to the unsheltered bus stop in the middle of nowhere with no mobile signal an hour at minimum weight and a ticket that won't get her back on the bus i picked my spots well i drove off and went home and now i'm sitting at a pc riding this up i can only hope she was still out there when the rain started ain't life wonderful [Music] and our next story call me a thief i'll expose your embezzled funds to corporate i work in hospitality specifically hotels i've worked front desk night audit simplified i'm a front desk agent trained to do basic daily audits of credit cards food and beverage revenue etc entry level accountant in a nutshell i work for a run-down economy hotel on the poor side of downtown i'd only been in hospitality for about two and a half years most upscale hotels my current property as such require four to five years of experience i made a decision to specialize read seek out knight audit jobs as it provided more opportunities the hotel in question was run by two men the owner of the property and the front office manager both of whom lived on site the hotel was constantly understaffed the schedule was erratic at best they pushed taking cash reservations 99 of these type of reservations are hooker dealer junkies from the area major red flags already so i started monitoring the numbers from the audit and the numbers being sent out to our corporate accountant it was minor discrepancies that took me a while to find they ran cash only monthly parking for the government employees next door they demanded to be called when the government people came in they would stand behind us and have us put the money in a lock box they had the keys to another red flag over the four months i was there i amassed a large file that i kept stored on a thumb drive my managers allowed us to watch movies on the computer at night since the hotel never sold more than 40 percent of the rooms on any night including holidays i made a mistake that happens to countless front desk agents i deposited a person's cash deposit into the safe and forgot to mention it the crappy part was the hooker um i mean guest actually checked out the next day and they didn't have the deposit the first response from the managers to call me and fire me for being a thief i was asleep all of three hours so i was pretty disoriented but i made my way back to work to see wtf was going on i get there and instantly remember that i messed up i explained what happened but the managers refused to believe me they ordered me to hand over my bag wallet cell phone and wait for the police my co-worker opens the safe from the manager's keys and pulls out the deposit and hands the girl her money back the managers just tell me to show up tonight and leave i knew that moment that i wanted them nailed to the wall and painfully so i searched the company email directory for my chain and found the chairwoman and vp of accounting and emailed them every single file i had in pdf side-by-side images of every invoice they doctored i mentioned everything i could and the theft incident i ran the audit waited for the next shift and left and left a note that i quit effective 7 am that day i called up my friend from the desk a few weeks later and he explained an entire audit accounting team had come to the hotel they were appalled by the conditions of the hotel and didn't even stay in the rooms provided for free they audited the gm slash owner and the fom front office manager and found they had embezzled over 60 thousand dollars in just the invoices alone not counting the cash parking they had the brand name revoked charged with embezzlement which they later settled out of court they now run an independent hotel that has even worse reviews than when they were running the brand name hotel and our next story 30 years later they are still standing i grew up on a country road with four houses our mailboxes were on the main road someone kept vandalizing the four mailboxes by driving through them breaking the posts i recall replacing the mailboxes a few times on weekends after four to five times my dad and the neighbors hatched a plan my dad told me to go to bed early we have a lot of work to do in the morning after breakfast we go to the mailbox and there are the other three neighbors and their sons along with a tractor with a post hole digger railroad ties cement and a mini mixer we proceeded to dig two very deep holes digging holes is very back breaking where i lived as the land was very rocky region you only dig about six inches before we had to dig out a bunch of rocks in the hole we took turns digging out the rocks over the entire morning there was a lot of motivation as this was the last time we were going to fix the mailboxes we dig two holes six feet deep and hoist two uncut 12-foot railroad ties into each hole we then proceed to fill to the top of each hole with cement we added a cross beam and attached our new mailboxes after an entire day of digging holes then pouring concrete we all sat back and enjoyed our handiwork a month goes by and the kids and i walk to the mailbox to meet the bus we discover what happens when a moving car meets an unmovable object there's an old blue buick century with smashed up grill and bent wheel and nobody in the car this was well before cell phone so we run to the closest house and tell the mom what we saw we go back to the main road and get on the bus with the car still there we find out later the highway ticketed the driver 14 year old kid and towed the vehicle now where i grew up you could get a daytime driver's license at 14. one catch if you receive two violations over two years you lose your license until you turn 16. the kid was ticketed for speeding a week prior oops he now lost his license for one and a half years insurance found out about the vandalism and refused to pay the claim then put the insurance plan in the high risk category even when the kid couldn't drive the kid's dad tried to fight it by saying the mailboxes were not legally built turns out mailbox construction is set by the state and county and our state and county did not have any regulations on county mailboxes i smile every time i go home after 30 years the indestructible mailboxes are still standing and our last story i can't use my cell phone so i used to work at a shipyard in san diego as a machinist some of my bosses were real jerks too recently there had been problems with people using the phones at work texting playing games etc so they were really cracking down on that the thing is being the low guy on the totem pole we aren't issued radios or company phones and the shipyard is huge so when finishing a job we would normally call our supervisor for the next job details anyways one day during my second 10-minute break i was using my phone d-head boss jay sees me from half a football field away and storms over hey what the f are you doing why they offer you on your phone jay it's break time right now and i don't give a f you do not use your phone during work hours okay you can probably see where this is going if they don't want me using my phone no matter what i will comply several days later my direct supervisor a who is one step below jay and also a total d-head is scrambling around in the early morning because he's late to a meeting he gives me my assignment and says do not leave the workside until i come by to give you the final inspection well i finished the job in about 45 minutes then sat on my butt doing nothing for about six hours until he showed up again and began raging about how i hadn't called him to inform him the job was done i didn't get in trouble for that but they changed the policy to basically allow personal cell phones to be used for work if you wanted to hey guys thank you all for watching the video and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 45,686
Rating: 4.9571648 out of 5
Keywords: r/EntitledPeople, I'm, Your, Boss, and, You're, Fired, Wait, Till, the, Vice, President, These, Documents, I'm Your Boss, I'm the Boss, the Vice President, I'm the Vice President, Vice President, These Documents, the Documents, and You're Fired, Wait Till the Vice President, of the Company, My Lawyer, Vice President of Company, My Company, r/ProRevenge, r/prorevenge, reddit, reddit stories, storytime, funny, Karen, best of reddit, r/, r/entitledpeople, fail, r/entitledparents, dark fluff, RedWheel
Id: 3GgX4LI5V8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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