I'm Taking Private Property, Don't Say Anything to the Owner ! You'll find out who I Am r/ProRevenge

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hello friends and welcome back to r slash pro revenge let's start with the story in which a friend of our op got injured at work and was fired let's see what happened to his superiors but before we begin don't forget to subscribe to our channel if you're new here and turn on notifications so you don't miss a new video every single day here we go don't fire people for being injured at work a friend of mine was electrocuted at work it was pretty bad later on he was fired because he was electrocuted fortunately he turned that around when he learned that he could get disability for the electrocution but it knocked out several teeth that aren't coming back anyway i called osha and told them about the electrocution they weren't so interested in that but perked up right away when i told them that the place routinely locked the emergency fire exit doors to prevent employees from stepping outside to sneak a smoke well they inspected found the locked emergency exit doors and went to town on them turns out a long time ago a business on the east coast locked the security doors and there was a fire several dozen people were injured osha gets very sensitive about stuff like that the owner was fined forty thousand dollars for the security doors he also spent quite a bit of money fighting it for ten years but eventually had to pay anyway and our second story steal from my buddy sure go right ahead a friend of mine owns a bar he has four cctv cameras only one of those cameras points to the bartending area where he can see the action of his employees i'm there having a beer it's early 5 p.m and i'm the only one when i see the employee go into the back room and then comes out something seems off guy's a bit strange guy asks me so you know dean the bar owner pretty good i go yeah he goes yeah i just helped dean install a brand new cctv system in the bar i know this is a lie because dean and i installed those cameras together i go yeah that's cool how many cameras four he goes yeah all high def this was a bit strange to me why are we talking about this then i notice him slipping money from the register into his pocket i call him out on his bull crap he says dude dean makes plenty of cash how about this i'll give you 20 and we call it cool i fire back give me 40. he goes all right i then say hey man let me buy you a drink so we have a drink and i congratulate him on his little scheme i then say gotta go out for a smoke it's around 6 pm and i call up dean and say dean your bartender stealing cash from you your fifth cctv camera caught him pretty sure he turned off the other cameras dean thanks me and says to keep him busy until he gets there so i go back in and we start craft talking dean then dean walks in with two lovely police officers and dean immediately says get out from behind the bar the cops are here to arrest you for theft the bartender fired back dude i didn't steal and you don't have any proof to which dean responded you turned off the four cctv cameras but you don't know about my hidden one guys told to sit put by one officer as another officer goes back and reviews the footage it's clear as day this guy is stealing bartender is currently awaiting trial his case should be open and shut dean refused to take the 40 back from me and i got my tab for free that night [Music] and our last story not following orders you're fired i work six days a week as a painter this story happened from the 10th of august saturday to yesterday the 26th meet the spartans me hello there hubby my cliff jb jester boss karen my entitled supervisor backstory i got married on august 11th i'd informed my boss and supervisor of this a week prior per company rules regarding vacation time for our honeymoon so just to be sure they understood the situation i decided to mention it again the day before they said they understood and told me to enjoy the week off with my husband and just to be clear i usually have a nice relationship with both j.a and karen but something wasn't right during all this so i finished my work that saturday and drive home to make the final preparations for the wedding we got wed by the same priest that baptized me back in the day and everything went perfect and i couldn't have asked for more it wasn't the big wedding you see in the movies mostly because the only guests were our parents and two siblings as well as about 10 of our closest friends we finish after some time and we retired for the evening my husband had during his toast surprised me with our honeymoon destination australia he hadn't mentioned anything about it and he's bad at keeping secrets from me but we were both happy about it while being in sydney i get a phone call story time it was karen asking me where i was why i hadn't shown up on monday morning karen where are you we have an urgent assignment me i'm in australia you know on the other side of the globe why are you there who approved vacation well first of all it's my honeymoon second of all you approve me taking time off well that decision has changed you're needed here asap i was dumbfounded yeah my son moved away from home and needs this new apartment painted i'm not the only employee in the firm surely you can use someone else so to clarify our company mostly hired people without education i didn't have an education when i started but took it during my time there but we discussed this for a good part of an hour before i got fed up with her and hung up i couldn't understand why she needed me to take care of the apartment when there are six employees that rarely had an assignment and were more than good enough to take care of it but no it had to be me a couple hours later i get a call from my boss he's cool he was even a guest at the wedding yeah i got a call from karen she told me you were on leave without permission and that you were quite rude towards her as you know i'm in sydney on her honeymoon i requested permission as per regulation and got permission from karen herself she called me earlier requesting me come home to work to paint her son's apartment i simply got fed up with her and hung up on her well we all know how she is with people there's a reason why you're the one handling customers you just enjoy your vacation and say hi to the hubby from me i will i'll see you in a week so we continue our trip but every now and then i hear my phone ringing guess who no one in my firm like karen she's the biggest power hungry person i've ever known since i never shut off my phone i kept getting her calls and texts some were nasty like her personality others were sweet i thought she was on drugs i got really tired of her so i answered the phone again big mistake for her and me i started recording our conversations to try to get proof of her harassment she started threatening me with firing me and that jb was on her side this continued for a couple of days so just for fun my husband and i started talking about taking revenge after years of oppression from her so we used some of our time at the hotel looking into her as i happen to know some stuff about her taxes and regular finances since she asks me to take care of her tax payments we contacted some of our friends back home to help us we have some friends in the local police force and the plan was in motion revenge friday we returned home with the biggest jet lag in my life but with fire in my soul keeping me going we found some dirt on her during the week we had enough to use because of her union the firm was unable to fire her because of the certain type of harassment she committed bull crap my turn to screw her over my husband and i decided to cut the vacation short so we could start immediately so saturday i clocked in and had a meeting with my team we had five ranks in the company boss supervisor team leader me employees and interns so i had a meeting with my team to get them in on the fun no hesitation they joined no one liked her so let the hunger games begin and may the odds be ever in our effing favor we printed out the tax files i'd collected a total of 150 pages with taxes we made memes of her sleeping on the couch and such and you name it we did it i went to her office regarding the apartment and she lit up like a pumpkin on halloween she hadn't noticed me being back at work so she jumped into the air but she immediately started rambling about her son and how he needs to get painters out i said funny enough okay and finished up preparing we drive to the apartment to set up and wouldn't you know it who came by yup she came rambling through the hallway and when she came in oh no you should have seen her face when she saw our fabulous job we'd taken every printout of her tax files every mail with threats to employees and basically every piece of evidence against her we sent a copy to her union and glued them to the walls and painted around them like a picture frame of course she would deny everything but she now had no backup from the union to keep her from being fired we sent her tax files to our country's crs tax evasion we sent both males with threats and tax papers to our boss who by the way was in on it from the start and to top it all off we got her ex-husband to dig up old files from when they were married and wouldn't you know it turns out it was some juicy stuff we found we mailed these papers into my friends in the local police and asked them to let us have some fun with her before they took her we did fast forward to yesterday the 26th i got a call from my friends that karen tried to use me as a scapegoat that i was the one who made all those papers to frame her since i didn't like her well true i didn't like her from the start but every file in mail were written by karen herself she had no credibility and found herself locked up before long just to rub it in her face i showed up in court with my husband and the entire company just to see what would happen she was livid when she saw me and my husband she immediately stood up acting like nothing's wrong and tried to run for me i don't know if she thought she could kick my butt or what the court came to a verdict she was to pay about 450 000 u.s dollars for tax evasion and fraud we found out that she used money from the company to renovate her own house she got fired by my boss and was to spend three years behind bars because of fraud tax evasion and contempt of court overall a crappy day for her on her way out she started yelling slurs at me and trying to bite the officers in the neck in pure desperation this morning when i clocked in i saw a notice on our board about a possible promotion i applied on the spot i went in had a nice chat with my boss and got the promotion while still keeping my old position as team leader my pay almost tripled in the span of 72 hours i'm happy hey guys thank you all for watching the video i'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 37,819
Rating: 4.9638009 out of 5
Keywords: r/ProRevenge, I'm, Taking, Private, Property, Don't, Say, Anything, to, the, Owner, You'll, find, out, who, I Am the Owner, Private Property, My Private Property, My Property, My Lawyer, I'm New Owner, r/EntitledPeople, Actually, I Am, Am, of, r/entitledpeople, entitled people, fail, r/entitledparents, darkfluff, funny reddit, reddit stories, r/, r/prorevenge, funny, revenge, RedWheel, Land, my, my Land, this Land, this Private Property, I'm the Owner, r/IDontWorkHereLady, best of reddit
Id: CZO5ghGmADg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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