I'm Standing on a Million Lives: Season 1 (Full Recap)

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i hate intros i'm standing on a million lives season one episode one quick kick things off with the main character yusuke yotsiya who's kind of a quiet kid in class one day after class he notices two girls paying an odd amount of attention to him the first character is the sexy blonde in and the girl with her is the timid fragile kusey hakuzaki once his teacher is done talking to him he is then transported to another world and nearly killed by a sea creature when he gets to safety he sees the two girls from his class waiting for him they don't really get a chance to say anything because they come face to face with the game master the game master then goes on to explain the rules and what's expected of them they have 14 days to work together and fulfill the village chief's request this is one of 10 quests that they're going to be confronted with once each quest in the ten quest series is completed they get another member from the real world to help them with the following quests he also learns that shindo is a level three wizard with the wind attribute and hakuzaki is a level one warrior the gamemaster then spins a wheel to find yotsuya's new class my boy gets a tiny bit [ __ ] because he lands on the unlikely former class with his class decided the game master then leaves to let them get started on their quest the two then feel yotiya on what exactly is going on shendo was the first to be brought into this world and had to complete a quest by herself once she had completed that quest she went back to the real world where the game master tasked her with another quest of befriending kakuzaki the next time shindo was brought into this world hakuzaki was also transported with her after the two had completed their second quest they returned to the real world and were ordered to be alone with yotsuya they also explained that by squinting he can bring up a hud that contains all of his weapons the problem is he can only wield weapons in his class so all he has is a hoe and a sickle to work with he realizes that pain and sensations are a fraction of what they experience in the real world while walking they come across a log point the log points store scenes from events that have already happened and you can access them by touching it when yatsuya touches it he sees hakuzaki having a breakdown in front of shindo because she wasn't exactly mentally prepared to get transported to another world everyone comes across a group of goblins cueing yosuya's first fight in the new world this winds up not going so well because his weapon breaks and we find out that the other two are [ __ ] useless shindo the mighty wind wizard is a glorified fan and hakuzaki is just a [ __ ] after hakuzaki throws her sword we see that yotsuya tries to pick it up but he can't instead he tries switching to his hoe it immediately breaks and then he gets hit and killed he has an out of body experience but then comes back to life soon after when somebody dies they respawn after 30 seconds has passed this seems pretty op but if all of them die at the same time then they actually die in real life also with that in mind shindo hangs back to stay safe while yotsuya continuously throws himself at the goblins chipping away at them and ultimately killing all of them later that night we find out they have a map of the areas they've explored and also that yotsuya's weapons are going to take 5 days to regenerate he also learns that every time they complete a quest the reward for completing the quest is that they get to ask the game master one question when shindo completed her quest by herself she asked why she was chosen the game master simply responded that somebody you know requested it after they had completed the second quest hakuzaki asked who are you people he then just responds that they are from the future while yotsuya is outslaying goblins to level up a bit he then hears a commotion and when he returns to camp he finds that hakuzaki is badly injured he sees a massive creature nearby who had grabbed shindo and eats her alive knowing that they can't defeat it as they are now he grabs hakuzaki and makes a run for it when hakuzaki wakes up she realizes that her hand isn't regenerating most likely because it was eaten they figured the same thing with shindos so since she was eaten it's likely she won't respawn they arrive at a town where we learned that all of the locals in this world recognize people from the other world and call them heroes they had gone there to talk to the village chief and find out what he wants so that they can complete the quest and go back to their world the problem with that is the chief is asking them to defeat the troll that had killed shindo episode 2. you'd see it goes out by himself to fight some monster so he can rank up in order to fight the troll he keeps on fighting goblins until he's on the brink of level 10. then out of nowhere he realizes that kazooie was slain when he gets back to the village she realizes it's under attack and that's why she was killed she isn't reviving so he can assume that she was eaten by the troll also he finds a log point of kazooie talking with a little kid she explains that in real life she has a condition that prevents her from doing any strenuous activity because of this she's not exactly used to doing so many physical things which is why she's so [ __ ] useless despite that she still feels bad about being a burden on everybody and is trying to get better about it we also see that she was eaten by the troll because she was trying to protect some of the villagers when he starts fighting the troll he realizes that he can only jump forward like a frog if he changes directions at the last second then the troll can't get to him he gets put in a bad spot and the troll is about to get him but then he sees a goblin so he rushes him to get his level 10. when he stabs the goblin he gets level 10 and the world freezes because he's level 10 the game master then shows up and spins to the job roulette again this time he lands on the chef class the chef class is just added to his kit so it doesn't actually replace the farmer kit the chef ability allows him to get a blade as well as seize the internal organs of the troll when time resumes he uses both his knife and his new knowledge to stab the troll in the stomach because his stomach was cut open shindo and kisue were both set free and respawn even though they're all back they still don't have an attack strong enough to penetrate the troll's muscles they change up their strat and yotsuya jumps into the troll's stomach and stabs him from within this creates an opening for shindo to jump on his back and launch a burst of air into the troll's head and pops him like a balloon now that the troll is defeated the game master shows up and yotsuya gets to ask his question he decides to ask the gamemaster after the 10th quest is completed what happens to them he shows them the future where tokyo is under attack the three of them are there defending the city when a massive monster comes down from the sky after getting a good look at the creature they then appear back in their world no time had passed while they were in the other world so now they have to go about their daily routines as usual in the last couple of scenes we see that yusuke is in a bit of a dilemma he's trying to decide if tokyo the city that he hates so much is actually worth saving episode 3. well for a run yusuke gets a call from the game master the game master tasks him with going to find a girl and hitting on her well following the game master's instructions he has led to a group of girls stripping and taking pictures of another girl game master tells him that the girl being bullied is the one he has to hit on fearing that the girl might commit suicide if the other girls post her pictures on the internet he decides to break all of the other girls phones the three girls run off so yosuke escorts the victim back home this is when he meets and learns a little bit more about yuka tokitate the girls had targeted yuuka because she was talking [ __ ] about one of them so she wanted to get her back two weeks after the incident the original trio plus yuka are transported to the other world once again when yuka rules for her job she gets a wizard of heat they also learned that as they get more members things will get harder so their respawn timer went from 30 seconds up to 40 seconds their next quest consists of two steps the first step is traverse five percent of the map and the second step is deliver the goods to radodorvo he doesn't specify what the goods are but they have 40 days to complete this while walking through a field a huge insect crashes into the ground nearby them it spawns some sort of centipede thing that launches bugs at them and starts one-tapping them we learned that yuuka is a low level so she's just as useless as the other two yusuke is pretty much forced to do everything while the girls stand nearby and just watch him he jumps on the bug's back and cuts off its legs one at a time until it can't fight anymore once that's done kazooie is gonna have to deal the killing blow with her sword she's still [ __ ] useless so yusuke has to hold her hand to guide her on how to kill it we then get a flashback of shindo when she was a little girl and she was apparently a problematic child she kept getting into fights with other kids until she meets an older girl named sayori who encourages her not to say yuri had something wrong with her face and this ultimately led to her killing herself this was a pretty defining moment in her life and in the last couple of scenes we see that she's still having nightmares about it today episode 4 sayuri was apparently being bullied in school which was what led to her suicide shendo wound up being bullied also but not by other kids it was actually the adults in her life who targeted her because her father was a biker thug who made their lives difficult when everybody returns to the village that they had saved earlier they find it in ruins and with nobody around they come across a man who says that he's been stopping by this village for the past five years and it's always been deserted this means that time moves faster in this world as opposed to the real world the man then gives them directions on how to get to ratadorvo the only problem with that is that it's on the other side of the continent he says that it would take them roughly 30 days to travel that distance on horseback with only 40 days to complete the quest their only option is to find some horses before they start going there the man suggests attending a nearby martial arts tournament the prize for winning the tournament is three horses while heading to the city where the tournament is being held they are then ambushed by a group of bandits they go to fight with the bandits but when yusuke stabs one of them he can hear the gamemaster's voice the game master explains that it's prohibited to deal damage to any humans as punishment yusuke loses experience points and his chef skill gets demoted they try making a run for it but shindo ends up getting captured by them the group contemplates whether they should go on without shindo because technically they don't need her to complete the quest they decide the best course of action is to have yusuke go and attend the tournament while kasue and yuka go to rescue shindo their rescue operation goes extremely well as they get captured also yusuke realizes that they've been captured on the map so he goes around killing goblins until he gets another job roulette this time he doesn't get really [ __ ] on this thing so he becomes a creature wizard the creature skills are [ __ ] irrelevant so he attends the tournament and gets killed in the first round after the fight he talks with the woman who had defeated him named cahavelle she winds up winning the entire tournament and the horses yusuke offers to give for the location of the bandits camp where the others are being held in exchange for the horses they take it to kahabel's leader who agrees to this after the deal is made kahubel also offers to train him in sword fighting he learns a little bit more about fighting and then kahabel along with her men launched the attack on the bandit camp during the fight yusuke realizes that as long as he's just countering and not attacking directly then he won't lose any experience points getting desperate the bandits decide to unleash their secret weapon in a berserker this forces connor bell to bust out her secret weapon in roika yexa she gets her precious sword knocked away so yosuke has to jump to her defense and block the next attack one of the perks of being a creature wizard is that he has increased persuasiveness so he tells the berserker there's someone behind him he turns around and this creates an opening for kahabel to go in and finish him with one blow he manages to get to the others and explain everything that had happened kaha bell chimes in and offers to take some time off along with some of her men to be their escort and in return for this she wants two things the first thing being that when they arrive they have to return her horse and the second condition is that she gets to train all four of them and how to fight with swords episode five we get a quick flashback of kazooie growing up she was always failing pe because of her condition this is what made her want to go into pharmaceuticals so that she could make a drug that would heal her and her mom who are both afflicted with the same condition she also appears to be struggling with all of the violence unfolding in this world and watching all of the bandits get killed turns out the reason conable wants to train the heroes is because she has some sort of weird fetish where she likes cutting flesh because they're heroes she can cut away at them all she wants and they'll just regenerate two of conibelle's subordinates went out to get supplies and were ambushed by goblins and injured we see that yosuke has the ability to enhance their cellular metabolism so that they can heal a little bit faster seeing this makes kasuway reflect on how useless she is so she goes back to training harder with gonabel the convoy then comes across a horde of goblins connor bell offers to wipe them out but yusuke insists that they need the combat training so they'll go fight instead everyone's doing pretty well except for kazooie who had gotten her first kill on a goblin and is struggling to process it the event ultimately increases her resolve though as she gets more mentally sturdy and the concept of killing something the next day while traveling they see an army getting attacked by monsters they decide that this could be some sort of event and game master could be watching this makes them decide to split up which makes no [ __ ] sense so yusuke and kasuway go to fight the monsters while everybody else continues on they both get [ __ ] up the first time around but when kasuy responds she gets a new idea since she isn't strong enough to lift her long sword she waits till one of the monsters rushes her and then summons it at the last second the monster runs into it and dies and then reinforcements show up in the form of codabell because apparently that plan just went out the window yusuke absorbs magic from the monster's blood which allows him to heal all of the injured people when they talk to one of the soldiers they find out that these guys are soldiers from the kingdom of dioc they're acting on orders from their king to transport heretics to ratadorbo once they had arrived they are planning on executing all of the heretics it's possible that these heretics are the goods that they're supposed to deliver to rata dorbo but once they're there since they're going to be executed they're not really sure what they're supposed to do episode 6 the heroes discuss what to do because this could be a test to see if they're actually willing to sacrifice innocent people to complete the quest they decide to escort the prisoners to ride a doorbell and then once they're there they're going to try and stop the execution they convince the dia commander camille to let them travel along with them while traveling a missionary named fossel decides to fill everybody in on what's going on the kingdom of dia kills all ardara's believers because of this the deox soldiers are planning to execute the heretics this is because the kingdom is divided between citizens who worship the king and citizens who worship both the king and god things escalate until eventually at least at the prohibition of the religion as well as the execution of the believers they then go to ask camille's why he's undergoing this dangerous journey just to execute some heretics he explains it's to set an example red adorbo is the first place the believers show up at when they're escaping to this continent he is hoping that the executions will send them a clear message right as they arrive the convoy decides that in order to avoid some steep slopes they have to take an underground route this path turns out to be a trap by the deox soldiers since they're now locked inside the tunnels they have to continue on through an assortment of puzzles and booby traps yusuke gets caught in one of the booby traps and knocked out a huge ledge to where he can't get back to the others they figure out how to get past the booby trap but have to leave yosuke behind yusuke is able to cut the walls with his cleaver so he can make footholes in order to climb out then in the last couple of scenes the others come across a gargoyle who is going to be their last challenge in the tunnels episode seven yusuke is making decent progress but keeps falling to his death while doing it gonna belt is then stabbed by the gargoyle and falls off a ledge as the gargoyle goes to finish off shindo she steps on a bat and kills it giving her level 10. time freezes and she gets to play the job roulette she rolls warrior and since time was frozen this gives her an opportunity to think about her attack and creates an opening on the gargoyle despite creating the opening she still can't penetrate the gargoyle's defenses she then thinks back on kyle bell's training and how she should aim for the heart with that thought in mind she's able to stab the gargoyle in the heart and defeats it right as yusuke is showing up he jumps in the water and gets the cowbell in order to save her he then continuously heals her while restoring his mp with monster's blood until he eventually passes out my boy's kind of in there though because she is moved by this gesture and decides to kiss him she then talks about the girls about how her country has a ranking system for knights out of the 3 000 people in the rankings she is ranked 70th within the ranking system only the top 100 are able to gain the title of knight her father is ranked second her older brother is ranked 8th and her younger brother is ranked 15th when yusuke wakes up he comes to a realization the quests up until this point have been rather vague the first one was to kill a goblin but it didn't specify which type the next one was to find two settlements but it didn't specify which settlements to find he suggests operating under the assumption that this could mean any goods on the other hand if the heretics do turn out to be the goods they have to take that into consideration too in the last couple of scenes they decide the best thing to do is of course split up episode 8 when they split up they're gonna have one group go after the deox soldiers while the other group goes to find any cargo heading towards the city team a consists of one of kahapel's underlings kazooie and shindo that of course leaves cabell yuka and yusuke and the other one team a travels along the main road looking for cargo to help escort meanwhile team b is tracking where the deoc wagon had gone so they can find him the only problem is that before kabul had left the convoy she had noticed something the deox soldiers were using messenger birds presumably communicating with the kingdom they're from the message most likely contained information on them trying to trap courtnell soldiers if their message was sent and then their troops go missing they could assume that cornell had done something to him because they are such a confrontational nation they can then use this to declare war dioc has 10 times as many soldiers as kavel's country so they need to avoid this at all costs later that night yosuke and yuuka approached camille saying they want to negotiate they lied to camille saying that yosuke had converted to the religion of arteros he then tells him that he's there to negotiate for his three fellow believers if camille doesn't hand him over then he threatens to spread the teachings all over the world and they can't stop him because he's immortal they give camille and his men the rest of the night to think it over yuka then comes back later saying that she wants to sell yusuke out camille orders one of his men to go with him and yuka to find where yusuke is while the other stays behind to watch the prisoners after walking for a bit they realize that yuko was just leading them away so they take her into custody when they get back to the camp they find josuke there waiting for them he claims to have killed all of the prisoners they were escorting to get revenge on them for trapping them in the cave he took one of the heretics closed and put it on the guard who was watching the prisoners then once camilla had arrived yusuke burns the guard alive to make it seem like he had killed the preacher they then send their cargo running and escape with the last remaining horse camille can only explain to the higher ups that he betrayed a hero and they got revenge on them this ensures that no war will break out between the two countries after their little act is over yusuke and yuka return to a cave where the prisoners are hiding yuka is very conflicted after killing the guard who was watching the prisoners yusuke's logic is that since they're alive they can't value the characters in a game more than themselves he had also lost experience on his wizard ranking down ranking him to level episode 9. we see camille and his last remaining man sending a messenger bird back to dioc explaining their failure as soon as the bird is gone kybell comes out of nowhere and kills both camille and his man to get revenge for her fallen comrade now we hop on over to the king of dioc who meets with a mysterious new character they discuss that they need to find a way to deal with the heroes and kill them permanently while continuing on to ratador bro we see that kabel is struggling with her feelings for yusuke and wants to find an opportunity to confess to him yuka had picked up on this so she starts trying to play matchmaker for yusuke and kabel this leads to a bunch of filler content that is completely [ __ ] irrelevant kazooie and shindo had finally found a wagon going to ride adorbo then i kahabelle finally gets her opportunity to talk to yusuke but it turns out all she wanted to say was that she was grateful to him for helping a venture comrade the quest ended when they exposed camille and his men for their atrocities and delivered their severed heads to the guards at rotted orbo everybody reconvenes after the quest is completed and now all they have to do is traverse more of the map episode 10. to be as efficient as possible they decide to split up to traverse more of the map quicker a blizzard then rolls in out of nowhere making it difficult for the heroes to explore the land yusuke fears that if they die out in this cold they won't be able to revive and they'll just be permadeathed to no one's surprise kuwait is the first one to collapse and fall unconscious soon it's only yusuke left trying to traverse the map because he has the best equipment to survive in the cold out of nowhere he comes face to face with the cyclops yeti and has to fight it he manages to kill the yeti but then he realizes that the reason the yeti was attacking him is because it had children that it was trying to feed without the adult yeti around it's likely that the babies will starve or freeze to death but yusuke refuses to worry about that since they're virtual in the last couple of scenes yosuke suddenly falls into a chasm and dies episode 11 yosuke had fallen into some caves which raised his body temperature enough to revive kasuy has officially died and can't revive because she's stuck in the storm meanwhile shindo continues walking because the winds have calmed down a little bit and sees a village in the distance while she's heading towards it she realizes that she's walking on ice and breaks through into the water this kills her without the chance of being revived also while exploring the dungeon yosuke comes across dead end after dead end when he has nowhere else to go an earthworm suddenly appears and creates a tunnel for him to crawl through while crawling through it a predator sneaks up behind him and eats him now that he's dead only yooka is left alive she considers giving up but then hallucinates characters from an anime she used to watch that encourage her to go on it looks like they're never going to be able to make it in time until she comes across a woman named fatina but dina has a big ass cat so she decides to give yuka a ride she is able to complete the quest just in time and everybody else responds to talk to the game master for yuca's question to the game master she decides to ask if this world is actually a virtual world game master explains that it's not a virtual world but a parallel world to theirs the only things that are virtual in this world are actually the players which is why they can come back to life this makes yusuke reflect on the fact that he had actually killed a living person episode 12. they're all transported back to the real world but yusuke still isn't handling this realization too well everyone realizes that even though they were in the other world their stamina has actually gotten better while walking he gets a message from the game master asking now that you've killed somebody what are your honest feelings he's still very conflicted so he just deletes the message without responding since he didn't respond the game master shows up at his house disguised as a little girl when asked again he just says that he wished he wouldn't have done it and the only reason he did is because he thought they were virtual now that's settled the game master then wants him to go and meet their next player they go to a chinese restaurant where the game master points out a man at the end of the counter who is formerly a drug dealer she then explains that the next player is about to come in in 20 seconds and kill the man yusuke steps in to deter the attack and fights with all of them he is able to identify which one the player is and pulls off his mask coming face to face with the 19 year old tory the mandatory is working for realizes that something is going wrong so he comes in and pulls a gun on yusuke to prevent him from dying the game master gives him a glove the glove lets him access his creature wizard abilities in this world so he is able to order the man to stop from pulling the trigger this gives him the opportunity to beat the [ __ ] out of the man and convince his tory and his little brother to escape from the police usuke comes to the realization that the game master is preventing bad things from happening to the players so that once they're in the other world they will still want to come back to this world if tory and his brother were arrested then they wouldn't care about getting back to this world which is what the game master is trying to prevent this doesn't change yusuke's thinking on how he values people's lives he believes that people who can be convinced to kill should die so he doesn't actually care about tory or his well-being the only value he sees in tory's life is the ability to complete the next quest this is a pretty shitty take and not exactly the answer the game master was looking for the game master points out that he looks at the value of human lives like an anonymous internet user yusuke completely agrees and says that he has delusions of grandeur thinking that he is right and everybody else is wrong even though he can identify that this is delusional thinking he still chooses to embrace it but anyways i'm gonna be doing the next season and you can find that in the left side whenever i'm finished with it or you can check out all the i'm standing on a million lives recaps in the playlist on the right side you can also find the links in the description below and the only thing i hate more than intros is outros you
Views: 16,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I'm Standing on a Million Lives, anime, recap, full, full recap, relax and recap, 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru, season 1
Id: uJtqqjeyhRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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