I'm Pro-Life (4th Edition) | Change My Mind

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quick question for all the women can you all raise your hand real quick of all of those women that have their hands raised which one of you would rather be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term time for the latest installment of changed my mind I rationalized our positions on controversial topics this week is the fourth installment of our recent abortion themed series of course it's been all over the media given the recent laws regarding late term abortion it's dangerous to put any kind of limitations or controls around that because she in the end is the one responsible for that and in those circumstances and I don't think that it's entirely fair to judge them a fetus is literally a parasite like it is sucking the life from a mother yeah every single day like that literally what happened that's not even not a mother I'm guessing [Music] there's no point in wondering when it comes to women's rights with respect to their reproduction I think you should leave it to women this is about a woman's right to choose and you as a man should not have a single say in that as per usual let me know what you think by sounding off in the comment section below I'll I'll try on this topic I was a little surprised by how extreme most people's positions were on the issue here see for yourself wasn't it Mitch Mitch Steven nice to meet you gonna meet I have no idea whether you're familiar or not with the segment that we do but it's basically an opportunity to rationalize one's position I'm pro-life and all that that would encompass here I guess you'd probably understand where I line up but if you disagree with me things anything wrong with my position you're more than welcome to change my mind I do think there's a lot wrong with your position if you're going to try to tell more than half the world's population more than half of America's population that they are not allowed to decide to do with their bodies what they want to do but a dead body if they're not an organ donor they're not gonna get harvested for organ donation then I think that's really messed up and frankly I think that women should have the option legally and otherwise to be able to get an abortion if they want to okay there are a few presumptions there no I would never tell 50 percent of America as you put it about half of America what they can and can't do with their own bodies but that's exactly what the pro-life argument is you're going to make abortions illegal which then is going to force the women of America to either find a way to get an illegal abortion which has done host of problems both medical legal etc as abortion does abort as safe abortion doesn't hurt those what what what what what what things are medically wrong with a medical abortion for the baby being killed okay I'm not talking about the baby why not because the simple fact of the matter is is the baby is not an autonomous living being really helpful because it cannot fend for itself okay so would a two month old baby not being autonomous human being we're not talking about a two month old baby we're talking about a fetus so no I'm using your definition you said cannot fend for itself so it's fending for itself the standard of what constitutes a human being no okay so what constitutes a human being the fact that it is born okay so what makes the difference between being and not a human being is seven inches about the birth canal yeah okay so you would be okay with abortion all the way up to nine months in certain Sikkim circumstances yeah okay what do you mean in certain certain circumstance uh if the birth would be fatal to either the mother or the fetus then I do think that abortion should be legal oh sure let's say if the birth wouldn't kill the mother no I don't know any major pro-life advocates who wouldn't agree with that yeah I've met quite a few actually no I have yet to meet one so maybe you can give me your rolodex but I certainly would say if you're looking at the direct a direct threat to the life of the mother yes I understand that okay whatever but let me say if it sounds mean like that doesn't really matter because you would support abortion regardless yes okay so why bring it up because people especially in America have the freedom to make choices and right now the and right now the pro-life argument is trying to infringe upon one of the choices and quick question for all the women can you all raise your hand real quick seriously seriously I don't care if it's 101 of all of those women that have their hands raised which one of you would rather be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term on second I appreciate I appreciate it I really do appreciate it but I also want to continue with this thank you very much I appreciate your passion that's the danger of using mob rule as your moral compass sometimes you don't like how it turns out and I could have actually told you the first thing I've been a pro-life woman here a couple of things a couple of things I want to clarify I would never tell a woman what she can and can't do with her own body okay now what I am doing okay that's not what she is doing and I would never force a woman to carry a gun okay okay but that's exactly what the pro-life stance is what's not so what a what about the pro-life argument and pro-life laws and regulations and all that is going to allow women the choice okay because that's the whole basis of the pro-choice argument right yeah that's a false premise what laws would allow the choice to kill another human being but it's not a human being oh it is a human being well how do you define a man being you said fend for itself that's not a consistent yeah and that and that seven inches of birth canal as you said well you said you didn't agree earlier nothing for itself so in other words no not until no it's not a living human being until it crosses that birth canal okay why why because it's still in the womb it is still a fetus so well on a second so we're talking about right now a nine month old baby let's say eight month old right it's not a baby in fact it's not a baby until it's born so the only difference right now I'm using a nine month isn't it let's pick an eight month old okay eight months inside the womb eight months outside of them one is a life and one is not yeah okay so what determines human life is location if a woman has an eight-month-old fetus versus an 8 month old child that is a huge difference because one is inside the woman one is outside the only difference is let's call it geographical location but it's not the same as geographical location okay it's a location inside of when we're outside a woman but you're oversimplifying it you're trying to understand I'm okay why is one of life and one is not because the fetus itself is wholly and totally dependent upon the mother that is attached to via umbilical cord sure right wholly dependent very much Blandon ja I can eight month old born born however the a month old child the infant's at that point that's the important distinction fetus versus infant is your important distinction I don't think it's a consistent one but continue is the fact that a fetus which has not been born yet and an infant's which has been born in my opinion it shouldn't matter whether or not the mother wants to keep it or not whether it's but I owners I guess I'm not following you why does that determine the value of human life is it because you don't believe you don't believe it's a human being because you believe it's a part of the mother yes okay so you don't believe that's it you don't believe that that is a separate human being you believe it's effectively a part of the mother yes because up until the point okay that it is outside of the mother okay whether it's c-section birth whatever then at that point it becomes its own okay living human being okay I'm trying to still dependent upon other people because it is infinite so what doesn't necessarily need to be the mother biological mother that is still hooked up to the Imboden defense so I want to make sure that I'm understanding your reasoning for why it is a baby outside versus inside the womb even though it's the same age you are saying that location and that determines whether it's a human life because in fact when it's inside the womb it is not a separate human being it as a part of the mother yes okay I've not misrepresented you there I understand you correctly yeah okay so an eighth one eight month old baby inside of the mother in unfold a mental 8 month old fetus it's not a person inside the mother okay how many feet is a mom half sari how many feet does the mother have two not four not four how many fingers does she have it 10 not 20 no infants are likened to at the part of the mother yeah yeah yeah part of the mother the mother would have 20 fingers 20 toes forearm yeah so the boy doesn't mother have the penis you're you're trying to detract from the fact that no I'm trying no no no no yeah so effectively it is a parasitic relationship between a fetus and a woman the parasite parasite is a being that is wholly and totally dependent upon its host it's actually not the definition apparently okay so what's the definition of a parasite mr. Webster I appreciate the presumption no actually because by your definition a fully born child would be a parasite because they're entirely dependent on somebody a good example that for example with sharks or amaura's or inconsiderate parasites even though they are dependent upon the food that they were okay so the reason here is because it actually does so at the cost of its host at the host of the healthcare of the host at the cost of the actual ability often killing the host that's what a parasite is and parasites don't necessarily even have to be inside the body by the way they can be on or if yeah we're no medical literature would refer to a baby growing in a woman's body as a pair that's an opinion okay so Ally opinion it's your opinion but it's also your opinion that it is a part of the woman's body but that doesn't seem to understand how you sort of juxtapose that next to you but the woman only has two feet yeah and one only has 20 so what are those fingers on that baby there's letting the penis who does it belong to it it belongs to the fetus which we just said it does have body and autonomy from the mother at this point it is not a part of the mother no it is a part of mother because my attached to the mother does the mother have a penis no because the fetus is a parasite because the fetus is a parasite yes okay I'm just trying to follow your logic trail here because before you said it was in fact a part of the mother it is that was what it interesting it's a parasite it why can't it be both you know I suppose it could be both okay so it's a parasitic part of the mother yes so the penis belongs to a parasite or the arms and the legs and the feet and the functioning brain in the central nervous system and the ability to understand and recognize its mother's voice belongs to a parasite fetus that is in the mother and is not human life yes and that is why we have the right to kill it yes okay all the way up until birth it like I said before if it is if it is going to be a fatality to either the baby at that point the infants or the mother yeah well done we don't discuss because you don't care anyway that's a very very strong assumption to make well you said earlier that you would support abortion regardless sorry yes okay so then why bring up whether it's a threat of the health to the mother because no medical professional is going to make a late-term abortion unless it's going to be a fatality to either the mother or the fetus that's not true it happens all the time name one case where that's happened 10 to 12 thousand a year 1.6 percent one point three to one point six percent of about a million abortions each year as a matter of fact you can go right now right now watch a video that we take in an abortion clinic on Tuesday where they performed an abortion the 32 week old baby no questions asked okay and happens all okay but if you disagree with that yeah you do 2/3 with that yeah because you no no no I I disagree with your stance on it because you don't know what that woman's lit like you you don't know that woman's life you don't know that woman you don't know what the circumstances are you don't know any I do matter do you yeah I do you know her personally I know exactly what our circumstances are because she told them to us yeah she was a woman who had two children already at 6 and a 9 year old and the the youngest of which was now being sent off to kindergarten and she didn't want to go through the mommy face again that's how no time for herself because she went in and they provided a 32 week old abortion no questions asked that happens late term abortions 10 to 12 thousand a year ok so so you want to make sure could you jump around as to what's permissible and what's not my line of logic here is whether you like it or not it is consistent along with the lady there who responded to you a unique new genetic code is created at conception okay right it sounds like you're saying whether it's in whether it's out depending on how how the mother feels about the baby it's circumstantial it's just a logically consistent way to justify killing another life okay well you're an un situation so question okay the situation I just described for you can go watch it right now yeah we cannot go to the extreme examples to make a point because if I were to say if I were to say hey rape incest let's allow abortions and say but on the other on the other side of the coin would you be okay with making it illegal to perform other abortions you ain't saying you wouldn't say so so might bring it up you bring up an extreme example that you don't care about you support abortion all the way up until birth no matter what thank you very much I appreciate [Music] would you want to come for just two seconds to kind of describe why you we usually it's mostly people who disagree but we don't usually do this that changed my mind but because this young lady was so passionate and because her opinion would seem so unpopular I wanted to hear what she had to say hear for yourself what's your name my name is Glenn Elise Glenn Elise when Elise all right Glenn Elise we can't take super long because usually we try to give the right-of-way to people who disagree but and it right after you did it you appreciate you don't have to be apologetic but he talks to the audience our previous speaker and said how many women here would want to be forced to carry that baby to pregnancy and you said I would because it's a living being and you shouted it everyone here heard you I think we heard you on our shotgun mics aim the other direction why such a visceral reaction there because I have I've experienced with several family members and several friends throughout high school that had to go through that issue and it's the simple fact that it's it has brain activity the baby is it like legally doctors are like okay you're pregnant cuz they go for they look for a heartbeat and they look for brain activity so that's the first sign of human life from a non-religious standpoint and then also I should for people who it was in the context of him talking about late term abortions as well right yeah yeah so also it's just even there's legal things that say that whenever the mother doesn't want it we learned in school that if the father wants it you can't abort the baby because it's his baby too yeah so it's like it's not just like the mother's choice because it takes it takes two to tango it takes two to make a living being and also there's adoption there are people who cannot have babies who want children they want the opportunity to teach someone what they have to teach them in their life and they can't do it biologically so they adopt children if you don't want your baby you can give it to somebody who wants to take care of it I have family members who can't have children and they want children so bad and let me ask you this because um I was kind of curious he framed it in a way we said would you want to be forced to carry a baby to term even the fact that you reacted so passionately as passionately as you did makes me think that you don't see it as being forced to carry a baby no it's it's not a lot of my venomous also has to do with my religion because I'm a Christian good but um but because this is about politics I'm trying very hard not to put my religion in - no I understand I appreciate that okay so the point the point that I'm making is that we're often told that if someone is a victim of a horrible crime like rape right right and if we say well then you still probably shouldn't abort that baby it's like forcing women to carry it that's whereas all we're doing is forbidding someone from killing another person right it's not it and it can be a traumatic experience I have experienced things like of that nature and it's it is traumatic it's horrible and but it's still not it's not you you're carrying this is where my religion comes into it it's like God gave you that baby right on purpose he knew that baby before it was even in your stomach he had this plan from the beginning that's just how it works so that's another reason that I'm just like it's not your choice after that I appreciate it I boil it what I appreciate most was obvious there was kind of some white knighting going on like hey women don't you all agree with me I'm on your side yeah seems to me like you're a little more empathetic to a life that could be growing inside of you and I just it was very touching to see you respond again you know we want to keep it civil and not yet so much worried it was just you just seemed so arrogant about it made me come in well thank you being here thank you so much I appreciate it thank you it was a refreshing change of pace now back to your regularly scheduled program [Applause] Maddie we actually have a lovely lady who works for us today Maddie yeah I was told she's vicious we must all be very special yes she's very quiet but we all suspect that she's a heroin dealer I really like you she she's from the hills of Missouri so we have no idea what she's up to dig the shoes okay Maddie so I'm pro-life a sort of asserted my position here yes quite a few times I really what this is about is hopefully not a shouting it's about the ability to rationalize one's own position and can I just say first some of the men over there wanted me to speak up louder so everybody could hear but I don't want to mess with your audio if I speak louder will it mess with your mouth you're fine you're fine okay cool we're actually having a girl on audio okay so yeah and you can also speak louder if you want that's okay I don't want it I don't want to be accused of I don't know mansplaining man yelling there's a new man something may interrupting I heard recently oh wow I don't know that's why I made that up I made that I'm talking about an interrupting thing but I want it to catch on you can pass along so I am pro-life if you disagree with my position or you disagree with the pro-life position you are more than welcome to change my mind okay where do you think that pro-life and pro-choice arguments stem from like what do you think it is the base argument the base disagreement that people have it's actually a very good question where's the fork in the road yeah so what what is what is yeah the beginning fork in the road that makes people really kind of take up arms and get mad I think it's what constitutes a human life okay our life beginning so yeah I think it's and I think as a matter of fact that's the most important question answer I think it's the only question that needs to be answered otherwise the rest of it is really one big giant true and of course as a pro-life person life begins scientifically at conception okay I also think that that's something that you believe strongly you know like that's what you believe I don't think that I'm gonna be able to change your mind on that okay that is the stemming point of where your beliefs come from let me ask this why would you disagree why would I disagree yeah just because I don't believe that like human life starts at conception you know what I actually went all four years to a Catholic High School and I studied intently I studied the New Testament the Old Testament the Catholic catechism as well as certain letters written by different saints and apostles and I did learn a lot about like abstinence and family planning and and life at birth I actually disagree with that nowadays not life at birth sorry guys live at conception right but I disagree with that nowadays but I do I do a good bit about it and I understand alright he's more than welcome to join in afterward if he wants [Applause] now this is the point where we were rudely interrupted by a screeching protester you can see that entire confrontations in the video at the link below but for this let's go back to Magda I do appreciate that even though you disagree with me you pulled a wonderful prank by sending me to that unstable gentleman there well you know what really struck me was he just said I don't want to talk I'm just here to shut down your bull and took pride and simply shutting down a conversation and I would imagine that you probably line up more left than I do but it doesn't seem like you're somebody who would see virtue and shutting down conversation know everything important has been first conversed about right that's the first step to learning and the first step to accepting change is to talk about things right I appreciate that would you consider that kind of a fork in the road between yourself and sort of the modern progressive left because what he just did that's not a typical in my experience these days you know what I think that also appears in more extreme right sections as well I think anybody who's very very offended by people attacking their personal beliefs or people who may take things personally have the tendency to not want to consider different points of views as well as wanting to make themselves feel better this is race okay I know the reason I says because I'm about as far right as you can get and not how the media labels far-right you don't not see spenta mainyu libertarian conservatives generally speaking we believe in more speech not less I would say that today as it relates to free speech on campus and as it relates to speech whether I mean take your pick on any platform it does seem to be exclusively coming from the left using a bully technic to shut people down and that's really I'm not I'm saying I appreciate that you're not that way but I do wonder if for a lot of liberals on college campus now who maybe they consider themselves sort of classical liberals I would say critical thinking sort of classical liberal that's how you appear to me at least in the way you present yourself if you find it grating to have people like that kind of setting that the tone temperature on campus well I would just like to say he does not represent all of UNT okay you know there are so many people here with different opinions with different beliefs that man is not the spokesperson for UNT but what she knew would be funny that's why she was where yeah he called ben shapiro odd not see he's like I know Ben is like as jewy as they get I mean not Jewish like he's crossover that they're you know there's the line of Jewish and jewy and like look behind you that's the line he's so jewy good friend of mine I can say this all right so I'm pro-life I can't remember where we were we might just have to start this from the top you you asked I guess before where the the disagreement what do you think the mental screaming occurs right is that what we were the definition of what is human right and and and I posited that life begins at conception and the reason for this I truly see it as the only consistent line to draw because that is when a new unique human genetic code is created completely autonomous one mother from the father it's not the same as sperm it sounds the same as an egg we had a guy come here and say well there's no difference between that that fetus and you scraping off dead skin cells it is it's entirely different DNA I don't see any other line that can be drawn that is intellectually consistently so that's what I believe what what do you believe constitutes a human life or do you believe life begins you know what I don't think that that's something I'm a big believer in science and I think that we should look to science for certain ethical issues about things such as learning about the science of skin color it has nothing to do with your organs or anything like that it's all about just adaptation to UV radiation so I think that science is a way to go and I also believe in the consideration of suffering of living organisms every living organism so I think that this is just my personal opinion I do as a woman up here I'm not the spokes man for every woman spokeswoman for every woman I'm not lots of different women lots of different women of color lots of different white women especially like on UNT campuses and in Texas have different opinions in mind I appreciate that don't no I appreciate that because there was a guy I actually kind of came up here earlier the white knights and all the women raise your hand who would want to be forced to carry a baby from rape and she yelled she's like well I'm not being forced as just not letting you kill the baby and then he sort of we wasn't very comfortable and he left soon after so I'm only speaking for myself yeah if you're always speaking for yourself so where do you believe life begins or what's your I guess your view your worldview on a board my worldview is more centered around suffering and I don't believe in the suffering of living organisms of sentient beings and so I think the consideration of suffering is really important I think that the consideration of the suffering of a being that may be inside you is also important but the thing is I believe that the most qualified people to sit here and to talk about this do not want to sit here and talk about this women who have had abortions or women who are pregnant and thinking of getting abortions or any women that has had to make that choice or think about that choice is a person who I think should be up here explaining about the first-hand experiences the emotions they go through what the family members say because there's lots of things that we don't consider about abortion and I think that if we think that women don't obsess over this question that's a false conclusion that is a huge suspicion a woman has to make in her life as she chooses to I think in some instance you're correct in some instances my mouth is called out you're correct in some you're not we had a woman who sat down to inhabit abortion and frankly hadn't given it much consideration as to where life begins we've had men sit down I would ask you this so but I know you've talked about how your worldview centers on suffering and I can appreciate that but why do you believe for example I would assume that applies probably to animals as well oh yeah I'm trying to go vegan guys he's being very respectful so you obviously would want to minimize suffering okay do you believe that you are less qualified to talk about that issue than a man I would actually say that I'm probably more qualified well okay well let's let's make sure that we have the proper definition of man okay the person with the vagina who can get pregnant you know I'm fertile I can't get pregnant some women can't get pregnant no - yeah sure whatever you know I I believe in that I don't would you say that only farmers should have opinions on the suffering of animals no but I do think farmers have more direct experience with the suffering of animals and maybe therefore their opinion should be taken a little more seriously than people who've never has seen an animal more farmers who advocate for more suffering of animals in yourself should have the animal farmers you don't have that opinion so I think understand where I'm going here I don't understand why a woman or particularly a woman who's had an abortion would be supremely qualified to discuss an issue if in fact it relates to the killing of another human being I'm not saying supremely qualified I'm saying more qualified so by that I mean somebody who has a little more experience or education about it I would disagree I sit for the same reason I think you are just as qualified you are equally as qualified as any man here or any other woman here a person of color named the race gender orientation on murder on assault on battery I don't think it matters if you've committed it or not or even if you've been the victim of it or not I think what is morally correct as an absolute certainly as it relates to the physical harm of another human being against their will so we are told us a lot and I think we even had someone say say you know if you don't have a vagina can't have an opinion I don't agree I don't understand how that changes the fundamental estimate of what abortion is is it the ending the killing of another human life or not and like you said that's where the fork in the road starts and I think that everything else is negated if we don't come to a clear definition as to what that is you're right and I think like for me personally as I'm going to say again for like the third time I think we should probably look a little bit to science for that as well okay and I think that religion has a really big influence on what we consider live and what we consider valuable but I have a question for you do you think in any way at all possible you know maybe now or historically that the definition of life has been influenced by the fact that it's women who carry this life so maybe perhaps women historically who've been oppressed have not had the right to choose what happens to the source and the right to choose what happens to this life oh sure wouldn't have been forcibly sterilized well yes and I would say even more than that people women have been socially engineered or manipulated to place different values on that baby you know throughout history I mean you've seen that you know with Jewish women and Nazi Germany so well the reason because we actually hear better once in a s that's kind of a promise this isn't a harvey weinstein thing I can pull it away from you but I don't for example Nazis placed a different value on the babies in the womb of Jewish women in North Korean internment camps random people who are dissidents they force abortion is right so it's not only people being forcefully sterilized but there have been different values set upon different kinds of we often based are the babies inside of women based on race ethnicity you know or political worldview I agree that's terrible I think we both agree that that's historically been true and it's terrible and that's also I have such a problem with the abortion bill in the United States because it's stems from a eugenics movement from martyr Sanger with Planned Parenthood setting up abortion clinics in impoverished areas in order to try and eradicate the country of black Americans I don't know much about that that's something that I that I'm not very educated in okay would you look it up after this no Margaret Sanger she's not Planned Parenthood and she had disdain for black tea you know what women of color have been historically exploited more than any other group in America my personal belief and from the things that I've learned so I'm really not realized that organizations who claim to help women have historically exploited them that's not surprising to me just because it's Planned Parenthood though I don't think he means anything in particular in industries all over the world had exploited women beauty industries health industries clothing yeah but specifically targeting areas so that women of color kill their babies to try and reduce their population I would say is a little bit more perverse and telling someone they should use this kind of lip gloss to look like Claudia Schiffer and are we sure that it's to reduce they are we sure that it's some sort of genetic you know ethnic cleansing yes Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist okay so you're saying you're saying nowadays that's for sure the roots of Planned Parenthood and the slave funding disproportionately set up in areas where your women of color they would argue that due to poverty and that they're there to help them that's not the history of the company but III think we both agree that being said whatever value society places on something doesn't change what it is for example I think we both agree I don't agree with that I think that ideas can be just as impactful as actions I think that the ideas that we've been raised with can definitely influence what we do and the people that we meet and how we treat I agree with you but I don't thing that necessarily means it's right so for example slavery good or bad okay we both agree these are in trick questions right yeah but it was legal it still is legal all across the world so yeah we shouldn't go by like that's a you know very common mistake do not go by legality legality something is you know as what is more exactly what I said it to say that because it's a different societies a place different values so we can't necessarily go by right now we're talking about abortion right there is the the abortion survivors born alive Protection Act every single major Democratic candidate for president loaded against and this is babies who survived abortions this bill would just require that doctors provide them with the same medical care to babies delivered that didn't survive abortions Elizabeth Warren Bernie Sanders Kamala Harris Cory Booker they all voted against this and we're talking about abortion many states I think we're talking about well beyond the point where it might even be a debate when you're talking about we're even talking about babies that are entirely valuable upsetting their people for a regular basis and that's legal it doesn't change the morality of the action and that's why I think it is fundamental to determine what a human life is and where that begins and as you've said we start with science and I hope you understand for me I know you that you said went to a Catholic school yeah I am a Christian but I haven't brought any of that into this conversation yeah scientifically the moment of conception is when there's an entirely different genetic code that determines everything you know hair color eye color height sense of smell athletic ability is created at conception science tells us that is a new unique human being and I don't think that we ever have the right to kill another human life I think that that's your interpretation of science I definitely believe that you know stem cells have the potential to turn into any sort of specific specialized tissue and that you're right they they it is a seed that has the potential to become a new person reason to see but that's the exhibit for example I don't see I don't see sperm killing a sperm the same as abortion otherwise you know when I was a teenager I would be committing mass genocide like that's what Catholics believe yeah I don't so the point is is very different a fertilized egg cell is entirely been from an egg and a sperm that's the science I want to make sure that I'm not misunderstood here I don't think that because it's a potential necessarily human being this is a unique genetic code that has been performed that determines what kind of a human being it will be that does not happen until the moment of conception so do you believe that then genetics is what makes us human that a that it's our special gene code the special Homo Sapien gene code is what makes us funny sapiens well I believe that first off human beings give birth to human babies right so we know that when that genetic code is established it's not going to be a fish it's not going to be a dog it's going to be a human being and that is the moment where exactly what kind of a human being is determined and I just don't think that we have the right to intervene and terminate kill back humanity that's why that's why I think it's the only logically consistent line I think we would both agree viability is not really consistent line because some babies are viable at different times depending where they are depending at what point in history location whether it's inside the womb or outside the womb I don't think that a baby that's at nine months five seconds before it leaves the womb is less of a human being and the baby that leaves the womb for me the only logical one the only consistently logic the only logically consistent line get a little cold here yeah it is yeah I've been out here a few hours now is conception scientifically in the book where where would you say life begins or what constitutes a human life well I'm a big hippie so huh far cry from the modern leftist whose shout people down I'm a big ol hippie so my definition of life and what it is to be alive I guess would have to would you consider a bacteria alive even though it's not sentient you know what what what sorts of values do we ascribe to normal human life human life I know only human life is a return on your time an abortion bacteria is not the same as a human being listen you know what I I don't know okay I don't know when human life starts but I think it's important we should know when suffering starts okay so would you draw the line at suffering yes I think that that's what but the thing is you don't know yet so I don't want to press you all so let's not overlook context here III am pro-life because I really want to represent for the young women and all those women who have had been sexually assaulted and who've gotten pregnant I really believe that young women should have a choice like a 13 year old girl who gets raped by her uncle she should have a choice of whether this is going to affect her for her whole life or whether this is something that could be taken care of in private well let me ask you this because we've had this happen a lot today so let's allow exceptions and people bring up a radical exception to the rule to try and justify them yeah so let's say we make exemptions for rape and incest okay let's say I agree with you on that then would you agree that all other abortions should be I think it's so contextual I say bringing up an extreme example when the vast majority of abortions are not are not permitted because of that because of rape princess the vast majority of abortions are simply simply performed because and I think that that's okay I think that it's okay as long as there's no suffering yeah but the thing is how are we supposed to know when suffering starts well that's where we go to science it's pretty clear yeah but you know what I do endorse the abortion bills that are being proposed and being passed because even though if I don't believe it's perfect I think that it may be a step in the right direction how do you mean abortion bills that prevent the late term abortions or you support the abortion bills that further the line of word abortion to be performed I guess further the line okay well this this is important I'm talking about suffering where then would you want us to be able to perform an abortion where do you think there should be a line drawn I'm not you know I'm not a doctor I don't know about this okay well I can tell you this suffering starts here okay okay is it but this or the portions are poor for just you're just telling me this has like one person to another person okay let's assume I'm not lying okay let's assume that this is like scientifically credible which it probably is you think you guys suffering begins it is more brain development okay so suffering begins here abortions are being performed all the way to here so when you say you support bills being proposed the reason I asked is because here's a bill right here the survived abortion and survivors I keep forgetting the name it's like infant protection abortion survivors Act I believe is the entire it's a whole mouthful sorry my hands are really cold here if you want to look through that this is proposing this was opposed by every major Democratic candidate that would simply require doctors to provide the same medical care it's of babies who have survived abortions these are babies that are out of the birth canal they are living and doctors would simply be required to provide them sane medical cares of other babies every major Democratic candidate as as a self-professed hippie who's against suffering I'm not a Democrat though I'm not a liberal and I'm not progressive I don't believe in okay labeling I believe in contextual things I think that it's so hard to ascribe yourself to a party I also think that I bring it up because you just mentioned bills for a deadline and I'm saying the line is here here's the line and now we're even saying law second can we at least have a line after the baby's born survives an abortion where the doctors just required to give the same amount of care like Jason and occurred them and I juice us because only Democrats would want to further that line no you don't have to protect that baby if it's born alive if you intended to have an abortion so when you say you support the laws that further that line I'm telling you the line in Texas it's here you can see right that's the line in Texas this is the line in Colorado so where would it be I think that this life line should be accessible to young women I think I just think that line where this line the most I think they so always should have yes should should have access okay well that's one but just don't say that you it's not consistent suffering of people who are already alive I do i prioritize suffering of people who I recognize as already living which I guess you could say is it technically a bias of what is life and what is considered life I think I think it's a very skewed view of suffering listen that's right look it I want you to look at this for me yeah this baby that you just said is okay to abort they are going to chop off its arms and legs and jam forceps in its head and it will be fully capable of feeling pain and if you are comparing that to the suffering of a mother who doesn't want to bring it to turn because it might inconvenience her I think it's a very skewed view as to what suffering is I am going to side what's not killing this baby I'm not talking about one mother I'm talking about all mothers what I'm talking about all women who have been put in situations that was not their fault that they got victimized in situations that are really situations that can change your life and how you think of yourself and how you look at yourself in the mirror and I just want these options open to women well eliminate if we eliminate those scenarios rape incest right we limit those scenarios you did say abortion Oh web here for for people who can't see if it's available to one person because well actually that's not true but I think there was a law that was passed it would be hard to just separate certain people that could and could not allow we just did actually a video I would recommend you watch it to get the chance we went to a Colorado abortion a late-term abortion clinic who was go in and show people what an abortion is and a woman had an abortion at 32 weeks that's eight months of discussion want the baby no questions they didn't ask about rape or incest I told you I do I prioritize the suffering well no you're not prioritizing something you're prioritizing the convenience of a mother over the killing room a because come on let's be honest here you and I neither one of us are denying that is a humanoid well we don't know that woman personally we don't know her life and we don't know if she actually we are talking about a specific woman talking metastatic woman in a rate of 10 to 12 thousand abortions per you I don't want to talk about specifically not ending a human life you just said you'd be okay that's we both enough can we both agree that's ending a human life at that point yeah you know what I think so and that baby will suffer scientific there's no debate about the sign typically you're most likely to be you are prioritizing and again the vast majority of abortion cases particularly late term abortion cases are not I'm saying this the vast majority of abortions aren't late term abortions no no no no what I'm saying the vast majority of abortions are not performed at a medical necessity or gonna rape or incest how many could you tell me a statistic on how many women get abortions from 27 to 40 weeks yeah well like what says it's a late term abortions in about 1.3 to 1.6 depending on who you ask depending which statistics you use that's 10 to 12,000 abortions per year in this period that are not medically necessary okay I can as someone who not only about it and I do place human life is more valuable than animal life I'm gonna be honest about that but as someone who does not believe that a human being has the right to physically harm another human being oh I don't believe but we both agree that's a human being and they're harming them I don't think it's justifiable so I look I appreciate you sitting down and I appreciate a the time I think that some of your views or maybe not necessarily consistent with what you think them to be you know or against I'm 20 I'm still figuring myself out I appreciate it I don't think that I'm gonna ever believe what you believe or support what you support but that's okay there's so many different people in the world with all different opinions and I would I would hope that you can appreciate that as someone who does believe for example that this 34 week old baby of the human life and capable of feeling pain as the sense that it's my duty to go and try and educate people and dirty I can to save those lives just as I'm sure you do for animals and you know that that's a that's an admirable reason to go do things and yeah free speech exercise your free speech and then scream at anyone or try and shut them yeah there's nobody screaming or anything so that's great well no there was but we he's gone now alright well thank you so much man [Music] with peanuts plain by the way if you want to see more installments I've changed my mind or the kind of content that traditional media just can't create support the show by joining mug club ladder with CARICOM / mug Club ninety-nine dollars annually 69 for veteran students or active military you get the full daily show as well the catalog of other content and we appreciate it on with the show Lysander but I'm pro-life across the board if there's anything there that you disagree with or where you think I'm wrong you're more than welcome to change my mind okay we're um why do you believe in pro-life well my pro-life yeah just because I don't believe that a human being has the right to take the life of another human being against their will at any point okay now are you what's your position I believe until a baby takes its first breath after it's been born then it is alive okay yeah you mean until er you mean after it's taken its first breath after it's like once it breathes in air okay after it's gotten out of like the womb and it has released all of the fluids that are in their lungs okay then I think it's alive okay so before that it's not a life I don't believe so okay so that would be all the way up until nine months really up until a seven-month seven-inch travel through the birth canal any time it has to be a like-for-like any time it has to be removed due to birth complications from c-section or any time it is born naturally it has any um any complications where it has to be born prematurely then and it actually is still alive after that process and breathes I believe it is alive okay so you're talking about birth complications why does that matter it sounds like you're okay with aborting babies whether their birth complications are not all the way up until nine months correct am I mistaken um I believe you can if the parent or basically just a parent is willing to have that make that choice by themselves and does not believe that child will either they can't take care of it or they or that child will not be living in a suitable environment it sure a couple of things I know he said parent not parents if a single mother either through a violent altercation rape in this case or a well I want to bring up a really extreme very rare example to prove a point on the general rule and and I I don't think it's necessarily productive because it sounds to me like you don't care so let's say I were to say okay yes to all abortions from rape incest or forcible acts of violence would you be against all other forms of abortions if I say sure abortions for any cases of rape and incest would you be against all other abortions like all other cases that are not rape and incest yeah you would be against all the other abortions Minnie you would be for them yes okay so then why bring it up because it is an instance which but it doesn't matter you support it anyway you support it right you set up until the baby takes its first breath and it's outside of the womb the mom can abort it for any reason regardless of rape or incest yes correct yeah okay so um I guess my question to you is what makes that not a human life let's say at 8 months and 25 days versus being a human life by your definition it's just that first breath outside of the womb because anything inside the womb is being controlled by natural instinct of heartbeat blood flow all the brain uh like electrical signals in the brain is literally just testing itself any time you feel it that's inaccurate it has to you know up until nine months the idea that it's just testing itself in a testing phase that's that's not accurate when you have babies that are born at 25 weeks the earliest I think is twenty-one weeks so you're talking about aborting fully viable babies because the mother wants to as long as it hasn't taken that first breath but I do we need to make sure that we both understand what you're talking about here you're not talking about a clump of cells that is testing brainwave activity you're talking about a fully functional human being so my question I guess to you is what constitutes a human being right it seems like you're okay with killing all the way up until birth canal alright um what defines personhood why is it okay to do that what do you mean by that you're taking the life of another human being mm-hmm why is that okay or maybe a mistaken how do you define a human being do not believe that it's a human being because it hasn't breathed air it hasn't it hasn't it is in my opinion it is still cells it it all the way up to and including nine months yes okay so why is it no longer cells at nine months one day if it's porn because um what makes it go from cells to a human being I guess those were and I'm sana gotcha it seems like if you're so eager and willing to end the life of another human being it'd be pretty important for you to define what a human being is it has not had a connection with another human being and it you can still feel love for that let's say creature or human being inside someone else why would we say creature because human beings give birth to non-human being babies do humans give birth to fish dogs I'm just not gonna like you always a multi cellular cellular organism inside the womb basically I'm just gonna which just looks and sounds and fully functions like a human being yes you just don't want to call it a human being yes and you're okay with the boarding a human being all the way up to nine months let me ask you this since she just said until they take their first breath this is the survived abortion bill um I'm sure you probably heard from Governor North and this is the entire DNC platform everyone running for president where they actually voted against it where if a baby is born and has survived an abortion so this is even after your point which i think is pretty extreme yeah I think even most pro-choice people here wouldn't be okay with abortions up to nine months but what about after a baby is born let's say has it has difficulty breathing then it's alive okay even if it can't breathe if it's on like I was born and I had difficulty breathing mm-hmm so why wasn't it okay to abort you because my parents didn't want to but if they wanted to that would be okay yeah all right well I'm not convinced okay Bree should I just think that's an extreme example but I appreciate you being completely honest okay I just don't think you know I was hoping we can find some common ground but if you think your parents can abort you after you're born just because I feel like it you know good good good luck [Music] Oh what's your name Aaron nice nice to meet you so I'm pretty simple today I'm pro-life across the board obviously with the great okay so okay well I see your hostile right there you just said I'm going to take you on and you seem a little upset what is it about my position that you've czar that you cuz you're talking about the legality of it it's not just your opinion on it right no I'm talking about the morality of it okay well it's my own body mm-hmm I'm a woman if I don't have though don't want to give birth abortion to me is just like forced miscarriage mm-hmm to you yeah so that's that's a great opinion so I'm trying to convince you right but that is an opinion what if it's not your body if it's not my body it's not my business okay so if that baby inside your woman's not your body it's an autonomous human being mm-hmm think you know the right to kill it why do you know the right to I need anyone else penis is not conscious it's not especially since legally yet you can't abort up to nine months it's when the first trimester oh you can yeah you can't legally yeah that's stupid well we find some common ground there yes agree with Andrew before you well I mean up to nine months that baby's about to pop I think it would be fine if that baby you know was about to die in the first few minutes there's no point anyways mm-hmm so but this is something that happens a lot people bring up an extreme example like rape incest or the baby's about to die to make a point sounds to me like you support abortion regardless yeah okay so let's not even know that doesn't matter so much I guess what it comes down to is what do you define as personhood you said it's my body my choice but if there's a baby inside of you that is in fact not your body it's not your daddy okay how so yeah because it's my blood like that child is half my blood so if someone if someone gets a blood if you give a blood transfusion to someone else do you know on their body DNA man it's actually genetics yeah you know do you know one new genetic DNA is formed a whole new genetic code so you could give blood to you and be my son no no what I'm saying is that at the moment of conception there's entirely new DNA formed not your DNA not the father's DNA its DNA of an entirely new human being that defines everything from eye color to height to male pattern baldness but it's still half my DNA that went into it sure yeah so then by that logic as long as it's a portion of your game it would be okay to abort a nine month old child a two-year-old child because it's your DNA how can you abort a two-year-old child kill it it's not the same well I'm just trying to understand what you define as personhood and what gives you the right to terminate a life that isn't your own you're saying because a portion of it is your DNA yes experience okay consciousness yes okay so you believe what determines personhood is consciousness a child is not gonna know anything I just want to make sure we understand here um yeah let me allow you to how do you define a person a human being what makes us people what makes us human what makes us human yeah what's your experience like just like I said earlier it's the experience okay we're all friggin humans we're all made up of the same kind of DNA you know you look at you and you look at me we're both human cool but what makes us a person in her personhood is our own experiences okay no need to versus nurture all that psychology sure yeah so well if someone let's say has Alzheimer's dementia or someone who's born with severe brain damage or doesn't have functioning limbs they're not necessarily entirely conscious of the world around them they're not able to develop relationships does that make them not a person not a human being no I'm I'm going by the definition of consciousness if someone is unconscious they cease to be a person can you kill them no why not because it's unconscious it's not experience what if someone has never had any experiences I've known people who work with people special needs who are not able to experience the outside world we thought we use a term Oh No spectrum and day by day experienced every hour every minute okay they experienced that okay it's not just in a personal things it's not just I mean even if somebody had wasn't able to experience the world couldn't leave their home they still experienced what it was like to eat what it was like to drink what it was like to I don't know read a book see the TV look outside the window experience pain yes a beating heart hearing the mother's voice mm-hmm would these not count as human experiences oh yeah it does okay so then it's a human that you're killing mm-hmm and you're okay with it that hasn't had any experience we just agreed that those are experiences yeah but that child doesn't retain any of that it's well neither does a one-year-old neither does a two month old baby so I'm trying to get to the point when does it become okay to end a life but what point is there enough retention of memory for it to be okay for you to kill them that's that other living being when it's not born when it's not born yeah okay so here we go so now we're talking about location a person ceases to be a person depending on location inside or outside the womb so it seems to me that you would support abortion up to nine months if it was necessary yeah not if it was necessary going by the definition of personhood according to your own logic man that's just semantics no it's not you thought yeah it is you just said use it up until it's born yeah it's not a person so then what's the problem with aborting a baby up to nine months then earlier you said that wouldn't be okay it's not a person it depends on the situation how so man no I'm real I'm curious how so I'll tell you want me to explain my position the only consistent line of logic to define what makes it when a human being is formed is that conception because that's what entirely new unique DNA is formed mmm-hmm consciousness isn't consistent as we've as we've gone through viability as we went to with Andrew is not a consistent trail of logic and location you don't cease to be a person if you're in that library out of that library you don't cease to be a person if you're in the womb or seven inches outside okay I see your point but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't be able to get an abortion if I it was so necessary it certainly does it certainly does if we agree that that's a person then you shouldn't be able to take the life of another person you can never take a life another person you can wave your hand around as much as you want right with your own body unless it hits me in the face you can't take the life of another human being sure I can okay we disagree I don't think you can kill another human being okay I guess I wasn't able to convince you know I I'm really I'm compelled but I I don't understand your consistency of logic here you said you were against nine-month-old abortions but then you said well until it's worn it's not really a person so now you just said it's you think it's okay to kill another human being as long as it's in the womb you acknowledge it's a human being and you think it's okay to kill it because you want to that's not going to convince me what would you what would you present to convince me otherwise I guess well you don't I mean we talked about those extreme experiences that people have the rape join eating to do all those things I guess if you were in my shoes and you were a broke college student who got raped and you know was disowned by her family because they were super religious and they didn't accept that I like to editorializing here but you're going I'm just putting a story together okay then you would be okay with bringing that child into the world and not even be able being able to provide for it not being able to give it any kind of health care of that child got sick it would die anyways because they wouldn't get you know vaccines what if that child wouldn't get vaccines yeah okay so are you asking me would I be okay with you might not be able to afford health care yeah yeah I don't agree with the premise so two things first off you bring up an extreme example to make a point sounds to me like you don't really care about rape or incest do you support abortion anyway in the sense that it doesn't matter to you as it relates to abortion so if I were to agree to let's say okay in all cases of rape or incest abortion for all would you agree with all of the cases no abortion yeah you would yeah so if there were only an exception for rape and incest you would make but you would agree that abortion on every other instance would be immoral and should be illegal no okay well then why bring it up now as it relates to the story that you're painting here with religious parents who has communicate you and don't help you because you've gotten pregnant you've been raped I think that's horrible I do think that would be a horrible story and my heart would go out to you would if you were in that situation and yes it is an extreme but to put you in that extreme yeah what would you do well I of course wouldn't abort the baby so what would you do then after you've given birth to the baby what would you do yeah I guess without abortion what choices are present I support for other choices abstinence contraception motherhood adoption in the case of rape a very very small extreme example as we both acknowledged you have motherhood or adoption mmm-hmm I just don't support the choice that would involve killing a child I think that's pretty consistent I think you have a good opinion I guess if you believe something I think it's important to scientifically determine where a life begins and I don't think that you've given that much thought and I think that's the crux of all of this if obviously if we acknowledge that's a human life but it seems as though you have you're just okay with terminating in people who are looking to make headway with people who are pro-life they would have to present some kind of an argument that would true prove that this is not a human being that's not a person but when you say it is a person it is a human being I don't care anyway I have the right to kill another human being as you've presented yeah and I'm not gonna be on board but I appreciate you sitting down well there you have it another installment of what I would consider mostly productive discussions did anything here surprised you were the views more extreme more reasoned more moderate let me know in the comments below and stay tuned for the next installment looking forward to seeing you there okay if you liked this video you know you watch videos on YouTube a fiber Jimmy Kimmel if I were Stephen Colbert or Trevor Noah I would tell you to subscribe but I have no corporate overlords who demand that I do this demeaning promo I do the demeaning promo because I choose to subscribe 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Channel: StevenCrowder
Views: 6,454,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven crowder, stephen crowder, louder with crowder, LwC, mug club, not gay jared, Change My Mind, Crowder Confronts, comedy, politics, culture, news, entertainment, funny, right, left, conservative, liberal, libertarian, I'm Pro-Life, Pro-Life, Pro Life, Abortion, UNT, university of north texas, conservative comedy, funny conservative, reproductive health, conservative politics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 51sec (3891 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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