I'm Nervous About This One - Massey Clutch Rebuild - Instant Reverse Part 2

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nine months it's been nine months since I started this project Thanksgiving Day rebuilding the clutch pack on this greasy old backhoe is a big job and big jobs make me nervous it's not because I've never done this job before I really like doing things I've never done before I learned only recently that that's not normal most people don't like doing things they'd ever done before they prefer the familiar my fear is that some tiny mistake will be made some tiny mistake hidden deep inside some tiny mistake that will not be found cannot be found until the job is done a tiny mistake that will put me back where I started or maybe worse I call it a keyboard it's an irrational fear but I feel that statistically I am overdue but the job must be done I have to finish what I started but I don't have to like it [Music] we've got all new frictions and steels for the clutch packs pretty much everything else is a gasket an O-ring or a seal please do not email me and ask me for part numbers or where I got these parts I bought them at the local AGCO dealership if you need these parts go to your local AGCO dealership probably got 50 emails on that swing cylinder rebuild video everybody wanted part numbers everybody wanted to know where to buy the parts go to your local AGCO dealership I've cleaned everything I've checked everything we've got a little bit of wear on not this one but this clutch basket so the splines here a little chewed up where that one clutch plate was broken it doesn't catch I think it'll be just fine I pulled the pump apart it looks really good you know there's no grooves worn or anything like that so I mean it would be best to replace it but it looks pretty good we're going to reuse it I got a new seal for it the only part I'm not sure about is these split Rings here so that seals kind of seals the inside of the Pistons the outside sealed with rubber O-rings but they're very expensive they're like forty dollars a piece and there's six of them or eight of them but I know they look fine to me we're going to reuse them sorry about the fan noise it is brutally hot today so we're gonna put together the pump first these are the drive tangs here that engage with the torque converter spin the pump the pump creates the pressure that engages the clutch packs it also lubricates the transmission so you can see a little bit of wear there but you can't even feel it with your finger I think it's going to be just fine and this is your stationary shaft that holds the stator inside the torque converter then this is the torque converter seal which I probably should have installed before I put that together but that's okay I'm gonna pack it with some grease so that this spring doesn't fall out I'll put some Loctite 515 on the outside of the seal just for funsies grease on the inside [Applause] that'll do got a new Rubber seal How does it go I think it goes like this it doesn't go like that so it has to go like that doesn't it there we go bolts have these ceiling washers I didn't get new ones so we're gonna make new these are the Pistons that squeeze the clutch packs so I've got a new Square ceiling ring on the outside a new o-ring on the inside and I've got this check ball installed [Applause] now there's a couple of Big Springs we need to load the clutch packs but I hit a snag right off the Hop there are six drain holes in this inner Hub they're on three different levels and in the book it says to mark them one two three and then stack two frictions with this cut out notch at the number one location then two at the two location and two at the three location and if they don't both notches don't line up you flip the disc over our new frictions which I have soaking in oil doesn't say you have to do it but just my habit but they only have one cut out notch so I'm not sure what we're supposed to do about that we don't really have a choice I guess we're gonna have to line up one notch with each number the Steelers also have notches they're supposed to all be lined up and then you just line them up with any one of these notches in the outer hub oh they're also dished doesn't matter which way the dish goes but the dish has to be the same on all of them I guess let's just uh let's just do it see what happens start with a steel cup side down we'll install a friction [Music] [Applause] and then the friction a steel okay now I switch to the two kind of Steel two Steel three Steel three yep that's it I think I need a thrust washer in there I have failed to read the instructions I found a snap ring now the snap ring pumps assembled clutch bags assembled but I had a feeling that things were going just a little bit too smoothly the counter shaft and the reverse idler run on six rows of uncaged plane roller bearings they have to be tediously assembled one roller at a time takes about 20 minutes I had them all assembled I was ready to drop the shaft down through the middle and I found a problem yeah that's not good I don't know how I missed that when I was cleaning up parts and checking things over so we need some new parts and if we can't get new parts we're gonna have to make them these are pretty simple shafts but they are hardened and ground and they have a cross hole it would take some work to reproduce them [Music] Max come on Pop [Applause] a couple days later we have two new shafts right from the AGCO dealership so this one looks pretty nice this one here I am not too impressed with what the heck is this this is just a cold finished bar you can still see the Chuck Jaws from a lathe in the surface they made no attempt to grind it or finish it in any way maybe it's good enough I don't know doesn't seem very good to me and it's probably close enough it's nice and hard okay well I guess we're gonna go with it I went ahead and stripped everything back down cleaned it up looked it over the rollers look fine the inside surfaces of the counter shaft and The Idler look fine it's one little tiny spot right there it's outside of where the rollers run we're not going to worry about it ideally we would replace everything but this job is far from ideal so we're gonna go with it if I don't drop all the bearings all over the floor there goes one so we're gonna pack them again the funnest part of a tedious job is doing it the second time if you're a person like me who's prone to dropping things might not want to work close to the edge of the bench and I'm using grease to hold everything in place may not be necessary but certainly makes it a lot easier put a little more grease in there there's two rows of rollers they're separated by a steel washer and we're going to have a washer on either end this is a pretty unsophisticated bearing setup so uncaged plane rollers and you got this fiber thrust washer that goes on this end and a bronze thrust washer that goes on that end as far as I know this thing was designed and built in the 1960s but this bearing design is straight out of the 1860s okay let's put it together there's three shims down at the bottom it should be fine because we're not replacing any bearings that worked [Applause] okay that was the easy one foreign [Applause] book shows you how to make a special tool for I guess for installing this thing there it is got new O-rings on the swivel suction tube goes in the bottom of the pump so I'll put the bottom cover on it has a screen here I went ahead and put a little silicone on that just to hold it in place these are the valve spools so there's a little pintle in the middle and then there's a spring with the cap I don't know if it matters but I labeled them top and bottom so I didn't mix them up got all new O-rings of course this is the oil Inlet or Outlet I don't remember which one so a couple new O-rings on that it's got to tighten those up and we're almost there foreign thank you foreign yeah that's it I'm gonna get this thing out of here perfect check out this little gem can't put a socket on either side I can barely get a wrench on one side of course it's turning wait to get a hold of the guy who designed this what's wrong Max okay the transmission is in it's not a fun job these guys who designed this thing they just did not have repairs or assembly in mind so you got two studs here with nuts you have to feed the nuts on as you push the transmission back pretty much all the bolts you can only use an open-ended wrench of course they're 7 16 so you got 5 8 and 11 16 mixed and matched at random and then this little gem down here I don't know who came up with that so it's blocked by the brake master cylinder bracket on both sides we got to take this whole front part slide it backwards and made it up with this back part I would prefer to take the torque converter off and set it in the transmission and then install these bolts in the flex plate but it doesn't appear that that's possible there's no access to those bolts from the from the front side like in the car transmission so I think we're we're stuck doing it this way the only thing I'm worried about is when we go to stab the just have the pump they call it so basically these two tangs here drive the pump inside the transmission and we got to get those lined up just right there's actually three things that have to be lined up there's an inner spline and outer spline and then the pump so it can be tricky thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] it's back in one piece which feels good but I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty nervous about this job so I try not to be superstitious but I never start up something that I've rebuilt after a long day I always wait until the next morning and typically some thing that I forgot reveals itself we gotta flush out the cooler fill it up with oil and then we should be ready to start it up we're going to cross all our fingers hope for the best yeah stalled long enough let's do it this is kind of a low point in the system I think we'll tap in here this is where the filter would have been someone has bypassed it for for whatever reason it is what it is it'd be better if it had a filter it does have a screen in the bottom of the where the pickup is some stuzzy looking stuff that almost went too well usually I end up wearing most of it the book says to use m 1129a or permitran oil I believe both those specs are pretty outdated so we're going to use this Mystic Mystic moistic however you prefer to pronounce it jt5 tractor trans hydraulic fluid it has the Massey Ferguson m1135 spec which is I think the closest one to that 1129 and then it also has the AGCO 821xl I believe this AGCO fluid spec is replacing all the Massey Ferguson stuff so it should be just fine we might be ready batteries are hooked up all the lines are hooked up Transmissions full of oil sure we're in neutral think that's neutral yeah I guess let's see if she'll start [Music] [Applause] yes it worked well crap in my exuberance to remove the chain I dropped it on the face of the tack broke the glass tachometer is kind of important on one of these I'll have to see if I can find one I feel much better much much better we got to do something about this throttle stop so this is the injection pump here it's a Cav ity equipment for a Perkins engine and there's the throttle shaft right there but you can see that it's bent and this little tab here no longer contacts the throttle stop bolt or the bolt there that stops IT from revving too high so we need to straighten that that arm and I think it would be safe is probably to just pull it off straighten it and then put it back on I don't want to bend the shaft it's leaking quite a bit we really probably should just take this thing off and send it down to area Diesel and have them have them fix it but in the meantime I want to fix this it's really annoying the thing it dies all the time it's it's unusable the way that it is [Applause] all right well that was easy foreign that British mechanics must just have a whole lot more patience than I do everything's fine thread everything has way more threads than it needs and everything's so tight and confined you can only use an open end wrench we're gonna have to do some adjusting next problem is this guy here just pour His oil out of that when the engine's running so that's the attack drive it's right on the back of the camshaft so we just need to pull this little cover off and make a new gasket or put on some rtb or something seal didn't expect that foreign [Applause] it's okay we can save it okay that's it thank you [Applause] it goes forward it goes backward it doesn't really stop but hey we can't have everything there is no keyboard there was no tiny mistake the inevitable has been postponed foreign [Music] so what is a keyboard it's an airplane a beautiful polished aluminum Boeing B-29 just after World War II the keyboard was on a clandestine reconnaissance mission flying over the North Pole and something went wrong it had to make an emergency landing on the ice in Greenland the crew was rescued but the plane was abandoned 50 years later in the mid 90s a group of guys decided to try and recover the plane put it back in the air and it was still in good shape so they figured that the best thing to do was to try to fix it on location and fly it out under its own power so they got funding from investors and they flew in new engines and parts and it took them two years working on the ice above the Arctic Circle I believe one of the crew members got sick and died but they did it they got it running and they were running the engines taxiing the plane getting ready to take off and fuel from the Apu the auxiliary power unit spilled and ignited and they they couldn't put the fire out so they had to evacuate and there was nothing they could do but stand there and watch it burn to the ground the whole thing's on video they kind of recorded a documentary for an episode of Nova on PBS that's the public broadcasting channel here in the U.S I must have been 10 or 11 when that aired but I'll never forget it it's the saddest thing I've ever seen yeah I think about that every time I take on a big project failure is always an option but I don't think the the key bird was the the problem here the reason I couldn't finish this project I think the backhoe is a metaphor it belongs to one of my oldest customers and possibly one of my last customers but it's late it's about 2 30 in the morning so we'll have to talk about that later thanks for watching
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 164,566
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Id: ziQvZouKbw8
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Length: 33min 32sec (2012 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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