I'm Moving Out - Roosevelt Stawert

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hey greetings family is Pastor Torrey welcome to the one YouTube channel you're getting ready to hear a profound word and I don't want you to miss any profound words make sure to subscribe and I set on your notifications so that you can experience all that God has for you let's get into this word it's going to bless you and I'll be back with you at the end [Applause] open up your Bibles second Samuel 7th chapter and a 10th verse I know I said I wasn't gonna sing audio team but I did it anyway I love y'all we had a little bed going saying you can't just get up here and just do the work so can we give a shout out to our audio team Rob and will and K KC everyone out Ministry workers everyone that's here we love you and appreciate you but we're gonna open up our Bibles second Samuel 7th chapter in the tenth verse I'm warning you now I feel very prophetic today I don't know who came in here looking for God to take you somewhere beyond what you are right now but this word I feel you tugging on me um we're going to read the 10th through the 11th chapter it says moreover I will appoint a place for My People Israel it may dwell in a place of Their Own and move no more God man um nor shall the sons of wickedness oppress them anymore as previously since the time that I commanded judges over to be over My People Israel I have caused you to rest from all your enemies oh God okay oh the Lord tells you that he will make you a house we've just been singing about House of Miracles I don't I don't know if you caught it yet but this this house isn't just about a geographical building it's a movement where God is moving his children to oh yeah I'm gonna read another scripture Hebrews 11 13 chapter through the 16th God always confirms his word in the Old Testament and the New Testament it says these he's all died in faith not having received the promises but having seeing them afar off they were assured of them embrace them and confess that they were strangers and pilgrims on the Earth for those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a Homeland and truly if they had called to mind that country that was of before from which they had come out of they would have an opportunity to return but now they desire a better somebody say better a Heavenly country therefore God is not ashamed to be their God for he has prepared a city for them I'm going to say this title and I hope y'all give me the time to do this message because I feel like the roof is about to come off here but um I want you to say this I want you to think about everything that you're leaving I want you to say this like you know pressure that followed you in here won't follow you after today [Applause] I need you to say this with those Suicidal Thoughts that are at home won't be there when you get there [Music] I want you to say this three words say this I'm moving out [Music] I'm moving out to some of y'all that don't mean nothing but for those that had fear as your landlord can you can you speak to every oppressive thing in your life saying I'm done living under your room I'm going out I'm moving out let's lift our hands and pray to the father father thank you so much for your presence that can't be denied this is just a concert and a light show and singing if you're not in the room so thank you that you parked right here at one to remind us that you are the god of Glory the king of glory the lord strong and mighty mighty in battle God I I've studied and I'm laboring and I'm leaning on you God because I know that this word it's carrying something to not just where we are individually but where we are as a Ministry where we are as a church so God I pray as always that your Holy Spirit set me on fire that the entire world can watch me burn for you it's in Jesus name we pray everybody say amen amen everybody say I'm moving out I'm moving out I'm moving I'm moving out I'm moving out take you seats take your seats you've been standing up all day I promise you if you give me about 20 minutes I'll get you out here and get your brunch amen I promise you it'll say well that's 20 minutes no I'm serious um because I believe God's going to be real clear and concise um so I want to minister to uh your minds today I know some of us are anybody in real estate can you make some noise well yeah I hear something any looking to own your home in the future can you oh yeah oh yeah so I want to minister to not where you are right now but I want to minister to where God is getting ready to lead you are you following me I want to minister I want to minister to the real estate in your mind for today I want to minister to the real estate of your spirit and as You Follow the principles that are in the spirit then your natural life will follow what you've heard from the Lord are you following me so let me just go ahead and put myself out there um as much as we shouted about owning our home I love Apartments man I I really do I really do I love the I love the amenities I love to have a parking lot I love the dog park I love the Florida Steeler windows I like to feel like James St Patrick when I walk in my house they say it is a big Rich School don't y'all act Fancy on me y'all don't I'm from the hood but I like this happen when thus when stuff look nice so so so and I like to ask whenever it's time to move um when I was in Denver and it was time to move to LA I began asking questions like when there was places that were available I asked what's the view look like where is it located can my fiance it's beautiful as she is sitting over there Praise Jesus right can she walk down the street with our dog diesel without me having to bring the 2007 version of Roosevelt to the hood oh don't try out like y'all don't got a 2 000 something version of y'all come on I love Jesus but you there's Peter still up in here you might run up I don't know who you're gonna find that day but anyway um so so I have to know all those things before I move forward with going to through the process and after going through that process I'll go through a tour and that tour will show me all that's there I see the place but I'm also seeing how I can make it better how can I add things to it how can I make it look better than when I found it right okay and so from there if that goes well then we'll move on to the application process so after I vetted them it's time for them to bet me if I pass through that process then we move to the contractual lease agreement usually I just found my name hand over my money and move forward but there was something that caused me to read over what I was getting ready to sign over to and there was verbiage in this contract that just didn't sit right with me um after all this time of me getting to know the staff I know you by name Laura you I know yo I know you got a dog I know your family you know I done spent all this time telling you how I'm going to build this room and how I'm going to change the walls and how I'm going to add Furniture to it and it won't look like the way you brought it to me I'm going to make it better the only name you got from me is occupant oh I'm preaching all ready do not miss it um so I kept reading I'm like maybe they got a different name maybe there's another name that I ain't talking about but no no matter what no matter how much I decided to agree to pay know how to loan I chose to stay The Only Name They had for me was occupant so I went and looked up Webster I said Webster hit me up man um I got a question what is occupant and so I went and read the definition it is this a holder of a space or place only for a period of time so that meant that if I chose to move to this space I had to come to the grips with no matter how much I invest God I'm preaching right about here no matter how long I stay there no matter how much I try to build relationship no matter how much I pay I will never be seen as an owner oh I'm preaching right here I would only be able to occupy the space and never obtain it I'm about to get in some of y'all business real quick I know I'm about to break the bro code and I'm probably about to throw snow on a hot girl summer but I gotta help you right here I gotta help you I gotta help you I gotta help you um I got I Gotta Throw a little snow on your hot girl something real quick and I gotta break the bro code for my fellas um some of you were in relationships where you overpaid in attention you overpaid in support you overpaid in love you overpaid in everything that you did it didn't matter what you gave to them it didn't change the fact that you were just an occupant of their time I'm trying to help you I'm trying to help you because you've got to realize occupancy is not a culture that is created by Kingdom if you're taking notes write this down occupancy without opportunity of ownership is oppression oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm feeling prophetic I told you already get ready for it right now I want to see you free and so no matter how much you invest in this place no matter how much you made it look better than when you found it you know some people was jacked up until they met you and no matter how much you invested in them they only see you as a filler of space [Music] until another worthy occupant comes along I know having sought on the game fellas I know I know I know I know I know but I want to help you I want to help the women I want to help them being as well um so I began to ask God what are your thoughts on on occupy at the children of Israel that's the story of their life um they lived in Egypt they they built Egypt Egypt didn't look the way it did until the Israelites got there and so they were looking at all the Magnificent buildings but they didn't know who was building it and regardless of how much they built Egypt they could never be an owner of that space only occupy him and so if we observe second Samuel we observe second Samuel this is God speaking to the children of Israel who've been just occupying a space yep right there he says God sang to the Israelites moreover will I appoint a place for My People Israel and we'll plant them somebody say plan that word plant in that text means establish I need to preach over you right now and help you understand that God has every intention of establishing you if you are in a space where you are always unsure and unstable and it doesn't seem like there's a firm foundation then I submit to you you need to be considering an exit strategy because God says wherever I send my people is to establish them are you hearing me I need you to get out of those Rocky Road relationships I need you to get out of those Rocky Road Partnerships and begin to take inventory God is this the place that you've called me to be because you said anywhere that you lead me I will be planted I will be established so let's keep going let's keep going um so so he says moreover I will plant them that doesn't stop there he says then I will have them uh that they will dwell in a place of Their Own oh not occupying a space but owning it okay okay I can't get ahead I can't get ahead um and did he says and move no more nor shall the sons of the wickedness oppress them anymore as previously so I'm realizing everything that I just said leading up to this shows that occupancy is not what God designed for his people to live in so because occupancy without opportunity of ownership leads to oppression that's all in second Samuel 7 and 10. if you ever need a scripture I promise I got you so here I looked up the word move because I'm like wait a minute how are we going to have dominion Lord if we're not moving he says well Roosevelt move and that text don't mean what you have called it to be I need to open up your thinking space so I looked up the word in the in the Strong's con uh uh coordinates and this is what it says the word moves in that text means to quiver with violent emotion associated with frustration and fear so so I want you to know um that your days of allowing fear to be your landlord are over [Applause] foreign I want you to know you didn't know depression that I've been your roommate those days are over okay y'all acting like y'all don't got roommates of depression and thoughts of suicide and addiction in your room you paying all the rent but they living there okay okay so so so I want to help you understand that it was never God's intention for the people of God to just occupy space he says if I brought you there it wasn't just for them to look at you it's for them to be introduced to the new owner only those with a Dominion anointing got excited there but um God says I did not bring you to own it God I'm feeling right here so so you need a scripture you gotta you need a scripture because you think I'm making it up if you go to Joshua the first chapter in the third verse but I'm gonna give you this note before it gets there if you get taking notes write this down when God leads you to a land it is to introduce the land to its new inheritor and I hear what I'm saying I said when God leads you only when he leads you because some of y'all trying to take Dominion in a place God did not give you directions that's another conversation that's another message but when God leads you to a land it is to introduce the land to its new inheritor you need Scripture for this I got you Joshua 1 and 3 says it this way every place the soul of your foot will tread okay I have given to you as I said to Moses so this is a perspective during the 400 years compounded with 40 Years of wilderness experience the Israelites were only occupying a space but here in Joshua a shift begins to happen and the children of Israel walk out of occupy ownership can I prophesy real quick to you 2023 is the year where God is moving you out of occupying the space into ownership now if you don't want to own nothing you probably you probably quiet and that's okay but I'm looking for those who are ready to walk into something not to make friends with the Enemy but to put the enemy under their feet God is moving you I'm sorry I clapped audio too but God is moving you out of just occupying a space so long today now I need some authoritative Christians that ain't got no sense for a couple seconds can you just shout real quick hey hey I feel God right about here God is in his bag right now don't you miss him he's moving us Church he's moving us here in L.A out of occupying the space [Applause] into ownership crazy Christian I need you to say I own it the role I own it the assignment I own it the business I own it the dream I found out the business hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey anything that doesn't look like what God promised me I'm moving out I'm moving out I'm moving out huh I'm moving out of Oppression and I'm moving into ownership I'm moving out of depression and I'm moving in Dominion who am I talking to today [Applause] I'm moving out moving out of occupying this space into ownership your days of just occupying the space is over you got to hear me um your days of just inhabiting is over your days of just being present in the room present in the office present on the set present on the team it's over God says I want you to own it how much you're the owner because of that reason he's moving you out of Oppression into ownership he's moving you out of inhabiting a place into inheriting the place he's moving you out of a contract with culture into a covenant with Kingdom ah okay maybe some need the real estate out of their mind to be ministered to God told me to tell you he's moving you out of insecurity into identity You're Gonna Know Who You Are you're gonna know how powerful you are you're gonna know how much of a giant you are Goliath lion anything yet God sent me to tell you [Applause] 2023 mark my words hear me as I stand to be a man of God I speak lift your hands in this room I speak over your life the anointing of ownership the anointing of ownership is on your life you can't escape it you can't sit in the back anymore God is calling you to introduce you to the lamb please if you receive that Workshop I receive that hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] I own it now now some of you are asking well Roosevelt um we in September oh I'm about to mess you up I'm about to mess you up I might have messed you up I'm some of you are saying Roosevelt except him man um you talking about 2023 we ain't really there yet um well let me help you understand something culture and kingdom is not the same no no no no no no no no no can you turn me up just a little bit guys I need a little bit more up here because I really need them to hear me in the back I want you to know culture and Kingdom it's not the same because you've got to understand culture is always waiting for the new move but kingdom is walking into the new moon you need you need proof I got you I'm a nerd and I love to study so I did them I did the work for you in the Gregorian calendar which we use the new year is celebrated on January 1st but the Hebrew calendar [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Israelites calendar Rosh Hashanah is today okay okay okay okay okay [Applause] he'll be simple [Applause] hey hey you know oh my God y'all ought to be running in this house if you leave once you're waiting on is here right now hey hey I damn crazy Christian to shout now oh yeah hey it's right now ah God help me help me help me yeah yeah help me help me help me help me help me you're with your your healing it ain't till next year yeah yeah it's right now your breakthrough is not next year but it's right now I feel God Rosh Hashanah it's a celebration of the new year Although our new year doesn't start for another three months in the Hebrew world in the Israelites world what we're waiting on has already happened so you don't have to wait for 23. to be an owner God sent me to tell you as of today God I feel you in this room I am an owner Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah y'all give me about three three minutes I need you to turn me on mute real quick but I need to prophesy over everything that's over my life I'm not waiting till 2023 but what I pray for is right now hey and I'm not just gonna prophesy myself imma give you about 45 seconds I need you to prophesy what's been on your list that you forgot about in 2019 I need you to bring it right back in front of you and I need you to speak those things that be not as though they already were stay right there musicians I promise you I'm done I'm not even gonna finish this message I'm not even gonna finish it God said what he's gonna say I'm gonna move out of the way but I need you to understand something for 45 seconds I want you to speak over yourself with the anointing of ownership stop asking for things that already belong to you negotiating but things that are already in your possession stop begging for what you stand on top of [Music] yeah God says I've given authority to my children everywhere you step everywhere Steph you own it you listen big stepping didn't have nothing to do with culture God is the big stepper he's been stepping since the beginning of time everywhere your foot shall Trap God says I give it to you this is the season where God has challenged you to be a big stepper yeah yeah I know culture got their own determination in their own definition of what step and look like but no we got to get this back to what the kingdom said the kingdom said if I step in this area it belonged to me if I step in the room of Darkness it shall be life if I step in a place of poverty that will be a provision [Applause] [Music] I own it I'm finished y'all might as well stand up y'all my sister but I want to challenge you stand up yeah I know I said 20 minutes I said I got a whole sermon but God said you're probably not gonna be able to do it um because there's something important that they need to know I want you to know these things hold on to it I didn't just make you shall I didn't want to just make you jump I'm bringing bring I'm bringing biblical perspective to help you understand don't wait for December to figure out your resolution no no no no no no no if you're watching online I your new year is now if you're in this room can you just say my new is now [Music] as a prophet my job would be undone if I only inspired you but I've got to instruct you can you can you can you just hear what I got to say hit my heart I'm prophesying I'm telling you I'm putting my title on the line I'm putting my belief system on the line for you I know God is going to make owners in this house under the sound of my voice watching this you are not meant to be the lender you are you are not meant to be the borrower y'all know what I meant you're meant to be the lender Hallelujah I come against that devil don't you twist up my words no no God is moving today hear me clearly you are meant to be the leader and not the borrower you are the head and not the town you are above and not believes in Jesus name so let me give you instructions since we're acknowledging we're not moving with culture culture is going to figure out that New Year's is January 1st we are already there so you're going to have the answers for 2023 before they have the question [Music] [Applause] okay so because we say we're moving out there is instruction I need to give you um there's a process in order to move out that you've got to do you need to clean house you cannot hear me cleaning house is a process where you're taking inventory of everything you have and minimizing it down to what you need hear me clearly God says in this season you need to keep only what you need hear me you only need to keep what you need so if God doesn't desire it you need to discard it [Music] you need Scripture you need Scripture I got you the Hebrew if you remember the Israelites they went through the wilderness the wilderness is only an 11-day trip but because there was so much Egyptian practices in them what should have just been 11 days turned into 40 years so it's not just about God bringing you out of Egypt it's about God bringing Egypt out of you I'm prophesying y'all need to get it God will not push you into News until he has pulled an old out of you so hear me this is my instructions I need you to take inventory of everything in your house in your relationship in your business and if you don't need it and God isn't breathing on it you need to let it go [Music] to some of you you're going to have to confront your closet all the lady said ouch already but let me help you your house is not clean until you've confronted your clothes God don't just want the things that we smile about in church he wants the things you got hidden behind the door foreign I ain't just here to inspire I'm here to instruct okay there are things that you consider gifts that God has called garbage there are things that you consider treasure and God says I need you to put it in the trash it may be relationships it may be situationships it may be a contract it may be a job offer but there are some things God says in order for me to move you into ownership I got to make sure you don't sign your life away something you were called to have dominion over [Music] so hear me hear me last thing I promise it's 12 21 you ain't gonna never get out this early I promise you all right [Music] there is a process called the 10 days of all and the Rosh Hashanah that leads to Yom Kippur it's 10 days of repentance it's 10 days of examining yourself it's 10 days of taking inventory of what you have and it's saying God I don't want to step into the new year with old baggage so some of you are going to have to restore some relationships and apologize to people you hurt some of you are going to have to forgive those who hurt you but regardless of what you're called to do I'm telling you you need to do it because God cannot move you into new until he has moved old out of you he says any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away and behold All Things become new so I want you to really take this moment and examine yourself and say God I've been holding this in my closet for two decades they hurt me they betrayed me they've molested me they raped me I'm preaching in here [Music] but I need you to understand [Music] forgiving them it's not to say that it didn't happen it is to release the long-term effect on your life some of you have got to let that moment go because you haven't been able to open your hand for a new thing God has for you because you're holding back on that pain and you refuse to let it go you refuse to let it go you refuse [Applause] so I want you to spend these next 10 days starting tomorrow if it's letting go of social media Let It Go I'm turning my phone off y'all I'm telling you right now I'm turning Instagram Facebook all of that because I need to hear what is God saying for the next 10 days that will put me three months ahead of the world [Music] so that's what I want you to do I want you to take 10 days of inventory repair relationships apologize for some of you Pride cannot go into the new place if you were here at one before and you're here now you hear me clear I'm prophesying what work back then cannot work now oh y'all don't hear me y'all don't hear me oh oh this all passed the whole all things come new I want to pray before we get out of here and I want to invite you to the front if this word has impacted you to two calls for those that don't know Jesus and you've been wondering why you've been on it feels like man I'm Pastor roll it makes so much sense because I feel like the devil's just been owning me people coming up already I ain't even finished that lets me know God is in the room and he said pastor rope man the enemy's just been owning me man I've been I haven't been able to break free from this addiction have been able to be free from this from this fight that I've been dealing with this thoughts in my mind that just follow me when I go to sleep and I wake up just as tired as I was before I went to sleep I can't get free it's because you need Jesus Jesus is the answer for the world today and I want to welcome you to meet him they already made it to the front but don't wait for me to finish if you know you need Jesus in your life as your personal savior even watch it online I want you to meet me here put up an emoji and our prayer team will pray for you say that to me in our prayer ministry will meet you but meet me down here the second call second call off of those that say God I'm tired of just occupying the space [Music] God is in this room I can't even speak but I know he's here you say God I'm tired but people overlooking me I know you put some mighty in me and I'm ready for that thing to not just occupy space but I'm ready to own it if you ask me to pray I'll pray if you ask me to leave worship I'll leave worship if you ask me to serve God I'll serve if you ask me to have dominion over over over the entertainment industry God I have dominion over it but God I want to surrender my life that you would make me an owner of what you own if that's you I want you to meet me here everyone lit your hands I pray for your sons and daughters in the room father some of them are ready to step in new but they got the pain of yesterday on them oh I feel I feel your daughter I feel you I feel you I feel you I feel the pain you endure yeah I feel the Heartbreak you endured son I feel the Betrayal that you went through I know it almost cost you your life but the Holy Spirit I'm asking you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm asking you Holy Spirit to do what only you can do Comfort your children let them know that this is not the end yeah you are a God that can make ways in the wilderness you are the god that brings Rivers out of places that should be no water [Applause] not thank you right now that a piece is over your children right now everything that was done yet that's right honey thank him thank him right now everything that was done to them I thank you God that you are throwing that pain into the sea of forgetfulness and remembering it no more I thank you Holy Spirit for those that are in this room that are ready to step out of occupying a space they've paid too much oh God they paid too long just to occupy a space so by the power that has been given to me by the Holy Ghost I release the power of authority and Dominion in this room I declare the word of the Lord over their lives that they are the head and not the tale they are above and not believed [Music] I thank you now that you are calling all things to work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to their purpose so if it happened to me it must be for my good Ness if it was done to me then it must be for my good if it didn't kill me hey [Music] that it must be for my goodness children repeat after me father I've heard your word I receive it father I feel your presence I embrace it thank you Holy Spirit for speaking to me right where I am thank you for Jesus thank you for making him who knew no sin all of mine all of my shortcomings all of my inconsistencies all of my insecurities were placed on the cross and put to death but when Jesus got up just like Jesus I can get up too and I'm getting up with authority I'm getting up with ownership I'm getting up with Dominion Satan I'm moving out I'm moving out of depression I'm moving out of thoughts of a suicide I'm moving out of addiction I'm moving out of negativity I'm moving into what God has built for me in Jesus name now I need you to shout for 10 seconds like you know [Applause]
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 5,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla, LA Churches, One Church, onela, Sarah Jakes, Pastor Touré, TPH Denver, Bishop Jakes, one.online, one
Id: t269ShMifqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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