Take The Lead - Sarah Jakes Roberts

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hey my friend god bless you welcome to the one youtube channel you're getting ready to hear a dynamic message that's gonna bless you richly i'm pastor torre and uh on behalf of myself my wife pastor sarah our incredible ministry team we're just glad that you're here and you're connected to us and we want you to stay connected really quickly there's two ways you can do that one is turn on your notifications we want you to know every time we're going live every time something powerful and edifying and encouraging is coming through so turn on your notifications click subscribe and if you want to support this ministry that's doing great work all around the world not just spiritually but even practically their instructions on how to do so here and last but not least if you haven't read my latest book balance if you don't have it in your life you're missing out it's changing lives all over the world and you can go to thebalancebook.com and get that book and be a part of the thousands of people whose lives have already been changed by this great work now speaking of great work here comes the word i'm so glad you're here enjoy i heard god say take the lead i was studying in scripture about moments when god was having transition take place amongst his people who were the people in those moments who stood up to those moments of transition and i was studying this because i believe that as i watch the landscape of the world the landscape of church that we are experiencing a transition and that no one truly knows how to respond to this transition because some of our ideas are so innovative and so creative that there's nothing in the industries nothing in our families that reflect what we are sensing should be next and yet that desire still in us so i was studying and i ran across not an unfamiliar text but it's david david at this point in the text has been anointed king even though no one saw it coming he was anointed although he was anointed he did not move into position just because he was anointed and that's a sermon unto itself just because you're anointed doesn't mean you're ready for the crown that you've been anointed for there's something about a development process and we find david in the middle of his developmental process in first samuel 17 verse 31 and my text begins in the new king james version it says now when the words which david spoke were heard let me set this up for you david wants to run up on goliath he ain't fought nobody you know have you ever had the person who don't throw hands what's up miami how real can we be the people who talk the most about hitting some when it's actually time to roll up the sleeves nowhere to be found you got to watch out for them quiet ones because they they click they click don't click all the way so if everyone's being quiet you might want to move out the way because they don't fight for they grab they pick up podiums and move it's just okay they're like dean david what are you doing trying to fight somebody he says i'm the man for the job because y'all punks and um so david speaks the words that he's ready i can go i can fight this goliath i know you're just used to me tending to the sheep but i can fight goliath even his brothers who know that he has been anointed don't believe that he can go into this battle just because you're anointed it doesn't mean that people change their minds about you still in this moment he's the only one who believes that he's capable of fighting goliath now when the words which david spoke were heard they reported them to saul they saw his king and he sent for david then david said to saul let no man's heart fail because of him goliath your servant will go and fight with this philistine and saul said to david you are not able to go against this philistine to fight with him for you are a youth and he a man of war from his youth but david said to saul your servant used to keep his father sheep and when a lion or a bear came and took the lamb out of the flock i went out after it and struck it and delivered the lamb from its mouth and when it arose against me i caught it by its beard and struck it and killed it he said i'm not new to this um what's that [Music] and delivered the land from its mouth and when it arose against me i cut about to be instructed your servant has killed both lion and bear and this uncircumcised philistine will be like one of them seeing he has defied the armies of the living god i love that he called it the armies of the living god he didn't say that he defied israel he didn't say that he ran upon our army the armies of the living god david has a keen awareness of whose army this is everyone else has made it about them and whether or not they have what it takes but david has a perspective that when goliath picked this fight he didn't just pick it with israel he picked it with the armies of the living god he is not a dead god he is a living god and when you pick a battle with the army of the living god the living god will have a response heaven will back up what heaven is trying to do in the earth so if you are against what heaven is trying to do in that earth beware david said the lord who delivered me from the paul of the lion from the paw of the bear he will deliver me from the hand of the philistine and saul said to david go and the lord be with you spirit of the living god truly there is none like you god i thank you that this timing for this conference could not be more perfect delayed in our eyes yet right on time because transition needed to take place so that hunger could be awakened and activation could be realized god i thank you for every purpose every anointing every dream every scar and every trauma in this room god for we know that the anointing does not come without cost my prayer is that this would be a night of reconciliation and when we get to the bottom line we will see who are yet anointed to take the lead god asked for me asks for no nerves no fear no anxiety just your anointing taking the lead in this moment have your way great god that you are and may we experience your glory and may it overflow into our cities into our homes and into our lives in jesus name i pray amen so i just prayed they already clapping that's you jesus um uh introverts make some noise in here are there any introverts let me tell y'all something it take a lot for us to be outside the pandemic wasn't as hard on us as it was on other people outside is open evidently and um we're trying to be more active as introverts we're trying to go outside more and it's working sometimes sometimes we be outside and we like this is why i be at the house y'all don't know how to act in public some of y'all not all of y'all i just want y'all know when y'all start like just coming up to introverts with a lot of joy that scares us we don't know what to do with that we need you to be dry when you come to us i learned this weekend though we were at my dad's birthday party and what i learned is that i am raising an extrovert which was like really devastating for me because it just means i'm gonna have to have a lot of parent dates you know like where you're somewhere with the play day pretending like i want to tell you how i learned this so we're at my dad's birthday party my dad just turned 65 and um yeah and um he had this birthday party and you know like when we do stuff like we're gonna be out here in an hour and a half max black people where i'm from i don't know about florida everything is long this is going to be a five hour long birthday party we have a recession we have a procession we have the in in benediction all of the things in vacation and so i'm at this birthday party i'm trying to find a wall to cling to my 12 year old daughter says she's gonna go get punched i haven't seen chick for like an hour somebody comes up to me they're like i met your daughter i was like hal is that even possible because you're 60 and she's 12. like how did you meet her she's like she came up to me and was like who are you what do you do and i was like what where i'm from kids don't even talk to grown folks like this this conscious parenting another conference but you know you try to liberate them to like be free and have thoughts and then they go and talk to grown folks he's in the middle of telling me about my daughter talking about being a marine bio biologist and someone's like oh i met her too i was like what is happening they're like i knew it was your daughter though because she has your same mannerisms i was like okay what like mannerisms because you've never really they said something with hands i was like it's not like we sat down and i was like when you talk i want you to do this and do that like she's stalking me like honestly like she's going out pretending to be me if i were an extrovert how did you pick up my mannerisms and then my mama's like well you know it's not what you say it's what you do that they end up picking up on and i was like that's why i snatch her like that because you snatched me she didn't like that i guess though that whatever you're around ultimately gets on you and then it gets in you and then it comes out of you you're around it it gets on you then it gets in you then it comes out of you this is why they say both perpetrators and victims of domestic violence are more than likely to have experienced it at home before experiencing it firsthand because it happens around you it's on you in you out of you alcohol abuse generally saw it in the house around you on you in you so when we say things in scripture like greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world we really need to qualify it i say it all the time i'm going to create an ebonics version of the bible it's going to be the best of thank you she said go ahead it's going to be a bestseller and i'm going to take that scripture in 1st john and i'm going to change it to say greater is he that is in you now than the he that got in you first it sounds good when we say that but sometimes there is something else in us there's another version in us there's another experience and so it has less to do with us believing that greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world and more to do with us considering what if that greater that is in me needs to go to war with what's in me too yes but we have to be willing to ask ourselves when we say greater is he that is in me than the other things that god around me on me in me and now out of me so which version of me is going to take the lead something is taking the lead in your life whether you have been intentional about it or you've just been on cruise control if you haven't taken inventory of what was around you on you in you and now coming out of you then you cannot really qualify whether that around you on you in you out you came from god or came from your family system or came from your culture in your community and you cannot trust what's coming out of you unless what's coming out of you has been filtered by the one who created you because sometimes what comes out of me is a trauma response sometimes what comes out of me is rooted in shame it's rooted in fear so just because it's coming out of me doesn't mean that it needs to stay in me but when we say greater is he that is in me i want you to know that god is great enough to go to war with what god in you first god is great enough to go to war with what's been in you for a long time it doesn't matter who got there first it matters who's going to take the lead now i came to talk to somebody who's ready to make a transition i came to talk to somebody who says i'm afraid that i'm going to miss out on what god called me to do in the earth because what keeps coming out of me is not a reflection of no of who i know i can be oh god i feel like preaching in this place somebody's got a knowing down on the inside of them that is going to war with what they've seen sometimes you know something but you have no facts for it and i hear god saying that flesh and blood has not revealed that to you but by my spirit do you have that knowing it's not about what was around you i know you don't have a motto for it i know it's not about what's going popular i know you don't have a model for it i'm trying to put something down in your spirit that hasn't been seen so the earth can see something that's never been done before and you got a knowing that's down on the inside of you and i hear god saying it's time for you to lean into that knowing it's time for you to lean into that voice it's time for that voice to take the lead not your father's voice not your mother's voice not your friend's voice no shade i know y'all came here with them but if their voice is taking the lead then you were following behind an untrustworthy servant but if i dare to allow the holy spirit to take the lead you better watch out who you're sitting next to cause i'm on the move somewhere i got somewhere to go i'm listening for something there's a sound connected to my name a sound connected to my identity and i'm trying to let it take the lead sometimes i gotta quiet out the noise cause i'm trying to listen to the sound i hear god saying that it's been coming in whispers but it's still a sound that you haven't heard everyone echoing but it's still a sound the sound says breakthrough the sound says if it's going to be turned upside down it's going to happen through you it's going to happen through you i want that to rest on you for a minute because there's a weight that you got to feel for breakthrough there's a glory that you gotta rest in so that you can believe when you open your mouth you can decree a thing and it will be established there's a weight that's coming to you i don't know who you are in this room and i don't know what god's been trying to birth on the inside of you but i hear god saying that you gotta get weighty first that's why coming into rooms like this is so important because you get around the anointing then the anointing gets on you then it gets in you then come sunday is gonna come out of you i'm not gonna be the same person i was when i came in this room cause i messed around and got around some anointing i got around some breakthrough i got around some faith i got around some courage if i can go to a football game and leave more excited about a football game i wonder what can happen when i come into a room and decide to lift up the name of god could it be that i'll be lifted up too you came in here with depression but you in the right room baby you came in here with anxiety but you're in the right world baby because you got around something that's going to not just lift you higher but i'mma pull up everything connected to you as well when we find david in our text david has come to a point in his life where he realizes that the spirit of the lord is upon him and the spirit of the lord changed his mind about what's possible i want to talk about when you know you're anointed so often we want to believe it that if i walk with jesus i should be anointed but if we were really honest in this room sometimes we don't feel that anointed i don't know if i could actually cast out a devil i don't know if i could stand up to war i don't know if i believe anymore that i could lay hands and heal the sick i don't know if i could break this generational curse i don't know if i could break through this barrier david has been anointed and i think one of the first signs that we see that the anointing is not just on him but in him is how it has changed his expectation david is watching the israelites and the philistines go to war about who's going to actually attack goliath and though he should have no reason to believe that he is equipped for it because he trusts the anointing that is on his life it has changed his expectation about the outcome of battles i wish i could say it the way i hear it in my head david has no reason to believe that he can fight goliath but because he has been anointed he now recognizes that every battle i've had up until this moment has qualified me for the moment i am standing in you see he's not like us in which we think all of the battles i barely survived why would i step into another one but david says if i am anointed to be king and i am not king yet and there is a giant that is coming against my kingdom then that means this giant cannot succeed because if the giant can't succeed then god's promise can't succeed so my expectation is that this giant must come down i want to talk to somebody who has some unfulfilled promise in this room and you've got giants after giants that you need to slay and you're wondering to yourself how is this promise going to be fulfilled with this giant standing in the way and i want you to know that the giant is a boogie man if god's word hasn't been fulfilled yet then that giant cannot stand god is just looking for someone who will take the lead and say to the giant you cannot have this territory because this territory has been assigned to me i must not have any families in here because when you see a giant coming into your marriage you see a giant coming into your business and that business doesn't look like what god said you gotta prophesy over your business that you gotta stay alive because you haven't finished developing yet you don't look like what god said i haven't stepped into the fullness of my identity yet so the giants gotta fall i'm gonna stay here for a minute cause we've got some giants in this room and i'm glad you brought your giant with you because there's something i want you to know about your giant your giant can not overrule god's promise your giant has no more power than what your fear gives it david says i expect for this giant to fall because this giant is standing in the way of my promise and if god is not a man that he shall lie then this giant is lying on what it can do this lion can't take out this giant can't take out my life unless i sit back and let it oh man i feel like fighting in this room now because i feel like somebody's got to get their fire back i feel like somebody's got to start believing again that if the giant is standing in my way it's because the giant's got my name on it it's because i'm the only one who can take it out if you can see the giant and the juice who's sizing up a giant in miami i didn't know that we came to miami to go to war i met jesus in miami and jesus said i'll back you up if you throw your slingshot i met jesus in miami and jesus said if you run upon it i'll run up on it too i sent some angels to back you up i'm looking for somebody who will take the lead i'm looking for somebody who will say not my marriage not my city not my community i'll take the lead because no one else will do it [Applause] the giant's lying on my promise the giant's trying to scare me out of position and it is bigger than me but it's not bigger than me and my god it's not bigger than the promise that god has ordained since before i took my first breath so my job then is to surrender in such a way that i trust the promise with so much faith that i don't let the visibility of the giant take away my faith how do we get to this place where the anointing takes the lead when we find david in this text he's finally at that place and he's only there because the giant has appeared some of you will not get in position until the giant appears that's why the giant is in your life you want to wait until you're comfortable you want to wait until you're confident and i hear god saying no what you really need to feel is a threat against that anointing because if you feel a threat against that anointing it'll change the way you pray for that child if you feel a threat against that anointing it'll change the way you cover that city the threat is over the anointing it is not over you you didn't do anything that big and bad that somebody's worried about you it's about the anointing connected to your name it is about the people that only you can save it is about the people who will only listen to you you are anointed to go into places where they will never come here but you were here because there is an assignment over your name and if you don't do it it cannot be done i'm trying to let somebody know that it's time for us to take this city for real it's time for us to change the world for real and we're not going to do it because don cherie did it because rich did it because sarah jakes roberts did it it's only going to happen because you finally decide to take the lead that what's happening in you starts coming out of you and it starts shaking up don't be surprised when it starts shaking up things in your world because you're not the same quiet person you used to be but you're walking with a different level of authority and a different level of faith some people prefer you when you're afraid of the same giants they're afraid of but there are some people who will be inspired that you got up anyway that you said my five smooth zones are enough i'm talking about the next generation that's watching i'm talking about the generation ahead of you that said if they could do it maybe i'm not too old to do it what's up boo y'all just came to party or did y'all come to change the world y'all just came to look good or did y'all come to take territory i don't know about you but it's been too long and i've watched fear take the lead for too long and i want to talk to an uncircumcised philistine and say do you know who my god is do you know that i went through hell and came out on the other side with worship do you know that the enemy already took its best shot at me [Applause] and i'm still here still breathing still ready to go to war still ready to declare the works of the lord i still believe in miracle signs and wonders i still believe he's a chain breaker i still believe that he can heal the sick i still believe that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess you want to talk about coven i want to talk about the name that is above all names it's bigger than depression it's bigger than suicide do you know who my god is who's going to take the lead [Applause] [Applause] if you don't do it it won't get done if you don't forgive if you don't write the book if you don't build the business if you don't serve the problem with social media is that we see so many other people doing the thing that we think we should be doing so we think it's done what if i told you they just got it started but it's going to take all of us to finish it what if i told you that you don't have to have the skill set you don't have to have the education you don't even have to have the armor all you need is the anointing the anointing of god will destroy the yoke david understands his assignment and he understands that he has been preparing for this moment his entire life and he doesn't need anyone else to believe in him to do it there's a desperation because he's been so full of the spirit by now that what he wants more than anything is to release it into the earth you see the truth is that whether intentionally or unintentionally we're all releasing something into the earth some of us we open our mouth and we release our doubt we release our fear we release our insecurity but i heard god say when i was praying that there's another transition taking place in the earth and for the last few years fear has been taken the lead restlessness weary despair has been taking the lead i'm not talking about in the news i'm talking about in your soul god disappointment it's been taken the lead and i heard god say that something miraculous could happen this weekend if we got in a room that was anointed that it would begin to go to war with whatever has been taking the lead over that anointing what happens with david is so powerful that it changes the whole tone of israel israel that was so afraid of the philistines israel that knew for sure they were defeated one person took the lead and it changed a nation we're gathered in this room today i felt like god was telling me that some of you have lost your fire i'm almost done i'm going to pray that some of you have lost your fire that some of you don't see yourself as anointed as you once were or maybe you don't feel anointed at all and i want you to understand that the anointing that god gave you was deposited into your life long before doubt jeremiah 1 5 it says before i formed you in your mother's womb i knew you before i formed you in your mother's womb we were one you were anointed before you took your first breath you were anointed before they hurt you you were anointed after they left you were anointed when you got the job and anointed when you filed bankruptcy life has this way of making us feel that some kind of way i can lose the anointing no you lose focus on the anointing and when you lose focus on the anointing you lose strategy that allows you to bring out the anointing but this weekend we have gathered so that you can get your focus back on what really matters so that you can get your hope back and feel equipped again to not just have a great conference and come back next year but to be a conference next year to not just shake things up for a little while but to shake things up in a way that the generations feel it i'm not talking about a game i'm talking about what jesus came to do in the earth he said if you do this right if you wait for my spirit my spirit will get in you and it will give you power it will give you power to go into places you've never been it'll give you power to speak words that you never thought you could say the power of god is falling again but it's not just going to fall on the people who sit back and wait for it to come to them the power of god is going to fall on those who are chasing after it over those who are running after it over those who understand god if you give it to me i'm going to make sure your will not my will be done god i know it's not your will for me to feel this way forever i know it's not your will for this generational curse to rip up my family so god if you give me power i'll destroy it god if you give me power i'll make sure you get the glory god if you give me power i'll find my goliath and i'll fight it with everything that's in me god if you give me power i'll give you a breakthrough god if you give me power i'll give you my slingshot god if you give me power i'll change the industry i'll write the book i'll sing the songs i stay in the marriage i pray for the hearts god if you give me power i'll kick down every barrier because at the end of the day i want this earth to see you still move mountains i want the earth to see you still do miracles cause you did it through me i once was lost but now i'm found i once was blind but now i see i see i see now that it'll only happen through me so god let it be me [Music] god let it be me and let it be the person beside me and let it be the person in front of me and behind me god make us an army [Music] god the world needs to know that there is good news that you don't have to put yourself on clearance that lust doesn't have to have the final say that you can still be restored that the abortion can be erased that you can still walk around with your head held high yes you who got molested yes you with the abandonment issues yes you with the domestic violence i hear god saying i can make it like it never happened but you gotta let the anointing take the lead i can make it like they never left but you gotta let the anointing take the lead i can take your mourning and turn it into joy but you gotta let the anointing take the lead i need somebody to stop falling around what happened yesterday and start following what god wants to do today what do you want to do with my life today what do you want to do with my gift today i'm not worried about yesterday i can't bring it back but god if you give me one more breath i want it to be a reflection of your glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory [Music] glory restore my hunger for glory restore my heart that longs for glory somebody's just been walking around looking for confirmation that everyone's going to disappoint you i hear god saying you're hungry for disappointment you're hungry for rejection and it's been taking the lead for too long but tonight we're going to change your appetite and no longer will i hunger for that which hurts me but i will only hunger for that which heals me i want to prophesy if that's okay in this room that there's a new level of hunger coming to you that there's a new level at first coming to you i want to search for righteousness for real i want to change the world on some world changing stuff for real i want to show a generation that it's better than what you see [Music] so spirit of the living god alive in this moment alive when david was going to war that same god that took a little boy who tended to sheep can take a little girl who grew up in west virginia who thought she would never minister anything because of her broken past and would allow her to stand before these your great people god the foolishness that you choose to do god there's a few more foolish souls in this room and god we're hungry for some more wisdom on how we can take our ruins and turn them into glory so open the windows of heaven and over the next few days pour out your glory pour out your presents and don't just do it in the arena every time they lift their hands may glory fall in their home may glory fall like they drive make glory fall in their parents home may glory fall over their children because it's not just slim in their room there's a nation inside of them and god i prophesied to that nation come forth in the name of jesus i prophesy to that nation bring forth fruit in the name of jesus and let it be good fruit and let it be everlasting fruit and let it be the kind of fruit let it be the kind of fruit that makes the world hungry for you to take the lead your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven in jesus name i pray let's go up miami
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 484,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla, LA Churches, One Church, onela, Sarah Jakes, Pastor Touré, TPH Denver, Bishop Jakes, one.online, one
Id: QSelQGmZaS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 18sec (2358 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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