I'm Glad I Tried It, but Never Again!

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what's your I'm glad I tried it but never again story hot air balloon I was 4 500 feet in the air for an hour and a half with nothing separating me from a horrifying death but a wicker basket stand-up comedy at an open mic I enjoyed writing I enjoyed being on stage once I got my first laugh and I enjoyed the feeling after getting off stage but the intense anxiety leading to being on stage was not even a little bit worth it for me public speaking is not my forte waxing my back the process itself wasn't bad but then again I have a high tolerance for pain the woman waxing me kept commenting on how impressed she was that I didn't cry out in pain the smoothness was great the worst part was when a few weeks later it started growing back OMFG the itching definitely not worth the cost but glad I know this now I shaved my whole butt for a bit back in college worst thing ever when the stubble starts growing in it's like sitting on a cheese grater your bow cheeks chafe real bad and sometimes when you fart your butt cheeks stick together and the fire slides up your crack making a comical trombone sound I really don't know how girls can function with no or minimal body hair handmade phyllo dough everything from scratch so much rolling I did it it was delicious I will never do it again I feel like once you've made something like that you're entitled to buy pre-made forever guilt-free I help my wife with her baking adventures and there are a few things Philo included that we'll never make a game from scratch Mardi Gras on Bourbon Street it was a ton of fun but it was also smelly sticky crowded sweaty and gross they literally have front loaders to scoop up the trash from the street each night went back the Nola this year out of season and I love the city so much more when it wasn't flooded with drunkards and garbage I got to land me being the only passenger in an auto rotating helicopter auto rotation is what helicopters do when they lose power at altitude the force of the full spins the blades of the helicopter giving the pilot enough control to land thinners once power is intentionally in my case lost the blade slow down and the helicopter Falls until the blade spin back up to speed we drop like 50 featuring it was a rush but New Hope Ed for clarity I'm not a pilot I was the Lone passenger that man I'd have crap myself campervan around the Aussie Outback in the midst of Summer it was a beautiful Journey treading the razor line between life and death lonely desolate scenery the friendliest locals when you found them and every town seemed to have its own specialty in biting insect mosquitoes ants flies so hot in the middle of the day that if you made the mistake of walking around your feet would literally begin to cook in your shoes we stayed in a crappy converted camper van and pretty much roughed it except for one day in actual accommodation it was fun to do once but getting into our home shower after a week of public toilet sink baths was Heaven just once but never again piloting a plane my girlfriend got me a Groupon for a lesson and I was super excited about it the guy even let me take off I was thinking I don't know if you should hand your life over to a stranger man I barely trust myself it was a very small plane so you feel every bit of wind and it was stressful for me maybe that goes away if you do it five times or so but I just wanted to try it once now I'm good wanted to be a pilot since a very young age I've got thousands of hours in simulators by now I flew in a glider for the first time around five years ago let me control of after getting towed to 3000 feet was so much fun and it felt completely natural like I had the muscle memory from before getting my glider license this summer living in an apartment where I'm in charge of Roommates had to evict people who didn't pay dealt with extreme lack of cleanliness it's honestly just easier to live somewhere small and cheap alone than a nice big place with roommates can relate currently live with five other people one of them recently created maggots working at McDonald's Sweden I now have high respect for people who work in service in general I have learned to be more patient when waiting for my food whenever I'm at fast food restaurants I know the painful stress they're experiencing and I won't put them through more by being an impatient butthole but I will never ever work there again the stress is horrendous and people can be real jerks to the employers for no reason whatsoever I am currently riding a Vespa through Rome Italian driving sucks and I am so anxious but I am glad I crossed this off my bucket list I am not texting and driving I stopped for lunch I love that I can be farting in bed in my boxer shorts and be on a thread with somebody who's doing something so exciting like riding a Vespa through Rome dating a single mother I loved her and loved the kids but it didn't work out now I'm grieving the loss of not just the relationship with her but also with her three beautiful kids can't imagine growing very attached to someone else's kids then essentially never being able to see them again when it all ends twice the roughness of a regular breakup such sucks man snorkeling I've actually done it a few times but once I got stung bad by a jellyfish and the other time was on the Great Barrier Reef and I was literally terrified the entire time turns out I'm very afraid of open water and sharks but it was still quite a cool experience yeah I was shocked to find out that my fear of heights translated to the Open Sea I know it's not physically possible but the bottom of the ocean is so far away I thought I was going to fall from the surface of the ocean going to a dance club too many people stressed me right out had to leave shortly after I showed up but glad I attempted to go out of my comfort zone I'll stick to bars and drinking at home I joined the army best one-time decision I ever made I want to learn discipline fulfill my duty as a citizen become trained to prosecute War meet fellow Patriots and grow some dang chest hair one brain injury busted ankle and an episode of you're lying psychosis inducing insomnia later well I'm quite satisfied I think I'll be a massage therapist for a while military service everything you wanted and more more may be an array of conditions fatal or non-fatal including but not limited to physical mental and or spiritual exhaustion a huge burger with two giant Donuts as buns to be honest it wasn't that bad but that feeling of pure diabetes prevented me from getting another or even finishing the one I had man that sounds disgusting I do wanna try something that disgustingly big but definitely not that all sorts of weird food most weird things I've eaten I actually like organ meat Wild game very rare or raw meat that sort of thing I see something different on a menu when I'm freaking ordering that crap because I've discovered all sorts of weird crap I ended up loving but I'll never eat bats again Polar Plunge Lake Michigan on the 1st of January in Sub-Zero temperatures getting my clothes back on took forever because I couldn't feel my extremities it was an experience I always remember never again childbirth although I could argue I wasn't particularly glad to have experienced it in the first place I have now given birth with and without an epidural while I prefer doing it without the epidural 10 stroke 10 would never do a game nor do I plan to building my own PC and overclocking it it was a fun experience especially the Oz part watching the temperature adjusting the voltage checking stability getting it as fast as possible while keeping the temperature in check and still running stable these days I don't care enough for those extra few percent of performance but I am glad I did it once back in the day when CPUs were just about to Crest one gigahertz AMD had athlons out that were actually locked but you could get around the lock by using a mechanical pencil and tracing the lead on the chip from one pin to another managed to push my 900 megahertz to one gigahertz felt like a goddamn King h i mistook it for Coke and snorted a small line of it I puked for two hours then I experienced one of the most orgasmic afternoons of my life it really was amazing and I was terrified after thinking how good it felt I never touched any hard drugs since you're lucky you didn't end up like Mia Wallace I majored in civil engineering and am currently working in the construction industry but more into the project contract management side what I studied in civil engineering in College is very different to what I have to use in my current day-to-day tasks most of the calculations that you're taught are now done by programs and you just have to input date if I had known this I would have probably majored in something else because four years of engineering really took a lot out of me the constant work load and stress really made me want to quit at times I'm glad I finished it though I feel like that's applicable to most degrees my brother Works in finance and he says similar things about the toll his education took on him relative to how he works today pursed my nipples it was fun but dang I am glad I don't have them anymore being scared off seat belts lace-covered bras brushing my hair getting my hair caught in my jewelry it looked great but doing I am glad I don't have to worry about something hitting my boobs also not having to be scared of someone playing with my boobs and sleeping topless I just don't do pissings same I was shocked at how often my nips hit things I kept mine for like six seven years one never healed properly took it out than the one that was fine started being brand new so I just took them both out I won't read it then but I love the way they looked ruined boob fun though and just more hassle than they're worth I'm fine with my other piercings riding motorcycles I wrapped at 75 miles per hour in a turn on a back road Riding Solo no one around to help I almost got hit by a car as I slid across the pavement tore up my knee pretty good had to call an Uber to get me to urgent care I think I'm going to take the you didn't break a single bone or get too hurt as a sign that I should stop riding vacationing in Brazil apartment broken into heinous sunburn traffic cab drivers and not a small chance we'd get mugged met some awesome people ate a lot of really incredible food enjoyed the views and local Hospitality enormously it also heard enough stories from locals to know I got really really lucky my 13th birthday I had two male friends have a sleepover I am also male one of the guys suggested hey why don't we practice you know for when we get the opportunity with a girl so we had a gay three-way I bum them they lick my tea one of them sucked me off and when all three of us were sat in a circle wanking each other off we looked at each other and near enough at the same time stopped and said yeah this isn't for us glad I tried it to know if I am gay or not now know that I am not one of the guys suggested hey why don't we practice you know for when we get the opportunity with a girl speech 100. going into a cave system it was even one of those really touristy ones lots of people artificial light in places and it still scared the crap out of me I don't belong Underground Summer Music Festival the intensity of Hardcore drug use and ramp and sexual assault was not something I was prepared for and I just wanted to rock out and smoke a doobie first day in Thailand family vocation we're starving so we stopped by at a restaurant when we received the menu none of the things sound really appetizing to me except for the meal that also happens to be the spiciest on the menu I figure oh what the heck you always hear people talking about how spicy food is around these parts but surely that's exaggerated a bit even if it's too spicy for me how bad could it be my mother tells me I shouldn't take it my brother calls me an idiot and not to take it the waitress warns me that it is very spicy at this point All of These Warnings only make me more stubborn and committed the meal arrives and I remind myself not to drink water once I start eating because it will make it more spicy I take the first bite and it's not too spicy second starting to be quite spicy I can handle it I start eating it with a lot more rice at this point my eyes are teary and I need to wipe my nose I keep eating my brother starts laughing tears are falling down my cheeks but this is perfect I love it when a food is too spicy and you keep on eating there is a special feeling that comes with it that I can't describe finally I break my face is full of waterfalls there isn't any rice left and the waiters are trying their hardest not to laugh but water is streaming out of my eyes bit Frick I was going to finish this meal but first water I knew I shouldn't but at this point I'm not thinking straight I drink the entire glass and keep on eating different waiters keep bringing me more water to see me up close my brother is laughing his butt off but Frick I am going to finish this finally though I broke water was still streaming down my eyes faster and greater than I'd thought possible I'd stopped wiping my nose ages ago because it just would probably stop the entire restaurant my family and myself are laughing hilariously 10 stroke 10 experience and great story to talk about with friends but I might not be so cocky in the future I love it when a food is too spicy and you keep on eating there is a special feeling that comes with it that I can't describe I believe the word is lunacy went to visit Auschwitz three years ago I'm glad I did it as it was a significant part of World War II and thus the world but I would never ever go again I went to dark how about 10 years ago my grandpa is a Survivor and was actually liberated from there I'm the only one to go back to Germany from my whole family glad I went to see dark Albert man it was an intense day and I don't wish to go back C tried it more than once and I'm glad I got that Curiosity out of the way but it was beginning to be a regular part of my concert attending routines where I feel like because I was at a concert I had to do it out of tradition but got really high on weed one day and had an eye-opening epiphany and never done it since this what I came to comment except see fixed me made me happy energetic enthusiastic after I saw how different it made me and how much better has made me feel about myself and everything I swore I'd never touch it again South of the Border there's like a million Billboards leading up to that place and it's just some old smelly gas station with a gift shop and some weird arcade growing weed Jesus it's hard work 700 freaking plants the feeding trimming general maintenance of the facility it was a grind upside I got to pinch about a one-stroke 4 lb out of each Harvest still nope it's literally farming and farming is hard took a break from my longtime girlfriend to sleep around and party because I thought the grass would be greener on the other side it both was and wasn't it clarified a lot about who I was and how I felt about my partner it lasted one year we both had fun and eventually found our way back to each other and are now married with two kids wouldn't have it any other way now no rabbits right 75-foot Gap jump on my snowboard looking back at if I'm surprised I made it over alive but some hot chicks were there so I'm glad I did Heck in man I don't know how I did that crap when I was younger when I was like 20 I got a chance to go to Mammoth Mountain and we went through the park and I was like when will I ever get to ride this again so I hit the money Booter right below the lift someone later told me it was like 70 80 feet now that I'm in my 30s I get scared going over like a 15-footer sleeping around my mental health plummeted when I was around 20 stroke 21 and I slept with near enough anybody who would sleep with me I'd never let myself get that way again but I don't regret it I now have zero interest in NSA sex and I can genuinely say I'm comfortable only sleeping with my partner for the rest of my life there's no curiosity about others or anything because I feel like I've done most of what there is to experience anyway raw octopus in a back alley food shop in Beijing they chop the tentacles like Noodles put them in some hot broth in a bowl and that was it I could feel the tentacles gripping my mouth and throat probably a massive choking hazard I had one mouthful and had to stop saw some little girl maybe six years old happily slurping away that was her KFC or McDonald's I missed my opportunity to try this in Korea walking down the street and this guy pulls up next to us grabs the cooler from his truck bed and starts pulling out live octopus chop chop chop and he's dipping the still wriggling bits into spicy gochujang sauce offered me some but I chickened out roller coasters although I'll probably have to ride them again if my kid ends up enjoying them I'll just cry inside and do it LSD something I always wanted to try and never had the balls to do it until a few months ago one week I was on cloud nine extremely happy and in a good place and was offered by a friend to do it that weekend I figured no better time than now and took a Tab 10 stroke 10 experience it was an intense 12-hour trip and I felt like it gave me a different perspective on life and is something I'll always remember I'm so opposed to doing it again because my first trip experience was so perfect I don't want to risk taking it again and experiencing a bad trip when you get the message hang up the phone running of the bulls it was a crazy adrenaline rush but people all around me getting trampled and a guy near me getting gored makes me never want to do it again going to India it was an eye-opening experience and an interesting culture with great food but it was so gross trash filth traffic and poverty all piled on top of each other I was stressed the whole time I was there cliff diving i f was about to chicken out when I was on the edge of the cliff but my girlfriend grabbed me tight and jumped off with me I hate heights a little less now but that was replaced with a new fear of landing on top of sharp rocks living full-time in hotels instead of having an apartment Management Consultant here I was working out of town during the week for a long time and the lease came up for renewal at my apartment in Chicago I put all my stuff in storage and moved out when I came home for the weekends which was about three times a month I just stayed in hotels using points and a little bit of cash saved a bunch of money compared to paying rent but living in hotels 100 of the time really started to take a toll hotels are relatively nice environment but it sucks not being surrounded by your own stuff eventually I couldn't take it anymore and got a new apartment I lasted just under six months I had wondered whether it could be done and I'm glad I gave it a shot but never again jumping out of the boat in the middle PF the sea sure it felt great but right after I climbed back to the boat I saw few peculiar sea creatures that I do not wish to see again I got hypnotized by a street performer downtown there was a point where I thought I was an exotic dancer and started pole dancing around a traffic sign I lost my grip and fell in the road and almost got run over I woke up feeling really refreshed and it makes for a fun story but I'm not gonna roll the dice on that again that is a freaking brilliant story I'm gonna go find a hypnotist right now I went horseback riding in Australia once it started raining 20 minutes into the two-hour tour it finished raining five minutes before the tour ended the car I was driving home and then broke down so I had to spend an hour in a hot car seat wearing soaking wet clothes the horseback riding was decent even though I'll never do it again after that experience I'm glad I tried it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 33,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: never again, once in a lifetime experiences, unique experiences, never do it again, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2023, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: rz_aTXd1st0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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