"Don't Let This Get To You" Daniel 2:12-18::Maintaining The Standard

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[Music] God because he is an awesome and incredible God I invite your attention join us to the Book of Daniel to the Book of Daniel to all of our leaders once again we are grateful for all of the work and the sacrifice I'm grateful for and the wonderful leaders come on let's thank God for our leaders and we bless God for them we help us challenge us and we're excited because this year is gonna be a great year and we really had a wonderful time we have some gifted people Tabernacle we are the better because of the wonderful people that God has set apart for leadership amen also as we get into the our text today I'm gonna challenge the brothers today we need some help in this parking lot we've had some people do some unsolicited things to people who are 10 and we need so I need some men to step up ladies you can help but I'm challenging brothers that will help us on the outside not only with just parking but also to help with some way of security we've been getting some some things and I need some brothers to step up alright and brothers are you listening to me you hear me Schaller's him is 7:15 and all of them and I would hate if anything was to happen just because we didn't have a presence and listen we gonna get y'all Xtreme we're gonna give you a nice vest and and a flashlight I promise you this is I mean you top-flight security of the world Craig I'm trying to tell you we go but make you you can change the world with a vest and a flashlight and when it's cold we don't get you a cab for you here whatever I need to do but it is a serious thing that we need to make sure we're covering outside of this place and I really need ladies we love you and if you want to help but I need some brothers I'm challenging me in challenging brothers to help us in this area wes is doing an incredible job we just have not got it as strong as we need to here and when you come in I know some of y'all be parking we down the street and all these different things we want to make sure that we have in coverage and we got to have coverage on the outside so I need y'all to hear my heart right after the service meet Deacon hunter right here down front and so just if there's interest a man if there's interest we're gonna put you to work like I said you get a nice vests and I mean not one of them cheap flashlights I'm talking about the one that's the quick trigger flash like that it's the big one too so just in case you know it's the big the big one not the little one I mean we don't give the big one we want you to be be prepared a man just so you can shine whatever you need to shine away we want to make sure you already because that's that's what we do at Tabernacle we top-flight that's what we do so but I'm serious and I need you to hear my heart brothers I need you those who you say and I've been trying to figure out a way I can help and I can serve that's an immediate need for us and we really want to get you as possible day all right we're going to Daniel chapter two today I hope that this is helpful in my chief aim in this series is to be as practical as possible from the Word of God so in essence you got homework because I want you to read all of chapter 2 but for the sake of brevity today I'm just gonna lift up verses 12 through 18 Irina from the message translation the message translation reads this way begin in verse 12 that set the King off he lost his temper and ordered the whole company of Babylonian wise men killed when the deaf one was issued an you and his companions were included they were also marked for execution when area chief of the Royal Guards is making arrangements for the execution Daniel wisely took him aside and quietly asked what was going on why this all of a sudden that they arrived field in the background Daniel went to the king and asked for a little time so they could interpret the dream Daniel then went home and told his companions Hananiah Mishael and Azariah what was going on he asked him to pray to God of heaven for mercy and solving this mystery so that the four of them wouldn't be killed along with the whole company of Babylonian wise men for time reasons we found in the second chapter of Daniel as we talked about maintaining the standard I want to talk from this talk today don't let this get to you touch your neighbor said neighbor don't let this get to you if those hands so heaven say Lord speak we need to hear you may be seen in the present god have you ever lost your temper [Applause] have you ever went off I'm talking about sho'nuff went on maybe it was on the job it was some crazy edik or perhaps some memo that was asking you to do something you thought was unreasonable and so you wanted to make sure they realize what you was not going to do it could have been in your family maybe it was a situation with a sponsor a child and you had just had it up to here I mean it was already a lot of stuff going on and this was just the tipping point as soon as they said the wrong thing you went off and gave them everything you could give them maybe it was at school and you're thinking I'm and so you had worked hard and maybe you didn't get the grade or the accolades that you thought and you thought that teacher had a vendetta against you and so you pray for an opportunity to give them a piece of your mind and the Lord answered your prayer put you right in the sight line and you went off you told them all about how you felt and told them all this have you ever lost your cool have you had moments like that and I know for many of us that answer that to the affirmative and it may have felt good in that moment but honestly have you thought about was it really worth it I will admit that one of the challenges especially as we consider that is interesting because most of us I mean things happen and we all have stuff that literally causes us to lose it but just because it may cause or give credence to lose it the reality is if we operate many times in our emotions instead of really honestly operate in our faith we can end up causing something to be irreconcilable that I know I know it felt good in that moment and it was cool that's what you felt in that moment without understanding the long-term ramifications of the words and the actions that you spew what if I told you that perhaps the situation you're going through I'm not saying it was good but perhaps God was trying to bring good out of it and wouldn't it be horrible that the good God wants to bring out of it is negated because we don't manage it correctly that's what brings us on text and and now we're in the second chapter of Daniel and it's an incredible moment and and I know that if you had time if I had a moments to spare Daniel 2 is when perhaps one of the highlights of prophetic literature in all of Scripture matter-of-fact contemporary dollars look at this particular passage and see is that all of a sudden it begins to to show us that the accuracy of the Word of God because in it Daniel gives revelation to King Nebuchadnezzar about what his dream means a toppling of four major kingdoms and the ushering in of the eternal kingdom of God and it is important because when Daniel 2 ends daniel was now called the ruler of the province of Babylon he's given accolades and promotion but that's not how this thing starts that as we begin to unpack Daniel chapter 2 even though it ends in a wonderful glorious way it does not start that way what we see in Daniel chapter 2 it opens up with King Nebuchadnezzar mad with those who are supposed to work for him and because of his insecurity and his anger he puts out an edict that is threatening the life of not just his magicians but Daniel and his three Hananiah Mishael and Azariah and here and I text my brothers and sisters even though he's in a situation he did not cause in a circumstance on his job that's causing problems but because he decides to use wisdom because he decides to operate in spiritual maturity guess what happens he opens up one way but because he manages the situation correctly God ends up promoting him and God gets the glory what if I told you my brothers and sisters that some situations come not just to expose your gifts but to in spose your character what if I told you my brothers and sisters some stuff happens and it happens and God releases it and allows you to go through it because he wants to see how mature can you be in some hostile situations y'all lego-like me today but I got a word for somebody here I know you want everything to be peaches and cream I know you want to walk around with rainbows and skittles but that is not the reality of life it's never gonna be that way not in new home not on your job not even in church and God says can I trust you to handle hostile situations that's what our text seems to convey to us that's the central theme of this passage today I'm here to simply give you this song and that is my brothers and sisters that when things happen to us we have to be mature in how we respond to them that I'm telling you that God is making a prayer as God is giving credence God is creating opportunities the issue is what you think as a hostility could be an opportunity for promotion and if you do not manage it correctly guess what happens you not only miss out and lose what could have been a fruitful aspect of your life but it also Rob's God of his glory because here's the reality God expects you to maintain your kingdom identity even though you find yourself in some crazy situation somebody ought to help the preacher right in here I'm here to tell you that that God is still calling you up to be the child of God you claim and sing that you are God still calls you to be that mature believer even though you're gonna face some immature people and be put in some precarious situations here is the reality God is not expecting them to do right but he's expecting you to get it right I wish I had some time I'd take you to touch your neighbor's a neighbor I needed to hear this four to five years ago lord knows cuz there was some stuff that happened and I acted all out of godly character and guess what happened Here I am still trying to make up four or five years later what I should have got right in the moment I got a word for somebody today I'm not sure what you're gonna face this week I'm not sure what's coming your way this year but all I came to tell you from the prophetic Oracle's of Daniel is you can't let this get to you I don't know what your visi is but I'm here to tell you the enemy knows you're this and if you're not mature enough to navigate your this then your best could be your downfall so let's examine that today my brothers sisters because here's my warning to you please ma'am please sir don't miss manage your moments because a blow-up today could be disastrous for your tomorrow and I want to damin that today because I want to see the process because what took Daniel from this position of being a condemned person to getting ready to lose his life to end up being the ruler of all of the province of Babylon there was a process my brothers sisters and and as glorious as the prophetic utterances you Chapter two for the sake of this sermon I'm not gonna focus on his revelations per se but I want to focus on the simple actions of Daniel I want to talk about some of the things that Daniel does he does four things in our text and when he operates in that way he allows himself to be promoted and God to be glorified in spite of a hostile situation are you ready you need to take some notes today elbow your neighbor say you need all of this message you need all of this message so let's get right to it let me share with you what I think the Lord of God conveys to us first thing that we see when we can't let this get the best of us or let this get to us the first thing that Daniel shows is if I'm gonna make me mature in a hostile situation notice the first thing that Daniel does don't pout some of y'all just miss your revelation you just miss your shine in other words what I'm suggesting that Daniel shows us is that instead of being upset instead allowing a temper to come learn how to operate in godly wisdom that that's that's what takes place in the passage I mean when we get to chapter 2 we are introduced to again two Nebuchadnezzar and in antiquity Dicky Robison he is considered one of the leading leaders I mean Babylon was a world of power I mean he was known for his bloodthirsty was known but expansion I mean so much happened under his leadership but there's also something we hear for all of his qualities that made him an amazing Emperor and leader he also had some character flaws and the one that was exposed in Chapter two is that he was very insecure you do understand my brothers and sisters that even the greatest of leaders have their own a character flaws that can either be insecure narcissistic and that is what Nebuchadnezzar was struggling with I mean that's the essence what shrouded this thing because if you read chapter 2 it tells us that Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and in antiquity they would have these dreams and these dreams would come and they believed in antiquity that when dreams came it was God trying to tell you something so this is what Nebuchadnezzar does he calls Ana his best magicians and those that are in Babylon and he tells him I need y'all to interpret my dream but that ain't the worst of it because he felt like they were giving them and run around he felt like listen I don't invest in y'all employees I gave you great benefit packages and all that and they would not trying to answer his question so he begins to up the ante and they said all right we don't mind trying to to get your dream tell us what your dream is and this is when we see the narcissistic insecurity of Nebuchadnezzar because he says all right this what I want you to do tell me what I dreamed and tell me what the dream means I'm innocent unreasonable request I mean they look into him like bruh come on that's only what gods can do we cannot do it I mean can you imagine the tension of those who were serving their wickedness I mean maybe this is a foreign sermon for some of you but have you ever been faced with an unreasonable request have you had some people perhaps it was an overseer perhaps it was a boss on your job and you think it to yourself now you know that can't be done in what you're trying to ask me to do and that was the tension here he was being unreasonable he was boss but he was being unreasonable and he started to get frustrated in his frustration he said guess what since y'all can't answer it I'm not only gonna fire y'all but I'm a killer all y'all as well can you imagine the tension around the job place they think it made I lost his mind again there were years he asking some unreasonable now it's gonna cost us everything and here is where the story shifts because he didn't just try to say the door was that were in front of him but it included all the magicians that and all those who were in Babylon that included Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah and can you imagine as they got the email that came to their phone that said y'all are fired and you're gonna be killed within the next few days can you imagine if it was us like Daniel and Hananiah Mishael and Azariah you think you said I wasn't even at the meeting why am I having to pay the cost for something I wasn't even if I wish I had some real people if it was us in the take of Daniel and his three friends we would have been like nah bro hold on I've been trying to tell you you had incompetence around you and I don't know why you've been allowed with them to work anyhow I've been trying to tell you that and do another they just put in positions it's because you try to have so I wish I had some real people if it was us in the place of Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah we would went off and talked him play victim I don't see why I gotta lose my jock i bills to play if I'm going down everybody going down you get everybody right and I understand why I'm the one that's having to play gadarene fair I wish I had some real people can I thought we would respond in that moment we were getting mad we would start pointing fingers we were getting angry we'll start cutting people well I knew I knew so-and-so didn't know it from the beginning you should have been fired them I don't know why you I wish I had some real people if it was us we would have went off on somebody else but that's not what Daniel does Daniel does not pound y'all gotta catch me here because I think there's some spiritual wisdom to be gleaned from this tense because how you first respond to something really sets the trajectory of how you handle it and what most of us don't understand is our emotions it's our anger that undos us that oftentimes we'll never get the audience we need with those that can make change because God can trust you to get your attitude together and you can't tell me how you act when everything's going well a true test of your character integrity is when you get caught off guard with something that perhaps you was not expecting can you be spiritually mature to be level-headed in situations you wouldn't even plan and preach pastor Goodman I'm doing the best I can I wish I had somebody please ma'am please sir don't tell me how strong you are when you know what's coming the true test of your maturity is when something happens you didn't plan for you didn't want to come but it came now how do you respond how do you respond in moments like that and Daniel shows us the first thing you do don't pout the same time to start casting blamed it's not time to have an attitude this is not time to get upset not time to point fingers but note what Daniel does Daniel watch this he decides to go talk to the Warner that was directing the situation there was a man by the name of Eric who is a chief of guards and I love this because the Bible says that Daniel goes to him in a gentle and a unassuming or tactful way y'all miss that see see that's why some of us miss read the Bible the Bible didn't say in all you're getting getting attitude it's that all you're getting get understanding help me Holy Ghost so Daniel understood there's something that happened and I wasn't privy to it but it's affecting me so let me figure out a way in a wise way there trying to figure out and because he went the right way and talked to the right person he didn't go to the king he went to the one that the King had commissioned and because he came the right way that man listened to him and gave him access to the king y'all miss what I'm saying can I tell you I see some of us are so bent on being right that you end up being wrong that it matters how you respond help me Holy Ghost see if you would have went cussing and doing all this guess what would have happened they wouldn't have heard you in the first place but Daniel understand that I have to respond in a way that's gonna give me access I can be angry but I ain't got to show you I'm angry I can be mad and don't like it but I don't have to put all my cards on the table he goes to this person and because he goes the right way that person says hey man you right let me take you to see the King my brothers and sisters that's what happens and he goes and see the King because he kept his composure he kept the right attitude and when it goes to the king who was unreasonable a few verses earlier when he hears him out Daniel said man I know your man I know you're upset rightfully so you should be but all I'm asking is giving me a little time to get what you need and the man who just a few verses earlier said y'all gonna die y'all fired says you know what I'll grant you what you've asked what could change this man's temperance in a few verses I submit to you it was how dan you came to him and I know I know you don't believe in that mothers with but my grandma Anne was right you can kill more flies with honey then you can do I know I know he wanted to tell them all about and if it had been us who daniel said see that's why you insecure in the first place that's why you narcissistic and people don't like you anyway that's not what Daniel did he said listen you got a problem let's figure out if I can help it can I just get some more time and because he did not allow his emotions to get the best of him he didn't pout he was able to get conference with the king let me help you my brother says the first thing when stuff is hostile and you don't like it don't pout don't allow your emotions to stop the momentum God can put you in in that situation Daniel number one don't pout but then also Daniel number two shows or something else that if you're going to manage the moment correctly Daniel shows us the second thing you should do is seek prayer okay I knew it I knew it its third time I preached this I I knew y'all would shout over there I get it I get it because if it was you from for all your intellect all the school you got and all the interim occation you have I know you automatically I'm gonna go ahead and get the right question together get the right strategy together you you are running your mind but notice what Daniel does after getting an alleviation of time he goes to his friends Hananiah Mishael as or I say look guys we need to pray see I thought y'all would be a little more spirit or maybe the 12:15 service will understand it cuz you know some of y'all should be excited when I talked about Prayer make maybe maybe the reason why something you can't get excited over that because you don't know the power pray you but but somebody under the sound of my voice knows the significance and the power of prayer somebody under the sound of my voice has learned the power of getting on your knees and seeking somebody sing prayer change some sub so somebody singing well ship some things so somebody's singing prayer open some I wish I had some real don't fool me now this is for the real ride-or-die prayer Rory's in the house if you don't believe in prayer you can be seated but a few of y'all in here say you know what pastor I've seen stuff turn on prayer I've seen things get relegated on prayer I've seen ways be made on prayer doors be open on pricing Minds never confused get clarified on privacy hearts that have been hurt get unhurt on price seeing the power of I wish I had somebody matter of fact touching my until a matter of fact scriptures right baby the prayers of the righteous will always avail me before you after you get in and see the situation Danu teaches us go ahead and get some prayer here watch this check this out BC to check this there are some moments you got to know you just can't pray by yourself I know your spiritual I get it I understand that you were the most spiritually until I get it but there's some stuff that's bigger than you and I appreciate the wisdom of Daniel even though Daniels the only one that's gonna have to answer he went ahead and I Michelle Azariah he didn't start no email campaign here and start saying let's write letters the King Nebuchadnezzar he said guys we need to pray to the God of mercy because my brothers and sisters let me tell you something if you ain't got them on your roster you need to make sure in 2019 you get some folk that can find time to pray for you you need some people in your life I wish I had somebody that could help me that can testify I need some folk that can touch the throne I don't need no two people that say they're gonna prime me some folk that's really gonna grab me some folk that I ain't gotta tell them all that's going on I ain't gotta fill in all the stuff that's happening but when I take some pray they say praying right now I wish I had somebody that could testify that that's what you need in 2019 I need some folk that ain't a shame to get on their knees and say father I stretch my hand to be know of the hip I know I wish I had somebody grab my neighbor by the hand it's a neighbor if you can't count on nobody else this year you can count on me you can count on me to pray for you you you can count on me to touch the throne of grace why because when two or three gathered touching and krieger the Bible said that's when God shows up - I got anybody in the house they said I realize the power of prayer y'all don't hear me but let me tell you why some of you still struggling cuz you don't know why you should take it all to God but my grandma was singing a song when I was a kid and it's went like this Oh what needless pain we bear because we don't take everything that's every situation stuff at home that's in prayer except on my job that's in prayer stuff in my relationship that's in prayer before I get mad I'm gonna have a little talk with Jesus because when I talk to Jesus he got a smooth way of making everything alright oh I got my voice back touch somebody close to you and said neighbor just talk to God in prayer and the significance of that for me and I don't know who I'm talking to and I don't know what you're facing I don't know your predicament on your job pray about it I know I know you man and I know you got your ideas and I know you got a better way to do stuff and all your wisdom and all that great stuff you got pray about it give give it to the Lord I'm here to tell you because when most of us don't understand there is power in prayer don't pout be composed be tactful use wisdom see prayer but here's the third thing find peace I told you I'm being very practical today I wish I had something for you I wish honestly I I know y'all be lookin like man he go to all at school and all the education that's all he can give us I'm just tryin y'all pray for me I'm just a Bible preacher and all I'm sent to tell you is what the Bible says and according to the actions of Daniel after he asked in a tactful way got an extension went to this boy's they got some prayer guess what the next thing Daniel does goes to sleep y'all miss I get it I'm with you I'm with you I he doesn't stay up pacing the floor he don't get up having an attitude no he prays gets up goes to the crib runs a shower gets himself ready for bed has his pajamas laid out likes the fireplace gets Illness pajamas peels back the covers on his bed gets in the bag puts the covers all the way up and falls asleep in essence my brothers and sisters he can sleep because he got trust in his prayer yo y'all I go help me there's two things I think the sleep has shown me and maybe there's somebody here the prophetic word for you this year just go to sleep some stuff don't need your immediate response some stuff you need to sleep on some stuff you need to let it go some see y'all ain't helping me and the reason why some of us still struggling is because let me tell you we have a courteous guard let me tell you how courteous God is as long as your hands are on it as long as you still dealing with a god a sick to the side and he'll just sit over there and he'll just look at you and he'll just shake his head cuz guard is courteous God is never going to try to intervene and do something that you don't want him to do so as long as your hands are on it he'll let you do it as long as you up he gonna rest why because I ain't no sense of both of y'all being up God and already told you I don't sleep with slumber but if you want to lose not lose sleep that's on you but as sooner as you say you know what imma give this up to God and imma get me some rest because there's no reason for me pacing and getting mad if I already gave it to God and God you gonna handle it imma give me some sleep y'all don't help me here maybe that's why some of you and it's only been a few days and 20-19 got bags under your eyes is because instead of you worried and you should be sleeping somebody ought to testify touch your neighbor next you say neighbor sleep on that thing sleep learn how to sleep on that situation you don't prayed about it go to sleep you didn't ask God about it go to sleep you didn't say it make away go to sleep you if you say God is all that you say that he is I at some point you gotta trust him and you trust him by going to sleep it's crazy thing here's what blesses me y'all because I know some of y'all like this I'm stressing you don't know I'm gonna lose my child o mine oh well you got complete trust in God he'll give you some sleep see see that's what maybe I'm not trying to prescribe you dr. Brown please don't think I'm trying to be a medical doctor but maybe some of y'all what you need is some sleep if you need some rest you you need to learn how to just get to the place of totally can I tell you why how important sleep is cuz tech says when Daniel went to sleep is when God started speaking it's slow a good maybe perhaps God was waiting to Daniel got Anna posture and position of surrender and Submission where he couldn't do anything is when God says now you can listen to me because God can't sleep can't talk while you still woke y'all ain't helping me here here here here what happens is and the revelation comes and I believe that I really believe that that's what the Bible says and I've seen it present in my own life and I believe I'm not in here by myself that there many times you're so busy trying to get it together that until you submit to a posture of incapacitation and that you understand that is up to God is when God can finally release the revelation and God has only been waiting for you or to be in a posture received see it's not until you are sleep that you God can't speak to you and sleep is representation of you learning how to give it all up to God give the total shares doctor and here's what's crazy goes asleep God gives him the answer tells him what the king is thinking tells him what the King's dream boss tells him what the King's what it means to the king and how it's gonna be for the long-term and this is what happened Daniel wakes up after getting the revelation from God and this is the first thing he does he sings a song of praise okay if I want to shout you of Theology I would tell you that the answering there is powerful because the answer God gives him is a response in essence to the understanding it to teaches two things God is sovereign and God is the only one that gives revelation that in itself if I should shout you over that should be enough to give you something to celebrate but there's a newer practical thing that gets me dr. Brown because when he wakes up from the dream even though he has the answer the situation has not yet been alleviated the meeting has not yet been set for him to go see King Nebuchadnezzar so in essence he still got a life or death sentence over his life things have not been wrecked because just because you got the answer don't mean the situation has been resolved but just because the situation hadn't been resolved don't mean it wasn't a time for Daniel to give God praise y'all gonna catch it see for many of us you you want to wait too after the meeting and and after it has been resolved you you want to wait too after things have worked out but Daniel shows us the posture of a real believer is to always be ready to have what I call premature praise it's where before the situation even gets rectified you already say my God is worthy and my God is also see how to have some people in here that can testify see that's how you can show up at a 9:45 worship and the meeting ain't till Thursday but you can shout at 9:45 on Sunday why because when God done told you how it's gonna work out you ain't gotta wait to the battle is over you can shout right I wish I had some real folk in the house matter of fact go and look at somebody said neighbor excuse me if I step on your shoes but I'm gonna go ahead and shout over what I'm believing God is already going to I'm already believing now because I trusted him I've already prayed to him and because I serve a God that always takes care of his people I ain't gotta wait til I get it I ain't gotta wait til it gets resolved I gotta wait till we come together but while I'm still in the situation I'm gonna shout right now y'all ain't helping me but look at somebody and Suniva I'm shouting right now I'm shouting before I even show up at the meeting I'm I'm shutting before I even go to the doctor I'm I'm shouting before the lungs shouting right is there anybody beside the preacher they said I'm a shouty anyhow because if God has said it that settles it and all I gotta do is wait on the manifest Daniel tells us don't pout seek prayer find peace see you understand peace that's why the Bible says peace that passes all that's my foe be looking at you and they'll understand it ain't supposed to make sense because peace is beyond your understanding that's how I can sit there and know they're gonna have layoffs on the job but I ain't tripping why cuz I know God and already made the way I can still have a problem because the federal government is shut down and it's run by crazy man but I got a peace that passes all I wish I had a witness in the house which means at the end of the day because I gave it to God God will I'm done here it is don't pout seek prayer find peace here's the last one bank-owned piety bank on part if I had time I would take you to dream dream Daniel finally gets the meter whenever knez and he tells him the dream and it's one of the most accurate and profound biblical prophecies in all the scripture because the dream he gets really impersonates and personifies the four major kingdoms or fir major powers of that day from Babylon Persia Greece and Rome but literally in his dream he sees this great big figure that ultimately gets crushed by a small stone that becomes a mountain over the entire world in essence the dream that Nebuchadnezzar got from God was simply a dream telling him you got power but it ain't forever there's gonna be a power after you power after them and a power after them but there's gonna be an ultimate power that's gonna come and when it comes it's gonna start small it's gonna be looking insignificant it's gonna be a stone but this one stone is gonna topple all the other powers and by the time it's over it's gonna be like a mountain that engulfs the entire world if I had time and y'all felt like hearing some word I would tell you Daniel was given a prophecy of when Jesus comes how he may come in a way that no one thinks is worth anything but by the time is all said and done there's no power that's gonna be the power like Jesus that's why the Philippian tribe was able to say at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess I wish I had a witness at here and what he literally was trying to foretell the Nebuchadnezzar is you got power but it's not the power that comes from God so what happens first 46:47 what takes place Kester's after he gives him the answer to his problem he tells him what happens notice what takes place king nebuchadnezzar gets on his knees falls prostrate at the feet of daniel brings in offerings he offers sacrifices he wants Daniel to be everything but notice the words out of Daniel out of King Nebuchadnezzar mouth he says your God has shown himself to be greater than any god I've ever known mr. he's kneeling at the feet of Daniel but he's praising Daniel's God and I believe that Daniel shows us that when you are mature you don't get the big head because you realize they're not bowing to you they bow unto the God that you serve which means you okay being the proxy for God because you recognize since I've been faithful to God he'll always be fake I wish I had a witness somebody knows what I'm talking about and let me tell you why when you are acting from a true way it presents opportunities for people to see what kind of God you sir can I ask you a personal question when you in your situation do people see your guard I mean just be real do they get up and say you know what the way you handle that shows what kind of God you serve what how we manage moments don't just speak about our character and our integrity it also speaks about the character and integrity of the God we say we love I'm done may the Lord bless you real good but that's what happened and guess what took place when Nebuchadnezzar got up and said man your God is all that check this and because you stay faithful and you provide it guess what I got something for you Daniel there's a new spot I'm creating just for you I never had this spot before but i'ma give it to you i'ma create this job for you you're gonna be the ruler of the province of Babylon and you're also gonna be the chief of all my magician magicians I'm gonna give you the top spot ain't nobody come through me except they have to go to you because you showed maturity in this hostile situation because you handled me and then you went to God and God gives you what was needed I'm gonna give you promotion I wish I had time because may I submit to you that when you learn how to be mature in situations of stuff you thought was meant to be against you God will turn around and make it for you good I wish I had somebody and maybe your next level of promotion is not how well your resume is put together maybe your next level promotion it's not how well you operate on the front line but maybe your next level of promotion is when you learn how to trust God in every situation look at somebody and said neighbor I've learned that when I trust God he has a weird way of make everything worked together for my good and I'm here to tell you that when you allow God to move in your life God will present opportunities of promotion do me a favor I gotta close but I don't feel like hooping but grab someone by the head and say neighbor can I go ahead and prophetically announce promotion over your life and promotion is predicated on how you in a mature way manage up some hostile moments I'm gonna make the look that she real good but can I tell you why I rock with Daniel can I tell you what Daniels my main man is because when Daniel got his promotion he didn't forget where he came from cuz you know how some of us bougie people kid as soon as you get your little promotion now you bigger and better than everybody else but guess what Daniel did when he got promoted he caught up his homeboys head and I'ma Sheldon has arrived he said listen y'all I gave the King the answer and I got a new job I'm the new ruler of the province of Babylon and I'm also the chief of all the musicians man that's good man we're proud of you but that ain't just the good news y'all ain't the only one that got a promotion since y'all prayed with me since y'all been rockin with me since y'all stood in it with me hand and I'm Michelle as a ride as I go up you going up as well I'm done y'all don't feel like having no church but grab someone by the hand and said neighbor when God takes me higher he taking you higher when God takes me up he taking you up when God elevates me I wish I had some real people touch somebody and tell her we're all going higher because we can't God fer [Applause] everyone's standing I'm done everyone's standing I'm done don't let this get to you here's the thing and I'm done because they managed it in a mature way God use it as a moment of elevation and I know you don't think it's a big deal you you want to just let loose you you want to say what you want to say but that's not wise that's not wisdom the Bible says power of life and death is in the tone and how we manage it he's in I'm grateful and it should be a place of maturity I'm very clear I came here early I was 27 I had a point to prove and I came here there was some things I probably was just a little hard about probably just a little bit I'm grateful for the grace of growth I don't look at me if that tone of voice touch your neighbor say he's still working on me - he's still working on but I'm grateful for those seasons I haven't managed everything well-known haven't God's grace has been very benevolent towards me but my prayer to God is God helped me to grow and see let me tell you why some of you still mess up cuz you're too predictable the enemy already got the playbook of what gets you off and so you keep falling for the same thing every single matter of fact you've made it so easy for him heating standard he's still on page one would she but maturity is listen yes it got me some years ago but as I've matured and got stronger and wiser I don't have time to lose it not not saying they don't get to me I just at this point I've learned how to respond the right way so instead of just responding I'm gonna pray about this thing so I may not give you an answer when you want it cuz I realize how significant words are and you can't take them back so I realized for me I don't always go what the first thing I think I know I ain't the only one in here so I got to pray and I ain't talking about some cute love prayer that you say for not sometimes it takes some prolonged prayer I call her friends hey man I need you to pray for me and with me cuz cuz I don't want to mismanage this moment I realize you can't rush some moments and then after I pray guess what everything don't need my response right now let me sleep on this day let me Oh let me get some rest cuz see most of us we mad cuz you irritable and you tired and it's never good to respond while you're tired I just went over somebody here let me get to a place of replenishment within my not just my body but my soul so as a leader in this day in my ministry and day of my life I don't feel the need to respond right away now I'm asleep on that so if that means I don't get to your Friday cool I'll wait till next week I probably some good Church in me before I respond then at the end of the day just realize that when you've been faithful to God God will always be faithful to you grab a hand our preachers coming to close us out but as you're grabbing their hand I want you to just start praying for them because here's the crazy thing you don't know when it's gonna come but we've got to manage it in a way don't let this be the reason you lose it
Channel: Tabernacle Baptist Church Augusta
Views: 11,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TBCAUGUSTA CHARLES E GOODMAN, JR. PG, Rev. Dr. Charles E. Goodman, Tabernacle Baptist Church
Id: x4z8Vip9IJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 56sec (2576 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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