I'm BUILDING a VILLAGE in ENSHROUDED ft. Smajor, Shubble, Sausage & Pix!

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he for [Music] [Music] hello hello hello happy Monday happy and shrouded day what's going on my friends how we doing out here today welcome welcome welcome come on in get settled drown down down drown Don't Drown Don't Drown don't don't settle drown just settle get settle down that's that's the word I was going for there that's fine that's great yeah uh leave a like on the stream yeah there's my intro yeah cool that's that's that's what we're doing today that's the intro to get in here all right how we doing hi hello what SU what's up hello how we doing good to have youall so I'm super excited to get back into and shrouded today uh I have been wanting to play it so much since we streamed last Monday and I'm very excited to be back in here and checking out further we're picking up pretty much where we left off in the last one I did a little bit of extra building and kind of fixed up the house a little bit more because I just couldn't help myself but nobody's made any progression and on top of that super excited to say that Pixi is going to be joining us today so we have a group of five now uh which should be pretty fun no idea how it's going to rock or what's going to happen as we're moving forward uh but yeah super cool what's in shrouded it's a new Survival game that came out that the building side of it is insane the building is so cool um it's really like RPG driven so you kind of you have skill trees that you can make custom like you kind of blend between different ones and get a really cool like custom character build and everything like that so I'm kind of going the route of like a a knight with like a sword and a shield I guess trying to be like the tank for the group um so I'm super excited for that I think it's going to be really fun uh yeah so be sure to leave a like on the stream if you haven't already we got 300 people in here and we got 130 likes right now so I believe we can get that closer to the 200 hundo Mark I would very very much appreciate it from the the early stream viewers so thank you everybody thank you thank you Mr mod how we doing aie what's going on TK how we doing excited to see what y'all do today been playing in single player yeah I I've seen a bunch of people in the Discord have been playing it recently so that's cool General what's going on Pacquiao durm how we doing profy sloth more Base building yeah we'll see we'll see uh eggs go get some food dude all good all good we'll be here Alice good evening hello yeah I'm excited that PX is going to join us he was lurking in my stream last week and then he was like o actually I really want to play that game uh so now we're here and I was like yeah come on come join on in uh threat Vision thank you so much for being here I'm in class right now but I had to come and say hey all good all good what skill side do you think you're going to focus on right now I'm going down that tank one so that uh I get more threat based off of my allies doing damage so that the things are more likely to focus on me because I figure if I can whatever I can do to keep the other people alive they're going to be the ones doing damage so if I can if I can keep the monsters attacking me that helps them more uh so I fig that's the best way tank wizard it's very good oh cool okay yeah I don't know what I'm going to go into second for skill tree wise I kind of like the I kind of I don't really want to do anything magic heavy I know I never I'm one of those people in RPG games that if I see there's like a mage class or anything like that or anything magic related I'm usually like not for me I I will say normally what I play at RPG games is always like the ranger the Rogue or like the mark man like a bow and arrow class or like a dual wield like quick attacking weapons like those are the usually the ones that I go into what about Athletics honestly I couldn't tell you what any of the skills are right now I just know the one that I'm going down I'll figure out the rest as I go another in Shadow stream so glad this is coming yeah redacted Moon welcome on in I'm very excited for this today uh should be fun I I'm I don't know I I don't know how many times I can say I can I'm excited about range tanking honestly it could be a fun build if you get enough like stamina so you can keep rolling and everything that could be a really really fun one uh so we'll see how it goes um yeah it should be good let me let me uh let me get us in game cuz I need to get the lobby booted up for everybody else so let me get this rocking um and then we can get in there oh oh oh I need a max player count that'd be awkward okay yeah uh we're just going to be chilling and waiting for everybody else to get in here I said I would call the group in another like two three minutes so I can show youall what I've been working on cuz uh why not check it out already because we're here we're vibing we're doing the things uh this is this is the house now uh once this big bar disappears so last stream we left off it was just the base little guy there uh with our little front wall I figured out how to do like the leveling stuff so you can like this is now Stone and the grass is gone I I really like it in there uh I added this fake chimney around the back unfortunately no campfires that consistently produce smoke in this game uh so it's just a dormant chimney for now I probably need to come through and replace that little wood bit right there with some stone do I have stone on me uh I think I put everything back in the box I did okay so yeah inside I did a little bit of interior organization and everything so we got the Smith he's standing over here he's doing his thing uh I I put the little our cooking place in the corner so you can kind of sit down here next to the hear and get the fire going and everything I probably need to bring that down but as you can see it does have a hole going all the way through so we can go all the get all the smoke out we got the table over there we've got that and then a little staircase that leads up here that we could do something with and you can all the way up here and then there's a bed that we can just you know sleep and chill and right like that so I like it I think it's fun uh I'm really happy with where it's going yeah Shelby's playing today Scott's playing today sausage is playing today um and pix Surs are playing honestly haven't heard from Scott yet so hopefully he's live uh is this the second time you stream this yeah yeah yeah we streamed last Monday checking it out for the very first time and um it was super fun so for those anybody who has played or who hasn't played so this is the world map right here you start right up there we ventured down the hill and we set up our first base here we're still kind of in tutorial land so like you literally start on that Hill like right above my head up there you come down here and we went down here into the Shroud fought some things did that and then we ran over here did this went over there and fought some more things and discovered that point and then now we're supposed to go to there's a tower so We rescued the blacksmith and now I think we need to go to the ancient Spire which is that big tower over there and that that's the point we're at in the game we've only gotten this far uh so now that the game has been out for a little while I would ask that please no spoilers you can give tips uh on what's Happening and where things are going tips are more than welcome I do appreciate those uh please no spoilers on how the game functions or everything like that we're trying to discover it for ourselves and see where it goes uh and should be super fun but yeah please please don't in the sake of being like I have this knowledge please don't ruin it for us because we like to figure it out as we're going um but yeah so this is where I'm going down right now I did merciless attack and I went to here so this is the whole skill tree you can see that there's a tank down here where I'm going there's Warrior there's Barbarian athlete Survivor Beastmaster Ranger assassin trickster wizard healer battle mage battle mage honestly could be kind of fun uh the blink looks cool yeah so I'm kind of going down here my goal is to get nemesis which makes it so that I get uh threat whenever somebody else in the group draws threat uh which means the monsters would attack me and then I'm trying to go there and then so I think I'm going to get rank one Nemesis and if that's enough to hold threat and then I'm going to go into Earth Ora which makes it everybody takes 10% less damage and then I think this is actually going to be really good you'll gain one more Constitution each two levels of the flame so for every two levels that our base here has I think that gives me more health so like that's that's not a bad thing to do um so yeah we'll see how it goes I'm excited for it I I don't know we're going to keep one tip always skill a range weapon because of flying enemies oh yeah that's true that's true so I should probably get a range weapon I don't have one yet uh what's the backpack is a b yeah I don't I'm just being a little Builder boy down here I think I'm going to move all these things to a different hot bar I don't need to bring the rake with me all the time probably but there's my food I'm not using bombs ever so those are fine uh we can put the campfire down though let's put our campfire back yeah yeah we're just going to leave the campfire there uh can I make a range weapon what do I need for that I can make it I can probably make it can you make bows or do I just make it at the table uh weapons one hand and sword nope not you I'm assuming there's somebody else that can make weapons for us later on uh definitely not at there and can I just craft one I can make a bow twigs and string okay I think I have that let's see here uh I can't wait I know there's magic chests that you can get in the game uh that can allow you to just draw the items out if you're in your base and I cannot wait to get those oh I'm I'm very much looking forward to having those uh string I can make a string right here there we go there's that and then we can just make 50 arrows it's not going to be great but it'll be it'll be something uh and then I'm assuming I go here do I have to equip the arrows or no I do have to equip the arrows well no I equip the bow okay so we equip the bow and then what is it to use it is it Q okay so just Q okay easy cool do I have to keep it on my bar then or can I just hit q and it pulls it out oh I don't have to keep it on the bar oh that's really nice okay sweet awesome amazing uh can you just make stuff uh yeah I mean I have a lot of materials in here that we gathered before from the last stream and everything so uh and then I did a little bit more material Gathering off stream oh no bring those back uh just to kind of get ourselves ready to go so I got a bunch more of the metal scraps because those were taking forever to get and then uh that was pretty much it so I'mma call everybody and see who's around and get this thing rocking so might be very loud for a second here but we'll get the group in so oh tab back in the game didn't mean for that how free is the building in this game it's not too bad uh so what you have to do is you get you make these blocks by like Gathering the raw materials and you can turn them into that and then if you pull out a construction Hammer you can enter building mode here by pressing Tab and then you can like even go down to doing like single one by one so like this right here uh we can remove with right click and then we can place the stone back in to finish that wall off there and that that's that's the whole building process so you can do that uh you can do like prefab walls if you want more basic stuff you can do like just a wall along here or something like that uh it makes it super easy those chests are really pretty yeah they did a good job with all of them yeah so you can there's a lot of stuff you can do and you can use this to dig things out and everything so building honestly for a survival game like this that's not like first person like Minecraft they did a good job with the building but you can even make stairs hello well hi there how's it going hi it's going well going well I see we have three fifths of us yeah Scott just said he's having some PC trouble so he's on his he'll be a few minutes late all right cool okay my game was having some trouble so all good all good all good pix were you able to get into the world oh whoops uh I have not tried yet I didn't realize it was like live right now but I can uh yeah you're I the I put the password in the Discord so just don't show that on stream yeah yeah great you're um you're right at the top of the server list so that's really convenient I've not tried joining anybody else's game yet cuz I hosted the one yeah if you're playing with friends they uh they'll pop up at the top which is nice sweet very convenient good job steam I know for once they did something look at them yeah the uh password got starred out anyway so uh oh great yeah and I I seem to be here I'm at the uh the the flame sanctum or whatever it's called do we need to go collect him from like the main room I mean you can if you want to I can also make my way down yeah you can just W you're on a you're not on a new character right like you're just bringing you're bringing one in I I I have actually I have my entire inventory I wasn't sure how much stuff I would bring I brought presents for everybody yeah I I was I jumped into a after we finished this I was like all right we're going to need a lot of metal scraps so I jumped into my like I made a single player world with the same character around world yeah so I just broke all of the metal scrap things in the beginning and then just came back over like came into here and I was like oh wow it is it does bring anything brings everything it's great and it seems like I have you guys Quest progress so that saved like World side not player side interesting okay cool yes yes and no because when I moved back to single like the other world like I had the same quests I have here oh interesting so I have four right now maybe it's like a join somebody else's game versus host your own game kind of thing maybe but either way uh yeah I have a bunch of quests like there's some stuff that I've done in the world where I have this character that you guys haven't done yet but it's just like really minor stuff like building another flame alter somewhere okay gotcha yeah yeah be easy I like what you did with the house yeah you like it I'm I'm pretty happy with it it's I added this whole top section I broke open the roof and built this all out we got all of our Windows a fake upstairs this is a nice little bedroom I got a candle up here it's you I got candle yeah I put the I built a little fireplace out the back I built a chimney come look hello we look identical wow look at us yeah I added this chimney onto the back here oh there's sausage oh my God doesn't it look good yeah how do you build the chimney is it like a rock pile at a time yeah so if you go into the building thing uh the building mode at the top there's the one meter section and you can literally just like play single blocks and there's no physics that I can find in the game so you can just like keep extending things out are going to duel we're going to duel to the day I am an assassin oh my God look at you you're look at your armor and everything my God I wonder if they're actually going to add PVP to this that would be kind of wild I feel like eventually there would be but yeah I don't know oh this a fire wand I didn't realize sorry I I brought the most random collection of stuff from my world CU like my my character class is basically going to do whatever probably but I think it's probably melee style more than thing I did think a lot of stuff from the other world too I started a new world just to play around and get um at least level four and I never got level four cuz the ranking system in SS age forever um but I did get some stuff yeah I'm got a pretty cool looking I'm like halfway to level I'm like 60% I'm I'm like half where am I at I have we got big mace look at this upgrade it's the it's the Empire's campsite Circle let's yeah everybody get around everybody get around everybody Empire 3 welcome yeah actually we do need another chair let me let me the table is for Scott he's just going to like stand here and just he can just stand on it oh there's metal scrap there there's wood logs I forgot how to sit down iide how we sit on these can you not I can't figure out how to sit on the chair now we can't sit on chairs I can sit on the floor oh there we go that's E I eat on the floor I'm just standing through the chair right now there you go yeah so now we welcome everybody to Empire season 3 imagine we just doing it a completely different game this is it all right everybody our our live hours are during these periods this is where the world will be hosted get all your content done oh that's awesome wait Scott's broken he broke him Scott says he's having a little PC trouble we'll be a couple minutes late so I would say we hold off on the Obelisk but we can probably start little things I me everything we pick up we can give to him for today we'll we'll do the opis the the Big Goal I think is the ancient Spire that that kind of moves us forward oh yes uh we can go to the left and do a story of fire over there there's is playing shed oh oh oh oh we go just open the game oh I see you guys found the uh you found the little like Farmhouse and stuff over there as well yeah oh can you see our full map then yeah I can see everything that you guys have explored up to the the north side and the scavenger sash over on the left and yeah yeah left can we story of fire yeah yeah yeah I'm thinking we do story of fire and then we there's another one out there to mend Old Wounds that I have oh I see it yeah they're right next to each other weird a little question I don't have that either left how do I see that actually I don't know where I have that from it must have been a that I picked up oh yeah you could book stuff that you find we'll go over but to update to upgrade our blacksmith again we have to do the ancient Spire so that's how we can get better gear so that interesting yeah what are you guys wearing yeah that's the armor like the Pelt armor stuff hi hi oh hey there he is I I moved like my entire computer set up yesterday like my whole room around so then it was like there certain things for like you know when you're like on the computer like this works and I haven't streamed so then it was like ah why does my Spotify come through the computer noises instead of the Spotify slider I don't know I've sell not fixed that one that one I'll sorry your your computer's not facing north it doesn't work yeah yeah pretty much so it now turned it's turned into like everything is coming through my one system track so I need to after stream figure out how to separate them all again because I meant to have Discord on its own one as well but yeah yeah well hey at least that the stream turned on that's that's a better start talking about yeah we're around the C figure out what we wanted to do before we um before we do anything else I brought presents from my world for everybody yay you can bring things over from your world inventory completely carries that's pretty cool what so um if I right click this and you're nearby I guess I can gift yeah so uh FIP I brought you a ton of Flintstone and uh the found Oh yay I can show you where to get more of these cuz they they're kind of like the game's equivalent of Glowstone I guess and there's a couple places you can find them in caves that are just like really out of the way put them in here what else I got uh Scott I know you're the Caster so I'm just going to give you all of the spells that I found cuz I'm not going to use them thank you my chat can't see it but thank you my game just isn't captured either there we go oh that's nice Wow Thank You So Fire all and heal I'm going to be the best healer yes you are sausage I'm going to give you this really cool sword I found cuz I'm also not going to use this oh my God this is beautiful thank you so much oh I'm going to kill so many people with this I think it is the best sword I have found so far to give this to sausage cuz he's the Assassin oh thank you so much uh Shelby I know you're the ranger right so I can give you some ammo oops I keep meaning to crouch I know what's I found out how to sit earlier what what is the key for that I'm also going to give you a of light that I found in a cave somewhere oh I also have a forest long bow but I don't think it's as good as the bow you already have so you can have this you can have my staff a whisp of light hell yeah all ready we ready we ready Squad we're ready to go do some gaming Scott we were thinking about going to the all the way to the West anybody has corn cloth there should be some in the box may I mean I I did a little bit of material Gathering and just put everything in here yeah I'm going to put my like Shields and stuff in here by the way I will need you to repeat everything you said is as you started speaking sausage also that spokes I heard nothing yeah that's fair that's fair that's fair um I if we go all the way to the left there's a quest called a story of fire I think and I figured we could go there yeah cool I I don't know what it is but I figure it's a good start in point I also brought a ton of shroud wood so I've left that in the chest as well for building later oh I'm going to throw a bunch of runes I had 55 on me I'll throw that in there I'm bringing all my stuff I got a lot of stuff from my other one nice nice nice I brought it I I got some potion hold on I do love the little like front yard that you built for this place that's nice little wall a little I want a little something very cute I thought you could maybe plant trees or something but I haven't figured that out yet maybe later I uh I'm so excited to like stress test how much you can actually build here before the game just breaks yeah like what is it fortnite building when they had creative mode eventually after a while your game would just crash when you place it next thing I'm pretty sure that'll happen here especially cuz there's more or less an infinite volume of earth below you like you you showed us that video of a guy falling down to like where bed rock is yeah there was a just for chats to know there was a video that some dude posted on a redit of him basically just free falling through a tunnel that he made and enshrouded down to the bottom of the world and took him almost a minute to get to the bottom of the world just falling it's crazy yeah he's like Free Falling most of the time and stuff we need more junk chests no we need to be as few as few chests as we can until we get magic chests cuz once we get magic chests we can access the inventory while we're at crafting stations oh true true right now if I'm Salvage if I find any gear that's not as good as the I have I'm just like salvaging it instantly to get runes yeah the runes are big oh I may have just broken the chair I need to leave run away oh you did it too I did the same thing oh we leaving I was resting in the bed I'm coming I just casually I just want to go find something to fight I wanted to attack something fight a guy I'm going commune with the flame first good luck oh let's go I'm just making so much good luck get some good Lu oh I don't want any bones oh torn cloth wow ow okay oh a chest when I was playing this with the other guys plant fibers were in really short supply with five of us so I'm just going to like I'm just going to pick up every plant that I see we were very rough on metal scraps and oh yeahhuh yeah that was of scavengers to get those I think but that's a pain in the butt yeah okay I'm ready to go kill things let's do it I mean we have a quest way up North right an are we going that one yeah that's the main question yeah we were uh that's like the I think that's like our big thing to do today so we can start with that if you all want to I we can go mess around you want to do that yeah yeah I think head over there cuz knowing us will get distracted on the way so yeah true fibers a story of fire that'll I've SE plant fiber I'm all the mushrooms so are we going to cross the bridge then yeah yeah it's my plant fiber yeah that's here yeah oh wait I have the the grappling H finally I can use that yeah we get to gra I don't know did I make one didn't saying e yeah I did I just I W up press e we all got gliders F you got glider and yeah yeah I got all the uh you didn't hit it you fell what it it it turns out if you uh do that the same time as a lot of other people uh you kind of fall off the bridge are you dead or you uh I'm I'm in the Shroud it's fine don't worry I've I've dealt with this before my first time I'm a pro at dying now a lot yeah Ollie was a men yeah that sounds about right who put these here these w't there's usually a dude trying to kill us they're trying to kill I guess the dude's not here no he's right here hi dude where is he oh this actually glows how do you auto lock onto something again middle Mouse click oh does middle Mouse do it as well yeah oh oh I didn't know that that's neat want to remember oh thank goodness my uh my gravestone is still here who and now I can't can't get it oh no it it like it it auto locked onto the grappling hook thing instead of letting me retrieve my stuff there we go okay all right look at that little flamy bit I don't think we've been here required gra okay so we can get SP and we'll wait for p you there a man up here there's a man kill the man murder him I remember to leave enough stamina for flying yeah that might have been what screwed me over last time oh you have to left click ah there we go that's that's how you there's another one down there I'm on it I missed I forgot how little Health we have in this game yeah yeah and the armor we have too we ha perfect there we go I found a wolf they went this way oh I see p oh I got a crackling wand jumping yeah I see you I see you the uh little markers with all your names are actually this is a 14 damage wand with two Mana regen 14 man damage is pretty standard that's what most of the ones are is it like a a rank it's like epic or something yeah it's a rare it's a blue oh that's pretty good H it's all fire damage fine I'll take it okay I me you didn't sound too excited about it so I mean I was joking you can keep it I don't want to take I don't want it to be that every time anyone finds anything magic they we're we're going the wrong way we're going the wrong way oh I just really wanted to float down I'm sorry you can fly off the top of this after we clear it I want to fly to that Tower from here imagine where we going is that the Spire we're going to the big tower we're going to the big tower up here this spire I think the game is like the kind of there's a bunch of towers and the end is you're like clearing them all that's the loose the loosest of loose understandings I have of the game and I'm sure people in chat are like no you're so dumb it's actually this there's a little book over here and a guy crushed under a tree I'm taking his stuff oh he died I saw the glowing book got exper for turning up here yeah I love this all right let's do it turns out exploring is op anything Loreal something hey there's some lore down there oh what is this so the middle is a like the it's a like a Gateway teleporter yeah teleporter and then it's like a labyrinth Dungey type thing at the Top O that's cool are we going we ready Squad yeah yeah let's do let's go eat some berries look at us W lore okay lore where's my berri I think something about there's like levers we have to click on or something I don't it's the way I already know sausage well die I'm a great already low Health why is that yeah that's what I'm saying I'm fine I bone meal in these like trays are you breaking these pots should I break them yeah why not yeah yeah we wax and oh there's like full metal oh lovely I found some wax up here open oh that whole floor is spiky okay oh I found another teleporter this thing I got salt anyone want to make some some seasonings oh what is in here what does this spiky floor do nothing okay whoa what are these Rusty wait wait wait what are those yeah I don't think I need this I oh I got Fireballs I got whisper Light Ice bolt and bandages just Salvage this I hear spells those I didn't hear it yeah you guys got to make it over to me how did you get over uh there's a staircase you walk up and then you grapple somewhere and then you go through a door and then you look IND the Jones in there then you grapple again fun get up there I and there's another there's another teleporter over here after Gra oh neat okay you swing okay I just fell off it mway through I think it was my fault I think I I kind of um you may not have had the you may not have had the stamina you need to make sure you pretty sure I did I think sausage just sabotaged me yeah yeah that was me I didn't know it was PVP sorry PVP gra yay special I'll take the Spells I'll take I'll take okay okay all right all right I get it Scott little heals if you want heals I mean none of are healing spells but I know but if you want me to heal you need to give me other options as well fine fine Scott know I got a crafting thing when it um it it showed me a new recipe when I picked up the bone meal it said it was something like a Magic Shield so maybe we can look into that one get back ooh seems like a blacksmith recipe though ooh okay we ready to go up yeah I already went use it by sausage I can't use it it doesn't let me use okay I'm going now oh he's not allowed it's the lore it's the not allow me to go well that's fiery down there it is is this something I've hit Jesus no I live through that one it's got to be something is there a lever somewhere all right do I do the jump I think I'm going for the jump do you think you can yeah oh oh wall lot of wax in here apparently oh I'm about to fall in make sure you have a lot of stamina cuz you need a lot to be able to get up that thing I found the other telep there as well the other teleporter is not the way the other teleporter but there's these shoot them with an arrow to activate I opened the door that's fine I opened the door oh that's a big old wand look at that mace very cool oneand there was a oneand in there it was a though oh no I followed you oh god well that's your fault where did it go it's your fault you you led me to the wrong area I thought we could make it we could have iow is this what we started or is this the end no that's that's the end I opened the door okay cool oh so only one person had to do it nice nice that's probably good very nice go use the elevator everybody I float oh Taran thank you so much for the four months really appreciate it Robin thank you so much for the Dono earlier y are enjoying and just chilling and stream today for the vies are spes oh I'm going to time so perfectly watch this um I got bone meal too F huh okay dead [Music] slowly done this one opens oh no there's a parkour course over here let's see what's this way that's not the button oh don't oops oh no oh no I can't hurt you right this this is where the double jump skill would have come in handy yeah over jumped it Joy I pushed the button anything else over there no I don't think so but we need to we need to push a button for a a blue one second button you loot Goblin oh I have one I have one I saw that I there was only a there there's a yellow one up there already push oh you push that one okay okay yeah where you have the teleporter over here I know there's just there's there's another oh oh there's heals and stuff in this exciting Mana potion this looks like Scot stuff don't you go without me don't youare go you're going to go steal more stuff I'm just going to go and find this I think we're at the top yeah yeah oh yeah we're at the top let's wait for them okay yeah yeah yeah no way is back in the spike room right you guys I've already run I've run all the way back for the room oh hi hi let's go help him find a button we're going thank you so much for the 18 months really apprciate it oh it took took us all the way down grab the don't take the elevator's going down y'all it takes you to the bottom no oh wait I see something this is going to take us back up oh no we're going to do the whole thing again where did you see the chest with all the magic stuff oh I took it all I can give it to you okay okay there's nothing in you Thief man CH we what about yeah going up there yeah I think it's up that wall can I just climb it no I can't reach it you oh yeah you got it it's got to be up there I think all right Scott I gave you yes thank [Music] you wooho oh so there there was a button there the thing to climb we're trying to catch up again we got we got put to the bottom cuz we uh uh probably the tank so I guess flip I'll take it and give it that's the only in there cuz where is he I'm well I'm coming back up okay now did you fall like all the way down to the bottom of the Tower or something no uh we took the teleporter up because we were going to go do that and then we were like okay cool we'll just we'll go back down and help you guys and it put us all the way to the bottom of the tower oh right it like teleports you back to the bottom of the Tower yeah it sucks you go down you go all the way down yeah like why would it do that are you guys at the fire thing yeah yeah to teleport now we made it I have full bone meal anyway sausage has made up Alchemy and Magic apparently I'm almost back I keep falling off he's falling off he's falling off me oh another ring wow thank you L plus ratio oh no got two rings now oh you got two oh we said give it to the tank yeah I'll take it I mean the other ring is the other have is plus 10 Health Plus Eight stamina so that's I mean that's plus 30 Health now that's that would be H the one the one you get from the guy at the beginning in the Shroud oh yeah sigil ring of Elder guard yeah turns out that guy respawn May sausage needs the health ring look at him no I'm fine I was just speed running the the spikes I'm fine I'm good I'm right here I just need to eat I've seen him survive worse somehow yeah he's not gotot healing us he's not close enough to heal okay I'm going to jump I'm going to jump I'm not going to die I'll be F you EA a two quick bunny I've been eating all the berries easy did anybody go up to that upper little yeah that was where we needed to to get thank you so much what a great healer Ascend is this the top did we make it what's that what's that what's this what's this what's this what's this oh what's this touch it touch it commune with the flame I'm communing SP open fast travel points all over the world and reveal ancient knowledge oh that's cool so we can come back here and glide down basically anywhere we want that's sick oh I like this oh that's going to be fun this is good lore I like check for loot good La good La break everything check loot break everything great must broken now destroy it all break the bench the gods of this place will be very upset with us but I don't care okay so we're their chosen vessels or whatever we can do what we want here true this my house the chosen one or whatever so now we can just teleport here so that's really big oh there's another Elixir well nearby I might go do that there's a small Flint mine for the bridge construction report to the like east of us yeah I see that we want to go check that out we could probably fly to it yeah I was going to say see do you mark it if you mark it did we all see it no directly east remember you can toggle your glider off or on right so we're going to need to cuz you don't have enough stamina to yep I don't know about that um um I can't me I'm dead flying squirrel you're dead no not yet yet just right click and I know I forgot the right click even though it says cancel on the thing I was uh panicking where are we Landing okay I landed on top of the mountain I see this scaffolding down here below the mountain I'm going to land I just wanted the plant fibers that were up here somebody rescue me it's all about doing the weeding once you're here oh I can res some res thank you for some reason something happened and my glider kind of broke something happened as he didn't pay attention to his stamina and no it's not true it's not true that's not true not no not confirmed not confirmed it's not real that it just mine there was a wait P look at this P Flint stone yay yes my favorite building resource the stones the stone that actually y y yay oh know you Yabba daa didn't thank you so much I need to get a new that's a a new glider that will be broken pix just look directly up and while you're mining did it just full on butt shot yeah it's just need to Walk This Way a a little much a little much um are we supposed to be doing this or is there another objective here I'm confused I think this quite literally is the objective yeah I need a better glider maybe I got the flame oh I'm getting T of experience for this wait what I found I found one of those big be plant things that we had to kill before you know the big tentacle thing oh okay I don't how we'd get to it that's so weird I would get somebody send me up there's a wheel so many F Stones Fred and Bonnie and Wilma St is giving like seven experience oh I yeah you get you get experience from like Mining and uh Gathering resources I guess you don't get it from Stone and wood so I was pretty surprised to that you get get it from here oh I got more bombs sausage I got more bombs oh B bombs I love them B bombs they oh that has a that has a chest up here hello oh needs a lockpick sausage do you have lockpicks oh yes I do yes I do I'm an assassin come up here I'm like above you oh I'm coming on on the scaffold nailed it access the chest the best look at him look at him being a little assassin in there and a rogue oh more bombs nice I'm i'me oh I'm going to a mysterious flas see what happens get the wolf is there anything in the Shroud or is it just uh sometimes he for Statics it's my backpack's full oh Jesus Christ did you just mycelium I you're going to die the thing is like you know I didn't notice I had nothing um of stamina on me an aan flow what do I get for eating this hatch plus two spirit H what's Spirit do I'm going to eat one oh it's more Mana oh cool oh that makes okay so Scott's over here doing his his thing yeah I just I run over you get to the flame Shrine you just my bombs pull up pull up please I have stamina and I jumped no land on this oh jeez oh jeez I'm going down oh we're down in the Shroud oh I'm I'm I'm all I'm down I'm way down uhoh uhoh how have y'all messed up this badly right I think we can get out over here I leave I leave you all for five minutes I'm not going to make it I'm also going down oh no not going to make it's okay Shelby we'll figure it out going down are we all trying find way I'll try which way are we leaving I'll try I'll go down in the Shroud with you I think oh I'm not going to make it either uh did you not behind where you all that Hill you all jumped from look pix you see the big spooky thing over there be here with you don't worry we'll die here together oh no come follow me down to that maybe the other way I didn't yeah I was wondering could you just go in from above or could you just GL you can just modify the terrain as you go so why not yeah I I started being like d as m in from from here I found a way out yeah back coming you can kind of use the glider to glitch your way up hills as well it's kind of yeah if you double tap it it like rolls you up the hill it's like full on Skyrim horse style what this is just gliding into it um I I think we can't Glide at that height I think you lose height too fast wait where are you guys trying to go I'm coming over to meet you too I think maybe we can jump onto this and then jump down oh and glide in from here you mean right sorry I'm following you now uh I don't know why I keep eating yeah we found the Shroud route oh I like a good shroud route where you two at oh there's a guy up there wait did you guys jump down in the pit that we were just in on the wall of the pet I got a skill point sweet heck yeah wait did you guys kill the thing yeah it took like three hits it was it wasn't like a dungeon it's just like one of the shoud mushroom things just exists in a cave like that was all it was and now we're like I wonder if we can still get the skill point or not oh yeah did it not come up for you for it'll probably respawn though right so you can probably come back there and get it yeah we just have to restart the world for things to respawn yeah I thought it would just give you it my bad all good yeah I've heard that's that's the big uh annoyance of this game so far is that when you try and play as a group that like if not everybody's there for everything like when you complete it XP share or whatever yeah XP share Works within like a very small vicinity so you have to you can't like do things without people mhm right well me and Scott are currently raiding a farmhouse so we y you going oh there spider I hated that that was Castle it looks a really cool castle look at that there was really nothing in here other than dead spiders there might be some cool stuff in the crates I'm glad I'm not by the spiders there could be a thing hold on like if anything there are no spiders by am and that is good think bit of like metal and animal fur and stuff in here no yeah these houses are decent but they're nothing nothing too crazy you guys get everything yeah I think so I feel like this place is going to be fun to swing around in oh I want to go swing got to be a grapple hook oh wait there's a giant man oh where's the man giant man giant man huge man he looks like Hager I love giant man oh Scott's like I'm spring he's there you see him I don't see him anymore hold on let's see if I can say hi to the friendly sir he might not be there's a there's like bikes and stuff around here is this another Tower no it's like broken oh look over here there's man I see man oh yeah look there's two big men actually there totally not friendly men oh we each get a man we each get a man Scott come I'm on my way yeah there's actually a third man there's three men up here we are big big men big big men big huge men huge big big man the biggest of men the biggest men to show where are these there and there's over there's two over here yeah oh he's oh he's furry too we're going let's try and kill this guy oh let's all let's all get one man together it's like a man B P get the bear man he looks like a purple a Star Wars guy does he have anything good inside him he animal too too bad I'll take his water I'm thirsty wo if he had one I would have taken wait I got you said level three I was already level three what I found a secret door inide it said level three but I'm level four I don't get it jump attack yeah oh bigan coming for me uh all right I'm going to get that and then I need to save skill points so I can start getting other abilities come here dummy oh cool I guess I do that now fell him up jeez oh there's a lot of them up here have we just stumbled upon like Planet of the Apes Fort kind of situation like this is Baran Fort Apes together strong that's why they're they got to start fighting together oh jeez okay there's a there's one has a giant hammer he's got a huge Club oh he's a he it's not it's not a uh a club it's St o magician mag oh I'm out ofra right good job team good job team very nice nice animal fur on him I can't get the stuff you can't get the stuff these days yeah you really loot here I want loot we came for there's a lot of animals her yeah that's not Loop what's this you can break this I'm wondering if there's something out here or if it's just I mean this probably like a little like there's probably something at the top I would assume we're working our way up huh I got oh Scott I got some stuff this says ancient Vault Hunter is that where we're supposed to be going is fireballs and this for you oh I sent that to sausage by accident oh thank you you're welcome you get one of them thank you you're welcome what is this you're welcome for giving that to me it's like I think that guy there is dead because of these things oh no oh this is scary got that did a ton of damage to me that was like 96 damage I got it you got to parkour it a little bit all right we're good and and yep there is a giant lake of lava oh no I assume we can jump that though if we can like Glide over there's a door here I watched F just likey you know that ring that I got that's coming in great yeah I pushed the button I don't know what it did but I pushed something thank you for the heals you can get in here I guess not oh wait maybe it's the button I pushed let me push it again uh nothing nothing hold oh no the oh no uh pressed another button there's there's three buttons three buttons we've already pressed two of those buttons so there's another one somewhere I'm going to try and jump over this all right let's go nailed it oh how'd you get a pie I just gra hit over I'm good sometimes there's chests in the piles of rubble as well so I'm occasionally breaking those to see if there's anything good that's that's nice I want more loot don't go in there sausage oh Jesus thank you so much it all opened so I'm like I feel like we should wait yeah yeah where where where the Villager is probably just on chelby I'm coming wait are we not going in this room is that what you said well we are but what I was saying is that door was shut and then it opened so I was like I'll wait until the group are here because I don't want anything to like happen or shot behind me W I guess he's in the glowing the glowing pod over there these pods right cuz they give So Much Hunter location yeah can do one this one's glowing over here oh yeah yeah yeah awakened he's coming out we got so we got the hunter so now sausage can get armor for like a base set of armor for his stuff oh cool oh does does that mean there's finally a use for all of those scraps of fur that you get full pelts of animal fur yeah so it's not like endgame stuff but like you can get a base armor set off of each of the different type of Crafter that you get and each is themed around like a different class cool so we didn't find the other buttons then we've only found one so far right yeah uh yeah I found one oh you can't break the one the person was two two I think two yeah we have two so far we need one more breaking there's something on the roof maybe looks glid oh yes it's glid I got it I got it it's a gra grapp oh cool a gra I do a lot of good grapple break is it taking damage yeah you got to hit it like 20 something times Jesus well that's not happening small backpack wait back oh wait a minute wait a minute um on the roof this is the Bas oh my of them here I'm looking around get farther up from here oh oh there on oh no look around and of stamina stamina regen is I I'm about to find some talents that skill points that you can get that just make your stamina regen faster yeah anything up here well a way up here oh I can't get up there I fell we have a love letter to Queen jasmino can somebody come to the uh entrance and revive me please oh you're I'm already out here guys this I may have leapt from the roof without any stamina oh no well I got a chest that gives plus two stamina one or a ring sorry two stamina plus one stamina regen if somebody wants it I think I have one of those already ring of stamina I already got two rings so somebody else can take it and my inventory is full so I can't pick up any of this thank you Shelby there's also um a hunter's bow in here that's 10 damage a mace that's 21 damage and then a 14 damage wand no good I have better than that yeah go ahead and Salvage it I don't even have space to pick it up to do that oh there's a chest down there how do we get down there back backp extension I just gave sausage some shrooms oh thank you so much I'll work through guess I'm going pass out in a second um is there anything else in there that's I think we need to goas side you're on I think we need to go down that hill to that little like collection of HS for the oh yeah a love letter to Queen jmin Quest where was that where'd you get that uh text thing for it oh no I see it on the map now yeah yeah okay we we going yeah me as well the queen oh yeah hold up hold up to try not to die this time I want to see if I can just break I saw that I'm just going to go Southern Caravan there's a letter a thing in here I mean it's from Queen Jasmina the queen I did it right this time yay yay I didn't perish me too woohoo oh there's a dead man here I'm sleeping on the dead man oh help me get me off I'm sleeping on the dead man my mistake I'm trying to GA I think dead man can help with that man he's dead a this is gross I'm sleeping on top of him look I got Mana potion in here and health potion if you want I'll take I'll take the Mana potion I think I have yeah I got a few I can give to you e the crunch your inventory is full I can't give you the health the Mana potions why are why is it just not healing you why is it only going to everyone else one oh you'll get a single Target heal spell later that that one's how about the one who needs what I mean is it's just not going to Shelby at all even though she's here Y come over here with me everyone else stay away so uh important thing I just discovered if you try and drink or eat something while you are gliding it does cancel the Glide oh no okay there's some arrows in here Shelby if you want them refuses is it healing you all it's healing you why is he healing me here you know what I'm just going to I'm just going to give you some berries I got mushroom I'll get my health back eventually you you give give you some berries that strange though do we want to teleport back home and like offload everything and then go check out that point to the West cuz we might be able to make some bags with the hunter now that we have the hunter yeah having expanded inventory sounds great yeah I'm I'm going to teleport back and go set him down wait flip do you see that man right here wait there's a man right here wait there is a man right there's two men who are you oh no there's one man yeah kill kill this man he was like on the Rock oh there's like a little scavenger M here oh I want to maybe just a peek a little little it doesn't go anywhere it's just a mine it's just more uh more Flintstone I think uh okay yeah I broke my ankles oh powerful Alchemy okay all right are we uh Waring back then yeah I already back home I'm just going to go peek at this one little guy over here are you peeking hold on you want to peek you peek I just saw a little thing and I was like what is that got the I will accompany the children so that when sausage dies I'm not going to die this that was just a one time thing surviving together grow crops to revive the land oh yeah yeah we got a warpy thingy isn't this a warpy thingy or this is a shroudy racked animal SC there a little thing right here if you want to check out what that is small backpack five torn cloth four dried fur oh what's this oh we need a lot of stuff oh what is this over here wood logs and string okay I will work on the drawing why is he coming for me R knows to pick off the weakest member of the pack that is not true I am an assassin he knew that and he wants to take me out first oh yeah I said the weakest member of the party it's not true say uh oh there's a nice little house over there I like airation right that's a big big blue man big blue man oh no we oh we can F that big blue man oh a drawing rack I'm working on the dry rack right now should we just click only shall we just click alt or t control to Doge the drying rack and then we just need dried fur and a bunch of string oh dude carpets hell yeah carpeting that's carpeting yeah look what you're missing out on by not being back here with us uh cont the rug really ties the room together we're going to put the dry rack right out here sure didn't he definitely did not come didn't revive Shel dri fur Okay no I was looking for a wait I didn't know you were down salt do we have any more salt here I can also heal anybody have salt salt not on me one we need a lot of salt I have some sea salt in my house come back soon I only got one oh Dred fur is how yeah okay got be something I got one dried fur being made right now but we need four I think the way to get salt is down in the the B went off that was so weird where did that come from salt down in the like killing dudes down underneath you can Traverse it quicker in the sh these guys got nice paintings in this house I can't wait for us to have them I'm gonna take this as Minecraft Inspiration this is a very nice bridge building I'm go in the Shroud and go kill some things pick and see who's down there I got a ring of Mana huge good for you nice that is perfect since you are the wizard oh I need two more bone meal for this what are you trying to make uh there's a spectral Shield that I got the recipe for when I picked up the bone meal in the uh the spire and it look like a basically like a Magic Shield oh do you use it instead of like your the wood Shields that we have for the whatever yeah yeah yeah oh there's a grapple over here I see we can get bone meal once we find The Alchemist though I think so I got no idea I don't know how this game works I also have way points for the Carpenter and the farmer okay oh there's a salt mine there okay interesting near The Alchemist Vault so I guess we kind of find that on the way oh did we just get that I haven't I don't I don't know where those I don't I to double check kinds of stuff to the map dude there's like so much stuff right I'm going to home level to fast travel back okay also if we want to upgrade the flame to increase the building area I guess the bosses respawn as well so you can just go and fight the guy in the first elixa well again and he still gives you a SP that's kind of where I'm going right now so I'll see if I can I'll see if I can go kill him real quick teleport back then where do we go um yeah back and we're just kind of exploring and figuring out what the new level two fast travel that is it we're going to the right place hopefully we should also set up another flame somewhere so that we can have a different fast travel Point somewhere away from like the towers and stuff I put stuff away oh I'm in a Jael how happens the best of us so do we need to make like a drying yeah I made a drying R out front already we need more salt okay I left some salt in one of the chests in there but I'm not sure if it's I put one of them on for me for the you just put the salt into the yeah so we need three salt and it'll dry each one we need a lot more salt oh jeez hello is a scout armor probably better for a ranger I don't know yeah yeah yeah they should have like tier bonus sets so if you get all of them you get like bonus damage for something oh ra let's see Pi you want to go down and fight the boss or yeah yeah yeah let's do let's do I'm on my way I'm going start wandering down oh I want the hoodie I want the hoodie I want the Scout hoodie I want it now I can do it now like there's merch I'm in oh yeah give me a second I'm going to look cute before battle things I need fur and Bone so we get another shroud core every time we kill this boss that's kind of nice yeah yeah so you can basically Farm him if you're like oh and the thingies back too the so I wonder if we get another skill point if that's the case that's kind of yeah that's a little op can kind of farm it Farm a little bit all right fell Thunder let's go oh okay um yes we there's one outside oh you did already do that I love about that is the exact conversation I had like 5 minutes ago and it was like oh there's one outside and it's bad that you obviously your selective here just completely igned that entire conversation not a single thing was heard by Shelby on that day oh no skill point no skill point okay you can take the head if you want I already got one I don't know what they do yeah I think they're just for decoration later dud he he dropped an epic axe though oh it's it's the guillotine oh look at this wow look at that oh my God we don't have the answer to where to get salt yet do we where do we get salt uh there's a salt mine marked on the map um it's near where the Alchemist vault is on the uh like Northwest kind location yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm scavenger put that as a way point I'm going to go back home for now and just dump what I just picked up and then teleport to our Tower and then start going towards theault mine sounds good let's go who built another junk chest not me y'all better be depositing stacks and not putting them in different chests I've been looking for the right Stacks so if you click the button in the middle it's like the two arrows and the three dots under it and you click the left deposit Stacks everything that you have in your inventory that's already in there it's just going to put it all in that makes it super [Music] easy I have fur do you just put the fur in the train yeah just throw the fur in there uh and then we need to just keep tossing salt in very cool I'll take that back actually Who's That Somebody went hey oh not the the fur patches no it's we have to turn the fur patches into animal fur ah got so it's 10 patches as one fur I'm going to leave the bone meal and stuff in here as well yeah yeah why can't I put the torn cloth on this stack of torn cloth they only go up to 50 oh all all the stack sizes are different it's a lot to remember yeah it's weird oh okay uh I'm going to go start working towards that salt mine let's go the salt mine doesn't work we just throw a sausage down into the Shroud and somehow salt will be produced I can do it oh there's also an Elixir well here corn cloth corn cloth corn cloth I need corn cloth woodd this is going to be a I'm on my way to the Spire so I can join you okay I am am ready all right I jumped off pick and I landed down on this Tower just to get energy back uh and there's like a raised section of land in the Middle with some houses and it it looks like a town I think we land there and then we explore a further oh yeah dude I'm in let's do this yeah I'm coming as well just teleport to the tower wait tort to Tower time waiting for the squad to roll up I'm coming all right I see we got the FES in chat today make sure the furries are also leing like on the stream though okay every mind but y'all are welcome here as long as you leave a like on the stream everybody's welcome as long as like off the tower it's slightly scary just watching a human plummet yeah I I like was like halfway down and then I turned the elytra on or elytra glider elytra let's go elytra oh I'm going to die let see sausage me watch this watch this uh you're overshooting and bad no I'm not no I'm not he died he died he can get himself he could he I can I can I can respawn him I can respawn him yeah and then you can you can teleport back up to the tower it doesn't let me double tap to to Glide that's why you right click it says cancel on the screen sausage no yeah I get the cancel part but then the reactivate part do we want to do this Elixir well since we're here before we go to the Salt Mine yeah we might yeah what do we do oh bless your sweetheart I think it's one of those uh badly injured so don't just jump off of this I'm a cast Magic on we're going to need to I get go down right whis of Lights uh open a fla glowing whisp that lights the darkness wow yeah I got one of those too wow water does he just stay around you I got a little budy okay he has a duration of five minutes I'm going to drink some water going to eat some down there yeah you guys to find yeah yeah we can yeah we're going down doing a little Z on your location I don't think the alexor things down yeah I think it's on this no it's right down here there's like it's down down yeah they're always oh yeah no it's another one of those dungeons yell timber I got level four oh I landed right on the thing whoa I just learned how to die that was scary yeah the do why am I diving no I have fallen lower oh it's spooky sounding down here slowly not easy there's a man I did it kill the man men in this game men got this yeah we're the women at where the women at asking for a friend I mean ask for a friend oh God there's a creepy thing there's a creepy thing there's a creepy thing I got a lot of dudes over here yeah I'm a wizard I shouldn't have been trying to fight him that close again back somebody got me from the back sorry that was uncalled for he just looked behind me oh I'm learning out I figured out you can Parry oh this is going to be great yeah get wrecked and stab oh wait I forgot I can actually seak attack damage there it is I get plus 10 damage if I sneak him from the back nice just got to be sneaky with it there got to be we'll see when that works you'll see I'm going to start sneaking now instead of going straight into it I forgot to repair my sword before we came here my days oh Jesus oh there's a guy a guy up here oh dude a guy friend him knock him down let me sneak on him let me sneak on him let me sneak on yeah just sneak on him sausage there you go me sneak on him hold let me get behind yeah just sneak on him you got him you got it yeah great job assassin remember um we have troed time so we need to be next to this yeah there's a in the Middle where Scott is yeah yeah you're way ahead of us you're you're so good at this game the the there's a hole here careful you going to do it too no luckily there's a trus you can climb so oh that was scary we almost the hole all right so the hole down the hole we go ow let's go oh oh oh my Electro oh hanging over the side hey you see I'm not the only one okay all at least survived that one wow same thing remembering to keep stamina for like basic movement stuff not want to heal other it doesn't want to heal sh I do not know why why is my St misog oh my God there's a lot of little bugs I just hate women in this game oh no it's like Halo the blood oh is oh yeah ug thingy thing little tentacle monster do you have to break this is that how it works e e no amm there's a guy there's a dude oh there's a a man he was dead wait they're killing the thing wait wait yeah wait until are nearby I ran into the other thing I'm here I'm here fight the guys is there a um a boss here or what no I think it's just one of these it's just like an arena FG is on me how do you kill these things is it like an axe there oh there we go got a skill point another skill point wow huge it's a man kill the man it's a man with a hood get [Music] robbed so much cooler than your sausage I have noide I found this um I got a scorching oneand oh nice dude and he came he came Char oh wait take here take this I'm here I'm here take this get close dude if there's a shield bash build I'm definitely doing that I want to I got to see if there's points for that or not presents for me I found this it's the exact one I had it's just another one nice Mace of Misfortune yes use it better than I did I might try that with my jumping attack that's going to cause some damage m i' got to find something to jump out though this guy this man all right my sword is almost dead so I I'm going Barbarian mode sorry to this man that didn't work I do not know who this man is sorry to this man oo fire damage one look at this thing yeah magic is usually pretty effective against these guys I find or this ah runes I'll take the runes there anything else in here what that I don't think so I think it was just to get the skill point cool oh there you go Shelby he'll do this time blew up yeah I watched it happen I was like this I think I'm saving skill points until I can get like a bigger one cuz that what's that one point now I have five oh no I got four points oh and I need when there are three or more enemies within 20 Met You Suffer 10% less physical damage oo I like that I have six points to use yeah wait let me look oh but that would four of my points if I want to do it I have four five more skill points and I got Nemesis so then I will actually for like everyone here hello is there a one hand weapon inre your movement speed while sneaking o oh I can bugs okay I have a hunter's bow a rusty sword a frozen core wand epic wand A masterful Mace and a shepher star oh I will take all of these oh needs revived oh no I don't think you can get me I'll be honest I think that's a loss in all the items I had see that he it for real you we can't get there at all he's on the red stuff oh no you can't yeah you're dead is that actually not letting me respawn oh you crazy you crazy well it was fine until you Walks from the way I didn't know you were going to jump forward oh yeah your thing came up your your um your little flamy boy back up oh thank God yeah you're good okay oh that was scary wait wait wait dirt road block hello yeah yeah yeah it's a you can you can actually make roads they have they have stuff Road uh there's little bug things not the bug there's also a man I had a lot of stuff in there that's uh I was going I have had enough of men no more men Shelby is done with men got it oh you scared me does anybody have a extra one hand oh God you're just making more of them oh you can break those things yeah you can there's there's mag stuff in here Scott I'm that's good for magic stuff what one oh scrap that's honestly the same one I'm using now I love Fireballs Mine mine's just broken that'll work great thank you you're welcome honestly anything you hit in here seems to just produce more shrouds so I'm like I don't really want to hit anything in here chest over here what else do we have to do in here are we do we do all the things nothing I think we've done everything I think we've done it yeah okay where is the next location Salt Mine saline I want on the ledge okay I think there's a couple of different ways to get down here as well like there's a couple of entrances that seem like they go in different directions yeah I think so there were different places up top too really bad at getting in them uh okay I will say I'm a little annoyed by the sprinting using stamina climbing using stamina grappling using stamina every amaz yeah that's a it's a little much I mean I know you can increase your max stamina but like you need wizard robes or something yeah look I can do this sit here and wait what is that what' you do he wasn't looking he wasn't look oh you're blinking oh you got that one oh I was thinking about going over to that I got 5% more melee damage on my last point and then I one five more skill points and I can I can be the tank cu anytime you guys do damage I do I get equal amount of threat off of it so yes tank me oh I have double jump now hey okay so we want to be going east but we need to find a way out of the Shroud yeah how do we go out of here thank you for the mace but it's really slow so I'm probably not going to use it why don't we just teleport that's why I don't use it that much oh teleport back up and fly over pretty slow I mean where are we trying to go to the thing on the other side salt mine yeah I see we just just go to the sh I fly over yeah we could do that anent SP one uh yep oh I got a frozen cor Frozen I just gave you the wand I found Mage why can't I fast travel oh can you not fast travel in the Shroud we just did oh yeah we just did but timer doesn't let you the orb so we want to go this so yeah if if you don't get a shroud core from every one of those Elixir Wells it's probably a good thing you can Farm the guy at the beginning because like I was expecting there to be a boss in all of those yeah I think yeah I think it's more of like once we unlock all the places becomes a little bit easier sure I've bled on here flim for me you see the lights this is your Runway please land on the runway got it I kind of got got faked out by the fact that I have a double jump now so I double jump and then I activate my glider I need to remember to jump twice are you going to try and make the going wayby way you okay I'm okay I'm gliding I did slip off though I didn't mean to Shelby look what I can do now Shelby watch he's got the blink skill one hey I'm going to let my thing Filly regen and then I will do that oh easy we're we're dropping off the mountain oh this looks lovely oh I want to live here can we move over here yeah can we live here I want to live here we got Tomatoes houses look at that right if there is a um if there is a place that makes sense to set up a flame alter thing we should do that here yeah yeah yeah this could be a good spot this is like our second home now I I opened a secret underground section oh it has a chest doy don't hurt me I love you oo I got don't hurt me oh they got rat problem yeah they do the rats I found the rats will like call on each other and do like a swarm thing cuz I came into the basement and then the old just the back leg screeched and then all ran at me here Scott I got I got oh no I got heals for you l there are a lot of dead bodies in here oh oh is this a an there's an orb in the middle here wood guards what's in it what's in it what's in it what's in it down potion and heal this is spells oh yeah those are the heal spells I just gave you I got more I got seven from that yeah yeah yeah oh you going be the same type yeah yeah anything back here no just a just little thing a wardrobe H there is a doggy yeah oh I leveled level four nice good at I wonder if it really just like was like yeah we need to give a lot of people Mana potions otherwise it's a pain I'm going to put the uh flame alter over here and that way we have a base here and we can fast travel sweet y Hunter is alive perhaps she can reveal a thing or two about survival in the shrouded lands boy I want to go check out this like broken Cathedral thing but look how how big the Farmland is here even just being able to teleport over and gather up all this like that's huge I commune with this flame is this all just plant fiber oh yeah there's some corn can get oh yeah grab oh I'm getting everything let's go oh nice nice nice wood guard Woodard worst days there's lore here all right make sure to read the lore you get your experience it also marks stuff on the map oh there's a spooky man there's a spooky man he's green spooky man where's the spooky man spooky Man's dead on the bench near the he salt a little chest here I see okay I got one salt oh you going down is that going to work I don't know but there is something down there oh I don't know how long it's going to take me to pickaxe my way through this we got it's taking damage I found some stuff what is this nice wait wait wait stand back I'm going to try bombs oh drop down here I just literally dropped down next to a thing that was I got oh in the a little easier yeah I love it that I just got 230 Stone shingle roof blocks oh hell yeah that's a good way to get him oh what's this thing do I saw that one of the uh we can go to has a reward that's bone blocks as well what oh oh Rings Alchemist Rings yeah what's this uh a Lee life R Le life ring I might take that for tanking hit me yeah that sounds great use that there's a swarm of bugs that's killing me I took the the Alchemy ring the other one oh no it's here the bugs are here there crops up here though Roof Garden plus 3% life Le that's big pick oh the the bugs the bugs run pick Pi Pi sweet a man oh Scott come on let me get you some of these balls men let me add it gross no they can come through the door oh there's lots of men all the balls we're being overwhelmed by men oh no have more balls hold on all the BS thank you I have fireballs and and heal balls there's a oh let me get I want points for one all right we got that we got that salt they have salt oh they salt oh heck yeah oh squirrel I'm leaving the bug I'll take the bones in case we get bone blocks later so we're wanting to go slightly more men over here men get him oh there's a swarm of bugs oh no what have I been talking about this whole time they've been here I killed them more more salt more salt nice I think I going to have to finish my backpack at least don't know if there's enough for everybody one backpack at of time is good that's a nice Church Cathedral thing like at the end of the thing it's right at the alar it's a little there's a way to walk down the entire time of course there was oh love it all right I'm going to go back and start my um cuz I can just teleport back so I'll be back in a sec I think we need to go uh West from here in a bit and find The Alchemist cuz that'll probably get us the ability to make salt of our own that salt my chat was saying you have to go into the salt mines and that's really near where the Alchemist is as well so yeah pretty close Egon salt mines sounds like a stop on the tube looks like you have to level up each of your fires to increase their building zones yeah yeah they're individual bases but you can have up to eight of them once you've um upgraded the flame fully I think so they they just make really good fast travel points more than anything I think that was the soling we can all have our own little village we're building yay yay we want to do the do we want to do The Alchemist first uh I don't see the harm in it by way anybody just not have a ring I have ring you like a second plus 10 Health eight stamina ring I'll take it I keep getting hurt and Scott can heal himself but he can't heal me no i k you it worked remember oh yeah it did fix oh there's a thing here yeah I need to make more and there's manyi wolves what am I looking for I can't oh you dare touch me here I have a few arrows that you can have sweet actually here I'll just give you all my wooden ones sweet where you at leveled up wait what number you now four oh all fours okay oh you guys already had it over there okay I'm on way to you yeah they said goodby in the front we don't have we're in the front we're just making sure everything's safe before you guys get here uhing all experience uh-huh somebody in my chat said to mine the dirt that has the flowers in it I guess flowery soil is a thing you can replant elsewhere so we can put flowers around the base oh my God this guy has a cannon oh okay I should be there then there's a man with a cannon he was shooting up in the air it was pretty had a that's cool okay there we go nice actually I guess we need need for right now oh been taking everything oh there's PS I'm here hurry up I was too busy mining some flowers I guess I don't know yeah I picked a few flowers and then I got some Tomatoes I got some Tomatoes too I got oh my God can make tomato Farm yeah we got to start farming that'll be fun yeah I'm excited to see what like the field system looks like like if it's like little we plots or if it's more natural like you can kind of do Minecraft more natural looking Fields you can probably grow stuff around it as well to make it look more natural yeah blocky I think we'll definitely get those plots that we keep finding ooh plus 400 experience like raised beds walking up here yeah yeah yeah this this game is actually Cottage core hello yes it is yeah this is very Cottage core I love it I'm go yeah just do your sneaking thing I'm doing it it's working it's working what there a Bowman get you get like two shots with Mana like two spells and then you run out yeah you you can uh the man of food and everything is what's really important oh there's a lava like the mushroom Scot you cook mushrooms they'll give you plus two intellect which will like double your [Music] Mana leg hey that's my job I killed with so many different ways I'm we got to go in here to get the get the dude I thought I saw another guy o it's nice and shadowy on here yeah oh wow it's sheltered though kind of Vibes oh there is a guy close the door yet stupid that's what you get for oh you can go back up you can have it there's just bombs oh outside there's arrows don't lock War out here if you didn't find look I'm a little busy beating things up inside bear trap help me help somebody take the bear trap off I'm fine water there a bear trap there be careful where was your L and before this explodes nope okay good some of the Scavengers traps when you loot the stuff from them they explode I found that out last like a man there's men in here there's two men in here oh coming where are the men wait where you guys we're upstairs how do you get upstairs the stairs yeah they're stairs stairs it was the it was the way I was like try not to sound condescending but I was like no it's just a staircase for this one there's no there's no grapple there's no climate it's l just a stairc so so what it is p stairs are like ground that goes up yeah it's like it's like ground I'm going to wait for them to get closer Scott uh it's like ground that like kind of goes up at an even Cadence and was a little like rectangular in shape we got an alchemist Alazar oh that's the guy the guy from the LA oh you going repair your equipment here oh good oh awesome oh thank God my things were very bad it's been a while like the the B tier weapons so my a tier stuff was half broken whoever need metal scraps you can fully break them and then repair them again later oh love a balcony oh good I like that is there a um there's usually a flame Shrine near these I wonder if there's one next to this somewhere that we're just like not seeing Oh Point Shelby you got to you got to stop doing that there was one there was one like right ahead of us where we came in yeah not teleport point though oh yeah not teleport no just the oh yeah I wanted to come outside oh more weapons crackling wand Apprentice wand Forest longbow it's all the same stuff when are we going to find a new oneand weapon like I am yeah drling I'm still on a scrappy sword we keep getting twoand weapons but no oneand ones when you Glide you always roll after you okay Shelby all the long bows are Forest long I accidentally grappled and then Dove I thought that was the explosion a mistake as well I'm gonna relax I'm just gonna take a seat okay I'm going to the salt mine let's go to the Salt Mine yay be no dangers in are there any men here no but there's a chest there are men here salt men there's men Sal men even have a Dogg down down with the man there was one running from upstairs there's a third man oh Jesus that might be too many I threw a ball man do I don't want to hurt the dog every video game should have an option to not hurt dogs they're not bad dogs they're just bad dog owners and alternatively or additionally T yeah even more important we could teach them how to be good doggos P towards me I do like this jump attack a lot I got to say I found a legendary ring what's it do oh what does it do it's a ring of endless life is 3% life Le oh yeah we pix and I found one of those earlier suck the life out of people that's cool more Forest longbows I'm not even picking them up at this point I'm just picking them up to salvage things same yeah yeah my inventory is too full to salvage anything what are you holding so much stuff what do you have what have you got so much stuff give it over Apparently one wood log one my celium wait how do I get right those are really important Stu huh where have you gone four tomatoes I keep finding grapples by accident yoinking myself I'm up on this little Hill over here okay yeah which way is this all to M this way here you go Shelby this is oh my mom is calling me oh no sorry Mom sorry Mom I'm playing video games I love the difference of you being like Oh my mom's calling me sorry and then declining it where I'd be like someone's died I need to go sorry Mom there's a man there are men there are men fighting me I need to kill them sorry wait are these not the trees with is it trees with orange leaves or red leaves are the more resin yeah yeah so that's that's a resin tree right there certified resin tree you just knock it down yeah yeah yeah I'll just drop next to Grapple took me okay yeah that's what I keep doing I grappled by mistake I didn't even know there was a grapple there oh so the salt Mone is in the Shroud it's not safe down here yeah there uh they're level fives I don't think we're ready for that um oh I'm already down here so yeah we're going to have to be ready for let's go okay it's okay Pi I did it you all are safe now I'm stuck in a hole here help me there's a bug man watch that's explosive Shelby right next to you oh Jesus big bug the bugs don't have that much health even if they are so where's the salt there's a lot of scrap on where is where where I find where would I find Salt please um in here with the mine salt maybe inside this hole Yeah it was there's a lot of bugs up here so I'm assuming there Sal this way I'm going away by just going back out there was a man on the outside of the coming in get out of here should we go towards man dead me in the face okay he's massing everyone sword guys we're already in theault M it's on the walls you can just it looks like squares it just looks we have been assassinated by a strong is he dead or going I sent jump down like the guy from Avatar the man from avar Jake just killed me it's literally just this oh I got a shroud survival flask what is that means you survive more in the Shroud my sure uh have a bone meal SC I'm having a wizard dual with this man he's losing I will help I shall wizard duel with you oh he's not losing anymore wait how did my backpack get Isa only stack oh no he is a dead wizard now I need to get bettering before they attack instead of judging when they attack yeah it seems like there's like a decent like interval frame you can go for but nothing too crazy lore cra still need a ring yeah I got two more Rings is this salt hold on two rings I have excuse me are you salt I have two the same is this salt I found Salt it's on the walls oh there you you get like five salt per swing as well it's not hard to yeah I'm already up to 19 God I have 50 I have 44 all righty then yeah I got a ton yeah we're good so how do we tell we can't fast travel out of here and we have 3 minutes on shroud timer at least that's what I have I think if you get up to the top of that Hill you might be able to fast travel out it seems like it's a little Oasis at the top how do we get up the hill I think in the main body of the mine there was another slope that went upwards maybe I could be imagining that oh now I have too too much stuff oh okay that's just a dead end then yeah we're dead okay where do I I think I I've got it I've got an idea i' I've got an idea about where I'm where I'm zooming up to I almost died don't do that oh watch out a man big man coming Big Man on Campus run run run not that way F okay this guy don't think it's there's L here okay okay move out the way I'm going to throw a bomb and I'm going to start Shelby Shelby Dodge run behind you I was looking in that chest we must battle this man ah I'm very stuck next to him there we go I got him I got him double jump up here guys trying to make a staircase for us I'm sure it's probably better than this you're not using a staff are you who uses a staff me oh you do okay okay what kind ofage you doing what kind of power uh 17 okay I found one with 17 okay I needed to check if you had better or worse leeding anywhere oh jeez I think Scott's on the right idea here we're we're trying oh no I slipped we're trying to make our way out oh I'm back where we started okay we are back where we started what happens when it it runs over we're going to die we're all going to die we're all going to die uh oh jeez Scott go to the right I think there's a we can like around we should have gone back out where we started cuz that would have been non troud right yeah or we jump then we have one oh yeah we did jump down it says leave now we're all going to die here oh the game did not enjoy me being there yeah I like I like the effort though I got four seconds oh jeez I keep sliding down it just killed me it just killed me it just kill oh wait yeah we could just revive each other see if that works oh yeah we keep climbing up I mean hopefully this works it gives you 30 seconds okay so we need to start moving we need to go I'm out of energy I'm trying to mine okay if you R it if energy just move can you Rive me from there I keep getting knocked down I'm ringel and I got seven seconds then I'm dropping and then I'll start digging thanks no then you need to revive like down no okay I'm immediately I'm dead do we have come back I think so I think I think that's probably the fastest way of doing this I think all of us that was a blood bath oh we're nearby we're not too far away oh we're at this oh I lost all my I lost all my loot all the a lot of the uh consumable stuff gets C materials oh oh the equipment and weapons are good okay okay okay we get not bad oh what the heck happened we need to have a plan to get out of there okayy I think we're on the right way I think we just work on maybe clearing a bit of the path before we jump in this time no no no no no no no don't be S it's fine team it's fine my mom called me because I mailed Pokemon cards to my nephew but someone in the post office stole them out of the envelope what they're not even good Pok cards absolute waste man how did they even know was in there degenerate Behavior truly they were for a little we thought we were we thought we were so much closer to the top than we were yeah yeah you guys I went over why did you drop there look at all these you got to go up and get your loot from there it looks like you can take each other's loot too so be careful which one you grabbed yeah I know which one mine is one level one did we not come down ah the the man has found me again how did we get up here not the man yeah I hate that man that's we thought we were so much closer to getting out that is not where my death point is telling me we are why do we climb up this I think other people have been Bing it oh my gosh oh what I'm I'm uh I'm stuck there you go oh no how uhoh I'm I'm like literally in the scenery I cannot move can you not and there's a and there's a man the man is killing me I will kill the man I I have died I hope you can respawn me I also hope I'm not in the scenery when you do okay all my stuff I literally wedged myself alongside this bridge I have fallen and I can't get up yeah I can be back thank you will I still be in the bridge place now I'm going to start going South because I think I see a potential route out in the landscape all right I'll be I'm coming oh God I hear the bugs still need to get to my Tombstone something blew up next to me what was that yeah I I see a way out I see a way out oh yeah this is it yeah this is it yeah it's better than Mining and Shelby should not continue trying to M oh slippery yeah you can stop like we figure out how to get up this oh no this is very muddy I don't think we can get up here oh I did a flip and a jump and didn't work so close sh oh wait oh no don't fall up okay I think somebody might have picked up my stuff because I don't know where my Tombstone is now all the way down uh there's still a marker on the map there's one like up there on the wall is that mine maybe I hope not if not I mean we'll get all the materials back so yeah I mean I I can mine my way up to it I think it's not a huge deal it's I only have 3 minutes left in the Shroud head out towards where I am when yall get in low like this this is our way out I fell and I died oh no this is it turns out not easy to Traverse I will get Shelby up in a second think we should have beening that yeah no you guys need to come over to our sausage and I yeah yeah we're we're we're good I think we're getting there oh we got going need to be man we can 1 minute 40 we could do that oh we can go up this we just breath and glide uh so there's like some qqb looking rocks in between some mud like at the corner right where pix is right now and I Min a little way to get up those and so you can do that and then if you get to where I'm standing on this rock you can you can teleport okay I'm about to go get my bag I'm not going to lie being able to be to to double jump is very useful right now yeah sounds really nice that okay I'm GNA let you try first or can we just climb this no we cannot there's like little foot foot holes there you can just oh more hello I don't know how to do it foot holes little tiny things we we broke a little tiny bit because the the little slidy rocks is again I'm out just straight up here I just need somebody does somebody else have two dried fur on them cuz I think mine got looted uh I might but uh I need to get out first let me no figure figure a way out I'm just like wait I swear I had some God I don't like how you easily slip rocks aren't slippery like this it's a very muddy area oh I went to the wrong place oh okay I went sausage eating tomatoes is plus two dexterity so that's that's good for you o oh I need okay I don't think I got any 15 seconds okay I'm out the Shroud up here we just stand here oh my God I had three shroud survival flasks in my inventory for plus 2 minutes of shroud time yeah I ac they do me I activ like two of them and it didn't it didn't add time to the timer oh like I don't know how it works cuz I had two of them during that time and it did not help me weird oh where I put the salt just throw it in here yeah I put a ton in there we need to put animal fur all right oh we got a lot yep I got one animal fur I didn't kill any dogs you just knocked me off the wall twins what a plant fiber I tried to knock you off instead it put me to the bottom and got rid of my stamina Get Wrecked I'm on a daring journey to reclaim my stuff from this Hillside you can do it I [Music] believe there's a grapple here if I take the summoning staff out and I can do the I can bring a new person in we should just teleport shall we oh at this point yeah I guess we just needed to we have the hunter so we just got the Al he can he can hang by the fire do you need help [Music] oh X do you need help uh no I should be fine I think do do just learning a lot about stamina management yeah it is annoying torn cloth okay where's the apparently the potion things you need to use before you go into the so I saw it has like a 45 minute timer so okay now I head this way yeah okay biggest upgrade ever he's the new guy backpack yay look Miss Apprentice oh so there are grappling hook things all the way up this Cliff it turns out oh and we just didn't anything you're trying to make the spectral Shield huh uh piic right uh yeah the one with the bone meal and stuff yeah yeah it looks like a little bracer mhm okay I was just curious if it had help like the the casters and stuff world yeah own magic okay so what's this or if we we haven't really found that many guys who attack us using magic but might be worth a look Apprentice Alchemist or Alchemist Apprentice gear uh Scott you want to make this how do I make this a lot of bone meal we can make a grind Stone though I'll get that Flint stone and stone let me find some of that we definitely have some guys not to prank but I have 69 salt I feel like our priority should be making backpacks for everyone before we worry about making the like Scout armor and suchu yeah this looks like it doesn't require I'm just getting the next crafting station down cuz it doesn't make any of the same things oh I can make U oh yes I want some of those health potions okay lot of salt so this we can put bones in and it makes bone meal oh easy cool we have so many bones we got bones on Bones on Bones Bones on Bones oh look at this guy where did all the bones go there's all the bones I'm going to put 50 bones in there make 25 bone meal so did you say we just collect all the thing C deposit stacks and it put in a thing that we've got off already in there yeah yeah yeah dude bug dust heck yes this guy knows what's up love bug dust want some bug dust what's it do okay and then if you make it all the way through and you don't have any Stacks just fill into the last chest or wherever there's open space Oh you can make health potions so easily that's why yeah it's super cheap all right we're doing it we're hanging I need some bones for me oh we still have I need more shroom uh oh my gosh uh Kai thank you so much for becoming a Sporter like an hour ago and Judy thank you so much for the two months I like this Minecraft world crazy what shade can do I know yeah modded Minecraft it's crazy y' I got to use the uh the hammer for this right Hammer where are the Hammers oh the building Hammer yeah yeah yeah I found it it's all good I want to put some flowers around here I want to make it look nice ooh going to make it look so nice is that Tower is glowing like that have you seen that Tower is it is it first yeah that's that's our oh uh moving point light that's cuz we've only unlocked oh that's cool oh wow our map is getting a lot of stuff on it that's pretty cool that's fun yeah I have a I want to do an eternal spell at one point cuz that lets me spell yeah Eternal spell is like an unlimited so you don't need to keep getting yeah true I have a hood so much cooler than before Oh yes we oh you got a hood yes we got we both got hoods Pi there's a y bone meal in there for when you need it so much fashion nice I also put a bunch of our metal scraps in to make a bunch more Metal Sheets uh so those are going to craft down for a while and uh yeah cool I'm going cook some corn on the cob though I'm going to log in I want to log in one day and just organize these chests I do like to do that I do have that meeting this afternoon but after that I can always just have the server open if people want to mess around on here and do some building mind I would say off stream building and everything is okay chilling resource Gathering fine uh but like just don't be completing quests sure no like if you want to keep hanging around here doing little things yeah we also need to figure out if we want to keep this as our town or if we want to like start a new town somewhere else kind of dead right the other Robin thank you so much for the gift member I really do appreciate that thank you so very much for being here I appreciate it yeah I'm not sure like what happens to the farmland and everything as you expand the area I think somebody said there was an issue where like if you're too close to stuff that resets it kind of causes issues with the base building stuff but inside of it yeah just don't uh put any like chests or important stuff there I guess o corn on the C gives two strength I'm about to be eating so much corn on the cough someone take the all the metal scraps cuz there was I have been grabbing some I don't have we don't have a whole lot no um here I'll there's some in the Forge you can take out if you need it there's 42 in there that I had smelting but you can take oh I gave you half of what I took oh thank you two skill points I need three more to get that or I could get another string we need more string we need more uh yeah I thought I had a bunch of torn cloth here I have a ton of string I have like 15 there's a ton of torn cloth like so much yeah loads I Str the uh the chest here with the the salt with the hund things of salt that we have yeah well I I put uh we have a over 100 we have 146 sitting on the Whatchamacallit um mhm on the drying rack so on the drwing rack yeah I need to repair my tools o the flowers look so nice get some I have to be honest with myself about what I'm going to use and not use I'm like hanging on to all of these weapons and I'm like am I going to use this probably not we should just we should just Salvage our old armor right oh you can't what do you do with I when you craft it I've just been deleting my old yeah all Stu you just delete we need more animal fur I'm a wizard like I'm a WI wow look at you you got a hat you're official officially a wizard a hat a hat and a robe wow let me see oh that's nice oh that's actually good that that's good I do hope you get the option to like die stuff different colors cuz I feel like it' be really good to like have different colors of uh wizard outfit I definitely put Arrow back in a chest nice my main Brown Al be I'm just waiting this bone meal takes forever for Wolves yeah I mean most of that bone meal will just stack up as long as the server is up cuz I'm assuming it doesn't process when we're not on but I don't know seems like most of the animal Furs come not from wolves like they comes from like the other little dudes should go find those bear people and kill more of them although I don't know if they respawn surely they respawns all happen when you uh only happen when you restart the server or it's like 2 hours or oh I got you our fire died yeah yeah like just make a new one just in your crafting manual crafting yeah I don't have logs there's a bunch of logs in yeah so it seems like you want to like build a big open area cuz even trees and stuff inside your claims don't respawn but the other things will respawn like trees and rocks don't but sounds like other things do I haven't messed around with the metal blocks yet but the metal blocks look pretty intense so dark what do I do with this ro oh we need to get a bunch of them to upgrade the you need like five five to upgrade the base just throw it in a chest for now what do we do with that guy head that we have oh yeah know I got one of them too one of the um I think I brought one from my other world the next upgrade to the flame that adds like our stat points and everything asks for a scavenger matron head so there's probably another boss somewhere that you need to give the head to like the flame but I guess the first guy wasn't necessary M yeah I I'm curious what his head does like it's just we just hold on to it I was assuming it' be like a you could use it for like upgrading something but I don't know I'm going to say it's decoration you can like mount it on a like a trophy on the wall kind of thing yeah maybe Scott's just on the roof being magical I'm just looking at the map I'm trying to just work out this seems like a good place to study the stars yeah oh star star I'll meet you in the astronomy Tower okay I put more or I put a few more animal fur on so those are going to process heck yeah I need my backpack oh salt backpack backpack some reason my rendering on everything just got really weird everything like no no textures yeah that that happens to me sometimes too I just had it weird like the Shroud timer popped up like oh and went back to full but I was just like I'm I just ran into the house I don't is that a or should I be what are you sorry I've been meaning to tell y'all uh I invited some new friends over and they really like it shroudy in here whips a traitor uh um do we know if can we make um string yes PL fibers yeah okay oh here it is w the hunter the hunter lets you turn the fell Thunder's head into a trophy nice you need two you need wood planks that I have no idea how we make but apparently you and Nails maybe that's why oh we have to go and find that Carpenter cuz there's a carpenter out uh east of here oh yeah one of the that's how we get building stuff that's how we get building stuff I'm going there right away and my like sing world what right now you got like 2 minutes left or something right no I got an hour an hour oh really oh yeah it's 10 sorry I'm I'm I I can't calculate Pacific time does anyone have uh extra plant fiber I put like 80 inside the chest but there's so many yes I have I have 193 Scott how much do you want I I brought a ton from my world and just never put it anywhere I guess uh here you go I'll give you half I will use what I need and put the rest on the chest just been carrying around Plant F because you need it for like bandages and stuff so it's so useful full all our chests are full don't do it Goat don't do it a the goat's doing it a goat no oh I'm doing it too no what are you doing to the goat please the goat just ran off a cliff oh oh that sounds fun oh okay that's fine what so what's the next thing is it the farmer though or is it the carpenter that's the thing they have on on the journal I am very curious about the IDE of farming but I want know what other building materials are in this and thebly like the gateway to that yeah I'm on my way over to him go where is it at east oh I see it all right let's go oh I found a big door but it's closed fast away from here we just got to go no it's just a just a big old walk yeah I'll come this way cuz it's where I need to go for my eternal spell and anyway I love the fact that you can just shovel the NPCs in one house like I get the idea is probably that you build out a village and each person has their own house but you can just put them all in one house yeah I mean I definitely want to start making other buildings and like theme them are around different dudes but yeah it seems like the kind of thing to just do on like a chill stream on your own or like you know single player kind of thing instead of uh I like all the adventuring stuff doing doing that together is fun yeah what is this what yeah this like another yeah I was like like what what oh another fire Shrine this looks like the door's closed I couldn't figure out I don't let me open it oh the door is also very not textured until I walk up to it um okay cool I'm scared to going there let me try oh I think I think I actually came down here before and there's another um another flame alter around here for the the Sparks so I might go grab that oh wait where that looks cool like to the uh south of the one that's stuck into the cliff I'm like running up a hill running up that hill and I think it's over here some yeah there it is there If I Only Could is what little flame Shrine make a deal with this flame apparently um oh let's do a thing with it some stuff to collect oh there's little bench oh how nice that's cute half of this stuff I'm like can I just put this on my shoulder and take it with yeah you're like pick it up Tock it so yeah I have a um I have a spark now oh every time I turn around you're just standing in like a picturesque pose on the edge of a like oh yes the RO is that why is that red World B it says access area oh no but I mean it's like the end of the world it's not necessarily the end of the Early Access that's crazy I didn't know that existed ni room occasionally the glider gets stuck as you're going down hill and I kind of want to stay that way I just want to be able to like looks like you're a little penguin zooming down a hill yeah that's what I'm doing right now yeah if you turn a little bit if you turn a little bit you stay in Glide that's great okay be careful there is a cliff just so aware it does just go off into a cliff yeah you need oh okay I need to oh there's a tentacle man again o That's that red shroud at the bottom are we able to oh through here yet I think the r sh is Just Deadly right yeah oh but there is a plant can we not just fly from here to the plant we can try it can we what's the har in trying do we want to keep somebody behind just in case oh um looks like it works canaries have been sent into the mine oh level five yeah yeah level up come over to me all right let's go make sure we're all here before we kill it oh Jesus here I got hit by something by the way and it did a lot of damage I see that skill points for days hello that thing does that thing does a lot of damage thisw jump attack two yep yes please yeah Scott what I've seen other people say is that if you go like the the Wizard armor like you build like you just don't have armor yeah so it's probably uh cuz like he doesn't do much to me like that wasn't even a quarter of one of my health bars parkour yeah I'm all about having jump okay over here is out with the trout we did it you just need to like run and jump over everything I know Ste yeah I am looking for loot all right so what do we do out here t uh guess we head towards the uh the AL not The Alchemist the uh I have I right up here here did I get a stronger one get it cool my game is like dissociating I feel like it's uh Fireballs keep rubber banding me and stuff magical so it feels so bad having a legendary item or an epic item but then just finding a common wand that does more damage yeah I think at that point like cuz you can enhance them and get extra effects and things on it you think all about modif well it's if you put the if you enhance it and everything but this is definitely one of those games where like you're going to just get random loot that is going to be a lot better I think I stacked my bandages I have another life uh leech chance ring if someone wants it you got a greater Mana potion we oh what what you want it do you need the ring um what is the ring cuz I have fle one oh still two points get him yeah get the dog is he behind me oh my God he's behind me you already got hat shelv you just didn't I was looking at my okay um I was looking at my R so we're headed out yeah Straight Ahead yeah 260 M directly east we're doing it do we ever get mounts in in the future no but you can get better gliders there's a thing here yeah yeah want to ride a wolf wait I'm going to have one of my shroud potions now yeah good plan Mar we don't want to repeat last time he gives you seven minutes on the road just in case oh well speaking of the number seven no really level seven boy oh this guy we're level I don't see a level seven I can't see him but I'm hitting guy loud him in a screen yeah they're all over here they're all over here oh I was on the wrong item oh that's not a sword in fact not a melee weapon let me sne from do attack damage whoa okay that guy does a lot of damage hello I'm healing I'm healing okay I'm dead I'm dead big dead oh D I keep trying to hit Al to sh we if you can stay alive I can revive the other two the uh the orb is really close by so you don't really need to worry about Reviving The or oh oh like I should just I can revive you sh right as you started with a bomb that's my stuff right I think should be yeah you're the only one like gold so yeah yeah yeah watch out don't knock him down don't oh oh oh sorry sorry do we have to go in here I think so all right how do I get back up is there a thing can I can I interest you in a double jump cuz I wanted his loot he dropped the same thing I wanted it turn CLA and spores I wanted it it's bugs Al the carpenter is in like a completely enshrouded one of these that's interesting I got the attention to the bugs somebody killed them all you got the it they're quite easy pick they're quite loud sorry yeah they're pretty squishy though Sor did you say something I can't hear you what sorry I can't hear you over the bugs can you repeat that no I said the bugs areow sorry what oh we're all so funny we're so funny should we should look at jobs as entertainers wow oh my God not that way jump down well is that way but don't know how to get I'm do it little tiny one there you go oh there a there a there a there's a big giant uh floating be I don't know it looks like a Nas ghoul or whatever it's called also just head help me oh get the witch This Witch came from the Moon doesn't have a lot of Health though no it's fine oh yeah did she drop magic just a another up here up here that's so shroud oh there's multiple of them wow oh don't do that don't do that no no no I was wondering why we didn't see a Boss Bar get the witch ah I'm in I'm in a thing yep started I might be able to I might be able to get you I fell in the goop I also fell in the goop yeah you're I'm died I fell to um don't leave me a Shelby here please come back I we'll all just slide in if we we're coming back it's fine oh please help us I was on the is that like I was on the edge it's just that then the animation get you yeah look like we belong to a cult or something we look exactly the same yeah look at us in our hoods I will I will warn you two by the way you realize your shroud 's just going down like you should probably keep going oh okay let's go yeah we should just go where are we going all of I is just reset so all right yep yeah there's a bug spawn point back there so I was killing the N wait what is this sausage here here there's my loot okay sweet oh it came back up thank God I guess we getting scared we need to get some stamina was this my yeah I think mine's the one the is yours the one on the right yeah I think mine is the one on the right can you take get mine what happened oh I can't broken part of the wire oh this one has locks I don't think I had locks oh was that mine yeah that one's yours okay okay I got another shroud call from that other one so yeah I I guess you get them pretty quick if you don't always get them is this a little time thing that can get our timer back no what is this little fire he's just a little fire um I've caught this also so yeah I'm kind get far no I I stopped I really wanted you guys to come with us and you know I just waited I'm on my way I did get a Refresh on my shroud there's another boss to oh I went inside by accident why can't I go in hello I'm in the land ow ow ow this one hurts the witch get the Witch she's on me she's on me she wants me that wasn't the ones get it to stop nice more cloth more cores where's our person they're over here he's over here hi buddy oh a SC Scrappy rake nice Scrappy rake we love a scrappy rake Scrappy rake it's how I describe myself occasionally I'm something of a scrappy rake myself um so I guess there's not a shroud plant here we just kind of leave yeah seems like it it's a little little bug just told us to go this way oh there's a thing right there's Mana potions in here I slip I slip fine okay well that's that's not bad yeah now we know where the carpenter is there's still shroud here while we're over here I think I'm going to go do you want to go to the right and then so like go north so we can do the just want to get out of the Shroud and then look at the M go really hoping there was going be a weapon re point in there but I guess not perfect we did it okay yeah if we go pretty much North yeah okay from here we'll H the Eternal thing so path right here all right my sword is almost broken again oh my gosh a bug only level five bugs though wow oh isn't there an in that baby bugs that's okay baby bugs I got a two hand weapon I can use still so I'm not fully out of it we might find another Anvil too oh we going back in this thing oh we need to cut there's stairs to the left what about to the right over here the train kind of goes up oh if we stay just go in the Shroud but like hug the edge without going this this is a road come over to me oh yeah yeah right here we good way safer wow I'm a speedy wizard got a lot of heavy armor yeah I definitely need to prioritize stamina upgrades on the skill tree now yeah do we want to do this big tower so we have a way point to teleport to yeah we can do that idea very good idea we can glide from the top right here I know how to Glide real good now yeah yeah that that work so well for us last time right yeah yeah we know what we're doing the more we can get figured out throughout here though the better though so I might have to go look and see if there's like a guide on where skill point locations are that like we would have missed already cuz if there's that little plant that you guys found and killed like there's got to be other stuff yeah I I found one kind of in the islands near the first farm that you guys came across last stream and so I think there's one up there too yeah I definitely haven't done that somebody's been chopping trees here and there's a bunch of those little like flame Shrine things oh yeah I got markers added oh I think points now for something important do I have enough I need two more points and then I can be the ultimate tanky boy oh let me see how far am I oh I got some points I got three so when I hit level six I can I can start actually being a tank increase your endurance increas things will all attack me instead of you guys yeah I got some stamina and I increased Ranger I power point into necr mancy oh the best of man fancy so now if I kill things there's a 10% chance they turn into a friendly wisp yes that's cool a wisp nice oh wisps that's cute too oh I love with all right I'm up in the tower already okay on my way Speedy man coming Scot I are ascending Ying we hands he tickles when you do that go my body there something to open the door I imagine yeah I just got the two buttons okay well I'm going up to the second floor if you can all catch up to me cuz I've did that really quickly actually we just done around I know already been here I did the first floor sorry you got all the loot already there's only one sh there's all these ears though they don't usually have much are these closed Yep they're not popping up now all right will as soon as i y okay there are ah got a little bit stabbed there no problem there's a door here there is a door here oh God there's a bunch of spiky boys here watch out thank you boys ah just go fast you'll be fine speed I I am so quick chest oh more potions greater health potion oh we can wait how do show we not yet that's so strange why would it let why would't it let us floing up the elevator I am ascending oh there AO spiky here oh God you're going to die oh you're dead how do we get that oh oh wait is there something turn it off for us I'm going back for it turn it off I'm coming back down turn it off good look have fun turn it off you're not turning anything off in there there's no way to turn it off I didn't see a button there has it doesn't really unlock anything I don't think it's just it just a shortcut shortcut yeah that thing poked me Po don't worry there's some lightning balls you got to dodge at the next layer balls I know where to grab oh wait there's a chest I've got a lock I did time for lightning balls ow I was off the floor yay got more play they're like no double jump does not going to break the game all right oh yeah you can you can push it push it push it push it push it push it go push it push it yeah go push it go you push it no you go push it no no no you just no you got to stand on it for the door to open yeah yeah you can you door you you got yeah but if you if you stand on it the door will open then yeah you're right it will P I got to get out no I hit the wrong button no by I got loot oh no I float yeah you do oh we're the wrong way no I fell too I ran out of stamina I'm glad you can go through sh oh Jesus there's just a button up here guys I've hit the button hit that button that's it then where do we go is there anything else this chest is already looted and all that there's another another chest there that who do we get I want it there's a landing over there and then there how did you get up there I'm rich there's a uh grappling point up here no I and and I fell on the spike room oh no that's what we did oh the spikes are off we're okay yeah they are off it's fine it's funny though I got to get all my they weren't off when sausage and I fell on him oh that hurt that hurt real bad I feel like you almost need to go back and get the rested bonus so you can get the extra stamina goldest oh I stuff stupid hole I give up I'm going up stupid hole of stuff okay I'm going to have to share lots of this I think unlock the location where let's see I let the alar commune with the F no how am I out of Stam again what wait where's the way on this one I don't know if I have enough stamina to did it get all the way across where are we supposed to go ah is it this room was it this one yeah it's a room next to the spikes to go up this one yeah a small little little boxy I mean if you unlock the Fast Travel point eventually we can just like yeah don't have to go up there like God I don't know if I can get to the top of this okay now that we're near each other I have gifts maybe what' you get what' you get what you get what' you get what' you get what' you get with the flame sickness andness new bow for me that's better exciting oh who's using a mace anybody is a one hand or a two hand I believe this is two hand where how much damage is it Scott I'm giving you all my spells o o if it's I oh here oh wait no I just got a level 30 axe so I'm good take that unless it's a one hand if it's a oneand I'll take it if it's a two hand I'm pretty sure it's not I'm still what level's the mace I have a 21 mace epic one oh you have the same one that I had this one replaces mine I'm just going to go back home and deposit the spark in the core and then come back probably for this might be for you take a look at that have another I need to figure out how to upgrade the things I actually got it if somebody else needs the level seven 30 damage for oh Scott left no more gifts oh I'm here I'm here just looking at the view okay wow a man potion 20 damage range shepher lightning staff oh I gift that to sausage by accident CU his name what you give me oh I'll give it back give that to Scott umft all four for you Glen Coco you go Glen CoCo Scott see if you want that I don't know if you do or not s did your mace uh legendary right no oh wait let me check it's a oh yeah that's a level seven me's a level five so is an epic level 21 uh there's a legendary level 21 I don't know if that's better or not oh it's cooler it's glowing orange and one more possibly for Scott I'm just going to send everything over to you if you want to salvage It Go For It guys all right with you if I put the carpenter down in this house yeah yeah yeah oh yeah put them in that's all my gifts we're like big time shroud to get to where Scott wants to go yeah I want to go like down here I'm putting a shroud timer hey he's actually shorter than us are we ready where where we flading to uh I'm going to aim for do you see that kind of like Tower that's got like a lot of FL bits yeah oh do you want to do that okay that way I think that's where we going for the the thing right I think so yeah let's do let's do okay I'm off oh you're showing off with your new fancy ability me never never I floa in oh I'm making it all the way Scott no neither of I have landed oh behind behind you I like your hat it's a good hat thank you it's a very good hat yeah the one disadvantage of accident I didn't even mean to do my blink but it takes stamina so I head there don't go got get some shroud liquid going around I think actually I'm not going to use the life steal I'm going to use the stamina ring I have instead anyone else want the life steal legendary ring I already got one so I think I'm S I feel I could probably take that okay so I got two rings eight stamina 3% guys there's a little way across the red but you all run past STP here like only 3% probably is not that much like it's it's also a chance at doing 3% yeah oh is it Oh I thought it was every hit yeah guys you're being followed by a bug just saying it's not it's not I di why did you go into the H I landed on the hill and I slipped hang on hang on I followed everybody almost bus we seem to have gone faster oh okay yeah I don't think I can revive you Shelby if I get down it seems to be down there oh no things exploding on you that'll cut your shroud timer down so many bug people and now it seems to be it seems to be down looking atap okay all right cool now where were we up here no well we want to go down Tech you yeah I'm going to try and find a path we down yeah I'm trying to seeing what I can find over here I'm down to only 3 minutes on shroud timer already though yeah I'm on two because I touched the red but I might run I think I'm going to run to the what I think is the path Edge and just hope that I get out of down here what is that thing oh a thing puling over there what is that oh don't do what I did oh God no oh there is a there's like a path here okay follow you there I mean yeah I don't two minutes is enough to do this or not but oh no this might get us out for a second yeah I I'm going go I need to find a way out I think this is definitely right though like this feels oh this is still the Shroud here sausage come over this way wait oh I see it okay we're too far the wrong way yeah my thing's yelling at me to leave and I'm like where uhoh how do I go I slip yeah I can see why upgrading the flame is a really good idea later on because it gives you more time in the Shroud and I'm like yeah I'd love that right now yeah the ways I attempted to go to get out are not the right way and now I think I'm going to die in here oh God is that not a good way out no um is a bunch of bad guys at the end of this part bugs not the Bugs oh that's a red don't go Jes I'm walking right into that okay yeah this shroud timer thing we really got to figure out how to upgrade that oh red goopies or red this way maybe it's a square of red goopies completely oh no I'm just going to respawn try and get back oh that's not I think that's for me oh yeah you just maybe I can make a a thing here oh wait no I got it okay okay make a thing yeah I'm going to die here and then have to come back to my stuff I've gone too far the wrong way I die I I will just respawn go to the Tower and then jump down I wish you could move while in the map I think that it would be nice yeah you get it yeah I'm out oh I can breathe oh we did it God the survivors we did I can't believe oh no all the way over there diving into the sh and coming back out again I'm going I'm going to keep going who died right here trying to find there's a red me don't touch it come on Mo oh yeah you're really close W you were right there so close away go away go away I'm headed back for my uh gravestone as well yay okay I got a full seven minutes I'm going to I'm going to use it I'm going to claim drink one of my portions and then go in drink now I can seven home I I don't have seven I have six I have eight oh no where are you guys can lay up that way X any luck over there uh I'm getting back to my stuff easily enough oh oh I found the buried to it's at me I died right at I don't think that there's any way you can get to Yep this is definitely the quest okay apparently I didn't have a whole lot of stuff spiders how where you go how do I get down there you're underne there spiders everywhere no oh I'm coming you don't like skeleton like bones or spiders do not come down here if you are ill disposed to spiders oh this is lit the whole thing up that's nice do not attempt yeah oh oh that's a scary thing right there attack this new this new axe does so much damage a big boy cany Bloody see there's a thing here what is that Resto your shroud time it you um you yeah there's a little tomb area shall we you'll see like a little building C entrance you just go in that down lower um if you're seeing you're above us directly above you weapon sausage don't do too much I'll go and try I think I've already found the end here the last we can wait till oh yeah leave this is for uh is there anything in here doesn't oh yeah eternal ice bolt yeah that's for Scott okay I'm here some good stuff I got oh I see sweet that's huge oh here take these I got a bunch oh wow actually a load of flasks in here as well oh sweet these places have a lot of like walls that slide open and there's chests inside so keep an eye out for those oh I here yeah how do you know if they slide open mostly it's just like a blank wall with what looks like a little recessed section of stone in there but most of these are like decorated so it's not really those like there's one right by the entrance I can show you so you know what to look for it's like this it looks like that see and so you walk up and it just lets you open it right should we leave I think that is uh that's the question here if you guys got everything you wanted to yeah yeah so you want to go back this way are we headed back home and like get out of here and teleport back home fast travel yeah I think so wherever's the quickest way out of this round glad I came back shout out to Rocket League a bunch of people on my steam are playing rocket league tonight apparently just pop up playing it and then like yeah they they'll all be playing it together in the Discord yeah this is the way looks sick scary yeah we we cut out a little hole in the wall to climb up safe perfect I'm a wizard you're a wizard Scott have spell wizard I can just cast as much as I want I mean Mana dependent but that's fun that's cool D look how much of the map there still is to the east that's insane so much yeah this proba SP for me to call it anyway yeah okay all right what's this dude do it mostly goes oi o where is he and then the other one goes hey hey oh I can build an actual fireplace look at this little dwarf I like himy hey hey also a small magic chest that apparently has increased storage if you have put magical items in it but it need small magic chests are uh we can access the inventory when working at crafting stations so we want to do that oh sick yeah yeah yeah they're huge so yeah that I think we're still on team get everybody bags and then we go team we need to get full magic chest yeah oh we can make so much lighting now there's so many LS and there's like polished double doors and stuff oh that looks ni lad there's bathroom furniture there's actual toilets in this game base no there is not research get in I put a brazer outside cuz I made it thinking it would be small it was not it's large oh no oh that's cool does anybody have a shroud core on them you're just like burning the fur I want a wooden bathtub I want to take a bath I I put the Shroud cores in the um yeah we have four right now and we need five to upgrade let me see I sh there's just a single blue big blue ball Co thank you for the ring you're welcome is this theer summoning that is massive that's cool I love it o can't even you can't even cook cor it is the other thing no let's put it in the middle for our fireplace cuz this will probably last forever okay dude it keeps adding so much stuff to the map this game is kind of enormous yeah know this game is huge from what I've seen yeah the carpenter this so many more building materials I'm just like give me all of the stuff also this is only Early Access right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they're they're planning on adding more to it it looks like a witch being burned alive right now open the carpet hat the pointing hat the fire a wit being burned alive but having a surpr surprisingly Pleasant time yeah um yeah this was fine I'm going to probably wrap up here but obviously he's can play for her a bit longer if you want like Shelby and flied last time and then yeah it was hilarious because I was in your stream Shelby when you were like I'm surprised hasn't come in saying like why are you two not play or why are you playing we thought we were ending kind of thing I was like really disrespectful yo I'm going to go and end so I will catch you all later can't cook at this okay so I need to put the other fireplace back down cuz we can't cook at the the one that I just got that's a bummer the blacksmith just gave me a quest he was like somebody around here stolen my equipment chest turns out it was the Carpenter and he put it halfway up the map it's to the north of here and it's so far away oh that's me I'm like why why you it there apparently it's like uh there's a town called di adwin right really close to there and the Quest for it says diad win and it's building blocks and I'm like that's where I'm going oh good lord yeah this game is massive dude this is so fun we haven't even gotten close to what we can do yet oh I dropped my string not the string the string I want to make a toilet yeah the sausages new uh new vocation Master Plumber yes I can clean all your pipes oh there um yeah I might have to get going as well folks yeah I think I'm going to wrap up here in a minute incredible though this has been I do want to play a lot more of this yeah yeah unfortunately I have Minecraft to record today but uh otherwise I would be here the tragic life of a content creator season 3 oh don't start that Shelby excuse me if we start saying it that's the problem com this this is this is okay yeah yeah okay yeah got spoiler spoiler warning spoiler War this world we need to uh we're each going to put like the flame things out there to start different bases and those are going to be our Empires and we'll see you yeah I'm going to make a little thr I'll be the king yeah all right folks this been fun right by have a good bye all right chat we have done it I think I'm going to call it there today too as well thank you all so very much for hanging now we got a much smaller Chiller stream hope you all did enjoy uh all of the fun times working on this and everything so if y'all want to keep seeing more I'm hoping that we can keep them going um with uh I I'm hoping we're going to keep these going on Mondays and just kind of see see where it lands uh so yeah should be super fun I'm really excited Empire USP and shoud exactly yeah yeah yeah I thought you were an shrouded streamer now what is this Minecraft thing I know yeah we'll see where it goes for the next week who knows but yeah thank you so very much for hanging I really do appreciate it I'm gon get out of here before I get too late I got to go grab lunch before I got a meeting coming up soon so I need to get that stuff going but thank you all so very much for being here have a lovely Rusty your day evening night all that cool stuff but ah we'll catch y'all on the flip side bye w
Channel: fWhip
Views: 18,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fWhip, fWhip Enshrouded, Enshrouded first time playing, Enshrouded Survival, Building in Enshrouded, Enshrouded gameplay, Enshrouded Survival Let's Play, Enshrouded first 2 hours, Enshrouded Mythicalsausage, Enshrouded Shubble, Enshrouded Smajor, Enshrouded fWhip, Enshrouded Coop, enshrouded village, enshrouded building a village, building a village in enshrouded, building a village
Id: gh9i1oa9QEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 47sec (9887 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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