I'm building a SaaS Startup from scratch (SOLO)

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what's up everyone if you clicked on this video then you have officially joined my startup journey where i take an idea and turn it into a sass and hopefully provide great services to my community like you guys and to other people around the world and also make some money because that is obviously the idea of also creating a software as a service to make some money but also to provide great services now this video series is not going to be like the ones you have previously seen on youtube i'm not going to show you how i get out of bed or what i eat for breakfast or 50 different angles of my beautiful face this video series is about the raw stuff it's about the concrete information that are actually really important all the good things and all the terrible things that are going to go on so if you are looking for something like this if you're looking to really see what it's like to create a sas product and to build up a startup that hopefully might be successful then you should definitely consider subscribing if you're not subscribed to my channel as of yet [Music] now to give you more context of what this video series is going to cover we're going to talk about ideas and how they evolve uh we're going to discuss the decisions i make and why i make those decisions uh we're going to talk about the financial aspects of it what i spend my money on how much money i've made i'm going to be extremely transparent about that we're going to talk about the technology i use what stack i use why i'm using this specific type of technology why it's going to benefit me we're going to cover all of that we're also going to look into the amount of time and effort i put into things yes you will see me copy and paste code from the internet yes you're going to see me ask uncle google stupid ass questions of maybe how to filter something out of an array even though i'm an experienced web developer we all do it and we need people to understand that that is normal you are coming along on this journey to see a dude go for all the hardships all the successes and just see the real raw reality of building a startup now in today's video i want to cover three important things i want to talk about the idea which i came up with and give you a bit of context on that i want to show you what i've already implemented in the ui and the functionality of the code and i also want to discuss very briefly about the stack that i'm using and why i have decided to use it so without any further ado let's discuss the idea let me give you some background and enjoy now the idea i have is a platform that allows me and other people to add courses and teach people it's basically going to be an education platform now i know you may be like oh but phillip you know there is like udemy and there's teachable and there's coursera and there's all these other platforms that already exist that do the same thing how are you going to stand out well a lot of the platforms that do offer services where you can create your own course or you can purchase a course and and learn something they're built in a way that totally drives money but it doesn't focus so much on the actual experience of the person who's learning stuff yeah they just offer a platform for uploading your videos and providing a piece of text but that's where it ends and with education and learning especially to code there is so much more that you can do to really make it an interactive process and really allow people to learn better and understand things because a lot of the time with these courses you watch like six or seven or eight of videos and then suddenly you realize that what you've watched in the first one you've already forgotten and that's kind of the thing that we're going to try and uh you know fix and make better and really have people feel how amazing learning can be the other thing i want to make as part of the platform is a social community of developers of people that can interact with each other and ask questions now what i hate that we have currently out now is how stack overflow and how reddit whenever you post a question no matter how simple it may be you get criticized on why are you posting this question this question was asked before oh this is a goddamn duplicate delete delete block block oh piss off you know and instantly as a new developer you post your question you get absolute hate and people criticize you for what the hell have you done how dare you post a question and suddenly you feel absolutely hopeless and i've been in that situation so many times so i want to create a platform where developers can really ask a simple question and not get criticized over it but all they can do is get help who gives a if it's a duplicate or not like just relax it's a question let people ask the question and let it be answered and let them move on and continue learning so that is definitely something that i also want to work on now i'm talking about all of this stuff and it's a lot of work it really translates to a lot a lot of effort to create something like this so the way i want to approach it is i personally can create a course and yes i will you'll get two courses from me uh one about you know really creative web development css and animations and the other one about like 3gs and gsa blender and doing all that fun stuff so those are the things i would want to host on there so essentially i'll firstly create a platform that allows me to host my own courses and for you guys to be able to purchase them and go through them and then i'm going to expand to allow external people to register as teachers and add their own courses and gain revenue from that and then finally expand the platform to also offer a community where we all as teachers and students can interact together to help each other learn to answer questions and just serve as the most epic developer community on the web so you guys as a community you can really help me out i want you guys to interact with me to give me criticism so what you think is wrong to give me feedback to tell me what you loved i want to hear all of it and i want to use the youtube community to actually discuss all of this stuff so now from here i want to jump in and show you guys what i've built so far how it works and as i'm doing that i'll explain the technology i'm using and why i've decided to use it and i still haven't picked all of it it's just the basic stuff because i wanted to jump right into it so what you see here is my homepage i know amazing now a lot of you are probably like well philip why are you not sticking to the concepts why are you not doing mobile first why are you creating the ui before any functionality and bear with me there's pretty much absolutely no functionality in this at this point and the answer to that is because i can why not people have different ways of doing things i know there's concepts and there's rules of creating things to make it maybe a little bit easier but i find myself more motivated when i'm looking at some really sexy ui so this is exactly my explanation and you can't argue with that now this is the home page now what have i used to create this application well i've used next js next.js is a framework for building production applications not only a really easy way to manipulate front-end and build reusable components but also it has an integrated back-end you basically have the functionality to trigger api requests and deal with all that back-end data in nextgs all in one framework without having to jump in between and start servers and whatnot also it's very logical because for example there is structures to the code i'll show you really quickly for example if i have my pages if i create a account or an index or a login page it will be like slash login and that page will be reflected under that slash path uh so that's a really nice thing obviously if i have my api and then that folder structure relates to that actual url that i'm going to call so there is obviously great logic here and then that front-end and back-end has this nice separation in xjs obviously there's so many other benefits but this is just the overall overall idea of how it works i have created some components which are reusable so you'll see that this whole box here actually stays the same but the content inside it changes and that's the way we can actually reuse components i have this login doesn't work at all you can click forgot your password takes you to the recover account as you can see same kind of box uses the same components very reusable very quick to make then we can actually join the journey and this is where i've implemented some functionality the idea of joining and creating an account is for it to be fun is for it to be interactive and is for it to be a really fast and simple process so i've already written a lot of the validation for this email so if i actually create an account actually let's go with like hello at developerphilip.com and see it's not valid but now it's going to be valid it's instant validation um and as soon as you see it being validated the button actually is enabled so uh i want to go with hello at developerphilip.com now we can move on to creating the password well of course i had to be a little bit bougie and i had to create something else and i think this is a nice visual way to let people know uh you know and and have fun with creating a password to make sure that it actually is qualified to the actual standards of a secure password now i'm going to enable the i which actually blinks and opens up if you click it and i'm going to type a password a password that's secure and as you saw whenever i typed a lowercase it highlighted lowercase when i went over eight characters it toggled the eight characters and i'm going to type a capital letter and i'm going to type a special collector character and as soon as all of these are validated well then i can have the next button enabled and i can go to the next step here you know we can enter the details uh no validation here developer philip philip and my surname grabowski and if i click next here is where i'm going to allow people to optionally add a payment method to make purchasing courses much simpler later on where here it is going to collect uh the card number it's going to collect um the expiry date and that cvc uh we can't store that it's it's a very bad practice and you should never do that so whenever they purchase they'll just enter the cvc and it's going to be a really fast checkout process for now we can skip it and look at that congratulations four out of four steps have been completed and so you know when you explore you go onto the account page and it's going to say your name here none of that is implemented but if we actually go into mongodb and i refresh this page what you will see is that it has actually added a user with the email the hashed password that i've already done username name and surname now let's log out and let's try and create an account again with that same password or not password goddamn email so hello at developerphilip.comma email is already taken do you see how fast that was now there is a really cool thing that i did here every time if i open up the inspect panel and uh if we go into network i'll just clear this every time an ad symbol is the last character of this email what it does is it creates a request to the database and fetches all the emails of the users that start with this hello at phrase and it could be different now if we look here if we look at the response what we can actually see is that well this is the only email that's already there so now when i actually go ahead and type this whole thing out we can do really fast uh developer philip validation whereas if it exists well it's already taken and i can't do that and you know some might be cheeky and click on the button and be like oh yeah i'm gonna be a cheeky boy and i'm gonna take out this disable link and uh oh yeah the bottom is gonna be instantly enabled and i can just click next no no you can't there is absolutely no way you can get to the next stage if you haven't filled out a proper email address so this is basically all the functionality that i did so far there's nothing more than that and now why have i decided to use mongodb well it's really fast and it's extremely secure so that's the reason why i decided to use i also was thinking of using maybe firebase just for a more like visual and nice kind of view but firebase is not as secure as and considering i'm going to be storing like you know car details uh well you know it has to be extremely secure and obviously those card and numbers and those expiry dates they're going to be hashed with a very secure hash uh so absolutely no freaking way even if you get access to the database there's no way uh you're going to be able to break that hash i really want you guys feedback on what you think of it so far any things you didn't like any things that might complicate uh you know the user process maybe things i should add maybe things i didn't consider let's have a discussion in the comments and if you enjoyed this video please smash the thumbs up i hope it doesn't flop uh it's really important doesn't because i really want this series to continue motivating me so i went over a video as well well i'm going to get a huge boost of motivation and i'm really going to grind at this startup so again thank you very much guys for watching and as always i'll see you in the next startup video bye [Music] you
Channel: Developer Filip
Views: 122,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I'm building a SaaS Startup from scratch, building a startup, web developer builds startup, creative developer builiding startup, startup journey as a web developer, creating a saas product, building a saas startup, web developer builds saas startup, my startup journey, building a startup from scratch, startup journey, developer filip, startup ideas, nextjs, building an online business, making money as a web developer, make money from coding, making money by building startup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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