I'm Boss ! Safety Standards Not For You ! The Company Director Lost Millions of Dollars r/ProRevenge

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hello friends and welcome back to r pro revenge and today we have another set of crazy revenge stories for you but before we begin don't forget to subscribe to our channel leave comments so we know what kind of stories you love the most she kept the receipts and got the vice principal removed from his job my best friend karen is a first grade teacher and as soon as she told me this story it gave me such a justice boner that i knew i had to retell it here two years ago karen had a student named xavier sweet little six-year-old boy when things were good but his parents had just gotten divorced his mom wasn't that great even before she was out of the picture and his dad was quite disengaged from both his son's behavior and his iep individualized education plan rather understandably xavier acted out in class he'd refuse to listen to karen push other kids and disrupt class in more ways than i could possibly list now karen worked her butt off with xavier to improve his behavior and get his dad more involved in a positive way she'd often call me and talk about it to decompress because that's what friends are for but occasionally xavier went too far and did something she just couldn't deal with in class like trying to stab another student in the hand with a pencil on those occasions she wrote him up with a referral and sent him to the vice principal but surprise surprise vp was absolutely no help whatsoever he'd joke around with xavier refused to address the problem karen sent xavier there for give him candy then lecture karen for writing up a six-year-old for any reason because it reflected badly on vp i'm pretty sure this has to do with the bullcrap known as merit pay but whatever unfortunately his actions made it significantly harder for karen to help xavier to top it all off karen figured out after a few referrals that vp logged into the system and erased each of xavier's referrals thus erasing all evidence of xavier's pattern of behavior in a word this is bad i know nothing about education but i damn well know that much my brother was a holy tear in elementary school and got in so much trouble from third to sixth grades the both the principal and vice principal were on a first name basis with my mom those records sure didn't disappear not into the shredder and certainly not into the digital either she reported this to her higher-ups who weren't vp but they both told him about the complaint and specified that karen was the one making the complaint vp was cold and rude with her after that nothing was done about it because it seemed to be a one-time thing but now karen knew what to do every time she had to write xavier up again which blessedly began less often as the year went on she meticulously documented everything herself sent herself all the relevant stuff save the emails the whole shebang by the end of the year xavier's behavior has greatly improved thanks to her mentoring and the various ways she learned how to engage him in the classroom she even talked to his second grade teacher to make sure the woman knew how to work with xavier god karen went above and beyond for this child partway through the next school year the higher-ups come talk to karen again even though nothing was done about her complaint the previous year a record had been made of it as it turns out another teacher had reported vp for doing the exact same thing to her as he'd done to karen if she had anything related to her own ordeal they wanted to see it oh boy did she she gave them every single digital receipt she'd accumulated for the better part of the school year to compare with vp's establishing a pattern of him undermining teachers via erasing students patterns of behavior vp was quickly removed from his position as vice principal of care in school although he wasn't technically fired he was just moved to a different school and put in a much lesser position and paid significantly less than before bonus he taught history at karen and mice high school while we attended it and everybody loved him i look forward to telling this whole story at our reunion because we sure don't like him now and our second story my manager was an awful person to me but i got her fired in an embarrassing fashion years ago shortly after i graduated high school i got a new job to support myself during college the new gig was in a pet store and i was working in the department that sold the fish aquariums reptiles and birds etc etc the store manager was an awesome guy i'll call kurt kurt was an old school guy he went to work worked hard and went home that's all he expected out of you as well my immediate manager over my department was this large snaggletooth witch of a woman i'll call her stephanie we got off to a bad start because she quickly found out that i knew more about reptiles than her she preferred the fish whereas i'd kept snakes for the past four to five years her ego couldn't handle a fresh employee not needing her guidance from then on she was terrible to me she singled me out to clean the goldfish tanks and had other employees cover sales every day i worked she would say rude things to me such as you are the weak linking my team you are the reason i'm having problems in this department fast forward about a year my hours have been cut about 25 i asked the store manager what the deal was and he told me that our department had lost too much money between lack of sales and broken merchandise etc this puzzled me but i didn't think much of it because everybody's hours were cut simultaneously myself and a few co-workers had noticed something strange stephanie had recently taken much more interest in the customers she insisted on helping certain customers and sending us to do busy work while they were there a customer came in one evening and was talking to us about how nice stephanie is turns out stephanie was breeding mice and selling them to customers outside the store we found out she was breeding all of her animals her dogs turtles mice and selling them to customers she met through our store not only was this taking business from us our store had a couple corporate policies we did not feed nor sell mice as live food for snakes and we donated a lot of time and money to shelters and we condemned breeding dogs and cats for sales stephanie was making money by selling animals to the customers all while her department had hours cut for all of its employees it didn't quite make sense how this was costing us so much money until one evening i thought i had figured it out stephanie was an otherwise lazy woman but when one of her customers came in she was by their side the whole time i watched closely as she followed a customer around helping them pick out a cart full of expensive aquarium decorations terrarium supplies like lights and bulbs i followed and wrote down every item she grabbed i wanted to see where this went she directed the customer to a register and went to check them out she's lazy she would never do this for any other customers i noted the time and went back to work i later spoke to other cashiers about stephanie checking customers out and they said she only ever rang up certain customers and she acted weird when they did they suspected that she was abusing coupons for them by applying hefty discounts i got my co-workers to corroborate my story about the under the table animal sales and suspicious behavior and went to talk to kurt i handed him a paper with about 20 upcs and the time written on and i said i think if you look up a transaction from register 2 at this time last night you'll find a large discount applied to it these are the items i would expect you to find on that transaction he was a bit puzzled and i explained everything to him i told him i didn't want to make any accusations before because i wasn't sure but after seeing her in action i was pretty sure something was going on he thanked me and assured me he would look into it a couple weeks later i was at work and i noticed kurt was standing near the door watching it closely it just so happened stephanie was coming in for her shift right about that time the second she walked through the door he called her over to his office apparently waiting in his office was a regional manager from corporate he looked at the list i gave him and looked up the transactions from the night before he found one at the exact time i wrote but only had about half of the items i listed but every item that was on the receipt was on the list i gave him this prompted him to watch her for a few weeks and in that time frame they found her to be taking her customers around shopping personally taking them up to the register and scanning every other item and putting the expensive stuff in the cart without ringing it up in that time span she'd given away over fifteen hundred dollars in merchandise and he looked back at the logs we keep for broken merchandise that's written off and found an excessive amount of aquarium supplies and decorations that were signed off by her it was something like a thousand percent more written off broken merchandise than was found at the same time last quarter all in all she was charged with stealing slash defrauding the store for over thirty five hundred dollars in merchandise and it just so happened that kurt had already arranged for police to meet them after firing her to escort her out i don't know if she went to jail but i did watch her get walked out by police with about 20 employees staring i wish i could have said something but i had to settle for her making eye contact with me as she walked out to which i gave her a quick wink and our third story treat your mechanics like crap say goodbye to your profit margin so this happened a few months ago i'm a heavy duty mechanic i was working for a really sketchy backwoods type trucking company repairing commercial trucks and trailers the type you see on the highway there were two big issues i had with the place firstly the foreman let's call him joe was a massive a-hole not your average a-hole boss imagine every nasty thing a boss has ever done to you put it together and you probably have some idea of what it was like to work under him he was also a massive know-it-all and would do things wrong on purpose just because someone else told him the proper way secondly to call the safety and repair standards terrible would be a compliment we had a trailer come in once that was broken in half no joke they just threw a couple of half crap patches on the frame and kicked it right back out it was normal for me to get yelled at for pointing out little insignificant things like axles that were gonna fall out and kill someone i could go on and on but it was bad so this brings me to the revenge part after working there a while i'd had enough i was on the verge of walking out but had a better idea i snuck a small camera into work we weren't supposed to have them wonder why and started documenting all the sketchy stuff that was going on after a month or so of this i quit and took all the proof to cvse and worksafe canadian dot and ohs and for once the government did something this is a fairly small company and they only clear a couple million dollars per year last i heard they'd been forced to pay a few hundred grand in fines replace almost all of the shop equipment probably about three hundred thousand dollars and pay for all sorts of training courses and had to replace eight of their trailers at roughly a hundred thousand dollars per trailer i suspect they barely even broke even this year and our last story for dessert so you thought playing with people's paychecks was smart this happened about two years ago i was working as a crew foreman for a construction company pay was great until the check started bouncing due to no funds in the account after a couple weeks of the boss fixing it by paying his cash i decided i'd had enough and stop showing up for work the owner called and asked me if i was coming back keep in mind he still owed me my last paycheck i told him if he gave me my check and it cashed i would come back to work he says okay i go pick up my check and head right to the bank teller says no funds in the account she can't cash it i did the only rational thing someone in my position would do i drove to florida i live in new york found a ghetto check cashing place and cash that check the owner then had to deal with writing a bad check and had to travel to florida for court and such i was thinking this was regular revenge until i read that you drove all the way to florida well done that kind of commitment and effort makes it pro hey guys thank you all for watching the video to the end and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 42,921
Rating: 4.9590125 out of 5
Keywords: r/ProRevenge, I'm Boss, Safety Standards Not For You, The Company, The Director, Director, Millions of Dollars, The Company Director, Company Director, Company, I'm Marketing Director, You're Just Internet, The Owner, the company, fired you, company, Director fired you, I'm The Boss, The Boss, I'm your boss, in The Company, Boss, r/prorevenge, reddit, funny, fails, fired, r/entitledparents, HR, r/, I'm Director, r/Entitledparents, r/Prorevenge, r/ Tales From Retail, r/idoworkherelady
Id: 6IMIkqTx7TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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