This Place is For Company Members ! The HR Director Didn't Introduce Me to You r/IDontWorkHereLady

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hello friends and welcome back to the new episode of r slash i don't work here lady and our first little story is about a crazy karen who twice mistakes customers for a store employee mayo karen reported me to the not a manager i work stupid shifts there's one 24-hour hardware store in my area my work uniform is all black the hardware store has employees and blue aprons for uniforms male karen approaches me in the aisle with screws and fasteners and ask for some power tools while i'm reading a label on something i look up and tell mail karen that i don't work here male karen then goes off on a racist tirade that began with your people are all the same why don't you do your job and help me find this obscure tool whose name i don't recall i'd already begun to walk away from this fool and just kind of hustled out of there into another area several minutes later i hear male karen ask someone else also in all black clothing if that person was a manager and i look up that customer didn't even get a word out when male karen then pointed a very pointy finger at me and says loudly that one there did not help me then i hear that customer kindly shout slash speak loudly why are you telling me this and kind of walk off toward the self checkout where i was getting ready to do my scans male karen sees me bagging my stuff and very matter-of-factly walks to the self-check cashier to report me and the person he thought was my manager the cashier says very clearly that i don't work there mailcare and then ask for a manager store manager comes over as i'm walking out with my purchases and mailcare and points me out i didn't get everything that was said but i did hear him try to convince the manager that i worked there i don't work at the hardware store mayo karen might still be arguing that i do though and our second story store manager screwed me for the last time the cast is me store manager is sm hr lady as hl so i worked for target for far too long and by the time i quit i'd put up with an enormous amount of bs from customers and upper staff my work schedule was chaotic and after repeated complaints to hr and sm i started getting nights unfortunately when you're closing and working the back room no one tells you any updates happening in the store i don't like dealing with customers too often so i choose to work in the stock room or receiving to lessen that chance so when suddenly i was scheduled to work on the sales floor and work cs desk i was confused and really annoyed i spoke to my department manager at sm only to find out that my job was dissolved and no longer a role so i quit i gave my two weeks notice hr walked me through it and they said they'll call to cash me out and i'll be done as i said before the scheduling there was awful so i received my call from hr and went to pick up my final check on friday the store schedule had me down to work friday and saturday after the cash out call when i go to pick up my check the sm yells at me for not being in uniform for my shift i told him i'm only here for my check he disregards that in claims i was paid for that friday and saturday shift so i'm obligated to work it me being a fool apologizes and put on a vest worked that friday shift at the end of the night sm writes me up and wants me in tomorrow on time so now it's saturday i show up in uniform and hl lady looks confused and asks me why i'm there i tell her what happened the night before she says no we already wrote you the check you just had to pick it up sm can't write up someone who isn't working here anymore so hl takes me to the customer service desk to give me cash for that last shift and sm is there he begins by listing off all the things he wants me to do i reply no i don't work here wasn't supposed to work last night either this is confirmed by hl so his response is well you're already here and in uniform and the online orders are really backed up so do me a favor i said sure thing took my cash from hl and walked out very rarely do we see someone have to tell management that they don't work there and our third story today i gave a manager a heart attack so it was a saturday evening when i got a call asking me and a friend for help i'd finished my college work and had nothing better to do so i said sure a large company had rented out a high class spa and lounge resort for a large employee appreciation banquet the thing though was that this particular lodge was in the woods and to help keep a rustic vibe going they kept the parking lot stretching and winding through the trees my volunteer job was to drive a golf cart and pick up the employees and drive them to the lodge my friend and i had our own golf carts and we were having fun zipping through the trees picking up people and generally having a good time when she showed up the manager of the lodge it wasn't too bad at first we just had to deal with her snarky attitude you know know your place mega vibe but as time went on she got worse and worse as she tried to supervise us eventually we were done and headed on into the lodge to join the banquet and for some reason she followed us talking constantly saying some pretty rude things offhand thinking we were just some boys temporarily hired by the company when we started going into the banquet hall she stopped us and asked with a bewildered tone wait where are you going the staff room is this way she said it in such a condescending tone i was about to snap but then the head of the hr department of the company that booked the lodge came over saying her the manager straightened up and put on a respectful smile on her face while my friend just waved while i went and hugged the head of hr she was my mom as she escorted my friend and me to the vip table i stopped walking by the manager who had an aghast face on surely regretting her previous comments i asked what was that you were saying about the staff room the fact that she instantly changed her attitude the moment she realized you weren't hired help says so much about this lady and our next story move the frack out of my gate deemed parking spot i was working a new post as a security officer in a large eight-story annex building with banks suites etc my main duties are pretty much to exist in the building and to tell everyone leaving to have a nice evening my official role states that i'm to maintain an atmosphere of calm and safety easy enough i pull into one of the two reserve parking spots at the front of the parking garage grab my stuff and walk in to start my second shift everyone is super nice smiling wishing me a good night when in walks your stereotypical 65 year old white guy aka angry man angry man hi sir i paint thousands of dollars for this parking spot outside and someone just parked in it me customer service mode activated i can understand how frustrating that can be sir i'm actually security for the building i don't really have anything to do with the public parking garage the main office is actually directly across the street i'm sure they could help you okay well i'm calling to have this car towed me uh right well i'll come with you and get the info and make a report while you do that we walk outside me is it the white escapade am what no that's my car it's the gd black tucson that's in my spot pointed to the black tucson in the space right next to it which is actually my car me huh that's my car your car move your gd car out of my space the dude's eye started bulging out of his head and turning red it was like something straight out of a cartoon at this point i still didn't fully comprehend the situation wait if that's your car parked right there then i don't understand the problem you are currently in your reserve space right one of the spaces is reserved for the active officer on duty do you know who the amp you're talking to i visibly cringe from his garlic drenched breath you will get in your gd piece of crap car and move sir you need to calm down one of these spots is reserved for the active officer on duty which is me if you have a problem with your reserve space call the number for the public parking garage i'm security for the building and have nothing to do with public parking i will not abandon my post risking my job as well as everyone's safety so you can park inches from where you are currently parked now i start walking back towards my post with this dude following me literally throwing a temper tantrum there's a lot more back and forth with me remaining completely stoic and repeating the same sorry i can't help you you need to leave line and him slamming his fist down on my desk and cussing me out demanding me to move my effing car so help me god i don't give a crap park on the effing street i don't need these f words in my spot he kept asking for my name and the manager's number throwing his business cards at me to write on i eventually gave in and gave him my first name and the number for hr just to get him out of there good luck getting a hold of him buddy even if he did get a hold of them he's essentially just telling them that i'm actually doing my job so i really don't care i did get my super obviously sarcastic snarky have a wonderful day in to which he scoffed and replied effing f word very satisfying i started video recording halfway through the altercation and snapped a pic of his plate numbers just in case after my shift when i went back out to my car he'd even left another one of his business cards under my windshield wiper wtf what is wrong with this guy it took me half of the conversation until i could comprehend that this guy was actually screaming and cussing me out because he had to park in the space directly next to the one he usually parks in like literally inches away which was actually closer to the building like am i dreaming is this really happening right now i love reading stories on this sub but i was assuming most of them were embellished and exaggerated for entertainment as i'd never experienced something so ridiculous in all my years of customer service until now i've now experienced firsthand the potential horribleness of the general public i'm now making it a point to park in that parking space whenever available and remain nice bubbly and friendly if confronted again everyone in that building is so over the top nice i don't know why this one guy is so messed up i'm actually looking forward to my next shift there i'd love to see this dude escorted out in handcuffs edit i realize i wasn't entirely clear about the parking spot situation the reserve parking spaces are just two parking spaces right next to each other that say reserved there are no numbers or letters like a or one to differentiate them both angry man and my security company pay for 24 hour access to one of the two spaces even if i was in the wrong i could still not have left my post to move the vehicle it would be grounds for instant termination and if an emergency were to occur in my absence i would be held personally reliable for any damage or injuries that could occur appeasing a narcissistic old man verbally assaulting me is not worth risking the safety of others as well as my job which i love and appreciate very much hey guys thank you all for watching the video to the end and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 435,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, This Room is, This Place is, For Company Members, Not For You, The HR Director, didn't Introduce Me, to You, Angry Manager, Director, HR Director, reddit stories, comedy, funny, fails, work, Lady, HR Office, an Intern, HR, HR Lady, general director, director, with HR Director, r/talesfromretail, r/, reddit top posts, I'm Director, r/Entitledparents, r/Prorevenge, r/ Tales From Retail, r/entitled parents, r/idoworkherelady, work here, Didn't Introduce Me to You
Id: TvD4XxJ6Stk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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