I'm Believing For Better || It's About To Get Better || Thrive with Dr. Dharius Daniels

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family welcome to thrive it is our belief and our conviction that there are three ways you can live your life sinking surviving and thriving but we believe according to John 10:10 Jesus came to Usher into our existence a thriving life he said thief comes to steal killed and destroyed I've come that you might have life have it to the full have it more abundantly as one writer said Jesus came to save lost lives but Jesus also came to save the life that was lost in the garden of eat that is life as our creator intended and I don't know about you but I want it I'm chasing it I'm in pursuit of it and I don't care who doesn't want it I don't care who's not chasing it here's what they used to say at the church I grew up in I'll go if I have to go by myself all by myself mama won't go I'll go yeah yes sir so with we want to welcome you to this study we believe that in order Thrive to thrive you really need three things you need God's people you need God's principles you need God's presence yes and uh in terms of God's presence and God's power so we like to begin our time together just lifting up some prayer requests we get requests emailed to us each week and uh we want to pray over all the requests but there are few that we lift up on our thrive experience just so that you are aware of we're going to have to we're going to have to we're going to have to do uh Thrive live at some at some point some of y'all come and uh that be great that might turn into church I don't know it might but uh we we got a few requests we want to lift up today so we're lifting up Jennifer Evans and um we got your request um procrastination delayed o obedience and man I love that you're bringing that to the Lord because there are there are some issues that require his intervention you know sometimes it's sometimes willpower doesn't get it when willpower doesn't work we need his power on and so we're going to be praying for that be praying for jisha Robinson we got the uh your prayer request nature of it is private but we do want you to know that we have it we are praying for you Michael Davis we got your request in regards to your brother and we're just believing that just like God honored the prayer of the sisters of Lazarus Mary and Martha he will honor your prayer for your brother and then Valerie Rosser we're praying for your financial help he meets he supplies every need suppes he supplies every need yes he does so let's pray together father thank you for the confidence yes Lord the confidence that you are anxiously awaiting an opportunity to answer prayer your eyes run to and fro throughout the whole earth looking searching for somebody that you might Show Yourself Strong to you are not insensitive to our struggle your heart is broken by what breaks ours and we pray now in the name of Jesus as we have lifted up every request before you yes we pray father that you would lift them up we pray for those that are interceding for family members and I pray that you would honor their faith yes and that you would work a miracle on their behalf yes Lord we pray for those that even have requests that they did not s in your word says that we can make our request known unto you and so even in this moment I pray now that you would meet needs I pray for physical healing yes you're still the great physician yes Lord we pray for mental healing you cause our souls to prosper we pray for relational healing Financial healing emotional healing it is the children's bread it has been paid for in full by Jesus we receive it healing open doors strength Grace that is sufficient to endure what you're not going to alter in this season even if we don't have Victory from it yes Lord we're going to have victory in it even if it has us even if we have it yes our declaration is it won't have us in Jesus name amen amen and amen amen and amen well got Pastor Dudley with me man and uh we are in this study on the book of Hebrews you cannot Thrive without God's Presence Power God's people and God's principles and the principles are the blueprint to his our uh to his best for us and we're leaning into this this book of Hebrews we've we are we've been here in a minute for a minute we're in chapter 11 and uh I want to jump right into it today with this is a continuation of what we started last week we don't teach to finish we teach to feed feed yep we're feeding not just finishing we're feeding amen and so um we started this lesson on last week called un believing for better yeah and we're going to continue that part two today Pastor you know I once heard an individual as the question what God ultimately wants from us and he says besides being loved what is the greatest desire of the Divine from us not for us but from us but from us besides being loved by us besides that what is the greatest desire of the Des Divine from us and the individual offer an answer that I've been unable to forget his answer gave me an epiphany epiphany he says besides being Lov what God ultimately wants is to be believed ah God Almighty yeah he says he wants to be believed and here's what he says uh you can't even receive his love without belie yeah now your belief doesn't change whether or not he loves loves yeah but you can't even receive his love without belief because you got to believe that he loves you in spite of you that's it come on now yeah in God really this concept of Agape we see in Scripture it like it introduces us to a Kind of Love none of us have ever experienced not friends not family not spouses not children but but you got to believe that that love exists you can't receive Grace unless you believe Grace exists this is interesting in it is is it is and it and it ties in this relationship between belief and behavior yes right% so it ties it back if you don't believe God we behave in a way that we don't believe God but when you believe God even again back to the evidence you can endure the situation until God moves 100% this is powerful you know yeah that's I because it's it's it's like I'm going to tell you what that statement shifted for me and your greatest shifts happen in your head first yeah yep that's good did y'all hear what I that's good somebody that wants go somebody say just put in the chat shift me shift me yeah I'm telling you your greatest shifts happen here first if like Paul even says your transformation is tied to the renewing of your mind mind that's what he said a mind shift mind shift once your head get out everything else in trouble come on come on you hear what once your head get out everything got to follow now it's that principle of exposure once you've been exposed you can't be unexposed and so it shifted something in my head when I heard this guy make this statement because here's what I'm thinking doc I'm thinking I'm like okay wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait I know I need to believe I didn't know he wants me to believe that after being loved what he wants most from me is to be believed we're going to talk about it in this chapter right belief is so important to him that even if you love him yeah and you don't have belief you can't please him that that's what it said Hebrews 11:6 is that the book it is impasible to please him without faith that's in the book impossible meaning there is there is no alternative route there is no exception there is no exemption that this is not an this is not an accessory faith is not an accessory it's a necessity yeah yeah yeah yeah it is it is he says it is impossible to God Almighty yeah so how do you please God we believe it yes see yeah see yeah we believe it now see wait a minute I'm not going to bother that how do you please him we believe him my God bother just a little bit you got I didn't say I got to bother a little bit Yeah you got to bother you said it now yes sir you we got to bother it then you got to here it is because people now here's here's what I'm dealing with and I accept man I had such a breakthrough this past weekend maybe I'll tell him about it later I just had such a breakthrough this past week in terms of like assignment like so in different seasons God gives you a different degree of clarity regarding your calling uhuh yeah right so um he he gives that Clarity incrementally so I just had this incredible incredible breakthrough because you know I teach this thing called part unique agitation holy or unique discontent right that that the problems that agitate you the most are probably the problems you've been called and anointed the S right and what what agitates me the most is the spirit of the Pharisee it's it's it is phariseeism uhhuh that agitates me the most uh So like um what agitates me the most most is not when unbelievers act like unbelievers because they never subscribe to our belief system system come on so come on we're trying to impose behaviors on people who say I don't even subscribe to your belief system right but where there should be accountability is when there are individuals who say I subscribe to the belief system and then the behavior is inconsistent but there's this air of arrogance and and judgmentalism um and and an attitude that makes them unteachable right sectarianism and Schism and Hyper criticism um which is and so I'm going do this teaching later on traits of ay right because there's nothing new Under the Sun it just shows up looking differ and so what I'm getting ready to say is probably gonna arrest the Pharisee a little bit but that's okay I'm born for you okay yeah I'm called to you yeah I'm built for it here it is here it is when you said you pleasing by belief it's shook a Pharisee because they're still trying to please her with behavior yep you see that my God yeah they they're still because the self-righteous the unconscious self-righteousness thinks you can behave in a way to pleas him and Paul even dealt with this when he's writing I think to Believers in Rome because he's dealing with two groups of people that have come together literal Pharisees right and then he's got these Gentiles and so he's writing them and he like fam time out yeah y'all need to chill out so he goes to one to one extreme he's like okay Gentiles y'all whing okay Pharisees you think you're more righteous than you are you need the same Grace they need yeah they need the grace for their lasciviousness you need Grace for your self-righteousness and arrogance you both need Grace so so this is why he says in Romans 3:23 all have sin he's talking to Believers in Rome because he's dealing with the Pharisees who's looking at Gentiles saying basically I'm better than you that's good that's good I'm holier than you yeah Paul's like your sin may be now here's what here's what I found too about Pharisees your sin not different you just hide it differently I know I know I'm on you can know I'm said just had to no no you can't be that arrogant and be righteous my God cuz right it requires a degree of vulnerability before the father like you can't like God resists The Pride this that's the word that's that Pride he resist it yeah he compels it so what we're not saying Behavior doesn't matter we're saying Behavior flows from your belief right so I'm behaving because I am righteous not to make me righteous I'm behaving because it's in my best interest that's the wisest way to live not because living that way earns me access to the father it is oh I am saved by grace through faith now here's what the the book says not of works is that what it says that's the book yeah lest any man should boast he says so you should be boasted right you need to be holy you need to be humble y'all AR talking to me I don't hear anybody talking to me you're just as sinful yes you're just as Sin and what the Holy Spirit been me is that you CLE the spirit of AE the spirit of the pH mors into the spirit of Jezebel so now it's control and manipulation and trying to get everybody which is what Pharisees did we gonna have to do a whole teaching I just I need about six weeks on this but think about this control remember when the Jesus's disciples we get back to Hebrews in a minute but you remember Jesus's disciples were picking corn on the Sabbath on the yeah here come them Pharisees they come you should be doing that that's and Jesus say wait a minute man what made for the sa sap made that's what he said is that what he said that's what he said he says man man were made for the Sabbath the Sabbath was made was made for me that's the book in the book yeah and so anyway I know that no that's not that's good pastor that's good that's good I know we went up on that thing there but I just kind you know what were the Pharisees doing they were trying to control think about they were trying to force Dogma not Doctrine dog Dogma on the disciples like this not even Doctrine this is dog and they were trying to force it on the disciples saying you should be expressing your faith the way I do come on now now watch this um since we are here let's go here then we'll spend we'll come on we'll back we'll make a hermeneutical back to we here we here now here here's what I'm I was having a conversation with our team earlier uh one one of our allst touch points for our church and um I was sharing with them like hey one of the things that like we should all uphold a Biblical standard but because we have different spiritual temperaments and different backgrounds that expression of that standard should be different so it's like we should all be unique greatly committed to God but the commitment is going to manifest itself differently based on how we've been wired Etc so there are some people who say I fast three times a week and if you not I fast three times a month I fast one day a week and you're not fasting you're not with the father you're not fasting you're not stay no no no no we can have the same level of devotion maybe you fast one time or three times a week because you need to you need to yeah maybe you need that to keep your FL maybe your flesh is maybe it's on 10 like that and you maybe you had some experiences in your past that expose you to some things that awaken a appetite in you that if you don't keep yourself locked down like that you whing out that doesn't mean you're more devoted it just means that what it t that's what it takes for you and so everybody's fighting something but everybody might not be fighting that so when you try to impose I love this this put nice you put it nice so you you know you're imposing something on someone else that's what you need that's what you need yeah yeah that might not be what someone else needs they may need something something differently and so circling let me circle on back dot we get back to the nose but the point that we're making is it's belief he belief he's pleased with the belief and when you've got the right belief MH it produces the right Behavior does that make sense yeah so so your behavior is actually telling you what you actually believe and Pastor I I kind of want this this whole Timothy when it talks about stud to show thy s approv about not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of Truth and I just think like how sometimes our our beliefs are birth out of wrong interpretation or misinterpretation and so I think sometime there can be some inconsistency Andi we and Bel and then two on top of that is just like some of us are frustrated because we are behaving in a way that does not align with Godly beliefs and so we want the rewards yeah of behavior yeah that only comes from the right type of belief that's right you know that's right yeah yeah only Faith does that only Faith does that yeah only only faith gets those results that right and and that's kind of circling back that's what we've been talking about here is that better Behavior this is what Hebrews 11 is teach better behavior is driven by better beliefs yeah yeah and so this is why we've been we're in Hebrews 11 and we're talking about this principle of Faith um which I think even this this um this this venturing off down this Rabbit Trail addressing phariseeism is important because if you don't get Faith right because we talked about last week the principle of Faith remember and we talked about a few different types of faith not the we didn't go over all the types just gave three and one of them was saving Faith y That's foundation and if you don't have faith right when it comes to Salvation you won't have faith right when it comes to sanctification you'll have faith right when it comes to securing the promises you know what I'm saying and and and I think I think that's important so last week we kind of explored the principle of Faith all right today we we're going to get into the power of faith and then we'll start our journey towards some of the pies of Faith so so in principle of Faith Hebrews 1 Hebrews 11:1 now Faith is the confidence of what we hope for the Assurance of what we don't see we talked about this last night the substance of things hope last week thought substance of things hope for the evidence of Things Not Seen but the power of Faith Hebrews 11:3 says by faith we understand that the Universe was formed at God's command so that what is seen was not made out of what's visible here's the power of faith I'm GNA try not to run on a Thrive I let me get ready listen to me Faith is what makes here's the power of it it makes the invisible visible it makes the invisible visible Lord have mercy I don't think they heard they don't they don't you know I got like faith is God bringing into into fruition wait a minute what you can see using things that you can't and see say it again because it is God bringing into fruition and manifestation yes sir things you can see yes sir using things you don't see you know what I'mma have I'mma have a Bible next week There's this this guy Jacksonville named uh Bishop Rudolph mckisic senior and he's got a son Bishop Rudolph mckisic Junior uhhuh and the senior is El Elder States I think he's in his nth he's in and when his son get to preaching good doc he take the Bible uhhuh and he walk up to the pull pit he put the Bible on yes sir man I'm G put a Bible on your head come it is it is God working behind the scenes yes sir doing things we can't see yeah to bring in fruition what we can see yes that's the power that's the you know and and what I love about I love about abah I love this Abraham AB inesis 12 when God called him out you know we get some background hisory about AB we don't get a lie you know his father was terrible we know he had some possessions but I wonder what was Abram doing for God to pick him to be blessed like that yeah and then God told me he was doing some stuff behind the scenes yeah that's right that made him a candidate to be blessed by God openly and sometime we get mad at people for how God is blessing them openly when we don't know what they doing behind the scenes here here's the way Jesus you in the book DOC come on come he's in the book come on cuz here's what the book says in the New Testament yes about that principle you just pulled out of the Old Testament Jesus said yeah the God who sees in secret I'm in the book I'm in this yes sir will reward you openly and they didn't see the work they didn't see the work but they'll see the reward come on good God almighty God don't want to do what you doing in secret yeah yeah that's powerful because it's almost like when you're reading Genesis you can assume that Abraham um doesn't exist until Genesis 12 that's what I'm saying by the time we're introduced to Abraham or he's Abram at that point he's already married already already blessed already have possession yeah had was was living a comfortable life until God came messing with 100% he was he was straight yeah he he was he was a well-off man he was good Bible says I think it's Genesis and Abraham was very rich m in cattle in right okay yeah so you're right it's almost as if just because the story picked up there we think Abraham's story started there and that's some people's problem lord they're looking at your chapter 12 but they don't understand your chapter 11 your chapter 10 they don't know that there were some things you were doing uhhuh in the chapters they couldn't see that's producing the results in the chapter they can see and they want to go they want to start at chapter 12 uhhuh good cuz they see you at your chapter 12 not realizing you started before chapter 12 and chapter 12 is only God rewarding you for your faithfulness somebody put in the chat stay in your chapter stay just if you will work your chapter nine it'll turn into chapter 10 if you'll be faithful in your chap 10 it'll turn into chapter 11 come on if you a steward that chapter 11 it'll turn into chapter 12 just work yourap work your chap because no matter how you try to advance God's agenda he doesn't let you skip chapters Lord have mercy and when you're faithful there's always a next chapter in God yes sir there's always a next there always a next in God when you store your now yes there's always a next yes and sometimes um you know the mismanagement of now M can hold up your next 100% yes yeah yes yes yes that's that's the power That's The Power of Faith Hebrew by faith we understand the universe was formed at God's command so that what is SE was made out of was not seen ah my God faith makes the invisible Vis so everything exists twice did you hear what I I got you did y'all did y'all get that did did y'all get that everything exists twice it exists invisibly first then visibly second spiritually first then naturally second I see it with the eyes in my heart first then you see it with the eyes in your head second but by the time you see it I've seen it all did you hear what it said Faith helps you see it before you see it did you hear what I just said Faith helps you see it before you see it so it exists twice so basically faith is US catching up to what God has already done yes yes 100% run into God no reality running into God running into God that that's the power of Faith so so here it is this is interesting because what the scripture say hey if your faith is simply tied to just what you see I love then you're operating with a underdeveloped faith because what the text says is is that God made something visible out of the invisible visible so Faith helps you believe it even when you see no evidence of it now we're going to go to the picture Faith but here's a question I'm G ask for you guys reflection I want you to think about this when you live this way what do you think that does to your stress level I want you to see how with spiritual is properly done you see the benefits integrated into every area of your life I want you to think about this when what you believe about what God is going to do in your life is not predicated on what you see so you so even when you don't have evidence faith is the evidence let's talk about the power of that the implications of that in your life what does that do to your stress low what does that do to your worry what does that do to how does that increase your peace what what kind of mood does that put you in and if it put you in a better mood does that make you a better parent what would your children get if they got a less stressed you what come on come on come on come on what what what kind what kind of what what kind of spouse would your spouse get it's got a less they got to less stress you how much longer could we live if we were a less stressed version of ourself think about that Pastor think about that you see the implications of this mentally emotionally relationally yeah man yeah this is powerful it is so God God created the world with his word come on yeah like he commanded and he created the world with his word our faith affects our world yeah our faith doesn't just affect our spiritual World it affects our relational World it affects our professional World it affects our emotional World it affects our spiritual world that's the power of Faith so you I believe it's important because sometimes we try to fix our peace without fixing our faith and I don't know how you do that Pastor I think just want to interject this here we we talked about the types of faith and one of the faith I think um that is an extension of the power of faith is what I call submitted faith and that submitted faith is the faith that says God I don't understand or even agree with what you're doing but I'm going to submit in obedience yes out of Faith yeah yeah like it don't make sense yeah yeah I don't understand what doing like Peter I've been fishing all night long Luke 5 that's it like but nevertheless at your word and when he did it God's way when he submitted when he came up under what God was already doing yes sir he experienced a multitude of of of of blessings because he was submitted the woman in Second Kings That's The Power of Faith That's The Power of Faith yeah yeah I submitted go give me some water wait a minute doc wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait wait wait wait that Luke 5 wait a minute can we go all right cuz what you just did is you just added another layer see here's the power of Faith implications not just spiritually not just emotionally not just mentally come on not just relationally financially yeah cuz what did they they were fishermen they were fishermen by trade so they didn't just fish to eat they fish to exchange fish for currency y'all not hear what I'm saying so faith has an impact not just spiritually not just emotionally not just relationally not just mentally but even financially let's just come on let's just affirm this if you believe it fish are coming fish are coming fish are coming come on why because I believe what he says about himself and he says he's Gyra don't mess with me Doc don't don't that that's that's that's not activity that's that's ID uhhuh it's who he is it's who he is he can't help but provide come on he is a provider by Nature he is the God who provides he can't help but to provide come on man okay let me see I think the sisters might be able to help me with this okay we're equal we want to make equal investment in everybody but sisters you're probably able to relate to this example because ontologically God's God's you all are helpers M yep like when you walk when a woman is operating in in a way that is consistent with God's intent based on Genesis when he when he says a helpmate that's not a subordinate uhhuh it means she's a asset y'all missed they missed it missed it they missed it it means he looked at what Adam was doing yeah and said I got something in mind for the human species that this gender can't do alone so I need to create something I need to a help meate I need a Isa he's ish I need a is come on literal Hebrew word there is Ish is and eeve is isher is it says so I got to put him to sleep uhuh and pull out of him a rib and from the womb of man I want to make a woman so when e walks in help walk in come on that's when function according to God's intent right all right that's another conversation but when he walks in help walks in and so I've SE when I tell you I've seen this M I've seen it in Target I've seen it in Walmart I've seen it with my own wife my wife sometimes have to um stop herself from helping people she don't even know I'm like baby that's not our kid wa leave those folk alone baby why you speak leave them alone wait we used to be in the store sometimes when we was growing up we' been in Walmart at one owner and my mama would see a child you know how children are stores or whatever my mom would boy she would get aggravated now she wouldn't even know the people but she'll see a child acting up and pulling stuff off the shelf she say I just need one good day with Y I just need one good day with them I will straighten them up mama that's not how FK alone it's not our story it's not our kids but it's in the nature is it the nature it's in the nature it's how they wire and God is a provider you see it it's in his nature it's in his nature it's in his nature it's how he it's how he's working how right and we got to believe that that that's the power of Faith all right we're probably going to be here in this next point a couple of weeks or so because the Bible here in Hebrews 11 not only shows us the principle of Faith that's Hebrews 1 and two not only a power Fai that's Hebrews 3 113 but it beginning in Hebrews 11:4 we see pictures of faith I love this about God he says okay now I'm not just going to give you instruction I'm Gonna Give You examples what it looked like come on I'm going to give you examples of what this actually looks like right and so it looks like the the first one here is one that's important but often Overlook the first picture of faith in action we see is abble and look at what Hebrews 11:4 says by faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did by faith this is what you said earlier he was commanded as righteous I'm in the book in the book when God spoke well of his offerings and by faith Abel still speaks even though he's dead now here's what I want us to see because it's this is a picture of one way Faith Works and so we're going to be pulling from these pictures in Hebrews 11 Pastor it says by faith abrel brought God a better offering than Cain did here it is AB is a picture of how Faith precedes sacrifice now let me tell you why sacrifice is important John Maxwell talks about something called The Law of sacrifice he says you got to give up to go up and the reason some people can't go up is because they don't know what to give up y'all didn't hear what I just said y'all didn't hear what I just said some people want to be better in an area and it's like yo you're going to have to sacrifice something here's sacrificing do that you do like for something that you don't have that you really want so you got to give up something that you do have to to to get something hopefully one day that you don't have that requires Faith y'all are you hear what I'm saying do oh man CU this this is open so much stuff up the faith that it requires one the faith to know that what God gave you he can give you more yes like now God can give me more yes I'm trusting God that God can give me but when I don't believe that when I don't believe it I won't release I hold what he requests yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes sir yes sir and it's just like Kan just like hey I'mma give God what I wanted him have see people miss that part of the story I wasn't going let's go this here it is here it is because when you read when you read when you I think this is in Genesis 4 maybe so when you go back to Genesis 4 and you read Cain and Abel you'll see kanee get mad he got mad yeah like he gets upset yeah it's like why are you mad at Abel because the Bible says Abel brought first he brought first the Bible says Cain brought from what was a mon y'all missed it he picked and choose what he wanted he brought from a mon April understood the principle of first yeah come on so that's one thing any objective reader of scripture can't deny if they got any intellectual Integrity right they can't deny this consistency from Old and New Testament of God saying I only sit in one seat and his first it's there or nowhere y that's good it is there or nowhere God comes first that first seat is a chair not a couch and if anything else get in that chair I'm getting out I don't share my glory they missed it yeah I don't share my glow if you decide to put something else in that chair I'm getting out I'm getting out I don't I don't play second my God and so Abel Abel Abel brings the first the first priority yeah the best the best Kane brings from among and he's like no no no I and watch this Cain tries to make God it's it's weird because Kane's like trying to teach God theology instead of letting God teach him theology kan's probably like you know my heart God's like no you don't teach me theology I teach you theology right I know your heart you don't know your heart and you're trying to think that my heart and your heart's the same because you think I should feel the way about what you offered me I I should feel the way you feel so just because you okay with it you think I should be okay with it I'm not okay with it I'm not okay with it if it's not y'all are he says if I'm not first priority I am not okay with it that's interesting my God because the Bible the Bible says can't get mad and God said why are you mad he said if you would do right if you he says if you would do right and I I think this is whether we're talking about sacrificing time whether we're talking about sacrificing something you possess whether you're talking about sacrificing a role or whether you're talking about sacrificing resources it take Faith to do it you know what I mean I'mma tell you something um some people think the greater it gets the easier it gets I'm telling you the greater it gets the he is did you hear what I just say the great the greater gets the hard because the greater gets the more implic the greater the implications of you getting it wrong like if you get it wrong and you putting that RIS something great you feel it different but that is that that's that's a p I kind of want to go back to this though this the sixth verse said then the Lord said to Cain why are you angry why is your face down if you do what is right will you not be accepted but then this is what God say but if you do not do what is right sin is crouching at your door it desires to have yes good but you must have rule over it and this is what God say you can't determine whether sin or not is going to be at your door but you can determine whether you let it in or not yes yes yes and what happens is when you keep reading you see C let it in he let it in that was that was almost like a prophetic warning he was like Hey this right here is about to lead to sin he said it's crouching at the door and that jealousy that rage jumped on Cain and led him into the sinful behavior of murdering his own brother y God told him it's just like Gateway it was a gate it's like gateway gateway sin Gateway belief yes Gateway behaviors yes that lead to other stuff that invite other stuff to come and God say if you just do right yes you can prevent this from happen now there of course this this is a truism it's not like what I'm about to say is a truism it's not a law it's truism generally speaking this is how things go generally speaking you where you are in life generally speaking there are exceptions but generally speaking where you are in life is a reflection of what you have and haven't been willing to sacrifice I could go I can show you that in athletics yeah I can show you that in marriage I can show you every you can have an athlete you say okay that athletes not willing to sacrifice partying not willing to sacrifice drinking not willing to sacrifice a bad diet not willing to sacrifice staying out all night partying and not getting rest so they're not willing to give that up come on and then all of a sudden that catches up with them it impacts their play and it shortens their career and then you look at others who willing to give that up longevity and you see longevity so where they are is a reflection of what they were and we're not willing to sacrifice I'm done here's what my pastor told me one time okay know you got something yeah because this is what I want people to understand there is no substitute for sacrifice yes you can't you can't get around sacrif you see that with s yeah yeah and that's why God snatched it what he say obedience is better yeah so there's no substitute and I think sometime we you know often time you know in the church is not exempt from it is how we want to take shortcuts yeah 100% 100% we want we want to take go rounds and and what a shortcut is is us giving the sacrifice we want God to have yeah not the sacrifice God wants so when he says obedience is better than sacrifice Samuel's like I'm sacrificing I gave something God's like that's not what I want is obedience he says I'm not desperate so because I'm not desperate I don't have to lower my standard just because you offer it does mean I have to accept it I'm desperate when you're desperate you got to take anything anybody gets God's like I'm not desperate I'm G tell you something about this lost sacrifice and and and and we'll wrap up with this and we'll pick up with with some of these other pictures because it's a bunch of them on here um Noah's gonna teach us prep the points of preparation with faith and Enoch is going to talk talk to us about the principle of exemption and exception but here's something my pastor said to me um is when I started work walking in my calling in Marketplace Ministry and I remember having conversations with him I remember in 2017 sitting in a parking lot I was in Florida getting ready to go into this place and talking to him about what was in my heart in terms of content and coaching and being a Miss adding value Beyond The Four Walls of the church in the are business and um I remember that so as I started walking in some of this recently and running the programs that we run and um the m and all those things um he he said to me one day he said Darius as I was thinking about you he said this is I me putting it in my words he says this is Harvest I said what what does that mean sir he said um what LeBron James did with a ball you did with books he he said when when when other people were 19 and they were they were doing whatever they were doing you had books out yeah yeah he says who knows what everybody's doing in 19 he says you had books out yeah you were learning you were growing yeah and you kept sewing and sewing and sewing into yourself you kept sacrificing sacrificing sacrificing sacrificing sacrificing and then there comes a time where what Amos describes you start sewing and reaping in the same scas yeah and that's the that's the importance of sacri you got to be willing to give up to go up and that takes Faith takes Faith to sacrifice seed it takes Faith to sacrifice time um but generally speaking there are exceptions yeah we are in life yeah we have what we've sacrificed for you know you know I shared this with you once before I remember we were in Orlando and uh and I know God woke me up one morning and we we were in Orlando he said he told me to come to your room it's about 5:00 and when I came in the room you had already been up and you had books literally spread across your bed I don't know if you remember that I remember that and God said that was a long time ago long man that was a long time ago yeah I'll never forget that I I would never forget that and it was just like God giving me a picture and I think the power of this is don't allow God to expose you to a picture or what you're not willing to to take advantage of yeah yeah strong the blessing was God exposing me to the picture M but God said I can show you the picture but it's up to you yeah what you do with that's right and I think that's why you know Thrive and bible studies are so important like God is exposing you to the pitch he's showing you but it's up to you to take advantage of 100% young it was young I mean that was back I'm telling about that was back in the day and um and it was just like even then so I know for a fact what your coach said that's true yeah yeah the Lost sacrifice it takes Faith but God honors it you give up to go up give up to God e well family we wanna want to pray over you today um maybe there are some shifts you need to make in terms of sacrificial sacrificial living some things that you need to offer um in faith releasing what you have to get what you want so we're just going to pray that God gives you the wisdom and the grace to do that um they're they're putting l third on the screen I think even just after this teaching about sacrificing we shouldn't even have to say much to stir your faith in the area of generosity it's like um I yeah it is the waste to give on the screen and sacrifice and Seed it matters God honors it but we want to pray over you so father just thank you today thank you for your word and it is really a lamp unto our feet it's a light unto our path it shows us what way to go thank you for it thank you God and so I pray that you would turn the light on even brighter for those who are in who are watching this whenever they're watching it and that you would Shine the Light in areas that you may be calling them to give up or they need to give up to go up things that they need to offer to you that may not even be bad they're just not best yeah so would you show them what shows yes give them a glimpse of their future so that for the joy set before them they can endure the inconvenience of the sacrifice I thank you for everybody that is sowing even tonight thank you that is so for for the for this from a place of a sacrificial heart that their heart has even been stirred in the area of generosity to say Lord I'm I'm going to do more tonight in faith because you can do more with this in your hands than I ever could in mine uniquely bless that person I'm bless Lord thank you I ask this in Jesus name amen amen man love you family see you next week well listen thank you for watching Thrive I want you to make sure you subscribe to the channel so that you don't miss any of our teachings and remember you can watch me live at Thrive every Wednesday at 700 p.m. e
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
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Id: e1yEpgjEF5U
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Length: 49min 46sec (2986 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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