"If You Visit Redwood National Park, Do Not Stray From The Path" Creepypasta

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when i was a boy me and my friends got lost or so that is the official story what really happened to curd when we were on a hike through the redwood national park and decided to stray from the trail there we discovered the truth about the national parks and the real reason people go missing in them perhaps i'm getting ahead of myself it should start by telling you my tale and then perhaps you will listen to my warnings so here it is my story august 13 1998 it was a scorching hot a summer's day i was 12 years old and already thought that i knew everything about the world as you do when you were young and so full of sure to you oak rich earthy smells that perfumed the air and grand wooden giants loomed over from all sides of the path they were the moss coated sentries of the redwood national park come on guys not much further about another 30 minutes until we reach the campsite our scout leader scout leader carlton exclaimed he's been saying that for the last hour groaned tyler the more outspoken and cheeky of my friends why did you come on this hike if you're just going to moan simon countered his words forever disapproving of tyler do you guys think that we can stop for a minute ethan wheezed being an asthmatic the youngest and the smallest of the group and the wall can knock the stuffing out of the 11 year old don't dawdle or stop stick to the path those fences and signs are there for a reason scout leader carlton added as he pointed over to the right he could well have said more but we were not paying attention we were your average at 12 and 11 year olds when someone said don't we ignored it and despite these gal leader telling us not to stop or dawdle i told the others that we should wait a moment so ethan could have a breather that didn't take much convincing from tyler that it would be far more exciting if we went exploring rather than continue hiking with the rest of the squares especially if the places that we were exploring were those cordoned off and forbidden by our scout leader even simon the more reserved and mature one of the group was eager to follow tyler as he rushed over to the cordoned off area this was a huge mistake and obviously as an adult i looked back and know how stupid and dangerous that was but when you are young you think you're invincible we should have heeded the signs that warned to stay on the path we should have listened to our scout leader's words but he was now far ahead of us and we had already sneaked away from the safety of the troop our foolish choices only continued as we slipped under the fence that cordoned off the area ahead we were young idiots and that's what we were we ignored all of the warnings laughed and scoffed at the idea of getting lost or becoming the miele of a black bear and at first we felt vindicated for our little adventure i started off fine no harm or cause for concern as we rambled through the undergrowth and played hide and seek around the redwood towers we skipped stones across dave's small creek saw a wild deer before something scared her off we even found a coyote strung up in a tree from what tyler was quick to claim was the work of the jersey devil until simon pointed out that not only we were not in the jersey pine barons but it was also far more likely a mountain lion dragged it up there to avoid being disturbed i think we should probably head back i said feeling a little tired and starting to entertain the thought that we may have made a mistake wandering so far away from the group agreeing we retraced our steps but as we walked we came across an interesting scene what we had discovered was a campsite long since abandoned and smothered by layers of forest debris the tents looked so they had been ravaged by claws but simon the more is sensible of us claimed that it was just exposure to the elements and time that had torn through the fabric and dilapidated the sight still it didn't stop us from coming up with all sorts of his scary backstories for the most shrouded sleeping bags and broken lanterns tyler warned everyone it could be a big fighter but we just laughed everybody knows that bigfoot was a myth ethan the more quieter of our group pointed out that the italians seemed to travel in sets of five as though freddy krueger with his razor closet carved through the material himself [Music] nathan i'm telling you it's just what happens when these things are left out here at the mercy of wind to rain in storms simon assured us but why were they left here i mean they've clearly dug out a fire pit spent the time to set the site up and then they just abandoned it ethan pointed out causing us all to get a little quieter i think we should probably head back i suggested this time my words were more urgent than before the others didn't say that they too were feeling uneasy but i could tell they were just as nervous as i ethan was right it was odd for all this stuff to be left here almost as if they had fled in a panic or worse a fell foul of something hungry marching on through these scrub and endless wooden maze we all began to worry that we had ventured too long and too far from the trail i could have sworn it was just a few meters to the right simon insisted as he peered from behind his glasses evidently it isn't though is it simon tyler stabbed with his disposition becoming more and more agitated with each passing moment guys you're not going to believe this ethan said his voice trembling slightly as he peeled back a large shrub there before us was the same abandoned campsite that we had left almost an hour ago that's not possible we've been walking for 40 minutes straight i gassed pointed to my watch but the hands began to spiral i think your watch is broken simon insisted trying his best to remain rational great this is just perfect we've been walking in a circle tyler yelled we're lost aren't we stammered ethan his hands clutching each other as he passed around in an anxious manner guys guys calm down i spoke but my words did nothing to slowly rising panic in all of us help help is anyone there tyler called out suddenly simon's hands smothered tyler's mouth as he admitted alohash stop it do you want to attract every grizzly black bear and mountain lion for miles around simon hodged we all got quiet but it wasn't just us who ceased making noise the whole forest around us fell silent even the normal creaking of trees and the whistle of wind disappeared it appeared that the animals had muted themselves too for not a bird or cicada could be heard guys i don't want to be that guy but something isn't right here my suggested john's right i mean we've all read about those people who go missing in national parks they step off of the trailer path for just a minute and then they're never seen again tyler declared oh stop it and next you'll be suggesting aliens abducted them simon scott no todder's right remember the kenner family in 1982 they came up here and they were never seen again and what about those kids who went camping a few years back they got lost and ended up killed by a grizzly it could happen to us shouted ethan shh i heard something i stabbed looking around i scanned the bark and branches around us expecting in my heart that i would see nothing my eyes landed on a tree trunk tall and towering only a few meters away from us upon its surface was what at first i thought was a yellow and black orb weaver shock rippled through me as a bald yellow-skinned head peaches slightly from behind the tree and revealed that what i thought was a spider was actually a hand clutching at the wood we have to go now i said try my best and not to scream or shout and without giving them any indication of what i had seen i sprinted through the forest following close behind me the others kept pace but i didn't tell them still i wish to reserve that knowledge until i was sure that we'd put enough space between us and whatever it was fear rushed through my feet and 10 minutes became 20 and 20 became 30. all the while i ignored their demands to know what i had seen and why we were running after 30 minutes according to simon's watch of running in the opposite direction of that thing we stopped to take a breather i rested against one of the redwood towers that's only earlier we had been playing hide and seek behind it was there that i told them for i could no longer refuse to answer their questions what was it what did you see tyler panted frantically a person i think i said causing ethan to take a nervous gulp of his inhaler now oh don't you start to the rational simon replied no i think it was a person and the other one black pain or something my asserted tried my best to know how to freak them out unlike camo tyler questioned his eyes wide with worry yellow camo that's a bit redundant simon laughed i know what i saw simon i stabbed letting my fear and agitation get the better of me what were they doing the person you saw ethan quivered it looked like they were watching us they were peeking from behind the tree my answered shivers ran through all of us despite the humidity of the heat i think all of our bloods ran cold after i spoke those words we sat against that redwood for a long pause to gather ourselves to calm our worries maybe simon was a right to laugh at me perhaps it was a hallucination brought on by the heat that made sense i thought but still it didn't explain the lack of animals the absence of sound and encroaching thick old air of the forest which continued to become heavier with each minute that we spent there darkness began to creep in through the national park though admittedly it was difficult to tell the time of day when the canopy above eclipsed the sun almost entirely and my watch was malfunctioning we need to make camp i suggested are you mad you've just told us some creeping camels watching us from behind a tree encounter tyler no he's right if we just continue on and wandering aimlessly in the dark we run the risk of getting even more lost and if there is someone following us then wouldn't it be better than if we were all walking around a blind to our surroundings simon said guys ethan exclaimed his voice hushed and shaking we all looked over and saw what had unnerved him with his hand shaken his pointed finger fell upon the site of the same abandoned campsite that we had found and fled earlier this can't be happening this can't be happening tyler rambled his words in pace quickening into panic stops we have to stay calm there is a perfectly irrational explanation simon stated but even he didn't seem to believe his own words oh shut up simon we just ran for 30 minutes straight in a straight line how exactly did we end up back here tyler thundered his voice ripping apart all the surety and simon's posture i stumbled simon for once our group skeptic fell short of answers and his disbelief was replaced with unease i don't know what's happening but i do know arguing and running around like headless chickens isn't going to help i declared use your compass simon suggested but as i brought the compass out from my pocket i could already see that it wasn't going to help for the arrow of my compass was broken the wedged or magnetized it would spin wildly and then stop and point towards the abandoned camp and then spin again and stop on the camp once more over and over it did this until eventually i just said that it was broken i didn't tell them what was happening choosing to spare them of the confusion and fear that i was feeling it's busted i told them great no way to tell the time no way to tell which direction we were heading and we seemed to be walking in a circle tyler nervously laughed his usual sarcastic and clowning humor drowning beneath waves of worry looking around us i could see no sign of the strange figure who i had glimpsed earlier but i noticed that the sun was setting it's going to get dark soon we need to be sensible we should make camp here tonight and tomorrow we'll continue on trying to find a way out of here i added tried to remain a clear and level-headed leader for i could see the others were wrapped with anxiety and needed some kind of authority to make them feel safe reluctantly the others agreed we would make camp at the abandoned site and i assured them that whatever i saw was probably long gone now and so we set out to prepare ourselves for the night ahead we already had canteens filled with water but we needed food and warmth the simon being the most knowledgeable of us picked berries that he knew weren't poisonous while tyler and i set up a fire in the already dug out at fire pit ethan revealed a few chocolate bars that he had on him and together with our berries we staved off her hunger as the evening's twilights rolled in in the gloom we sat around our warming fire tyler you know those people who went missing in the national parks did they ever find any of them ethan wiest sure some of them tyler spat without concern for ethan's nerves shrinking and looking almost haunted ethan's dread was immediately apparent and even tyler tried to calm him don't think about that though ethan we're going to be fine tyler reassured unconvincingly what time is it simon i asked have you noticed him staring intensely at his watch insane 4pm but that can't be right simon stuttered 4pm it's pitch black i'd get that watch sent back to the shop mate you've been ripped off tyler joe it's not the watch it's this place meet inside it guys i can't bear this anymore i just can't he yelled as he bounded up from the log on in which he was sat frantically ethan stormed around the campsite and kept his hands over his mouth please can anyone hear us ethan called out into the night his words tearful and afraid ethan calm down i told him ethan shut up before something hears you simon snapped his collected an intelligent manner diminished by concern for his own safety help us please we need help ethan screamed out causing tyler and simon to leap up to silent him suddenly there was a cracking of a twig and we all stopped and looked towards the direction our sights delved into the dark imagining black bears and mountain lions and all manner of starving beast but nothing was there just the endless empty unflinching abyss turning back round we looked at ethan who was exhausted and defeated and tearful i just want to go home he wept down from the trees yellow carapace clad arms decided upon ethan's head their claws grasping onto either side of his face and twisted sharply causing a loud snap to sound out tara streaked through us all and we all launched ourselves a back as our friends a small lifeless body was hoisted up through the branches and into the canopy what the heck was that tyler screamed as he fell away from the area where ethan had been standing leaves and twigs fell from rustling canopy above and down minutes later an arm severed fell through a cloud of leaves and landed in front of us run i yelled simon and tyler screamed and followed my wig fleeing into the night we were less afraid of bears at wolves and bobcats and more afraid of becoming prey to whatever that thing in the trees was in our fright we fled with no concern for our direction nor would lay ahead and eventually our blind sprint led us over the top of a shallow depth all three of us tumbled to the grounds and lay their panting terrified and utterly powerless this isn't real this has to be some sort of hallucination yeah that's it the berries it must have been the berries so i'm inside of trying to rationalize what we had witnessed simon it's real we all just saw ethan snack go full-on exorcist twist and we all saw one of his arms come falling down from the trees like a chewed up twig so stop with the rationalizing crap tyler shouted as he jumped to his feet shut up tyler this is all your fault i don't know why i let you guys talk me into leaving the group simon yelled back his words being followed by him shoving tyler against the redwood with fists raised they were ready to take their fears out on each other but before they could draw my voice caught through their ridiculousness quiet the pair of views i asked try not to raise my voice too high maybe it's gone simon suggested with hopeful naivete erupting out of the soil beneath his feet a tall slender humanoid emerged it appeared so quickly that none of us got a good look at it nor did we have time to stop it from snatching up simon and flying off through the canopy on giant and buzzing wings icarus would have been envious of the wings that thing bore ford's flight was swifter than any bird or bug and its speed was as sharp and lethal simon stood at no chance against that thing as it whisked him off his feet and dragged him into the deep of the redwood maze calling back like deathly echoes his voice as scream didn't beg for us to help but we couldn't end eventually his futile pleading faded into the deafening silence of the national park we've gotta go man we've gotta go now i need to get out of here tyler howled as he ran into the darkness abandoning me tyler no wait don't leave me i implored but he was deaf to my words alone in the dark i walked expecting to fall prey to the monstrous thing in the trees at any moment however it appeared that it was not yet finished playing what a sick game it was playing for the shrubbery that to lay ahead of me he looked all too familiar pushing its leaves aside i found the campsite the fire that we had made was still burning bright and everything was as we had left it there was only one thing missing ethan's arm in that moment i resolved to survive despite whatever it was that was haunted us something had to get out of here and warned others of the wayne predator i know now that this was a just adrenaline kicking in the good old fight or flight trying to assist me in my dire situation tearing off some of the fabric from the tent i bore a thick branch in it and doused it in some oil from a lantern which had been left alongside all the other camping gear opting for the long and dangerous road into the veil of shadows around me i began to walk my only company the warm glow of my light every snap of a branch every crunch of leaves beneath my feet i imagined was that thing coming back to finish what it started yet despite my feed aching i continued refusing to acknowledge each blister that formed and burst within my shoes and then as if by chance the illumination from my torch had shone upon a tree and revealed a strange carved marking it sort of looked like a pixie or a fairy and though i was confused on what it might mean maybe this was some sort of trail marker my ignorant younger mind conceived i figured that it had to have been carved by human hands so as the guide i lost wanderers to safety following the carvings i worked my way through the redwoods weaving in and out of their intimidating and towering trunks eventually after what felt like eternity i found a clearing and rushed in i expected to find my scout leader and the others but this was not the case for this was not the clearing in which my scout troop had set up camp no this was somewhere else anonymously the clearing did not have a carpet of a dry soil or deadly use like the rest of the park instead it was a circular expanse of a green grass littered with tents and backpacks gasoline canson and all manner of camping equipment by torchlight the secrets of the clearing were revealed for all around me were old boots trainers caps and sleeping bags man sticking out of the discarded clothing were bones and skulls all of which looked human and ranged in size and shape at first i imagined this was a graveyard of swords a killing field maybe but then i realized that it wasn't a burial site it was worse than that it was a larder my heart sank as it sank in that the markings that i had followed of winged figures were clearly leading me here and not to safety and it was obvious now that it wasn't human hands that had carved the markings abruptly in my inspection of the surroundings came to a halt as a disturbing sound drew my attention to the center of the clearing the noise was ghastly a sort of chewing and grating sound that gargled and glided with each bite joining the horror noise was a fibo moaning low and dim the noise of a trapped or dying animal with my orange flame i approached the center of the clearing wandering through the field of lost campers and corpses until i made it to the middle where a large and old oak tree stood a solitary specimen of its kind edging around the corner of the tree i followed the noise with dread shivering up my spine to end up rattling my bones each step that i took caused my instincts to scream me to run in the opposite directions yet something else drew me on i should have listened to my instinct because horror tore through my body soldering my feet to the ground as i glimpsed at the sight ahead speechless and shocked i opened my mouth to scream as the amber colored light revealed all before me was tyler trapped in the mantis grip of a yellow skinned humanoid her arms were lodged around his crumpled body as she crouching and hunched over him and gorged herself upon him splitting apart and segmenting her face moved like the raspy mandibles of an insight whilst her gray translucent teeth raked cinnamon meat from the nape of his neck john tyler whimpered his broken form slouched over and lamp let him go i yelled thrusting the torch towards her she hissed and she fell out of her crouched position and fluttered up into the air disappearing into the black for a moment desperate to help him i reached over to tyler but as i looked down i saw that she had already hollowed out his back exposing his spine however the most gruesome part was seeing that there wasn't much else left of his interior and yet his heart continued to heat in his empty eyes i begged for life holding back my vomit i fell away from the sight and swerved around in all directions looking out for the monstrous creature whose buzzing wings were the only sound that i could hear why are you doing this i cried out this place is ours mutant sacred to us all that steps within its boundaries our food food she chirped her voice resembling the sound that crickets make out of the shadows she emerged her wicked beauty a visage of titania i stared at her lacking the words the courage to speak before my eyes i watched as her yellow plates and raking fangs retracted back into place forming a face that resembled a human complete with womanly and black bow lips what are you i asked but a tiny ninja for what she was was clear old older than the dirt beneath your toes hungrier than any beast i'm the reason men feared the wood and the dark she replied her bald hairless head twisting and tilting with each word almost as if she were a curious animal inspecting her prey you killed my friends i shouted i've killed thousands of meat as had my sisters elsewhere she hissed back immediately as if aghast and offended by my disapproval sisters i stuttered my worried tongue is stumbling over the question fret not they know that this wood is mined and all within it is mine they would never step into my domain just as i would not step into theirs she chattered her voice becoming ever more unsettling with each sentence as she spoke i stepped away but she hovered closer approaching with a slow win that simon glide though she was a human-like in shape imitating a feminine form this was a hollow charade for her skin was covered in countless layers of yellow exoskeleton plating sheathed in the carapace of a bee she wore black stripes as well as other stranger markings across her person and her features were sculptured with a venomous cruelty you are the first living man to step into my sacred grove in centuries once men came here seeking help seeking a truce and aid they made a deal that they would leave me be in the promise of a prosperity and conquest she said as she caressed the oak tree with her spidery black and yellow claws a bargain was struck this is my land it shall remain so and i shall remain undisturbed secret and safe no man shall enter no man shall burn or log and any man who steps within my borders is mead she hissed as her vespa wings black and transparent carried her closer her eyes those big black compound eyes were the worst they were fragmented like flies but they were empty of any mercy or compassion instead they were filled with an ageless ancient hunger does the meat like what it sees does it want me to lay my kiss upon it she asked in her strange voice scuttling through the air and infesting my ears no i stammered backing up slowly and avoiding the enchanting enthralment of her voice a paralyzing poison her speech was like the black speech of a queen mob where the mischievous spellbinding calls a pog it seeps into my every thought am i not beautiful am i not the lady of the wood come be with me let me embrace you let me lay my kiss upon you she whispered her words pulling and tugging at me i i think i'm just going to leave now i resisted leave no no no i've not yet had my fill she roared leaping through the air those be-like wings of hers swept through the wind with razor-sharp speed torpedoing her entire body towards me her claws in a hungry jaws are ready to sink into my soft human skin it was only by a miracle that i had ducked and avoided a grasp at the last minute however in my panic i failed to see what was around me and tripped over the faceless body of my friend simon i screamed and rolled away scrambling towards the oak tree at the center of the clearing looking around in a panic i could no longer see my flying assailant i can taste your fear it salts the skin and makes the meat taste so sweet her voice dribbled and taunted from all directions a globule of drool splashed upon my shoulder and ran down my scalp uniform breathless and terrified and i forced myself to edge my eyes upward to the sight i already knew awaited me above crawling upside down on the bark of the tree was the predatory female her wings folded back and vibrating with excitement come here me tight she screeched enter bow lip split wine and revealed her endless rose of grey fangs in my panic i swung my torch in front of myself and though i missed your face the flames caught the branches of the oak and to set it alight unnaturally the fire spread quickly slithering across the skeletal leafless barking branches of the tree causing it to groan and cry out like no tree should what have you done stupid meat the woman wailed as she swatted the torture in my hands causing it to land into a collection of a discarded tents and a propane tank an explosion ripped through her campsite graveyard and swiftly rivers of flames and tore through the larder you ratchet you horrible little ratchet i will peel the face from your head i will eat you slow from the feet oppa she screamed as she flew above the walls of yellow and red haze with a quaking stop she fell from the sky and landed in front of me i was weaponless unprotected and without escape victoriously she scrambled towards me buzzing and rumbling across the burning expanse like a fly drenched in a toxic bug spray i on the other hand have retreated tripling and stumbling over decades of bones and discarded clothing as i tried to find the means to escape my predatory pursuer as if by chance my eyes caught sight of a red metal canister praying to whichever god would hear i begged that the canister would be some kind of gasoline but before i could check if it was full or not she leaped through the embers behind me there was no time left i had to defend myself picking up the gas can i tossed it right at her and watched as the liquid spilled across your chitness armor and ignited with a wild fury in an instant she caught flame and the blaze entwined her female silhouette in a blistering heat the screams and roars of anguish sounded out and the whole forest is shook with terror as curses and languages i never heard bounded out from the female as she scuttled across the scorched grove i didn't want to stay to watch her burn and make sure the job was done i ran falling into myers and tumbling downhills and i fled fearing that behind heavy trunk and tree there she would be every thought on my head was worried for her and her sisters and so i sprinted galloping for days a stopping order to slurp some water from the occasional creek or stream time passed but i still continue to ignore my aching hunger the exhaustion and the pain bleeding bruised and covered in mud i stumbled on and finally once i could walk no further i fell through a bush and into a campsite barely conscious i watched as our scout leader rushed over with the rest of the troop following behind and then it all went black the next thing i remember was waking up a day later in the hospital i tried to tell my scholar that i've been lost for days i spoke of how the others fell prey to the lady in the woods but he didn't believe me and what he said next left me beyond to bewildered john your story doesn't make sense you weren't missing or lost for days and not even hours it was only 30 minutes at most since we lost track of you guys and then just as we were about to inform the park rangers you fell into the camp my scout leader stated that's not possible it was night and then day and night again i ran for days i'm not crazy i screeched but looking back as opposed that didn't help my case it is strange the doctors were convinced you were pretty much the same they said you look like someone who had spent a week out on the wilderness malnourished and starving event but you hadn't he replied almost leaning towards believing me and then they appeared a bunch of men dressed like park rangers which they claim to be but once they started speaking i wasn't so sure i'm sorry to tell you this young man your friends while they fell victim to a bear attack most likely a grizzly bear you're lucky to be alive one of the men said in a cold a robotic tone no no it was her i yelled that part is cordoned off for a reason it's dangerous full embarrassing you would do well to stick to the path in the future the unflinching and inhuman range are declared what about the fire i set fire to her and her lair surely you would have seen that or at least sleep smoke from it i claim but this too did nothing to convince them of my sincerity son there was no fire no lady of the wood just a bunch of boys who got lost and unfortunately cross paths with a hungry bear one of the men said his words press in not so much a statement but rather a threat that was the last thing they said and i never saw them again though i suspected they were always watching or listening just to check that i never revealed the truth not the truth that there is monsters know the truth that the lady of the wood revealed she claimed this land of ours was won and given through a deal with her in her kind a deal which was cemented on the promise of a secrecy and protection of herself and her sisters i imagine that those in charge those in power would do anything to ensure that secret never came to light and that the bargain remained intact out of fear that what was given would be taken away with that in mind i chose to remain silent for most of my life until now that it is too many people have died because of my silence so now i'm speaking out if you are reading this and to have any plans on visiting a national park in the future then please please remember stick to the path do not stray from the trail do not dawdle there is reason why we are afraid of the dark in the forest for the woods of the world are ancient and wild and they conceal a wicked truth there are ravenous things out there you
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 198,369
Rating: 4.8611989 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, creepypasta reading, scary story, scary stories, creepy story, asmr reading, reddit stories, horror stories, reddit, reddit scary story, reddit horror stories, mr creeps, mrcreeps, r/nosleep, audiobook, paranormal, reddit scary stories, horror
Id: bm5lERf_v74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 33sec (2433 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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