Illumi Zoldyck Abilities Explained | Hunter x Hunter

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illumi zoldick from hunter x hunter what are his nun abilities first and foremost he is a manipulator in terms of the six nem types body alteration is his first ability and allows him to alter the form of his or someone else's appearance to serve his needs by placing his needles in the area in which he wants to alter however this is said to be only able to last for a maximum of about 5 hours at a time once the needles are extracted from the target this is shown when illumi helps izoka fool the phantom troop when he needed to escape to fight crolo lucifer in new york new city arc hizoka hi you managed to slip out don't worry i left my double behind and then illumi transformed as hisoka says my face will revert in four to five hours without needles hope it's enough an airship good plan hard to follow if you fly to a far off island on the sheer mountain cliff what do you want take me with you why do you come would it help if i say i'd kill gon and killua if you refuse and this is how the scene played out when hizoka and lumi changed places the remaining members of the phantom troop base hear a sound someone's there let's check it out where then hizoka goes ahead of both of them hey be careful i'll be fine which they then see kaluto which he responds sane a kid as she escapes is that one of them shall we follow no it could be a trap let's wait until everyone gets back and due to this distraction illumi was able to change appearance into izoka another example we see this used is when he alters his appearance in the hunter exam illumi begins to take out the needles in his face to change appearance then causing his face to shift and alter with his okazaine that's always fun to watch glad you enjoy it i don't particularly but it does feel good when it stops after he transforms also it is shown being able to be used as an offensive attack too when illumi warps the face of a guard during the hunter exam assassins have no use for friends they get in the way where is he wait this match is still underway which then illumi throws three needles at his head causing it to shift where is gone through that door there thanks hypnotic spell allows illumi to manipulate a target's brain by placing a small needle inside of them to condition them to act in certain ways that he sets for example we see this used on kilua with illumi setting a spell on his younger brother to escape any battle he isn't sure he would be able to win causing killua to hesitate before taking on many opponents holding him back we saw this in his fight against ramot in the khmer antarct where he struggles for a bit due to the manipulation until he eventually found out the source of the problem and tore out the needle resulting in him killing ramot immediately after leaving him away doesn't mean a thing if i don't get rid of him for good run away ha what's that are you actually afraid oh yeah i gotta kill you now i'll crush you into a bloody pulp avoid battles you can't be sure you'll win i gotta the enemy is unknown gone run away no matter what huh you're such a wuss paralyzed with fear are you this feels so good i want to kill him but i want to savor this feeling he's the best friend i've ever had oh geez don't look at me like that i can't hold it anymore i gotta kill you i'm gonna kill you run away shut up run away you can't tell me run away run away shut up i don't ever run away run away want to lose him gone he's my friend run away my best friend run away which then kilau was shown tearing out the needle from his head huh he got me illumi when he plant this it's been inside my brain all along what are you talking about are you nuts how'd you get away just now before i struck i saw it he stabbed his head with his finger then he disappeared and now he's standing over there ah i feel so much better fully awake no more like freed that's all he did nothing more this has to be my imagination why am i the one biscuit krueger also speaks about this hesitation of kilauea in a conversation with him while training although she didn't know to attribute these actions of him to illumi's ability do you see your weakness now you give up too quickly you're too cautious in combat you could even say you underrate yourself think about it when you face an opponent you perceive is stronger you immediately get ready to bail i should clarify that it's not your fault the blame lies in the person who taught you how to fight a habit so deeply ingrained will be very hard to break but one thing is certain one day you'll let gone down and leave him to die you assume the enemy is always at his peak all you think about is the worst case scenario even if you're at equal strength you think he's pretty tough or it would be dangerous if he does this you give up even if he's a little bit better than you and have no interest in ecking out a victory escape is your only option you think like an underdog you need to overcome this bad habit and force yourself to challenge someone more powerful than you if you can't beat shoot tomorrow stay out of god's life and lastly when killua goes to visit his sister aluka he mentions that it must have been illumi's manipulation that allowed him to forget about her for so long given the poor living situation he knew she was in was it because illumi was manipulating me how could i have let my sister here to get treated this way corpse control allows illumi to fully manipulate dead corpses to serve whatever needs for him from talking to driving they can appear to act in the same way as if they were alive however only to the extent of what illumi commands them to do for example when he manipulates the ten dons to send a message to continue on with the auction in the york new city arc it is shown right after that the corpse has no reflexes when a fly lands on one showing that they have no free will to act upon only to act out the orders given to them hey how is everyone sorry we've been out of touch things get a little messy but everything's fine now we've disposed of the troop leader it's only a matter of time before we get the rest leave the hunting to the pros and enjoy your auction we've decided to make a special case and watch tonight's happy bidding as you just heard the dons cordially invite you to participate don't disappoint them and then the main speaker who was just talking is shown not having any reflexes when a fly lands on his head this is also shown when illumi uses two corpses to drive a truck and another car into kilauea in attempts to stop him from going through with his plan to save gon needlepeople is his last ability which is a very similar concept to the last one we just went over basically it's just a more advanced version in which it's shown that illumi can control numerous people dead or alive via only using one needle per person to command them in any way possible until they die from over-exertion illumi and kilowatt are shown describing it in the mango saying i hate to waste them but i'll have to use these needles oh nice aura i stick people with an order and they die obeying it more precisely they die from over exertion illumi will follow from the ground my butler sent up seven decoy blimps illumi doesn't have allies he'll send needle people what soldiers who do his bidding until they die controlled by special nen needles the victims will be civilians he injects his aura through the needles they'll be doomed puppets morale call on the hunters to capture the needle people if there's any concrete proof that illumi has abused civilians they can arrest him even if he's a pro hunter right hunter bylaws article 4 hunters shall not target other hunters unless they have committed heinous crimes some of the candidates are arguing for revisions to the hunter exam and by laws if the association catches illumi it'll drum up sympathy for their cause kilaua are you sure you're selling out your own brother i won't forgive anyone who tries to hurt aluca whether it's my brother or anyone else i'll crush them by any means but yeah those are all the abilities of a lumi from hunter x hunter if you guys enjoyed this video i do daily content explaining all hunter x hunter all anime kind of stuff like this so if you're interested in this kind of video daily be sure to like and subscribe but i'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: Laraze HD
Views: 5,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: illumi, illumi zoldyck, zoldyck, Zoldyck family, hunter x hunter, illumi Zoldyck hunter x hunter, hunter x hunter illumi zoldyck, illumi Zoldyck explained, Zoldyck explained, illumi Zoldyck nen, illumi Zoldyck abilities, nen, illumi Zoldyck powers, hunter x hunter explained, anime, hxh, killua zoldyck
Id: tvPADWJvgZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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