"I'll get sued if I make a mistake.." | Harish Salve | CJI Chandrachud | SBI

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of February 2024 yes ma'am we are now on the 11th of March yes in the in the last 26 days uh what extent of matching has been done by you what what steps have you taken in the last 26 days the applications absolutely silent on that we can put we can put a detailed affidavit on that should have been disclosed in the affidavit I I agree I agree State Bank of India which is coming coming to us we expect that there should be a degree of cander on the part of the State Bank of India that this is what the work which we have done the work is at this stage we need an extension of time to carry out the balance of the exercise which remains we have we have sought to explain the problem and the work is going on because not each each form it'll have to be form by Form going to what extent you reached well work is going on form by Form they will I can give the exact detail of how many we have covered and how many more we can cover but they did a rough calculation it will take about 3 months because I tell about my other concern I have another big concern I cannot I cannot make a mistake in this I'll get sued by the donor I'll get sued by people because I cannot I cannot by mistake say a got it when B had it highest of this country so question of you being sued I'm sorry whatever you doing you doing under the directions of the highest no no no if I make a mistake if I say Mr X got it instead of Mr I got it in a hurry to give the numbers I could create hav there fortim as you take it Mr Sal you accepting that there's no difficulty
Channel: Mojo Story
Views: 129,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supreme court live hearing, supreme court of india live streaming, supreme court live streaming today, harish salve, supreme court vc link, sc display board, electoral bond case, electoral bonds, live supreme court, electoral bonds supreme court, supreme court electoral bonds, sbi supreme court, supreme court, supreme court india, sbi
Id: M7mYxppEKOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 40sec (100 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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