Il risotto ai gamberi di Chicco e Bobo Cerea - Da Vittorio***

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C: Hi everyone, we're Chicco and Bobo Cerea from the restaurant Da Vittorio and we're here with you today to tell about the origin of a dish that will become one of the signature dishes of our new adventure at DaV Mare in Portofino. Right, Bobo? B: Yes, we have this risotto that you will find à la carte in our restaurant as a collaboration with Belmont in Piazzetta in Portofino. It's called risotto with pesto, prawn from Oneglia and tomato emulsion. C: Here's our ingredients for the recipe: beefsteak tomato, bread powder with edible carbon, shallot, garlic, thyme, Parmesan. B: Then we have pecorino, that we'll be using in our pesto, pine nuts, connected to pesto, we can't miss on Carnaroli San Massimo rice to bring Lombardy to our table, basil, and take a look, Chicco, these amazing prawns we just got from Oneglia... C: For this recipe, there's four key passages that we're going to illustrate: the making of the chicken broth, in this case, and we'll explain you why, cream of beefsteak tomato, pesto and the bisque with prawns. B: We're obviously making a normal broth with celery, carrots, onions and a nice local chicken, everything from cold, so that our chicken can release all of its flavors at the beginning of the boiling and we made a chicken broth to balance the flavor a bit and create a hyphen between the risotto from Lombardy the pesto and the prawn from Oneglia, that has a quite intense flavor. We noticed that there's a nice balance, a nice play of flavors. C: It is a good match, just as great as the freshness of the beefsteak tomato cream that we're taking, peeling, crushing and macerating in a pastry bag overnight with some spring onions, a bit of garlic, thyme and we're keeping it like this overnight. The next day we're taking the garlic, thyme and herbs out, mixing everything in a mixer and we're obtaining a foamy tomato cream. B: Then we have our bisque, our prawn head, we're blanching it in a pot with shallot and thyme, and if we like, a tomato to give some color, as well. Then we're adding ice so that the temperature leap between hot and cold allows our prawn head to let all of its tastiest juices out. C: And obviously, at last, the king of Ligurian preparations: pesto, Ligurian pesto rigorously made with a mortar. We're taking garlic, taking the core out, adding salt, pressing it and gradually adding pine nuts, pecorino, Parmesan, basil and a great extra virgin olive oil from Liguria. But straight to the point, now: let's finish our risotto. B: Well, I'm also feeling quite hungry. C: Again? B: Always. C: Let's start cooking, making our risotto. So, our small pot, a drizzle of oil, very little onion, very finely cut. When it, as you can see, starts sweating, we're adding our rice. The toasting should be slow and continuous, not too invasive, but it should be very well toasted. This allows the grain to close and retain the starch, initially. After this, we're deglazing with white wine and let it evaporate completely so it retains the scent, but takes the sourness away, then we're soaking it with our nice broth. After 8-9 minutes of cooking, what happens is our starch starts to be released in the rice itself and here is when the grain starts absorbing and taking flavor in. B: We're now moving away from the stove proceeding to the creaming phase. Remember: the creaming should never happen on the heat, but always at a temperature around 60°C Also, to keep the color of our pesto, nice and green with vivid chlorophyll, remember to add it at the last minute, otherwise we're losing all of the color, and we're also crushing the prawn head right as we're creaming. When we're adding pesto, we're crushing the prawn head and our fragrances will then come out, it will be something sensational. Please, know that it's the minor details that make the difference. Let's start cleaning the prawn. C: These are exceptional prawns, among the best in Italy and in the world, particularly from the Ligurian area. There are also other parts of Italy that have it, but the flavor, the sweetness, the delicacy of this prawn is truly renowned. A quick marination in this oil. B: Before we add our pesto, take a look at what we're doing with our prawn. We're really... as Chicco was saying, these prawns deserve to be - C: Taken full advantage of. B: Both for their price and their taste. C: And the respect for the product. B: OK, now it's time to add our pesto. C: Look at the color, look at this green. B: And the smell! Added in this way, to finish... C: Can you imagine it, looking at Piazzetta, so beautiful! Let's start plating. B: Perfect. The plate is blue, the color of the sea, so at least we're playing home. Some salt, some pepper, some lime zest. Let's work it a bit. C: So tasty, it smells so good! C: I'm covering them. B: OK. A bit on the rice, as well. C: We are also adding the tomato cream. It's so creamy! B: To enhance the fish a bit and help its flavor, I'm adding some salmon roe, to give it some sea taste. C: Do you want to lift it? And we're finishing it with this bread, edible carbon just a bit. B: I feel a bit hungry, you know? C: Pass me a spoon, so we can try it. B: It's my turn, this time around! C: We're tasting it. B: Bobo, they're calling you over there. B: Here it is, our risotto is now done. We hope you liked this recipe and if you like, try to make it at home! C: Most of all, we're waiting for you to try it in Portofino! C/B: Bye, everyone!
Channel: Italia Squisita
Views: 107,261
Rating: 4.9361629 out of 5
Keywords: risotto ai gamberi, shrimp risotto, seafood risotto, ricetta risotto gamberi, risotto 3 stelle michelin, ricette da vittorio, chicco e bobo cerea risotti, three Michelin star Da Vittorio restaurant, risotto recipe shrimp, how to make risotto, risotto perfetto
Id: jxxMjO3Vd4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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