Ikebukuro Shopping and Station Adventure

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[Music] welcome to ek bakudo station one of the biggest stations in the city of Tokyo hey everybody I'm here with with with Jennifer was here there she is hiding behind the wall hey Jennifer long see no time how are you good good Wow everyone's been asking for you tell me everything what have you been up to start eating drinking I actually believe that I said I was very believable yes I do know you very well and so does everybody else who's watching most of you I'm Jennifer also has her own YouTube channel check out the link in the description you can see more of her because you're gonna fall in love with Jennifer we're here though in front of ek bakudo station what can you tell us about EK picado station nice and delicious places we're treating it's a pretty cheap area thing but it's cheaper yeah yeah and also for young people you know maybe this is you want to go see that area across to the sunshine yeah there are lots of young people that's activities for young people therapy yes sunshine is a key place that is in this direction this is where we're gonna be going towards the sunshine building and take you on a tour so if you do come to it give a Kudo you're gonna be pretty oriented nowhere to go from the station which exit is this take the east exit because I'm saying this because Iggy bakoto station has a Brazilian exits if you have to be someone please make one exit just see there don't go to another exit because it's bad I never I never say feed you at this exit I'll say a shops name or send a link away from the station never get in the middle of the station you you always get lost Iggy bakoto is one of the biggest areas it's on the Yamanote a line it's one of the biggest city areas like Shinjuku Shibuya Ginza you give a Kudo it's in the top five and it's also a very young area there's a bunch of universities around here that that's one of the reasons why I think things are a little bit cheaper here because University students just don't have the same kind of money they just don't have this you you come here a lot more often I do right [Music] yeah that's the Metropolitan the artsy side they have a lot of classical music and opera going on on that side switch sides I'm actually Kerry I'm carrying this bag because we're just at a location shoot at a sushi restaurant Jennifer's first time at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant it's nice it seemed like the first time all right you can already see here there's loads of alleys and eat give a Kudo this is another one that you'll find some shops down there but we're gonna go to the main route which is this way this would be the main way that people walk around along the Main Street here again there's a link in the description to show you where you keep a criticism be if not it there will be one really soon but right away we see taka say building is a famous Kisa 10 or an old coffee shop that's up there it serves the classical curry rice and pasta typical coffee shop food for for Japan from the 1950s and 60s it's kind of an older place I've been there a couple of times bakery and loads and loads of people it's always busy here where do you usually go when you come here I think that we are going to cross in front of one of the places where I by Omiya get souvenirs very often I think it's right there okay let's check it out my some of my patreon got stuff from there their Christmas presents was both I think it's here let's check out this map I always like to show people maps because some some troll was on the video and said why don't you ever show maps that's exactly how he sounded in my in my mind anyways so this here is a map of a piggyback order you can see that it says 350 meters to sunshine city that's our goal ich muss and then you can also get there by subway junior is right here do you see the station somebody's lost so we started here in front of the station and we're gonna be walking this way along the main road I showed you the alley they're walking along the main road and then when we get to this intersection we're gonna be there in like 30 seconds I know we could have totally taken them there buddy that was actually really nice what you just experienced was that guy he was showing another wet nobody's got showing a westerner how to get somewhere he spoke no Japanese at all and we're standing right there I'm like I could help them but I'm not going to because this is interesting just to be there behind the scenes so we're gonna get here to the intersection and then we're gonna walk down the sunshine 60 dottie the sunshine 60 Street and this will take you all the way towards there's a lot of shops here and hubs of other other shops so you're gonna see you keep a kudo at its best or its worst yeah that's true that's true this is a store ok Jennifer's recommendation is now in well that's not good oh he got a speak hot 84 good to see Jennifer and here's something for you very nice oh wait Jennifer's over there guy didn't turn the camera around all right take us there Jennifer it's hard to walk cross cross current I keep getting body checked by people three sizes I'm a fan I'm a parent okay we could have a peek but do you see the traffic behind us we just walked across there and I was getting bodychecking I know it's getting really busy it's getting really busy all right take a look at the fans here it's a this is where Jennifer buys a lot of her her gifts or omiyage a and are those the fans right in front of us that you're talking about those look pretty good that's a nice yukata they have one for men in the window he's staring at us with no head kind of creepy a little bit creepy all right follow Jennifer see you're the local here well they can't hold on they can't hear you get some mics in the fry can I like to go to the department store ah that's on the other side that's on the other side hold on a sec hold on Saiga all right guys all these places she's recommending are back to the hair they're not where we're going so I'm not sure why she's working forget okay why you recommending those places I'm telling the people they're back there you don't go this way much okay we're gonna be crossing that intersection if you remember from the map that's this is that intersection do you want something to drink Jennifer I'm dying I'm parched you want something to drink you're good well how they got a lot of stuff here I could if you ask nicely yeah I'm absolutely ready to buy you some nectar would you like some nectar or Mets coca-cola coffee nah oh that's a live stream for like two years ago all right I don't see anything I like I don't see anything I like we can keep going I get let's get in back into traffic and go down this sunshine 60 Street and we're gonna make our way down here I haven't been in this direction in a long time much ice cream much ice cream that's melon ice cream I don't know I don't know it's hard to say all I know is that all I know is that that's melon boom and Mont Blanc that's your mountain in France Jennifer the Mont Blanc Shoku Lebanon know you into that that looks good you need to be fed everything looks nice to her oh she's one of these people anything you put in front of her you will eat including my finger in the thumbnail the last thing that I had yes why are you on my shoulder you get other side all right let's go straight down the sunshine 60th Street now if you take it does smell a little funky if you take a look to the left side this is also partner beekeeper crudo but you want to stay on the main road that we're on you follow the people follow the people no one else is going that way right that's true we're about to release a main channel episode on Hello Kitty we went to the sand para Shan photo Rio sanrio puroland why you into the Hello Kitty stuff people are shouting hello Jennifer long time no see Jennifer I already highlighted this in another live stream but I've always been impressed with the way that Tokyo has taken do you guys see this hold on a second they've taken the phone boots from the 1990s and 2000's and I used to use all the time and since everyone has cell phones they've turned these into Wi-Fi hotspots and I bet you this is where the first 5g signals are gonna come from probably like telephone lines traffic stops traffic lights and telephone booths so you can get free Wi-Fi right here do you need Wi-Fi no because we have we have data plans that we pay a lot of money for thank you very much thank you very much for this support David kumuda how you doing David and then we have here miss Clark thank you so what's going on with Jennifer is Jennifer's feed Jennifer channel any hot news what I am going to keep on eating of course okay no doubt without eating and drinking that's not new news but I'm thinking of starting some listen language listen Oh French English stuff that's interesting but you know just to start for example with okay it's ego strawberry skies in the three languages because I know that some people they like to see me when I speak the three languages so we can do that you know yeah well I have a very short attention span right there behind us as Denny's this this street reminds me if this street is always reminding me after the intersection of Disney World in a way it's just such a bright you've never been to Disney World oh you've been at Tokyo Disneyland know what that means if you know you you strike me as someone who would go there often like with an annual pass no you has is that you've been to Euro Disney at least to know you've dumped into your own Euro Disney it was a surprise for me that I fell in love with that pure Lorne on face because it's so good Hello Kitty she's a big star now in my heart and Mickey has no place in your in your heart dog shed your black heart of death for Mickey you hate all rodents I was gonna say I was gonna I'm bringing the camera because spider-man's right there and that's kind of funny hahaha the dudes the dudes leaning up against him alright let's go so you're anti Mickey I just want to put this clear dear Disney this is the face of anti you and queuing to do the have you nothing this he's got that caramel popcorn and go so dogs okay you can probably find this somewhere else it's not this day my hobby is eating my life is all about eating so I prefer to spend my time looking for good restaurants than chewing to to the attractions this is round one it's a game center you can spend an entire day there doing anything but shopping I like I don't round it's funny that they put a round one here but maybe you spend more money around one than you probably would spend a lot more money around one that's true it is a very bright street there's a Uniqlo here lots of shops there's a Matsumoto Kiyoshi a lot of people will buy their pharmaceuticals and little things that take back Japanese pharmaceuticals are a lot easier on the body so it's very popular especially with other Asian countries like eyedrops yeah eyedrops and things like this it's just it's just easier on the body I don't know why but I I saw on the train yesterday some Charis from Korea and in their bag on the train they just had tons and tons of eye drops and pharmaceutical stuff from Japan first of all you're gonna get stopped at the border stop at the airport or something because there's so many of them but you know what do I know I don't travel to Korea too often but it is it is very bright lots of lights reminds me it's it's sort of a different I don't know if you compare this to Harajuku and Shibuya how does this compare Jennifer can you compare yeah it's just different this area in a typical oi it's compared to the kabukicho in Shinjuku ah that's a better comparison it's like a look at you but it seems to be kabuki just got a lot of alleys and backroads and it's just so big this is condensed all in one sunshine 60 Street I think you could find just about anything on this sunshine 60 Street at least if it's brand oriented it's everywhere yeah Chico yeah at night this place comes alive it totally changes around this time we're about it at Twilight it's it's getting closer tonight so the lights are on but we still have some sunshine there's a toe cue hands I saw that in Oh Mia the other day it's also fun shop to go into they got just about everything but I think we're not that far away from the sunshine 60 building oh it's right up there you just have to look up no the Bisset that's got it well maybe it's not this used to be the tallest building Tokyo right I'm pretty sure it had one of the best views in one of the tallest buildings from Tokyo the sunshine 60 building because you know Japan is an earthquake prone country right right it is so there aren't their work traditionally many tall buildings because they we just collapse but with the invention of new technology like the rubberized plates with with oils in them that can you move with the earthquakes the building's can now get higher and although you know you could build that's a brand new one right there the cute Plaza you guys can check it out it's on Google Maps but it's it has an open jet so it yeah shall we show you hang out hang a left here yeah this is the end of the street let's hang a left and just take a look at this new building oh I love taiyaki I love taiyaki Oh taiyaki come to me you guys Rock thanks for streaming fantasy exes thank you mr. Potter's in the house as well ready to enjoy the stream jennifer Tilly any your full name you always make me hungry mr. Potter missus yeah but how bad see you have to feed me more oh well we have to find the time to get together do you want a taiyaki could you eat dessert we had hold on let me turn this camera around we just ate a massive amount of sushi we ate we had more sushi so much sushi what's not there on my own after this life sweet guys in the inner space in this main channel episode Jennifer went and she got a beer I knew I knew you're gonna go for the beer a behind-the-scenes video to show you guys behind the scenes oh yeah so this is it you can see it's not open there's a construction Samurai a worker thread in the front of the building with a lightsaber I don't know but he's got the lightsaber if you see that that's the one in they had the 1980s that kids kids used to have and when you waved it made of whoo-whoo sounds it just like a real lifesaver but unlike those these actually will burn you I don't know I'm making that up kids but this is a brand new building and it is it is looks like it's gonna be an amazing amount of fun because when they don't have windows like that that means it's like virtual reality crap in there I'm just guessing so it could be a lot of fun are you doing oh yeah that would be me we're actually live streaming okay it's unique to be here I mean you actually watch your videos and I see I I get we get around I know a lot less than you guys think I appreciate that so you live in a debauchee okay so where would be the place people should go if they come to give a Kudo it is it on the other side it's definitely here there's a lot of people like there's a super potato a super potato which is the games shop with all the retro games as a shop here she heard food it doesn't there's no potato there potato there there's no potato there but there's also a lot of maid cafes are up here yes yes this is the otaku after knock'em that brought not gonna Broadway this would be like number three maybe yeah yeah you know seeing I can see that it's changed a lot since every time I come here changes a lot it's it's more modern I can see the torn down a lot of old buildings and now I guess they're modernizing for the 2020 Olympics maybe yeah it's a young it's a young place you know a lot of college students here it's good to bump in here thank you very much okay all right check y'all later very cool this building is not quite open yet but it looks like there's already a bunch of games because the first shop that you see up there is Capcom that's a game center so I'm surprised I'm surprised oh you're saying is like the entire gaming computer community is like looking at the screens right now ready to kick the facing of the good woman who says I thought that super potato I had potatoes is it fried potatoes is it the ones that come in a meal set you get to know size you get those size potatoes is well large I want the large ones no there's it's not super potato I know I know you like mashed potatoes she'll take any potato it's a game center they put the gotcha pone already on the second floor all brand-new yeah all right there's nothing here that's a bummer there's nothing proper about that I don't know come this way I don't know what she has been drinking all she had one beer I didn't drink anything I had green tea you had the beer that was two hours ago that must have been some strong beer it's like slow activating brew yeah yeah five or six but it's it was like it it activates two hours after you have your specific thing have you been DITA there's a maid cafe right there I think oh no no it's it's a shop all I know is that a lot of these shops have come in these really cute what do you call them mushi I know that the culture I'm what's called mush but look at that ramen oh look at that half boiled egg man I just want to take that congealed egg and rub it a little over my face I only said I said that to see if you're paying attention I just want to know you're paying attention I'm sorry you don't want to taiyaki no you sure I don't want do you want something to drink from the vending machine coca-cola energy you want to coca-cola energy do you need extra energy no I don't my treat doesn't happen often oh you have energy to sell look it's just who's buying who wants you it's that you have a special energy right this isn't your typical energy when it comes to thinking something that'll always have a special in there are supports yeah let's take a look here Network we're where this is where you would enter these the sunshine 60 building right you can enter into the Sun tans we finally okay 20 minutes into the livestream we finally get there you can enter in through here and you'll it'll take you up to the sunshine 60 building and we call this sunshine City which is a shopping mall basically that at the base of it and I think I've only been up there once for an NHK Tokyo I shoot Kevin Cooney and I Tokyo Cooney one of the godfathers of YouTube and I did an episode for Tokyo i back in 2009 and we went up to the top of the sunshine 60 building to show it give it could as you check out this post box for the Japan Post it's pink that's pretty cute that's the cutest post office box I've ever seen by Jane and Orion beer yeah I think you need another beer don't you she's French we're in your bidding where's your MBA you guys are wearing the same color a we are yes we are she had he sees the sushi cutter today you had her hat and her skirt it totally would be just all blue I'm not buying what your salad babe all right now we walked all of this for the last 20 25 minutes above ground you can do all of this in underground you see between us there's an entrance that's you could go completely underground to eat get we're gonna station which is very useful because if it's raining if it's raining you wanna you want to sneak in that way which is why I believe it exists even in the rain are you dead yeah I do their life stream about that underground life is so true I bet that's a wonder 1 p.m. so you can see all the ground check it out check it out alright we're about half a kilometer away from you keep a go to station now I want to show you a little shortcut hey mr. Potter I remember when Jennifer bought a bottle of wine to the stream yeah what's so heavy in there I have got wine all right I'm looking at this map you can see we've walked half a kilometer here alright secret is if you if you want to avoid the crowds Higashi iki bakudo station is right here alright it's like in-between here so the shopping area is this way I often will take Kakashi the único line and Higashi gave a Kudo and just walk and it takes me half the time because there's no people who get off at Higashi give a cutoff what do you think about that Oh on the other on the other side of this highway is that where the the brothel start and all the dirty things happen on the other side okay parks what dubious things happen after midnight [Music] you're a good girl you never cross to the other side of the tracks I don't go on the other side of the tracks because I don't live in this area I don't live in this area Jennifer getting interviewed in Japanese show another month ago some people want are watching your Japanese shows yeah you're on TV a lot here I you know I've done a few of those we did one one together as well I did I don't like them that one was not good they just show Toy Story sorry I just we just missed that they showed Toy Story and Japanese was hilarious sorry yeah I don't I did what I don't like about the shows is that they put your a flag of your country on your chest and then I always think of it as like people are looking at me like I'm in the zoo I represent all American people for Japanese so anything I say will be will be based on the country on my on my chest I I never really liked this I want them to like to see me not as a being American but at being this is my point of view they do this even if the Japanese people fake boots that you know so whatever we think they put their age on everything do they put your age in their car they need to put information about the people yeah this is and I mean we're foreigners of course you know I do mostly I do muscling news programs it's not variety shows so in those kinds of situations I don't have I just looking insane well she's not wearing any clothes I don't over there oh I don't know it's sorry my attention sometimes wanders it's like what the heck is that there you go that made me stop yeah but I don't know I do more than news news programs on Japanese TV and the variety shows I just don't I never got into it but you're a pro with them all the time get behind the scenes it's pretty interesting so when you're speaking Japanese do you have a French accent I don't know you do it's like I have an American American accent and I'll tell you what everybody don't ever change who you are when you come to Japan don't try to become Japanese again then you lose your value to Japan it's it's more interesting if you stay who you are take your per accent and your pronunciation with you just look at Arnold Schwarzenegger right Arnold he's he's so awesome because he doesn't speak perfect fluent Arnold Schwarzenegger okay because he doesn't speak perfect English all right Arnold Arnold Arnold is very very happy to hear that you don't even notice that he speaks with an Austrian accent like a German no Wow what do you think of my American accent is it easy to understand that's that's you know it's not this super super towaway oh the music is still loud here oh that copyright copyright copyright don't know it they slapped me on a copyright problem a couple of on a couple of weeks ago in a shinjuku yo Dabashi camera stream i a copyright hit for 30 seconds yeah alright guys take a look up there yeah background music you see right there we have made cafes any give a code oh and this is like a new phenomenon it's not like something that you would see outside of Akihabara about five years ago but it's things that you would see here and over there there are some love hotels iki bakudo has some of the most it's the second biggest love hotel area there maybe the third after after Shinjuku's double Kiko and Shibuya right they pakodas got a ton of love hotels you've been you haven't say nothing say nothing I've never been to no just a lot of love hotels you I've been many times oh you have okay what do you think about that have you been did you go together no comment she's got nothing to say you can get a big move at a cheaper price and a hot seller normal photo okay let me ask you this who pays motel I did with dr. I we did a report about yeah me and Norma did a it took us nine days to make that Tokyo I report on love hotels for an HK we went to seven different love hotels is pretty crazy I went to was in Anna and it was oh my god the room it was like a suite and it was so cheap like something like a senior eight thousand yen and the hotels are really good places because you don't need to book in advance and if you're lucky enough to go in to an area that is not so good already I'm almost convinced I should sell my apartment and Kani and I should move into a love hotel some of them are gross do not take a fluorescent backlight and start scanning the sheets at love hotels just you've been warned Jennifer so you can keep them so you can keep the curtains open and flaunt your stuff to the crowd that walks by some of the most populated areas of the city of Tokyo that's you get clean air I don't know how this discussion okay anyways if you if you are coming with a partner then you can definitely hit up a love hotel for night if you usually you can check in at 10:00 p.m. without a reservation you pick tell tell everybody she further love hotel like you will get a room for less than sometimes four four thousand six pounds and you can get a room with a double bed and bathroom etc etc so you know just speak wait you know as long as you don't as long as you don't talk about the etc etc I don't know if if our family fairing audience is into Tom Tom Gomez writes in oh my Jennifer Tom you and I both brother would they get the same thing like she had only one beer um you had one beer I made a comment ten minutes ago about rubbing egg on my face is that would that work with your gourmet Channel hey there's your French there's your French competitor isn't that her oh she's um three years ago she wasn't really known on Japanese TV now she's everywhere what's her name Claire Clara yeah she's really nice I got a chance to meet her once a long time ago she was break working hard to break in into Japan and now she's on so many TV shows it's crazy ah she speaks very good Japanese she's a correspondent for TBS she did a couple of shows with yeah she did a lot of stuff this is the say booze entrance right so he gave a coat of station this way yeah I got to go home you don't know what you want to do she's going to love hotel by herself Jennifer you can't do that by yourself you could hear me right she could hear me well I don't know what I'm doing I think I'm just going to leave you and I'm going to go in someplace else by myself and live stream but by myself yeah I gotta get back and put up an episode tonight on the street food market in Kochi have you been in Kochi on Sunday there's a street food there's a market that happens every Sunday in Kochi it's one of the best street food markets it's famous for having vegan and vegetarian food well yeah if you don't like meat but I like meat and I like actually starting to like the vegan food it's actually pretty good yes yes you don't have to and I found out you don't have to be vegan to eat the vegan food no it's just the vegan foods the vegan vegan people can't eat the meat foods but the meat people can go across they can surf every food every food level right if you if you can eat meat then you can surf the vegetable world I can surf every world the cuisine world I know there's no holds barred you know it's made for placing the meats with tofu tofu base seriously my friends when I did sense the recipe it's super good they didn't notice there was no meeting there did you do an episode on this on the Jennifer Julien it'd be on the channel I shoot I know should I know I have there are so many things I ever loves to do but I like time because I have you know she works she's a working woman I'm a youtuber she's a you still mostly not a youtuber your food food critic food in wine business oh really yeah check out that dead tractor-trailer they got the attention of these ladies like I don't know what that's supposed to be we got a present the Internet's breaking down and yelling wine short egos wine what do you think it is shorty I totally am not I can't drink you know that's I have my own branzino oh yeah do you guys do you guys know cal decal these these chains of stores all around Tokyo they have this is the candidate or much much I can arrange oh it's so moist is with can i it's a smelly toad oh it's so cold yeah okay nice for you all of them first should I give them to Kenai yeah can I just eat them myself on the train of course not okay this is so yes did you put a chip in iPic chip in here so you know if I've eaten them oh can I definitely watch absolutely absolutely what Jennifer it was great to see what it was the French thing see you guys a bientot I've done two fishes sudeer this is nice bye-bye are you at you so you really you're really going okay okay but you'll figure it out a coffee a drink or eat I need to sit down and think but I want to do something okay all right you do that well don't be a stranger bye-bye she's on my shoulder we're stalking her well that was a lot of fun I'm glad that we could share a little bit of time with Jennifer we we just spent like three hours filming a only different main channel episode on on sushi go around at the shop we got permission to go in their film and I brought I'm making a story about it so that should be a lot of fun probably take a couple of a couple of weeks to edit that this is one of the first ones where I have an external an external person edit helping me to edit it so we're gonna have a lot more video content on the main channel so I'm making my way into you keep we're gonna keep a coat of station I'm I'm gonna be getting onto the UDOT you're not Kajol I'm so let's just take a little bit more time and walk in towards the universal line and we can see how this all works because we've taken you to the sunshine city and then check out the smoking area it is so crowded filled of smokers but they have these walls here to keep the smoke in very smart idea all right so let's get inside a VK pakoda station try to find how to get on to the metro and this will give you a little bit more orientation into the hypocrite of station so when you do come here you'll be able to navigate a little bit further than just to the sunshine 60 Street alright if you do meet a friend here and you say I want to meet you in front of you give a go to station make sure you tell them this information you see in front of me there is a statue so you tell them you're meeting in front of the hand the hand of the hand of this strange hand is very famous it's a weird statue but you can say I'll meet you in front of the hand all right I don't know if that helps you it doesn't help me yeah or the Becker's coffee I always say I'll meet you in front of the this is the last place that I saw Kevin Cooney actually right there Becker's cafe little interesting side notes or he went back to the United States all right let's go down in deep [Music] we're going in towards the modern ochi line so this is a little bit extra definitely hit that like button if you're having fun and you like taking a look at these Japanese stations you're like is like gasoline to these live streams and we're running out of gas here so we should be like 400 likes come on all right so let's go well they got some they got some takoyaki going on here behind these very greasy windows looks good in Tokyo one of the chains that was that was creep that was so creepy I'm like what is that scratching on my shoulder dude you took a shortcut it's a long cut oh my word she's a stalker youth band I didn't say that van Josh did but it's a little bit creepy when you go to go by yourself to a love hotel yeah it's that was yeah that was a good one thanks Billy yeah you took the shortcut you went underground right yeah we crossed the street the old-fashioned way look at this one plus one is two yes she proved it all right so this is where juniors north gate is and if you look up here underground usually you don't get you King you don't get lost if you know at least metropolitan and West exit and then the north gate is right here for junior but we're going towards the subways and they're all kind of in the same area you dr. Lyon modern uchi lion and fukutoshin line which will take you to Shibuya fukutoshin line what which line are you taking I'm going to do dr. Joe Tobin so I'm going to the oh yeah this is the the Oh see you later bye bye number two bye behind over - ciao she wasn't stalking she was really gonna leave us okay but I stopped here because you know these these are these sandwiches that I introduced in the Japan sandwich show they've got like a thousand varieties of sandwich packs white bread and impotent in the white bread is some filling and then they kind of like clamp them together and it's kind of fun my mom likes the egg salad sandwiches snack pack right nosh snack packs that was funny I was like what selects that's all my shoulder I turn around and it's Jennifer what I knew she wasn't gonna go to a love hotel by herself she was just teasing us that looks like karaage that looks really good I love the fact when you go to these Japanese stage instead of the stations in Japan you'll find a bunch of food that you can just buy and take home with you and at the end of the day like right now there could be a lot of people's dinner so people will buy a sack of food at the station for dinner it's a good it's a good idea how does an Anderson bakery in here you can smell it you know stations smell great even in the summer when everyone's got Bo it still smells pretty good it's a good mix of Bo and bread ramen right that's a tobu line so this is where tobu tojo geela Tojo line is but all right I want to go this way epyck aqui bakudo this is from Simon Nicky bakuto is is my favorite area in Tokyo I lived around he gave a curtal west exit when I visit to Tokyo last year yeah if you bakudo is I worked on the other side of the station for about four three years working for an English school as a part-time job before my company started to take off a little bit and yeah EQ bakoto is it's got a lot of it's got a nice vibe to it and what I like about it is if you compare iki bakudo to Shinjuku yo bokuto has seems to have like everything but it's more compact so I like that aspect of it David Kim Yuna thank you for chipping in I'm gonna get something for cut I when I get home she shouldn't have to cook tonight mr. minute it is that's in the United States too right where you make keys and stuff I think mister minute is everywhere they fix shoes and make keys yeah Eddie right sit the next person that taps you on the shoulder is gonna get throwed punched I don't think I don't think I'll take it that far they'll definitely get a mean look Wow mr. minutes and New Zealand as well I think it's like one of these global chains that just sneaks up sneaks up on you're like Jennifer they're everywhere but you don't realize it all right we're heading towards the único line goes straight once again look at that pizza definitely a young area the students rule here pizza cake sweets nice that's why people like it give a cut oh it's also probably besides jiyugaoka it's like the sweets paradise of Tokyo all right we're almost there our goal is you know July we're going across traffic that was rough do you see you see where I walked by everyone was exiting and going into the other line so sometimes it can be a little bit of challenging because you have to fight traffic and whenever you have to cross a stream of people you just have to put your head down and just push through it it's the only way to get through definitely hit that like button I can't believe we're short come on we're short of 300 that's so weak totally should be like yes 400 or something well you don't like you give a cut oh forget don't push the like button for me push the like button for a gay bakudo give it their respect it deserves if they are low seat low ceilings they've been working on this for a while the station has there's always been like little construction bits and pieces but I think I think after the Olympics they'll probably start renovating a duplicate of station it's so crap it's so crowded in traffic that it's hard to do any renovations here without disrupting too much all right here we are this is where this is also the east exit right here it's pretty busy I'll let this soak in for a minute they have some kind of fair going on with they're selling things [Music] summers here once again yukatas sir everyone's buying their summer yukata now if you get in early you can you can have them tailor-made but it's about at the end of that season so if you start to tailor make it it won't be ready in time for all the fireworks displays you have to start doing it in June I tried one year to get you contact cotton kimono tailor made and they wouldn't do it they wouldn't be finished until September and I'd asked two weeks before okay there we go your doctor Chilean is right here boom for those of you who are curious about where you keep akuto is it's up here it's up on one of the corners this is the Yamanote de line which goes around the entire city of tokyo so you can see with the Imperial Palace in the center here iki but kudos up here it's on the northwest side and Tokyo stations right here so it's a little bit further Shinjuku's right here Shibuya's right here jeans is right here right and ask who says right here and those make up like the big five zones that go around the Yamanote Eli it's pretty interesting so there you go you keep it good a station in the Internet shell from the station to the sunshine 60 building back to the station back to Jennifer's solo love hotel and now to the you dr. lang thanks everybody for watching if you have any questions as always leave your questions in the comments below I really appreciate it click that like button for watching I'm getting buddy check because I got a massive camera bag yeah so I'll see you the next livestream there's a main Channel episode being released tonight on the only Japan Channel it's Cochise Street food market to give me a lot of fun I'll see you next time last 20 seconds watching people going to oxygen why because I don't have it any better the better to show you have a good day good night everybody you
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 48,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, ikebukuro, tokyo, shopping, sunshine, game, super potato, cafe, students, university, nightlife, food, restaurant, streetview
Id: DTC11-0egj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 40sec (3220 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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