IKEA Kitchen Course Part 4 of 5: How to Install and Adjust Drawers, Rails, Hinges and, Soft-Closes

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welcome to part four of five of our IKEA kitchen installation series part four what we're covering today is installing the drawers building the drawers installing some of the corner cabinets the doors hinges soft closes making all the adjustments to all that stuff this episode as you watch it by the time you get to the end you're gonna realize how genius the IKEA system is like the the drawers for example everything is fully adjustable I've seen full-on like custom cabinets where you just mount the front onto a box but if you want to make small adjustments it's too hard you have to go in pull the drawer out adjust it with some screws put it back in and it's it's very hard to do on a custom cabinet where's that key it's all built in they have rails everything's adjustable side to side up and down you can tilt it all that even just adding soft clothes like everyone thinks all it's like a magical upgrade to have soft clothes well Ikea you just clip on a little attachment and the doors or soft clothes and same with the drawers it's just a little clip it on and then you have that cool feature right so everything is just built in and everything is if you don't like a certain part about your setup like oh I don't like these three drawers I want two big deep drawers okay just switch everything out you know it's pretty simple now just to kind of give you a run through part one we talked fairly quickly about just how to design your kitchen part two was setting we customize our basis we do a wood plywood base just showed you how to figure all that out part three was setting the cabinets and then doing all the filler panels and stuff like that so that was part three and now we're onto part four let's get into it now on part two I showed you how to set the basis how to figure out the heights and the sizes and all that based on your cabinet layout and then we did some offsets or some backs that's depending on where we're going so one example of a box set is right here this is where our stove goes now I could have done this face cabinet where it was flush with the box but then you would have when you pulled your stove out you would have seen this plywood base now on Episode two I don't know if that was visual enough if you could actually understand what I was trying to get at so what I've done here and this is just kind of an extra custom Flair that we're doing is I've just set those back five eighths of an inch now with those when I set them back I like to set them back just a little bit more than the thickness of my filler material now yeah I'll say it again but this this is just a custom thing that I do to badou my finished toe kicks I actually just rip down filler panel and then I can glue or Brad nail it to my to my basis because I've adapted the system a little bit I know how I like to use it I've set this back but these panels are nine sixteenths but I like to set my base back a little extra just because I don't want this sticking out past the reason I'm doing this is just so that it looks a little more polished when I pull the stove out you can get this is where I'm going with it is I can install that like so obviously I gotta wait for my flooring to be done but I just wanted to throw this in here quick just to show you guys so the other thing like I've said a couple times is finished edge down that way if I had get a water spill I'm not soaking up material into my cut edge so when I'm cutting all my material finished edge down finished edge to the front then I measure my base and I've got it measured out at twenty and thirteen sixteenths so let me just buzz this and then I'll show you how I'm going to overlap the corners and I just plan out all my toe kicks and I just overlap the corners I do butt ends I don't do miters or anything and that way I just always have a finished edge happening I wish I could have thrown this at the beginning of the video but I did plan ahead because I've installed a few kitchens like we like I told you about I just bought some of these Vox tor white filler panels and that's what we used just to fill these sides and so the sides by the stove and the sides by the dishwasher that's cut like I said those will go in later and then what I what I did is actually pulled my tape measure from the wall to the edge of the cabinet because this will be in about a sixteenth but I can overlap this toe-kick just a little bit I'll have to just shave a little hair off I can see that top edge just so it's nice and flush when you throw your stove in there's no gaps now let's say your base you want to be extra safe and you're in an extra half an inch you have couple options you can throw on an extra strip of plywood and install this so it's a little more flush or let's say it looked like that it was way under just overhang this one so so that when you look from the front it looks like this is all flush up this side and that's just a few tips same with all the filler panels like when we're in part three is always just plan out how you're gonna do your cuts so that you always have a factory edge somewhere and the cut edge is on the least visible side just like we showed you here we've touched on that now let's get into doing some finishing [Music] a good rule of practice when you're installing your akia kitchen is when you build a cabinet box keep the instructions with it same goes with all the parts we've kept and just kind of gone into a habit of keeping all the parts with each cabinet once we get into the drawers and stuff you'll see how valuable that is as well so we what we forgot to do the other day well not necessarily forgot but just something that I want to catch up now so I don't get I don't forget later before cabinets go in or these little clips and these are there just because we're because we've spaced everything else out like right here because this bar adds an eighth of an inch and because this corner bracket adds a little space once again they've impressed us with just adding these little clips as you can see at the back add those in that way everything your countertops and everything sit at the same height so I'm going to just throw this one end I like that feature I like that they thought about that another thing that I find and it's one of those things I've installed a few now I remember they order these these brackets are called a fixa they are what IKEA will basically recommend that you use when you're installing granite or quartz or something like that but I like it for installing like our Brite countertops as well and it's just spacing everything up properly essentially they sit like that and it just it just spaces the countertop if you have our Brite not that it would sag but it could so these just space everything nice so I like to order those for all the cabinets as well and yeah you just use the factory holes follow the instructions the other thing a guy could do if you got real fancy you could flip them the other way and that way you had something to fasten up into your underside of your countertop but you already you can already do that you can do it on the front metal rails and you can do it anywhere at the back too so but just something to think about you know I like to customize things and I like to tweak it and make it my own alright so I've kept my instructions here I'll keep them in place now we have this at rusta I don't know how to say any of their words this is that carousel that goes in this corner cabinet like I said that Halfmoon let's get that installed we'll show you how to do that according to the directions we had to install the door first so we have our instructions for the carousel it shows right off the hop you can see in the pictures that the door the cabinet door is already installed now one thing and this is a good clue for all your other installs it shows what parts are available but next if you look carefully it shows the left cabinet style or the door on the right now the door on the right if that's your setup go to page 15 if the door is on the left like we are it just says follow down here and then you see points hinges door in place next step we install this template one thing I'll say in the actual cabinet booklet it shows an extra strip that goes in behind this one how to install that it does just show you that just just to let you know but you can if you just follow the instructions you'll find all that already so if you just look closely you just there pictures are actually very well done we'll set this template here and yeah you basically got to learn with me as we go which is a nice way to do it you can see me make my mistakes too now you like I said you got to look for clues and there they make it pretty clear it shows you which direction to point this baby so we got that little niblet towards the front and also shows you what screws to use not they're not the panheads but more of the Flathead style screw one trick that I've learned over the years if you're unsure of where the location of this is going just put two screws in and that way if you mess it up you can move it you still have other screw holes that are can still be used later on if you fill up every hole of this template you have to move in an eighth of an inch it's too hard to move after that if all four holes are punched into it so just follow the instructions along and it shows these plastic Clips here and it has an R on it for right and I'm just gonna follow what they said so these little pins go in to set your heights and that just locks in on the are position it slots weight so it will function properly so we tip it in like so you not only use the power girl in for confident with your controls because those are you can spin those out so if you're unsure just use a screwdriver okay we have the carousels pre-built like I said I think you guys can follow through get all the instructions down pat and give you lots of nice clues next let's go get them and throw them in it's fun when you discover all these cool little things as you start installing even these the way these spin like that so I was like how does the these carousels actually function but this closes on its own right it's cool how that works then even this when we install this it has holes at the top that way you're not trying to hold the thing I'm like how am I going to install that it's gonna be hard well it's they thought of it it just hooks in I don't have to struggle with it now I just place the screw so it doesn't doesn't left off by accident gentle now what I could do before I get loaded up with 300 cans and goods that wasn't the smoothest now this is what I love about these corner cabinets you can access the full inside corner you don't need to get on your hands and knees and poke your head up inside the lazy susan it's just full access to this inside corner it's a beautiful thing all right now that that's done let's jump onto drawers another great use for these fix up brackets that are typically used for the granite and the court stops just where my dishwasher goes I want a little extra protection and they call it a cleat but it just keeps it nice and small because my dishwasher needs as Max about a space as possible I'll just set this to this line and then that just helps support countertop so it's just another good use for these fixer brackets [Music] we're on two drawers and we're working on this middle cabinet of the peninsula and why this is important as we will refer to more of our drawings and sketches and assembly lists when we're building everything and as you can see over here we've already installed some of our rails on other our other boxes but we just want to show you how we get there so follow me and we'll show you the setup this is our setup we have everything laid out now this is this diagram is going to be important it's probably too hard to tell but we're on cabinet number nine and it's just that tiny little orange writing it's hard to see now they're all technically the same but you know if you kind of use your assembly list and you use your diagrams and cross reference it's easier to keep all the parts organized and together so here's our assembly list which is basically gospel right from step one till now just keep it so handy so we're gonna go to cabinet number nine and it tells you everything that you need so we need a section base cabinet 30 by 24 by 30 and then it tells you what's drawer fronts we need we need three don't ought to say it drawer front 30 inches wide 10 inches high so three of them 10 20 30 is a 30 inch high base cabinet then it tells you we have to the Maxim era's drawer the low of styles and two Maxim era mediums okay so that's going to come in handy because every box will have a part number and that part number references to a low medium or high drawer what you need to keep organized because they come in different parts as you see when we install this if I don't stand corrected IKEA at one time had two options for drawers just stay with the maxim air it's the full depth drawer don't use anything else these are the best as per usual we have all of our parts and it just shows you how to assemble it all but we're just going to show you the real-life method keep in mind as we go through it this is our setup so we have the three even size drawers and yeah what you got to go back to part one where if you want to go through and you got to go through the IKEA planner and you get to see all the different options for all the drawers there's two big ones in our scenario we have the three fronts but we have a fourth hidden drawer at the top but like we just have clues everywhere we got a zip to page 14 for this and then we begin so if you look the tag on the drawer is always to the bottom and then it just shows you what position to place everything so from your view point we got the tag down here we need these little clippies now the girl that works for me who's done a lot of the basically the installation of the doors and the drawers and build a lot of this stuff for me she showed me a few little tricks to tell you guys as well and one is the fact that you go to keep in mind that sometimes these you use these holes on the bottom of the bracket but depending on the drawer sometimes well you'll either use this set of holes or this set for a low medium or high but sometimes instead of using it the bracket like this you actually use this top hole here and then this second hole lands up there so just kind of look at the diagrams in your instructions keep all your instructions together in the same drawers and just try to stay organized if you can but let's throw this bad boy together so these clips I just need to verify which location they go in and we'll show you what those are for but those are gonna be super handy down the road Ricky move now that we have our parts on our drawer front now we actually put the drawer together and as always I'm going to sound like a broken record but just look at the diagrams this groove accepts the bottom shelf so that goes to the bottom then we just clip these side rails onto that so these two there's two holes here and then there's two clips great one here and one clip there and everything just snaps together snap we're gonna do this one I have my drawer front in the way or I have my bottom in the way okay that's easy snap those in now with the bottom of the drawer just keep in mind the cut edge goes at the back and then the finished edge stays to the front and then yeah these grooves are at the bottom and if you look closely right here they glide upon those and yeah it actually fits together very well I'm just gonna get that started and I'm just gonna stand it up and I'm just gonna try to slide the sides down at the same rate there no this is the back they do send a screw to plug into there which will do that now before we forget it okay we're almost there time to snap the front on and it snaps in like so then we'll we'll finish putting the accessories on let's do that just don't forget there is a way to unclip all this and we'll show you that as well but let's just finish the drawer here first spin that so you can see it so these handy devices are rails they also serve to be able to pull this drawer front in and out it's part of the adjustment system by spinning this device so we'll just spin that around they have left and right sides and I'll just snap this so this little piece here just clips into this little notch out up in the back metal bracket before you snap these in note that this is the left side which you should be able to tell from your view left it's over there roll that into position I'll just roll this right one quick and then these just clip into the front same back here just clip those in then we'll we got to put these cover clips on and the solid part goes to the bottom like ISO and then at the end of the day that slides over and it covers everything but if you need to make an adjustment you simply just pull this back turn this and it'll pull this drawer front that direction and last step let's not forget to throw these in at the bottom and this just gives the front of the drawer support so that over the years it doesn't bow forward or break off upon your IKEA kitchen install if you messed up or one of the drawers isn't in the right position I'll show you how to pop the drawer front off of the rest of the drawer now right in here there's a Philip shape a star-shaped slot just in behind this little bracket I'm gonna get our screwdriver in there and well actually I gotta pull this back unclip that rotate it to the left and that's how it pops the drawer off the other side is connected to a little fully disconnect but that's how it's done you just do that and then you can pull the front off and then while we're while we're here this location is to for adjustments and so as this set screw back here and that's how these drawers are fully adjustable you can actually adjust this front left right up down and you can tilt it this way in this way like we already discussed so we'll snap that all back together that's how the drawers work but once we get into actually installing the drawers I'll show you how the adjustments all work but at the end of the day if you if you need to fix up on the drawers don't panic you can adjust it take them apart and redeem yourself okay that drawer that we just built and this part is very very important don't get too far ahead of yourself there's just small clues like I said in all these books and as we've installed we realized okay you got to be just kind of on the ball and I'll show you how to understand the instruction booklets let's actually go back to the beginning here's our maxim era instruction manual it shows you your parts now we're building three even size drawers we want to go to page 14 to learn the information about that we're on page 14 right now okay now right here this shadowed part is the bottom drawer that's the one that we just set up now it tells you where to put the screws in association with all the clips and all of that right so we went through that for that drawer now we want to build so I have the bottom belt I want to build the middle and the top but they're slightly different remember how I said just some of the screw spacing so let's just show you how to understand this we want to build the middle and the top drawer go to page 22 alright we're on page 22 we have our drawer the tag is to the bottom now if you look carefully this bracket is the screw show going through the top hole and the middle one and that's what we're gonna do top and middle top and middle and it's just a slight difference but it everything is in relation to something else so it all depends on your drawer configuration but let's just do that so those are in and we did that by following this diagram here now these clips for the rails we get to install those and just notice the subtle difference as well the top and the middle so we'll just place those and get those in position okay time to clip this together quick then I'll just snap this into position snap this little cover slide that in and then before we move this we're just gonna label it with some masking tape drawer number nine middle then the next door we built drawer number nine top everything's organized then when we go to do our rails we'll install those as per directions and then at the end of the day everything's just pops in really easy [Music] now we're on to setting rails and and I'm gonna say it again keep all your parts together because as we build the lower drawers the lower drawers are designed and typically have more weight so the bottom two so these glides or slides come with the bottom 2 drawers and they actually have the orange inside which basically there's heavy material that's usually where you have your pots and pans right so if you keep everything together then that the system is going to function the way it was designed to function now we have two sets of instructions both Mac Samara this one here we are on remember the three equal sized fronts and it tells you what spacings from the bottom to set your screw holes so this bottom one is two this one is nine and we'll get into that now what we've done here is because we have that hidden top fourth drawer we just had to get the spacing sizes over here which just kind of shows the outline of the fourth hand drawer and it shows us number 21 okay and then just for sake of being for for the sake of clarity we're gonna get back into this one I'm gonna hit this broken record lots three even size fronts page 14 we're gonna go to page 14 we're gonna skip through it and we're gonna say okay here's our rails we're gonna use the front hole and this one but we're using the higher up set and then when we refer to the other sheet we're on the second hole so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna make some real light pencil marks I'm gonna count the holes out so I know what I'm doing here so I'll just go second I'm just gonna make a little tick because when you hold this up it'll sit like that just needle make a little tick not too dark and I'll just count all the holes out and all my spacings and I'll do that and then everything is easy I don't have to try to count once rails are in position it's one two next one is nine three four five six seven eight nine seventeen so it's nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one so I'm just gonna follow the screw pattern that they tell me to so it shows I'm gonna use two on the front I'll just do that one for now then this other hole back here it should be the back hole as the diagram and that's right lift that up and then I'll just put this second one in up top here over here okay for the second rail I just want to confirm the spacings on the rails so we started off as page fourteen will flip the page twenty two because we're working on the the other two drawers do that and then I'll just flip through and find the rails and the screw placement which is right here and then it's telling me to use the bottom holes of the rail so it's just that little subtle difference so that's what we're gonna do here the book tells me to use the bottom holes here's my mark and then because these are heavier drawers they need extra fasteners so here's our mark for the other rail and the books telling us to use the bottom hole so that's what we'll do sometimes what I like to do is actually just let that rest down I'm not trying to hold the whole thing up and then because I'm using the bottom hole I just shove this glide forward a bit so my screw gun can get in there and there you just want to follow all the directions and make sure you're doing things those subtle differences can throw you off and you know maybe I suggest is just doing one box one set of drawers making sure that everything goes smoothly for you and then proceeding on rather than installing all the rails and if you made a mistake then all of a sudden is like the whole darn I got to change all the rails on the whole kitchen so if you're unsure just work one box at a time or one cabinet at a time on the next page it shows us just to add a few extra screws for for longevity so if you look here on the front you move forward we got to just put one on the front hole at the top and then at the back set of holes one just above the other one and those if you look carefully are a flathead screw and we'll just do what we're told time to set the last drawer the top one that's hidden now just a small little detail the note here on the instructions it shows this is the drawer the dashed one notice how it's just pushed back from the front and that's just to show you have to push it back to the front of the drawer stays behind the actual finished drawer front and if you look just carefully before we install there's little screw marks it shows little X's where the screws go so the bottom row of screws in the middles on the 21st roll let's do that okay now let's show you the soft clothes we kind of skipped over that it does show it in the instructions but this is what the soft clothes looks like this little gadget here they they you pop on and off if you need to but this is it here so it's just the click of this little device now you have that really neat feature of the soft clothes bottom drawer is labeled ready to go in just set it down on the rail gently put it on and then I like to just pull it all the way out and give it a test run now here's to see if we read and understood the do the directions and instructions properly we paid attention tour screw spacing so let's see if they're all that hard work paid off and yes nothing collides with each other you got to do the hidden drawer before anything else test run and then just note that this is our top drawer it doesn't have that side rail and that's why it's important to keep everything organized as you go together the top doesn't have that adjustment rail at the top and this is why because we have the hidden drawer above it so place that in done now now that they're installed [Music] now that the drawers are in let's show you how to remove them because that's a useful some useful knowledge just pull the drawer all the way out lift it up ever so slightly and then don't force it but just it should just slide forward and then off and then um set it on the rails make sure make sure you hold the front so it doesn't fall forward onto the ground done deal I have my instruction book open now and we'll show you how to I'd make the adjustments to so this is how you adjust the drawers this screw allows the front to actually move up or down you just like turning that one way or another you can hear it you can actually feel go click click click click and that's moving it down and then to the left is moving it back off and then this one this actually moves it left to right so when I adjust that it actually moves the whole drawer front left to right and no other system out there has that it's just such a beauty simple and you know just such an awesome feature so you at the end of the day you want to just make all your adjustments and then they have these clips that cover it all so those adjustments we just talked about you do those at the very end and it's just to line everything up so you want to line these doors up and you want to line them up this way so that gives you that allows left right up down and then those rails can actually spin it front to back so it's it's they're just a fine tune and make it look like us so good [Music] we're starting to install hinges on the doors another genius setup you simply just press this into the door make sure it's pushed down all the way first push it down you don't need to need to screw it you just snap that down and it's pressure fit now let's install the other half of the hinges these are your little instructions the only thing I'd really have to point out that's kind of critical with these is that arrow points forward here's that arrow right there very subtle put those forward now you might be saying okay well how do I know the location I just do it the simplified way you can find it in the instructions I usually just hold the door up and if you look for like from the top on the second row down and from the bottom I'm just the second row up so you see that I just hold the door up so just second row on either end will pop pulls in okay arrow to the outside or arrow point towards me let's make sure they're pressed in all the way and be gentle with your drill arrow to the face arrow towards me and then to install the door there's like a little there's a little bar right here if you can see that that goes in first there's a little groove and you snap it in at the back and I probably should just do this snap snap now to take them off there's just a little lever on the back here so let's pull it off and we'll show you it yeah to take them off just pull that little lever if that little bar into the groove snappy snap and then these screws allow for adjustment as well so these doors are fully adjustable forward back and you can tilt them so that you can adjust them any which way here's our soft closed device and that just clips onto the hinge so it actually goes into that square groove kind of want to put it this face in first like the forward part and then pull towards yourself and in too strong for my own good okay just like a so just like that now you have the soft close feature and unless you have a super heavy door usually just one on the bottom should work just a quick little adjustment note if you look over here the door isn't closing yet it's just because we need to raise it up and possibly just pull the right hand at the top just pull it in so let's just show you quick we won't do a full adjustment right now we'll save that to the end we'll just show you a couple of little tricks here on how to adjust these doors okay the one at the back pulls it in or out okay I'll just show you a little sample of that right now it's pushing it towards me so I'll go back with out a little bit this one actually will pull the door in or out so if I turn it to the left it'll actually push it towards you guys and then there's one right in the middle here actually can you see that one in the middle that actually moves it up and down and I need to go up with the door so I need to takes a little bit of torque so that was about two notches up and then I'll just do the same to the top here two notches up and I'll just suck the top in a little bit now it closes but if you just look at the margins and all the gaps we just need to bring that root top right up a little bit and that's just something that at the end of the day you need to just need to look at all the gaps figure out okay does the door need to twist or does it simply just need to move up or is that the other door and just just kind of way in all your options and take a look at both doors as a whole and make your adjustments but everything is fully adjustable as we install the sink doors I notice that we have to just change out this little bar here and this is a piece that will come with anything like with any lower cabinet that has doors and it also has a few other features too has these L brackets and this is just to give you a heads up on future stuff like why do these all these pieces show up it's either for a drop-down sink I use them for a doorstop or at the top and then over here just has these L brackets so if you have a cabinet with just a false front and then short doors below just gives you that option for that so I'll just throw this in and then that just allows when my doors have something to stop against at the top so just swap those out then I just install these and that'll just give me a lots of cushion I'll help to remove the little clear one that I put on already don't do it yet line it up and then I just can adjust this forward if I need to adjust my doors that concludes part four thanks for tuning in on part five this will look a whole lot different will have the flooring in the tile done we'll show you how to install the rangehood the toe kicks and we'll show you how to install the cabinet hardware the door pulls and the drawer handles show you a quick and easy way to install those so for today thanks for tuning in and next time we'll finish this thing off
Channel: Kody Horvey
Views: 131,484
Rating: 4.9171209 out of 5
Keywords: Kody Horvey, IKEA Kitchen Cabinet Course, how to plan an ikea kitchen, how to build an ikea kitchen, how to install ikea drawers, how to install ikea drawer fronts, ikea hinges instructions, ikea hinges installation, ikea hinges adjustment, ikea hinges utrusta, how to install ikea soft close hinges, how to install ikea soft close drawers, ikea kitchen installation, ikea kitchen makeover, ikea kitchen cabinets, ikea metod, ikea metod installation, kitchen planning
Id: kWZlz_FTK5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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