IKEA Kitchen Cabinet Course Part 1 of 5: IKEA Kitchen Planning & Preparation

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let's get into part 105 on our series of how to install an IKEA kitchen so first things first is where to start how do I even begin to plan this thing I'll show you a few dimensions that you need to keep in mind that are critical to kind of get you started then we'll go into some of the Ikea different cabinet sizes and variations so that you kind of familiar with what they have and then from there you can just kind of start piecing it all together then we'll go through some of the just standard dimensions of like walkways fridges stoves dishwasher stuff like that then we'll just give you a few tips on how to actually build some of the boxes if you're unaware IKEA has a 3d kitchen planner on their website that's gonna be one of the tools you're going to need and use it's very very handy it helps you visualize so you know this is a new kitchen that we're doing today but if you're if you're planning your kitchen that's already existing and you want to change it up I strongly suggest just going around and taking a bunch of dimensions taking the dimensions of your windows the widths of all your walls and you can input those into the program so that it's a to scale drawing that way you can see it from a bird's eye view you're not looking at your existing kitchen and you know you see the layout as it is right now so you may not be able to see new layouts so put all your dimensions into the program and then you can see it from a fresh set of eyes and maybe you can switch up the layout so that you enjoy your new kitchen a lot better and if you're not into computer programs stuff like that this is a scaled ruler pick one of these up a square and just do it old-school like I do quite a bit [Music] in this scenario there's pot there's at least two critical dimensions that you need to be aware of one obviously depending on your layout but tons and tons of kitchens out there are based with the sink is in the center of a window so that's one thing that you can't really change if you want it centered in the window that's a known fact so right here the center of this window is our sink if you're cramped for space you can go a 24 inch cabinet for just a single bowl sink you can do a 30 inch cabinet for a like a big sink and then a small one or standard as a 36 inch cabinet for the dual Bowl sink so here this is a critical dimension what I did is I actually when I put all of this into the IKEA program I took my dimensions so let's say I went from the wall to the edge of the trim and I said that was my window size then I measured from the outside to trimmed outside of trim what that allows me is that way if I have an upper cabinet here then I know for a fact okay if I'm if I have 32 inches in the cabinet's 26 I know I have space beside the trim right if you measure just to the window then you're like oh I've lots of space all this on the cabinet goes and tries to sit on the casing it's like oh darn it right like I miscalculated so many things so all I did is I measured that I measured it full width did a little quick math so I'm six foot four and a quarter so that's three foot two in an eight then what I do is to make darn sure when I mark it out I actually mark it that way and then I mark it out from the other dimensions just in case there's lots of times where I'm off unlike my math this way know that I'm Center I'm not an inch out or something weird this is the center line here then what you do is you just go 18 inches either way and that's where this cabinet has to go right it has to be centered with the window or it looks goofy the other thing is just make sure that all these pipes are gonna fit in which they do so this is a known this can't change the other thing that can't really change are your corner cabinets so the second thing that I base my layout and my plan off is one of two options for corner cabinets so this is one of them this is I don't know what you call it specifically I just call it a lineal one so it's it's they call it a 47 inch it's 46 and 3/4 exactly this dimension I try to implement this corner cabinet as much as possible because I like the unique carousel that it has inside you can basically you can utilize the inside corner whereas on a lazy susan you typically can't you kind of gotta crawl in there right where is this one it pivots right on this post so as it pivots out and then it's actually on a slider you can pull this carousel straight out then when you're done you just push it back in and and basically pivot it back into position so this corner I try to use as much as possible but if dimensions don't work then you go to your typical lazy susan style which this one is 38 inches this way 38 inches this way so then we use one of two options for the corners and then from there we basically get into what other cabinets are available and what do we want for options and you just basically spread the kitchen out from there [Music] so let's get into some of this basically some of the cabinet sizes that IKEA has available they have a ton one thing that I'd recommend is you can actually pay to go and see an advisor at IKEA so if basically none of this is making sense or if you need just a little extra backup you can pay sit down with an advisor and go through a plan which is very highly recommended I had a client do that just recently and they were very happy with it so that's always a good plan the other thing is they actually do make a book I forgot to bring it today but it has it's just a booklet with all the different configurations and box sizes so that way if you're not computer you can just flip through the book figure out your options there let's talk about base cabinets 15 inches wide 18 wide 24 30 36 that's your standards those are a variation of options whether you want doors 2 drawers three or four drawers that can be changed out at any time so that's that'll be all in the programmer then you have your two types of corner cabinet and then a whole slew of you know different uppers and all that but we won't get into that right now we're gonna just base our layout off of the base cabinets and build from there the other thing that you want to be familiarize yourself with is just some of their panels that they have available so those are used to let's say cap the end over here we want to cap that in so it's a finished panel or let's see here over here as we get building you'll be able to visualize it better but when these cabinets run this way we need to do a finished panel on an inside corner so they have basically a whole bunch of different panel sizes that are available you can cotton and use right here's some of the panel sizes you need to be familiar with that way you know your options and how to I like to know so that I can customize certain aspects of the install but let's just run through this so this is what they call a 15 by a 42 and a half filler so that goes onto an upper cabinet it's a side panel for the uppers that are 40 inches tall they also have uppers that are 30 inches tall which are just your standards and then they also have ones that go above a microwave er above the fridge that are 15 or 20 inches high when you go to actually order your kitchen talk to an advisor they'll run through all the options make sure you're happy with all your selections and they can offer other input - which are nice because sometimes the programmer doesn't have every single option available or it's hard to figure out where like some cabinets you have where you can pull the doors up and all that stuff like they have a million different ideas and different configurations so I do like that about it it's always good to double-check things but yeah so this this panel is 42 and a half tall that way if you want under cabinet lighting you just flush it at the top let the bottom hang past your 40 inch upper and then you can just install a valence and hide your under cabinet lighting or if you don't want cabinet lighting I just cut the top two-and-a-half inches off you don't see the the cut edge on the top side and then I leave my finished edge on the bottom so that's just an upper panel but I use those for fillers I rip them down I nail them together as you'll see as we speak into install more this panel is made to cover the end of a base cabinet or a lower there are 20 call it a 24 by 30 the actual size is a little bit different but when you look at it on the programmer 24 by 30 there may just cover that but like I said I cut them down I use them for other fillers on inside corners things like that then they have what they call a dishwasher panel which is a 25 by 36 these are handy when you start getting into islands and customizing their bigger panel so if you want to bring your your paneling down to the floor or you just need something bigger these are handy for that so we'll show you how we implement those into the system they also make a 36 by 96 which is a fridge gable or they make some that go on the side of a pantry units are the big tall ones so they make those so those work great for islands and that as well and this one is a 15 by 90 it's made for a shallow pantry unit that's 90 inches high so some of their pantries are there either 80 or 90 high depending if you go with a 30-inch high upper or a 40 inch high upper and we'll go through some of the math and show you how the system works Heights and all that when we start getting into building toll kicks the other thing I use this panel for is because I don't use the IKEA legs i we build our own plywood bases and I just do that because I feel it it's well I'm more comfortable with it that way I was trained that way it's a little more custom it's stronger obviously I'd recommend doing it the IKEA way they're way smarter than me and they have the system fully figured out to go back around I actually ripped this down and use this as my finished toe kick they have a vinyl toe kick finish but it's difficult to attach to the custom plywood base that's why I just take some of these 15 by 90 panels cut them down and I just Brad nail those on and the other thing that I do is I actually cut it so that I put the finished edge down and that way if there's water or you spill you're not soaking it up through a cut edge and yeah I waste a little bit in the in the center but they're so affordable that a little bit of waste not a big deal [Music] there's tons in full that we're gonna cover over this series and I'm probably not going to hit all the points all at the same time because that's just way too much info so just stay with us we're gonna cover all this all the details as we go along so if I miss little things just keep watching we'll probably cover them as we go so standard sizes a stove is typically thirty inches wide now there's newer stoves that are thirty six but most most common are thirty inches wide you're you're like your cabinet to the top your countertop is thirty six now will calculate this height but typically just traditional is around eighteen inches from the top of your counter to the bottom of your opera and we'll get into the rest of that a dishwashers 24 inches wide your walkway he's got to be minimum 3 foot of walkway your fridge older school fridges are 30 inches wide and then they start as they progress and now they got some 33 s and now the newest ones are 36 inches wide so that's something that you need to work into your plan as well like in this scenario we could have just done like a 33 inch opening but that limits the fridge he can buy in the future so we just did a 38 rough yeah about a 38 inch opening then he can upgrade fridges all the way down the road as we keep rolling we'll just pick up more tips and ideas so the other component that is a factor or could be a factor for you is your the location of your stove or your range in this scenario yes it is going here if you want to change your layout just keep in mind wherever your power is you can you could basically shift that 8 or 10 inches to the left or right as long as you can still plug the unit in or if your gas is still available you can you can manipulate that so it's not like a set in stone factor like the sink is or the corner cabinets your stove can be manipulated a little bit now in this scenario we actually found center of the rangehood leveled or plumbed all the way down and then we went 15 inches either way and then from there that's how we calculated which cabinet goes in which positioned [Music] so now that we've covered just briefly different IKEA cabinets sizes a couple of the components to consider when planning your kitchen and just some of the other dimensions that you need to know like walkway widths and stuff like that now we can actually get into measuring it out and laying it out and figuring out which cabinet can go there what we need for we need room on the inside corners to clear handles and stuff like that so we're gonna get into that right away so yeah we've covered all that so let's just jump into it so what helps me figure out a layout for my kitchen is just basically marking it out on the walls and doing pencil marks figuring out what's gonna fit where so let's just do that we found the center of our window and let's just run through it real quick here so I want a double sink so I need a 36 inch cabinet so 36 18 inches of center this fact like this factor is not going to change because I want to stay centered of this window so here I just marked this out 36 inch sink then over here I'm cheating a little bit because I know which cabinets going this this way I guess for this scenario what I would do like I said we mark the exhaust we mark it plumb all the way down I know okay my range has to go here find my Center I go 15 inches because I need 30 inches for the width of my stove and I mark those oh all right so I know exactly where the edge of this cabinet needs to be so now I just measure what's the distance from there to the wall I have 37 and 1/8 so that'll work perfect because I can put a 36 inch cabinet the cabinet can be here I don't need a filler filler panel because the stove hides the edges of the cabinets then I have an inch and an eighth on the left side over here that I can run a filler then when I pull the drawer open I have clearance if I have door trim or something over here like my door will clear it or if you have an outside corner bead like in a bathroom for example they're usually built out a little further so if the cabinet was right tight against the wall and this wall was out even a little bit crooked or you had trim in the way you go to open the door or the drawer and bang you'd scrape the wall or hit the trim so that's why I gave myself that inch and an eighth over here so then over this way here's my cabinet based on the center of my range let's see what we have to the wall we have 48 and 7/8 I know that that lineal type corner cabinet is 46 and 3/4 what's beauty about that cabinet is I can just shift it this way line that up there like I said before I don't need a filler panel so I don't need any extra space and that buys me a little extra space as I'll show you later on just fillers in the corner making sure that doors and drawers and all that clear each other we have our 36 inch sink here this lineal type cabinet we know is going to be it's going to be actually 24 deep but we for surely need room for at least a door which is 3/4 of an inch so this is a door here you actually need a little more room than that and we might as well jump into that right now and show you why we need extra room in that corner so this is what it would look like kind of sideways hopefully you can visualize it but we had 24 inches to here the door on it running this direction is to like we need 3/4 of an inch thick there then we need a little bit of a space because this is just kind of a handle drawn not to scale necessarily but just to show you I need a handle so I can't have a cabinet all way up tight here I need to need a few inches of space so that when there's a drawer over here it can pull and pass this handle and I got some sketches that will show you as well on that so now I need to figure out what cabinet can go here so I go from my sink cabinet to the the front of my door of my corner cabinet I have 31 and a quarter like I said I need space so I'm gonna put a 30 inch cabinet here it's borderline too tight but it's gonna work I've already checked so we're gonna put a 30 inch cabinet here that works great you could you know you have options with the system you could do a 24 with just a bigger filler or manipulate and and work a couple of cabinets based on what you want for your design typically you want your dishwasher next to your sink it's easy for the plumbing so we have our 30 inch or we have our 36 inch sink cabinet here I need 24 inches this direction for my dishwasher once again these cabinets don't need fillers because you'll never see the sides of them so here's my dishwasher then from there it's basically open range what do I want this kitchen to look like the customer wanted a peninsula and on the peninsula the countertop will overhang ten or twelve inches so people can seat there how it ended up working out is we we just installed another one of those lineal corners so 46 and 3/4 so that goes there then this is the back side of our peninsula then we just laid it out we're 24 inches this way we had to double check a few things because as you back up we needed a walkway space but we we've cleared that and we'll show you how we we got lots of space there so then same thing I just lay it out I have twenty-four inches this way I've left space for an inside corner so handles will clear each other then from there it's basically what do you want here how how big do you want it and what we ended up doing we just did three banks of 30 inch drawers so just 30 30 30 and it ends up working out very very close so at the end of this cabinet is just pretty much in line with this wall that the fridge is tucked away in here but what's nice about this is when you measure we have over four feet of space as a walkway so that was part of the planning processes figuring out okay from the dishwasher how far do we need to take it so the peninsula will work so we have the walkway now we have the layout that were we're happy with from the peninsula to the outer wall over here we have room for chairs but we also have over 10 feet of space for a dining room so you can still have a big dining room it can be long you have company over you can extend that baby right out you can still have people sitting here so it's gonna be a nice little kitchen and last but not least this is where the fridge locations going we will put an upper cabinet above it customer hasn't decided if he wants a filler in to fill that gap between the cabinet or not so we'll figure that out as we go but this is where the fridge is and as the the course progresses you'll see this come together and it should all make a lot more sense so that's the end of part 1 part 2 we'll get into the toe kicks building the wood the wood bases all the dimensions in math involved with that so stay tuned for part 2
Channel: Kody Horvey
Views: 263,313
Rating: 4.8883719 out of 5
Keywords: up to kode ikea kitchen, ikea kitchen cabinets, ikea kitchen planner, kody horvey, ikea kitchen, how to plan an ikea kitchen, ikea kitchen assembly tips, ikea cabinet hacks, ikea kitchen cabinet installation, custom ikea cabinets, ikea kitchen island, ikea kitchens, ikea kitchen remodel, do it yourself, ikea kitchen drawer assembly, ikea kitchen cabinet assembly, ikea kitchens pictures, ikea kitchens reviews, ikea kitchen cabinets hack, diy kitchen, ikea
Id: IjdCYsr9Jns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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