Igniting Revival – Dead Bones Come Alive | Pastor Shane Idleman

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[Music] the title is igniting revival igniting revival dead bones come alive but before I get into that I obviously want to thank all the moms out there that are listening to this and will be listening to this on mother's day we just want to thank you your work does not go unnoticed especially what's going on now and being kind of an at home a lot and just just mother's day it's just a day we honor moms and what they've given our families and we thank you so much so that goes out from Westside Christian Fellowship and thank you to all the moms and I'm gonna transition here back into revival dead bones come alive and what I mean by igniting revival and it's interesting because this term is not always positive a lot of people have negative views of revival depending on who you ask if you ask a conservative person that I don't know about I don't know about those charismatic and then you you ask somebody who's you know loves the word revival and sometimes they have a wrong impression of what that is it's not having a lot of meetings as I talked about before it's not it's not about getting all worked up and amen and praying loud and and doing things and come on God come on God can't you hear us it's really not about that what reviving is is God awakening a dead sleeping Church dead bones come alive and when you talk about revival when you talk about the move of the Spirit I'm just gonna recap a little bit what I've talked about just to put this in context there are two groups that get offended any time I mention this whether it's you know getting in emails or responses to groups that get offended number one the group that doesn't have the power of the Spirit and number two the group that doesn't want the power of the Spirit those two groups get offended if you heard me say this before I'm I'm gonna say it again I love theology but it's possible very possible to be Bible time but not spirit-led you can be straight you can be straight as a gun barrel theologically but you can be just as empty a gun does nothing with there's nothing in the chamber if there's no bullet all you can do with that gun is use it as a hammer --mess it's dead that's why the Bible I believe says the letter kills but it's the spirit that gives life now the Bible is not putting down the Bible it's not saying the Word of God will kill you what it's saying is the Word of God by itself when a heart heart and a heart is not receptive or coming through someone who is not on fire for God just just the Word of God alone will kill you it has to be infused by the Spirit of God so you take the Word of God with the Spirit of God you marry them and that is powerful preaching it's powerful ministry that's when the Bible comes alive because there are many people who pound their fists on the pulpit they own Bibles there's many people when this stay home order is over that comes to your house and they knock on your door and they try to convert you to their religion and they have the Bible or you can try to follow the Bible without the spirit and then it becomes legalism that's why Paul told the church in Galatia he said are you going are you going to finish in the flesh what began in the spirit he said all foolish Galatians who has bewitched you who has tricked you you can't finish what began in the spirit with the works of the flesh the letter kills but it's a spirit that gives life the Spirit of God brings dead bones alive again the Spirit of God brings a dead church alive again the Spirit of God brings a dead pastor to live again the Spirit of God is what changes everything so we have to say God ignite revival in our nation in our communities in our homes and to this group that they don't have the power of the Spirit they're they're offended by that actually to them revival is offensive why because they think they are already revived and so what happens is when you talk about this spiritual pride comes up and and they begin to mock you because you're talking about something they don't have and they're not open they're not receptive and you might say Shane why in the world would you bring this up because often the only time the only way to convict someone who is spiritually prideful or someone who is carnal is you have to shoot them straight you have to tell them the truth about their heart heart and then the Spirit of God comes and convicts them hopefully and they also say there's too much talk of the Holy Spirit there's too much talk of the Holy Spirit because they are not filled that's just it's just like a sinner who wants you to stop talking about sin and that stop talking about that so when you talk about the power of the Spirit the fire of the Spirit the baptism of the Spirit the unction of spirit like we saying Holy Spirit you're welcome here and dwell this place the power of God come here the person who doesn't have that gets convicted and they don't want you to talk about that believe it or not about six years ago someone came to me at the church and said you're talking way too much about the Holy Spirit now granted I was in a series on the Holy Spirit and I was talking about the Forgotten God Frances Chen wrote that book a while back and I was on a tub I was on a series about it but I could tell it was a type of person who who was Bible taught but not spirit led and that they don't want you to tell that's why many people don't want it sing about the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit you are welcome here well no he's not Holy Spirit come and dwell me well no I already have all the spirit why are we talking about this because there's a conviction like I said before they love though the Father the Son and the Holy Word they miss the power of the Spirit and and here's here's why the doctrine of the Holy Spirit is so important that's the fire of God that's the power of God that's the anointing of God the Holy Spirit and fuses his word the whole spirit convicts a heart the Holy Spirit builds a church the Holy Spirit builds a ministry the Holy Spirit draws us closer to Christ the Holy Spirit convicts the Holy Spirit leads the Holy Spirit will will empower a person and there's also in this camp there is a disdain for worship because worship is the heartbeat of those who have been revived those who have experienced revival love worship they want to worship but those who don't want don't have that power and and spiritual pride comes and they disdain your heart for worship and many people dismiss the fire of God because they don't have the fire for God there's a conviction there and you can look at all the great men and women who came before us from Wesley to whitfill to Martin Luther to Spurgeon all of them talked about encountering the fire of God as this this unction I like what Spurgeon said he said the fire in the preacher sent of God is not mere excitement there is a mysterious influence resting on God's servant servants which is irresistible the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven anoints all true preachers and it is true power and fire but then of course the group that doesn't want the power and I talked about that last week it's the group that says I just want to buy I just want to buy three dollars of God please not enough not enough to ruin my lifestyle don't go after don't go after my lifestyle don't go after my alcohol I love my marijuana all right my porn I like my sin I like my whatever don't don't touch that part of me God and so they don't want the power of God because it's a call to a deeper life it's a call to consecration that's why Jesus didn't say hey come on along it'll be fun he said die to self care your cross which means you are dead to the things of the world it Paul says because of the cross I am dead in Christ and he said follow me and carry that cross so for dead bones to come alive I'm talking to those who haven't shut me off yet I'm talking to those who are serious about this powerful relationship with God you must recognize that you are dead spiritually to be revived you must recognize that you are dead spiritually to be revived now what I want to do is is I've been looking forward to this I want to spark your hunger I want to fuel your thirst for more of God and I'm going to read to you some brief excerpts of revivals that were genuine this is what I read at night this is what this this this is a heartbeat of my soul and there were so many it would take me hours to read to you the revivals that have hit our nation and and if hit to Scotland and Wales and Europe and in so many different places I'm gonna actually direct you to a site a website it's just Romans 10 15.com Romans 10 15 no semicolon nothing Romans 10 15.com and you can click on the examples of all these revivals down throughout history I believe it's called beautiful feet one of my favorites and I had to be I had to go through those and and and just really limit this to my favorite but I like the Moravian revival the Moravian revival the Moravians were powerful this is Whitfield was a part of them Wesley was a part of them and this is in 1727 they said this we saw the hand of God and we were all baptized with the fire of God baptized with the fire of God the unction of God from that time scarcely a day passed but we beheld his mighty workings among us a great hunger after the word of God took possession of us so that we have not we have three services every day 5:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. all throughout the day and even though this congregation it's called the the herrnhut congregation they've never exceeded 300 people they started and around-the-clock prayer meeting and it went on for a hundred years I have the book about that's amazing and then the kamba slang revival the canvas Lange revival in 1742 it's in Scotland and it says that it records this the Church of Scotland had a passion for God the pastor was in communication with Jonathan Edwards in America and here assuit received news about the revival that was taking place in the colonies he would read the revival accounts to his congregation and the passion of God began to increase see see when you feed people God's food when you feed them that that's why Jesus said oh I will give you water of which you will never thirst again there's a consuming of hunger and thirsting for more of God you can increase that passion for more of God depending on what you feed on and then in July 17 42 George Whitfield visited this church preached three times on the day of his revival his last sermon began at 9:00 in the evening and continued till 11:00 you think I go long the hunger for the Word of God was so strong that the pastor preached after him till 1:00 in the morning even then people could hardly be persuaded to depart all night in the fields the voice of prayer and praise was to be heard you see because when God visits the people they don't care about the time clock they care about what's on God's clock they look to the heartbeat of God and Whitfield even commented on this in his journal I believe it said this far out did all that I ever saw in America for about an hour and a half there were scenes of uncontrollable distress like a field of battle many were being carried away wounded soldiers why because they were overcome with the power and the conviction of sin that's why real revival is not weird it's the power of God what do you think happens to a sinner when they feel the power and presence of God you think they just have their hands in their pockets you in their bubblegum absolutely they are hit by the power of Almighty God and of course in all revivals anytime the Holy Spirit is working in a church did you know that there are disruptors let me tell you about disruptors healthy churches have opposition this is just when George Whitfield was preaching throughout throughout a brief season there was a man in a tree you remember they're outside preaching in fields because the churches kick George Whitefield out so a man and the tree exposed himself there was another man in the tree blowing trumpets someone threw a piece of a dead cat at George Whitfield there was a man on another man's shoulder attempting to whip Whitfield as he preached then there's a joker in the crowd disrupting the sermon there and then there's there's a recruiting sergeant with a drum marching through the crowd of 30,000 attempting to recruit soldiers see any time God is moving guess who else is moving the demonic opposition the Holy Spirit says I'm moving in the power and presence I'm going to change life but here comes the enemy trying to pull inside track and discourage and persuade and people they have them fall back in sin and to rear their ugly heads a spiritual pride that's why you've got to stay focused on Christ and broke him before him so God can use you and what I really love is an 1802 the revival at Yale University for those who are listening who do not know this did you know that many of our universities were founded on God's Word Yale Harvard Princeton all taught ministers of the gospel now look how far we've drifted and in 1802 there was a vacuum created by the church's weakness sound familiar groups rose that denied the basic teaching of Christianity there are these forces created a widespread drift away from God sound familiar that's exactly what's happening in our schools why do you think I keep preaching so hard about revival that is our only hope but the the encouraging thing this why can't encourage revival happens when things are dead it's not a revival if something's not dead so there has to be a deadness a Baroness for God to awaken his sleeping giant the Church of Jesus Christ Timothy Dwight was an evangelist he became the president of Yale University he found the student body rebellious and with no lack of cthe no concern for the things of God it was through this type of preaching though that he came he preached and he taught and Dwight broke down the students philosophies that were undermining the foundations of society see an order for revival to be sparked you also have to go back to the old truths of the Bible you can't just come in here and say maybe be mr. positive Pete sometimes you have to be John the Baptist has a voice crying in the wilderness and call the people back and confront sin right in the face and he confronted sin and early in 1802 two students were so overwhelmed by the conviction of their sin that it became known to the larger body of students and and revival began to break out one third of the student body began to commit their lives to Christ and then this revival hit other college campuses around that area and a generation of Ministers were formed that served on the front tiers of the United States they were called Methodist circuit riders they were pivotal point in the way to the Second Great Awakening out of this dead and barren to see when something is dead we get discouraged God says that's no problem for me I can take dry bones and raise life out of them out of the ashes you will rise again and you will fight my church get up and fight again and then 1863 I took this out but I just want to tell you the title did you know there was a great revival and the Confederate armies that fought for slavery that God actually used their losses to humble them and there was a massive revival it'll you won't read this on the biographies I just finished one of I don't remember his name though not Abraham Lincoln but one of his one of the the he became president later to I know I'll think of it later to say oh I shoulda thought of it but anyway he that you won't you won't read that in their biographies but there were prayer chapels throughout the Confederate armies there were there were there were baptisms there was a move of God's Spirit and then there was a revival on the Island of Lewes 1949 the conditions prior to this revival let me know if this sounds familiar let me know if this sounds familiar according to testimonies of people present during that revival they confess that the churches were dead and they were in a spiritual winter legalism was extreme and the young people wanted nothing to do with Church here that's a damming effect of legalism young adults don't want anything to do with a bunch of rules from people who are hypocrites that don't resemble the character of Christ in their own lives see it's not just carnality that kills a church legalism does too legalism come on you know what that is legalism Jesus Christ Plus this yeah but you don't do that and you begin all these rules and instead of this vibrant living relationship with the king of the universe you're crowded by rules and regulations now as a person who likes rules and regulations as a person who preaches holiness and I love the commandments of God we've got to follow those but they come from the right heart the emails go something like this from the legalists I get them weekly brother I love your preaching I'm sure hoping you meet on Saturday in honor of the Sabbath or I cannot continue to listen I'm sure hoping that church sounds great out there in California I'm hoping and praying you guys observe all the festivals of the Old Testament because if you don't you're in sin man I could listen to you more if you wore a suit and tie why all that worship get to the word and I can just picture some people now Martha that young man did not even open his Bible the scripture is throughout it's everywhere scriptures burning in my heart out of a burning heart out of the out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh we meditate on Scripture we pray Scripture we live scripture it's it's everywhere but the legalist says he doesn't have my version of the Bible he's not reading out for that Bible he's not an expository preacher breaking down the Greek in the Hebrew and see every little thing they want to find against you now it's interesting I love expositional preaching we need it and I remember they asked a famous Bible teacher ought to tell you is John MacArthur who's not a fan of topic all the time necessarily and they said but but but what about Spurgeon he was all topical and they said well well well well Spurgeon was gifted as if God can't gift other people to do topical sermons now I don't want topical to get into fluff but I'm talking about sometimes we need to hit topics that deal right to the heart and I'm actually tired of pastors not talking about anything that's going on in America I'm just going to talk about Jesus I'm not going to talk about covet and the government limitations and what could be going on behind the scenes I'm not going to equip the people with the things they need I'm just going to talk about certain things that keep me in my bubble and that's what legalism is it's so deadly there I don't even respond to some of these people because I already know where it's going legalism Jesus Plus but back to this island of Louis it was called the island of Louis these people had a form of godliness in that prayer and Bible reading they actually did it in their homes every morning can you a mat is a person if we go okay let's do our Bible study and every morning I'm obeying God's Word and there's there's a form of godliness and there's no there's no heart passion behind it and they said it was carried out as a duty it was a tradition and now what I'm going to read many of you have seen in that YouTube video Donald's Bible how they trace the present to this revival but it began in 1949 two sisters Peggy and Christine Smith 84 and 82 one completely blind and Christine was bent over they were burdened bird and due to the depressed spiritual state in their village I want y'all a man you see it's okay to have that burden but because without the burden there's no heart travail and without the heart travail there's no soul wrenching a gut wrenching prayer time there's not there's not Oh God we're pulling down having God we you need to hear your people God would you listen the burden is so great that God I have to pray I have to seek you see without a burden many of us will not seek the heart of God and they sense the Lord speaking to them I will pour water on a thirsty land I will bring streams on the dry ground thus saith the Lord so they prayed in their cottage from 10:00 p.m. till 3:00 a.m. what the ministers and others prayed in a barn like structure after several weeks of praying I like this don't don't worry I'm going somewhere after several weeks of praying like this one evening while the minister and church leaders were praying in the barn a young deacon a young deacon I love this here eh he got up and he read Psalm 24 who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord he to say he's reading who sell us who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord who shall stand in his holy place he who has clean hands and a pure heart and who has not lifted up his soul to an idol nor has he sworn deceitfully then he closed his Bible he looked at the ministers and he said to all those men and women there it seems to me that this is humbug to be praying like we are if we ourselves are not right with God then he prayed and I can imagine I can imagine this young man and this is a meaning he with tears possibly cooker coming down his cheeks he said God God are my hands clean God are my hands clean is my heart pure O God is mine I even asked that that during the sermon God all my hands clean is my heart pure God you need humble broken vessels removing spiritual pride removing hard hearts removing anger and compromise and carnality an adult lord give us pure hands and a clean heart and then around 3:00 a.m. the presence of God gripped every person in that room it wasn't only them that sensed it for the entire village and the surrounding area since the same awareness of God the following day everyone was absorbed by the reality of eternal things what that is is when the spirit of the presence of God hits a place that you can go out of people in the whole community are touch by the power of God how can you limit God to a church building he says I will pour water on a dry and thirsty land I will pour water in a dry and thirsty people see I believe every word that Jesus says when he said come unto me all who weekend heavy laden I will give you give you wine I will give you rest and you will drink of me of water which you will never thirst again if you are thirsty if you're hungry turn to me with all your heart but the Pharisee and the legal assist you but yeah but we can't get too carried away yeah but was there fruit were they theologically correct and you know what I'm saying I'm saying Oh Lord do it again God do it again awaken my soul God awaken my soul Holy Spirit you are welcome here god forbid we have a problem with these kind of songs Holy Spirit you are welcome here what's the opposite Holy Spirit you're not welcome here that's the problem with many churches that's the problem with many churches they don't want the power of God to change their critical heart arrogant hearts they don't want the Spirit of God to crush their carnality we sang this last week find me here in your presence Oh God finally here in your presence I'm not leaving the same let your refiners fire purify me again let the weight of your glory bring me back to my knees Oh God come with revival and God started in me well that was my introduction I'm getting to the sermon now I'm probably not gonna finish you know a lot of these things I'm going to talk about we have a whole new audience I've told many of you and we've shared it that we have about a hundred thousand views per week on the sermon on on one of our platforms I don't say the platform because they discontinue you or we've got you've got Google against you've got Facebook against you got Twitter against you you've got I mean we are we are fighting a massive spiritual battle and you better be prepared but on this topic or revival on this topic of seeking God I feel like sometimes like Vince Lombardi when he took over the Green Bay Packers after they had lost a big game he walked into the locker room all these men and you know what he said he held up a football he said gentlemen this is a football back to the basics was the point back to the basics Church back to the basics our only hope right now is this this seek and seek and turn and and I've shared that word with you many times before that word seek it's like a Search and Destroy mission I'm gonna search God and destroy sin so here's my three points I'll get to him real quick seeking must be a priority seeking God must be a priority so get this in your mind now you can't just get God in a little bit you can't try to squeeze him in later seeking God is the priority when you seek something it becomes the priority and throughout all of the Old Testament try me on this anytime the children of Israel would drift from God is because he was not the priority so why would the Prophet Jeremiah Deuteronomy you will seek me people seek me and find me when you seek with me with all of your heart see that's what we miss all of your heart means it's a priority God I'm not seeking my finances before you I'm not seeking fellowship or fun or entertainment I'm seeking you 1st chronicles 22 now set your heart set your heart and soul to seek the Lord your God this word set here is like setting a bone have you ever broken a bone or or how to joint out of place your shoulder and and the doctor has to set it but it doesn't feel good I'll tell you that right now you have to set that again and got to set your heart it hurts a little bit but to ignite refinery ignite revival you must set your heart back in place and it's not better intention so I'll do better next time I'll try harder it's really not even being convicted it's a complete brokenness and repentance before God I mean think of the opposite words of ignite extinguish quench choked out suffocate stifle dull what good is an extinguished fire what good is a suffocated voice crying in the wilderness what good is a dull knife so church if you want revile if you want the dead bones to be awake and you have to make seeking God a priority it means it comes before anything else and then number two you have to plan to seek him you have to plan to seek him guess what one of the biggest learning lessons of my life it doesn't come naturally seeking God does not come naturally I don't wake up and want to see God I wake up and want to go back to sleep I wake up and all these mind things I have to do enter my mind you have to plan to seek Him and I will tell you this all hell will unleash every thing to stop you schedules have to change and then begin to list your prayer needs and content for them go to battle plan to seek God I'm contending for my family I'm praying for these areas and you go to battle and you plan to see God even when you don't feel like it Charles Brett said this pray hardest when it's the hardest to pray that is so true pray the hardest when it's hardest to pray the big why that we have bought into and comfortable Christianity America Christianity is that it should be flowing it should be easy it should be microwave Christianity it man if I if I don't feel like you know something must be wrong though you might not feel like it it's you pray the hardest when it's the hardest to pray because as you're praying you are you are allowing the Holy Spirit of God to begin to take over and your flesh your flesh begins to move out of the way that doesn't want to it's a spiritual battle and you begin to contend to pull down heaven and then the breakthrough comes quoting Vince Lombardi again I love his quote he said I firmly believe I firmly believe that any man's finest hour his greatest sense of fulfillment is that moment when he has worked his heart out for a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle victorious we've got to get back to warfare Christianity warfare Christianity not with guns with prayer closets with hearts that are broken for the things that break God's heart and what happens is you begin to seek Him and you begin to plan to seek Him and now now you're you're fighting against the demonic influence and now your your life is like a heartbeat of prayer demons cannot defeat you haters cannot silence you people cannot break you money cannot buy you trials cannot stop you fear cannot control you the devil cannot seduce you the government cannot overthrow you an addiction cannot hold you when you are praying Christian on your face before God and you're seeking God with all your heart and all your soul what can the enemy do against them against you the enemy draws you away from God and then you become an easy target that's how demonic opposition works and now obviously I really don't even have to say this but number three you have to kill whatever is hindering whatever is hindering your walk with God you we have to kill it did Paul say coddle the flesh he said crucify it listen if there's Abba setting sin from anger to addiction to whatever if there's a besetting sin what I mean by besetting is you just keep falling into it and this hindrance is going to kill the spear filled life and I have to remind you of this busyness busyness is a huge hindrance I've seen in my own life the busier I become the more I push God out of my life and then of course idolatry is a hindrance what is idolatry our love for sports an inner - isn't weird now a sports entertainment are gone you know God just kills the idols and but but this this idolatry and all these hours watching sports all these hours and entertainment all these hours and and chasing success and fame and no time for God that's a hindrance to revival that's the hindrance of the to the bones coming alive because idolatry has to die at the foot of the cross does that mean you can't watch a sports game of course not you know what I'm talking about don't be silly it's a lifestyle I got to tell you this I posted something the other a while back and I talked about I talked about carnal Christianity that that that loves our alcohol and loves going to Las Vegas and I forget what else and loves watching ungodly movies and you'd be amazed how many people said what trial is going Las Vegas well I didn't say that what you saying I can't have a beer I think you're convicted that's what I think the problem is I didn't say any of that I said it's a lifestyle it's a lifestyle if your heartbeat is for the things of the world love not the world nor the things in the world he who loves the world does not have the love of the Father in him there's a it's a it's that carnal Christian Las Vegas Christian lifestyle and when you're convicted you lash you out see it's not watching a game or doing something it's a lifestyle consumed by the things of the world and as we all know the things of the world begin to choke out the things of God you can't not cert you can't serve two masters you'll love the one and hate the other or you'll be loyal to one and despise the other you cannot serve two things the god of this world and the God of the Bible it's very scriptures very clear I like what David Wilkerson said it is impossible to maintain the joy of the Lord let me tell you this are you lacking joy right now as you're listening do you lack the joy of the Lord I'm not talking about difficult days I've I've had plenty I've had enough difficult seasons to last me the rest of my life thank you very much but it's impossible to maintain the joy of the Lord if sin is present in one's life we must increasingly separate ourselves from the world around us how can the Holy Spirit pour out joy on a people who continues to doll in the Dollar Tree pornography addictions and materialism living like those who do not follow Christ that Christian that person is miserable because true joy comes a right relationship with God did you know that true joy does not just come from reading the Bible or going to church or posting Christian things on Facebook or Instagram joy comes from I'm in right standing with God I'm not perfect I mess up but I'm quick to repent so I'm going to conclude here shortly but let me give you some encouragement sometimes God will also withdraw or my peer that he's withdrawing so that you do seek him you do seek him you do grow it's like training not that muscle so God will withdraw and he and see what it seems to a draw to you it forces you to seek Him he can't always help us many of you I shared that when my little 1 year old started walking I just want to go and grab her all the time and hold her come on walk like this well I said let go of her hand she's never going to learn to walk so that I had to draw away same thing with bike riding you know you teach your little kids you can't just hold the bike the whole time and the training wheels sometimes you got it you've got to walk away and sometimes God might feel like he's walked away like he's distance and there's one cure for that God says seek me seek me God got throughout the Bible just just ask ask and I will give you the inheritance ask and I will give you those blessings as long as they line up with my will ask and you shall receive Oh God so let's ask this God I want the fullness of your spirit God I want the fullness of your spirit removing me remove this this this this wickedness it's in me remove this anger remove this pride God I want the fullness of the Spirit God ask and you shall receive Norman Grubb said this and we'll skip to this real quick the proud here's here's your here's your here's your formula for revival the proud self-justifying self-reliant self seeking self has to come simply as a lost undone sinner whose only hope is a justifying Savior folks we have to get back to to gazing upon Jesus that word occurs 1,300 times in the Bible to gaze upon it means to observe something with pleasure and that's it was tied in with with with to gaze upon like behold the Christ behold the Son of God behold the behold the way behold the master behold the Lord there is a behold the Christ our Savior and there's a heart turning back to God I love that song let the ruins come to life let the ruins come to life so I don't care what you've destroyed I don't care where you're at I don't care how far away from God you can cry out to God and say God I want that too let the ruins come to life and the beauty of your name rising up from the ashes God forever you reign behold the Christ I look to my savior on the cross and the redemption that was paid for my salvation and my sin what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus [Music] you
Channel: Westside Christian Fellowship
Views: 7,947
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Keywords: Shane Idleman, Westside Christian Fellowship, Westside Christian, Westside Christian Fellowship Leona Valley, Westside Christian Leona Valley, WCF, WCFAV, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christian, Christianity, Sermon, Message, Service, Gospel
Id: G318qXQWyK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 50sec (2450 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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