If Zoro ACTUALLY Played Every Roblox Game [FULL MOVIE]

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today I got lost in a bunch of different Roblox games with my crew mates from Roblox doors to the back rooms and even bloxs fruits I went on some crazy Adventures if you watch the entire video comment the hidden word and I'll pin your comment oh I'm back here again what do you mean by again I don't know I sometimes get lost and end up here Zoro what the heck is your skin hey hey don't spoil it for the viewers they'll see it in the final cut scene you look so stupid anyways how do we get out of here well it's basically a hotel with a 100 doors and we got to escape 100 Doors that's going to take way too long oh Nami it gets worse wait what do you mean I can't tell you yet let's just work on getting out of this room first uh we need to find a key for this door yeah that's pretty obvious well get looking are you going to make me do all the work oh wait I can troun here ooh money Nami stop grabbing money and get the key it's right there oh yeah I'm okay I don't feel like it think about how much money you'll find in this hotel though and good luck oh that was easy all right Nami stay close behind me you're going to get us lost well I need to protect you what do you mean protect what was that noise yeah it's probably one of those monsters Zoro if there's monsters in this hotel I will kill you I hope the monsters kill me first then I'm running wait Z don't leave me behind haha you're such a scaredy cat I'll protect you slow down how do you know moner won't get behind one of those doors don't worry about me I'll just chop them up you don't even have your swords G I forgot it's fine I'll just punch them okay just don't let me die just calm down look here's treasure so much money money won't won't get you out of this hotel alive wait stop going so fast what's down these stairs hey don't wander off without me let me go first what do we have to do in here there should be a lever somewhere he he I thought you weren't scared you just caught me off guard all right now stop messing around and find this lever found it wait Nami where are you Zoro are you already lost where are you oh no I don't know where I am anymore my God we just started don't worry I I'm not lost I'll find my way don't worry wait this door doesn't work why won't it let me through Zoro where what are you doing back here back here you went back to the beginning you dream [ __ ] shut it Ginger I can't take you serious with that skin hey I said stop spoiling my skin I'm saving it for the end of the video yeah yeah just follow me close ooh money Nami stay focused just follow me and I'll protect you from harm ah stop that it's not funny you're secretly a scaredy cat ha you can't talk without me you'd still be in the first room crying why isn't there money in these drawers stop looking for money we're only on the seventh door I found some money you're getting on my nerves oh I found a key what's this for probably for the door nearby yeah thanks Captain Obvious you're a little brat today aren't you all right I found the door let's lock in we need to speedrun this just don't get lost and you don't get killed hey Nami slow down I'm getting lost I'm kind of getting lost too this place is confusing Nami getting lost what kind of Navigator are you that gorgeous kind stop lying and you stop pretending that you aren't afraid I'm not scared of some puny monsters hey stop taking my money okay chill Monopoly man oh a bed I wonder who sleeps here don't be shy take a nap that sounds like a trap of course not stop wasting precious time looking for money there's monsters chasing us have you ever seen one no but I did meet a guy named Bob he reminded me of Brooke then I'll keep focusing on the money oh a key ew money let's go to the Next Room these puzzles are so easy it's been 20 minutes and we're only on room 12 wait why is it so dark in there I I can't go in huh why Nami I've never told anyone this but I'm terrified of the dark tishi that's so adorable pig man scared of little Darkness fine I'll go in but stay close want me to hold your hand what if there's monsters in here the monsters aren't real I guess you're right don't worry I'll protect you follow me okay thank you Mommy I I mean Nami oh what are you screaming for a monster just jumped at me when I opened that door wait seriously stop lying it's not funny no I'm serious I didn't see anything you open the doors first I'm scared now that's fine just stay behind me and I'll scare them off we're going to be stuck in here for forever if you're leading the way why are you under that bed the monsters tanked at me here Nami you idiot it was just your imagination they were real oh money I heard there's 2 trillion gold waiting at door 100 hurry up and unlock the door we need to go fast haha you're too easy wait why did the lights just Slicker I don't know I'm not a technician what's that noise I'm scared it's just your imagination no no I hear something I think this hotel is making you go crazy maybe you're right this is too easy we're already at door 16 ah what is this monsters not no did we just die I told you must for real I couldn't even do anything that was unfair no we're all the way back at the beginning stop complaining let's speedrun this wait zorao where'd you go no where'd you go why' you leave me alone I'm so scared I didn't leave you alone just go through the door what room are you in uh it says room 17 of course you get lost and somehow skip 16 rooms wait for me pretty please Fine hurry up okay I'm here thank goodness hey you didn't die I'm impressed shut it I'm falling you you now so now you want to follow me that's fine by me you act all Brave until it gets dark oh money stop getting distracted or I'll leave you behind no finally room 20 we're making good progress I'm scared give me a second to calm down there's no monsters right now why are you getting in that I feel like rust is coming Su you're just paranoid the lights just flickered oh no I feel Rush coming inside me hide wait where is he oh false alarm I think we're good no Zoro I Shar him oh go go oh I made it just in time that was close it's dark Nami where where are you jeez just follow me wait which door do we go into obviously the one that says 24 I think it's a trick I'm going into the other one you're going to get jump scared nope just money did someone say money oh no Z there's two options again then go into the one with the number they both have numbers uh-oh do you remember what room we're in no go check the door we came in from stop bossing me around oh the number is scratched out you're kidding that means we have to guess your call we'll see if fate is on your side you're making me guess no way good luck I'm choosing 28 ah whoa Nami I think you chose the wrong one obviously I died again you got folded this isn't the time to be joking around well at least I know which door is real now thanks I hope you die too wait what the heck is that thing what is that oh heck no I'm running run Crouch run run Crouch go go wo ah wo ah he's still chasing you which way don't get lost ah go Crouch go go go next room left keep going keep going so many hands don't touch the fire ass nammy this is actually insane fired I can't help it ah I died what just happened my heart is racing right now of course it said you got lost no way the eyes are back on the wall oh no I don't want to play this game anymore think about the two trillion gold you're right let's do it you ready Nami yep we have these vitamins that make us run super fast this is not the time to be getting money sorry I got distracted I just popped my vitamins I'm ready me too it's here oh no oh no run in 3 2 1 go go go Crouch done Crouch again good keep going next room go go which way done stay focused he's right behind me go go Crouch one more time left good don't hit the fire I know I'm doing good he's right behind us almost there and we did it close the door close it close close let's go that was scary you're all ready back to looking for money I can't help it money is light let's just hurry up we're almost halfway dark room up ahead thank God for my flashlight stay close behind me do you hear that yeah some something is behind this door I'm scared I'm going in what is this uh-oh there's a new monster we're in a library or something what kind of hotel is this shut up Zoro stay quiet why are you telling me to shut up trouch down and follow me why let's run no because it didn't see us I think it's blind oh so we have to stay quiet exactly let's look for a way out I'm looking around I hear something glowing on this bookshelf drb it I think we have to collect these books what are the books for though we'll find out soon enough let me see the book wait I think he's coming what are you doing you Moss head I bet I can outrun him with my vitamins stop being so risky I'm not afraid of him well I am so don't get me till too I'm going over here to grab this paper what does it say one second oh shoot he's chasing me run run tell me what it says he's chasing me don't bring him over to me how about you make yourself useful and find some books I'm scared I'm going to eat more vitamins and try to find more books don't die I hear one oh I got another hide he's coming why are you still in that same Corner can you move he's coming towards you uh does he see me don't move I'm good I'm safe he sees you run I'm going I'm going don't bring him to my side I'm looking for books this will tell his way too scary I'm hiding again hurry up and find other books maybe there's some up here he's following you up there I'm hiding take it slow we cannot die I got another book and got another ah he's on me don't you dare get caught I'm trying I got so many books up here he got me no way Nami you suck wait I'm respawning you can only respawn once so don't die again I'll try how many books are there only one more oh shoot she's really close to you right now don't worry this blind stick won't get me where is the last book I see it it's in the middle go get it I don't want to die again he's right there I'm waiting for him to pass go this is your chance I got it meet at the door yeah you're so good now what do we do what does it say on the paper I don't know just a bunch of shapes what's the first shape uh like a square with two extra points so first number is zero next Square zero next it's an X so it's zero again then a star eight last one Diamond nine okay we're in wao you're smart I would have never gotten that what would you do without me go in we're free yeah who are these people calm down NAMI it's my friend Bob it's his shop ooh it's a shop I'm going to buy everything how much money do you have jeez I don't even know what any of this does I got a school tea and a trufix hopefully that comes in handy later these guys are treaty hey Bob this is Bob he really does look like Brooke yeah anyways Bob we got to go nice seeing you again yeah let's let's get to door 100 quick I want that two trillion oh no it's dark again at least you have a flashlight lights are flickering run to a closet quick go it's rush I'm safe safe oh come on it's dark again let's keep going hurry wait what the heck where am I hey what is this place this blue it says run run Nami run I'm going I'm going turn around turn around wait why just do it no I'm using my crucifix whoa I'm running that's so cool it's destroying him yeah I'm getting you saved us Nami good job I told you selecting that money was worth it Nami don't look there's more monsters yeah just don't look at it and you'll be fine so many monsters right now I'm not looking I just got jump scared leave us alone well we're in a hospital or something Chopper would love this place no he'd be terrified wait what's this door I don't know I'm going to use my skull te on it it opened is there treasure what's this plant here let's see wa no way it gives us healing powers now we're invincible and Rich we're making good progress what now this puzzle is easy we we have to put the paintings in the correct shape I'm super good with shapes no you're not let me handle it no Nami you have it all wrong this goes here no it doesn't and this goes here Z stop it's all wrong just sit in the corner and let me do it no look I did it no I did it you [ __ ] whoa this room has so many closets yeah it's creepy let's keep going Nami did you hear that hear what run run go in the closet wait what it's Rush no I died no way you died there were so many closets I didn't hear him because you're too loud don't blame this on me now I have to do this all alone I'm spectating you at least I'll help you not get lost you're getting close door 90 I'm getting so close to the end wow it's dark though slowly no I don't care I'm going I just want to get this over with no Zora there's the eye monster don't look I know I know and Rush is coming get in a closet wait for real so many monsters jeez be careful I'm trying the thunderstorm makes it so much scarier too I think I'm almost done I'm surprised you haven't gotten lost yet this room looks like the final one be care careful there's definitely another scary monster here at least it isn't too dark it's like an electrical room try using your lockpick on that door okay I'm going in what's this thing it's the power box and it's missing the batteries oh come on I'm not a technician where's Frankie when you need him maybe the batteries are through that door pull the lever good idea holy cow what's happening no it's back the thing got killed me are you kidding me I really wish I had my swords right now Ren or a run I'm hiding in this room so he can't get me go look for the batteries quick oh no he sees me I'm going in this closet it's so dark I can't see where he is I see the batteries glowing go go go I'm getting them you got so many there hide he's coming I'm going I'm going I see another he sees you in the closet wait what's this you need to time your clicks directly don't mess this up be quiet I need to focus if you lose this he'll eat you don't worry I have good timing wow you're getting every single one okay got another and one more battery and I got it put them all in go go they're all in you did it let's go wait what's happening oh he's on fire let's go yeah burn burn and he fell out the window flip all the switches done now what it's loading what's happening wait a second oh he's back got to run go run go shut it Ginger I'm going as fast as I can get into elevator I'm in I pressed the button let's go you did it haha look at my skin and there it is I hope that was worth it subscribe oh no not again Zoro where are we this time why would I know you're the Navigator I've had enough of these weird places first doors and then the back rooms oh oh this place looks dark wait are those eyes looks like there's some monsters you go first no I'm scared of the dark I'll follow you no way you're sending the defenseless weak girl to Shield you you're pathetic wait up Nami you're going too fast don't you dare get lost right now it looks like we're in some sort of Pizzeria oh perfect I was feeling a bit hungry I think we're the food in this Pizzeria Nami run help how am I supposed to help use your swords or something no it got me what is this thing it seems like some sort of walking bear could it be related to Chopper no way Chopper is way cuter I hear him it's close then get back here you idiot we only have five lives but I want to get out of here so I can take a nap you idiot oh wait never mind run I hate this stupid bear you got us killed again we only have three more lives look Navigator how about you do your job and get us out of here if we keep being scared we'll never make it out if you just shut up I might be able to find the way I've never been stuck in a haunted Pizzeria wait Nami Ron it's coming I'm busy trying to unlock this dumb door wow I barely made it into this Locker it's coming after me now oh wow sucks for you I guess you're a jerk without me you'll never make it out of here I don't know about that my sense of direction is pretty good you get on my nerves where are you uh good question I'm just running around there you are oh Nami I found you no I found you whatever what's this room I get it so we have to find all the rooms like this in order to collect these letters and pull these levers sounds simple enough but what do the letters do not sure but if I had to guess it's probably some sort of code code this Pizzeria is way too complicated I might just take a a nap in this room uh no you're not it's my responsibility to get you back to the Thousand Sunny safe and sound Luffy would be so mad if I left you behind that's the only reason yeah otherwise I couldn't care less if you died wow you're a witch shut it nice I found the second room you're useless look I don't want to be trapped in here with you and your attitude do you need some puppies to cheer you up or something do you have any money I'm not paying you to be nice to me whatever pull that lever for me do you have eyes I'm already doing it you always try to boss me around I don't work for you you dumb Ginger can you be quiet for one second I'm trying to read this note oh let me see what it says never mind I'm not reading all that stop pretending like you can read you're just a meathead that's why you should stay on my good side I can rip you apart if I want to are you threatening me don't forget you need me to get you out of here whatever just hurry up and pick that lock I'm already doing that now you know how it feels wow you're so clever thanks have you heard of sarcasm just focus on unlocking the door you're taking forever why are you in the locker are you scared no but it might be a good spot to take an a nap instead of taking a nap how about you help me so we can get out of here faster I'm doing all the work well you're not doing a good job it's been like an hour and we only have three letters you're so ungrateful just follow me and don't get lost he's close oh no run back to the closet there's no Closets near me how about you use your navigation skills to find one you took the only one you jerk be faster next time loser it caught me now I only have two lives left I still have three good for you let's meet back up only problem is I have no idea where I am didn't you say you had a good sense of Direction I do but I bet this pizzeria's walls move around to confuse us I guarantee they don't do that you just suck at directions where are you anyways I'm waiting for you at the beginning oh no NAMI it's right here hide in a closet I already know I'm not dumb wow I barely made it I wish he got you well I'm not leaving this closet you come find me fine how about we both search make a loud noise or something how do you expect me to make a noise you're good at being loud maybe try farting you're gross oh wait I found you finally we're on to the next part don't get lost again watch out there's a a new monster I see it it's staring at us oh wait never mind it's just a statue that's not what I was talking about I thought you were a monster for a second how do you even mistake me for a monster you sure do act like one oh wait I found a generator I think we have to find all four in order to escape this place sounds tedious you better hurry it up or I'll fall asleep right here is it just me or do you hear footsteps getting closer oh yeah there's definitely something nearby shouldn't you be able to protect me from these monsters even if I could use my swords I don't think I would save you wow you really are a jerk if I die you'll have to find these generators alone fine by me will the lights turn on once I fix them all hopefully wait Ginger we pass a generator oh yeah how'd I miss that now we only need two more this new area is going well we haven't even seen the monster yet shut it Moss head you're going to jinx it let me try this out I need to practice fixing these generators for when you die you're going to get lost and die first well as long as one of us makes it out we'll be fine wait run it's coming why are you running into a corner uhoh you're right it's coming help you trapped Us in here you dumb Ginger what the heck is that thing it's a bunny this time that's adorable there is no way you think that thing is cute ah it sees me again never mind this dumb bunny isn't cute anymore so now I have one life left and you have two this isn't looking good two lives is more than enough for me finally we're making progress again this should be our fourth letter jeez finally and we have another note nice what does it say it says Nami is a dumb fat ginger wow I forgot you don't know how to read it probably says Nami is an angel nope everyone comment down below Nami is done hey don't comment that holy cow it sees us run oh no protect me Zoro this is my last life get in a locker I can't find one it sees me again oh no let me in nope I'm already in you let me die sucks for you you should have ran faster haha I see your body on the floor you're a jerk now I'm stuck spectating you perfect just tell me where to go and I'll get us both out of here that's all you're good for anyways and all that you're good for is swinging your sword Zoro wake up we need to get out of here Zoro this isn't the time for a nap oh fine you're exhausting me though do you even know where you're going of course I do I'm going to the next generator of course I'm going to turn the last two on and then escape from here then why have you been going in circles for the past hour wait I have he's coming Zoro run I'm going as fast as I can you only have two lives you better not die it wouldn't let me run wow you suck at this says the one who's dead wait Zoro go behind you huh why that door it's the final letter oh thank God that means we're almost out of here how do I do this just click when it's green have you never picked a lock no I'm not a thief like you I'm not a thief I'm more of a cat burglar same thing okay we should be in the room now get the final letter I already know what I'm doing don't boss me around it's X yeah so now we have x r r s i and y how does that help us Escape though it's strange I haven't seen anywhere to put a code so where do I go wait I think that's a new room the levers must have opened it I bet the last two generators are in here huh what are those things it's some weird mannequins this Pizzeria is way too weird one of the generators is there do you think I'm blind or something no but you're definitely dumb at least I'm alive stop using that joke I sacrificed my life so you could survive you didn't sacrifice anything you just suck at this when we get back to the ship I'm going to get Sanji to give you a beating Sanji don't make me laugh he can't even scratch me wait those numbers oh I guess I have to put the code in here well you're still missing one of the generators so hurry up yeah yeah I'm going oh I'm back where your body is whatever go left you better not be leading me in the wrong direction why would I I want to get out of here too uh-oh he's right there you better not get out of the closet you only have one life left don't worry I'm not dumb I won't get out just keep going straight yep wrong way I said keep going straight oh my bad wrong way are you stupid or something your instructions are unclear but what's that glowing thing over there that's the generator I knew it was here awesome I found it don't take credit I'm the one who told you where to go who cares who found it this means we can finally Escape you better not mess this up somehow I hear Freddy nearby don't worry about it there's nothing that can mess this up that's not very reassuring when it comes out of an idiot's mouth well this idiot is about to get us out of this haunted Pizzeria well we need to get back to that room with the code do you even know where you're going I don't so do your job and navigate me fine you're pretty close so all you have to do is go straight and then turn left simple enough wrong way huh oh your instructions are confusing wait Zoro stop uhoh are you hearing what I'm hearing run Zoro holy cow that was close thank God he left what do we have to do with these numbers just keep going in a circle and I'll tell you what number corresponds with which letter this seems complicated so yellow is one meaning X goes first now go find two I don't know what's going on but okay so Y is second so X then Y and then red is R almost there what's next huh where's four probably on the other side just give me a sec wow we're actually working together for once whatever four is Pink Perfect so next letter is s so the code so far is x y r then s number five is I one more to go and number six is orange meaning the final code should be x y r s i r nice did we do it click enter code let's see what happens I did it quick run straight wait why I don't see any monsters near me just trust me they're coming holy cow you're right get in the elevator I'm going close the door quick it's not closing it's right there close holy cow that was close I think we're good we can go back to the Thousand Sunny yay and we won money too I'm taking all of it what why are you taking all of it it's payment for me navigating you whatever subscribe today I got lost in a haunted theme part with Zoro I can't work together with that idiot so I'm going to challenge him to a competition with custom Hearts whoever escapes first wins and the loser will have to leave the straw hats these custom Hearts got crazier and crazier so watch Until the End where's the Thousand Sunny I've been running for days I can't believe you got us lost we wouldn't be lost if you had a better sense of direction I haven't seen a woman in days I don't know if I can go on like this huh who's this I swear if I see a lady lost in this Forest I'm leaving you behind can you be quiet let the old guy speak maybe he has a map or something I don't need a map to find my way I rely on my instincts just shut up and follow me we'll be out of here in no time wa he has a big pair of scissors what you're scared those are nothing compared to my swords hey old guy stop yapping we need to get out of here look I can't stand another minute being stuck here with this curly brow idiot do you know which direction the ocean is please hurry what if Nami is hungry he wants us to help him find Theos light why should I help this old fart I only help beautiful ladies keep whining cook I'll find our way out without your help you're delusional if you actually think you'll find the way out before me of course I'll make it out first there's a reason why I'm the first in command who decided that you're above me what the I just grabbed something yellow oh I get it what is it for I'm not telling you not like you'd understand anyways I don't know what these are for but I'll collect more than you hey stop taking them all you idiot you're going to get lost with them and we'll be stuck here if anyone's getting lost it's you your sense of direction is almost as bad as you're cooking stop following me I can't stand your smell better get used to it cook we're in this mess together I can't believe fate would be so cruel is to tie me to a moss head like you stop complaining and focus what the heck is that thing what I'm hiding in this box I'm out of here what is with this darn circus what is this thing is this circus haunted or something thank God I got away I think that I'm safe in this box hopefully I wonder if there's any other monsters like that around here there better not be look at you hiding in that box what are you scared of course not I wouldn't be scared of some monsters if I could use my swords I would have chopped it like a blueberry ah it's back oh look who's scared now says the one who just screamed like a girl I didn't that was just the wind whatever let's stop messing around we really need to get out of here and I'm going to do it first I like competitions but beating you here is going to be too easy well then let's add a challenge this wheel has custom hearts with special powers that will allow us to kill each other a game where I can kill you this sounds like my type of game I spin first fine by me because this heart sucks you definitely rigged it you jerk what does this heart do it lets you glitch out of the map I think kind of useless since we're racing to see who can get more light bulbs whatever your turn I bet you're going to get something even worse no way let's go what did you get don't worry you'll find out soon let's just say that the gods definitely prefer me whatever I'm not going to rely on luck and a dumb heart to win I'll still find these light bulbs quicker than you good luck with that but I don't think you'll be able to make it pass this first round alive uh-oh there's a new monster really where calm down don't pee yourself this one looks friendly you what about this thing looks friendly he's green so he definitely won't hurt me I say we put that to the test control heart activate what the I can't move my body because I'm controlling you now with my heart don't make me walk into it stop it you dumb cook I thought it was friendly so why don't don't you want to give it a hug I don't want to risk that I'm getting way too close you better stop now before I chop you up are you really making threats right now when I have full control of your body well when I have control again I'll make sure you regret this you won't be able to make me regret it when you're dead now I'm done messing around time to die out of map heart activate what no I lost control I guess my heart was pretty useful after all fine I'll admit you outsmarted me there but at least now I'm definitely going to collect more light bulbs than you that's fine by me I'll probably take a nap while you do all the work I'll just have to win the next few rounds and force you to leave the straw hats perfect loser has to leave the straw hats and since this round I'm collecting more light bulbs than you I'm already up one to zero interesting it seems there's more monsters that we haven't met yet I see the green and blue one but there's also a yellow and cyan one I wonder which one is going to kill you none of them will kill me but I bet the green one is going to get you that's my friend Bob yeah right why were you so scared of Bob if he's your friend same reason Nami is scared of you he's a bit creepy anyways hurry up and finish this round don't boss me around obviously I'm almost done I wonder what would happen if I jumped down here you should try it oh I'm alive ha you were screaming like a girl what even happened don't worry the stronger and smarter pirate finished the round and saved you you owe me big I owe you nothing idiot we're on to the next round what is this thing not sure but seems perfect for running you over no it seems perfect for skewering you like a shish kebab oh it's the yellow monster I saw earlier when I glitched out of the map what even are these things sea beasts with legs doesn't matter to me because either way I'm beating you in this Challenge and getting you kicked from the crew you better hope you get a good heart this time then what does this heart do no way you got that it's the same one I got last time oh is it how the turns have tabled I just got the perfect counter a heart with Brook's face how is that the perfect counter not telling you you'll see let's just say I'm not getting kicked out of the crew I can't leave my Nami and Robin alone with you keep fantasizing about Nami and Robin you're letting me get ahead you jerk you started without me I bet if you died here in this theme park nobody would even notice you were gone stop lying I literally keep the crew alive with my food I'm way more important than some swordsman who sleeps all day I bet this ball could do a better job of protecting the crew than you could what ball don't worry about it I'll kick whatever ball you're talking about into Oblivion stop yapping I already got three gas canisters well I have four well I have six that's not possible what are these purple hands holy cow the yellow guy is here you're going to die before you can even use your heart no way I had the best heart too actually it isn't the best heart there's one that is super strong that I was hoping to get but I guess we won't have the chance to see it since I win who says you win he's bringing me into the air I bet I won't even die if I drop down I see you up there there's no way you can survive that fall that's the difference between you and me watch this did you die what do you think where even are you look up loser up why I don't see you anywhere on the ferris wheel wow you really are lazy what are you doing on a ride I'm imagining myself on a romantic Ferris wheel date with nami and Robin well you're here with me instead and if you don't take this seriously you'll never see Robin or Nami again just a few more minutes let a man dream no if you're not willing to work I'll force you to control heart activate you annoying Moss head you're interrupting my date you better not kill me I won't kill you but I'll make you do all the work while I sit back and relax oh doesn't that mean you're helping me collect more gas canisters than you meaning I'm going to win the challenge you're dumber than you look you know what you're right come run into these monsters here darn I shouldn't have said anything I won't have to listen to your annoying voice anymore you think you've won but you forgot one thing revive heart activate no I forgot you still had your heart you won't get rid of me that easy easily we've both used our hearts I guess now it's just a race for gas canisters when I died it dropped all of my gas canisters this is unfair all part of my plan good job taking him out Bob I knew you were my friend all along he's not your friend you guys are both ugly and green though I think you're just jealous of how many gas canisters I have even if you win this round it's only 1-1 so I'm going to end up winning you're not winning anything you're just dead weight we'll see who's dead weight when you're begging for my food shut up for a second dead weight I'm being chased I hope he gets you and I never have to see you again too bad not happening I got my box so he can't touch me what if I offer these monsters food to leave us alone they're probably just hungry that's the dumbest idea I've ever heard even for you huh is blue coming for me I'm so far away I guess blue is my friend too we both want to kill the curly brow cook I know you don't actually want to kill me you secretly admire me you think I admire you if I wanted a comedian I'd be talking with the skeleton I have so many gas canisters holy cow what am I doing on this ride I forgot we're in a race this dumb yellow bird is block blocking me from winning I'm about to cook it into a roasted turkey haha he got you I guess yellow is my friend too this is my chance to get ahead wait why can't I grab this one it says I can't carry anymore that's not true I'm not that weak I survived the fall jeez that was a close one I'm not out of the race yet this is such a waste of time I have to go all the way back here just to place them I'm going to pass you I'm still ahead and there's no way I'm letting you change that we'll see about that hey stop following me you jerk and you're leading the monsters in here ooh what is this a racetrack really sounds like fun winner will be crowned the strongest one yep start in three 2 Go you cheater you started early too bad how do you even drive this thing it's easy I already got the hang of it just don't get lost Moss head holy cow how are you already that far you're about to lap me get out of the way you dumb swordsman no if I can't do it then I'm not letting you pass either you're sabotaging because you don't want to admit that I am stronger no I bet you had Frankie electronically modify this vehicle so it doesn't work either way I'm still ahead of you no you aren't I'm a full lap ahead of you and first to compl complete three wins I'm not letting you finish then I'll just have to squeeze past you no I quit race is canceled I refuse to admit you one someone is a sore loser it doesn't matter because after you're gone from the crew I'll take your spot as first in command I think Luffy would rather promote Usopp than you anyways I bet you can't find me what is with this childish game of hide and seek you really are getting desperate I bet you're in one of these holes I just want to prove I'm better than you at everything you think you're a better cook or better at talking to women whoa what's your problem oh no did I make the cook pee himself I guarantee I can sing better than you let's put it to the test play the music while we finish this round I just to get stop singing this is horrible this is embarrassing even worse than your cooking just leave the singing to Brook hey you cut me off you jerk ton no way you got more gas canisters than me all right the round is done I think I sang way better than you you think you're better than me at everything let's let the viewers decide who sang it better uh the old man just hit his head by the way who cares you may have won that round but I'm winning this next one please give me a good heart are you kidding me you keep getting such good ones what does it do that one lets you fly but it's fine there's still one on here that's even better well knowing your luck you won't get it oh you're right I didn't get it h I knew it just kidding I did if I touch you you iMed immediately die wao what type of ability is that where are you that's just unfair get away from me I'm winning this round once I get my hands on you uhoh yellow might grab me so you're over at yellow huh oh this is actually good you won't be able to get me if I'm in the air I'll just be waiting at the bouncy castle for you then I'll just land somewhere else then and jump far away wait where'd you go there's no way you'll find me here did you use your flight heart or something oh I forgot I had that but no I haven't used it yet whatever I'll just collect these little balls and win this round you can't stay hidden forever can blue leave me alone why is he just running into the wall he can't get me up here interesting are you telling me blue is near you and you're on a high up place oh no I think you heard wrong I don't think I did oh darn blue is coming after me now haha get that Curly brow idiot you're definitely around here and with my instant kill touch I'm about to end your life well your heart is pretty powerful but you aren't going to find me yeah I have no idea where you are where are you even going did you give up trying to find me yeah I gave up don't worry about where I'm going wait a second don't tell me I'm coming for you bring me to that Moss head yellow uhoh time to run you coward are you scared of me or something no but you got lucky and got an ability that can instantly kill me I'm not dumb well you can't hide forever or I'm going to find more of the lies than you and make it 21 you're right I need to find a way to win this round while avoiding you I smell something bad coming from this direction you must be close you probably smell your own cooking haha very funny but we both know you haven't showered in months I don't need to shower my stench adds to my powerful Aura there you are holy cow I can't let you touch me got to run get back here you coward my buddy stop this dumb curly brow from chasing me why is he coming after me huh I told you they're on my side because they know I can chop them up if I wanted to this sucks no way I lose this round to a dumb swordsman I'm going to get you out of the crew so I don't have to eat your gross cooking anymore where should I hide not in the UFO he already knows that spot you're terrified of me aren't you I love this instant kill heart I'm not afraid of you I'm just trying to win I think I found the perfect spot I should be able to blend in perfectly holy cow blue is ruining my hiding spot you're near Blue I think I know where you are come on you stupid blueberry I thought you were on my side he's after me again I knew I could count on Blue I'm sick of you I know you're in this direction I literally smell you again you can run but you can't hide no way it worked what are you talking about uh don't worry about it just know you're a blind idiot you're the idiot while you waste your time searching for me I'm going to collect these lies fine I'll get back to collecting them I can't let you get ahead so far I've collected more than you you should probably step it up if you don't want to be kicked out of the crew Robin and Nami need me in the crew when I get my hands on you it's over holy cow you're right there this is where it ends you dumb Moss head leave me alone you have nowhere to run yes I do you forgot about one thing don't do it Fly heart activate where'd you go look up loser cook you can't touch me now this is so dumb I got the perfect custom heart ability to kill you and now it's wasted also I already captured more than half of the lies meaning I automatically win this round it's 2-1 you jerk come here nope not letting you get close get ready to pack your bags and leave the crew loser this is so frustrating I can't believe I'm losing to an idiot like you you can barely find your way to the shower how are you not getting lost remember no matter how good you think you are there's always somebody better that's true you learned that when mihawk beat you with a pocket knife hey don't bring that up and plus I already beat mihawk and became the greatest swordsman a few videos ago nobody is better than me except for me and I'm about to prove it to you when I beat you next round well there's only one round left so the best you can do is either tie it up or lose the challenge and leave the crew you better hope you get a good custom heart again oh trust me I will the gods want me to win the gods want you to hurry up and finish this round I'm getting bored stop being so slow you're the one flying through the sky being lazy how about you make yourself useful for once in your life I'm more useful than you could ever be and you're the reason I'm up here in the first place I'd be helping if you weren't trying to kill me you think you're more useful than me don't make me laugh you just sleep all day and drink booze there's the Canan monster go kill the cook get away from me why are they always helping you ha let's spin the wheel and see what I get you better get nothing good ooh it has Admiral kuzan on it it must be strong that one lets you freeze people what is with your luck seems like the Gods and Monsters are on my side I got the one with nami I'm so happy it's a sign that Nami belongs to my heart shut it love cook what does that heart do it gives me Robux that I can use to buy cool looking boxes that sounds extremely useless don't say that about my love Nami and plus I don't need a good heart to win here because the goal is to collect sugar to cook a cake and cooking is my specialty I'm going to win this one for sure with all that yapping you're not going to win anything I've already collected four out of the nine sugar packs meaning if I collect one more then you're leaving the crew that can't be true I was so mesmerized by Nami that I forgot to look for the sugar I'm in my box how did yellow grab me if you had a nicer looking box maybe that wouldn't have happened which one should I buy with my Nami heart it's fine I'll just land in the bouncy castle and keep going all I need is one more sugar pack and I win 3 to one I hope you miss and die nope I got it but what just happened I glitched out of the map by mistake you did no way haha this is my chance to win how do I get back in I need to hurry and get just one more sugar pack it seems like someone is lost and while you try to find your way back in I'm going to swoop ahead and win this is just unfair the gods are on my side after all you cheating curly brow jerk I've been stuck here way too long with you and now it's finally almost over I can't wait to see everyone's celebration when they find out you're off the crew you really are dumb even if you win this round it's still 22 meaning a tie then we'll do a tiebreaker after simple unless I can find a way back in somehow maybe through here what the this place is weird every minute that goes by you some somehow get more lost we need Frankie to install a compass straight into your brain or something no I don't need to rely on technology unlike you all your power comes from technology that your dad gave you I got my strength through hard work and yet I'm still about to beat you the final sugar pack is glowing time to win it's in purple's Lair huh interesting how do you know that I can see the entire map from below right now oh perfect are there any monsters at the entrance of purpl Lair N I don't see any you liar Yellow s and literally everyone is here oh yeah my bad didn't see whatever it's time to get the final one and win freeze heart activate you jerk unfreeze me right now or we'll never get out of here only if you admit that I'm stronger than you I'd rather die than admit that and plus we'll both be trapped here forever if you don't stop messing around uh-oh say goodbye to Nami because blue is about to get you fine you're stronger than me now unfreeze me perfect that was like Brook's music to my ears you can finish this round I can't believe you made me say that you're a jerk stop whining like a baby and go cook this cake oh it's the big blue ball that's cooking the cake I wanted to do it it's probably for the best it looks like a better cook than you shut up Moss head we're going on those tracks I saw from under the map Let's Race to the end and this will be the tie Breer loser will have to leave the crew perfect we'll replace you with that big blue lookie as the crew's cook stop joking let's see what custom heart you get this time oh who's that character he looks strong no way that's Goku and this one allows you to teleport oh nice my luck has been great let's see what useless heart you get I got invisibility which is really good but pretty useless in a race whatever I'll find a way to win you got ause less heart and I got the front cart the gods really do hate you this is so unfair I can't believe there's a chance I lose and have to leave Nami and Robin alone with you don't worry I'll treat them well wait where'd you go you aren't behind me anymore I'm right in front of you no you aren't there's no way you could have passed me already I did and I used my invisibility heart good luck on this race I don't believe you and I don't need your luck I hope you've prepared yourself for this crippling loss why do you keep looking behind you I told you I'm in front of you there's no way that's true though stop playing mind games uh-oh there's cyan go go go hurry up why aren't we going this stupid roller coaster sucks we're finally going get ready to be destroyed Moss head try not to pee yourself again and you try not to get lost which way do I go keep going straight towards that orange monster I'm not that dumb stop trying to trick me what was that thing anyways I guess a new monster who's going to help me kill you good luck with that I'll kick you both to death in a 2v one didn't you just admit that I was Stronger Than You yeah but that's just because you forced me we both know that I'm the strongest nope you're only the sixth strongest behind Luffy me Jin Bay Frankie and up you're such an idiot if you think that's true you might as well jump in this magma there's no hope for you you should jump in this magma if you truly believe Nami and Robin are interested in you I hope you know they both think you're creepy but I guarantee they prefer me over a meatbag idiot like you hey this is a pretty big drop are you sure you aren't peeing yourself of course not you're the baby who everyone has to babysit because you keep getting lost everyone is sick of you I'm doing them a favor by getting you off the crew except you're not getting me off the crew because I'm winning this race no you aren't I'm right right in front of you still even if you are I think you're forgetting I still have my teleportation heart I forgot I hope you teleport right into blue and die nope I'm going to save it for next time I see that cyan monster he's probably the scariest so much gold gold what are you talking about Nami would love this room no way you got to this room before me you really are ahead of me how'd you do that it's simple I'm simply the stronger faster and smarter pirate I see Canan again it's time teleport heart activate oh where am I ah I'm falling s is back oh you're right here you barely tell teleported anywhere you idiot oh your invisibility finally ran out now we're in a fair race to the end this decides it all oh no Sayan is right there I should have saved my teleportation heart what a waste haha I'm back in the lead get back here you stupid curly brow cook stop following me get lost you're the one following me if we get through there we should be safe hurry up you fatty and we made it that was a close one nice and I won the race too no I won no I clearly won are you blind in both eyes Zoro why am I on the floor haha your pose looks funny wait are are we in the Roblox back rooms H not sure I wonder if there's any strong opponents here wait what did the note say I don't care I don't feel like reading what if it was important you're going to get us killed who cares stopp being such a scaredy cat plus I have set in lives how can I not be scared when this place is so creepy it's not even that bad I've been in creepier places why do I keep ending up in weird places with you stop getting us lost I can't help it but hey at least this place isn't as dark as door is yeah you'd probably end up peeing yourself again just shut up and help me find the exits stupid Ginger wait what's that noise holy cow what is that thing quick Loro run I'm trying tell me where to go not that way not that way [ __ ] you should have listened you're a horrible Navigator you just can't follow directions to save your life round two make yourself useful this time and help me find the exits okay it's very simple just follow that Arrow fine wow good boy hey don't talk to me like I'm a dog holy cow it's back run can't you already see I'm doing that I'm just trying to help you stupid Moss head you know what I don't need help from a dumb girl uhoh mommy help did you just call me Mommy no I said Nami you're okay he stopped chasing you no I just outran him because I'm the fastest man alive stop lying sanji's faster than you shut up and help me where do I go now it's really not that hard just follow Follow the arrow oh I said Follow the arrow but I did your instructions are unclear it said left you idiot you better not be wrong wait it says this way I'm going left wait slow down I need to tell you where to go n I'll just follow my instincts we're going to be stuck in here forever ooh Arrow go left I was already going to you dumb Mormon this is why you don't have a girlfriend maybe I just don't want one I feel like I'm just going in circles yeah cuz you're not listening to me I can do this on my own oh no oh no you know what I hope you die here I can't die here three sword style no I can't use my swords you idiots let me try this time watch and learn if I couldn't do it then there's no way you can what are you talking about I'm going to get out of here in like 2 seconds I have a bet I'll be your servant for a week if you get out of here and you went to a dead end idiot that's fine challenge accepted as my servants I'm going to make you give me all your money no way is that the exit no wait they're both guarding it please please chill her I don't want to be her servant oh I got away that was close what should I do you should die why the heck are they both there that's so unfair haha it seems fate is on my side help he's so close come on why are be so slow do you want to be trapped in here forever as long as I don't have to be your servant I'm fine trust me it wouldn't even be that bad this sucks they had it completely blocked off just give up and you could be my servant nope no way I'm letting that happen don't get scared she's right there I did it I did it no way yay yay yay I can't believe I lost wait what there's more oh good that would have been too easy why would you even be happy I want to get out of this place it's challenging it's kind of fun this is fun for you you're crazy I missed the ocean yeah I kind of want to take a nap wait what's this oh no I bet there's a new monster here H what do must be a good spot for a nap are you crazy how could you even take a nap here yeah you're right it's a bit too dark I'm kind of scared wait do you sleep with the lights on of course not do you think I'm a child I do have a bedl light though what did you just do I think I have to turn all these wheels oh okay just hurry up before a monster shows up yeah yeah I'm going as fast as I can okay so that's three so far how many are there no that's two you dumb Ginger wait behind you Zoro there's one behind you you dumb meat head shut up there's one here too oh I didn't see that one sorry that's three no that's four you just can't count quick quick look behind you I can't move him spinning the wheel mommy help and you're dead again this game is too scary I don't like this anymore why do you keep calling me mommy I said Nami oh no he's right outside the door do you want to switch spots again nope not a chance this is my chance go go go I need to spin this wheel before he kills me again you've already died three times you need to be careful a it sounds like somebody cares about me you [ __ ] I take that back I hope you die ooh what's in here this tunnel is so creepy this game is scarier than doors I don't know about that at least this one doesn't have a monster chasing you hey don't say that you're going to jinx it there's a kitchen we should trap that blonde cook here what does that note say it might help us escape from this place I don't know I can't read I need a poop e let's see what's over here oh perfect don't poop while I'm watching yeah yeah I'm just joking you think you're so funny let's see what's in here oh you're too fat I want to see what's in there it looks creepy anyways you're afraid of everything you're a little baby wait we have to jump across this there's no way this is going to be easy wait wait you got us killed again wait we're alive oh and we're in a new area there better be no monsters here yeah hopefully not I don't have many lives left so what do we have to do here you're supposed to be the smart one I just use my sword uh then Zoro you might want to use them on that monster behind you what is that thing holy cow is that you Nami how does that look anything like me stay quiet Zoro I think this Monster's let figure from doors not that thing again I need to get through this cage where are the keys Zoro I said stay quiet if you run he'll be able to hear you okay okay I stop moving oh look at him he's like stiffing my butt right now okay so we need to wait for that creepy thing to walk away then we can go oh it's my chance wait Z stop holy cow he's fast and that's your fourth time dying be careful you're almost out of lives if only I could use my swords I'd cut us right through this cage and Escape who cares just focus on Surviving and finding these Keys dude can just creep get out of my way come on how many chees are there I have to find two I want to hurry and take a nap yeah I want to get out of here too but I have a feeling that there's a really strong monster later don't worry Nami I'll protect you as long as it's not a monster that chases you what if it is though then I'll just leave you behind and let it eat you don't move Zoro can't you see I'm already standing still you're Blinder than the monster is I hope you die you're a jerk what's over in these drawers I bet the keys in here ooh is there money and in no luck we're looking for a tea not money well hurry up I have no money in here so I hate this place fine I'll hurry wait don't run why do you never listen to me I said don't run I only have two lives now because you can't give proper instructions you're blaming it on me are you kidding me my instructions are so simple just shut up I'm trying to focus and I just found the key just hurry up and find the next one I can't stand being stuck in here with a stupid Moss head last time you rushed me I ended up dying so just be quiet before I chop you up whatever you're going to die alone and you're not I can't imagine anyone being a understand you I have men from all four C's begging for a chance with me and plus as long as I die with my money then I'm happy so as my servant I order you to shut up and find the key for me servant don't get ahead of yourself dumb girl are you forgetting about the bet we made for the next week you can't say no to me whatever I just found the key I'm a man of my wor so I'll play your little game okay dog open the cage for your master I was already going to do that hey I said no talking good boy boy do you want a treat okay I'm not doing this anymore this is just weird no way the monster followed you to the next room he's so creepy so it said I'm looking for some buttons let's see if there's any in here this place looks suspicious there's definitely something in here yeah good thing on the one playing cuz you'd be too fat to fit in here don't talk to your master like that oh I found the first button also I said I'm not your servant anymore now hit the button did you not listen I literally just said I do not work for you whatever I think we're almost out of the back rooms yeah hopefully okay here's another button stop running what if the monster here is you it'll be fine I just want to hurry up and get out of here it won't be fine you [ __ ] we only have two lives left wait really where them I said in lives go you acted like an idiot and lost them all be grateful on even getting us out of here I could be taking a nap right now I am not grateful you're the reason we're even lost here in the first place whatever mommy I've just got the third butt you just said Mommy again I have never called you Mommy I'm saying mommy you're blind deaf and dumb why are there upside down toilets perfect that can take three poops this place makes no sense but you're somehow weirder you [ __ ] H these look like some highquality toilets Luffy would love this place of course you would you're both weirdos oh Nami hey that looks nothing like me hold on did you just smell me what no I didn't ew you definitely did both me and the viewers heard it I didn't hear anything and that was probably the monster not me uhoh I'm having trouble getting over here anyways if you heard N Sniff me comment that n is weird wait what don't comment that that's another button done also Nami how did I smell I haven't showered in a few months ew you're nasty I thought that gross smell was from the monsters let's get out of here just focus you're right I should probably stop messing around my instincts are telling me that there's a super powerful monster coming soon no way is it nearby in this room no this cave is pretty dark and creepy but I think the monster is coming from the next room thank God I'm so scared but what's with all the spikes not sure but it seems to be blocking my way out it's like a maze D we're going to be stuck in here for a while no don't worry I'm good at mazes my instincts will help us find the way out you're a liar well if I'm a liar I think you're lying on the floor right now wait what why am I on the floor this place is so creepy H there must be some sort of entity that can shape shift in this cave no R please be careful you only have two lives I said be careful why would you run through this bike don't worry a few spikes won't hurt me my goodness you're too Reckless holy cow what is that thing wait is that a monster it looks friendly maybe he's a nice monster like Bob from D I go talk to him run run run wow I was just trying to be nice and he took my body Zoro if you just listen to me we would still have all sudden lives but instead you choose to be an idiot we have one life left so listen to me if you don't want to lose it no I don't work for you stop running through the spikes well my instincts are telling me it's this way then run the opposite way because your instincts are always wrong well then what's that purple light there wait you actually found it yeah the issue is I need to force my way in there uh I feel like that's a bad idea no way I'm so close oh wait uh uh Nami yeah you're stuck aren't you uhoh how do I get out this is pathetic you know what I'm just going to brute force my way in go go wait you're actually squeezing in on the other side of this portal there's an extremely powerful monster get ready why did you go in so quick what's going to happen holy cow mommy what is that thing is that the powerful monster yep that's it I think this is a Chase Run Run run I'm going I'm going this is so scary Mommy can we please switch places I can't do this no no it's okay I don't even see the monster behind you you're way far ahead wait really I guess I am the fastest man alive after all yeah but Sanji is way faster I bet he would have escaped by now wait what did you just say to me there's no way that Troy brow is anywhere faster than me now I need to get serious yeah and I also bet Sanji could protect me better than you you can you better stop saying that or else I'm going to prove you wrong yeah proes to me that you're stronger and better than that cook I will I promise I'll get you out of your safe Nami and I'll prove to you that I'm better than that stupid trly brow cook Shi you're too easy let dead out of here I can't get over this hurry the monster is going to catch up I'm trying I bet Soni could have been back in one jump be quiet I'm trying to focus wait why' you stop her running because I haven't seen this monster once this even exist just go you idiot T you even risk that whatever let's just finish this this parlor is kind of tough Sanji could do it easily it's easy for me too what are you talking about then you better not get caught or else I'll tell Sanji all about it I can't let that trook find out I failed I need a focus I think we're getting close to the end wait how may get to fit through this oh no are you too fat for it I bet Sanji can fit it's not fat it's muscle and I got through anyways wait the ending is right there wait one second I wanted a bigger challenge why are you stopping run you idiot run run three sword style please don't please go in I'm just joking we out y we escape subscribe wait no way Luffy got lost again and I'm all alone now that's fine because I have a mission to accomplish I'm going to unlock true triple Katana and beat every opponent in all three C's to prove that I'm the strongest swordsman in Roblox comment on this video who you want to see me fight whoa is this a sea king perfect time to fight I'm going to chop you up and turn you into Sushi holy cow this thing is strong I can't even hit it oh come on I died that quick this game is too hard what are you doing on my Island you peasants huh who the heck are you woman how dare you talk to the pirate Empress like that get off my Island before I turn you to Stone with my beauty what beauty wait what whatever I'm not trying to fight a woman I'm gone gets back here this instant these psycho girls are getting out of hand let's go to a different Island wait Zoro is that you oh tajo perfect fights me wait fights you why because I want to prove I'm the strongest swordsman well I have bad news for you you're not the strongest swordsman wait what do you mean of course I am nope because there's one swordsman in the St who has 30 million Bounty and is super overpowered that's enough talking get ready for my three sword style dragon twister chill zorao I don't want to hurt you hurt me haha don't make me laugh fine you're making me do this fire slice wait what does happen Zoro your confidence will be your downfall you're not even close to the top there's still mihawk wait does mihawk actually play this game yeah and he's the best at it with your train level you stand no chance well I'd like to be the judge of that where can I find him fine but I warned you go Southeast from here and you'll find him on the Turtle Island got it next time I see you I'll be the strongest swordsman okay good luck Zoro bye wait where was I supposed to go again he didn't tell me where Southeast was I guess I'll just go this way oh hi Zoro you're back already wait what how' I go in a circle your sense of direction worries me sometimes just follow me I'll bring you just don't steal my fight he should be around here somewhere Who Dares awaken me from my Slumber I'm here to take your head another foolish rabbit thinks he could challenge me Zoro uhhuh I really recommend you don't do this if you think you can defeat me I shall have to Humble you humble me don't make me laugh now use yoru how bothersome I don't hunt rabbits with a cannon I'll make you regret saying that one sword style Zoro why aren't you using three sword style take this serious I don't have it in luck yet pitiful weakling this is futile you do not seem to understand the difference in our abilities why won't it let me hit you how bothersome this is getting boring time to finish you I can't lose this so be it be careful Zoro oh how fragile I I lost my name is drau Miha you need to become stronger if you wish to challenge me again Zoro are you okay what do we have here you seem like quite the interesting opponent I'd like to fight you to pass some time fine I'll protect you Zoro no don't fight him KN Hawk is my opponent is it your courage or your ignorance orance that causes you to raise a sword against me it's my promise my goal is not to defeat you let's go Zoro you're retreating smart choice I hope to see you again I'll be back and this time stronger than you I'll be looking forward to it Zoro that was insane what were you thinking all that I know is I need to be stronger well how are you planning to do that I think it's time to go back to the first Z why the first Z that's where all the weakest opponents are it's simple I'm going to start by the weakest boss and slowly get up to the strongest boss in the game and once I can defeat them with ease I'll get my three sword style and rematch mehawk oh that's smart let's start with Boogie it's you again what do you want hey boogie I'm about to use you as my training dummy it's not bougie it's Bobby you buffoon and what do you mean training dummy it doesn't matter what sort style death lion song wow that was good let's do the saber expert next huh this guy looks like shames wait who Shanks he's a really powerful pirate who destroyed me anyways that doesn't matter let's try this guy out this is still the first SE so it should be pretty easy yeah that was a piece of cake when is this going to get challenging H maybe the magma Admiral will give you a challenge yeah this guy does look pretty strong give it your best shock then never mind this is way too easy it seems you're too powerful for the first se but let's try the cyborg next ew This Place smells horrible yeah it smells like farts well let's see if this is the first opponent that can give me a challenge come here you robot a he's farting that's nasty this was your idea to fight him he farted again Yan leaving this guy's weak anyways yeah let's just go to the second sea honestly I'm not trying to stay around here we're in the second sea now who wants to fight it's not that simple the enemies here are way stronger than in the first se you need to be careful don't worry about me just bring me to the nearest enemy okay follow me this guy looks easy this is going to be a piece of cake don't underestimate him Zoro he's really strong I'll be fine and after this I'm ready to fight Hawkeye when so it Style watch out well what was that he has a double FR power don't get hit that's no problem I'm smoking this guy ow he just lodged me you're getting low on health be careful it seems I may have underestimated him after all time to get serious wait did you die I warned you to be careful the enemies here are way stronger than in the first seed but how will I ever be strong enough to beat Hawkeyes if I Ted didn't beat that regular boss I guess maybe start over at first SE and keep training no chance I'm going back to the first SE I'm trying this boss again wait Zoro slow down I don't want to lose you don't worry you won't just make sure you keep up wait tandro where'd you go don't tell me you got lost why does everyone around the me always get lost they need like the Google Maps fruit or something I'll just do this on my own let's give this jerk another shot wait why does she look uglier all of a sudden who are you calling ugly you Moss head wait Sanji what are you doing here no what are you doing here lui's been looking all over for you I'm training and fighting bosses but that doesn't matter where did Jeremy go Jeremy Oh you mean that weakling I just ticked him into Oblivion that's not possible I couldn't even beat him I guess that's proof I'm stronger than you then let's settle this ow that was a cheap shot one sword style is that all you've got no watch this but shot what you got me already I thought you were stronger but that was just boring I'm out of here am I really that weak it's so over for me I can't believe I really just lost to that Curly brow cook what should I do now I hate Roblox oh there you are oh tondro don't worry about me I'm quitting I'm not letting you quit no matter how hard it gets you need to keep going you're right I have another strong opponent for you and I'll help you this time let's do it who is it this island is being tormented by a powerful pirate named Don Swan and we need to help freed this island I guess it's time to become a pirate Hunter again and after I win this fight I'll find finally be ready to fight Hawkeye I'm not sure about that but follow me let's go fight Don Swan interesting he reminds me of doof Flamingo let me know if you need to help Zoro this should be easy for me come here you Flamingo you got this Zoro but be careful one switch style Dragon twister that was good keep going that did like no damage don't worry keep to theore go go oh what was that I need to get serious let me know if you need help I told you this was not easy let me see how you do it let's do it sun breathing wao that was a cool attack he's getting low on health I'm hitting him so hard wait that quick how are you doing that no way I'll defeat him myself one sword style wait what are you doing isn't it obvious I just defeated him I think I'm ready for Hawkeye no you aren't I just did all the work and you stole it so are you saying I'm not ready to fight Hawkeyes look let's fight one more boss and if you beep him I'll let you go to the third seat but no you're not ready for me Hawk when will I be ready to fight him I can't wait just be patient Zoro let's do a few more bosses and then if you could beat me I'll let you fight him sounds good I'm going to destroy this boss mark my word one sword style you're talking to him already be careful don't worry about me I've got him stronger I know you have but this guy is really strong wait what he just froze me get me out of here do you want my help again no I got this on my own time to get serious he's getting really low keep going ah he froze me again he's so annoying go go go I did it all by myself I think you're finally ready to go onto the Third again okay it's time to rematch Hawkeyes no it's not you're not ready for that yet look let's fight a few more bosses like I said fine where's the first boss let's get this over they're getting really strong now please don't under us to make them zor wait I recognize this island this is where that psycho lady was who ticked me off oh you met Boa Hancock she looks different now no this isn't boa this is the boss don't underestimate her just cuz she's a woman she's very strong I'll get this done quick she froze me be careful Zoro her fruit power is strong this is taking forever oh finally wow good job Zoro I didn't even have to help you there you're getting so much stronger yeah let me fight Haw on you're still too weak you can't even beat me you think you're stronger than me let's put it to the test then look I'll fight you but only if you could beat one more boss I'll fight anyone wait I know where we're going this is where that fat whale was she destroyed us in the last video wait Zoro what sword do you have I have clana why are you using such a weak sword here take this one you'll need it to fight cake mom wow this is my favorite sword I'm ready that's straight in all but you're going the wrong way oh I knew that so we meet again you whale hey that's mean don't call her a whale I've definitely gotten stronger because last time me and Charlie brow couldn't even 2v one her she's getting low keep going don't get too confident though I don't need your advice anymore because I've surpassed you I can't wait to fight you after this you're definitely gotten stronger but I'm not so sure about surpassing me well let's settle it then let's see who's actually the best swordsman yep follow me I have the perfect spot for our duel I'm about to Cut You Down Under the moonlights are you ready tandro yep let's see how much you've grown good luck Zoro I don't need luck to beat you once such style Dragon Tornado wow not bad that's a pretty powerful move but is that all you've got that's not enough to beat mehawk you're talking big for someone who's losing this battle you need to step it up tandro holy cow I'm getting low Dragon Tornado oh are you starting to get nervous of course not don't be ridiculous Sun breathing explosion wait what happened I thought I was winning it's over for me there's no way I could beat Hawkeyes I can't even beat tandro I guess I should just quit ROBLOX after all no Zoro it's okay you've already gotten so much stronger don't give up now you're right I'm going to work harder than ever in train I'll be back soon I just finished training and is that tdo there Soro you're back I can tell your so much stronger now yep I'm maxed level and a lock true triple Katana no way I think you're ready to fight me then good luck Pono Sun breathing first form not bad my turn waa what is that attack that's insane and I also unlocked observation hot te this is going to be fun time to finish this three sorts thou Phoenix wait I got it ready a I was having fun I think that you're finally ready to fight mihawk now I'm a dread thanks for helping me get stronger tandro I couldn't have done it without you no problem make me proud and become the world's strongest swordsman I got to go though don't get lost I will defeat hawkey mark my words oh it seems you've come back from more yep and I'm stronger this time get ready to have a taste of my three sword style follow me then it's been quite a while since I've been excited for a fight hey slow down you're going too fast are you stared and running away or something not quite I just want a more fitting spots for our dual how does it feel that you're about to be dethroned us the king of Swordsmen I hope you're ready to be submerged into the Black Blade yoru now enough talking holy cow it's started don't get too nervous and ruin the fun this fight should chill some time I can't get too close he's strong Don't Be Afraid young swordsman it would do you well to attack me three swords stou Dragon twister futile just what I expected from the world's strongest swordsman but I'm still winning Victory is mine then why am I winning right now enough nonsense you are making my ears bleed and I'm about to make a whole lot more bleed Purgatory onig giri impossible I lost I knew I could do it I'm finally the strongest swordsman in Roblox I wonder what Luffy and the rest of the crew are up to I guess I should meet up with them again in the next video subscribe
Channel: AniBlox
Views: 144,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apeirophobia, rainbow friends, roblox doors, zoro, nami, zoro in roblox, nami in roblox, one piece roblox, blox fruits, anime roblox, roblox anime, zoro lost, garten of banban, five nights at freddy's, aniblox, roblox, anime characters roblox, koopekool, luffy in roblox, backrooms, roblox backrooms, backrooms in roblox, backrooms morph roblox, apeirophobia new update, roblox backrooms games, roblox backrooms game tutorial, FNAF roblox, doodle and arkey, custom hearts
Id: 1PulU0RS2yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 48sec (4128 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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