If Every Straw Hat ACTUALLY Played Roblox Blox Fruits

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I'm back on Roblox and I want to get super strong and explore every island but the only problem is I'm all alone so I'm going to find all my friends and build the best crew ever hey Luffy Zoro you're back yeah I just finished my morning now finally join my crew I'm already in your true idiot no I mean in this game I just sent you an invite what in the world is Luffy's children I'm not joining that straw hat Pirates was already taken fine I'll join but we're changing the name soon I need ideas I know the best comment on this video can be the crew's new name oh no the name is going to get even worse now anyways let's go find our crew this ocean is hug so they're definitely out there somewhere as long as we don't find twily Brown in this game then I'm fine with that but we need a cook I'm so hungry I can be cook I guarantee I'm better than Sanji anyways uh I think I'll pass on that let's go to the next Island and see who we found let's do it stay close behind me though I don't want you getting lost Zoro don't tell me you already got lost l no way I'm all alone again hey Luffy cro joing my crew sorry Luffy I already said no a man do you know where I can find my friends though H good question this SE is a lot bigger than you think some may be in the first SE some in the second SE and maybe even in the third SE wait there's three C's yeah and they're even bigger than this one no way I'm so excited to explore it all I'm actually on my way to the second right now let me come um what level are you uh 12 te you mean 12 I've got bad news for you then what is it you need to be level 700 for second C what no way that's like a lot more than I have right now yeah I recommend you stand the first te for a little bit then try to find the fug your crew mates while leveling up the enemies get really strong later on got it if it's for my true then I'll get as strong as I need to be I'll do what I can to protect my friends go south from here and you'll find the next Island good luck thank you tonero bye guys I need to hurry and find my crewmates he said the enemies get really really strong so my friends might be in trouble let's go wait which way is south he didn't tell me let's just go in a straight line and I'll find it eventually what's this island looks peaceful someone help me wait did I just hear someone scream what's going on here you'll never be free you're mine forever hey fish I'm going to t you with your fish and fix for putting your hands on that beautiful mados e who are you my name is Sanji and I'm your hero I'll save you from this pointy notice till now another we trying to impress my prisoner but unlucky for you you're merely a human who can't do anything against the power of a Fishman Fishman that's so cool first I will take you into Oblivion then I will win the heart of this beautiful Damsel in Distress give it your best shot go shanji go M shot I felt nothing now feel the power of a Fishman oh he died already wait where did my prisoner go she snuck away wow that was disappointing shanji sucks in the game hey tuner it's my turn be quiet what are you guys doing did someone say something who was that oh hi Nami how do you know my name get over here you stupid kid it's nice to see you join my crew what join your crew hurry up sa is coming over to us why are we running though I want to beat him up for hurting Sanji you really think you can beat sa what level are you I'm only level 12 but trust me I can beat him stay out of this you're ruining everything I'm almost free I don't need help from a noob get off my Island right now or I will CH you myself before saw hey don't do that you almost damaged my straw hat my most prized possession your most prized possession I don't care get off this island I'll save my Island from Saw without any help well she's just as mean and blos with his real life whatever I'll get her to join later where did Sanji go it's over for me I just got one shot in front of my future wife she'll never accept my proposal now and I failed to save her I'm a complete failure hey Sanji who are you and how do you know my name leave me alone I'm mourning here I'm hungry though fine I'll cook you some food come with me wow that food was so good why' you feed me how sa anyone who's hungry that's my C you're just like the Sanji I know join my crew your crew why would I do that I'm busy trying to achieve my own goal oh yeah you're looking for the all blue what the heck is the all blue my dream is to save all of the beautiful Roblox ladies in all three seeds oh is that why you're trying to save Nami Nami is that the beautiful prisoner's name Nami Vince smoke Nami my future wife I have bad news for you I don't think she's interested in you but why saw attacking her anyway I'm not fully sure but I asked him of the residents here and saw has been terrorizing Middletown for the past 10 years I heard he even killed noni's mother no way it's just like our long we definitely have to save her well we need a plan he's way too strong for me I have a plan don't worry you do what is it don't worry I'll tell you when we are in front of him can I trust you you don't seem make the smartest kid ever and you're only level 12 I said don't worry I'm Monkey D Luffy the man who will be king of the pirates wait is that Nami outside hey Nami what's wrong you idiots are still here get away I thought I told you to leave I don't need any help because I'll chill saw myself I will get revenge I'll destroy him in all his Ambitions that stupid shark I'll show him to never mess with me or my Island again you're still beautiful even while you cry it's okay we'll save you so I was about to destroy the island and I don't know what to do please help me you got it you you gave me your straw hat we'll be back let's go Sanji yep the wabby hero is back and who's the new kid I'm the man who will beat you for good you're a dumb one aren't you I can tell you're weak so uh Lucy what was that plan you mentioned earlier I'm going to punch him really hard that was your plan come at me come no that was easy you idiot no way I got one shot oh hi Nami you died already I knew there was no hope no no Sanji is still alive maybe he can do it hey guys you died too that was a terrible plan what were you thinking I know what went wrong I'll be right back my new plan will want 100% work Sanji come with me this should be interesting I think I lost because I'm using spin fruit instead of my gum gum fruit so I need to go find it rubber is just as bad as spin how would that help you you don't understand rubber is my fruits I'll be so powerful with it I can't roll because I'm too low level can you roll for me fine BR I'm probably not going to get rubber nope come on how else can I get rubber just buy the permanence oh good idea let's go I got it are you ready to go back and save Nami Swan we need to hurry before saw destroys the island yeah let's hurry were you the one who sent those weaklings after me shed it saw I'll finishing myself after a dector you finally decide to spike back I never thought I'd see the day when you lose I'll finally destroy everyone on the island except you I'll keep you as my pet that's jerk how dare he talk to my Nami like that hey you fish we're back you weaklings are persistent Nami step aside I'll handle you after I deal with these idiots I'll give you guys one more chance I'm watching don't worry Nami my plan will definitely work this time give it your best shot no Gatling ow that actually hurts M shot take this stop jumping everywhere I can't hit you when we R out cook you for a fish dinner to celebrate theƩ jamb G no act why are you guys even getting involved I don't know much about what you've done to this island but anyone who makes my navigator cry will pay guys no way this can't be happening you guys are only human first men are better in every way we're Stronger Faster have the jaws of sharks what can you do that's better than a fleshman simple I have my friends to back me up Theo blood you're safe now Nami we handled it thank you guys so much I can't believe this Nami I know we just met today but you're the most beautiful woman that ever laid my eyes on I want to spend the rest of my life with you will you marry me e no she you guys are just like my friends that I know both of you join my crew I'll join as long as you help me save more beautiful girl I'm on the search for my future wife I'm not saying no to your true but first what is your goal well I want to explore all three seas build the best crew ever and become king of the Pirates what's your dream that's perfect my dream is to draw a map of every island lucky for you I'll bring you to every island welcome to the crew I just send you both invites you only have one other member Zoro yep he's my right-and man where is he anyways oh he gets lost a lot I wouldn't be surprised if he's already in a third Sea by now oh God and I'm guessing it's my job as an navigator to keep him from getting lost hey Nami as my wife I better see no flirting with that Moss head he's ugly anyways doesn't even have two eyes all right calm down Sanji how many creis do you want to anyways about 10 more let's go find them where the heck are you trying to go we're in the middle of nowhere oh I've just been going in a straight line you idiots let me drive the boat where do you want to go next I want to go to the snowy Island there's one nearby but I'm going to be so cold we'll go to the desert after then hey Luffy my ladyy radar is going crazy I think there's a damel in distress on an Island North from here I'm going to go quick I'll see you later that's fine by me just make sure you level up and meet us in the second SE soon hi ey captain make sure keep beautiful Nan safe thank God that creep is gone he won't stop staring at me and drilling yeah I get used to it we need more wom on the cre soon soon I'm freezing how aren't you cold no I'm not cold at all hurry up let's get our doctor next why would there be a doctor on this island this island is abandoned then what's in this cave oh I've never never seen it I don't want to go and go what if there's a monster if there is then I'll just pick them up monster there's a monster Intruders Intruders hi she she you guys are funny oh it's just a reindeer that's adorable if I stay quiet they won't see me you know you're not hidden right what how did you see me I know you just find me disgusting just leave me alone you're not disgusting join my crew huh y you're you're crew yeah I want to be your friends friends with our humans well all humans do is make fun of me and and throw robs what's your dream dream I no it's dumb no dream is dumb are you guys really Pirates yep In the Flesh well my dream is to sail with a pirate and find a cure to all diseases awesome we have a monster doctor on our crew now I knew it you just look at me as a monster after all yeah you are a monster you're AED chk but that's what makes you so cool I meet powerful and interesting people in my crew like you let's be friends I've never had a human be so nice to me I'll join this crew is just getting weirder and weirder okay let's get off this island I'm I'm freezing why is it so cold now you're cold wait guys I can't leave actually I don't want to leave this island behind even though the residents here were so evil to me and tried to kill me I can't and let them continue to suffer suffer what do you mean the yeti has been attacking the villagers for the past year I tried to fight it off but they made a mistake and thought I was a monster too and trapped me in this cave why would they do that to you when you were trying to help it's not their fault but can't leave until I find a way to defeat the yebi leave it to me I'll defeat him wait really do you think you can do it yeah I need to level up anyways I'm trying to get to level 700 so I can go to the second sea second sea I heard that place is so dangerous dangerous being a pirate is dangerous this is your life now come fight alongside me I'm nervous this thing looks strong just support me I'm going in we got this G no pistol guard points wow you're strong hey you are too focus gaj is almost down we B it we threed the villagers of course we did thank you Lucy Nami you helped me let's set sail to that Fountain next it looks so big and cool no way I heard there's a terrifying cybor there that CHS everyone at Seas a cyborg that's so cruel you idiots do you want to die that's our next crew mate I I'll have him a bit ship too why did I agree to join this crew of weirdos all right where is this cyborg the enemies on this island look really strong I'm scared yeah we're way too low level for this island but who cares you're way too Reckless I'm staying on the boats you're a scaredy cat let's go find the cyborg Chopper yeah yeah just please don't get too far give me back my home I'm fired up what's going on here there's two cyborgs fighting each other even cooler hey Frankie huh who are you cat you see I'm busy join my crew run this sidebo is going to kill you aren't you a sidebo too it's complicated but I can't detect you while fighting this guy ew he just farted ah he's attacking me come here run we got away thank God hey join our crew who are you kid why do you keep asking me that I'm Monty D Luffy and I'll be the king of the Pirates that's you pan but I don't have time to help you play Pirates I need to stop my cyborg clone from killing more friends if I beat that cyborg will you join my crew you really think you can defeat it I've been trying for the past two months who built that thing anyways I did I needed help do in my ultimate ship the Thousand Sunny so I made a clone of myself but it went Rogan started chilling citizens well you built ships and I'm the best out is I'll beat the cyborg you'll join my crew and we'll take the Thousand Sunny to the second season first you said you want wanted to be king of the Pirates then that you chose a sideboard and now you want to do it a second seat you're naive aren't you you don't believe I can do it well watch me I never said that I don't believe in you but you're only level 20 kid you need to be level 700 oh yeah well I'll start grinding levels once you join my crew look if you beat the cyborg in a 1D One I'll join your crew really welcome to the crew glad you have you you'll have it w yet I'm not in the TR yeah but I know I'm winning good luck Luffy don't get hurt yep come here here you stupid robot I have a bad feeling about this come come no e you farted you're gross be careful Luffy that gas is poisonous wait I died I expected that come back when you're higher level too I just realized I'm not strong enough yet my friends are in danger and I can't do anything about it it's okay Luffy let's all go level up and try again soon yeah you're right Chopper thank we'll be back Frank to you wait for us be careful out there pirating you got it Luffy where have you been s smelled like farts I have a big announcement we all need to go our separate ways and train how will we find each other again we'll all meet up in the second scene in exactly one month that's going to take forever it won't be easy but I made a promise we will get stronger and I'll defeat cyborg I'm in I'll make you to get super strong fine I'm in too also if either of you see T make should to let him no too what about Zoro he'll be fine I doubt we'll be fighing him anytime soon okay well I guess I'll see you guys soon good luck guys finally I'm level 700 it's only been 12 days and I'm ready to go to Second se but first I have to keep a promise Frankie here I come e it still smells like farts here strong right hey hey kids you're back yeah I'm surprised you're still up in fighting that's the Frankie I remember why are you speaking like we're longtime friends anyways I can tell you're stronger now I'm level 700 super I'm sick of losing so you can give it a shot now I will defeat you and go to Second SE I'm about to show you what one month of training does gugu no pistol that did so much damage keep going he's low on health this is your chance no Gatling gun I'll let you get the final ha as revenge for your Fallen Friend respect strong right welcome to the crew Franky I just sent you an invite I forgot I about that joining you will help me achieve my dream anyways so I'm in what's your dream I want to build a boat that brings the pirate team to find the one piece that's perfect where's your ship say hello to the Thousand Sunny that's not the Thousand Sunny but I guess it'll work you don't like it no it's perfect just not what I expected well it's the best boat you can find around and it's definitely good enough for the second sea well in that case set so for the second SE where's the small reindeer oh we're all supposed to be in the second sea soon I'm a bit early though so they might show up a bit later I guess it's just me and you for now super we have to talk to this prison guide to go to the second seene I wonder if he's trapped in this prison I actually already completed this Quest so I'll go ahead and wait for you in the second seene maybe some of the tree is already there waiting sounds good I'll be there soon super help me that W you torture me whoa there's a mouth on this wall be quiet Luffy you idiot stop blowing her cover STI what are you doing here stop being so loud I'm trying to say a beautiful woman who's being imprisoned here by the Marine is her name Robin you know her nope never met her but I've seen her wanted poster she she well we need to defeat the guard to save her she's right in there and she seems to have some weird devil fruit power yeah she has the flower flower fruits she can Sprout her body parts anywhere I've never seen that is it even in game nope but she's Robin so it doesn't matter she's so beautiful you have to get her into crew don't worry I'm already planning to Let's jump the garden three two one pistol this guard is strong don't underestimate him don't worry I've got to Stronger since you last saw me I can tell but so have I I'm level 600 uh-oh I'm getting L son you cover for me got it m shot nice good teamwork Robin Chan nice to meet you hey boys thanks for rescuing me Hi join my crew you're true I can't why you're already a wanted criminal you might as well come join our adventure if I join your true the Marines will never stop hunting your TR I'm extremely wanted by the government it'll put your friends in danger don't worry about that I'm strong and I'll protect everyone and you don't care about my past or why I'm wanted nope you can't judge a beautiful lady by her past what matters is only our future will you marry me Robin wow I have no place you call home so if you're offering me one I guess I can't refuse wait you said yes not to your marriage proposal to joining the crew it's over for me kitty shei I just sent you an invite yay we have another beautiful lady on the crew wow this is quite a nice ship you have here yep Frankie made it you'll meet him soon oh yeah where's the rest of the crew they're waiting for us at our destination the second SE off we go then oh wait I'm not level 700 yet I guess we'll meet you in the second SE later hurry up and level up it's fine I'll be there soon I'm sure there's more beautiful ladies who still need to be saved in the first SE Robin this is where we part ways but I'm sure fate will bring us back together soon set sail for the second team so this is the second SE I wonder what kind of Adventures we'll find here I sense some powerful forces nearby same there's definitely some shady stuff going on here who dares step foot on my Island who's there I am known as God OA I will not let you step one more foot on my Island what will you do if I take another step me and my Army of 10,000 men and one powerful cyborg will obliterate you both to pieces I warned you get off this uned immediately oh I see you've already met Frankie yeah you know Frankie oh so I was right like I said back down Mal or feel the wrath of the smiper chain if you're pointing that at me are you prepared to use it huh don't Point their gun if you aren't ready to kill this pirate stuff isn't a joke I'll have to take your life if you're playing around uh uh run frighty help me ooh that was scary I had to P it we'll meet back with him later I want to get him to join my crew you think he'll join after that little act he put on yep I know know he will oh Luffy you made it hey Frankie Usopp was just looking for you I don't care about that when there's a beautiful lady standing next to you what's your name I'm Robin nice to meet you oh yeah Frankie this is Robin our new crew mate and Robin this is Frankie our ship right nice to meet you Robin anyways I want to explore the sea oh yeah I found out about something you might find interesting what is it there's rumors of an a thousand-year-old skeleton ghost musician who wrongs a sea I know you're into weird people like that no way how could you tell well first you invited a raccoon dog into the crew and then a cyborg you're definitely not normal in the head you're right does this skeleton ghost by chance have an afro oh yeah how did you know I know him I'll go look for him you stay here with Usopp and Robin oh yeah about Usopp I asked if you wanted to join the crew and he said sure then why did he just threaten us he did he's a funny guy he probably didn't know you were the captain hey it's fine I want him and the crew I'll be back soon with our new and final crew mate see you soon let's see where could Brook be definitely somewhere scary looking and haunted oh I know that big castle y I think I just heard it Brooke where are you behind you Brook you aren't scared I Disappeared behind you of course not I want you on my TR h y i you're a very funny man oh wait I can't see I have no eyes oh I'm in that was easy play some music you got it all right we're at the place we were meant to meet up the cafe I'm nervous to meet everyone I hope they like me you're a ho of course they will oh everyone is here already Robin Chan marry me Super Why is there a ghost behind you don't tell me that skeleton is a part of our cre now may I see your panties what did I get myself into we're the straw hat Pirates and we're going to find the wi pee in Roblox wait where's Zoro someone help me it's time to claim the one piece
Channel: AniBlox
Views: 557,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox blox fruits, noob to pro blox fruits, awakened dragon fruit blox fruits, anime characters play roblox, luffy blox fruits, blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits update, blox fruits channel, blox fruits update 20, blox fruits noob to pro, roblox memes, dragon fruit, unlocking dragon fruit, roblox, kaido vs luffy, kaidou, kaido, zoro, if every straw hat actually played blox fruits, aniblox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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