If YouTube Was a Person (Funny 😂)

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hey friend how can i help you how to peel banana here's a two-minute educational video about peeling a banana in a correct way no judgment how to peel banana correctly well i've got another dozen videos on the topic and if you're interested in healthy qualities of bananas here are some recommendations that you might how to peel banana correctly without hands this is getting a bit difficult but here's a video on peeling a banana without using hands challenge it has 224 videos so you're not even alone wait was that what you were searching for okay not my business next how to build a car nice one here you go a video from a specialized automobile factory there's a whole channel in fact how to build a car from scratch yourself artisanary here a high class professional with years of experience shows how to do that in a most how to build a car from scratch yourself without experience got you covered several professionals explain why it isn't possible but and a bunch of ants to boot next how to drive the topic of cars never exhausts itself here a driving school ad how to drive online a racing game ad how to drive when you're six legit you know what it's your here's some english grammar tutorials next cats twerking cats never get old here's all i have 1 [Music] and 268 nine videos which one would you like to watch first hello boston there okay next how to cook hard-boiled eggs oh i know that there's about a hundred thousand videos on that subject in a sink oh well all i can show you is that hard-boiled eggs don't float but sing thank me later bye next how not to eat a banana oh you again i assume you completed the challenge congrats i guess okay there's a video on five rules to eat a banana and then a bright side video about eating two bananas a day useless junk i'm going to google wait but what about two bananas a day ah well next how to make cereal soup cereal what okay you probably mean the video game well here's some videos on how to create an avatar there what you're going to google too i've also got a video about whether cereal is soup it has almost 6 million views never mind next what to name my cat no dog no child no my wifi ah i've got a trove of funny wi-fi names for you my dear next crafts to make with two thousand toilet paper rolls i have no single video with exactly that number of paper rolls but i can show you like a couple hundred thousand videos on what you can do with fewer of them what do you say oh i see you're uh already busy next uh sometimes when i'm alone i hey hey pal do i really want to know this use comic sans oh no the horror here's an ad for a place where you can get some professional help take care buddy hang in there next how to remove salt from popcorn why not leave it where it is fine whatever my results only have ways to add salt not remove it oh and one mentions making salted caramel popcorn if you're interested hey where are you tell me it's not to google again okay next how to freeze ice cream is that a legit question oh wait did you know you can make ice cream in five minutes instead of waiting for hours and there's also some hannah montana in this batch to lift your mood what it says right here check it for yourself next how can i make money sleeping i wish you could okay here are 7 3 5 15 10 and 11 ways to do that none actually working but hey you can always give them a shot hello should i give results for sudden sleep syndrome instead hey guys please carry them outside i have people waiting thanks next i just uploaded a bunch of netflix movies online but youtube has taken them down why [Music] oh naivete sorry here's a video of a lawyer explaining copyright better yet here's a whole playlist of related videos get to studying next how to draw a picture sure here have a couple million tutorials from every single artist in the world who has a youtube channel how to draw a picture without a pencil really testing me huh you mean without raising a pencil that i have how to draw a picture without holding a pencil hey no need to caps lock on me mister i'm case sensitive you know here a tutorial for drawing a hand holding a pencil is this what you asked for ah for crying out loud go google it already it's next door next how to pick a lock so uh what you looking to pick it with i got bobby pins paper clips nothing mike boyd wait who's mike boyd anyway your choice with your eyes i hope you don't mean my eyes hey found some music videos for you there what are you doing um that door isn't live just push it and call the next client please dogs trying to open a can of corn dogs don't do that but they can't try eating corn on the cob or did you mean making corn dogs dogs trying to open a can of pickles hey i got corn dogs stuffed with pickles ah i see we have your interest now next loch ness monster stand up is this a joke well i have a lot of them here have some stand-up shows sprinkled with actual loch ness monster facts and fiction no footage though sorry next how to uh call in sick and make it believable oh sneaky okay there are hundreds of reasons not to go to work and one music video to play in the background to all of them happy now next why do i hear boss music oh i have so many dark souls video on that just you take all this heap and go watch them all next how to keep your pants up you know what i'm not going to give you any videos here take this it's called a belt if it doesn't help here are suspenders too and if those aren't to your liking two words sweatpants with a drawstring next where have you been you miss me ah that's so sweet here listen to some rihanna as my thanks where have you been karaoke you want to sing along nice without me though here are your results bye next i think i might be a sociopath you think well uh take this test and here's some telltale signs too good luck next can i eat a lemon no sure you can here are some lemon eating challenges for you almost 100 million views by the way you can add to the count can i eat a lemon like an orange well the first two results say you basically can but i wouldn't advise that here this one has 70 million views will you stop eating lemon in front of me next why isn't eleven pronounced one t1 good question i see there are at least 300 000 inquisitive minds just like yours here your reward is one explanatory video and a ton of amateur content enjoy next unicorns caught on camera um you do know unicorns don't exist right anyway here's a full batch of highly click bait videos just for you and if you ask google you'll also have a similar batch of articles about that recommend it next why are there no trains in america you're not friends with the guy who just left here by any chance america has trains here's a bunch of proof for you excellent how to make a pool table with paper well now there's a cardboard pool table a wooden one a glass one highly not recommended though and yes a paper pool table played with a pencil if you're interested next what would a trip to the mariana trench be like aha i got just what you need here first in the result a bright side video about that you won't regret it promise seems like we're all done for today guys you can come out from there we're out of printing paper anyway see you at the night shift don't be late
Views: 179,744
Rating: 4.8992324 out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side what if, what would happen if, strange what if questions, best what if questions, craziest what if questions, funny what if questions, what if youtube were a guy, what if google were a guy, funny what if videos, money on youtube explained, money on youtube views, money on youtube channel, money on youtube videos, make money on youtube for beginners, youtube policies, funny skits, funny videos, if youtube was a person
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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