9 Tricky Tasks to Check How Good Your Vision Is

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[Music] tricky tasks to check how good your vision is who doesn't want perfect vision right however it's not that easy since our eye muscles get tired every day slowly but steadily lowering the quality of our eyesight so do you want to find out exactly how good your vision is and what you can do to improve it then keep watching before you find out everything about your eyes health be sure to hit the subscribe button and ring this little notification bell to join us on the bright side of life to determine how good your eyes are i have a little test for you you have to complete nine simple tasks don't forget to add one point to your score for every correct answer let's start question number one take a closer look at all these leaves which one is the odd one out try to find it in 10 seconds so did you find it look carefully at row number seven there it is high five if you got this one but it's too early to celebrate so let's move right along to the next challenge question number two here are two onions are they the same color or maybe they are two completely different shades of purple you have 10 seconds to figure it out [Music] so what is your final verdict same color or not if you think they're completely identical congratulations you get one more point no background can confuse your eagle eyes [Music] question number three now look at these three pictures of fish it seems like they're completely identical but in one of them the fish is situated perfectly in the middle your task is to find this picture and your time starts right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] no it's not the first one or the second one it's actually the third add one more point to your score if you cracked this tricky task [Applause] question number four the more fish the better look at these cute little fish right here one of them is a rebel and swims in a completely different direction find it in 10 [Music] seconds look carefully at road number five here it is don't worry if you didn't get it more questions are coming question number five examine this picture how many circles do you see count them all in 10 seconds one two three four five and six if your final number is six as well add one more point to your score question number six now let's make it a bit more difficult here you can see lots of bananas which one has a slightly different color turn on your supervision to find it [Music] take a closer look at these bananas on the bottom right if you look carefully you'll see that they are slightly darker than the rest if you didn't get it focus you only have three more questions to redeem yourself question number seven one more find the odd one out test but now you have to find the raspberry that's a different size as always you have 10 seconds to complete the task and they start right now [Music] so do you have your answer ready this slightly bigger raspberry hides in row number six and you've got two more questions to go [Music] question number eight look at this picture if you look closely you can see a number hiding here what is it [Music] take a closer look at this picture you have four eight and two so 482 is the only correct answer but brace yourself the final question of the test is coming question number nine your final task is these two arrows it's perfectly clear that they're different colors but are they the same length try to answer this question in 10 seconds [Music] yep they are the same leg if you guessed it correctly you can add one more final victory point to your score and there you go that was the last question of the test if you answered six to nine questions correctly your eyesight is perfect keep taking care of your eyes let them relax once in a while and everything will be fine if you got three to five questions right your vision needs improvement be sure to incorporate eye exercises which i'll tell you about in a minute by the way into your daily routine and take computer and phone breaks more often finally if you scored one to three points your eyes definitely need your attention and help but don't worry there are a couple of amazing eye exercises that can turn things around in no time [Music] exercise number one blinking it's always better to gradually increase the difficulty of the exercises so make sure to start with simple blinking keep your eyes closed for about a second and then open them do this at least 20 times and then move on to the next exercise blinking is like a warm-up for your eye muscles to get them ready for exercising never skip this part to ensure that your eyes are fully prepared exercise number two side long glance you can sit down lie down or stand up for this exercise as long as you feel comfortable start by looking left and trying to keep your vision there as long as you can then look in front of you for about five seconds and complete the same thing for the right side focusing on a certain side will help your eye muscles become stronger and ensure they're good work don't overdo it though performing this exercise once or twice a day is more than enough to keep your eyes healthy [Music] exercise number three i bounce you can do the eye bounce exercise while standing up sitting or even lying down all you have to do is move your eyes up and down quickly about 10 times when you're done rest for about a minute then repeat this exercise but with your eyes closed this time this exercise helps your eyes focus and significantly reduces any fatigue that comes from long computer work do it every couple of hours and you'll notice your eyes getting tired way less quickly [Music] exercise number four trace innate this exercise is kind of self-explanatory you have to sit straight look in front of you and trace a path as if you're drawing a giant eight with your eyes on the wall in front of you don't cheat by moving your head only your eyes should work here repeat this exercise about five times and then go on with your day trace innate wakes up your eye muscles while decreasing tension at the same time when completed with other exercises it will help your eyes focus better and generally improve the condition of your eyes exercise number five eye massage it's always good to finish eye exercises with a little eye massage make sure you're sitting straight and tilt your head back a little bit in this position close your eyes and place your index and middle fingers on your eyelids move the fingers of your right hand in a counterclockwise direction and the fingers of your left hand in a clockwise direction do this for about a minute change directions and repeat for one more minute after this massage you'll instantly notice your eyes becoming more relaxed and less dry just make sure you do it carefully so that you don't harm the sensitive skin on your eyelids do this 5-step exercise routine every day and your eyes will certainly thank you for it do you know any other helpful eye exercises tell us in the comment section below don't forget to give this video a like share it with your friends and click subscribe stay on the bright side you
Views: 1,671,792
Rating: 4.826838 out of 5
Keywords: good eyesight, good vision, eye massage, eye problems, eye diseases, eye exercises, eye health, check your eyes, eye dryness, blurry vision, vision deficiencies, colorblindness, nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism
Id: _44GXcTKW5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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