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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass the bible says he shall have now you have to study this extensively he talks here about saying he talks about the presence of obstacles he talks about a clear direction of what you want to be done he speaks about not doubting he speaks about your heart being part of the equation of faith and then he talks about believing in hope and finally he lets us know that the end of faith equation if it's worked correctly is that you will have what you say not what is available so you have to really study this we may not have all the time to dig very deeply i just want to bring out a few things but here jesus is letting us know that possibilities in this kingdom happen by faith that it is possible that mountains can be moved but there is a condition the condition is not just being aware that there are obstacles and they need to move the condition is not even just the ability to speak alone the bible says if you speak and you doubt it's the same thing as not saying anything it says you must believe in your heart that the things that you say will come to pass and then it says you shall have it praise the name of the lord verse 24. it says therefore [Music] what things so ever ye desire when you pray aha he's introducing something we often neglect in the faith equation that prayer is also part of the faith equation most times we maybe just talk about the speaking part alone but now jesus is bringing balance to this that when you pray so the platform for that speaking is not just empty declaration it's in the place of prayer when you pray that you believe that thou receivest it and thou shalt have it now jesus introduced two concepts here that many people may just pass receiving and having they are not the same you only have what you have received jesus is teaching that it is possible to receive a thing and yet not have it ye shall receive them and ye shall have them two dimensions ye shall receive them and ye shall have them you can never truly have what you have not received and anything that is worth receiving can be rejected as many as received him that means not everyone will receive him ye shall receive power that means you can reject power are we together now [Music] romans chapter 10 and verse 19 popular scripture among believers the bible tries again to give us an idea on how faith works romans chapter 10 am i right please look look for it for me i think i've missed out something so then faith cometh romans 10 17 forgive me two verses please just go up ten is it seventeen yes thank you thank you very much now look up please it says so then faith comment anything that comes must be alive and anything that comes will sustain the ability to move it personifies faith that faith like a messenger can come are we together now faith cometh faith cometh faith cometh it comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god when you read the original greek context it is hearing and that hearing translating into understanding by the word of god it's not just hearing like repetition alone but hearing there is a hearing that leads to understanding and that comes by the word of god now we see paul mentoring the church in rome in addition to all that jesus taught we see him introducing the word of god now are you getting the pieces together now so we see that in the faith equation there is speech in the faith equation there is prayer in the faith equation there is the word of god in the faith equation there is the presence of obstacles in the faith equation there is believing in the faith equation there is receiving in the faith equation there is having imagine how many of these concepts we omit and just speak one or two and yet expect our results to be bible faith all of these pieces must come together by the spirit of god then we must know how to engage them with understanding your heart has a role to play your mouth has a role to play the mountain that stands before you has a role to play [Music] the word of god has a role to play prayer has a role to play you must understand and master how we receive things in the realm of the spirit and you must know how to have these things faith the bible says it comes by hearing and even hearing by the word of god what then is faith let's define faith very quickly is god helping us here generally speaking faith refers to absolute confidence in god faith is a measure of our confidence in god but then it does not stop there this is just a general definition confidence in god confidence in the integrity of his person we call that faith but let me give you a definition of faith that i consider to be quite instructive i define faith as the name given to the action you take based on your conviction if you're writing please write this down that faith is the name given to the action that you take based on your conviction of who god is and the integrity of his word is called faith faith goes beyond believing believing is part of the equation of faith but it does not complete faith please understand this i am believing god wonderful but if it stops there it is not bible faith faith is the name given to the action you take not just based on desire based on your conviction on who god is and the integrity of his word the name given to that action the drive that pushes you the obedient response predicated on your conviction of who god is and the integrity of his word is bible faith hallelujah praise the name of the lord now let's demonstrate something here can i have any gentleman any one of you it's not impartation just people always do come come my friend come oh you're already here how do we do it now okay well you come stand so that just stand there everyone watch this just stand facing me i don't even know i just need one person i don't know what to do with three of them okay that's that's all right you stand don't feel embarrassed now watch this i'm going to give you a handkerchief hold this hold this lift it up then you lift your book up these are the possibilities that the bible says we can obtain in christ are we together now um if the bible says this is what should be your inheritance if i ask you come and receive it [Music] just say you are coming but don't come ready keep confessing that you're coming come and have this [Music] this is what many of us are doing keep two years five years seven years yet is a reality in christ and you are speaking but your faith equation is not complete because it's more than if you did not believe me you will not even look my direction so the problem is not your believing and yet mr man while he has been talking for five years you run and come and beat this is in two years are you seeing now this gentleman has been believing god for five years and someone comes from nowhere with childlike faith knowing what to do and in one year obtains that possibility [Music] time does not change time only reveals meaning if your life must change if things must turn around in your life it will be based on your truly understanding god system of faith and sustaining the grace to engage it accordingly are we together now so this is a possibility [Music] the bible says it is yours in christ but the dynamics of reception the dynamics of having it and making it manifest in your life here and now is where i think many well-intentioned believers are stranded and left in limbo so we have our bibles full of promises we have our bibles full of realities that the bible says should be part of our lives as far as our earth work is concerned and then we even go a step further to read them and understand them [Music] and yet thirdly speaking for many people at the end of our lives were not able to do a very effective inventory of all these things we cannot truly say that much of these spiritual realities have found expression in our lives the average believer sadly may go to his grave with hardly anything at all most of the things that happen to us that we call and we believe came by faith only happen by the law of time and chance because there is a law called the law of time and chance even and even a dead clock is right twice in a day if you remove the battery from a clock it will still be right two times in a day so there are many results that are not by actively engage in faith some of them just happen as a result of the law of time and chance because the bible says it happens to them all my intention in this conference is to stand in partnership with the holy spirit your man of god alongside all the ministers that come to teach here to help bring to our lives the grace to produce intentional results not results you cannot explain no you know sometimes we hide behind confusion and just say god be glorified as to god i don't know anything about this we are not very honest if you are the bible says he that tries for mastery is not crowned except he strikes lawfully you can know how a result came about how else will you teach people if you do not know ultimately we give glory to god but you can know how the anointing came to your life you can know how favor came to your life you can know how expansion came to your business it is not it is not a wise spiritual adventure to allow the law of time and chance define your realities your life can be very circumspect and can be very intentional you can get up with an intention that my life will be a reflection of the favor of god my life will be a reflection of the anointing of the spirit my church will be a reflection of the good hand of god are we together now and then engage accordingly the principles that make for that result in the end christ will be glorified but you will have you see the beautiful thing about results is not what you really obtain is the knowledge of how to repeat it again if you lack the ability to replenish that is one of the greatest faculty as far as sustainability is concerned being fruitful can happen by relationships but replenishing happens through knowledge and mastery the ability to replenish is the secret for sustaining anything replenish do it again prosper again build the church again reproduce the result again is god speaking to us every time you do not gain results by mastery you will be afraid of your results because somehow you suspect that if that dog closes you will never be able to produce it again so jesus spent time teaching the disciples they were interested in just having power and he said gentlemen no power is predicated on many things let me teach you he sent them they came back rejoicing and they would almost not listen to the lecture again until they encountered certain casualties they could not deal with and he said sit down we still have a lot to learn but when they were done and the holy ghost came on them from city to city same result region to region same result regardless who was the apostle in church the results were consistent [Music] in the name of jesus i pray that in this conference the realm of ignorance and shadow boxing and trying and hoping may it go far from our lives in the name of jesus christ listen to me that after tonight you can get up and give yourself a time and say by august i should be at this level spiritually financially and it's not pride your confidence is based on the predictability of god systems do you believe what i'm sharing with you the just shall live by this understanding that the outcome of your life is not just dependent on the love of god is dependent on your knowledge both lazarus and father abraham eventually made it to heaven but the condition with which they left is where the problem is hearing is my father glorified john 15 and verse 8 when ye gave much fruit you proved that i meant told you when you produce results so shall you be my disciples bible says let your light so shine before men he wants men to see it don't just keep silent i'm not talking of some boastful arrogant manifestation but let me tell you something results have a way of compelling the attention of men to respect god and respect his process you will hardly advocate anything sustainably until god garnishes upon your life a dimension of result that confounds the wisdom of men man as a species is arrogant it takes results to humble them to be meek enough to listen [Music] it is true it's a weakness in men for as long as your life does not command a threshold level of sustainable results it is going to be difficult to advocate spiritual realities no matter how true it is as a man of god as a business person as a career person there is a dimension of god's investment upon your life that he seeks for the world to see that way they will pay attention come see a man who has told me not a man who wasted my time nobody comes to see a man who wastes their time come see a man one woman when a madman was killed in gadara that one testimony was equivalent to the salvation of ten cities let me tell you this we do not have all the time for the global harvest there is a dimension of light and power that must come through the church by the operation of faith that will humble the pride of kings and nobles and nations and bring them to a point where they will acknowledge like nebuchadnezzar that there is a god in heaven it was the dexterity of the result of daniel alongside the three hebrew boys look how those guys shook the gods in babylon and brought down kings and their pride [Music] the reason why it is difficult for people to see the light and the power and the glory of god upon our lives is that while we advocate very boastfully our results show that we are still at the level of amateurism and infancy conferences like this was designed to step us up into levels of mastery where you can live you can open this door knowing that my life will truly change hallelujah the times that we live in are not times for loyalty over nothing people will want to taste and see that the lord is good the goodness of god can be tasted the reality of his power can be tasted one supernatural manifestation of faith i tell you sincerely can shake nations and break their pride and cause them to see and to know that jesus is lord you must understand the object behind this desire it's not just some pursuit for self-aggrandizement it's more than that in as much as we benefit and the quality of our lives improve as we engage faith the ultimate goal is to coordinate this faith force towards kingdom come it's not just about houses and cars and prosperity alone in as much as those things pass through us and we become benefactors of it believe me that this whole teaching ultimately is so that the global harvest nations in one day can come to the fruit of the cross it will not happen by the strategy we are currently working in it's too slow there's too much argument about the potency of the faith life that we so propose we need a superior strategy and only faith becomes that victory that overcomes the victory that overcomes the victory that overcomes limitation in church growth the victory that overcomes cycles of witchcraft and circles of demonic oppressions over families the victory that overcomes caliber the victory that overcomes [Music] powerlessness do you believe what i'm sharing with you i know that there are ministers of the gospel here respectfully speaking we are in times and seasons where without a superior dimension of the manifestation of faith one day we are going to have mtpus believe me because there is such a display of of the plots of satan over the church worldwide and satan is doing everything within his power paying to say jesus did not rise again and we must introduce jesus in a dimension that will make nations desire him [Music] it cannot just be by stories and lectures alone our lives must prove the reality of the risen christ are you in agreement with me so we are discussing faith gentlemen thank you the lord bless you so faith is the victory the bible says and then we also establish the fact that faith has to do with action not mere speaking i want to now teach a bit on the basis of our conviction because if you have faith in fear or you have faith in satan it will not produce faith must be in jesus christ and his ability every day we have faith in something fear is having faith in the object that causes you to fear for instance are we together now we need to understand the dynamics of bible faith bible faith is based on two qualities of god there are two qualities of god that produce bible faith in the believer number one very quickly is his integrity numbers chapter 23 and verse 49. [Music] numbers 23 and verse 49 and verse 19 i meant to say numbers 23 and verse 19. please read with me if you can see it ready read god is not a man please stop there please stop there stop there and look up very very instructive statement you may have heard me say it again and again god only became a man he is not a man if god is a man he must worship who created him are we together now god is not a man god only became a man you have to understand this so god is not a man that he should lie this is a very interesting information about men that it is usual for men to lie for various reasons number two neither the son of man that she should repent that means draw back on his word [Music] have he said and shall he not do it or have he spoken and shall he not make it good these ladies and gentlemen is the first quality of god that bible faith is predicated on the integrity of god comes from the word integer sameness consistency unbendedness that god is dependable god is reliable based on equality called integrity please shout to say integrity that means that before god speaks he will have to find out whether he will change his word tomorrow and if he's sure he will not change it then he will say it you can pick this bible and find out the things that god has said concerning you and have absolute confidence that he meant everything he said for instance i have loved you with an everlasting love and i have drawn you with my loving kindness for instance gentiles will come to your light their kings to the brightness of your rising for instance i will restore to you the years that the kangkawam has eaten this is the one who has integrity speaking for instance that the the where you have been deserted so that no man will pass through you that you become an eternal excellency and a joy of many generations i believe why because the one who spoke is not just god who is mighty he has integrity he has integrity the scripture we read earlier on he said and the lord visited sarah genesis 21 please give it to us again genesis 21 from verse one and two the lord visited sarah as he had said and the lord did unto sarah as he had spoken this is called integrity verse 2 he says and sarah conceived and bear abraham a son in his old age at the set time which god had spoken integrity i will give you ten era by six o'clock and six o'clock there is an alert there integrity the quality of sameness the quality of unbendedness the quality of consistency men change they don't have to be evil is is it's a reality that is enshrined in man so the bible says yes don't get used to men and think god is one of them god is not a man someone prophesied to your spirit man say god is not a man that means that every word that has come from your man of god and his wife upon this altar as touching what god has said you reserve a right to still keep it and say lord i still believe that this world will come to pass you told me this year will be a year of victory you told me this year will be a year of triumph you told me when men said there is a casting down for me it shall be that there is a lifting up you told me that i will not beg for bread i will see your faithfulness you are a god of integrity your boss may not be that way your relatives may not be that way but i have good news for you god is not a man man of god he told you that by the end of the year you will have your own church land [Music] please find a way of shaking away on not trust a man if you think he plays you or he does not like god is not respectfully speaking he's not some politician who gives you some manifesto today and then changes no he is so obsessed with you knowing his integrity that he archived his track record in a book and said study go through dispensations i spoke to kings i spoke to nations i spoke to men in the presence of their enemies i spoke to men in the presence of their [Music] obstacles you're not a man no you're not a man you're the god who opens doors no man can shot no one like you listen to me let me bring a word of comfort to someone i don't care what is before you now if my father has told you something it always does not look like it until it becomes it no one like you jesus no one like you no one like you has ain't no one like you no one like you father no one like you my soul you're the god of everything i think it was the last time that i was here when um the man of god took me around this massive facility and began to tell me the stories of the wonder working power of god you are not sitting inside a building you are sitting on a reality that was better through faith [Music] as i traveled from lagos coming down i looked at all the buildings i looked at all the structures and i said my god once upon a time these places were not there somebody was in his room with god and god said i would do something and they said lord i don't know what you are saying but i believe you you in the west here you have an uncommon privilege because you have a rich heritage of men and women who showed you what faith can do ordinary men some many uneducated but god spoke to them and they said if i perish i perish they stood by his word and today they have built things by the spirit that is more inspiring they have commanded results that men cannot produce let me challenge someone here god is not a man if you cannot believe god for 1 million that means you will never have a house in your life if you cannot believe god for your house it means you will never build anything serious for the kingdom at any level whether you need 15 ira one billion is still faith that will bring it please listen to what i'm telling you it is faith that will bring that anointing and that function to your life if god tells you you will stand and speak to nations don't worry about who else is hearing is you is talking to focus on him [Music] i believe god i have lost the ability to disbelieve him i will die believing god my life is a testimony that when you take god seriously and you believe him he will surprise you first to yourself and then to everyone everybody say integrity when god speaks to us we must believe this is one of the reasons why we have to spend time meditating let me tell you this please look up am i wasting your time you see one of the reasons why we study scripture is not just for theological enlightenment alone we study scripture because we are immersing ourselves into a belief system are we together now the scripture has its way of thinking and when you soak yourself reading through stories through parables something begins to happen to the way you view life you are immersing yourself into stories principles that make you think like god philippians chapter 2 and verse 5 says let this mind be in you you are not going to be open to scripture for 5-10 minutes and truly believe you will have the mind of christ no [Music] how many of you have seen children who watch cartoons or read all kinds of things and while they are watching it you think they are sleepy until later on they start repeating what you just heard even though their eyes were closing it was entering their minds let the word of christ colossians chapter 3 verse 16 says that let it dwell in you richly and then in all wisdom the word of christ the advocacy to be serious with the word of god is not just to make us feel christians it's not just to erode away the guilt of looking on spiritual it's more than that the bible is the most concise manual that helps a man to be immersed into the mind of christ here and there there are good christian books that are extraps from the word of god but i tell you this soak yourself in this scripture read and let it do something to your mind listen to it and you will marvel and wonder at the way your your your ability to view life and to analyze things now begins to look as though you are living in bible times because you have immersed yourself it is difficult to believe god if you only find scriptures that help to solve problems and stop there ask anyone who is in the academia they tell you that one of the ways that they gain mastery and master their field and their hearts so much is by exposing themselves to all the materials that are around that body of knowledge they are so immersed in it it becomes part of their life are we blessed [Music] integrity let's talk about the next quality two qualities of god that our faith is built upon one his integrity number two his ability his ability mighty god his ability jeremiah chapter 32 and verse 17 the ability of god ah lord god behold thou has made the heavens and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm and there is nothing too hard for you to do look up please [Music] the bible is saying here prophet jeremiah is saying that this heaven and earth where all our problems and solutions every solution we're looking for we hope to bring it here within this domain that both the heaven and the earth was created by his great power and on the strength of that there is nothing too hard for him to do everybody say ability now listen there are people who have integrity in our world but they do not have ability i promise you that if only i get to this office and i see that things are all right i will give you a job the person has integrity but he may find himself in a situation where he does not have the financial the political the sociological where without to manifest his commitment it takes more than integrity to perform you must have ability i want to pay your school fees i really want to but i do not have the money god does not have integrity alone god has ability now this is good news if the only thing god had was integrity will still be in trouble because he will be apologizing till today i'm sorry i promised your grandfather that i was going to lift you i assure you i am still god just give me time when i'm done with the devil when the mountains when creation finally sub submits to me i assure you that you will not cry that's as fast integrity can go but my god has ability [Music] ability the ability or might is the ability to make what you say happen [Music] i can desire that the light in this great auditorium be off and promise you that in five minutes it will be off i may be well intentioned that's integrity but do i have the ability it takes the the the physical strength to ward off all the resistances and go to the switch and put it off please hear me it is because god has brought integrity and ability that we can stand and speak over people's lives it is because god has integrity and ability that you can sow a seed and actually believe that a harvest will come [Music] his ability shows in agriculture there is no year provided rain and the conditions are there when you plant his ability still at work in the earth after more than thousands of years the earth still obeys him the god of ability so when god says i will lift you don't look at his integrity alone look at his ability before god speaks he checks whether he has the power to make it happen integrity second peter chapter one from verse two and four we'll find somewhere to pray ii peter chapter one we start from verse two grace and peace be multiplied unto you through knowledge the knowledge of god and of jesus our lord verse three says according as he is the real giver in this kingdom is his divine power not just his intention he wills it but it takes power to give his divine power have given us all things how many things please help me how many things all things that pertain unto life and godliness let me give you an example of the things that pertain onto life school fees house all of the needs that we have those are things that pertain to life the bible says his divine power can give it the things that pertain on to godliness the richness of your fellowship your spiritual growth your sense of fulfillment your work with god whether it is a matter of life or godliness his divine power sustains the ability to cover all areas i want you to read scripture carefully and see how god mysteriously turned people around and turned lives around moses why are you crying unto me i am not just a god of integrity integrity was when i spoke to you at the bush now you see ability stretch throughout your road on that red sea it does not just end with integrity i needed to see my ability and they sang the songs of miriam i will sing unto the lord she said for he hath tried young gloriously even the horses together with his rider only one who has power can turn a horse and the rider into a sea [Music] let me show you his ability in scripture how about the road that boarded with no roots let me show you his ability a man who when three hebrew boys were cast into fire the bible says they saw the first man looking like the son of god and he says these were men who the fire had no power over i will sing unto the lord for he has triumphed gloriously the horses and his riders have been drawn into the sea i sing unto the lord for he has triumphed gloriously the horses and his riders have been thrown into the sea if you know where egypt is you will respect god there is a reason why pharaoh respected god egypt was a place of wizardry do you know there are two people in the bible who run away from their assignments or at least ask questions it was difficult for them one was moses when god said i'm sending you to pharaoh he said you are joking don't you don't try me i was to be the next pharaoh i knew what i was studying before i ran away i won't go back to that place of wizardry with a rod in my hand you want me to die i saw these people manipulate the realms of the spirit they were the then super power you would not come to it pharaoh was not just a king pharaoh was an embodiment of spirits [Music] so moses holds a road and they look at his familiar face as he steps into egypt and he stands before ramses his half-brother and says brother good to see you it's just that this time around i'm not an egyptian i've met one guy called the god of the hebrews and i have come with a rod as a token from his presence to you thus saith the god of the hebrews let my people go i could imagine moses clapping his hand and said wonders will never end the wilderness has 40 years of being at the back side of the mountain has done something to this man [Music] after his hard-heartedness the mighty one shook himself and said this night there is an angel that will pass over egypt and that all the first borns of the egyptians do you know the covenant that the first bonds of egyptians had they had something called the covenant of life they didn't die anyhow you go and study history you know why god looked for the first ones because the first born of an egyptian was not an ordinary child are we together now they were dedicated to deities and they tied their lives to either trees or animals or other objects they didn't just die like that one first born could be it would be easier for all other children to die than one firstborn to die and god said i want to show you something since all your might is concentrated on your first bones in one night i will pass [Music] haila sally kapparoo oh that is the god you are still asking will rent really come that's the same god you are asking will you really lift my child that's the same god you are asking when the first borns were dead the bible says pharaoh did not just release them to go he didn't even allow their door eyes he gave them gold and he said go when they left he sat down in empty egypt and said what have i done he said pursue them what a hard man haven't seen this kind of thing you should mind your business and say lord let me just be repenting while these people carry that trouble and go give me other slaves that will help me build egypt he said no way i'm going back that's to tell you how stubborn satan is you need power just because he left you yesterday does not mean he will leave you forever he left jesus for a moment your bible says the next time you would come back he didn't come to him directly he came through peter and then through judas [Music] say unto god psalm 66 verse 3 how terrible are thou in your ways it says through the greatness of thy power shall thy enemies submit themselves today [Music] hallelujah the bible says one time the city of jericho was shot within and without he said none came in and none came out let me speak to someone i don't know what belongs to you that has been shot and nothing what sort of a place is that listen everything god created gives and receives what kind of a place is shot nothing goes out nothing comes in i stand by the god of heaven and i speak over someone in the name that is above all names everything shouting your blessings your lifting your lifting your rising i scatter that wall right now no one came in none went out let me tell you this jericho was an altar because they didn't carry anything there they were not really interested in possessing the land they crumbled it picked a few things picked rehab and [Music] his left our lord god it takes power to get your property there are still wicked men on eggs it doesn't just take power to get it takes power to keep but i know whom i believe the bible says and i am persuaded that he is able to keep that which has been committed unto him against that day please listen to what i'm saying because we're going to pray here i'm praying that the spirit of faith will rest on someone that you will get up and shake away all the things you've been given excuses for hallelujah there are some of you god spoke to you since 2015 and said it's time to start your house project you know the way this thing is you have to wisdom is profitable to direct we have to look at it let me tell you this there is no time that will be convenient for anything it's safe that creates the time and makes it convenient please hear what i'm telling you men of faith don't check the weather for anything even if the even if the storm and the boat is coming they don't stop moving they just verify whether jesus is still in the boat if he's there the journey is still safe i don't i'm not teaching that we should be careless but let me tell you we're living a time with people who are full of fear is why people don't rise they don't prosper they don't build anything i will do i will do for decades and they do not move there are people who have been in this city probably i'm challenging you respectfully speaking [Music] there are many young people here you are of age who are still in your parents house you will not move out why you have been careful you know there's no job to wait no one day you trust god for grace find one one room with your recharge card move out there and lie down in the mat and say father this is my bible this is you the signs follow they don't go before you if you don't move you will never see anything [Music] we live in a risk adverse world full of an obsession for guarantees this is the victory the spirit of god is speaking to someone there are steps you should take in this season marking time and giving flimsy excuses will not produce the results [Music] hallelujah the ability of god the ability of god the ability of god that you believe god is able please find a way of believing what is confused i'm not a stupid person talking to you believe me i understand from a human standpoint things can be challenging things can push your faith he's gonna fulfill every promise [Music] listen let me tell you a little story years ago i was going to go and preach somewhere had prayed fasted and it was time to go and preach and rain was falling and i knew that i didn't want to disappoint those people the only way was to just make up my mind and go through that ring i said lord you have shown me visions that i will be speaking to kings and nations and nobles it does not look like it now but you have the power what is a car i love you more than all these things and i prayed in the spirit and i opened the door i went out through the rain while the rain was falling on me i was declaring with joy as i left in the name of jesus one day nations who celebrate his grace even while today you are now clapping but he took faith to faith god is inspiring someone he took faith god is saying i'm calling you into ministry and all you are doing is printing cards and giving people and saying you invite me and say you will never do ministry that way life will be hard if you follow it that way and you will suffer and be angry at those succeeding take a step of faith two hours three hours every day lock yourself in a room [Music] you are building capacity it is faith [Music] you are taking an action based on what god has said [Music] the ability of god i'm listen i want to do something to your mind now before we pray you have to trust god god is able the bible says now unto him ephesians 3 20 now unto him who is the hymn god who is able to do exceeding abundantly far above all that we ask or things far above all that we ask or think [Music] if god says i will lift you this city has enough blessings for your lifting if god says i will prosper you if he says i will anoint you believe him if i stop here and we pray that's fine but listen to me if all you do is just hope one day go better is a very sociologically comforting statement but is demonic and destructive joshua chapter 1 and verse 8 this book of the lord it says shall not depart from out of thy mouth it says thou shalt meditate during day and night that thou may yes observe to do not just to say to do not form all that i command you this day then and only then shall you make your way prosperous and you shall have good success god has integrity but he also has ability behold i give you authority over snakes scorpions do you not know that there are all kinds of demonic arsenals scheduled to see that your life never rises to the place of prophecy please don't downplay what i just said the average african family is not aware of the onslaught of darkness or castrated by hell to see that you never become what god has destined it takes power to subdue darkness it takes power to do what your grandfather tried doing and died in the process what your own father tried to do and did not do now you come up in the name of the lord i'm a faithful member of victory like bible church and in the name of jesus i'm rising it takes power power our lord god thou has made the heavens and the earth and that by great power i have i have indoctrinated myself [Music] i have brought myself to a point where i have been i don't know what to call it i've done the holy ghost has done something to me the reality of the power of god is a reality that will never fade out of my mind again there is nothing i cannot believe god for believe me when i say this the only resistance in my life is the voice of god and process that's it that's the only thing that has the power to limit me in life the voice of god and process [Music] many things that you have allowed to subdue you it's time in this conference to get angry and say lord i apologize i've limited you there are families here that have to hold our answer and say lord we repent i don't know what suddenly happened to us that in one day god gave man cities in one day god look the bible says that david stood before goliath goliath said am i a dog i will kill you but respect me i'm a warrior israel is this your best david said you don't know who is talking to you you come to me with your balls as big as you are you are still holding bow and arrow i come to you with a sling and in the name of the lord listen i'm imparting faith because this night the things you have been afraid of you're going to bring them again and say who are you that mountain who are you that building project i've been giving excuses every year this is the year i must complete it this is not some kind of thing please listen to me we are spiritual people listen you know if you are giving to mediocrity this message will not bless you very much because mediocrity thrives on the absence of messages like this to keep giving excuses a message like this will shake you to the core and leave you with a decision either to stand up and take bold steps or retreat and sit back there there is nobody who has a guarantee for anything in this life men take bold radical and sometimes risky steps of faith apostle i want to start a business what i'm afraid who knows what will happen of course something is going to happen what if people don't come and patronize me [Music] and so we don't move forward we don't make progress apostle this ministry god is putting in my heart to organize a crusade or to organize a conference but i'm afraid i don't want to embarrass myself let me tell you something if you take the shame you have been taking the glory too whoever takes the glory must also take the shame he can be taking the glory and live the shame for me we are one we are together [Music] if you take the glory in my life see this is how to put pressure on god's integrity you stand before a sick body let me tell you this if you will ever raise the dead your first assignment is to stand before one you are never going to truly raise the debt by proxy one day you will have to summon the courage to look at someone with all these things in the nose and say today you know how many mortuaries have been locked in me to pray for the dead when you hear some of the things god is doing he did not start today sir they've taken me inside mortuary and they closed me so that the people the administration the administrators would not quarrel the people and they left me there i said which dead body am i praying for now because there's so many dead bodies there i came and stood before the dead body i laid my hands it was like stored i didn't know what part to lay my hands on let me tell you one of the ways that god builds faith he brings you face to face with what you fear [Music] listen to what i'm telling you you may not like this message but keep it you will need it one day it is not every prayer to drive it away that makes it go there are times that he keeps you face to face with your fear you will so fear to the point that you will suddenly realize that it didn't have the kind of power you thought it had [Music] listen the first day i stood before someone on a wheelchair it was not in a crusade ground it was in a house full of responsible people they gave me drink they took care of me they greeted me with a kind of honor that you even be angry because you know that if that miracle does not happen you must justify the honor you received i stood there all of the scriptures that i know ah with the ground open and let me enter i prayed for that person prayed for that person he was not even feeling anything in the leg you know that's how they can say okay i'm feeling life absolutely nothing was happening after 10-15 minutes i said that's all right no problem but you would think i left the way i came no the more you die to yourself to your fears the more the spirit of faith can really work in you [Music] back to that moturary story after i prayed and prayed and prayed nothing happened and you know they had closed the door i prayed i just used the opportunity to really meditate and say look how brief this life is these are all dead bodies that were alive because nothing was happening so today when you hear stories whether it is of raising the dead or raising people from wheelchairs it did not happen overnight let me tell you the truth no matter how much a man of faith you are you will still go to the school of faith it will be full of a lot of disappointments but fail as you make progress move as you make progress one day you will gain such power and dexterity remember the apostles and their embarrassment jesus went up the mount of transfiguration they decided to use the opportunity quickly to show that they were his disciples they came on an epileptic patient he could not be healed you know the disappointment they met jesus and said no no come on you couldn't have done this with us but the time came when the shadow of peter there is mastery in the spirit listen the one who laughs and does not do anything is the one who will remain in shame forever the one who cries while moving is the one who soon honor and glory will rest upon his head please hear what i'm telling you know the difference between failure as an event and failure as a person god called you to be a prophet you called someone thinking he was a man i'm a lady that's number one you are already out of it that level of prophetic error requires you to go for a retreat oh i'm seeing five people in your family i'm the only child of my father and you are standing there feeling stupid yet genuinely the call of a prophet is on you don't worry about the error you made the mistake be proud of it see your scar that is a symbol of shame will become your symbol of honor tomorrow when you get to heaven you don't need to ask who among you is jesus just find who has the scar that is jesus the 24 elders do not have it just find the person who has a scar by his side what you are ashamed of today will become the basis of your honor tomorrow when it has to do with faith pragmatically speaking let me be honest with you in the name of honesty you may not get results overnight in one day there is something about the development of the human spirit and its response to the word of god you just keep moving as far as god spoke it you will make mistakes don't worry the school of faith is powerful it will give you everything you lost while learning hallelujah are you blessed i'll find somewhere to stop here so that we can pray [Music] god's ability in the morning please don't miss the morning session i will share with you the dynamics of bible faith tonight i just showed you the two attributes of god that your faith must be predicated upon his integrity his ability his integrity i've met people who have ability but they do not have integrity there are others who have integrity and do not have ability this god who has called us this god who has anointed us let me encourage a man of god here who is probably here i'm saying apostle you don't know what is happening around my ministry no growth no increase no destiny help us no favor there is a god in heaven god is not a traditional ruler god is not a political aspirant is the monarch of the universe when god decides to invest his jealousy upon your life war betides any man who stands his way he has that ability this is the victory that overcomes this is the victory that will build this is the victory that will bring sinners to jesus christ you make up your mind that you are bringing 1 000 souls or 2 000 souls or whatever amount of souls and it looks like how will you reach them no you just believe god for it and you watch the wonder working power of jesus can we pray tonight please rise up on your feet just two prayer points and we're done i like you to passionately cry cry unto the god of the heavens cry unto the god of the bible and say father help my own belief help my own belief something about my not recognizing you are a god of integrity something about my not recognizing you are all powerful is limiting me in life and my life is unable to speak the praises of jesus but tonight i have heard your word lift your voice blessed is she that believes for unto her there shall be a performance help my own beliefs hallelujah listen please please look at me the bible says for our light affliction which is bought for a moment it says he walketh in us a far more exceeding weight of glory it says whilst we look not at the things that are seen but the things that are unseen why for the things that are seen are temporal temporal means subject to change but the things that are unseen are eternal i'd like you to pray right now and declare any condition in your life you know that it does not look like the verdict god has brought over your life from scripture open your mouth in one minute and declare i will not be discouraged i speak to this mountain in the name of jesus christ what i see is temporary this health situation you are temporal please pray don't be silent this financial situation you are temporal [Music] this narrative situation you are temporary this ministry situation you are [Music] temporary [Music] please pray please pray shake it this situation with my spiritual life my prayer life you are temporary my worst body life all you must change you must change your strength by the power of faith [Music] hallelujah hallelujah please just let me two three minutes and we're done for tonight [Music] listen to me if it is bible faith it works are we together do we have ushers here there are people who are going to start running out by the power of god there is a grace that is coming on people literally physically like an anointing is coming on them will not take time please help them and bring them out just a few minutes our lord god thou hast made the heavens please bring them out and the earth by thy great power if he made the heavens and the earth he can make any life in the name of jesus bring them out a strong anointing a strong anointing is coming upon them i know that we'll pray for the sick and the rest tomorrow but let me just respond as the holy ghost is moving me [Music] there are families here listen to me there are families that have been under siege for a long time nobody rises beyond the level right now fire is coming on those people bring them out right now father help them please whether you're an usher or not help them in the name of jesus whether you are an usher or not please help them anyone under the anointing close to you just bring them out our lord god thou hast made the heavens and the earth by thy great power just give me five minutes and we're done we have to give god an opportunity to move by his outstretched arm is someone praying open your mouth in one minute everything that must live your life in this conference declared by the spirit please bring them out declare by the spirits no shadow you will light up mountain you won't coming up oh in the name of jesus every family here i speak as touching the might and the ability of the creator of the ends of the earth that every power hold up please don't let her run around she'll fall i declare by the spirit of god every power that will not let you go this night by the god of heaven i declare it broken right now broken right now broken right now we're almost done it is this is what happens in the house of god it's time for people's destinies to move forward tell me whatever has tied your feet so that you will not make progress everything in the name of jesus we set it on fire we set it on fire we set it on fire we set it on fire [Music] is there someone with that name balogun you are wearing suits balogun is there someone like that you're wearing suit no time baloghun who is that what's your name [Music] i know that time please can you lend me two more minutes sir are you from [Music] um what's your name sir my name is philippe your name is balogun yes i'm looking at you and i'm saying do i know you have ever seen you i'm telling you that i'm looking at you and i'm seeing it that's where you are yes my brother your life is about to change in a way that you will marvel and wonder there is a god that sits in heaven whatever you would do please hear me do your best to not miss tomorrow morning session even if it means you carry your loved ones if there's no space sit anywhere but please make sure you come with your heart open when god comes please help that lady so you don't enjoy how we're almost done are we together now i'm seeing light just went this direction let's hold on there's someone who will shout here now loud under the anointing bring the person out just here [Music] so i want to pray for you what do you do [Music] i'm okay i didn't even hear you let i'm saying that are you a pastor you're a pastor but you also do business yes what do you do i do business into computers okay i want to pray for you your life is about to change you will not forget this conference in the name of jesus christ i stretch my hands and i declare that man lifting your hand this gentleman you stand up come and stand here your life is about to change lift your hands take that fire right now in the name of jesus you will never be the same never never be the same there is an anointing that has come upon you you will pray you will fast you will move in dimensions of the spirit this gentleman i don't know you all but a great fire just came upon your life in the name of jesus christ you will never be the same never be the same never be the same in the name of jesus christ who is jennifer jennifer i'm hearing the name jennifer we have to respect time but please my apologies jennifer is anyone called jennifer jennifer let me just pray for you sir in jesus name here at this conference i stand in faith with apostle achievement and his wife and we decree and declare over you let things turn around right now in a way that will surprise you in jesus name what's your name idea from where from yes delta can i pray for you in the name of jesus the plague of witchcraft ah i'm stretching my hands on you and i'm seeing the light touching that other lady the one at your back isn't it a mystery i'm stretching my hands but what i'm seeing in the realm of the spirit is touching that lady my dear look at me fire is coming upon your life for you and your family the month of may is a strange moment of lifting for your family this is what i'm saying by the spirit i declared so let it be and for you my dear i break the hand of witchcraft and every orchestration the bible declares blotting out every handwriting and every ordinance he says that spoke against us that he nailed it to his cross we we enforce this verdict that the cross speaks over your life and your family and i use this as a point of contact to pray everything that should have entered your hand and for whatever reason has been delayed by the works of darkness i stand tonight in the name of jesus some of you between now and tomorrow morning you will return with very strange testimonies [Music] in the name of jesus christ please um you are here and i'm seeing at least there's one three years there's one um i'm seeing the number five that would be five years you are trusting god for the fruit of the womb i would have just closed this but the lord just ministered this to me is who is that person our time is gone we have to respect time if you are the one i'm talking about would you just boldly indicate so that i pray for you quickly you're married you're trusting god for the fruit of the womb and this has happened to you how many years my dear five years in june five years in june it's your husband here husband can i pray for you is that all right please don't be embarrassed this is a spiritual family let me pray for you come because that's the same way you come and stand here with your children too [Music] you see listen when god does these things it's more than just showing that a man is anointed this is a revelation of his love it's a revelation of his power so beyond the man our attention must be on jesus to discern what he is doing are we together now you're trusting god listen truly speaking god is all-powerful i know respectfully speaking you've consulted physicians i know that prayers have been offered on you and i do not demean and downplay anything that has happened to you but i want you to believe these ones for there is a name that is above every other name the power of god will come on one of you when that happens i will pray for you this instruction god is telling me one of you standing here the anointing of the holy ghost is going to come on you [Music] in the name of jesus everything that is stopping your fruitfulness [Music] i don't care the medical situation in the name that is above all names in the name of jesus i come with the rod of a higher priesthood i declare womb open now in the name of jesus christ [Music] for all of you trusting god the children god will give you will be more than just bodies god will give you nations [Music] in the name of jesus christ you have believed it and we declare it i stand in faith again with the man of god and his wife and we declare according to the time of life return with your miracle and for all of you who are out here by the anointing i declare you return back with strange testimonies and every power that will not let you go i speak by the spirit right now judgment comes upon them in the name of jesus christ for every one of you who has been here connecting may the spirit of faith rest upon you grace to believe god unusually and in the name of jesus christ i declare your faith in the son of god your faith in the word of god will translate to supernatural results in the mighty name of jesus christ give jesus a big hand of faith let me just say one or two things you see when we take our time to honor and celebrate people it is not human worship i know that here and there you will find exaggerations where it seems as though when you celebrate people what you are celebrating is the sacrifice of alignment the painstaking sacrifice to stay with god and follow the blueprint of the spirit for you and the result that has come out of that obedience that is blessing nations that's what we celebrate are we together now the bible says every house is built by some man even though god is the builder of all so you do not celebrate god alone you also celebrate the obedience the sacrifice the alignment of the vessel and we live in times where is becoming out of fashion to sincerely honor the sacrifices of people we trivialize the investments of people through the years and we make it look like after all they were just favored after all they were just anointed after all it was just an election of grace it's a very very incorrect perception whenever god wants to meet israel he finds jacob prays the name of the lord it took mary saying be it unto me for jesus to come it was not just the power of the holy spirit alone it was the painstaking cooperation of a woman she took a part of her life and invested it in sacrifice for salvation to happen one more time please honor the angel over this house and his dear one praise the lord just just by way of just by way of addition it may be a culture you want to practice to always honor a man of god and his wife it is very it is it is a display of hypocrisy to celebrate a man of god and there his wife is there and you ignore her or celebrate the woman of god and ignore the husband no according to god's word and according to the reality of life the truth is that behind every man who is successful there must be a visionary woman who is standing there we learned this it is true hallelujah we are students thank you we're students of history and we have seen how that from scripture everything was all right in the palace in the book of esther everything was all right but one woman's defiance was about to divide the palace into two it was not war it was not the rebellion of the horsemen one woman had her refusal to cooperate and comply with the king was leading to a threat that could divide 127 provinces into two so please do not just celebrate a man and ignore his wife whether you are aware of the role that she's playing or even if she's not playing a role directly in a general sense you have to realize that there are many dynamics that play to bring up a grace that blesses there are people who pray there are people who cook there are people who fast without another prophetess jesus would not arrive without simeon the prophet jesus will not arrive without joseph of arimathea the influence to take jesus to the cross and bring him down would not be there there were many other auxiliary support systems that helped salvation to happen so it must be a culture to celebrate not only the center point of greatness but everything around it are we together i like us to also appreciate reverend i'm also may god bless you my god amen the last time we met he was a lamb and on this stage we saw a lion amazing may the lord bless you we honor your ministry sir who is like him the lion and the lamb seated on the throne mountains bow down and every ocean road to the lord of lords we will praise our dog night from the rising of the sun to the end of every day all the nations of the earth all the angels and the saints sing praise father we have come to receive we have come with hearts open we have come as proof that we trust you we have come acknowledging our limitations we have come as our commitment to grow to rise to thrive to excel and to walk in victory we pray by your spirit that you will help us this morning in addition to all the sessions past i pray that your word will come with power let it come with accuracy in the name of jesus christ amen god bless you please be seated again let me also celebrate every servant of god here i honor you appreciate you and celebrate you in the name of jesus christ hallelujah yesterday we began to discuss the subject of faith lord placed it in my heart to share with us on the dynamics of bible faith and to help us understand and engage the principles of faith the faith that works the faith that produces we did define faith yesterday as the action that we take based on our conviction on who god is and the integrity of his word yesterday we spoke about two attributes of god that the believer's faith depends upon number one we said his integrity his quality of consistency on bendedness number two his ability ephesians 3 20 the bible says now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly far above all that we ask or think according to the power that walks with us the bible says in hebrews 11 6 that he that comes to god must believe that he exists number one and then number two that he has the power to reward those who diligently seek him praise the name of the lord now this morning very quickly we'll be looking at the keys to producing bible faith [Music] the dynamics of faith number one the first key that is responsible for the manifestation of bible faith is meditation the power of meditation the power of meditation joshua chapter 1 and verse 8 the bible says this book of the lord shall not depart from out of your mouth it says but thou shalt meditate daring day and night that means it must be a consistent activity that thou mayest observe to do all that is written daring he says then shall you make your ways prosperous and you shall have good success please say meditation what does it mean to meditate meditation has to do with contemplation that you pondered deeply by the spirit of god you pondered deeply upon the word spoken you ponder deeply upon the principles thoughts now generally speaking the bible contains three basic information number one please write it down the bible contains promises the bible contains promises number one number two the bible contains principles the principles of the kingdom number three the bible contains prophecies so every time you study the bible you are exploring the promises of god the principles of the kingdom and the prophetic words past present and future that guide our cause the bible again i repeat contains promises god's commitment to us the bible contains principles the modus operandi of the kingdom then the bible contains prophecies hallelujah so when you meditate you're opening and exposing your spirit to the light of these three dimensions of the word the promises of god believing for them to be made manifest in your life the principles of the kingdom to culture you towards a life of victory or prophecy giving you hope and giving you direction are we together meditation is very powerful the bible says proverbs 18 and verse 1 it says true desire a man haven't separated himself he says he's secret and intermittent with all wisdom proverbs 18 and verse 1 through desire a man haven't separated himself so desire draws you to separate yourself and then you meditate upon the word of god now the end of meditation please look up the end of meditation is that you understand the participatory role you have to play in actualizing the promised desire please listen again the end of meditation is that you understand the participatory role that you have to play in actualizing your desire a man of god said every christianity that makes the outcome of your life absolutely dependent on god is an irresponsible christianity there is always a participatory role that we have to play the spirit and the bride say come that's always the formula it's not the spirit alone that tells the world to come it's not the bride alone so when the spirit says be healed there must be the pride that also echoes be healed for healing to come when the spirit says be lifted the bride must also agree it is the spirit and the pride that tells the world to come we have a narrative that in an attempt to describe the sovereign power of god and that sense of exclusivity we have a narrative in many christian circles sadly that makes god absolutely responsible for the outcome of our lives and so we remain victims of situations and circumstances consoled and justified by the narrative that if god wants to bless me he will bless me he has the power to do so if god wants to lift me he will lift me so i if i'm in my current situation it must be that god wants me to be there but the will of god is not in the dark are we together colossians chapter 1 and verse 9. paul was mentoring the church in colossae and he began to describe to them his prayers for them that they step into certain dimensions of knowledge the first of it is that they be filled with the knowledge of his will paul wants the church he wants believers to be filled with the knowledge of his will number two he wants believers to be filled with all wisdom all of the dimensions of wisdom because wisdom is dimensional and he wants believers to be filled with all wisdom and then number three with spiritual understanding hallelujah are we together this morning yes the will of god is not a mystery the bible lets us know that the spirit of god is able to search and reveal to the saints the will of the father so meditation is very powerful for instance if you are trusting god to walk in the reality of the blessing you are trusting god to explore and understand the economic system of the kingdom then you begin to contemplate as you meditate the holy spirit now begins to lead you to scriptures that guide you isaiah 51 look unto your father abraham and unto sarah your mother i called him alone and i blessed him that means in god's mind abraham personifies his idea of the blessing so if you want to rise the recommended personality because the bible says to follow them who through faith and patience have obtained the promise so you understand abraham right from genesis chapter 12 when he was called as an idol worshipper from all of the chaldeans the bible says he called him and he began a journey with god that culminated to him being the father of nations he was blessed with all sorts of things so that means that if you study the life of abraham you will find pieces of spiritual mysteries that together culminate into the life of blessing you will find principles one scripture leading to another you will come to a point where the bible teaches that there is he that scattered and yet increase it there is he that withholding more than his meat tends to poverty the bible says a diligent hand shall be made fat are we together now it talks about a man who will not sow because of the weather condition and that he will beg in harvest you begin to read scriptures like god is able to make all grace abound towards you so that ye having all sufficiency that you will abound in all good things now you put these things together and you now understand your participatory role that number one it is god's desire for me to walk in the blessing number two that god delights in my prosperity let them shout for joy that favor my righteous cause the bible says yay let the lord be magnified who have pleasure in the prosperity of his servants that's what meditation does is not just a blind contemplation you're reasoning out with god the bible says to come let us listen together this is what happens in the place of meditation and i repeat that the end of any meditation is knowing the participatory role that you have to play if in the end of your meditation all you know is what god should do and you do not know the role you have to play something is wrong with that meditation it is inaccurate and it is incomplete if you are with me please say amen meditation is powerful it's interesting to note that almost all religions of the world place profound value on the power of meditation all religions whether it's buddhism whether it's whatever kind of religion they place premium on meditation they understand that there is something about shutting away from the noise from an intellectual standpoint meditation is profitable all wise are we together all leaders all visionary leaders as a rule understand the power of meditation and that when you shot away from all the distractions that life can bring and you're in a position of silence you contemplate intelligently and the spirit of god is able to breathe upon your mind meditation is powerful when i began to walk with the lord not even ministry i didn't place so much emphasis on the power of the mind the excellency of the mind and the role that the mind has to play as far as the excelling of the believer is concerned because my my context did not place an emphasis on that until i began to read books and explore materials by people across the body of christ and then i learned that the holy spirit as mighty as the spirit of the living god is the inability to have a transformed mind can limit his potential in the life of a believer and it made me to pay wrapped attention to the mind [Music] the mind is the only authorized gateway that allows both demons and the holy spirit to find expression in a believer's life and so if your mind is unhealthy there is a problem there in fact philippians chapter 2 and verse 5 says to permit this mind to be in you which was also in christ jesus jesus did not just excel because he was the son of the living god there was a belief system that made the holy spirit comfortable living and walking in him are we together praise the name of the lord so meditation is very powerful unfortunately we live in a world that is full of distractions from social media to all forms of sociological distractions and it's no longer fashionable to short yourself and stay but this still remains the irrefutable secret of great achievers they must learn to shut away from all the things that bring noise and stay with god meditation is powerful in fact here's how the bible puts it i will be still and know you are gone i will be still when the oceans roar and thunders i will soar with you above the storms i will be still and know you sometimes our environments are too noisy to hear god sometimes our environments are too distracted to understand the cause for our lives there is power in shutting down and just being away the bible says be still and you will know there is a kind of knowledge that only comes when you are still not just be still and you will hear be still and you will know meditation number two very quickly we're piecing together the faith equation now number two prayer now i did observe yesterday that this when it has to do with the subject of warfare deliverance it has to do with warding of the forces of darkness and then issues of power and grace we place emphasis and premium on prayer but then when it comes where we read yesterday we start from 22 and down to 24 but 24 is the verse of emphasis the bible says um how did jesus put it now he said very literally please give it to us mark chapter 11 we start from verse 22 down to 24 jesus answering them said have faith in god the faith of god next verse verily i say unto you whosoever shall say to this mountain be removed from hands be cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which is said shall come to pass the bible declares that he shall have whatsoever he saith the rule is in verse 24 therefore i say unto you what things so ever ye desire when not if when when you pray believe that thou receivest them and ye shall have them why do you need to pray there are many reasons why we pray but prayer is the only authorized platform that gives us an opportunity to make petitions and to make requests before the lord the bible says be anxious for nothing it says but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your request known don't assume god knows it make your request no hallelujah and so prayer is a very vital part of the faith equation lord i desire you to arise i desire you to move in this area jesus was teaching us how to pray and in his lecture on prayer he says when you pray pray for us our father who art in heaven hallowed be your name thy kingdom come he said thy will be done and then he says give us this day this is request now our daily bread give us today you mentioned the day and you mention what you desire today our daily bread press the name of the lord prayer is very powerful prayer also plays a role in building our faith the bible says building our faith our most holy faith even as we pray in the holy ghost so prayer is one of the faith equations number three confession the power of confession it comes from the hebrew word homology that means repeat as you have heard it comes from the word echo repeat as you have heard are we together now to confess means to declare to verbalize in agreement that which god has said again it means to to verbalize in agreement what god has said it's not just to merely talk that means if you are speaking and what you are saying is not what god said you are just talking but you are not confessing confession has to be in agreement with what god has said if you are complaining you are verbalizing something that's not confession if you are arguing the bible says do everything without complaining no argument all of them require speech they require utterance they require speaking but the difference is that confession the best description of confession is what happened to ezekiel in chapter 37 son of man can this bones leave he said only down no west and then he said prophesy declare as you have heard and he says i prophesied as i was commanded not as i desired as i was commanded i prophesied as i was commanded i prophesied as i was commanded so the bible says let the redeemed of the lord say so not just think so let the blessed of the lord say so let the healed of the lord say so let the lifthead of the lord say so let the prosperous of the lord say so let the anointed of the lord say so let the victorious of the lord say so let the favor of the lord say so confession psalm 107 and verse 2 please give it to us psalm 107 and verse 2 let the redeemed of the lord say so whom the lord had redeemed already from the hand of the enemy they have been redeemed already but they have to say so to walk in the reality of that redemption so i declare in the name of jesus christ i am the head and not the tale i am confessing why because he said so in the name of jesus gentiles come to my light they are kings to the brightness of my rising for my shame i receive double where i've been deserted so that no man walks through me i become an eternal excellency a joy of many generations i arise and i shine for my light is come and the glory of the lord is risen upon me these are not mere words i am giving life to that which was finished in christ i am activating it you see brothers and sisters please look up this kingdom was designed to be voice activated this is powerful genesis 1 verse 1 the bible says in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth verse 2 says now the earth was dark it was void it was formless and the spirit of god hovered around the face of the waters you would think just because of the presence of the holy spirit creation should happen nothing happened until we get to verse 3 an elohim said light be light be elohim said light be and the bible says and there was light everything he said he saw everything he said he saw when he created adam in his image and his likeness the bible says and whatsoever things adam called them that was the name thereof that means it is unto you the way you call it if you call it trouble it must obey what you have said if you call it disappointment it must be for you as you have said is it not in your bible that when men say there is a casting down it tells you immediately that you are not an ordinary person when men say there is a casting down your report let me tell you this a lie is not an incorrect statement alone a lie is anything god did not say the standard definition of a lie is anything god did not say not just a statement that is incorrect because the subject of truth has to be based on a reference those who are lawyers and those who are of the judicial system will tell you you cannot arbitrarily say something is true or is not true there has to be a reference is that true jesus said i am the way i am the truth that means reference every other thing based on me the word of god the logos of god so whatever god did not say oh let god be true the bible says and every other man he didn't say and every other man evil every other man a liar so circumstances paul was speaking and he said there is acid where many voices in the earth and none of them is without significance your circumstances have a voice your limitations have a voice your yesterday has a voice are we together now and all these voices continue to speak and make noise you are going to have to choose you to stay not just who you will serve but what voice you would hear the first thing that led to the fall of man was exposing himself to a voice that god did not recommend what the bible says in genesis 3 when you begin to read from verse 8 it says and god came they heard the voice of god walking in the cool of the day the original hebrew rendition is they had the talking spirit walking in the cool of the day and he says adam where are thou and adam said i heard your voice but i hid because i was naked the next question who told you you have exposed yourself to an influence that is a lie listen we live in times where you must be very intentional about the voice that frames your understanding please hear me let me repeat myself it is important if you desire to walk in victory you desire to see the reality of the victory that is in the christ manifest in your life your ministry your finances every aspect of your life you must be very intentional as to what voice you expose yourself to because the voice you expose yourself to you have given authorization to to shape your belief system and the bible says as he thinks it in his heart interchange for mind he didn't say so he will become so is he already i can predict your future by the influence you have submitted yourself to i don't have to be a prophet i just need to see what is building your mind what is building your understanding and i can guarantee with digital precision that this is the kind of future you will have for my bible says he that walks with the wise he does not have to be wise just walk with the wise he says he that walks with the wise will be wise himself but a companion of fools no matter how well meaning shall be destroyed is god blessing us this morning we're dealing with confession the power of confession two more scriptures isaiah 43 and verse 26 isaiah 43 please give it to us help us media and verse 26 read with me if you can see it projected i pray you are able to see it if you are then let's read together ready read put me in remembrance he says let us plead together then he says declare thou that thou might test be justified don't hope you will be justified declare down what have i told you that is responsible on what basis should i lift you on what basis should i honor you on what basis should your church grow oh i'm a well-meaning believer that's a lie because that's not the basis for growth everything you have is routed through the office of the christ when you dislodge him from the equation you have no basis for receiving anything you must plead your case declare doubt in isaiah chapter 38 don't turn the are just right prophet isaiah comes to hezekiah and says yes i bring you a word from the lord set your house in order you will not recover from this sickness as the guy said i respect you i respect your office you have a nice day the bible says he turned his face to the wall and pleaded his case there is a judicial system in this universe and you must understand the art of spiritual legislation you must know how to stand and plead your case in destiny otherwise you will fail you will keep complaining while you fail believe me there are many believers who allow things to just happen no there is a judicial system on what basis should i extend your life and hezekiah said remember there is a book in heaven called the book of remembrance lord is this how you reward those who diligently walk with you did you not say i have the power to choose life where is it in the archives of heaven that i chose death and god said this man is putting pressure on my integrity yes isaiah go back forget about your ego go back even though i am the lord that changed not i respect and exalt myself above my word can i tell you this the highest dimension of prophecy is the prophecy of scripture that no matter what is said or not said you can take the prophecy of scripture and stand with spiritual understanding please hear me you will never get anything by default in this life aside from that which comes based on the law of time and chance if you must be intentional about producing results you must know how to plead your case oh god what would you give me seeing that i go childless all right here is someone from my house at least let me have a seat and he said no abraham you will have your own child abraham believed god and the bible says it was credited unto him for righteousness so we like faithful abraham we believe god we believe god someone shout i believe god one more time shout it i believe god so when you go to god you don't pray some of these sympathetic but destructive prayers lord is this how you're going to allow my life you mean you are in heaven you have the eyes that see and you're watching me like this it looks that's just of course god is merciful and he's loving but let me tell you sincerely it is a parliament of heaven you must know how to stand satan on what basis are you attacking my family the bible declares that i will serve the lord and he will bless me i am a faithful worker in this ministry and lord i stand i lift my service like my my badge my authorization for safety and the blessing this is how to plead your course hallelujah [Music] in one minute while you are seated i like you to open your mouth and begin to declare everything you know the word of god has said over you don't say this is some childish thing many people have ignored this principle to the detriment of their life their success and their destiny lift your voice and please pray confession [Music] present your case before the god of the bible very quickly in the name of jesus christ amen and amen now the fourth the fourth step is your action of obedience not just mere action your action of obedience this is the zenith of your manifesting faith your action of obedience all of those support systems build your conviction to the point where you are ready to act your action of obedience deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse one let me quote it quickly for time sake the bible says and it shall come to pass it down shall diligently hacken to the voice of the lord thy god to observe and to do to observe and to do to observe and to do not just to see and to be aware to observe and to do all that i command you this day that the lord thy god will set thee on high above all the nations of the earth verse 2 says and all these blessings shall come upon thee and overtake you the condition if that will happen to the voice of the lord to observe and to do [Music] faith is not just what say what god has said faith is doing what god has said are we together faith is doing what god has said joshua chapter 1 and verse 8 popular scripture joshua was a timid young man who was now receiving such responsibility he was afraid god had to encourage him to say look moses my servant is dead now the mantle is upon you you're going to lead these people onward and he was so afraid he knew they were stiff-necked people he knew that the cities that before them that were before them were very terrible and great cities and god gave him a formula that is applicable unto us the book of the lord this book of the lord shall not depart from out of your mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night to the end that thou mayest observe to do again we see that repeated observe to do all that is written daring for when you do you will make your ways prosperous and you will have good success john 13 and verse 17 jesus said something very instructive while building and mentoring the disciples who would later become the apostles of the lamb is projected please let's read together ready one to read if ye know these things happy are ye if you do them it's not enough to know you must obtain grace to do grace to do the bible says having the readiness to judge all disobedience only when your obedience is complete press the name of the lord you must do you must do there are conditions behind every promise that we desire to walk into you must find out what the condition is obtain grace from god in prayer and do and do and do hallelujah two more and then we're done for this morning number five am i right the fifth key to the faith equation is found in philippians chapter four and verse six is called thanksgiving thanksgiving thanksgiving is a deep and profound mystery be anxious this version says careful it's not an accurate rendition the real world there is to be anxious for nothing it says but in everything by prayer and then supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god with thanksgiving father thank you why do you thank him because you believe you believe that he has done it the bible declares that when we pray this is the confidence that we have that when we pray he hears us god is not an idol when we pray he hears us so we thank him thank you jesus because i know this project is done thank you jesus because i received by faith this new level of grace this new level of function thank you jesus because i'm walking in this favor [Music] are we together praise the name of the lord can you in one minute whilst you're seated just say thank you jesus not just for the things past not just for the things past but the things that he's bringing thank you jesus if someone say thank you don't just thank him for what you have seen thank you jesus because the months that follow are months of favor and grace [Music] with thanksgiving them saying thank you you'll get the glory you'll get the praise you'll take the honor i just want to say thank you you'll get the i glory wanna say thank you so in my life [Music] be glorified let me tell you this thanksgiving is truly powerful replace a life of complaining and grumbling with thanksgiving lord i may not see the things you are doing but thank you thank you because this is the day the lord has made i don't need to understand the day i just need to find out who made it if i know who made the day i can tell whether my interest was represented in that day or not the lord the one who so jealously loves me made the day so i trust that my interest was represented in this day and i walk through the day with thanksgiving and expectation so i'm not surprised when i'm favored the lord made the day i'm not surprised when i'm lifted the lord made the day i'm not surprised when doors open for me the lord made the day [Music] you walk with that expectation and continue to program very supernatural results in your life finally the last key to the faith equation is called patience hebrews chapter 6 and verse 12. interestingly every time you read the bible especially the ministry of jesus there are times when you will see that certain miracles happen immediately the bible says immediately this happened immediately this happened but there are times that the bible would tell us like it happened in march 11 that when he caused the fig tree he did everything right yet nothing happened at that instance yet he didn't stand there wondering and say father why embarrass me this much no he left he returned the next day and the three had withered so it is not unusual for time and process to be part of our equation of faith the bible says and be not slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience have obtained the promise or inherits the promise there are times it will require patience no matter how healthy a woman is no matter how medically and physically sound she is she is not going to take it in one day and the child suddenly grows in one day and within 24 hours now god can do all things are we together now but even the prophets when they come speaking by god they say according to the time of life there are things that happen according to the time of life if you give back to a child and as soon as the child is out in five minutes he says mommy how are you good to see you daddy how is everything where can i eat please i'm really hungry you don't know what it means to be no you are going to run away from your own blessing there are times that god allows the sequence of process to follow certain manifestations and that happens for various reasons number one because human beings usually misuse anything they are not built and educated to maintain you have to understand why many times god allows process someone who has never made a millionaire never made 500 000 never had any significant level of the anointing no matter what kind of impartation you receive there are certain levels god will limit by himself for your own benefit there are certain levels of anointing that will never come on you just like that you can't stand the attacks that follow that anointing so out as an act of his mercy he will gradually build you into that grace so that you will sustain the stamina to both maintain it there are anointings that when you carry it will change you literally your feet your it will change you physically change your appetite change everything about you and that level of sudden change you are not even ready for it praise the lord [Music] so not every manifestation of process is demonic god is a god of speed but he does not rush people we need patience a young man who is not used to managing resources managing people will not overnight become a leader over the bible says he gave the parable of the talent he gave one five talents two talents one talent the same lord he says he gave them according to their several abilities that means he had watched them for a while he watched their belief systems he watched their level of growth and that informed how he gave them those talents at the end of that story we see that he was right the one with the five talents had his own challenge to face his challenge would be pride and complacency after all i have the highest of the talent yet he was diligent and he engaged those talents it took an extra level of focus the one with two talents had his own challenges to fight jealousy and bitter envy because there was someone above him the ability to have stayed focused and to produce the one with the one talent you see why he got only one it tells you it was even just mercy that gave him that one because at the end of the story you see that the giver was right he was already a bitter person he was already a failure from beginning he said i know you you are a hard man you like repeat where you did not so so i thought instead of wasting your time let me bury it you bury seeds no talents [Music] you multiply talents and you associate he took a talent and he was doing what seeds you do [Music] are we blessed you need patience let me tell you this i submit to us that impatience can cheat every time you are not patient you will give back to the ishmael that will fight you listen to this oh abraham and sarah every time you become impatient prepare ishmael is coming that will cause you trouble for the rest of your life [Music] you must be patient so that you will not give back to what will become your own becoming there are many people today you see if god says i'm going to give you 1 million next week satan will give you 200 naira now 200 000 right now you say why wait for 1 million of next week i can give you two hundred thousand cash and you would think and say next week a bed in hand they say it's water i can't remember what that thing is what two or five in the bush no follow them who through faith is that what satan satan is a mass he sees satan is a businessman he knows how to negotiate from the instance jesus had not even started his ministry he waited patiently for the son of the living god to fast for 40 days and here he came jesus let's talk first you are hungry turn this stone into bread and he said it is written then he said all right i know let me take you to an exceeding high mountain you just fall down is it not written in scripture that you will put his angels charged over you they will guard you on their wings and they will insist that you don't dash your foot against a stone satan negotiating [Music] and then finally the bible says he took him into not on top into an exceeding high mountain and showed him the glories of the world from that mountain that mountain was not just a physical mountain he took him into his fair and a ram and showed him all the captains of industry business and say all these people i placed them there i'm like a godfather the keys is here with me just bow down to me why go through the rigor of the cross why are three and a half years of pain and misery preaching and doing evangelism recruiting stubborn disciples who will probably betray you tomorrow going through the cross feeding the five thousand let me save you that journey just bow to me this is what you want to collect bow to me and jesus said depart from me and he left him i can imagine what happened when he met him again in hell satan three years ago we met now i'm with you give me the keys now i can collect the keys legally you offered me the keys but if i received it there would not be blood there would not be death there would not be the cross i couldn't have died as a curse because the muslim the the mosaic law says that it has to be death on a tree to make you a cause so if he died but not on a tree there's no way he would have become sin for us the bible says what is written cost is he that hanged on a tree that the blessing of abraham justification by faith will come upon us the gentiles to the end that we may receive the promise of the spirit by faith we must learn to wait nigerians we must learn to wait god is a god that can bless people but let's be careful with our idea of sharp shape many people have been destroyed today do you know that when you rush while you are suffering the consequence of rushing someone who is following process will still come and pass you while you are there managing the pain of rushing can be destructive it is a it is a greater time waster we will wait [Music] for in his presence there's fullness of joy and our strength now look our place what has god told you from scripture have you meditated upon it have you prayed have you confessed it with faith in your heart are we together have you obtained grace to walk in keeping with the conditions that make for that manifestation [Music] obedience is very powerful if yes have you given thanks in advance knowing that god is not a man that you should lie not the son of man that you should repent and haven't done all are you standing patiently waiting patiently waiting patiently waiting all the days of my appointed time he said i will wait until my change comes all the days of my appointed time i will wait until my child comes until my land comes until my influence comes the bible says and john remained in the wilderness until his season of appearing let me speak to someone listen to me there is always a season of appearing for anyone do you know if you force a door to open even if it's not time it will open but if that door opens it can kill you have you seen people try to pluck mango from a tree while wrapping up when it is not time when that mango is not ripe see the effort it takes you can stone and hit someone's car and go to police station simply because you were not patient for sometimes one more month it's difficult to pluck a fruit that is not yet ripe the effort but how many of you have mangoes around you when it is time in the night you think it's raining everything is coming down and you wake up in the morning to prepare blessings that's what happens when seasons come god is speaking to someone faith is not foolishness i must balance this we live in a generation that prides itself in excessive hurry and rush i need to show people that i'm the youngest millionaire i need to show people that i'm the most vibrant man of god at 15. i need to do this i need to buy the best car sometimes not every open door is anointed you have to be discerning when satan wants to destroy you sometimes he can give you visa and off you go out of the will of god into partition we must sustain the maturity and the discernment to discern doors and discern opportunities can we pray this morning please rise up on your feet foreign as we will hallelujah i have just two three minutes this morning sadly i'm not sure that i may have the time to pray for people as i intended to because there are other sessions and we must respect it however please i'd like you to give me a minute or two i just feel stared in my heart to make an altar call i believe with all my heart altar calls are not funeral services altar calls are not times when weak and unsuccessful people just come to hand over their mess to jesus no an altar call is the noblest decision that any man can make under heaven in all your getting the bible declares that if our hope is only in this life it says we're of all men most miserable there are men and there are women here young and old alike whilst listening to me teach on the subject of faith how can you believe on one who you do not know here's what apostle john said this is the record that god has given us eternal life he said but he structured the administration of this life in such a way and a manner that this life only comes through his son so it is he that hath the son that hurt life being in church does not make you safe believe me being around spiritual things being a walker carrying a christian name does not save you for there is no name given unto men if you worship the four living creatures is still idolatry if you worship the throne is still idolatry if you worship heaven it's still idolatry there is an object that represents the administration of the life of god he is jesus the son of the living god i want to make a call right now two sets of people all at once those who are saying apostle if you will give me this opportunity in this conference i want to finally win that war and stand boldly to make a decision for jesus others who are saying i love jesus and i've worked with him but at some point my life has gone haywire and i'm trusting for renewal we have just one minute wherever you are don't wait for someone to be the first be bold win that war come and stand here let's celebrate them as they come i'll count one to five run like there's fire on the mountain one lord i give you my heart two please rush come come and son don't be ashamed are you coming god bless you keep coming i have decided to follow jesus no turning back no turning back have decided to follow jesus no turning back no we're turning back one more time i have decided to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus hallelujah please look at me my dear brothers and sisters i salute you it takes a lot of courage to come and stand before the people of god but jesus said if you are ashamed of me before men he declares that i'll be ashamed of you before my father it is a very noble decision to stand before jesus and i want you to pray this prayer let it be from the depth of your heart this is not some religious thing this is not even a conference issue this is about your destiny with jesus you can find peace that surpasses all understanding can i tell you no matter what has happened in your life i do not care no man condemns you you are standing before the one who loves you so much he declared i have loved you with an everlasting love he said and i have drawn you with my loving kindness god is able and willing to give you a new beginning so as i lead you to pray i like you to pray passionately you are not reciting a poem this is from the depth of your heart please lift your right hand high to heaven lift your right hand high to heaven say this after me say it from the depth of your heart jesus is here say lord jesus i love you with all my heart and i believe that you are the son of god today i make jesus lord of my life savior of my soul king of my destiny i receive eternal life i receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness and i declare that i reign in life the power of sin the power of satan the power of the grave is broken over my life from today i go forward ever and backward never in jesus name keep your hands lifted your majesty we present to you the ones you died for it's an honor to watch this my dear brothers and sisters come to jesus for the bible declares that whoever will come to you you will in no wise cast away i pray that according to their declarations and according to the authority of scripture i declare your sins forgiving i declare the administration of eternal life to your spirit in the name of jesus from today and forever you walk victoriously in the name of jesus may god find worthy vessels in your life and i pray that you will do wonders with the life god has given you the lord bless you the lord keep you i commend you to the ministry of the world and the ministry of the holy spirit that you'll be built and you'll be established in righteousness in jesus name we pray amen and amen god bless you now please this is what i want you to do there's a brother waving his hands there all of you together in concert i just want you whilst we're appreciating them i want you to follow that gentleman they will lead you to a room they'll just have a word with you and you'll be back can we appreciate them celebrate them celebrate them is this the best you can do hallelujah before i take my seat i really want to use this opportunity to say thank you again um apos what you doing thank you your wife thank you and the entire church thank you for this opportunity and then finally to just speak over our lives is that all right i decree and declare even though we didn't have the time to pray god will create another opportunity for us but i speak over your life everything that has defied the word of god over your life i stand and i release my faith with you in the name of jesus before the end of this month may your eyes see signs and wonders in the name of jesus christ i declare by the spirit that god will raise men and women who will stand by you and stand for you and sit with that the purposes of god come to pass in your life even in this season i plant in you by the spirit hunger for spiritual things may your prayer life come alive in jesus name may your word study life come alive in jesus name i take away any and all forms of destruction from your life and your destiny and i decree and declare the grace to passionately pursue your destiny may that grace come upon you hear me everything that has refused to walk in your life i declare by the spirit of grace from tonight and after this conference let it begin to walk supernaturally in the name of jesus i prophesy that you go from glory to glory you go from grace to grace in jesus name i pray god bless you [Music] you're welcome to overcoming daily motivations thank you for being there as we spread the gospel to illuminate lives and save people from the oppression of the devil we would like to bless you with our latest video sermon titled what happens when you have sex with who you are not married to powerful motivational video this sermon is very instructive and provides practical diverse ways to avoid such sexual urges kindly sit tight and watch the trailer it opens the door for demonic spirits to wreak havoc in the relationship the bible in first corinthians chapter 6 verse 16 says or do you not know that he who was joined to a harlot is one body with her for the two he says shall become one flesh remember sex is as spiritual as it is physical in the act of sexual union two bodies become one it was so stated at the dawn of creation for the two he said shall become one flesh genesis chapter 2 verse 24 this being so if a believer should be joined to a harlot it would be the same as making a member of christ be a member with a harlot the two would become one body believers lives are greatly altered when they are joined to christ the union affects both the believer and christ when a believer commits immorality he or she is dragging the union with christ into the illicit relationship and christ cannot and will not be members without harlot by quoting genesis chapter 2 verse 24 that the two shall become one flesh paul illustrates the seriousness of sexual sin if your partner has lived promiscuously in the past or present then the gates for demonic transfer and possession are automatically open to be inherited by the other party and god cannot behold iniquity the bible says for he that is joined unto a harlot is one with her and he that is joined unto the lord is one spirit which is why god could not behold jesus christ on the cross because jesus bought our sins in his body on the cross and god being holy cannot behold iniquity the consequence of this is that you may remain in a valley without any access to the promises of god and be exposed to all the vicissitudes of life until you cleanse yourself from all filterness of the flesh this is very scriptural and it is true check it out in 2nd corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 and kjv therefore having these promises beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filterness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of the lord number three it will turn off god's supply of favor from reaching you as christians we know that god frowns at it the bible in first corinthians chapter 6 verse 18 says flee fornication every sin that a man do it is without the body but he that commits fornication sins against his own body what know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which ye have of god and ye are not your own a very typical example from the bible is the story of samson taken from the book of judges the 13th to the 16th chapter judges chapter 16 verse 20 samson obviously under a demonic spell told delilah all his hearts as a result thoughts that he could do as before and free himself from the bondage of his enemies without realizing that the lord had left him because the presence of the lord is favor and the law departed so favor departed also from samson check out the scriptural reference below and she said the philistines are upon you samson so he awoke from his sleep and said i will go out as before at other times and shake myself free but he did not know that the lord had departed from him that is georges chapter 16 verse 20 the new king james version click the link in the description to watch it on our second motivational channel please click the link in the video description below to watch the video and also click on the second link to subscribe then hit the bell icon to turn on all notifications just so you don't miss out whenever we upload and finally like and share to be a blessing to others also thank you and god bless you we wish you a prosperous 2021 in jesus name
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman 2021, how to grow spiritually, apostle joshua selman sermon, apostle joshua selman new sermon, apostle selman sermon, koinonia miracle service 2020, latest koinonia message 2020, apostle joshua selman videos, koinonia miracle service, joshua selman 2020, an altar of prayer by apostle joshua selman, 6 reasons why you must be prayerful, if, your, faith, doesn't, grow, after, watching, this, wonder, what, will
Id: pY6o--40yN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 44sec (9284 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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