If You Wake Between 3 AM to 5 AM, Three Things You Must Do Immediately

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[Music] [Applause] if you wake up between 3:00 a.m. and 5: a.m. there are three things you must do immediately have you ever wondered why you keep waking up at odd times of the morning between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. almost every night you go to bed you plan to wake up at 7:00 a.m. or 8:00 a.m. but then at 3:00 a.m. or thereabout something wakes you up it does not matter what you do whether you go to bed early sleep late drink coffee not drink coffee exercise not exercise you still wake up at about the same time between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. why what is waking you up at this this odd time of the night should you be worried is there a spiritual Dimension what can you do about it it is in this episode we are going to answer these questions and more if you watch until the end you will know the three things you must do when you wake up at an abnormal time of the night before we delve in please take a moment to subscribe to this channel like and share this video If you enjoyed this video video you will also enjoy this one about six kinds of people that God cannot saved check it out the link is in the description if you are watching this video you must have been awakened at some point at this odd time of 3:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. you may be asking what is going on who or what is waking you up when you don't want to is this spiritual let's start by answering the last question yes it is spiritual and it is dangerous especially if you do not recognize the risk and what you must do I will tell you the three things you must do but first let's talk about what science says about waking up at these odd hours from a psychological standpoint waking up at 3:00 to 5:00 a.m. can be attributed to stress anxiety or other emotional disturbances the body's stress response can disrupt sleep patterns leading to wakefulness during this time it may also be that you are worrying about something worrying about personal issues or stress from the day can lead to disruptions in the Sleep Cycle causing one to wake up they say perhaps it's a result of psychological disorders conditions such as insomnia or sleep apnea can contribute to waking up at odd hours including 3:00 a.m. that is the psychological perspective then there is the scientific perspective biologically waking up at this time can be explained by the body's internal Al clock or circadian rhythms which regulate sleep wake Cycles a dip in core body temperature and changes in hormone levels particularly cortisol and melatonin can trigger wakefulness the body's natural sleep cycle can lead to periods of light sleep or wakefulness which might explain why someone wakes up around 3:00 a.m. these are probably how it has been explained away to you this is probably what you have been told about why you wake up at odd times of the night but I am telling you now that there may be more waking moments between 3:00 a.m. and 5 a.m. carries with it a Divine invitation a call to engage with the deeper Realms of our spiritual journey it may not be mere coincidence or the result of a disrupted sleep cycle as they would have you believe it is a moment of divine appointment in the spiritual tradition the hours between 3:00 a.m. and 500 a.m. are known as the last watch of the night a time when the veil between the physical and spiritual Realms is at its thinnest this is the hour of divine visitation of Supernatural encounters and profound spiritual Revelation it is a time when God chooses to communicate with us in the quietude away from the distractions of our daily lives let's use the story of Jacob wrestling with God to illustrate this point the story of Jacob wrestling with God is a profound and pivotal episode found in Genesis 32 22-32 recall that Jacob stole his brother's Birthright after the incident left home now many years later he is returning to his homeland after years of Exile fearful of encountering his brother Esau whom he had deceived years earlier Jacob sends his family and possessions ahead of him across the jabak river that night left alone Jacob encounters a mysterious figure with whom he wrestles until early hours of the morning the wrestling match is both physical and spiritual a struggle that symbolizes Jacob's inner turmoil and his complex relationship with God incredibly the mysterious figure often interpreted as an angel or a manifestation of God does not Prevail against Jacob instead as Dawn breaks the figure touches Jacob's hip dislocating it yet Jacob refuses to let go until he receives a blessing recognizing Jacob's determination and struggle the figure blesses him and gives him a new name Israel meaning he struggles with God or God prevails this new name signifies Jacob's transformation and his direct encounter with the Divine marking a turning point in his life this story serves serves as a powerful metaphor for the spiritual wrestling many of us undergo during these early hours a wrestling that could lead to Blessings insights and a deeper communion with the Divine only of we know exactly what to do so what is God communicating to US during these hours it is a call to vigilance to prayer to intercede not just for ourselves but also for our family the hours between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. is a time when the forces of Darkness seek to assert their influence over the coming day but it is also the period that God appoints us as Watchmen to stand in the Gap to pray against these forces and to invite his will and light into our lives and the lives of others when you find yourself awake between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. these are the three actions you must undertake number one recall and interpret your dreams our dreams can be a means through which God speaks to us they can contain Divine guidance warnings or insights into our lives and the lives of those around us what were you dreaming about before you were awakened what was God showing you by remembering and seeking the interpretation of our dreams we can align our prayers and actions with God's will God is a god of Revelation he will show you what you need to know if you pay attention and remain watchful number two meditate and listen sometimes the devil has confused us so much that we fail to hold the message in our Dream if you do not recall your dreams use this time to meditate on God's word and listen for his voice this quiet undistracted time is perfect for receiving the revelations and instructions God has for you it's a moment to connect deeply with your spirit spiritual intuition and the guidance of the Holy Spirit number three declare and decree speak out blessings protection and God's promises over your life your family your community and Beyond use this time to declare God's sovereignty over your day decree that his will be done and Proclaim victory of the Lord over the challenges you may face in embracing these practices we not only fortify ourselves spirit spiritually but also step into our roles as co-creators with God shaping our day and by extension Our Lives according to his divine plan this time the hours between 3: and 5:00 a.m. is a gift an opportunity to align more closely with our purpose and calling as Watchmen chosen by God our response to this Divine appointment is crucial the actions we take or fail to take during these early hours can have far-reaching implications not only for us personally but for the broader spiritual and physical world we are called to be vigilant to intercede and to act as Gatekeepers ensuring that our lives and our spheres of influence reflect the light and love of God in conclusion waking up between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. is more than just a physical occurrence it is a spiritual summons it is a call to deepen our relationship with Jesus to stand in the Gap as intercessors and to receive and act upon the revelations God imparts to US during these sacred hours let us Embrace this call with Open Hearts and Minds ready to engage in the spiritual work assigned to us for in doing so we not only transform Our Lives but contribute to the healing and transformation of the world thank you and may you find blessing and insight in the quiet watches of the night God bless you [Music] [Music] amen
Channel: Quoracles Digital Gospel
Views: 650,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wake up 3am every night meaning, jesus christ
Id: tuzJRwAwMSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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