If you have a dream...never give up!: Mark Colbourne at TEDxKingsCollegeLondon
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 245,832
Rating: 4.8809433 out of 5
Keywords: Paralympics, Lifestyle, ted x, \London 2012 Paralympics\, tedx, cycling, tedx talk, science, ted talks, culture, nurture, Entertainment, paragliding, rehabilitation, University, ted talk, English, dream, Olympics, genes, nature, TEDxKingsCollegeLondon, Education, change, challenge, Gold, medals, London 2012 Olympics, endurance, United Kingdom (Country), passion, health, TEDx, Identity, London, ted, injury, sport, genetics, tedx talks, disability, Gold Medal, Silver, Psychology
Id: DPrqsM02oYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2013
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