If You Have a 9 to 5 Job, Do This NOW

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working a nine to five is hard [Music] you wake up get ready for work [Music] prepare yourself mentally [Music] and drive to work foreign you have a predictable day but you've been doing this for years and the monotony is getting to you in a way you feel stuck like you can't do things for yourself your boss should be you not Joe schmoe over there then you think wait a sec I can design my life so what do I mean by that well if you have a nine-to-five job and you clicked on this video and you want to be financially independent from your employer which really opens up the floodgates to designing your own life then this video is gonna be really intriguing because we're going to go over these steps that you need to take in order to get out of that nine to five and transition into a life that you are the boss of which I think ultimately is what most of us want so I've designed the seven Cent process which if you guys Implement right now you'll end this year in a much better place than where you started so that brings us to the first step which is to actually just keep your job I think a lot of people that want to pursue entrepreneurship think I need to quit my job I need to go all in on that but I really do think that that is a common misconception and that can really set yourself up for failure which of course I don't want you guys to do so whatever nine-to-five job you have right now keep it your job is a blessing and for now what you can do is just keep stacking your cash your primary job is going to pay the bills while you get into entrepreneurship and yeah that's the first recommendation I actually tell everyone that wants to do what I do a lot of people look at my life they look at other entrepreneurs lives and they're like I want that I'm quitting my job but I implore you guys keep that job do a decent job for your boss or your employer you can sort of view this as quiet quitting I wouldn't go so far to say that you should just all of a sudden do terrible work at your job I don't think that's very ethical but in a way we are sort of just looking at a job as maintaining our lifestyle paying our bills keeping us afloat and yeah that's going to lead us to The Next Step all right step two is to build a timeline creating a timeline is a very very important step that I think a lot of people actually skip over but you really need to ask yourself what are my goals and when do I actually want to quit my job by this is going to hold yourself a lot more accountable it's going to give you a certain set date that you actually want to quit your job by and that's going to put a lot more pressure on you and yes that's the good type of pressure and force yourself to start generating money outside of work it's really important to give yourself some clarity and sort of break down your ultimate goal which is to leave your job into all these little steps and timelines what those steps are is ultimately for for you to decide but of course we want to tell ourselves we want to hold ourselves accountable to actually getting out by that set date so whether that's three months from now six months from now 12 months from now or even longer look at your priorities look at your situation and come to a conclusion on that timeline that leads us into step three which is identifying a high value skill so the definition of a high value skill at least for me is a skill that not that many people do requires some type of specialized knowledge it has to be something that I can charge at least fifty dollars per hour for I know identifying a high value skill is a tough step for a lot of people I think most people think I don't have the types of skills that you can charge a lot of money for I encourage you guys dive deep down think about all the different things that you can do that can add value to other people's lives for example when I was in high school I was obsessed with photography I didn't know at the time but I was building a very high value skill that later on in the future would help me make a lot of money so think about the skills that you're good at take a piece of paper out and learn really start making a list do one column of things that you already know how to do and then do another column of high value skills that you are really passionate about or want to learn from there analyze what you have written down and choose one to two of those high value skills if it's a skill that you don't have that much experience in well the great news is that you can build that experience right now you can literally go out there learn about it on YouTube for free and then start building your skills by just doing it the great thing is that this is likely going to not cost you any money so you can do this while still working your job and solidify that high value skill oh and if you guys want some ideas for some high value skills I'll link a video down below that I made but yeah essentially there's going to be thousands and thousands of high value skills out there so that's going to bring us into the next step which is basically just doing that service for clients right so the whole thing about this step is that we are diversifying our income we're going from one income source which is our main nine to five job and adding another one which is doing this high value skill for clients essentially with one step you are able to literally double your your income sources which is really cool remember for now this is going to be your side hustle right so it's not your main source of income rather it's supplementing your income that's why going back to Step One what I want you guys to do is just to keep your job you keep your job you're able to start building the service as a side hustle there's not that much pressure it allows you to learn and grow without having the pressure of paying your bills with this newfound skill now of course doing the service for clients it's a lot easier said than done but actually I think with some hustle and some creativity every single one of you guys watching this video will be able to find clients to actually practice and do a service form you don't need to charge your full rate especially at the beginning but the great news is that even though you're not making the max potential amount of money for that skill that skill is literally growing inside of you you're getting a lot better at it and so yeah it's sort of like building equity in your own self sooner or later you'll be able to charge more and more and as you scale and build your clients I encourage you guys raise your prices and charge what you're worth the easiest way to get your first clients is just to go to your friends and off for your service for free or at a greatly reduced rate I promise you if you can do that service well for them they'll tell their friends about you and sooner or later your Client List is really going to grow by Word of Mouth you can supplement that with posting on Craigslist Facebook Marketplace Thumbtack Fiverr upwork any of these sites and then yeah once you get your first few clients it's Off to the Races now as you're doing all the stuff you're building your side hustle while still working your job it's going to start feeling kind of lonely and that sort of brings us to step number five which is to find other like-minded people that are doing what you're doing essentially you're going to want to expand your network and maybe even join a mastermind group so back when I was in college and also after college and I was trying to pursue entrepreneurship most of my friends were doing the nine to five thing they had great careers and yeah that left me in a position where you know I didn't really have other people to bounce ideas off of I felt sort of out of place since I was attempting to do something that none of my friends were trying to do yeah that's why they say entrepreneurship can be extremely lonely that is unless you join some type of group or or make sure that you incorporate other entrepreneurs into your friend's Circle your network is actually super super important I feel like any entrepreneur if they lack that type of network the ceiling of what they can actually accomplish is going to be severely limited and yeah for me masterminding talking to other friends that are also in business this has been one of the most crucial things that I have done over the last few years and I'll say right here right now that I directly credit over a million dollars of my earnings to Mastermind so find other people that want to leave their job find other entrepreneurs that have already been successful there's so many different ways you guys can network with these types of people either through social media or even in person and if you set this as a priority I guarantee you it's going to be one of the greatest things you do so after doing those five steps that's going to lead us to step six which is the fun one when your side hustle income can actually support your living expenses that is going to be a good time to quit and that's essentially step number six by the time you reach the step you're going to have grown so much as an entrepreneur you'll probably be very glad that you kept your job as you'll see that the income was probably pretty hard to start up but once the ball got rolling it got easier and easier and yeah quitting especially if you want to is going to be one of the happiest days of your life when you put in the work to build up an additional source of income especially one that can actually support you and your family then quitting becomes that much easier it's no longer a bad thing rather it's a really good thing you'll notice that when you quit your job your mental space is going to free up a lot and you'll be able to dedicate a lot more time and resources into building your side hustle which has now become your main hustle from there you'll see even more growth and since work for yourself allows you to become a better overall entrepreneur with more skills this can actually lead to other businesses that you want to start and diversifying your income streams even more but I think the most important part which is actually step number seven is to focus on your marketing if you want to make five ten twenty thousand dollars a month or more with your service based business it's going to be really important that your Contin continually finding new clients now the best way to find clients is going to be organic marketing by using social media and telling the world that you offer the service you're going to number one increase the amount of people that know you do that service to make yourself the first person that comes to mind when that person thinks of that service and three of course that's going to lead to way more clients for example let's go back to that example of becoming a photographer if you start posting on Instagram Tick Tock and YouTube showing people just how amazing you are at photography and giving them some value I guarantee you you're going to be the first person that your circle thinks about when they think photographer so if someone's looking to get married or someone's looking to you know throw a baby shower or whatever they're going to think oh I want to document this event and I need a photographer which photographers do I know Charlie social media is how I built my photography business and that same concept is going to apply to whatever business you're doing the trick here is to give value post consistently and use social media sort of like a portfolio the more skills you can show off and the more you can actually help other people with your content the more likely they're going to eventually buy from you and so yeah when you do steps one through seven get to the end and then start repeating steps three through seven this will allow you to build your first business your second business and whatever other businesses you guys can dream up but the pressure is on because you need to start this as soon as possible don't delay because the more you wait the more this timelines can get pushed out the more comfortable you're gonna get at your job yeah we want our best life to start as soon as possible and the best thing you guys can do literally after watching this video is to start putting the steps into motion now before I end this video I actually want to quickly go over some big mistakes that people do the first is that for someone with a nine-to-five job they think I want to go into business I want to be an entrepreneur I'm going to start a business with a high fail rate I mean you guys have all heard these statistics most businesses end up fizzling out after a few years and when you get into a certain category of businesses which mostly are just going to be not service based businesses the fail rates are even higher so if you're a new entrepreneur I don't recommend you guys guys try something that takes a lot of resources takes a lot of money and could easily fail that's not going to be a good foray into entrepreneurship it's not going to make you want to stay an entrepreneur and that's why I really focus on starting to build that side hustle starting to build that service-based business that is way more sustainable it's way more likely that you'll be able to succeed and having immediate cash flow like that is really what's going to allow you to be able to quit your job another big mistake that people make is that they quit their job without adequate savings entrepreneurship is hard it's actually really really hard to start making money especially at the beginning and then it can also be very very volatile so that's why going back to step number one I really emphasize keep your job and hold on to that job until your side hustle can actually pay for your lifestyle if you insist on quitting without doing that first then at a minimum have six to 12 months of money saved up and that will hopefully give you guys enough Runway before your business starts making money and then the third big mistake people do is they don't think social media is important if you guys don't do social media I guarantee you that whatever service based business you guys eventually find yourself doing is going to be severely capped you'll likely be capped in the low six figures but if you want to make mid to high six figures some figures or even more you're gonna need some type of Leverage you're gonna need a lot more people to know what you do and that is where social media comes in so again I just want to emphasize at some point you will want to get into social media if you're shy there's tons of ways to do a faceless social media channel these low is a great example of someone that's done exactly that so yeah you guys when I look back on my life and I think about my greatest achievements escaping the nine to five life is definitely at the top of the list I've only worked at nine to five for about two months in my entire life but those two months were soul sucking super boring I just cannot envision myself doing that for the rest of my life doing my own service based businesses was the best thing that I ever did and I hope this video can sort of inspire you guys to follow those footsteps I now live a life that I could only have dreamed of before and I really owe it all to being an entrepreneur anyways I hope you guys got some value out of this video you did make sure to hit that like button support the channel by subscribing and yeah I make a ton of videos about personal finance entrepreneurship and investing I really really appreciate you guys time and I hope you guys have an amazing day thank you so much and I'll see you in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: Charlie Chang
Views: 74,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: escape 9-5, escape the rat race, how to quit a 9-5, how to quit your 9-5 job, how to quit your job, how to quit your job and make money, how to work for yourself, i hate my job, quit job, quit your 9 to 5, quit your job, replace full time job, should i quit my job, should you quit your job, steps to quit full time job, work for yourself, work from home
Id: HOYVE0mvrCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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