Quitting my job was a big mistake

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I have a confession I was wrong so I gained some clout after quitting my job in 2020. yes that's a Japanese newspaper which means I'm an internationally recognized quitter God my parents must be proud but I have to admit after two years of self-reflection I was wrong about quitting everything else I was right about so now the question is am I going to look for a new job but before I tell you what I'm gonna do and exactly what went wrong I need to explain how I got here so after college I worked in finance for three years I quit and for the past two years I became a full-time YouTuber and this is what led me and millions of others become a dirty no-good quitter during the pandemi lockdown when people had nothing better to do but stare at a wall they realized that their bosses were kind of a dick and they got fed up so they asked their bosses for better working conditions and better pay and in response they all said nah at first these workers sucked it up because they felt alone and Powerless but then people started announcing their resignation online and the government started handing out stays empowering people to say I quit businesses got desperate and begged people come back even McDonald's they were offering fifty dollars just for an interview at some point which I may or may not have done fast forward to today and even though inflation is over nine thousand a recession is on the way and the stock market is crashing people are still happily quitting and then there's me so what was I wrong about and what am I going to do now for starters it can be boiled down to following my passion you read the phrase before find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life but along the way something happened I absolutely bought into this idea at first on the surface it makes total sense but when I had a real job in finance it provided something invaluable to my passion for creating Financial education content on the tubes I would wake up at 5am and work on my channel than at 8 AM go to my real job then from 7 pm to midnight after work I did YouTube again and even though it was a struggle I absolutely loved it but now it's a bit different which sounds weird because the job kids want the most nowadays is to be a YouTuber which kind of makes me a role model what used to be just a fun passion project now Demands a lot more for me because I rely on it as my main source of income to pay for 90 of my expenses which turns out to be paying for gas but here's the problem if you get paid to do what you love then you might not end up loving it as much and hear me out let's say you're helping your best buddy renovate his house afterwards you all are chatting it up talking about how trash of a Show's selling Sunset is and then at the end of the day he tosses you 30 and says deuces now the first time he does this you're like cool I can afford a gallon of gas now but after a couple of days it's probably not going to feel great because now you unconsciously measure your help in your friendship at thirty dollars when you know damn well you're worth at least 35 but if your friend just said things dapped you up you'd actually feel a lot better in the long run now this might come as a surprise to some of you but I don't have a PhD in science but this is called the over justification effect according to science look I'm not saying I don't like making content now I'm very lucky to be able to do this for a living but there's definitely more pressure to mix it up even when I'm not in the mood which makes it less of the passion plus I feel the constant pressure and need to produce content which takes a lot a lot of work leading to frequent burnouts I'm also an introvert so this energy level that you see on camera right now five cups of coffee minimum which brings me to my second raw money our favorite topic because we're a finance Channel and boy the financial pressure is tough making me wonder if I should get a real job right now but not so fast because I have some good news we have a sponsor one of the biggest challenges when I started my YouTube Journey was just managing everything from video ideating to outlining scripting editing collaborating brand dealing and the whole shebanging and what helped me out was click up a productivity and project management platform that can help you save one day of work per week click upstarted with the idea that productivity was broken because there's way too many tools to keep track of everything you gotta go here to do this and you gotta go over there to do that and it just became way too confusing so click up build a tool that houses everything that you need keep track of your tasks and goals check your spreadsheets check documents check more stuff check it's built for teams of one to one thousand plus and it's packed full of features and customization options that no other productivity tool has so you can work how you work best whether you're in project management sales HR or a YouTuber click up has an easy to use solution that creates a more efficient work environment you can join the over 800 000 highly productive teams using click up today with the link down below click up is free if you're just an individual yourself but if you are part of a team or a larger company they are offering 15 off with my link down below you can use code Vince enchant to get 15 off click Up's massive unlimited plan for a year meaning you can start reclaiming your time for under five dollars a month thanks again and click up for sponsoring this video but on a more serious note there are some money related things that I didn't even considered before I quit that kind of changes everything as the official self-proclaimed self-employed representative life is just way more expensive you think paying six dollars for a gallon of gas is pricey get ready to have your mind blown this is the New York health insurance marketplace where I get insurance every year so I don't have to file for bankruptcy for just a blood test check this out the cheapest plan costs 457 dollars a month that's 5484 a year for the worst plan with the least amount of coverage available which also turns out to be the plan that I'm on because I'm a cheap but wait there's more because you know the thing that everyone loves to do after a long ruling day at work where they sit down on their lovely couch kick their feet up pull out their phone and start budgeting what well imagine doing that twice with your business account so not only am I managing my own personal money saving it and investing it I have to do the exact same thing for my business I get paid sporadically so I have to manage my business money to make sure I have enough cash at the end of the year for taxes which in 2021 it kind of bit me in the butt but we're not going to talk about that but one of the biggest Financial constraints for me now is buying a house like yeah first world problems right but you don't realize how much easier it is to get a mortgage as a W-2 employee if you're self-employed you need to have two years of tax returns fill out a ton more documents sacrificing baby goat and have it bigger down the closet that's a tough cookie if you're trying to get a roof overhead which brings me to wrong number three now for some reason I thought that quitting my real job would mean I have a bunch more free time to play Team Fortress 2 binge watch Ozark and step outside my house more than twice a month but that's not it works now that I'm not getting paid consistently I can't really mess around not to toot my own horn but it was actually a pretty damn good employee at my real job not like Employee of the Month good but I always produce good work which meant technically I could slack off whenever I wanted and no one would notice hypothetically if I wanted to block out two hours of my day and just take a nap I could hypothetically of course but now with my new boss he's kind of a so I can't really slack off since I'm in charge of how much money I make now if I mess around that impacts my income meaning I always gotta be on my in-game and actually work a lot harder now than ever before which isn't intended to be at Brag and the trade-off is although I'm making more money my work-life balance isn't great I spend less time doing things I enjoy because I'm busy working for one I only take Saturday off out of the week and even on Saturday I'm still mentally on trying to think of new business ideas to start just in case knock on wood something happens so back to the question after two years do I regret quitting and am I going to look for a real job look entrepreneurship sucks it is without a doubt 100 times harder than I thought it would be it's lonely and exhausting the highs are high and the lows are terrible and despite how strong you think you are it will break you figuratively of course God can you even imagine on social media you only see the highlight reels but on some days I feel like a stray dog walking aimlessly into a ghost town because I have no idea what I'm doing or whether I'm even heading in the right direction and sure you can ask other creators for advice and help but I guarantee you no one knows what they're doing and everyone is just winging it sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice but after two years of self-reflection I always come back to the realization that quitting is what forced me to grow would force me to see what I'm truly capable of what I hated most about Corporate America is that I always felt limited and there was always this invisible ceiling that I could never break through to see my full potential now that that's gone my only limitation is my ability and a whole bunch of luck which is refreshing in a way but what I love most about being an entrepreneur and having a YouTube channel is knowing that I absolutely unequivly know nothing at a certain point in Life or in business you can't just look up an answer on Google anymore because no one has asked it before or answered it and the only way to find an answer is to live through it which is exciting and scary so long story short no I'm not going to look for a real job because I'm a lazy piece of despite the ups and downs I love what I do but I am making changes I need to adapt and do different stimulating things my biggest fear is stagnating and not even being aware of it so I'm trying out a new video style format thing on this main Channel and starting a second channel for longer for many documentaries exposing businesses and economic stuff like did you know it's completely legal to buy and sell dead bodies check it out video link is below so how do I know if I'm doing the right thing by not getting a real job one thing that always helps me find Clarity is asking myself am I running towards something or away from something and between you and me I'm still very very far from my destination
Channel: Vincent Chan
Views: 611,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i quit my job, quitting my job, why i quit my job, i quit, quit my job, quit job, should i quit my job, the great resignation, great resignation 2022, how to quit your job, i hate my job, i want to quit my job without another job, quit my job to start a business, should i quit my job if it makes me unhappy, should i quit my job without another lined up, how to quit a 9-5, personal finance, passive income, why i quit my job for youtube, i quit my job in 2022
Id: 84FPm7oAQG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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