If you blame supports for this, YOU are the problem
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Channel: Jenkins
Views: 382,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dota 2, dota, heroes, jenkins, top, broken, op, items, itemization, build, guide, tutorial, meta, EG, arteezy, pro, player, tier list, update, drop, all, recent, gameleap, live, digest, analysis, match, tournament, skill, draft, drafting, bsj, pick, best, itemize, MMR, medal, new, carry, offlane, hard, easy, win, tricks, most buffed, OP, new patch, strongest, dota 2 update, dota 2 patch, farm, pro players, mmr, lose, gain, sumail, OG, lane, laning, pub, blame, supports, cores, 4 things, TI, TI10, spirit, team, LGD, herald, aui, coaching, replay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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