How to make 5 people want to abandon

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in this video i'll be showing you cool 7.31 tech do you ever think what do you do when some [ __ ] on your team refuses to give up a roll and so they go jungle what do you do in a game like that to make sure that the lane that gets left alone without a support which is usually the offlane does not feed well i'll show you something i'll show you what you can do on primal beast you can actually 1v2 or 1v3 elaine very easily go to this location obviously there's tons of spots to hide all you need to do is make sure that you can come out here in front of the tier 2 when the creeps get there how do you know when the creeps get there well you look at your side the creeps are roughly mirrored once these creeps get to the tier 2 here then you know that on the other side the creeps are going to be roughly there so i wait for the creeps here and then i body block them a little bit so that way i can stand in them with trample and then i run with the creep way because of the wind lace i have exactly as much move speed as the creeps there you go you've killed the entire first creep wave uh because you're solo you're guaranteed level two if supports go on you at this point there's absolutely no way they're killing an 800 hp hero you grab the second creep wave here and then you hold alt so you can see the spawn boxes you walk through the camps you kind of slow down around here and then make sure that the range creep is in the easy camp and then your body is in the hard camp so now what you've done is you make sure that for the next minute they cannot pull the lane back because there are no jungle camps to work with when the creeps get to that hill you make sure to hit them because otherwise they lose vision and then they [ __ ] off and they walk back to the lane and all of this is for nothing and then you drag the creeps to behind your tier 2 which by the way now works on both sides i'll show you how to do this one later because i think it's very important and now you freely cs creeps the carry is going to be left over here csing and uh yeah you're you're 1v2 at this point so what will happen to the next creep wave is it's going to start about right here i can go over and i can grab this and i can pull it over here hey do you ever wish that you could do this well this guy's herald so you probably shouldn't but i do think genuinely that this is something you can pull out in games on storm and make people rage quit uh i think if you kill the enemy carry like this guy did it is an instant win does that mean you have to focus the entire game on doing this no but i think that you should have this in your repertoire as being able to do it just in case okay so to do this you need to have an arcane blink and five null talismans let's say uh you just tried this on drow ranger you guessed that she's over here to the left spawning and then she spawns all the way to the right the spawning in dota actually follows a pattern i believe there are like five locations that the the enemy can spawn there is a randomness within those locations but you should be able to 100 percent zip and know and hit them if you know where their last spawn location is so it's like this it goes one two three four five left to right and then once they hit the far right they go all the way back over here to the left on their next spawn so let's say you try it on drow you zip to the left you see that once you hit the fountain she actually spawned to the right then you know that the next time she dies she's going to be all the way to the left if you see that she spawns in the middle then it means that the next time she's going to be a bit to the right the way that you do it is you stand at the absolute edge of the fountain otherwise you don't have enough mana to do the whole zip and tp uh you blink out towards the location that you're going to go so you can just blink towards the ancient or you can just like click literally where you want to zip and that's going to work and then when you're by the tier 2 location that is when you double tap the tp in order to uh tp back so i'll show you here i'm just gonna get draw ranger killed draw ranger i saw her spawn right here because i'm in a bot lobby and i literally spawned her so i know that her next location she's gonna spawn is gonna be over to the right so that's where i'm gonna zip so waiting for eight seconds i'm gonna blink towards the right and then zip and then like i said once i get to about the t2 location i'll double tap my tp she respawns and then instantly dies hello viewer did you know that you can solo the roshan at level six with shadow shaman i didn't until i saw t mclovner tweet about this this was also on reddit but then i had a gentleman in one of my pubs do it i remember one of the reddit comments was sure this is cool in theory but can shadow shaman actually do it when roshan levels up and i wasn't sure but then i had this jace dot io guy shout outs to him in one of my pubs do it at 26 minutes uh he did it by placing a ward and kiting roshan like this and so yeah you you actually can do it super late into the game the reason you can do this is because they changed the uh the armor type that roshan has you might be thinking jenkins surely this is [ __ ] useless because you're never going to be able to kite the roshan out of the pit like that at 20 plus minutes into the game without being scouted and my response to that would be why are you talking like that and then my second response to that would be that's where this hero comes in venomancer also got the same buffs to the roshan damage that the uh serpent wards did on shadow shaman with the plague boards so you can also solo roshan on venomancer and guess what people were doing before for at least two or three years now jungle veno jungle veno's been a thing speed was absolutely right and now you can come out of the jungle like five to six minutes where there aren't gonna be wards on the roche pit uh and you can take roche okay so here we are at six minutes uh i actually jungled by the way in this game so this is not me just cheating giving myself levels and items i actually jungled i'm sure if you were actually good at jungling on veno you could have a lot more uh maybe even be like level six by now maybe have a full solar crest but i suck ass but all you do is this you put the ward down in front of the pit you put the flag wards in you try to keep vision of the the roshan and they just slowly but surely tick him away okay so seven minutes around 30 seconds you can solo roshan like i said i'm completely trash at jungle veno uh i've never really done this as a strategy before i'm sure people who actually play jungle vanno can do this much faster than i can here's another tech that's you've probably seen before if you use the youtube but uh there's something about it that i wanted to demonstrate and that is you can do kind of like a super tidebringer cleave sort of thing with abaddon now you get a battle fury you get a daedalus you get the agonum shard which applies an auto attack on the miss coil and i've seen watson from hellraisers who is rank 2 by the way he's been spamming this in pubs so this is not just a meme strat this is legit uh and here's here's the cleave so if i spawn a bunch of pl illusions uh and then i group them up like right in front of this thing and then i use the miscoil right in the middle you can see that this thing took 6750 total damage that's insane obviously this requires people to group up this requires a creep wave uh this requires maybe a meepo or a pl some hero like that but abaddon because of this because every single one of the miscoils applies that battle fury he's kind of the ultimate aoe hero now if you can get to level 25 but even before 25 that's why i have the satanic here i don't think the build is like you should go like three battle furies or something like that that's griefing i think you only need one battle fury this is still a really good build and then you go for satanic scotty stuff like that really normal carry items and it's still crazy aoe but then you're still a carry okay so the next tech that i'm going to show you is probably the most important thing in this video and one of the most important things as well just in general in 7.31 that you can now do and that is you can now drag the second creep wave on the dire side grab the creep wave it doesn't aggro onto you for a little while same thing we looked at in the primal beast part of this video you walk through the camps block both of them and then on the dire side this is what you couldn't do before so before you had to go to the uh the tier three which meant that you would lose two waves instead of just one and so you can walk this way now if you quelling blade that tree right there and there you go it's the exact same thing as what i showed you in the primal beast part uh it's just that you have to quelling blade this tree on the dire side but you literally couldn't do this before these towers were too close together it was impossible so the final trick or the final tech that i want to show you is something that you can do on shen involving these guys because they now have a disarm that lasts for three seconds that for some reason works on towers uh so sir action slacks told me about this one first and he was like hey put it in a video i was like okay and then i saw it on reddit so you might already know this but i thought [ __ ] it for anybody that doesn't i'll throw it in the video so what you can do is you get three of these guys or four four makes it easier but three of them means that this steel weapon nine second cooldown three second duration uh you have 100 uptime on that because these guys cannot proc the disarm while something is already disarmed so if i walk these guys up to the tower here you can see eventually when i actually get them in there and they're able to disarm it there's absolutely no indication that this is happening but they hit quick enough that as soon as the duration wears off it almost instantly procs again and so you can permanently disarm things including towers which makes sieging incredibly easy end of video
Channel: Jenkins
Views: 258,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dota 2, dota, heroes, jenkins, top, broken, op, items, itemization, build, guide, tutorial, meta, EG, arteezy, pro, player, tier list, update, drop, all, recent, gameleap, live, digest, analysis, match, tournament, skill, draft, drafting, bsj, pick, best, itemize, MMR, medal, new, carry, offlane, hard, easy, win, tricks, most buffed, OP, new patch, strongest, dota 2 update, dota 2 patch, farm, pro players, mmr, lose, gain, sumail, OG, lane, laning, pub, 7.30, support, deward, sentry, spots, camps, block, spawn, natures, np, 7.31, strats, 7.31b
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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