If you answer WRONG you are DUMB

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am i smart enough are you smart enough to beat the world's easiest game were they spell easiest wrong escape the dungeon Oh know why we didn't dungeon okay but there's a key here we're gonna pick up the key we're gonna put in the door that was a lot easier than last time wasn't it when was the last time the cat just said that we did it would you put in a toaster it's not toast it's bread and then it turns into toast but you knew that too right we're off to a great start it's this the world's easiest game so far yeah doing good we have we have we have all our lives is a triangle the only basic shape with three sides is it okay wait isosceles triangle is still a triangle so I'm gonna say yes fingers crossed this one I'm not sure about all correct we are killing it guys I'm so proud of us which one is a zebra well that's a cow and that's a dog and this is a zebra do wood chuck chuck wood a woodchuck would chuck wood wood chuck could chuck wood yes yeah my boy the wood chuck okay what color is a round rubber red ball okay well through the wall color okay color red there's so many R's here round rubber red red yes correct good okay guys I feel like cuz there's a timer like I'm on edge which is the furthest away Jupiter Mars Pluto definitely not the moon the moon is the closest we're gonna go with Bluto our poor little friend who's not a planet anymore like how dare day but they did they did that to Pluto but here we go solve the equation for x oh oh ok guys my math skills are on point actually so we got solve for X so you got 2x minus 6 equals 12 so we got to do is we gotta move the six over so that equals I know 8 9 correct how many questions have you answered so far I wasn't counting were you counting I definitely was not count oh my hair looks crazy I definitely wasn't counting ok so this is the 10th the next question we have at 10 so 9 we've answered nine questions I hope correct okay does a frog bump its but when he hops died hey he died well then as he bumps her but so a frog must bump his about - oh poor froggy he hurt himself just like I did I get you bro I get you we're on the same page what state is this Michigan Tennessee Hawaii I don't know if I did that with Hawaii just made me excited cuz I know I know the weather's nice there or Alaska this looks like that cold place Alaska I know it's close to Canada I know about the cold stuff okay okay it's times zero any times you times anything by zero lifehack it's always zero correct genius type the letter four okay I typed it you couldn't see me but I did it which one is the United States you see he's not a good question I know I know United States you my neighbor which country is bigger well I mean is this a trick question cuz here it's big England is bigger but in reality the United States is much bigger did we go with the reality or trick question reality reality reality wins okay guys we're doing so good I know you helping me in spirit a small plane crash no I hope they okay and every single person on board died oh no I guess they're not okay wow that was awkward select who survived no one survived is that an option that's not an option Oh every single person died like they were single so we gotta find the people who are married okay so they're gonna have the same last names Melvin I don't see any more Melvin sorry Melvin you I know you lived wait I'm so confused I said Melvin did survive Melvin you you good Shirley and John I'm so sorry but by their fake it didn't actually happen Albertson you survived builder man you survived Johnson Johnson Jeff elders silver okay okay wait I need to select only them okay guys I'm getting so confused only they easily survived there we go that took me two lon Marian Suzy ordered a pizza Mary ate two out of the four slices and Suzy ate four out of the eight who ate more well I want to say for today but if we do mass here two out of four is half of a pizza and four out of eight is still half a pizza so neither and unless like who was Marvin and how much they eat okay neither correct I knew my school will come in handy like that one day when I was playing the easiest game on YouTube I can finally use my biology degree where I took so many courses for math love that for me spent a lot of money in my education to play this game fill in the missing letters in order to form words in the horizontal directions ge ge L is jal GA L is gal what else can be G L no that's not a thing so it's either a or else a little bit - EE I think that can only be I so this would me this is I down here and this would be gel wow I'm good at crosswords apparently correct what is your name is this a gastric question or can I just have a Z a Z correct I guess that one you always good right shoot the mob boss shoot this guy oh no he looks - wait listen I can't shoot it okay oh and Amy Pham Jimmy over here this is mob boss all right mhm this looks like a mob bus but let's look around the room just in case okay okay mob boss I think I got you some BAM correct on a roll what are 2 2011 pennies worth $20 in 11 cents here goes nothing correct what are 2004 pennies worth okay I think this is trick question because see there was a comma before there and now they remove the comma which leads me to believe that they want me to think this is the year 2004 so or do they mean - this is it 20 dollars and four cents or is it one cent guys we're gonna go one sink because these games are full of tricks you can't trust any question are you sure yeah I'm sure you can ik question and my logic what is two and two put together they said two and two put together not to into added so I think they want me to say like two and two side by side we're gonna go 22 we're gonna keep our fingers crossed keep your fingers crossed for me everybody cross your fingers and your toes cause you're dos correct we're doing good have we died yet I mean like not like have we lost a life I don't think so oh no we haven't nine lives see was where cat cats have nine lives okay Alice is 14 on her birthday she gets in a car and heads towards her friend Samantha's house at the same time her friend Emily starts crying at a speed of 10 miles per hour towards Samantha's house as well how old is Alice well I mean her friend's speeding has nothing to do with her age she's 14 it says right up there why did trying to confuse me with all these numbers stop trying to confuse me when the answer is there in front of my face incorrect excuse me this is why I need to spend more time I need to spend more time on questions why was that wrong I'm so comfy if anybody has any like solutions to like why I'm wrong let me know because I'd like to know is the moon made of cheese I mean my moon isn't made out of cheese the one in the sky right now yes it's nighttime I know but this moon does look made of cheese so is this a trick question we can always say yes but it always yes yay okay did me answers when ready what is a round red rubber ball made out of okay so before was about the color what is it made out of rubber correct the word I is the same forwards backwards yes it is an upside down it is not I checked false the word swims is the same forwards backwards and upside down oh my life has improved drastically four-letter words I am a SAP for sappy jokes as a pee-pee why has five letters I'm a SAP for bad jokes see ad three words shriek trees four letters it like gave me the answer right here sometimes you just gotta look on the screen to find an answer it's that simple sometimes the answers in front of you all along that's like a beautiful metaphor for life what color is is bought it looks green to me can't fool me not that easy which hand you stir soup with okay but I was supposed to look at what hand he's starting to sue because he's using both you wouldn't stir soup like this would burn your hands you stir soup with a spoon so you don't use your hands neither trick question press the K button okay okay okay okay okay why didn't it work I'll have to actually press it here I press it on my keyboard okay what's more powerful than God the devil and evil itself rich people fear having it but poor people could be described as happiness rich people wouldn't fear having money right cuz they would just give away their money you wouldn't fear having power nothing that could work that's dark that's deep okay disease rich people would fear disease poor people could be described as having it I mean they could but anybody could have disease that's just like making assumptions we're gonna go with nothing I think that won't make the most sense okay smarty-pants I think they're talking to us where the smarty pants what state is this Texas I've been to Texas actually before I loved it loved it okay Texas the word racecar is the same forwards backwards yes and upside down no it is not do not lie to me quiz wait 12 seconds oh no I'm not very patient oh no oh oh I want to exercise I hate ads I mean I love ads how are you guys doing okay we waited 12 seconds we win how many sides does this cube have thank you six six four million who would put that is a square the only shape with four sides no cuz rectangles have four sides too obviously okay a man wants to marry his widow sister can he you know that's incest wait I just press yes no that is not okay okay okay swim to shape safety swim to safety okay I said swim swim little one oh I gotta use my keyboard maybe okay swim swim swim okay guys we got away but got away I had 27 flowers sadly all but 14 died oh how many are left all but 14 died so we have 14 left did they want me to subtract 14 by 27 because now you ain't gonna catch me like that 14 okay this is my dog blue what color is my dog I mean why'd you call him blue if he's green please pink it's orange he's blue okay what is this game okay guys what do I have to just press it fast like is this gonna go on forever okay Oh trees green aha I see you there green dog I mean blue correct okay wait ten seconds okay so how you guys doing how's your day been let me know in the comments I'll go check it out because we got 10 seconds to kill right now correct I mean I didn't do anything but okay what shape is a round rubber ball a square no a circle triangle no spear that's the one we're looking for a sphere correct yes this is so much fun why is it so much fun you walk into a restaurant in the room there are 10 people who are 21 years old 3 people who are 26 years old okay seven people who are 29 years old okay where you going with this and nine people who are 31 years old 17 are men okay how many people are in the restaurant okay so then be men has nothing to do with this so we're gonna leave that out of the equation 10 10 plus 3 plus 7 plus 9 equals 29 plus me cuz we're in there counting it's 30 correct how many cups in a quart poor 8 even kind of sounds like it before quarts right cuz that does not set for four somehow in some language okay how many quarts in a gallon also for what is 2 plus 2 plus 7 minus 7 4 correct how many size is a square half four wait did they just say four for so many or less answers oh it's trippy for it's 4 again rectangles have four sides how many legs is this dog have 4 ok are they're gonna keep saying 4 and then like kind of try to mess me up later if you could take half of a spiders legs off because you're cruel yeah that would make you a really cool don't do that how many legs does a spider have left well why am i drawing a blank does spiders have six or eight legs wait we want you are they tricking me I think it's four again yes I mean I feel bad for spider but we did it how many seasons of the year are there four four is every answer to before from now on how many fingers are in the human hand for nah five try to get us we do smart for done what is the capital of New York I should know this New York is literally like an hour away from me by playing not by car no New York's okay I think it's nitrogen New York City oh okay sometimes you just have to go with your instincts like I thought it was all bunny first and then I second outta myself who picked New York City gotta go with your first instinct sometimes you know instincts they know what's up how many rabbits - okay oh they just multiplied six Oh No okay 12 did I count that right oh no are they gonna keep going like can they stop already 23 yes okay there was too many I was like am I gonna screw this up like I can count but also you can't beat me in tic-tac-toe I got this I got this I will turn on the life of okay dark in here oh no we didn't mean to interrupt but also that guy was spying on them do you see that rude watch a scene you will see only once be extremely observant oh no okay this is stressful this is so stressful play scene okay a purple orange yellow Clint camp Bell flying pillows cats will call her where's the clock in a wall yellow or was it gold it was yellow thank you correct what color was a sofa now listen I'm confused because it was like kind of like a hot pink / purple would they say hot pink would they be that specific probably notice we're gonna go with purple correct Wow caller connoisseur over here whose house was it Clinton I read that it was on the little diploma on the left which are better cats or dogs I mean he's the cat is looking him here I love cats and dogs I love both I've always wanted the dog stole badly so badly but they're like you know what they need so much attention I'm always traveling and honestly I can't offend this cab we're gonna have to go cats I don't want to get caught up in here water the lawn and make the grass grow okay so we need some seeds to make the grass grow seeds no they won't pick up okay so maybe we need a water at first filled that up you know up the water jug make it nice and moist okay so now we got grass plants on pretty flowers our cities were seed plants okay now burn down the flowers with your awesome flamethrower what that's just cruel I just made those babies grow like they're like my children and now you want me to burn them down okay fine how many days are in July my camera died but it asked how many days when July and I said thirty first in case you guys didn't see it but maybe it's here okay how many days are in September 31 or 30 maybe 30 how many days are in January 30 I know this one because I have a friend whose birthdays on January 30th so Wow I suck I thought I actually knew that when I was so sure of myself I was like I know this one because I have a friend but I guess just because I have a friend who was born on 30 doesn't mean that it can't be 31 days okay how many days are in May May 31st May 31 I mean 31 days Wow I'm just like I can't talk okay correct stop asking me about months this is so hard I don't know I don't know but I feel like most months have either 30 or 31 or I think more have 31 or do they 31 31 why do I suck at this I don't know I don't know 31 in August 31 in August please yes okay how many days in October 31 of course I know this I love Halloween Halloween is my jam hello means a lot of people's jams but it's really my jam yes okay how many months have 31 days I'm stuck guys I don't know twelve months in the year so let's just lucky guess okay good how many months have 28 days so we have seven that have 31 so that leaves us with five I think four of them have 30 and then one must have 28 because that's February only right uh-huh you must think you're pretty smart yes is that a bad answer Kovach they agree with me guess how many questions there are in this quiz I don't know okay I just don't know we're at 78 let's say a hundred please be a hundred higher but I only have two more lives okay um does it like give me an answer somewhere out here on the screen no it doesn't maybe like one one one yes I just thought it was a nice number let's see your detective skills pay very close attention you will see the following scene only once oh no one of these again okay play scene she's a red bag red shoes pink shirt I don't I didn't see what she picked up pink bear what did I say again was a pink or red I'll shoot a pink shirt red bag okay red and red shoes should red shoes like Dorothy what is the 11-letter word that even all Harvard graduates spell incorrectly okay 11 letters one two three four five six seven eight nine I just feel like it's gonna be here okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 okay see you guys sometimes they just give you the answer and you don't realize so you got just look on the screen incorrectly correct at some point in years 1900s and 1999 there was a year that could be read the same whether read right side up or upside down what year was that what numbers are interchangeable 1 is 2 is not 3 is not poor is not 5 is not 6 is gonna be six or nine seven is not eight is nine is because it's could be six okay one nine six one one nine six one correct does that say down how many questions are left are we on question eighty wait 82 or were on question 81 but how many are laughs at 82 29 correct yeah okay but this is a lot of questions left can we make it can we make it at the end that these six we went to live so we gotta be real smart and savvy and slick hangman oh they've already answered for me Castle obviously let me make it a capital just in case that matters you never know correct don't hang my hangman what state is this IC Ontario over there I'm from Ontario shoutout okay but it is definitely not Ontario it's not a state Iran also not a state so it's either North Carolina or Oklahoma I'm gonna go in North Carolina correct what is five plus eight I meant three but guys just answered the question oh wow okay five plus three because eight correct hey guys this is getting intense we're so close and we're so close we can do is Dalmatians how many is this 101 Dalmatians reference cuz I love that movie so much I hope so cuz I really don't want to count all of you so please be a hundred and one correct guys no no can we go back this we got weapons we got weapons okay no I was not gonna take my chance with all of them I know how to handle Dombey apocalypse and you just get them all the same time what is your favorite color I mean I go through phases but right now I'd say pink click the button hey get back here Jim get back nope nope nope what the hell is he gonna stop there we go I gotta I always get the buddy which is heavier a pound of goose feathers or a pound of lead well they're both a pound so neither but I like this trick question I've heard it before I think the first time I fell for it four-letter words we got four-letter words you can tune a guitar but you can't tune a fish you can't tuna a fish I love puns guys I love puns you think I would let this slide nah what shape is this triangle triangle triangle I mean they're forcing me how can you get this wrong I feel like all of them would be right oh whoa let's not get demonetised over here name a body part that is spelled the same forwards and backwards I hope they're not giving me any hints here okay we just did this earlier in the crossword remember I I felt the same hey mo better here I want a presenter correct aqua is another word for Lavater what sir I feel like I'm taking really long pants there's questions and it's really affecting my score there are eight miles of woods by your house how far can you walk into the woods one mile two miles eight miles halfway as far as I want I don't know eight miles as far as I want I'm gonna say as far as I want this is a trick question no no guys we're on our last life no we got this I'm guys I'm so sure we can do this we can do this you can do this okay four-letter words a pyrotechnicians should know how fire works obviously it's four letters too so I got you I got you four-letter word which one is an elephant I got you it's not the mouse it's not the cat it's the elephant he's correct which is correct do you want to go to the mall with John and me or do you want to go to the mall with John and I this one just sounds awkward I think is this one correct okay you have five candy bars in a bowl and you take three out how many candy bars you have I mean two in a bowl but they didn't say in a bowl we still technically own all five of them so we got five we got five candy bars and that's how I like it because I would much rather have five candy bars than two right Tic Tac Toe rematch okay oh no no no I'm not gonna let you win one two three four five six what's the next number in the sequence seven is it that easy sometimes sometimes it is that easy how many days in a normal calendar year I they asked me all these things about days and stuff 365 correct okay I was like this trick question put the ball in the basket okay she shoots she scores a sentinel anniversary is a celebration of how many years I'm pretty sure it's a hundred and if I'm wrong it's gonna suck losing so close to the end guys we're so close yes I want to see what happens when you win press ENTER button okay enter correct okay what is the first word in the sentence what correct okay does a bear poo in the woods hell yes he does is the Pope Catholic yes it is okay where the guys were so close more letter words color the Sun in the early morning orange not four letters red not four letters pink not four letters what white no yellow that's all the Sun is I can't think of any other colors um oh wait wait wait Rose it's rose guys it's rose they gave us the answer right in front of it they're all a lot okay correct what is a number between one and two 1.5 the tier says 1.2 so I'm gonna go with what they give me because sometimes the answer is right in front of you okay is this the last question or is there one more is there another question click the red button okay this one but they say purple they try to fool us over here but we're not fools redemption round here's another shot at the ones you missed careful though you only have one lives left Redemption round okay I'm glad they're giving us a second chance next how many months have 28 days I'm cheat here and I'm gonna Google this February is the only month that has 28 days and I said one last time I could have sworn didn't I say one did I miss tight is it zero because they're thinking about leap years oh I don't know guys we're gonna go with zero oh no what was it I swear I put one last time where did I nod did I mess up was that a trick question anyways guys do you have the answer that please let me know I am so curious I really want to know how it ends I hope you guys enjoy playing this game with me cuz I really enjoyed playing with you I love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget to be nice other [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 20,198,991
Rating: 4.8092661 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, If, you, answer, wrong, are, dumb, worlds, easiest, test
Id: bpa7ottD9VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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