If Angry Birds Villains Were Charged For Their Crimes (Sony Animations Villains)

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[Music] what is that look at the size of that b it going what the we lit up the night the fireworks are not properly installed so this gives you a dangerous fireworks charge the trampoline the sling charge they're cheering for you oh you got to be kidding me relax deep bre ready seems really unnatural mudbeard peer presses read into the slingshot without any upfront documents signed or permission so I will give an a charge for this and remember keep it quiet wa this is an impressive [Music] sh looks like there's some more stuff down here we were hiding mudbeard claimed to visit the bird island with only two people but was hiding some more on the ship the bird Chief is okay with it so I guess this one is allowed I can't see I can't see hey what's going on here are you explorers or are you staying then why are there more of you coming huh free potty free party it's going to be the piggest party of the Year let's go Piggies whoa whoa whoo oh my come on come on come on let's [Music] go look out right on time excellent on board get him off of there hey who wants a birdie back set sail for piggy Island oh no we'll find them sh it's okay the pigs stole all the bird eggs this is actually illegal for humans as well the stealing of human eggs sperm or embryos is 5 years and a $50,000 fine per egg then beyond that they terrorize the entire island with bombs which I will sentence as arson and terrorism when I say eat the you say eggs welcome home King my beard a feast I proclaim a feast let's go make some omelets remember the gold is the castle coming Boom Baby Boom nope he he's coming back he's coming dock going to have a big beast going to eat all the egg if you spot any birds destroying your neighborhood capture them we will eat the eggs for lunch okay I want you to curl up into a little ball all right make yourself aerodynamic don't me wow that blows all right my roof the Birds attack the pigs so what's about to come you could say is self-defense but since the pigs started this War I will count it as war crimes not what was just on screen but what's coming transport the [Music] eggs call in the piggy Air Force we tried to kill them with kindness and now we're just going to have to [Music] things are looking Sunny Side Up Guys what is he doing up there ow looks like it's just you and me pork belly hey hey oh my Battle Cry [Music] oh got you going to save that egg don't be a hero give me that get here [Music] please well this is [Music] dynamite chiny chin chin ooh you can't eat eggs [Music] yep War crime has the sentence of life imprisonment but if victims have died you can get the death penalty since we see no casualties life imprisonment it is a little bit higher this might Pinch A little I see I'm in peace ow sh look I don't want to see your face any more than you want to see mine and I'll show you the proof squill Team Six what the easy stop everybody [Music] [Music] stop that's not coming from Bird [Music] Island go you killing it I'm done I'm done living on this Frozen seal infested Island firey another ice ball we can't do that zaa you're torturing the engineer my limbs are beginning to numb run h on yes baby wait a minute wait wait wait why isn't anybody leaving I want y'all to take all of those ice balls fill them up with molten lava yes I love it I'm burning I told you to look this construction is not safely installed and someone got hurt the occupational safety and health administration OSHA for short will give out a fine of $1 15,625 for the first violation two more weeks two weeks two weeks where I'm not quite sure I heard what I think I heard did you hear two weeks or did you hear tomorrow I am going to call my old engineer Steve hey it's Steve you know what to do I had to discipline Steve tomorrow that's what I thought you see you two are coming with me hey you done they were trespassing on Eagle Island so locking them up is actually legal what I'm planning to do is take these little bitty undeveloped Island my own own personal Paradise I worked hard for it and I deserve it everyone run for your life Island my mommy and daddy oh my God huh oh my good gotcha [Music] oh this is not happening she did not perform a safety inspection before launching so this is reckless [Music] endangerment d
Channel: Animated Courtroom
Views: 166,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: if villains were charged for their crimes, illumination villains, if illumination villains were charged for their crimes, mousait, sentencing villains, Sentencing villains for their crimes, villains, angry birds, the angry birds movie, angry birds the movie, the angty brids movie 2, king leonard mudbeard, angry birds king mudbeard, angry birds king ping, angry birds 2, angry birds 2 zeta, angry birds 2 zeta boss, mighty eagle, animated courtroom, sony animations, sony villains
Id: TnAiDpfGR78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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