if smartphone commercials were EXTREMELY honest.

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hi this is aaron from passionfruit and what are we doing here hi yes today we're launching three game-changing smartphones each of which has a charger in the box if you buy the box but even if you don't we worked closely with our partners to to design the most eco-friendly packaging possible we can't wait for you to experience it's just and this is our first phone what did we call it well after the naming on our last device we received some very honest feedback so this time we wanted to make sure we got it right this is you not you this this is you because the only thing good enough for you is you not this we are proud to announce that you is the most powerful compact smartphone you can buy we worked with qualcomm we worked with exi and ass to make sure that this is the first phone with a new napdragon 69 000 chip it just just works it doesn't work but the point is you're free do you want to go climb that mountain do you want to tell that girl how you feel with passion fruit you can do that and you can be rest assured that your phone is not snapping it's napping we don't give you these these fake abs just buzzing and ringing with passion fruit you get real apps relapse now just in case we haven't already sold you you're gonna be blown away by our second phone we we really are never gonna give you up do we need to show you anything else as this is our plus-sized variant we decided to give our users the full plus-sized unbagging experience and for you for your peace of mind every bag that we ship our phones in is 100 from the garbage can outside our office and yes sometimes there are still coupons inside now for this second phone we we couldn't just make the same thing twice but we've been we've been sued enough times already so we decided to take you and make it bigger this is me more phone for your money but it does cost more money let's be real who cares about having a fancy 120 hertz super cyan amoled display everyone has one so here at passionfruit we decided to go in a brave new direction celebrity endorsements when you buy me you're buying autographs from uh juiced in bieber al pacine fruit we've even got leonardo dicaprio son all the big names did i just draw these signatures on myself five minutes ago no i didn't it's rick from music no ports no speakers ah just pay us already we've got ai we've got buttons it even falls once buy me and have a feel for yourself because we know you'll enjoy it but just in case you don't we realized that there was room in the market for something even bigger than me so i'm proud today to announce we one e rick one e we've had this entire conversation we just went through this whole if you buy this phone you're going to have what what can only be described as a royal unbagging experience we really are never going to let you down before you start throwing your money at the screen at least just let me show you what it can do is it taller yes is it wider yes does it have better call quality no does it fit in pockets no does it have a better battery life no does it actually turn on we'll take questions at the end do you want to know the really good news we built the first phone with a decker camera setup white ultra wide zoom wide zoom passion fruit we've all had times when we were promised a software update but it just never arrived well no software no problem and don't just take my word for it we've sponsored four of world's top tech creators to say nice things about us this it's a steaming pile of amazingness three two i mean we didn't throw it away that would be crazy [Music] some some really fantastic reviews as you can see but we just keep innovating we figured out that the best thing for our business the environment is that when you buy the phone to not include the phone courage we all know that really there's only one question left on your mind how much is it well and finally we've got one more thingy peek into the future if you thought you me and we were impressive you're going to be blown away by what we have next introducing he she and it and don't get me started on the full-size version if you buy this phone [Music] yeah all right well i hope you enjoyed this video it wasn't meant to target like one company in particular and we just had a bit of fun with it um but yeah hope you liked it thanks for watching my name is aaron this is mr who's the boss i'll catch you in the next one you
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 2,168,258
Rating: 4.8846536 out of 5
Keywords: passionfruit, iphony, honest commercial, smartphone, iphone commercial, parody, tech, android, rob, iphone 13, iphone 13 commercial, samsung, samsung commercial, trailer, commercial
Id: wadg_mLOPJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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