Abnehmen mit gesundem, leckeren Eiweißbrot, ohne Kohlenhydrate!

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Even if it doesn't look like it, this is a protein bread! Baked completely without flour, how the bread looks from the inside and how you can bake the bread, I show you in this video. The recipe is really simple. First you put 150 grams of yoghurt in a bowl ... and on top of that I put three medium-sized eggs and mix them together. Here I have 50 grams of flaxseed, once ground and here I have whole flaxseed. 150 grams of kernel mix. Here is a mixture of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame. 100 g ground almonds, a weak teaspoon of salt and two teaspoons of baking powder. And just stir! I mixed all the ingredients together really well. Finally, I add 12 grams of psyllium husk. You can see now that the consistency is getting a bit firmer?! So, you can already see that the dough is now well stretched, I'll shape it into a round shape. That's why I like these bowls so much, because you can work in them and shape the dough. Then we need a baking tray lined with baking paper and I put my dough on it. I shape the dough the way I want it. I'd rather have a round bread! I reshape it a bit with the spatula ... ... my bread is ready, I decided on an oval shape and now I sprinkle a few seeds on top and I do it quite generously. And I lightly press the kernels. I would say that's enough! That's enough seeds on the bread. Looks absolutely beautiful! Now! I let the bread swell for at least 20 minutes and then preheat the oven to 180 degrees top and bottom heat. My oven has reached its temperature, 180 degrees upper and lower heat and I bake the bread in it for 60 minutes. So my bread is ready! Please take a look at how great this looks! It really doesn't look like white bread. Really nice brown from below, great from above. This is definitely a different kind of protein bread. I'll cut it, it's not completely cool yet, but I have to say it doesn't matter! That looks really great and appetizing. I'll cut it very thinly ... yes it will hold! Really tight, look at the disc, how great it looks with all the cores. Really tasty! The bread sticks really well if you want to eat a protein bread in the evening, then you should try the exact recipe once. The bread smells so incredibly delicious, it tastes delicious and the ground almonds give the bread a really great bite and a really delicious taste. I wish you a lot of fun baking. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments and we'll see you next time if you like!
Channel: Weltverborgen
Views: 1,124,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eiweißbrot, Brot backen, Brot Rezepte, Fitness Brot, Abnehmen, gesund abnehmen, gesunde Ernährung, gesund backen, brot selber backen, backen, frisches brot, ohne Kohlenhydrate, backen ohne Kohlenhydrate, brot ohne kneten, Brot selbermachen, selbstgerechtes brot, Eiweiß Ernährung, schnelle Rezepte für brot, Brot ohne Kohlenhydrate, abnehmen, Diät brot, diet bread, losing weight, glutenfrei, brot ohne Mehl, glutenfree, mehlfrei, Rezepte glutenfrei, bread, baking bread, bread recipe
Id: lrSSVCmz5ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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