If NERF Fights Had Zombies 2

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[Music] our mission is to take out the alpha zombie and stop the zombie infection Elijah's team was sent in to take out the alpha zombie and find out why they were here his entire team went dark and are assumed infected there's still a hope he's alive we can try and find where they might be still holding out we must that quickly choose your Nerf load out a mysty [Music] block you can't take out the infe until the Al's gone take out the Alpha and the infected are less vulnerable is everyone ready wait wa wait I my master we are the last team if we get infected All Is Lost let's go sit together and find the [Music] Ala we that's a tenis ball launcher yeah but relax it's not like it's going to hurt anybody a not again he'll be fine [Music] probably Mary why do you have eight scopes on your blaster well I aim better with one scope so with eight Scopes I can't miss it's simple [Music] math wait what's that noise sorry I had coffee earlier and my stomach is not happy not that infected hey do you guys want to hear my zombie voice no are you that is a terrible zombie impression okay well how about this your brain cuz I'm a Zombie okay Prett good that's pretty good this is Elijah's Dart Elijah's team fought here and the trail goes that way AES they got of this way we're getting [Music] [Music] closer we found the [Music] team you know what to do more over there we're losing people fall back hey I caught it is there like an achievement for that or there actually was an achievement for that I knew it that went horribly I have the perfect tactic for zombies always move in a clockwise Direction and they cannot catch you Elijah's infected he can't help us he still can we need to find his base but how she's right alijah doesn't go down easy and he would have worked hard to find out who the outfit is if we can find out where he had his last stand then his notes will be there how did the that work for you H not [Music] good don't worry if I get infected I'll break both my hands so I can't weld the axe who raised you street fighters in kakan is she joking I don't think she's joking she doesn't know how to joke it's not here keep looking did you just say I'll take the one on the left you take the one on the right no why huh I could have sworn I heard you say not Miller not not not Miller not cool barricades they must be a defense here but was this Elijah's Last Stand this tastes like the bottom of somebody's shoe e Elijah's shoe how do you know what that tastes like and fear this is the right spot we'll guard the [Music] door groups of blasters dropped by survivors after being infected these were Daniels he went down here but where would Elijah have put the notes on finding the alpha [Music] he had a list of who could have been the alpha me narrowed it down to three possible names I have lost most of my team I have discovered that the alpha was sent by the custodians they chose this location because this facility is built on top of the axis pipe to the entire City's water supply if the alpha makes it to the access point the zombie virus will spread throughout the city and then the zombie infection will become Unstoppable but they do not know where it's located I realize it'll be overrun and infected before help arrives I have decided to not discover the location of the water supply so I cannot tell the alpha after I infected I am certain that you Shiloh are reading this and we'll finish the job get the alpha for [Music] me good BL huh what does that mean he was trying to write good luck while he was taken out oh that would make a lot more sense they're coming not Wilson no Wilson not Frederick no Frederick wait is that Frederick with a D or a T it's with a te really what is the strangest spelling I know right I don't get it Rob is down we need that notebook go back and get it we s it's a Nerf exposion we're losing too many people to the infected but we got a list of a few possible alphas and we can compare it with Elijah's notes M cancels out Frederick and Jackson and ARS cancels out Sasha and Timothy sham we're fighting the zombified version of Timothy shalam no totally random dude not related to Timothy shalam at all OD but there's only one person we both agree on be that's our Alpha Al you also figured out why the off is here to infect the water supply but they don't know where it is yet me and Michelle will find the water supply before they do and we'll take out the alpha oh um your arm my shoulder's dislocated that's hard to look at that happens all time I'll just put it right back in the socket wa no no please don't take yourself oh no no oh a there we go all right let's go guys it's not supposed to look like that how do we find out where the alpha is hiding I have an idea hide it's not in this area I'll keep checking ahead you report back did you see that they're reporting back to the center point that's going to be the alpha and we'll follow it like a trail of ants if the zombies can't find it and we can't find it then it must be hidden how are we supposed to find a hidden water system oh check the supply room part of the wall is loose who said that me are you an event yeah they have a vent system here don't tell the zombies [Music] we're getting close to the supply room wonder how the others are doing hopefully better than [Music] us or Worse yeah they could definitely be doing worse that's where they're headed ready I'll Stand watch where's the alpha it's a trap get out there she is did you just use me as a body Shield there's an NE behind us Target shil first oh you're separated just get out of here so what exactly is the end game here we're going to rain Darkness Upon This World of a living wa I did not know we were going to be doing that but somehow it fits now we go after their water supply we have to run oh no I think in it's beam hold up bro I can fix her she's a literal zombie got fer come on we found the water supply good they're coming for it and we lost Shiloh then what do we do now Elijah's notes said that the alpha needs to get to the water access herself then that's the plan we'll make our final stand there take out enough infected until she arrives it's our only hope Judah do you still have the judin nator 4000 baton still bending I really need to check in on [Music] that this is the access point to the water system the alpha cannot get to there they're here they found us the alpha comes through that door we make her eat more Nerf darts than she ever has in her life unde life un okay what are we calling this they're here I meet your bra out cuz I'm a Zombie I was too farhead of them I came out way too soon here they come just to get the sword into the water access BL the barricade use the hoorde of shields you sh now did you just use me as a human body Shield Rec C [Applause] no J the front no finish them I'm running out of ammo I don't think we're ready to get out of this one it's been an honor and a privilege fting with you where's that music coming [Music] from up now if you never fall you don't change at all me I'll bu you time go get the alpha it's Shiloh she's alive where is the music coming from block this the Alpha's been eliminated the infected are now [Applause] vulnerable [Applause] up now if you never fall you don't change at all cry out now have you given up I will never stop yeah [Music] wait who are we missing dang it we're avoided the zombie apocalypse we almost didn't though you got me there you'll be fine just wake up in a bit and think it was all a bad dream Alphas are popping up more often it's the custodians but [Music] why a big thank you to Urban Air Northeast National for letting us film with their Adventure Park if you want to visit here the link is in the description below
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 24,344,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerf, nerf battle, nerf this, nerf legends, nerf rival, epic, nerf mod, nerf blaster, nerf video, nerf channel, blaster, game, nerf film, nerf game, nerf needler, shiloh, shiloh nelson, elijah nelson, shiloh and bros, real life, in real life, irl, nerf in real life, funny, nerf 2
Id: Ri1VivUaSP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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