If Water Fights Had Zombies

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SOI Mountain has been overrun by water zombies we've been set to eradicate the water zombie infection and rescue a team of scientists that were trapped inside where is the alpha zombie there is no Alpha what no Alpha eliminating the alpha is how we defeat these things how are we supposed to take them out we don't know um this is my first official mission why am I in the zombie apart alypse some of you will get infected okay place a containment field around the park but it won't hold for long the zombies get out there will be no stopping them your blasters have been loaded with an anti virus serum in your water that stuns the zombies there is a team of scientists that were trapped inside while they were working on a cure we must find them roll out thank you bus driver thank you bus driver it's the zombie apocalypse why are we thaning the bus driver you always than the bus driver I'm I'm sorry thank you bus driver bus [Music] driver where is everyone isn't this place supposed to be overrun with zombies we got rid of them good job everyone back to the bus get back here okay [Music] than this way [Music] what is it nothing it's just the wind [Music] H by turn the zombies didn't even get to him one drop is all it takes not a drop not a single drop can get on you so uh I be the alpha now there's no Alpha you're literally the last person we want as an alpha that's just hurtful everybody remain remain calm don't panic cuz if we start panicking they [Music] why are you wearing goggles because if zombie water is going to hit my eyes it'll just hit these goggles instead and I'll be fine if water gets anywhere you'll become a zombie but it won't hit my eyes give me the goggles where are the scientists I was told they're being held up somewhere over look [Music] Renzo get away from the water sir I'll take the what happened here zombies well yes I know but like before that we don't know we were researching a cure for the zombie virus when this new breed spawned spontaneously from the maintenance section of the park you were researching the zombie virus before the outbreak oh no there's no food in the cafeteria I'm sorry yours is more important the custodians must have been the ones who sent the zombies what no the custodians have been helping us with our research wait the custodians aren't the ones who sent them no they've been protecting their own home world for thousands of years against the zombie virus they're the ones that gave us the information we need for our research can you stop this freed of zombies when the outbreak occurred we got separated from our lab where we were developing The Cure it's it's on the other side of the park we're saved I found a pizza let's get you over there the custodians always took care of the outbreaks but more keep happening if we can only find a way to contact them they could fix all this back to the buer back to the buer no stay with us what do we do we have to go for the Cure research the custodians might be able to help us deal with this outbreak but how can we contact them from here we can but headquarters can if we can get to the top of one of those Towers it'll make it let's do it Judah you take Miller the rest of us will go for the Cure hey hold on our mission sounds way more dangerous would you do it for a Scooby Snack no two Scooby Snacks yes let's [Music] go what up my fresh Blaster put the antivirus steum in it gorgeous Water Blaster ever made it's good to see you are you talking to your blaster [Music] maybe let's see what Destiny has in store for oh come on let's move do you ever feel like you're not the main character like you're just a side character leading up his own little Mission every day [Music] [Music] huh we got to get down there the ride's the quickest way down yeah [Music] [Music] run oh no oh no I got a drop on me I got a drop oh wait no never mind just my [Music] SP here we just have to make it to the top of the tower to make the [Music] call they can blast water if they get together great this can't possibly get any worse what if the zombies were using the waterways could have run faster than us I mean yeah that would be way worse oh come [Music] on David what are you doing in there uh I was one of the First Responders answer the scientist distress call and before I became a zombie I locked myself in here so I wouldn't hurt anybody how many days have you been in there one too many you can just push the button flush me into the system that' be great okay thank [Music] [Music] we normal and my normal he's not a zombie are you the scientist who is working on a cure working on the Cure it's already finished finished oh finally some good news when we got separated I was able to finish the work here in the lab we made the Cure but it doesn't doesn't work it's designed for an alpha could only cure one and these zombies have no Alpha making the cure [Music] useless they genetically have a spot for an alpha and the Cure gravitated towards those genetics what exactly were you researching before the outbreak did you create this water no no no you see we were researching how the they create new Alpha zombies There's a small window when creating a new Alpha before the virus affects the mind we are trying to use this to create the Cure once and for all what do we do without a cure Judah did not say that you deserve a raise a I was finding the Cure going the contain me feel that the park isn't going to hold much longer oh boy the custodians are supposed to keep the zombies at Bay can you get them to come help us we'll make it happen how's Micah is he okay no he's doing great yeah he's he's awesome he's giving us a thumbs up we'll get you some help how are we going to do that where are the custodians I don't know but I know someone who would what's the plan the other should be getting custodian's backup let's get to them who is this guy an old friend of their mom's he's Lord of AA that's well connected he'll know the custodians it's good to see you where are the others St close come on should I double call or is that too desperate don't double call way too desperate Quadrant 4 haven't talk with the custodians and ages but they should be okay with me coming by there she really was a [Music] genius are these the custodians these aren't the C stoian those are infected survive the Great War and now no helps coming to Shiloh and the others the custodians AR coming what and there's no cure the containment field won't last much longer and then nothing will be able to stop them from spreading what do we do [Music] we can't do nothing that scientist said that this thing came from the maintenance section of the park we go there and try and get to the bottom of where this thing came that's on the other side of the park it's our only chance we'll stop by a bathroom on the way hold it okay man this place would be so cool if there weren't any zombies it's lost his main power there's a backup generator nearby that generator will make a ton of noise a lot of zombies will swarm [Music] it hope whatever's buying that is worth it Miller oh it's mighty morphin Miller time never going to catch on do you think if we just stare you'll go [Music] away they're getting there why was it yellow why was it warm why was it War I told you the goggles would work [Applause] D they came from the original zombies what the water zombies that sword came from an alpha an alpha got a sword into the water supply infecting the system with water zombies that's why they don't have an alpha but why here you're experimenting on a captured Alpha it escaped and created water zombies nothing we have could destroy that sword what's the plan I grab the sword and become the alpha what they genetically have a spot for one if you become the alpha you'd have full control over the zombies charot the zombie virus grubs you wouldn't be you you don't even know that you could pull the virus back from them once you became one it's the only chance we have there's going to be a lot of zombies from here to there so we get her there these things don't have a leader so what makes them strong but we can use it against them they're not organized they can't coordinate a plan each one of the zombies is just fighting for themselves each one of us pulls away any we can find [Music] we'll be back [Music] can't take [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] my goggles did it [Applause] [Music] she here only works on an alpha whoa I had so many plans for how I was going to take over the world [Music] I love the Clean Water a big thank you to SOI Mountain Water Park for letting us film at their water park if you want to visit this place and ride these rides the link is in the description below
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 5,860,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerf, blaster, nerf blaster, nerf battle, gaming, video game, super soaker, super soaker battle, nerf game water, nerf super soaker, nerf film, fun, funny, nerf game, water blaster game, water blaster, real life, summer 2024, super soaker water, summer, water fight, shiloh, elijah nelson, shiloh nelson, battle royale, zombies
Id: 33kRUPfY5vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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