If Me or Ranboo Laugh, The Stream Ends...

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in today's stream i did the you left you lose with rambo you know the rules five lives if we lose them all we have to end the stream there and then we're pretty steely bloke so by the end we had to call him phil to see if he'd laugh to finish it but it was pretty funny so if you do enjoy please feel free to subscribe the likely it is most of you know me from my twitch or my youtube and you don't know me from this channel so you're probably not subscribed so if you could check that you press that button i'd really appreciate it anyways enjoy the video what we are doing is we are going to be doing a you laugh you lose stream with rambu the premise is simple if we laugh a certain number of times that i've not decided yet uh we will just end the stream simple as that we know how it works we've done this a million times now rambu i pray is better at not laughing than his counterpart tubbo i swear to god right there are two halves to be duo and it is tobo laughs a lot rambu i pray to god never laughs ever and is as steely as anything please for the love of god i just pray that he is right is that gonna be true i don't really know but um let's see shall we hey okay did i own definitely do it oh hey rambo you did it you did it i did it i pressed the buttons right hey man how are you i'm doing i'm doing well i'm ready to not be funny wait no that's not what yeah no i please actually be funny i prefer that don't be like excessively funny because then i'll laugh and you know but if you could like you'll be like a decent level of funny the viewers laugh i don't know oh nice birdie good birdie eagle double eagle oh great eagle it just started i haven't even started sharing it with rambo yet it just started it was just like just it just happened it just started happening uh it takes me a lot to be able to laugh that's the thing it takes you a lot you get a good amount it takes a good that's good no that's really good that's really really good all right oh there you are there you are now there i am you just rolled a spare stop alright i paused it right stop it can you hear can you hear them when that play when i can't hear them though you look so sad okay i've got a solution to this luckily i'm a genius luckily i'm a billionaire playboy genius like tony stark from the movie you just crashed this soon tony stark i crashed it just crashed his suit that is actually hilarious it was it crashed as soon as i said that just ignore that you crashed as soon i can't hear you you caught him you're me you legitimately crashed as soon as you wait that's actually really funny hold on so guys it was a short one today you know guess we'll have to call it quits i'll you know i'll see you all soon thank you for coming out um there may have been a hundred thousand of you show up but you know um it is what it is it is what it is really you know you can't control these things um oh you know it's awkward that isn't it um you know i could we could speak about other things um i'll just kick my desk really hard it's new hey you wanna see my new desk i'm stalling look this is the new desk it's really big okay i thought oh wait that's why don't read that don't read that don't read that it's my list of things to purchase that will give away the next vlog if you read that actually no it won't but like maybe i'll give you a rough idea so uh no but i got a big desk now so now i can get all the things i need like like a you know i don't have a stream deck you know i couldn't fit a stream deck on my old desk so i have i've i've been streaming all this time with no stream deck you know how essential that is to most streamers just didn't have one hey there he is hey hi hey you should be able to hear my desktop sounds now as well yeah i can also hear you twice cool i'll fix that can you hear me now yeah that was actually the funniest thing that has ever happened because you went i'm a professional and then crashed my computer well you just went it's okay i'm a professional and then i just crashed i'm a professional at wait are you talking now oh god oh for [ __ ] sake can you hear me i can hear you now yes and just once uh yeah okay i think we've got okay you you really went i'm a professional and then i saw the blue screen it was incredible it's fine it's fine look i am you know it's fine i used to work in i.t you know so um when i fixed it when i break things i was literally professional like i literally was a computer professional and um i oftentimes did break things but i always fix them afterwards i'm gonna go grab a hat because my hair is growing at the moment and i don't like showing it people have you seen have you seen it i don't like it i have seen it i have to you know yeah no stop looking it's gonna be weird when it actually gets longer dude it is it's gonna be really weird and i don't like it i'm gonna go put a hat on you entertain them while i put on a hat please all right i will entertain i will entertain all right there he goes guys that chair is my brand that chair that chair that he has that is my brand right there you guys see that that's incredible that is incredible look at that that's my brand that's me that's me right there i am that chair oh man i'm not i'm not but it's just my brand it's just my brand and that's awesome oh man yeah i don't know how easily i'm gonna laugh i honestly don't think i'm gonna laugh legitimately i'm back i don't think i'm gonna laugh oh he's back i'm treating so there are two options here the blue or the black though today the blue or the black or as some would say white and gold if they were beneath me and stupider true true or if the lighting was different it's not true so true i see an equal amount of just both color in chat both actually i may struggle with those i might you know what yeah okay um we're gonna we're gonna go blue in the front black in the back there we go look at that look at that blue in the front black in the back we rocking it baby yeah i'm a legend anyway this thing ramboo right you said you weren't too bad for laughing right i i dude actually i don't i don't know if i'm going to laugh like you don't think you can off at all at all i don't i don't know i don't know we could lowball it and go for three or we could go for five which is pretty safe hmm let's do three and then we'll switch to five if it's just really really bad if it's really short there we go the whole chat is saying five because they know how these go so um we're staying five okay we'll do we'll do five we'll do five because these things do tend to go they do tend to go like that right okay let me tell the music okay all right all right you gotta you just stare me an inch of that fast sorry my apologies rambo i mean oh obvious that's actually really funny when it cut off that that actually was really really funny when it cut off back because i could only hear it okay please oh it was good that was good that was good i enjoyed that it just it just played to that that one was nice that one was nice that was good that was good yeah it said something about penis yeah that's always funny color red red sauce i i hope that there's no blue around chat manifold enjoys be like holy [ __ ] that's true that's true they do be like that jet manifold enjoys see the nintendo switch and be like holy [ __ ] there are so many red and blue things that's me because me get it get it because me now we're all crying that's me that's me hold on chad cry cry harder no i was crying i was crying how does it count hey harry style right no i i mean straight vodka no are you straight it's vodka straight no okay [Applause] okay what that one tastes like what gay vodka ate vodka what would that taste like i don't know what regular vodka tastes like so i would have barf really bad i'm an extrovert i am an extrovert i'm an extrovert i am extroverted i do love that clip he's extroverted he's extroverted it's like utopian that's true can i can't die yeah it probably could okay so far so that's in my ravioli i didn't order ravioli that one's good that one's good i like that one i do like that one people don't like chills clips because i'm pretty sure they're just aware that i'm gonna repeat them at this point yeah me why me i get it he's here cry harder cry harder yeah let me see them tears i see him let me stand for your [ __ ] i'm gonna start laughing i'm gonna stop cry laughing i'll cry but i'll be laughing if you carry on and that won't be good for either of us okay so far this is not i'm really warm i'm really warm i've almost laughed already too many times he's dead that frog is dead that's the [ __ ] oh you're that frog living though that frog he was living his best life there was a dead frog and then a two alive frog i feel like i'm somewhat jealous it's very hard to keep your dick dry i left my dick on protected and it was whooped out of shape in no time i could barely recognize my own dick imagine that then i discovered terrible schaefer's new zealand style deck sealant the best way to take care of that dick just to seal it up see what that does your dick with soap and water then wait for your dick to dry once your dick is clean and dry paint your dick with schaeffer's dick sealant i used to be too why would you call it chafers a handy guy sounds uncomfortable yeah thank you subs by the way out of any of our songs this could probably apply to like the most amount of people whether you're 15 years old i don't get it only 15 year olds only 15 year olds can listen to that music no one else if you do you'll die oh gornas can he stand he can't ozzy osbourne struggles with very simple tasks and it is because of the drugs but it's still funny it's still funny he doesn't stand for it he doesn't he really i can be your partner for the next race sorry sue ellen it's a brother and sister race maybe there's a contest for lonely children after this it's only children dw a lonely child is what you're gonna be when i sell you [Music] that's not allowed arthur breaks the law i don't remember the episode where arthur went to jail but there we are i want to see that episode i want to see that one i don't think he's fair i don't think he farewell in prison oh it looks like my dog [Music] we are proud of everyone no i think i think it was an attempt i think i think he was probably you know it was his artistic interpretation and and we can't ah there's non-artists you know are you an artist i'm not the [ __ ] are you [Music] he was [Music] it didn't stop dude we've got an issue though because people are now going to realize we both like the fart humor this is what happened when lynx was on when i had minks on it was just people realized the thing that worked was hot fart humor and it just became farts just a stream of [ __ ] frozen rock salt it's a frozen statue it is will this ice ever melt there's nothing you can do now whoa whoa whoa i don't i don't get it oh it feels like my ideas of affection are based around i know him based around what he never finished a sentence oh wait wait [ __ ] oh they did another one oh they're based they're based it's like warfare no oh my god i can't believe that went over my head usually i'm the first one to pick out a bass joke that's good please let's paint a picture you are grocery shopping with your local tesco when an 825 year old spoon knobs a grenade at your shopping trolley and explode as your groceries runs out of the stuff that happens i'm no longer going dude people are gonna throw grenades at me i mean i've never had i've only ever had like you know stuns thrown at me it's danny if you can do that you know we tend to be very non-lethal over here no guns no no no lethal grenades just stuns and smokes [Music] it just carried on it just decided it was gonna just alex jones does not like adhere to money he just goes no i'm doing it he took that progress bar and extended it himself he just stretched it out he went oh i'm sick of this crap she doesn't play the crap if she doesn't play the craft yeah that's it she doesn't play it it's way funnier when they just cut off stands for markiplier who knew you just say [ __ ] that gets me this is one clip of you that really kills me it's just you going and that's when i started to hear and then it comes i love refrigerator oh yeah yeah i like that one or so you come yeah yeah so you've come one that one was also good so you've come to my panic room but it just cuts off many other amazing uh i come home and i i pet my dog you see pen is one of the most relaxing things you can possibly do it releases a hormone called oxytocin which reduces oxy watson what was that oxy toes cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cry yeah okay i'm over it now there's no more music and i'm just over it yeah i only cry when i'm queued two by two niche i won't say tunes but i i i went [Music] look amigo i thought i was having an xqc moment but i was right creatures actually hippo this is a real hippo i thought i was going to end up like a [ __ ] hippo that was incredible i really thought i was going to end up in like is that a dog wow [ __ ] but no no birdie nice birdie good birdie eagle double eagle great eagle great eagles the best there's two of them that's awesome i like those eagles that would be really funny if it actually cut off at the perfect moment because it would have just cut off that the world will come crumbling down except not without the crumbling down oh well there that goes there goes the chum bucket yeah good riddance you know i've been told i didn't like it anyway what's wrong what's wrong with you are you okay i don't think he's just looks so sad at the end no he's he's possessed he's being done that was just true pain he's like no that was just actual pain i want to collab with those guys so bad if i'm in america i want to meet the arcade craniac and make a video with them for their channel i want to take part in a 3am challenge that was intense oh that would be incredible that was awesome that was awesome you just spun around that was great amazing oh head coach says oh really he pulls out his weapon and he shoots him damn no he went all flooded he didn't die that was the whole thing that was this whole thing i thought he didn't die and they just tell him wow i'm sure glad that that kid is okay i'm so glad that that kid had fun with his tennis ball i'm sure there's no deeper meaning to this there is no deeper meaning to that video well that was clickbait actually really funny that was actually really funny that was good i can't believe that i almost laughed at a piece of bread standing still that was really funny oh that was really funny that pains me so much no because i just don't like seeing food get wasted i feel so bad i don't either but it's like that one clip like tyler one going look at my spaghetti and he just pulls it all over his desk it's like people are trying to show camera food and then dropping food yeah they never realize that angles exist yeah they just forget gravity exists and like look at my other yeah talking about what you hate um oh no no please let it be safe no the quiche was wasted ought to be kidding me dude i'm so sorry hmm [Music] that was really close how did that how did that almost get you that was really good get you his laugh was right that did not get me i was about to imitate his laugh but then realized i'd be laughing [Laughter] stop grabbing i don't get it but you know i like markiplier he plays finance was george it was george at the end there that's awesome how did markiplier beat all those people day to day anything with a half-life noise over the top especially cats for some reason very good yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] happy birthday to you happy birthday you hear someone you just can't help but move yo i couldn't help oh that was incredible that was awesome thank you he's dead they drowned him that's one way to make a frog quiet they drowned him just drown him that's really good i mean water it's not on it's not on it's not on a lot of you have mental illness and you need to get it checked out if you are i'm not saying that again i like last time i just repeated thanks for the wake up call there yeah really helped us but last time i read that out loud and i've seen it circulated you better have pikachu die you mean just quick no i mean die pikachu died he's dead pikachu is good at following instructions they killed him off that's how they kill him off they were just like i'm kind of bored of the little the little yellow one i almost said pink i'm color blind bro i don't know color reason i literally almost went the little pink one and i was like i just thought of the greatest video that you could make with that so it's like raisin right and then you make another one and it's lower and then it just just throwing a raisin at the floor that could be quite good that could be quite good oh that would be really funny to me you saw that and you didn't see a raisin you saw you saw double meaning you saw opportunity it's about lowering as well that muffin is looking awfully like a muffin someone baked a muffin into my muffin oh i should have said someone baked a muffin and stuffed that would have been funny and just left it yeah someone baked a muffin it's like well done chills nose food hamster to spoon sunday it's not no not do not eat do not eat please maybe nutrients yeah oh no don't do not eat the hamster what emergency would have been hampered i don't know let's get to my story in german three times in a week there is too much homework that's quite a good line at the end yeah there's too much too much homework god i think she's right they are marigolds i may not know my flowers but i know a [ __ ] when i see one oh is he gonna oh i thought he was gonna hit her with some flowers i thought he was just gonna hit it with the flowers that would have been incredible i thought it was just gonna be like and i would have laughed [Music] i still can't believe that was i almost said will any i'm stupid man it was will i am yeah you were oh man will i well any doesn't sound like that no there's something on these boxes he's in his box dude wow is that what boxing is is that what it is that's [Music] oh that's awesome dude that was great funny and so you said hold on a second wait you acknowledged wait just a second i wasn't letting it into my brain i was just kind of like it hit the eyes it wasn't going any further back and you made it go in there and it hit me and i went mm-hmm oh [ __ ] he do me that's happening he's breaking it down i'm gonna swap the hats i think i'm gonna go um black in the front and then you know white uh white the blue one that was actually really funny you you it was just a cheese stick that just like went down that was incredible actually that was awesome that was that was great sends his regards thank you big chungus thank god you know spin i can't i've got headphones unless i take them off what if i really dress you up you know what i'm i'm buying mine well i'm thoroughly i don't want to know what's going on in the clip actually it's because it's fun quackity i want to have sex with you exactly i'm done now i can't believe that jack missed that what did i miss dude you missed it you missed it dude wilbur said that he wanted to he wanted to do something with quackity it was it was terrible no wow why is gemma eating rocks your teeth your teeth teeth probably i feel like it would yeah mama what what did you say what are you saying i just want to see one of those 3am videos where they just straight up just punch it just like like they just it just says something and they just turn around they just punch it i feel like that's very like not i don't think that's beyond the arcade crane x i feel like that's very yeah i don't i think they're well in their range yes no i believe that i believe it if they did it right in elmo's school girl ever spits but i've nev i don't think i've ever dated a girl who's like spat no no no girls do not have saliva that is what he is that's what he or [ __ ] and they don't have spit that rhymes with right what's going on me messaging everyone on the server no one answers okay dude what is my world what's my purpose weston he's next i got really just deep so fast bless his arm you know he's trying he's trying my god is he doing all right what oh my god that's five thousand bits i didn't see sorry let me let me read that that's a lot of bits what was that it's a lot of bits let me go back it's a lot of bits but pokemon's face was on top yeah no he did a photo that was a big mistake my name is oh he's not doing all right he had a moment he's not doing too hot in a moment why can't i find oh if i filter down to bits it's called filtering it's called we do a little bit of filtering okay i don't know much more than that you know i don't know what that means what is a ganga i have no idea [Music] i understand it i understand why you'd probably question [Music] hello my name is jelly slimes they downloaded they donated 5 000 bits to say hello to you hi ray is dead dude they said ray's last jam i'm pretty sure he died i don't think no he was at the end though he said there's a little bit ready subs but without me sus [Music] i just died in my seat a little bit that's right that's you that was me that was me i could be able to throw you this time you know you know what i want to show my streamer right when i have media share himself that's what i want to do okay well i prefer that i propose i was the mediator yeah i prefer yeah no i i you know i think we're i think we've gotten caught up to the point where they just buckle up because i think we're about to get a lot of heart related ones yep oh [ __ ] oh my gosh it's [ __ ] doomed puns come back punch punch me when i lose my jokes charlie slimes call when he wakes up and feels different michael is that you yeah it's not michael it wasn't him no i can actually do that i can actually like in my hallway i can actually like put my legs and my hands up and just like levitate oh you can actually do that oh dumblings not like i look normal but like i can oh i can like actually do that that's nice get them out someone gets spongebob out of there man get spongebob out of there man you don't need to be in there get him out it's canon no it's that's actually real life i don't think real life has canon yeah in real life it's part of the real world canon rambu kin levitan but only when he uses his arms and legs which is basically what i when i like depends on how big the hallway is true oh he fell great we haven't lost a single life we're doing good we're doing very well we're doing very very we're doing very well yeah you guys aren't funny look girl [ __ ] that was that was a close one she looked around that one was good she looked good she looked very fingers i've been on the internet so long that i've seen that clip smile for hours at a time hours oh my god i never thought about lyric and that much death now you've acknowledged it it is quite funny hours that's just impressive [Music] across the dance floor [Music] bad memories hey oh cash app thank you for 69 subs thank you for the 69 gifted it's a funny number i didn't lie to you why did they donate that during that clip though that there are big sparkles in joya what can we say oh where did my headphones go here they are okay well this is a jam actually [Music] i'm an idiot i'm stupid i wouldn't say it's getting too hot and i'm just getting too hot as i took off the second hat that's it's getting it's getting yo i think the hundred gifted pigeony that's actually really funny thank you so much and lord arch jam uh someone gives it absolutely jam right there i lost it in the features there but thank you and that was a jam hey cash out hey catch up it's there again this is what's going to happen when minecraft dies out this is why you guys have to keep watching the minecraft content because you're going to get that if minecraft dies i mean oh that's all knew you would have come but you've come i have come the pause there ready ads wow jesus has come three days though no it didn't cut oh it didn't cut off that's not bad the donut oh that sucks for you i'm sorry yeah that's disappointing all warfare is disappointing i can't say that there were some terrible wars oh bye-bye liftoff she's gone she's gone she's gone oh select again bible for 400 please during the second plague these amphibians came out of the water stephen what are frogs right what are frogs um what are they what are they steven spielberg no [Music] where did you get that from stephen king i just said it wrong i was thinking that one clip where he goes konichiwa steven spielberg desk he doesn't say this he says desk and oh fought with rio someone donate that the the clip of steven's people steven spielberg desk maybe it doesn't have enough views on youtube to get donated but um mods i think you can manage it it's good this is this is where i should release my gases oh another 69 thank you so much pigeon they're here there's air as well no no they're there and he just does it [Music] mm-hmm she freaks out oh no wait rambu hello oh no oh you have to do the thing you have to do the thing monetized embarrassment this is awesome this is great monetized embarrassment jack here you go all right i need to i'm going to add something to the media share so i can show everyone what i'm trying to replicate so you know where this comes from when i was a kid i was in a shoe store i'm really bored and okay there's a bunch of people in the store i was really really busy and i decided what would be funny is to entertain everyone by doing the dance from mr bean's holiday because i'd watched it so many times memorized and i told the story on stream that said for a sub goal i'll do it not really thinking about what i was saying and i got held to that um so i'm just gonna let me just add media here's the youtube link add the the link almost ends in nine gag which already makes it bad but let's just close it should be towards the bottom of the queue reserves or where is it all right cued media should be right at the bottom there it is how do you drag things up the queue can god me okay this is difficult where did it go why do they make this so all right you know what [ __ ] it there's easy ways of doing this let me just uh let me just do this really quick rambu you tell them a funny story while i quickly set this up okay okay um dude i i'm out of funny stories actually i'm absolutely out of funny stories why haven't you never done anything funny i haven't i haven't dude i have never done anything funny just in my life just in general right it's fine because you know what's up it's just a terrible day i fixed it i'll fix it okay okay now we get to work [Music] let me know you're doing good you're doing good you're you're lined up you're lined up oh i didn't wear jeans i promised you the main part that they got but they got the rest they got their clips this goes on for like another two minutes and it's basically just opera you don't need to see this you don't chat you don't care about this you think you do but you don't and that's okay um let me just turn that off okay sorry you had to witness that rambo that wasn't particularly a pleasant scene um it hurts a little bit it does yeah it wasn't that's out there now that is just out there now i mean i already did it in the shoe store maybe the store maybe already maybe someone filmed it that day you know you never know maybe it was already out there that's how i'm gonna pretend like it was it makes me feel better about it all right let's just go back to not laughing at videos i prefer that i much prefer the part where we didn't laugh at the videos okay thank you for watching yeah exactly thank you for watching don't i actually i despise you all for witnessing that no remember you didn't really get much of a choice everyone else could have left so i blame them yeah at least the title wasn't accurate at least the title was accurate like it was a very descriptive title it it let me know exactly what i was going to see and i thank it for that i made a mistake please don't un-prime continue to promote me when i say british when i see when i see british i say british and then cats just screams okay that was worth the gift of subs okay i'm glad you think it was okay it wasn't working oh okay maybe it makes sense that makes sense actually that makes a lot of sense okay was he spitting so i understood what that was he was saying mm-hmm yeah good i'm glad he was you know a little conscious this is my turn that song off this is my jam oh oh i get it bo dude you he just started to kiss the jam i can't be sanitary that guy probably wouldn't do too well in comedy i don't think um yeah i love how that one specified it was really not gonna get me that one again it was real in the title round that was an authentic fart yeah i got really wrapped me up [Music] the fact that it had us wait for it to happen and you almost think that it's not gonna happen and then it happened just right at the end yeah that was alcohol liquor booze okay i don't know the camera pans down to follow him that's that's quite good the camera okay where where was c is this is this part of the script yeah it was like maybe he's supposed to do this i'm just following it's not michael it's not michael i mean it is me actually yeah you're not that's me that's not your name i'm not michael no what if it was though true it might be i i always assumed it was ranley why is it still going why um now i can think about is the one kid from tick tock and then when they edited him into debating he's just mining how does it keep coming back is that a fish that was a was that a fish i don't think so what's that fish i've caught fish before and they've never been that big where this guy meets this beach it [Music] oh never mind never mind he is living a significantly worse life now it changed foreign kind of almost looked like he just like wanted that to happen you know he's just like you know what he just carried on singing he accepted his fate bro why would you do that actually isn't him that's singing i found that and it made me sound scammed look at the sink oh man they really have to think did you not see the giant hole in the sink man dude you really did not let that sink in huh kiddie pool filled with plastic balls i remember let that sink in what oh no i saw what it was i saw the thumbnail i just gone starve and solve the thumbnail oh no tumblr no no no liquid but balls aren't liquid they're just balls they may be where peterson external balls they should start with 105 millimeters never gonna know how to protect my laptop from a literal tank i don't know why i'm saying isn't storing the balls why are these but why is that i probably thought this deer was alive i didn't and this coyote was alive and this pheasant was alive nope they're not they're dead they've been taxidermized by chuck testa oh hi oh my god oh my god that was so good very delicious okay i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm okay nope they're all dead that one almost got me but i i held it down i was about to go like oh why is that like why are they not moving is that bad animation good job hey thanks man hey one day that'll be you when you're here i'm sure yeah i i hope i don't walk like that oh probably not that kid yeah wow bless him we still have five lives we're doing very well when it hits an hour i think we'll drop down to three i'm just going to take two off of it yeah we'll go down to you know what that actually no let's just like purposefully laugh at some we'll just i'm just gonna like when it hits an hour give myself a free [Music] hello you see the jokers that was a text i knew you would come but you've come i've done it come come but yeah no i'm it's it you and it did the fart and then also the calling noise at once i was like that's too much i can't yeah yeah yeah sounds good oh wow dream clothing thank you for the 25 subs guess what if you put xyz point dream in the chat you get a link to all of my collaboration with dream clothing where you can buy clothes yeah 50 i know this clip oh this is the one i added the whole thing i added the full package but yeah if you go there you can buy the clothing it's very nice and i forget what percentage dream clothing might say in the chat but a large proportion of it goes to charity so is it any wonder people are afraid of technology technology i mean i get that i'm afraid of signs actually so any word is scary to me yeah to be fair in that scenario you would wouldn't you yeah you ready to throw down no no i just came closer to to hear you then oh come on why did it it said haha jonathan i was expecting haha jonathan you are banging my daughter what he's doing what now oh is that a fish is that a dog is that a dog it was just yeah they're just banging drums like i said [Music] you got your own thing doesn't make people cry though not yet one day one day that's my goal that's my goal cheese i love james may yep good for him he has some things going on you know he has a pub you know he has cheese uh drove cars the car do be an anime though they cheered they cheered after that they know what they did they knew what they did they were like hey we got it they they try that yeah we did it we're gonna drink another attack phil i think she did yeah yeah it's okay though because i laughed oh repair [Music] you can the warning wasn't enough that was i was like prepare for what and then he did it if i speak i will laugh and i am trying not to oh my god it's fine okay we're good we're good i held it down i held it down wow me when i'm hungry i'm patting my belly oh my god good wow that one that one was really good ah money yes disgusting disgusting that was only like the like the three second part of that that was like the least funny yeah they they could have chosen like any other part of that video something about jungkook oh wait wait he figured he figured out how to do the show he did it go jungkook good job look at that he he loves tofu please who doesn't maybe he loves it he means i love to f you no oh no i would i want to see that like that like go what you want to say what okay it's coming right up i want to see that ghost movie no no i i said it all right [Music] his entire beliefs are based around ice cream and for that i respect him goofy just has just terrible like thinking like critical thinking skills not his thing eeny teeny peeny shrimp eeny teeny penis that got nikki when she was here i remember which clips get with people um i really i gave her another look all our food keeps blowing up at orbeez i brought it back yep we're there we're there again we're back to this bit tastes like see what this tastes like you really have to he really went into thinking pose that was like bloke think he was like he was like he was just like ow i'm ready you are going to get oh hey wait hey we're just trying to be friends with you i i brought edward here because i thought [Music] aim for sometimes now i know parts are of the biggest size that's interesting don't know it's like the sims that's like sims that was actually similar song yeah oh really why don't you tell me i know i just i'm a new one yet today [Music] i've never wanted to cry more in my life actually after seeing that like uh beginning to share everyone's hair down fascinating are you sure you've checked the item ah help dr freeman i just love it so much ah their voices are so compressed because of the era yeah when is your birthday the 14th of august when is your birthday i'm not telling you don't trust your birthday i find them to be true i don't trust you i do not trust those gestures warm and welcoming they are expressive through dancing his reward is the canoe this time he can sit in the canoe for up to an hour that's actually really funny that's actually i really like that one you like the canoe i really like that you don't have to cut it you can no i do i do no i do this way you don't understand during this one you don't understand okay i do i do have to come nope not gonna get me not gonna get me not gonna get me not gonna get me now i'm gonna get ready that was well oh no gordon oh my god gordon you distracted me [ __ ] out with gordon so you know yeah thank god if i had to think about that more i would have oh my god you cannot use the double gulp cup for the [ __ ] slurpee this right here this is a slurpee cup you use this every time every time you make a big deal bet i always pay for it what's wrong you they're on three lives now because we hit an hour okay okay that was my that was impressive actually that one was good that one that was that was actually look at flight reacts laugh he laughs like that oh yeah that's what it was from yeah we need to like i don't care okay [Music] maybe we'll get one of those you know that i laugh every single time that i like order taco bell because as soon as you press like the buy it actually just plays that sound oh no it doesn't that's so funny i like that i don't we don't really have to know about where i'm from so that's really funny yeah i know it's so funny because you just like press the order button you just hear that and it gets me every time because i never expect it i like that it's not but thank you happy birthday that got really morbid um wow but thanks for being saying you know it was my birthday i'm not going to lift my arms it's really warm in here jumping jesus in the garden tonight u is four he's gonna die v is four we got his winner i have no idea the alphabet i mean i know some of the letters you know i i understand but i also i mean i i knew you would i wonder what he's gonna say you've come i haven't done it come on but it took him three days you know if every hash and jokes were every hashing jokes let's just we're just gonna go for it we will we will give you the same reaction if you if you donate the same thing okay name it coochie slayer is that that's not cousy i don't i don't know what he's saying wow wow that is the most gamer man on earth wow that man that says a lot about games says show your titties [ __ ] i think the bible i don't remember jesus saying that oh yes i don't remember him saying that oh yes and the lord said show your titties [ __ ] i don't think it happened yep get a new one get a new one i mean it does work in fairness you can oh my god that makes sense it does make sense get a new emotional attachment that makes oh my gosh that's awesome are they healing balloons yeah it's too late it's too late it's too late can't do nothing though we're gone we're up in the air now okay that's real snow i almost said siemens excuse me i'm doing a video for cement god come on anyway semen the panic in his eyes he was he knew he knew straight away got him that's awesome ah what's him saying michael it's so sad who the hell is steve jobs that one overplayed but i like i like the music they're not gonna get me this is not gonna get me okay look at it i know i was also there already i haven't watched that yeah i know that was quick i haven't watched that vlog later i haven't even seen the vlog yet and i'm in it wow you know well that was it and there he goes here he goes absolutely destroyed he did get into you yeah okay who's ready to cream we'll answer him jack i don't want to answer him he was too selfless i don't wanna i don't answer that question answer is there anything better than [ __ ] [Music] probably like um um gaming pov your technoblade first distract target then that sounded really rude more in a reference to a clip that just sounded like i was just slightly i wasn't discombobulated will attempt wild haymaker employee elbow block and body shot wow now fracture physical evolves just give up man recovery six months that kid just needs to give up just just give up he really went for yeah i would have walked up i would have been like no i'm getting getting my [ __ ] kicked in i'm leaving i'm out i'm done oh she's gone that was it [ __ ] it have a nice trip bye bye gracie there you go [Music] wow that was awesome i like that song it's a good song that was great hey yes i'm sorry dog so i just couldn't help it it's where steve was my own vlog but equally i did almost how could you do that how could you do that i couldn't help myself dare you you know yeah you know what understandable give a man a after a late night study session i felt confident but i had to decide between sleeping in or cooking breakfast my eyelids chose sleep my stomach later regretted this decision and after several uncomfortable i have no idea well haribo sugar-free yeah no i i we were not paying attention for the beginning of the clip so we just completely lost it yeah especially with liability oh i've seen this one yeah they all died why there was something in there why why is she doing that why are they not apprehending her why where is the army where is the government's world powers should you know it's like a godzilla level attack except she's true sentient you know like godzilla michigan santa claus is a surgeon dude you oh i i i should send you that video just after it's just funny you should say it's just a funny video yeah [ __ ] off wait why do you get so upset at that they say i look like that one they say i look like the number four they think i look like the number four from the number jacks why i don't know because i don't oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is a holy place this is the only place that you have you have tainted it everyone says it's the eyes they're different to my eyes they're even a different color here the amazing new pillow head that transforms your pillow into a fire huh what oh my god oh my god unless it's my mixtape oh my god oh for [ __ ] sake it wouldn't be a giant manifold do you laugh you lose stream okay guys uh these eggs are giving us a lot of trouble in the past uh you know it's me remember anybody need anything [Applause] yeah but that'll help him heal better i'll have more mana christ okay uh well what we'll do i didn't even donate the move it just wasn't like a wow never leaves that's quite good actually the good ending yeah that was the good ending that was just the good ending of that wow that's good i liked it i was actually quite funny okay that's the only time that clip has ever been funny it's always so funny sorry i usually warn people about this one but i was too distracted [Music] we got that's just a gorilla thank you for the five gifted uh zara hmm in 2077 what a criminal stockholm it's so funny it's so funny you've yet to laugh oh my god it's me laughing at you that's just me laughing at you that's like the you laugh at me that's the worst inception you go that's what i begin to hear and then i go because i'm here because i'm here because then wow oh oh that actually scared me wow that was that was a genuine reaction wow all levels except physical i am a wolf [Music] i want to i want to know what those two people at the end are doing just i want to know what those two people at the end are doing okay what was that that was he was very passionate i don't know oh what was that i don't know i i i i genuinely don't welcome talk about bread i love about bread i would let me cook you talk about bread big wet happy boy please just call it water i feel like i was just intelligent wow just call it water um you know spoilers yeah sorry i can't control the clips this one's good puppy all right it's mr world wise mr 305 if you do not give me an uppy i will piss all over your feet then they threw him all over the feet i'm not going to throw michael well no but what if he pissed on your feet oh well and then you went um one direction iconic why do i keep getting something more direct that's [ __ ] worse than anything i i'm i've done some dumb [ __ ] thoughts and that was bad yeah yeah that was yeah like doing like doing sports you have multiple ways yeah jesse okay get somewhere get somewhere lock yourself in lock yourself in the locker room what you got really aggressive for a guy trying to help those in yeah what's wrong with avocados trendiest food of all time it's like if i have an avocado and tag it in my picture like you know what i mean obviously i'm a boy oh they do piss me off avocado why because you just it's just like one of the minute you go to la you see people in la and they've got [ __ ] avocado one toes i bet you like it the avocado and he's pissed it has more clout though i like to imagine i like to imagine that he actually just gets so upset just like no he's like in bed like crying oh come on man i'm sick of this trend what does it happen i don't i'm better than avocados okay like to think about it here i never even wanted you so don't come back that certainly won't be a looking i don't know what that was about any horse i don't think it was real it was a little thing not really not not a real not a real man not a real boy tiny horse the pig goes it doesn't count the chicken okay darth vader how does it go i think so sounds of hell i've met chickens and they just kind of go yeah that's kind of like a half-life scream as well which really added to that yeah that was a fart really you know yeah that was a good little cup that was a good little mix for me i really enjoyed it we look like lesbians mom no it can't be what the [ __ ] kind of observation is that i don't think that's true that was what the [ __ ] mom since you're running out of time i don't know why i did that ah justin timberlake apparently the mods are denying first edit so don't send them there you go don't waste your money oh okay yeah don't waste your money you're the punk i've heard about twice at the title why was it metro man scares a ginger by asserting his name his name is the [ __ ] guy oh my god oh my god i just beat the [ __ ] out of western curry oh my god i was like there was there was legitimate like there was malice there was a motive it's me your boy i'm going to a haunted place soon really that's cool yeah i actually don't know that yeah i'm planning on though i want to do it [Music] shortest video on youtube part 12. it was very short wow part 12. oh you're gonna like this one okay where are the boys are you kidding me they just did i was one of them where were the boys where did they go i think tomorrow made me go in the children's play area if i remember correctly no that's funny it's funny how how that is on it isn't on it's not on i got a soured raisin pie from the second world war now i know this is going to be awful because it calls for soured milk not buttermilk not milk and vinegar no honey sour bad milk oh yeah because that's what they had be grateful for flavor three two one blast off to the toilet a cup of sour cream well disgusting wasn't enough for you all the u.n add spices thanks for that yes brown sugar smells like this it's about ibs charming bake until done you're a piece of work goodbye okay tastes like a shower drain or a bunion i have no idea what are those two only two i don't think either similar brain or a bunion nothing in between that's a weapon he got locked back he got lost back by the sheer power of the watermelon that was a lot that was power behind that like a lot wow i regret nothing it's me hey it's me hey it's me it's me grumpy i almost laughed at that that exists yeah that exists it makes germa laughs that's why germa is the image because he cry laughing i know that guy you know that guy we know that guy a cop and i know that guy hey peter i know that guy i think we know that guy [ __ ] you baltimore if you're dumb enough to find him he doesn't like it i don't know why big bill hell's car a bad deal wait don't delay don't [ __ ] with us or we'll rip you off do it only at big bill hell the only deal this event ends up after you write us a check and it better not bounce or you're a dead [ __ ] go to hell big bill hell's car go down and exclusive on one of the meanest sons of [ __ ] in the state of maryland guarantee you so anyway you want to go shopping no i know you you were on my neighbor's porch for halloween the name's task master and you're about to get taken to school that one almost got me that one really almost got me actually hey francine can i ask you a question sure anything why don't you go back to your own house and stop bothering us they ww is [ __ ] it's savage wow first the lonely child thing and then wow dw you just went for like eat carrots what likes girls who eat carrots i suppose they don't see well in the dark that is a good feature all right jack manifold has never done anything wrong will eight i would fight you and i'd win because i'm from up north i don't know what video uh oh god oh god oh god no no we're recording it today we're good now what clip i don't know what you're talking about is called a world on fire oh i hope it's a long song this next song it's a little bit oh it's a short oh this is awesome this is awesome i'm just saying look at him wait there it goes whoa i don't like it i don't like how you're not expecting that that was awesome he didn't keep it in his house he was able to talk it went all the way to the stomach and back that's like what me that is oh my god wow me but like wow cause he did this to me but younger how do you talk with that wow unless it did go down to his stomach it's past the time where i asked okay that was me that was yeah that was they didn't include the first part of that actually no you didn't ask something i don't know but yeah i didn't i didn't ask actually hi i'm todd larue you could stop it six doors or just one i feel like a bummer what headlights of love like a deer i just merged the memes oh he's gonna get ran over you've got a big storm coming oh i should probably move stop at five or six stores yeah actually just one like walmart you could say they never tell me if it's walmart they never i don't know what store it is yeah i don't know which is the one what's the store or has it's a really the amount of stuff that's five has no i know but it's a really poor advertisement but they don't tell you the name of the store in it all right we're good all right southeast there we go that was actually wow that went a lot better than wow run go go go go go go go go you guys kind of sound like i don't have to tell you that really i i haven't noticed no one has ever told me thank you for speaking this for my attention absolutely i think every time i go out there i feel i do my best i made that video very fair i planted that what do you do successfully quickly oh holy [ __ ] oh my god oh my god my goodness wow wow the quickly at the end was like [ __ ] hell wow that was bad donna i'm so skilled at this though you're not i'll stop if you want me to i cannot appreciate a good pun donna puns where is i'm not going to do the worst puns thing you it was because yeah it's good okay cool cat cool cat cool cat he was asking the cat about something mm-hmm [Music] why was he like that i do see a white man with headphones what well i learned gogi a lot of jokes were being made about this minecraft youtuber named george and i found and i thought it was funny you know i figured that'd be the end of it though it's funny okay and it's funny it is funny i mean he's more than funny yeah just wouldn't stop everywhere i looked i saw goki i opened twitter wow he says i open my fridge [Music] i try to escape wow why does this hole look like that oh he really he really stopped doing too hot after i played dungeons and dragons with him my goodness [Music] [Laughter] [Music] me when i can't find my mother so true so true jax yeah so i'm just true small little goblin no please don't swing your sword i would die to just one attack no it's the poor little defense's goblin at the start of the dungeon it will die to one attack it's only there to make you feel a sense of power [Music] whoa he's burping why are his eyes bugging like that brother why is it pretty sure i actually heard that same sound emanating from the back of the taco bell one time very similar actually boom oh all right demi lovato cheers i just i just had this horrible feeling that they were gonna have shot themselves that's why i said no i just don't know peep it up a little he exploded into color wow i'm the scat man wow roy from toy story wow cat falls off wheelchair i oh i was going to say this will be doing well but he was not doing well he just fell off the chair and hit his face on the sofa mm-hmm wait who's sirens what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] man sorry sorry clip there we go they wouldn't do it it would go to the next clip okay okay roy yeah the kids daisy dude [Music] wait why was there a poker chip who threw a poker chip into a wishing fountain i was like someone could be bothered [Laughter] i say that all the time actually that's something that i say on the regular no kissing tonight just just the no kissing tonight part actually oh yeah that's yeah just that i haven't been saying that but it has been happening [Music] poor crumb wow here it goes bye-bye there it goes goodbye why why can't you remember remember some [ __ ] that's the direction that i'm going in life all our food keeps blowing up why ieds he sounds so upset that it's blowing up i mean to be fair though you would wouldn't you if you're trying to eat food and there's no idea i'm bound to veganism [Laughter] hey guys disintegrate why did i disintegrate at the end i don't know 666 just today someone stop please i'm not a man of the devil oh my god break the curse thank you i'm free from the devil there and the ambience and and aggros spin the net thank you for the primes anyways oh wait he's got his dick out oh for a lifestyle here jack yeah no outlast has dixon and i didn't know when i started playing it but they yeah oh i wouldn't know i'm british it's true i'm at least a rook oh i can i can i can tell you we all just turn into chess pieces when we die you know we get we get cremated right and then like the little powder and everything just gets like forced together turns into a solid yeah i was actually thinking about that you know you know when someone you know when someone like turns into ash right yeah if you were to put water into it and like mix it around like what would happen like would it become like a like a like a sludge of a person probably would that would that happen yeah it's only the bones you know it's the ashes on your bones right [Music] now they have to manually grind it it doesn't like get burnt they have to grind it burn both and that's and that's the truth i think wow anyway that's what i learned from a mortician thank god we can move on for some such morbid uh topics to uh you know this that's the long one okay wow you could cut something with that one you could i like normal i like the normal categorization of heart normal sharp or normal all other farts are weird this is the standard hello sister was that a laugh that i laugh about hey james charles why won't jim leave i skipped it it wouldn't go oh everyone's saying no all right never mind then okay it wasn't too clear to me either i'll have three lives two hours it's going straight down to one no wow no no look at all those parts you got this one this one this one this is if you if you think i'm going to explain your goddamn out of your mind this is [ __ ] all right michael just a just a just a little bit a little bit michael reeves i like a little bit of microwaves yeah that was a bit scary actually if i was a no dude no don't don't comment someone someone should be hired to just walk around with james charles and just hold like a boss bar over his head is it real is it real i interest you in everything all of them all right everything everything wow yes you can yes you can internet man pan let's just pour this in oh the m m's are all at the bottom this was a mistake i don't think i was but you know what i don't care it's going in the oven oh fine actually i suppose cooking your mistakes is a good way to get rid of everything so i'm just going to do a cool transition all right you ready the microwave the microphone fell oh [ __ ] oh it's a microphone oh my god dude wrong thing i know we're in a kitchen but get together [Music] of course i am terrified yes i don't know what that was that was a little bit scary that was he was very uncanny um he made me feel weird this first song is called i feel like i've heard this one a world on fire i hope that i hope it's a nice long song you know this next song it's a little bit wow that surprised me that that was true deja vu thank god the next song was a little bit longer yeah no you guys say colorado that was very impressive he was fast and aggressive and a giraffe as well and obviously yeah i mean that was that's very important to acknowledge sorry i wanted to join in you're a bit shorter now man there we go sorry i knocked them down a level i'll tell you my secret sir [Music] oh max i'm sorry mate you're just gonna have to uh poor max i'm sorry mate i really am you know not much i can do though i'm a streamer you wouldn't eat your breakfast you wouldn't get in the shower on time so now we're running late to school trevor just great that's not that kid's name wow what in the [ __ ] could you possibly have to say i forgot my backpack at home don't hit me oh i get the impression that he will not receive his wish no they were enlightening mcqueen that whole time yo that was my dream open the door i'm gonna kick your ass frozen minecraft was gonna kick tommy's ass he didn't know his name for some reason as well wow yeah call him something completely different yeah he really got his name wrong continuity oh he's shaking he's shaking he's shaking don't screw him down come on yo go on [ __ ] [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is that i hate you clobbering i hate that i hate vacuums dude they suck oh i was good i'm proud of you wow yep he's coming delivery oh [ __ ] me charles oh god oh could you how could you say that during little nightmares too how did you say how could you i'll never actually play that game maybe you should play that game maybe that should be a stream this is a good game you play that game dude if we're going to be famous he never answered what was that what two youtube youtube good responses to getting stabbed with a sword rude that's okay not again are you gonna want this back or can i keep it i can't believe i can see i'm gonna do that if i if i get stabbed while i'm out in public and be like can i keep this though you're best keeping it if you take it out it makes it worse so yeah you're best keeping it dude yeah okay okay i have no idea but they're in minecraft and that is awesome yeah i think that was minecraft though maybe yeah i love minecraft i don't know i can never get off of my mattress oh i didn't get caught in sleep oh i thought it was going to cut off oh wait i think it was supposed to i think it was supposed to cut off yeah before mattress yeah yeah that's quite funny nice and easy oh yeah that's good yeah that's good what i'll catch you with my big strong arms i'm not jumping i didn't no i went down i thank you that's nice dr freeman that looks like you it doesn't look like me it looks like gordon freeman from the hit game i didn't get my deposit oh yo we know he saved it though oh no there he goes i've never been kissed by a gopher before me neither mate to be honest me neither man no i've never just been hit in general i'd lead a very sad life and yeah yeah you didn't have to damn yeah i didn't i didn't really sorry sorry i shouldn't have brought down the mood i'm bad i know i didn't want to think about it it's true you will need a very large bowl for something like this perfectly large for when you're told there's going to be 10 for dinner but there's actually 14. sweet revenge was mine i had marianne gobb in the marmalade do what now do what in the what now she wasn't doing then why can i see it [Music] that's a very good mate oh there he goes that's a good one i like that one invincible then why can i see it but now it's happening what's happening i can never get over the fight oh chuck testa oh it's chuck testa hold on a second jim again we know we all know what happens with them yeah when chuck chester's involved tester i hardly know her hey i think this is it i had had oh [ __ ] wait that was good i did a haha does that count does that count does that count are we being that cruel i'm counting it i should have been so stupid for everyone saying no we've been doing this for one hour and 42 minutes and i never laughed he's not laughed i've laughed one time genuinely hey let me go on twitter man right there what the dog doing i love that one i love that one then what are you saying just anything like that there's anything that can be reused often is it good i love when you're off to visit your mother well oh i thought it was your mother i thought i was gonna do that yeah i thought i was gonna do that yeah but it didn't show you on my screen oh my gosh i don't know give me kind of scared me with that that was that's a thing that happens that was something it was really something so true is that a dog in a car or hey hey are you where did you learn to drive what's the dog doing what what did he do i love how he says what like he could understand but he just needed the dog to repeat it that's true yeah that's that's good like oh i'm just saying oh this again come on spit it out he sounds a bit like ninja when he says that i'm just saying he reminds me of ninja when he says it come on oh my gosh dude it's great it's great it's awesome dude it is it's not awesome dude actually it's not it's not him yeah it's just freaking awesome he say cheeseburger cheeseburger here it goes say trash that's quite funny that was that one is that one is really really funny yeah no that's the only time that donating rambo was was quite funny actually no offense to you no no it's like because you're here it's usually a little bit awesome oh my god dude if we did a try not to pog challenge i would be over by now i wouldn't oh i flushed him down the toilet [Music] be doing the locked in the bathroom challenge while i slowly leak chlorine gas into the room was he talking about morgs was that a morgue's video did we'll do a video on more because if so i need to watch that that's wow that i was waiting for that moment unless the moment was a little bit of blue screen in each case they delivered our points we're going to be in a great mood all day because it's going to be slapping my nuts one slap two slaps respectfully sorry the more you're doing it no i i'd have to as well respectfully no you know i know you're uh i know you're a tv person and all that but i have i have my standards okay yep i feel it i feel it oh i know him like this this is one of my standards me yeah this is wow you can't wow it yourself i know i do but i'm a different person wow me when i'm walking okay okay even i'm sleeping oh yeah i'm [Music] [Music] is i'm awesome oh there's my hey got some free advertising at the end of that that was cool yeah well you deserve it you've been it's just a win-win for me every single time it comes up pop party pop party pop party yeah accurate translation yeah no if i was him i would be this level of existentialism would hit me if i was a pug party god wow now they suffer they suffer too great day for us yeah that's true yeah we didn't we didn't get forced to a party exactly it's actually really funny that's very i like that one i i lost myself that was very very good clip that once that was very good ah it's so warm in here it's wait wait ridiculous have you seen candace tennis who's candice no no oh my god i got him i got him she got oh man i have to go off the grid at the after that one edward his name always slips in front six times three i don't know six times three i don't six times three i legit don't know six three i don't know what is it what is it twenty one just like the vine good reference there jack just a great reference not mathematically accurate at all but a good reference oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] me well i was [ __ ] money yes disgusting it's still going too powerful oh yeah i didn't realize i'll sort that too powerful i've dealt with it mate oh i missed 690 subs today god god i'm an idiot oh god i just feel dumb in the stream oh shoot wow actually dead that is a shame [Music] thank god he found fortnite dude oh [ __ ] it out fortnite found him fortnite found him that's right i actually won't say that but oh well you know i am more easily influenced clearly i won't do either of those things [Music] [Music] thank god he found twitch yeah thank god thank god he really almost cried during that i i now remember why his friend would grab him and throw him to the floor i like to solve the puzzle all right go ahead he hate it yup that's it yeah yeah you got it you got it you got it wow it's so old wake me up wake me up wake me up and save me save them gorge gorge there was one time i was in spain and there was this restaurant called goofy's hot dogs and i was desperate to go my parents never talked about that she has seen a ghost oh man really [ __ ] i hold that grudge they wouldn't take me to goofy's hot dogs laughed i didn't no i did did i what'd you do hello everybody his name was germa oh poor guy oh i went oh i did because i did the goofy [ __ ] oh i'm an idiot oh wait is this jellyfish we're okay i love it when he asks questions because there is no way that he is getting an answer no it's just shouting into the void it makes me cry out of pity yeah it makes me cry why did you sound like that oh it's because i did this thing where i like i like turned down like the voice effect i'm not gonna do it right now because i'm lazy but it was like that yo how was the cat not like caught on fire from the friction i don't know i'm gonna put something out there that might be crazy but i don't think this is the original footage what do you mean it's hard i think it might wait don't be yummy i don't think he's the flash i don't think that man was the flash move you can't edit videos that's not that's not possible you are in i don't know how you made it this far in this career this guy is just naturally funny apparently none of the rest of us are so editing videos dude no wonder i haven't uploaded in so long oh my god wow why is everyone decoloning we did it i don't know they're sad a good team because of the the dog what the dog doing i just really liked like the slight animation of the smile just going like a little [Music] ready care for a [ __ ] welcome to [ __ ] wow that's a place i don't think it's called that anymore but it well yeah that is the place yeah i remember yeah that is the place uh danielle is at the moment but we had to split them up because the one started biting the other one's foot and he lost a foot so i had to really yeah no i came home one day and my turtle was just missing he lost a foot dude if i lost a foot i'd be five six if i lost a foot i would also be within the realm can you say magnetic just keep going charismatic that that's not what that word is that wasn't that that's not what that word is hey phil how are you doing what's he saying bill he's telling chad to step it up because we've been going for almost yeah we're going to eat two hours and yeah not that bird is acting awfully so i almost got through a stream without doing it no i didn't actually ended at the start of my that bird is acting daddy chill what the hell is even that get everybody out of my i'd like to see an edit of that where it's like the good ending and he just relaxes immediately he's just like and he like calms down that's good relax that would actually be really funny yeah really good i like that like a good ending but have you seen candace oh poor guy oh no dude edward has a poor guy first the among his imposter splits up look at the headlock see that chap grab me on the penis people wow it is what it is he said what he said i'm tired oh look out that one's good that one's good tits big ones that's a that is that one's that one's good that one's good that is a good one dream dream see it's big wow oh yeah that's a good one dream all right i'm a big dream enjoy this is above quackity arc and i am thrilled to announce that while doing it i will also be wearing he'll be wearing he'll be doing it doing it and wearing good job quackity proud of you look how far he's come on okay good one however today is not a normal day would you say i'm a friend or a foe what would you say angel am i on your shoulder huh you're kidding me i'm scared to dream that's true he's scared it's true scary some such just can't do i got i got a i got a new road got a new roach you got a new roach wow it damn right has been trying to contact him for years and he never speaks to anyone back yet he just reached out to me and like made a video about that speak to us it's really weird it's phil making out with a refrigerator by the way you know you did do it mate no why did you do that to the [ __ ] i didn't watch it but he did you know come on man so that about why i guess why did you do it to the sketch man my don't watch play my pokemon romance nicole you know i'm scared of emos wait isn't his girlfriend he's doing research well you've explained it to me oh my goodness jump scare what that was scary what what now i knew i was gonna do it i was waiting for it but i missed it i was gonna do it with it i just smacked the mic really hard i'm not used to it being there that was [ __ ] scary my heart's going pitter patter peter patcher i feel sick like i could throw up look at my lips why would it be red like that i like her she really just doesn't take pauses she just dumps everything at once yeah she just keeps going wonder what she said next pretty cute hey siri that's me called daddy i don't see a father in your contacts oh oh i probably know i probably had that reaction as well ah poor guy it's very much what i would do my brother used to break in our house i feel like on tv he's dead speaking of which made me laugh holy [ __ ] oh my god yeah now i'm that's right chat you know what the moral that story is don't be dead hey that's what i'm saying oh he that was a scratch he was a squish i like that he was awesome yeah that's almost nice that's that's like halfway nice one more nice number today which is like pog why is it in slow motion now i don't know maybe this would be funny the second time it wasn't his nose seals up when he's under the water that's really cool i wish minos did that hey thank you for the sub thank you so much sporadics thank you so much guys 700 that's a good number thank you i appreciate that i actually really do that's insane we usually don't get anywhere near that so thank you to all the big gifts okay we're at one we're at one life now we're at one life now one minute you want to go home yeah why do you look like that why are you low poly you're going home you're going home it's just how it is that was really funny i didn't realize how that looked that was actually really funny wait you didn't know you didn't do it on purpose no i didn't know what i was doing but i didn't know how it looked on stream hey that was funny oh oh dang that was good that was funny that was that was a good one i bobs that have tested for bovid he's funny i know one ticket to the children's movie please i am not out to watch children's movies because i am a small human child and not two trench coats inside of a kid oh no oh like put them there yeah who put them there did the trench coats like are they conscious are they did they put themselves there on the low i'm trying to [ __ ] bad as hell that was really blunt i didn't realize it was just gonna be like danny why is it not exploding [Music] she's hiss oh no creepers i'm sorry chet but creepers are not thick they're not no i have a dream they're oh it wasn't freddy never mind i thought it was freddy that's actually really funny without the laugh track yeah that one's funny about the laugh track who is and they're going to say oh curtis the other guy in the video mega come blast oh wow they just ruined cuphead i'm getting rid of my cup sauna after this oh yeah baby you can do it whoa those are some big steps he was taking big strides and was making strides look at big steroids wow oh makoto i will not juju on that just knowing where that was about to go make sure you know yeah knowing not knowing what knowing was annoying neck made that's so funny oh he's decided he has nothing to say just take a drink i've been there i've been there i've been there plenty of times it's just like so like gentle just the way just like it was it was very like no i don't know hey you must be here for the job nope all right tell me a little bit about yourself yeah of course that's why i'm here astrology is real my zodiac sign is illegal you would be wouldn't you that's me i'm one of those people i'm asking the questions leo here do you want this banana nope suit yourself how what how wibbly wobbly we are one this banana i have now a gun give me your wallet okay man that's enough you don't have to do that you don't have to do that where is this video even going that's for me to know and you oh oh my you can't help me [ __ ] out wow i was proven wrong okay i'll swallow my words i apologize what a twist what a twist it is no i've seen that plenty of times i have not i have not seen that one yeah no it's he's appreciating a water balloon that's there's only the contest worse than a rapist boom a child no i mean no not quite you know i'd argue no children are probably better i laughed i laughed so hard when that happened because he did not know that it was playing out of the speakers and that was here in good rock and salt hill both today and she should really stop honestly oh thank god oh my god that that looked edited though to be fair thank god it's definitely edited yeah i i thought that was like real for us i was like click no all right oh i can't find the other one not going to take a picture on this if you want um oh it's on it's on the wrong way around sorry my bad maybe i'll tweet that maybe i should maybe why is it so pixely there you go though you know there's i did it i didn't say click the section i didn't say the second click but um you get the idea i see you that's awesome thanks mate i appreciate that dream obamacare dream stop messing with my coffee here hey michelle uh i like dream i always tuned you into obama i i'm a dream enjoy flat frog flat frog flip him over like a pancake flip him over would he be flat on the back what do you have a flat back who knows ah who knows uh michelle don't do that actually happy birthday you really want to give me a birthday present tell this guy to shut the [ __ ] up hey george shut oh did happen oh my god did it happen i maybe did it no surely no wait that's bad boy halo oh come on you like jelly beans i do mate oh please good for him that's awesome i'm glad that he's got his jelly beans i got jelly beans you like jelly beans i do i do does that bird who is that is that sheila no no no this is not sheila uh this is bad i don't know what a chicken's called i'm sure its name has nothing to do with me or my community i'm sure it's a i'm sure it's a normal name that has nothing to do with um specific minecraft youtubers that's a safe assumption to make in most scenarios sometimes i like to smoke down here [Laughter] wow wow thank you for the thousand bits appreciate that wow my baby don't mess [Music] around wow i wish it went on for longer than that so that's awesome i'm coming bella i edward was not a big fan edward is not uh no no yeah yeah cat goes down i thought it was gonna play some creepy music what this is fine [Music] wow look at him go awesome i don't think that was so seductive i don't think that was a necessary line to drop wow that's accurate in any sense hey yo mr white i got drip [ __ ] just they say that's physically impossible just you're gonna trip jesse you're a human being i mean just doesn't make meth yo [ __ ] y'all miss the wife my gas can my brother john blew himself up and his wow wow wow that is terrible poor josh wow that is not gone anarchy no anarchy is not the way to do it god i didn't realize phil i mean he's in the chat but i think i could hear him laughing there god he really does he has a strong presence feels like he's in the room toby catch he just looks so surprised that he has a hat now it's a very unexpected hat dude that stopped it's a girl let's go hey babe up video of it oh baby bought your merch oh you didn't buy my merch i sent you merch for free i got your merch [Laughter] had a change of coupon phil why don't you send that to me i like clothes what the [ __ ] i don't know man my cat is quite old i hope he doesn't pass away megalovania is a really good song on piano you really just it's all right oh he's judging me no that's what i couldn't hear him yeah you you couldn't mike that one's really funny bow to me you snotty underlings it's funny how dumb you are wow when he was a b yeah i'm glad to see that you can accept that that's what grades do to people oh she's pogging she did the thing he did the pog champ that was awesome kanye at jt's chrysler jeep dubs in lexington i'm going to give you the moon it's dealtastic me oh my god one of those monsters from now to the end of the month oh i don't like them until january next year like new right now this no wonder god left jesus whoa i would you know you would oh man if i saw that damn thing in my living room i'd stomp it until it was a small yellow stain [Music] oh it's broken you broke it invented travel he did so sorry how do i get rid oh no that one's actually really funny that's quite funny yeah knows that one's actually pretty funny i'm i'm i'm doing a little smile a little smile i have come oh okay that was the context of the dog okay last one just what the dog doing what a dog doing oh god actually he made it very clear what the difference principles always look like lesbians why is this playing again it's i don't get it mom is my mom mom me when i'm calling my mother i think i made that joke already i don't care go outside we've been going for a long time right now it can't get old i it's it's not a little chomp a little champ there yeah he's all right that's cool he's not [ __ ] he's not hezbollah like them what's your name sir oh [ __ ] we referenced a burger we referenced a burger ramboo oh no well that's not very unprofessional that wasn't a yes or no answer that wasn't yes or no answer actually we still don't know which word what and i just want to 100 clear up right now that i'm not a tory this sadness even sounds that's so funny he had to make a video about that to address that he's not a tory and then they're all like oh man yo it's my intro song hey is it yeah i was talking it's not gonna hit the beat drop that was me i went to eat pret once because i couldn't find a greg's like a good good labor supporter and um ended up having to go to prep i just felt like such a touring i drank from one of their fancy cans yep just looks so sad afterward tommy took me to a prayer what does that this mean tommy and it sadly has become a tory we've lost a good soldier that is not welcome to the internet from bo burnham's inside that is woody sometimes the title is just wrong and it's really funny to me yeah that makes you really funny someone donated like carl jacobs fan song it was just two scottish guys having an argument it was really funny that's actually really funny yeah no no that that was me that that song is just catchy that's me nicole are you sure i impressed me like butter oh there's no way edward it was him for that's happening right now he was possessed to do the thing that i still kind of is that i think i got it they they the chat try to teach me the bds thing but i get very you know this guy oh phil i want to do a collaboration with him so badly i keep saying it when i go to america yeah it'd be really funny this is an embarrassing sight i should be raising my arm but respect hats off put your arm down no it's fine i respect him i'll just cover him with my head like that you can't see anything [Music] okay motivational lizard i respect him dick what if they had an alternate version where it said [ __ ] but it was spelt c-o-c i'd laugh at that oh that clash of clans that's what it is you know tobo was playing clash of clans out and he was like [ __ ] and i was like what clash of [ __ ] yeah yeah and then i realized what he meant he really likes clash of clans now yeah apparently he almost cried over elixir yeah i thought it would clash of [ __ ] and i was like no that's not for you i realize now that clc is clash of clans of course yes i do i did learn i educated myself good job give him to me what was that what happened to the recording booth what happened in that uh recording booth i want to know yeah that always puts me off especially as it was a children's movie they left that [ __ ] in yeah divorce that just amuses me so much that's what i do whenever whenever someone asks for a divorce i just start to laugh in their face that way they know no chance [Music] those were numbers left you did wait did you laugh did i where did i laugh did he laugh one laugh did i laugh please tell me that i did laugh please he did it was the video oh people are saying that it's the video oh apparently it was the video everyone i think i think it was that was the video okay okay that's good okay since we can't confirm it because we can't see his face it's very difficult to say the life was in the clip i think it was in the clip i don't remember hearing that i think it was in the clip i didn't laugh the bobby movie was oh yeah oh yeah no it was in the yeah guys it was in the clip of a guy recording it yeah [Music] if he's got the key and he's the door that an uncomfortable experience with the key is about to happen why does he say that it makes me feel oh my god my goodness don't say down pretty weird not another speeding ticket i'll fight it in court but i don't think they're gonna accept gotta go fast they probably won't that's a fair point mate you know it probably won't yeah yeah no sonic base [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh my goodness hogan's focus there's pizza on your focus there's pizza on his phone i like that one that's good i like that one basic rhyme yes i'm easily amused i'm easy easy to amuse me phil like that one i saw a ba ha ha ah [Laughter] how busy are you do you want to come in and if you laugh we also lose we're gonna see how long phil will laugh oh god it'll be over so fast we've been going for two hours 20 minutes the final life i would be honored we've been going for so long i'm not encouraging you to laughter i'm saying try your best i don't trust it i don't trust his best all right okay i can't believe i fell try your best please all you have to do is try your best here phil okay yeah try yeah all right he's gonna hear a lot of humming and horrendous that's fine as long as you know do you want a webcam up i could record your webcam no i could do the webcam scene oh no is that too bad you always believe that everything is going to work out how do you do it well i'll tell you my secret sir mm-hmm i light him he lies he limes he's lime lime oh [ __ ] hell phil mister i'm gonna laugh at everything just hit me hit me you can't reach me with that hand reach me with that hand he's not trying for a start that's his issue there was funny there did that almost get you phil this is really i didn't realize how easy this was oh yes [Music] is [Music] for no reason for no reason i'm just doing it like this just moving at the elbow turn fill up it's still quiet i'm realizing how much i just like do little laughs when i just listen to people talk or talk myself and it's just hurting me to stop myself yeah no i i can imagine but you know you're doing well you're doing well rest in peace scat man john oh yeah and john's dead that's true that's sad yeah no i'm just not laughing anymore it's just that's just sad it is i'm not laughing even more now are you okay i oh i was alarmed at the end but scary i can't i can't decide phil i don't know what went off yeah that was just disturbing where's the funny gun it's scary [Applause] oh [Music] damn girl are you a construction worker because you are building [Music] she's building she's building she's building building she's building beautiful that was very strong it was very strong oh what the [ __ ] what she didn't want any more ketchup though i don't really no we're just getting way more though no i i didn't exhale i went hello alan she's all neck and legs look at her oh i am looking at her stop looking at her you just told me to look at her ow oh my god it's fine just keep a lookout what was that that was me zip oh you know me lads i can't we with an audience alan allen alan alan alan he's managing he's done it he's done it i'm proud of you okay okay this is hurting me dude you're doing really well i'm i'm proud of you so far [Music] cucumber wins i got a wheel in my soul and i got a heal yeah the doctors dropped a wheel inside of me when they were doing um open soul surgery the other day yeah open source just like him roll down if i if i if i like fall down i can just like roll she's afraid that's awesome amelia i don't know what she failed about one shirt mushroom on the shirt she failed she spilled my [ __ ] clip [Music] oh oh the vein popped on your forehead there jack i saw you holding that that was [ __ ] up [Music] um mr minecraft himself isn't that you are you mr minecraft i immediately carried wow when you put it like that it is look he's such a man he's a captain he's quite the man the captain to be fair he once has me to hold his clock oh he's bald where's his head i have some now so i can make that comment dude you can you can percentage viewers no no no no annoying you know i mean i'm honest though big wall this time i really mean it we should go back to egypt don't you remember snorkeling in the nile three square meals a day plenty of exercise oh it was paradise we were what where were they we were we'll never know where the vegetables were never know pomegranate no more comic books i hate them i don't know why she has such a disdain towards them really i think they're perfectly fine he's demonstrating yeah there's one thing here all right just remember him who's him for a second no i know him i'm done i'm fed up i got i have no idea that was just a youtube intro yeah i don't know what that is all right okay hold on something's coming something's coming out of here what is good there's the bird okay this is what's good what is good tony i just heard it inside it's chat wait for it oh there it is i get it it's i get it fills a moment suddenly i read you hello that's just the name i'm gonna just try and get a gyarados during the training period it's gonna be really great also pokemon go we might be filming some pranks and that includes red factor doing some friends go right back to that period of youtube all right any period on youtube where red fact is prominent is you know it's a good time okay no no no no no why is looking awfully oh no friendly so we'll give you directions but we'll follow you to make sure you've done them correctly that is quite a threatening concept [Music] really really is that oh what hey i told you not to bring that up anymore hey oh i have struggled oh [ __ ] i was back to the sonic thing but i just realized that starts with you just did you just i was about to quote sonic but it starts with a laugh and i forgot oh okay that's a wheeze that's a weed no it's me breathing out that's me breathing i'm just kinda i'm curious how long yeah okay dear water [Music] i almost took one but i was just impersonating sonic it's i didn't mean it [Applause] ambulance me won't fall [Music] [Music] what does that mean what does that mean why did i i'm kind of curious now i wish that played longer uh we already heard the beast oh the gay one yeah yeah me give me orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me give eat orange me eat orange give me give me you give me you give me you what the [ __ ] was that frame at the start oh my god okay he made me jump a little bit scary actually a little bit a little bit freaky which i suppose his name would imply really [ __ ] you i hope your whole family has a nice christmas an interesting approach i like that one very as it's it's not positive positive approaching i just simultaneously whipped in nae nae go on mafia oh that's good for him amazing dude good job a world first [Music] go through just go through scale through the door see it's fine he was so scared he couldn't even be scared he just froze through look that's a theorem like yeah i was like that one almost got me oh my god make my passport expire no but it doesn't mean that you have a title he just talks so old like he's talking in a very particular way true true thank you [Music] he makes such a good point such a good point he's spitting based best b-day gift ever really dude also happy birthday birthday twins is he pretending to play the piano right now i'm not sure because he can play it but i don't know to what level chill stream okay fan art rest in peace man stream like someone plays the game for him while he talks and he they make you think he doesn't but he broke the illusion once because he was scrolling on his phone while we were playing the game and like either he's playing with bobby in the other hand watch your j bro that's a real thing i actually watch snoop dogg playing a game with no hands supposedly the only thing i've seen of snoop dogg was on the stream was beginning to turn the screen off oh i remember that he left it on for like a full day just went out that was really funny yeah he just left and it was just on that was really funny snoop dogg so so badly but it's so good it's like a train wreck you just can't have a watch yeah you can't take this neil since aka lemon demon one like that [Music] again for hours dude four i have not heard that i do not oh you like how i walk do you like how i talk do you like hello bonk i've been told i look like that man phil you're our last hope please hit us from the shadows of this prison could sam be like is that a fish horse sam was like is that a fish not that it's any of your business but [ __ ] i love this and [ __ ] off no oh the floor just right i think i might underneath you know it's a very good video who was he talking to the camera oh he's struggling he's thinking [Music] i love that so much so expressive that one's funny it's very good come on phil i believe in you we've been here a good like at least a good 10 minutes it's breaking me dude it's really break already please [Music] thumbs up for him this has got me before what wait is jellyfish uh all right thank you for watching everyone feel free to follow if you're new everything's jet manifold tv i'm going bye-bye i hope
Channel: JackManifoldVODS
Views: 1,434,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jack manifold, jackmanifoldtv, thunder1408, twitch, live stream, dream, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, VODS, jackmanifoldVODS, jackmanifold, ranboo, philza, you laugh you lose, if i laugh the stream ends, ylyl, try not to laugh, try not to laugh challenge, challenge, mediashare, media share, philza minecraft, If Me or Ranboo Laugh The Stream Ends...
Id: UUzmYVVo_ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 47sec (8867 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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