If I Take Damage, I Spin The Wheel... (Minecraft)

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so we came out with a genius idea every time we take damage in minecraft we have to spin a wheel where only bad things can happen i'm starting to think it wasn't a genius idea actually i think it was a terrible idea josh josh dot hit me in the face do it now how why did you do that no no i have to do it i'll be honest jelly i've always wanted to hit you in the face you know well every time you take damage in this minecraft world you have to spin okay and then what does this what does the wheel do well okay how did i not die the tnt is to just make a mess that'd be too much because then you have to spin the wheel well actually this works for me because now i've got a bunch of free stones you're actually right we got free cobblestone because today we're gonna have to find diamonds okay well there's a village down here we can check out that's right that's right be careful with fall damage wait really yeah just every time you raw eye and remove from your inventory i had iron oh i i had cobblestone cobblestone was removed from mine what okay well the dumbest punishment ever i'm gonna get some wheat okay a weed turns into bread and bread is good for your tommy i was breaking a wee stand that you're upset i was getting the wheat jelly don't blame me what is it gonna land on please don't steal myself oh no oh this one doesn't seem too bad right baby zombie apocalypse don't let him hit you do not don't worry they're all dying they they dummies yeah because why because it's daytime all right well we've got ourselves some bread some stuff and it's also nighttime now josh great yeah but nothing bad happens at night jelly yeah there's definitely no zombies or creepers or skeletons all trying to like do damage to us hey sheep how you doing hey josh they just yeah you should eat this no i'm fine i made bread i don't want your dumb potatoes oh okay all right all right josh listen to me do you have a stone pickaxe i do indeed jelly all right well then let's go ahead and look for some iron yay judy have you lived all the houses by the way uh i have not i haven't actually looked at anything oh josh yes giant cave with a zombie in there really all right josh what did you do i just i don't think i didn't think about it jelly ah all right all right spend the day punishment uh oh no that's bad right no no no okay well at least it wasn't my bread i i don't actually mind that that wasn't too bad did you see this cave i did see this it's scary i nearly took food damage again oh wait jelly josh where are you where are you i'm at the cave i'm at the cave what cave did you go to the big one there was another one behind it jelly this is not a big cave this is a very small cave yeah maybe we should go in the big one that i saw oh my gosh yeah there's skeletons in there by the way oh my god oh no no don't worry about it they're shooting each other did you just get hit by an arrow ah oh there it is there we go ow i'm getting hit as well be careful jeff you already have the wheel here i'll just spin it and then we run yeah what's we have no idea what it landed on oh my god poison okay i'm running i'm running well the good part is that my poison effect is gone immediately i'm on half a heart oh that's great that jelly you caught that would have really killed me really oh that's a shame all right josh we really need to find some iron should i help you out okay jelly well i guess that is one way but what if the punishment is really bad no it's going to be absolutely fine we're going to get free iron it's going to be a i don't think we ever get good that oh he landed on the red skull flint removed okay i think that's right really matter josh i found a better cave we can go into all right just follow me okay all right we made it to so oh sorry it's funny no i get it no no no i just i automatically like to kick you in caves and i kind of forgot oh we're gonna get stuff removed again throw my pickets on the ground oh oh oh oh angry iron columns wait iron we got lucky oh my god you're right hey where is the angry going oh hello thank you for that give me iron if they die they're gonna drop iron wait is there another one and it's already smelted too that's fantastic is there another one jelly yeah hey i got five iron wait really yeah oh my god do you think the other pieces wait jelly i just realized something look we've got a supply of wood as well if we hit each other then you get more wood that's but we do have to spin the wheel though wait wait i'm going to throw the iron down just in case it removes it i knew you're going to do that jay and now we're going to lose it because of you if i stole it weakness i stole it you didn't oh weakness you didn't steal it what do you want about now if i hit you with a sword it's not doing as much damage yeah i don't think that another one will spawn that quick julie okay oh because we got the minute okay i'm gonna make myself a pickaxe because we all gonna need this where's the iron what iron did you pick it up yes i did say that i don't know what you were thinking oh i'm just wondering if more iron dropped and it's stuck in the wall still because probably more golems i i think so but you might have to do some searching all right well you have an iron pickaxe already right yep we're good to go with that wait jenny johnny 23. do you want to you want some of this what no no no no no oh nice try nice nice troll that would be funny though it'll be kind of funny all right oh come on let's continue i actually nearly got you with that no you didn't not even close jelly be careful how you walk down this okay yeah yeah yeah yeah whoops are you kidding me okay we got blaze battalion oh they just instantly died in the walls yeah all right all right so there is a bit of a cool down that i noticed this this is a cool cave josh we are already at -2 depth and it it continues all the way it's a dead end jelly ah whoa well this is a big cave jelly oh my god it's deep jelly i wanna spin the wheel again oh there you go jelly it did appear for you okay uh what's gonna happen josh i wonder what the yellow one is oh punish enjoy a cab a dunce cap what does it do makes you a target target for what how's the week treating you your mom says wait why are we being bullied in chat we're even in i didn't know they made wigs for clowns like you nice hat we're just getting bullied in chat now are you kidding me that's not even funny man even creepers find you creepy okay uh i mean ow i got hit are you kidding me ah just spin it um you smell like a wet sponge oh wait why is there fire falling what the heck here we go here we go here we go blindness i can't actually see anything uh we won't be able to fight diamonds like this josh okay i'm killing things can't see anything ow i'm on low health i'm also on low health oh i certainly walked over the fire i didn't even see it are you kidding me josh you gotta stop it we gotta find diamonds i know we've been here for a little while oh this is this is actually semi oh and cinder block shoes no no no wait what we get slowed down jelly are you kidding me wait we can't use this jenny i think i'm gonna have to damage you so that we get them to disappear they disappear okay oh well otherwise they're not gonna get removed did we get anything punished like good or is it all punishments i mean yeah it's always plenty that's the whole point right okay this one might remove it never mind it went past levitation wait we've got a bucket bucket wait go up go up jelly go up it's less of a damp white no i mean go to the side of the rock i see it diamond jelly you could have just flown to the side where it wasn't high up there's diamonds okay get the diamonds okay but i've still got cinder blocks on my feet oh oh i've got to spin the wheels yeah i just took full damage are you kidding me i got these blocks on my feet and i'm above yeah yeah i'm spinning the wheel just trust me i'm sure it'll be fine oh oh jelly how am i supposed to get i might have just locked you in a cave i'm real sorry about that um cage you mean that's what i meant so uh yeah that was me i'm gonna drown myself okay you wait what no you need to get to me to get these diamonds jelly oh yeah right back hey jenny you're back ow oh oh yeah listen to me josh oh my god [Music] why did that even happen okay well it doesn't matter doesn't matter didn't do damage it didn't do damage why did that happen jelly i don't know listen we gotta get back to the diamond i go i kind of know where it is i i i'm trying to just survive yes i do i do okay listen put a crafting table down and give me a little bit of wood we can both make shields okay see we got to use the big brain yeah i've got raw gold by the way you want to make anything cool with that oh what can you make cool with raw gold look i got a shield sorry sorry my bad i'm disappointed yeah i understand okay more poise okay look well we're in a safe area just just make sure wait could you not make me a shield i only have one iron it's gone and you could have told me that before you you know maybe give you your yeah all right let's go get the diamonds julia okay what could i what could you do with one okay don't take fall damage ow i'm on like two hearts teddy josh why are you so bad at this video game okay jelly we've win oh no don't worry don't worry don't worry okay we're almost there we're almost there just spin him acid pants oh my i got like grounded acid okay jelly you ready josh oh my goodness we need to delete the diamonds the diamond okay we have to spin the wheel first stop no stop oh you just turned the diamonds into acid oh you are so dumb right now um what are we gonna do now we have to find diamonds yeah josh oh listen oh gently the documents are bad why did you hit me oh my god blindness get him that doesn't seem too blind i want this to be over with josh stop we oh okay just get wait do you not have an iron pickaxe we're no yeah i do i do we're gonna wait until the blindness is gone and then we're gonna mine those okay sounds good i'm gonna stop hitting [Music] the blindness is still happening i did not know that would work when we still got blindness um dandelion okay well there's more diamonds this way okay because because i'm like maybe the wheel can open the cave oh i'm actually stuck behind it now i don't know i just kind of like the wheel you know it's good vibes what if i keep cooking this uh we got another dunce cap and we're gonna get bullied and chat again okay this is it just a little staircase just grab the diamond there we go oh my god i got it there we go i got it yes josh we did it okay we actually did it yeah yeah i can't believe it oh thanks for watching headaches.com click the video on screen to watch more
Channel: Slogo
Views: 536,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, jelly, spin the wheel, mystery wheel, bad luck, mod, If I Take Damage, I Spin The Wheel
Id: 9BArH-d1yz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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