If I Sleep I Die

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this happened when i was 17. it was a normal night like all the others after a long school day and getting a ton of schoolwork done i was finally going to get some sleep so i got into my favorite comfy pajamas and slipped into my bed i instantly fell asleep in no time and it was the most relaxing feeling ever however sometime later i felt direct light into my eyes which woke me up i opened my eyes and at first the vision was blurry but then it slowly started clearing up when i could properly see i saw an old horrifying woman with messy hair and a staff at my bedside i immediately started to panic and scream for help but i realized that i couldn't speak but before we move on like this video hit that subscribe button and activate the notification bell and something interesting will be revealed to you in your dreams tonight trust me it works then the woman started speaking do not panic i come to you with a message the sooner i deliver the message the sooner i'll leave she said so i stopped trying to scream what message could it be i thought thinking it would be something good but it was nowhere near good if you ever sleep again in your life you are going to die she said and started getting out of the room it left me shocked and confused and i had so many questions so i started screaming at her again to wait but as before i couldn't utter a word but i was trying so hard that i finally was able to scream on the top of my lungs wait right then i woke up and realized everything that happened at that moment was just a dream the woman was not real but what she said was horrifying enough to leave me with a scar and since then i started fearing sleep it was already morning when i woke up so i got ready for school and headed out i didn't think much of the night before at school and everything went on as normal after school was over i headed back home and soon it was night but i didn't want to sleep i was absolutely freaked out by the idea of sleeping thinking it would lead to my death even though i knew that woman was just a dream my mind was playing games with me as i was overthinking things that could happen to me if i slept so i couldn't even look at the bed i had made up my mind that i was not going to sleep at any cost so i went down to the kitchen and made some coffee took out some energy drinks from the fridge and went back to my room like that i focused all night on drinking coffee and energy and getting a lot of schoolwork done which was not as hard as i had thought it would be at the end of the night i was feeling optimistic thinking i could totally make it without sleeping it was morning soon and i got ready and went to school as usual throughout my time at school i did feel a little tired but not very exhausting it was a regular day despite the fact that i hadn't slept however when the second night arrived things started getting a little troublesome i was getting more and more afraid of the idea of sleeping but my body and mind were drowning in exhaustion but i couldn't even close my eyes even for a few seconds because whenever i felt like sleeping i would see the face of that old scary lady in my dreams and would get so scared that i would completely give up on the idea however i had to do something to stay up all night and keep myself busy and stay afar from sleeping for that i put on my headphones turned on a piece of dancing music to the loudest and sipped on my coffee and started dancing you see i was willing to do anything to stay awake after dancing for some time i filled my bathtub with ice cubes and took an ice bath without thinking of the consequence because any consequence at that time to me was better than sleeping and not waking up after that night passed and it was another day at school but this day was different from the others because i was visibly exhausted i was tired weak and drained and honestly i hadn't even wanted to come to school in the first place but i had no choice so i was walking in the hallway and the popular boys aka the bullies noticed me coming and they must have probably seen my tired face as i was walking past them one of them screamed hey you have trash bags under your eyes to me suggesting my eye bags and all the other guys laughed i was so embarrassed that i quickly ran in my classroom in the class too my friends must have noticed me looking weak so one of my friends kara asked me mindy you look sick are you fine what's going on with you at that point i totally regretted not wearing makeup that day but i told her that it was nothing and that i was fine and nothing was wrong but the way they were so concerned about me and the way i looked i bet they didn't believe me for a second and knew something was going on so just like that that day came to an end and another dreadful night arrived it was going to be the third night in a row without sleeping but i had no idea how i was gonna make it through that gruesome night so i started planning for some ways to stay awake i took out my diary and started making a list of ways that could keep me up the first on the list was energy drinks and coffee which had become a regular for me the second was an ice bath like the one i had taken the night before but i was not a big fan of that option then the third thing i listed was going for a walk going for a walk perfect i thought as bad of an idea as it was going for a walk alone at night it didn't seem that bad to me at the time as falling asleep and dying so i put on my hoodie and walking shoes and got ready to head out i snuck out of the house very quietly so that my parents wouldn't hear me going out i didn't want to trouble them or get in trouble myself so i got on walking and it was helping a lot i was enjoying the quiet and the cool breeze of the night and the twinkling stars i walked up to some point for about 30 minutes and then i thought it was too far from home also i started getting a little scared and just as i was turning back i saw some shadowy figures of people behind me at first i didn't think much of it but after walking some distance i felt as if they were still behind me are they following me i thought because it seemed like that but i had to make sure so i fastened up my pace a little and started walking hastily and they too changed their pace and were still behind me at that point i got scared for my life and didn't know what to do so i started to run without thinking and while running too i could still feel the people behind me were running after i was pretty sure that if i didn't get to the house first those people would kidnap me and thankfully after some time i finally reached home completely out of breath got in and immediately locked the doors behind me i even checked if other doors and windows in my house were locked or not and after making sure they were i went to my room then the rest of the night that was remaining i spent it looking out the window to see if those people had followed me to my house and if they were still there but nothing as such happened and the morning finally came it felt like such a long night so it was time to get ready to go to school but i was so tired that i couldn't even get up from the chair i was sitting on then suddenly my mom came to my room to check up on me sweetie zara called saying you didn't look good at school yesterday she said opening the door to my room but as soon as she saw me almost lifeless however still conscious because of the fear of sleeping she ran to me and touched my face to check the fever instantly after that she started screaming for my dad because i was burning up with a fever he came up running and they rushed me to the emergency room the doctor there checked on me and instantly figured out that i was sleep deprived so she asked the nurse to give me some anesthesia so that i could get some rest and be cared for because my fever was clearly due to the exhaustion but i was not up for it the anesthesia was gonna make me go to a state of sleep that terrified me so i resisted and screamed and cried not to be made unconscious now when i think of it i wonder how i got the energy to resist and scream even though i was so weak the doctor suspected what was going on with me quickly but it was not her area of expertise so she made an emergency appointment with another doctor a psychiatrist and then my parents took me to her there the psychiatrist asked me to give the details of what was going on in my mind and what i was so afraid of so i told her everything that had happened from the dream about the old scary lady what she had said and all the things i had done to stay awake from that moment she immediately figured out my problem and diagnosed me with somnophobia a fear of sleeping in her case thinking she would die she told my parents after the diagnosis since i was very sick and my condition was getting worse and worse she started my treatment right away and for that her first step was getting me at least some sleep so she transferred me to another room along with my parents there was a bed there and later a few chairs were brought in so that my parents and the doctor could sit around me then she started to talk to me which made me feel safe she told me that nothing would happen to me as they would be right there protecting me she also gave me a gummy telling me it would make me feel better which i later realized was a melatonin gummy the doctor was really successful wearing down my fear because finally after four days i was able to give in and fall asleep after six hours i got up finally and it felt like i was just reborn i felt way better and less exhausted and even my fever was down then the doctor further suggested cognitive behavioral therapy for my treatment and for me to meditate and listen to soothing music if i didn't feel like sleeping so that my body and mind would still get some rest after that slowly i started feeling better and better every day however i would occasionally feel scared to fall asleep and at those times i would either meditate which helped but not much or asked my mom to watch over me while i fell asleep which made me feel safe and calm it took time but after months of therapy i finally started getting over my fear of thinking i would die if i go to sleep i forgot about the old scary lady like a stupid dream and things started to turn around and for that i couldn't thank my doctor enough thanks for watching do you have any phobias let us know in the comments don't forget to subscribe and check out the other videos on the channel
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 1,595,757
Rating: 4.8889079 out of 5
Id: znMFTxbvrGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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