If I Fall Asleep, Minecraft Gets Scarier...

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all right so with it guys welcome back to Minecraft Zod told us to join his server Gary hi Gary yeah listen why are we here okay listen oh it's night time can you at least make it Daytime Nighttime late okay lately in my home I've been having a lot of bad dreams okay and I invited you guys because I need company I want I I just wanted company that's it I am not gonna sleep in your house with you probably what is that what are you giving us a sleeping oh my gosh it helps me sleep okay I don't want it okay so you have bad dreams guys listen if you've ever had a bad dream in your life hit the like button what does that mean also hit the Subscribe button if you've ever played Minecraft okay let's do this where do I sleep can I sleep in Gary's bed yeah no no no no that's my baby this is yours very trusting sleepy tea it's probably because these paintings on the walls dude I don't know why you even have those so you have bad dreams sometimes I don't have a lot of bad dreams so I think I want a company I said you knew this was gonna happen didn't you I I kind of knew but I I'm glad I have you win before okay it's scary it's terrifying and we uh we only have three lies and if you die three times in real life it's dark but it's nothing scary there are gems in the Stream we're in a dream right now there are gems there's five gems we need to find them and uh there's a monster where do we find the gems on if you guys see like a blue crystal looking flower there's a lot of flowers there's this one it's a big oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah cool what is that noise what is that noise I don't like and watch the the Wisp indicated the gemstone is around ground level is that the exit is that the exit it's what is that noise I don't know I'm scared it's one of the five gems that we need it's going this way let's go so if we run into any of what is that yeah who is that that is what I was talking about he's coming just what that's all you can do dodging but how many times have you been here is that how I've been here more times than I can count and I'm kind of sick what how about you try moving into a different server you ever think of that huh my house is my love guys I found a jam Gary did you get it get it get it it's blue get it can we break anything I got it I'm just gonna make a pickaxe you can't even break anything into your stupid dreams Sunday it's a dream oh gosh okay we need to find more Gary you got one I got one dudes okay remember remember find the flowers and step on them okay I'm like oh here's a flower it went that way so it said it was on the ground let me check out of this tree yeah oh yeah everywhere can we break this that's it that's it yeah mine it all is this it's like wait okay I'll do the gem hole wait no oh yes okay so how many do we need five yeah we need three more remember click on the flowers stand on the flowers they will tell us where to go next one that way it's up high it's up high it's in a tree how do we get up there if we can't break anything everywhere okay inside so once we find five of these gems we can leave right we can wake up yeah okay so yeah we can turn it no no oh no we're not waking up after this ah we're not waking up we're not waking up this is only the first party and oh okay we gotta find it I fat it's up here wait where again oh if it's up high it's up you can climb Gary you are built different be careful I have fallen off of this one time it hurts okay I'll let you do the honors I got it all right we got three now uh boys there's just a gem sitting right there what literally right there guys I see one right in the tree stand here how many times and you don't memorize this no no no no no no you're in different spots every single time I do not live in a different place just move do things we need one more hey there's one of these flowers over here wait where right here on me okay got it hit it it's on ground level but what is this oh cobwebs and a wooden handle I'll take the cobwebs in the wooden handle is that what is the wooden handle we needed that we needed that listen with all these jumps we are making a tool and you needed that in order tool why did you warn us sorry that was mean I'm sorry that was very mean where is this the last gem I'm trying away run away why do you mind it's in your dreams I don't control my dreams they control me oh that's weird okay here's a flower okay the gemstone is on ground level uh Ian I don't think the flowers are very accurate son okay zud I forgot to tell you do not trust anything in the dreams zud why do we talk to you anymore Gary give me give me give me the gem give me Jim we have five we have the handle now where do we go okay okay we need to find a crafting table craft the tool and we gotta get out of here we're not leaving just yet oh gosh what do I do with this okay okay craft it put the wood in the middle and then put the magic Stones around it to the right top right a pickaxe what do I do with this son right here right here do not go explosive don't get close to him I don't wait you didn't tell us we don't read gen health oh yeah I forgot to mention that huh yeah I have a monster listen there's a lot of information okay wait what is this open the door I can't oh did you get like a puzzle I'm I'm moving a little red dot I gotta get it to the Green Dot with with every door every every drink nice what is this uh just touch it you find yourself being preyed on by the feared we are in the farm now zud boys welcome to the farm dream so what do we do here Zod huh all right all right this is the farm no no eating and get back and get back and get back in what is that do not what is that just yet listen we need to prepare follow me come up here okay follow up here go to the top right now ever they're kind of fun okay oh prism grab one everyone grab one we're gonna eat this got it are you guys gonna puzzles obviously my middle name is puzzle okay good it is because uh that this entire dream where did it go it's about puzzle oh no he's gone what is that okay boys boys we need to be careful because he uh what is that laser what is that laser zone why does your dream have lasers there's a lot going on I know what is that is the corn let's stay inside we could let's just live it here yeah guys nope we don't have food we need to sneak around there's puzzles in every house go to the houses we need to do puzzles also look out for swords swords oh gosh okay I'm going this way I'm going this way I'm going this way I'll follow you what is that what is that what is that run run do not get in its back what do the lasers do whoa no no no no I don't know it's coming straight for you the house getting a house the dogs are going after you Sunday right I don't like your dreams anymore just get in the house [Music] [Applause] I literally have half a heart all right so we're all here what's this yeah a diamond sword I'm gonna go take out some dogs or should I all right well maybe you can you should go you're the strongest right yeah it's your dream why are we here actually how do we get out of this part there's 10 Keys there's 10 puzzles we need to solve but there's these dogs trying to kill us there's not a oh it's right there I'm gonna go to this other house don't let us die son I'm fighting I'm fighting them I'm at a house I'm at a house there's a monster behind you is there look at the window look at the window I'm running I'm running I'm running rooms uh it should be go in the room yeah oh number five nice okay dude one of the ten we need to do three yeah fireplace is missing fuel you see how we can light it up yeah that's true that's false oh the fireplace is missing fuel let's see if the fireplace is missing fuel is that where's the fireplace you've been here right here is it missing fuel nothing in there wait technically this is a fireplace is it missing fuel yeah I would say I would say true it's missing field true nice okay wait let's go to the next one okay two more two more number four what is this all right click it the front door can be seen through the window what window is that there's a lot I'm gonna go to this I'm at the front door do you see me I see you hey wait so is that true so that's true then yeah hey I only need one more one more boys one more one more okay boys avoid the lasers just say I'm sorry I'm sorry where do I go help me have you really died you find yourself back in the I died you have two lives okay so the laser brings that dude okay good to know all right what is that what is that what is that oh and I hit the laser I hit the laser I hit the lasers I'm going to a house what do I do follow me all right number three what is this the southern machine is powered is there's a dog in the door so the machine the southern machine is powered that means it's not powered so we leave this off right uh yeah the lever is up which means is that it what are we going outside we get them all what do we do now okay okay we need to make it back to the middle we need to go to the windmill oh no oh you're just trying to get it you can't find it you cannot find it just run I'm dying I'm dying I'm just running sorry sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry sorry sorry are you trying to get a skill kill me as long as we did all three correctly there should be a hole here in this round yep right there look right there why is there a hole you're gonna go first you go first why are we keep listening to him why is this a thing oh we opened the door nice nice okay you feel the chilling presence of the undying Haunted Mansion Zod welcome to the Haunted Mansion of the dream listen it's not as bad as it seems I know it looks bad Haunted Mansion what are we oh nope nope I got the chills I got chills okay there is a protector of the Mansion Just just run that's all I have to say when you see it just run okay guys that's what are we looking for what are we doing in here there should be a bronze tea somewhere here careful though guys I think I found the monster what is that well I'm going upstairs I'm going upstairs run run is he blind what is that Zod is that your mother it moves slow what kind of dreams do you have Zod not good I'm gonna I'm just running I'm just going up I'm just running I'm going upstairs I don't want to be here anymore oh I'm in the attic what's up here oh I can't literally anything oh is that am I going the right way is that please tell me I'm going the right way the keys are in different spots a copper key you found it nice that's what we needed what do we need a key for side that's part one of like uh like three or four in this entire Haunted Mansion oh great oh God why are you like this is this the right door no no so this is uh I think this is the silver key door we need to find the bronze or the copper oh we got the copper so we need to find the Copper Door uh yeah this lady right here that's a nice lady that son's mom guys don't just ask her not my mom Gary what is wrong with you I don't know I just thought that she looked nice for a little bit how do we get down I don't want to die I didn't even notice I gotta heal okay cool wait hold on oh door door door door where oh but we gotta go down the stairs yeah I think there's only one okay look what is this oh get in this elevator oh it's an elevator oh that is sick okay I gotta find the bronze door going down faster Gary go faster the Copper Door is this the Copper Door boys I found the Copper Door I don't need you anymore wait what is this we know where the silver is we know where the silver is silver door is over here right yeah in the main room silver door okay right here I'm in where's the gold we have not seen the gold wait what if it's in the Gold Room right here with the rug that would make way too much sense guys it's not in here I thought I was smart I'm not smart how many times you've been here so you don't know where it's at huh we have the gold key there's a bookcase somewhere in this Mansion there's a lever wait where did she go she went to the kitchen I'll go first I am the sneakiest oh the bookcase that's you said you said about a bookcase go to the right go to the right go to the right where is she I don't know she's not here the bookshelf right there Gary I don't think she found her Carrie don't worry guys it's fine it's fine where is the bookcase Zone there should be a lever okay there's the bookcase oh lever right there flip it oh she's coming I heard something open hurry up it's a stupid staircase okay nice the statues are in the wrong spot stud what do we do here I hated it no I was here for four hours one time four hours okay you can twist and push these statues we need to get them in the right spot because they're all incorrect oh shift shift right click oh rotate them and then what in normal clicking pushes them in the direction that they're looking so we need to put them in the correct spot yeah how do you know if you put in the correct spot you see this door you see all these doors yeah the door statue in the right spot to open each door everybody boys click click like you've never clicked before one each one eternity later I think that's everything did we get it come on boys the cemetery you hear the lovely voice of the sirens on this one is that what is this we need to be careful we need to sneak by uh she she's gonna get angry if we're loud so Gary be quiet for what okay why whisper right there right there what is that thing do you see that shock we need to go we need to go quieter we need to go to the house there's a tool that we need I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm running in what is she she's beautiful stop flirting with her that's my girlfriend I got a rusty Spade yes okay that's what we need we're gonna be digging in some grapes oh guys sorry don't do this leave dead people alone yeah all right you guys got your Spade what do we do now okay okay we need to walk up to her okay like and just walk up to her with a guy so see something nice hey I love you uh I like the way you sing yeah yeah you're singing this guns oh bye [Applause] what the heck was that ah she did not like what we said what does that mean do you see all these Graves have names on them Patrick Barnard the Danny s skull Danny s uh she likes you she likes you guys I'm blind no what was that I was just gonna say wait that was one vacation wait that's it Danny s Cole and now it's Kelly what oh no does she move them she switches to positions Danny s call what okay so do you notice how that sounds like a body part his last name it sounds like skull I got a skull what do I do with the skull we need to get three body parts of each one I'm not doing so how do we know behind you no no so how do we know what to look for what if we get the wrong one like Ivy Emerson or Denise woodsley no no you're gonna leave her alone but we're gonna dig into the world so we need to find the people that died that have like a body part name exactly we need to find three of each in order to eat so don Webb wouldn't have anything oh it's just a dead person okay all right well see now you're mean and then every time it lightnings oh son don't die did you just die I just died I died to her she killed me I two lives oh no he told me she doesn't like you that's why she's she's she likes me sure that doesn't sound like her name I don't know oh right here Blake Palm like a hand that has to be one right like Palm yeah it's Gotta Be oh a hand and nice wait this one is Jane carpool that's like carpal tunnel that's gotta be a hand right It's gotta be yeah nice okay it's weird all right boys why why I don't like her I can't see I can't see oh hi okay I'm going I'm going yeah okay what are we doing outside okay come over here where I'm here okay follow me follow me follow me down here why okay open that door oh it's the color of me do I put a skull there exactly you should see indicators oh you need to put the body part in the indicator to unlock the door oh that is sick okay tell us what you needed we can throw it to you uh I found an exploit what oh no it does take I need to I need a leg I need a leg I need to like give me like legs coming up you got that you got to throw it at me there we go thank you head I need a head just throw me everything I'm gonna throw it and throw it throw me everything throw me everything you got out here hand hey I got I got enough hands all right I need a skull got it this is weird so you have weird dreams I don't control myself I need a femur I need I need I need a Hitler I need a hip bone no no I've got an iPhone that's it I already gonna open it I already gave it to him it should open as long as we did it correctly oh let's go the maze what is that uh we might just want to run what is that thing he's not nice I would not what is he doing and Gary okay I'm gonna go this way is that what are we doing here yeah I'm just gonna the lights are flickering is that what is that what is that watch out what is that what is that these are weak what is that you saw who's on the floor right yeah all right just uh watch the ceiling too what they can climb on it what is that thing though the lime walls we need to find signs the signs have clues in in order to get out of here uh no uh yeah okay so there's our parkour Gary you have to jump over it I tried so we're looking for signs yeah there's signs all around that give us clues about the code order there's a code at the very end that we need to decipher got it and uh these colorful pads that you just walked past don't uh don't stand on them do not stand on them why why check points for the monster he can teleport to us oh no stop it get away from me okay you guys are you guys are looking for signs right who got one yep three h after Square what does that even mean right down okay right down here's another sign Square after one V okay uh just write it down I got those two written down you guys find anything let me know if you find anything I'll write it down oh the door what do we do I get it oh no three h after Square so I need to place this after the three h the three horizontal lines so we know that that is it right and the square is also after the one vertical line oh gosh much later so we got a good bit of these come on boys we gotta go back and find that door whoa oh watch out died I just died I don't want to be in your dream anymore zud zud you don't like it why are we looking for these symbols why are we doing this we need to escape to the next oh there's another one 3v before 1V I know what that means wait I said I don't want to play this anymore I don't want to play this anymore what were you saying what do you want I just remember you might get mad at me for just not mentioning it uh so I've been here before you know that right right yeah I've written them all down I just I don't want to talk I'm sorry we've been running around this maze for literally ever I don't want to talk you know what whenever whenever that monster comes near me I'm gonna throw you at him yes good idea feed him so you're saying this is the code right and then put this line here yep and that's all of this it should be as long as long as it hasn't changed we did it are we out of here finally boys I'm sorry you find yourself being blocked by the torn what is that what is that is that what is that stare at it I'm staring at it what is that why is it getting ripped in half wait does it not move if you're looking at it exactly everybody look away we need someone to does it move it whoever it looks at okay it's not I'm running I'm running what do we do son what are we doing here okay okay we need to find do you see this mirror you just ran past it yeah and there's Towers everywhere no the red Towers up there you see that big red Tower up there where look what I'm punching oh I do see that red Tower we need to turn it green and we can get keys once we get enough Keys we can get out of here how do we turn it green that's where the mirrors come into play oh right here right here right here this is shining the light I've done this before not here but somewhere else oh look at it wait Saturday it's it's on me is it I think yeah you were the first one here I think it's on you you have mirrors and stare at him at the same time can you do that oh I don't I can stare at him I can do this job good guys what is that what is that hit it hit it it's hard to speak what is that sun okay those are easy to kill but uh they're not they are not they won't hit you wait it's going through there now how do I get it oh there's another one I'm the line the light is going through the mountain yeah okay so there's holes there's tuttles in the mountain and we need to send that light to the towers how many Towers to the towers and get keys okay got it wait I'm on one here's your Tower here's a light so if I do this [Music] this is your nightmare this is literally your dream this is what your head is like this is literally your fault dude I'm gonna make this light go this way now it is oh my God it started moving oh no it can see over the hills I don't like this oh make that go right there oh perfect oh nice this is a square we don't want this yeah that's bad go that way through there yeah I see it over there there we go like we're doing it nice I have one heart left same die I have one heart left here's another one nice okay that went through that mountain yep nice got another one we have two oh my gosh all right Carrie I think this is it oh okay I have four you have one Zod has one Zod where are you uh I found the door I found this is where we need to go I mean you found the door you've been to that door like a billion times you didn't just find it I I figured out where it was and you guys need to get to me now where's the doors uh stay on it stare at the monster it's right here he looks so cool what is this the key house okay oh I place them all right so just put them in yeah three more last three last one oh wow now what Zod boys we get to go home go in okay we're not dreaming anymore you wake up from what was seemingly just a series of bad dreams that we did and we helped you oh we did it guys thank you so much I hated that that was horrible guys what is that noise what is that it wasn't just the dreams this hasn't happened before nope [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,834,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 93fkpOgXHmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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