If Dreamworks Villains Were Charged For Their Crimes

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[Music] that's enough he's ready to fall mirror mirror on the wall is this not the most perfect Kingdom of them all well technically you're not a king uh Thelonious you were saying what I mean is that you're not a king yet Lord farquat is coercing the mirror into spilling his secrets on how to become a king using force and threat [Music] again show me again we can see at the start of the film Lord Farquaad locked up the mother bear and then later on turn her into a rock oh murder this marriage is finding and that makes me king see you it's very hard to hear but Lord Farquaad says he's gonna draw and quarter Shrek which is a brutal medieval form of torture where they're drawn hung disemboweled beheaded and then quartered a brutal form of execution which will land far quite a death penalty and as for you my wife you know how have you locked back in that tower for the rest of your days [Music] they'll put it away Junior you're still gonna be king we're just gonna have to come up with something smarter that's all but don't you want to see your wife Fiona Shrek I Fiona it is me what we see here is a form of identity fraud even though the Fairy Godmother didn't commit the crime directly it was her plan for her own benefit of her son potentially becoming the ruler far far away remember I helped you with your happily ever after and I can take it away just as easily this is a form of coercion where she's threatening to turn the king back into a frog if he doesn't do her bidding no [Music] I told you ogres don't live happily ever after [Music] yeah Fairy Godmother just tried to kill Shrek [Music] come on foreign yes I'm going to use him to get rid of zuba once and for all we can see here makunga is plusing the removal of King zuba which can be considered betrayal of the monarchy and so is high treason who could possibly take zuba's place anyone someone no one hey very awkward but I suppose I could carry this tremendous burden for all of us listen up I'm afraid there is only one solution to this horrible crisis we'll all have to fight for it you could make a case that he's inciting a riot here which is pretty irresponsible for the leader to do that's not fair you'd win exactly Shirley I'm fine [Music] do you have someone special in your life Hal no not yet but there's this really really good looking one I've got my eye on currently to stalk someone is to harass or persecute with unwanted and obsessive attention and how definitely does this to Roxanne I just grabbed you know all of them I should just rescue you a few times before we get all romantic whoops this man has no RIS and is also putting Roxanne under a lot of danger with his flirting techniques where did you to all this locked you stole it pretty cool right whoa whoa whoa this isn't how you play the game game over [Music] [Music] this would count as involuntary manslaughter as he just killed a lot of people through recklessness and negligence Titan has freed us oh I wouldn't say free more like Under New Management so Titan just took over the city and he also committed assault and battery on the Mayo [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh and just so you don't get cold feet well that was easy looks like there's only one loose end now so Titan attempted to kill both Roxanne and Megamind and him throwing the skyscraper I included in the domestic terrorism charge so nothing extra there let's all laugh the really cool guy huh assistant enjoy your flight let's say bye bye Roxy [Music] [Music] none of the prisoners actually escaped since it's still inside the prison all he did was destroy a wall to count every second of your 85 life sentences you were right this song is copyrighted oh no I must replace it Miss Richie we meet again would it kill you to wash the bed you call this predictable you're alligators yes I was thinking about it on the way over this can be classed as careless endangerment of Roxanne even if she didn't seem too bothered by it due to having done it so many times proper trains my Powers your weakness is copper you're kidding right I don't think Megamind was expecting this to work and truly it didn't but he still tried to kill Metro man this song is copyrighted oh no I must replace it this soul is copyrighted I must replace it Megamind enacts of one-man peaceful revolution of Metro City [Music] no no no once again not counting it give him a billion done only the future oh I'm too close I'm genuinely scared right now foreign [Music] just drowned the car definitely written off now he's got me good luck fellas all right put your hands in the air [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: MOUSAIT
Views: 1,273,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MOUSAIT, if villains were charged for their crimes, dreamworks, villains, shrek, lord farquaad, shrek 2, the fairy godmother, megamind, tighten, titan, makunga, madagascar
Id: FrCzrAoKnNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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